Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Molly's Blog Post

Okay FINE, so we're all waiting for the Tanith cover... It's looking like a Friday reveal right now- so long as we suffer no more delays. Believe me, once you see it you'll know it's been worth the wait. Tom's best cover. Ever.

Speaking of awesome covers, take a look at these.

Isn't that brilliant? There is literally nothing about this cover that I do not love. And there's more!

I know Suz Korb is a Blog-reader and she's commented a few times, but just take a look at these books she's written. And the titles! Pulpy, trashy, and so much FUN.

You know that old saying, never judge a book by its cover? That's not always applicable. People who judge my books by Tom's covers know exactly what they're getting- awesomeness on a page. And if a writer has enough taste to approve these covers, as Ms Korb obviously does, then that bodes very well for what's inside. From what I know, they're all available online.

Okay, I didn't actually intend to show all of these covers, but once I started I just couldn't stop.

This Blog post, by the way, is for a girl called Molly, who I met today in Forbidden Planet in Dublin. There I was, perusing the shelves, building up the stack of comics in my hand, and then I hear a "Excuse me, can I ask you a question?" from right beside me. I turn, and there stands a fifteen-year old in a really odd hat. 

She was, as you can imagine, overjoyed at meeting me. We talked about her nonsensical love of all things Transformers (except the movies- she has issues with the movies) and her appreciation of Batman and how she never could get into Wonder Woman. That led to a conversation about lassoes, and then to a conversation about lassoing horses, and then to a conversation about how cowboys don't lasso horses, they just run after them when they want to catch them. Bless her, she has a small brain. 

So this is a Blog post for Molly. Happy birthday Molly. 

I've been watching some movies lately. I saw The Amazing Spider-Man last week. Not as bad as I'd been led to believe. I quite enjoyed it, in fact. Andrew Garfield didn't have to cry NEARLY as much as Tobey Maguire, and of course Emma Stone is just divine. I could watch her in anything.

The Dark Knight Rises is out now, of course, but I'd already seen that in the cinema. Not perfect, and some of the story just refuses to make any kind of sense, but a fitting end to the trilogy. I am in awe of Christopher Nolan's ability to generate atmosphere, and then use that atmosphere to make the audience dread what is about to happen.

I've been playing games as well. Just finished Hitman: Absolution. Awesome stuff. I want to play it again and not fire a single shot. Now that's a challenge...

I had been playing the new Assassin's Creed game, but got bored.

Dishonored, however, is a game that did not bore me. The thought and the imagination that went into building that world is staggering. Loved it.

Basically, I've been fitting as much as possible into the last few weeks because I think I've started Book 8... It's all very random at the moment, very casual, just writing a few bits and pieces, a few scenes here and there... but yeah... I think I've actually started. I had a look at the plot a few days ago, to remind myself of what's in store. I've already got it planned out to a degree- I did that a week or two after finishing KOTW- and wow. A LOT happens in this book. Like, SERIOUSLY. It's going to take a lot of planning on my part. War is like that. Complicated. Got to remember who's on who's side and where they are and when certain things take place and who's around when certain people DIE HORRIBLY.

Be warned. There will be horror. There will be slaughter. There will be betrayal and hatred and love and there WILL be blood.


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Noelle said...

*Adra feels as if she's going in circles*


Sir said...

*Al eyes the skewer*
Al: Okay, this is getting ridiculous.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(I dont recall it

Noelle said...

(Well- as a heads up, she's said that on a few occasions... So... Yup...))

*Priya feels insulted*
*She hisses between her teeth*
*Suddenly, she drops the skewer, her breathing and movement stopping*
*her eyes grow large and it's like she's frozen*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Ah yeah figures...usualy is my luck

Sir said...

Al: ....
Well, I won't question it. Now, how's it go. ..
As the owner of this private property, yadda yadda yadda, begone, et cetera et cetera...

Noelle said...

((what, the fact that you missed her saying that?))

Noelle said...

*Priya is standing forward, her eyes glassy, as if in some cataleptic fit*
*She shows no indication of response to stimuli*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Yup. I kinda feel like if I had known she wasnt going to come on I would have done stuff sith Zaf but like I didn't wNt to leave John but...*sighs* watch she comes on at a god forsaken hour

Noelle said...

(Oh. Well then.)

Sir said...

Al: ... Well, better not look a gift horse in the mouth.
*pushes her towards the exit*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(*shrugs* It is what it is...I guess going to bed by 11:30 wont be crazy

Noelle said...

*She blinks then suddenly grabs a skewer, pushing it through his shoulder,shoving him away, an running for her shoes*

*She fumbles with her rental kind, discarding them quickly and grabbing her original ones, running*
*She trips and falls*
*Getting back up, she limps towards the door*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Drawing of Liz is complete.))

((Who to do next...))


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ravel: *goes up to bedroom looking in on Christopher* Hey little guy you're wide awake *picks up sitting with*

Noelle said...


Sir said...

*Al flaps a hand at her retreating figure*
Al: Yeah, whatever. Good riddance!
*grimaces as he pulls the skewer out of him*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((I don't know if I really trust myself to draw anyone else's character. Tanith ended up looking like Hayley Westenra, so...))


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ravel: Are you sleepy? *realizes Christopher is falling back asleep* Remind me to let the man your mother named you after meet you soon.

Noelle said...

*She runs out onto the street, thinking too fast to even fathom healing her ankle yet*

*She looks around wildly for her friends, but can't see them*

*She begins to bang their names in Morse Code on a bin*

Noelle said...

((Understandable, Fabi.... *nods*))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ravel: *puts Christopher down and goes outside oward the bangs*

Noelle said...

*Priya turns and darts up in a windowsill, hidden in the shadow*

*Adra tries to find the sound, but can't discern where it came from*

Noelle said...

*Adra stops walking, her lungs hurting enough*
*There's a shadow, and she screams, the sound piercing the then silence*
*Her figure's gone*

Noelle said...

*Priya sighs, looking for her perch, deciding that her new friends left her behind*
*She brings her knees up*
*Cries softly*

Sir said...

... Sadly, I absolutely must leave for the evening.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ravel: Priya? Anyone? *sounds conerned*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Goodbye Sir

Noelle said...

((It is an inevitable, Sir. If you wish to continue this tomorrow, that's alright- although I am sure your concerns would be better fitted to Doctor... So- yeah, perhaps if there were someone else so I wouldn't have to divert.

Ah, I don't know what I'm saying.

Goodnight, Sir.

I might go as well. *nods)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Well I will too I guess...

Noelle said...

((I think what I meant was- if you don't mind, and if you aren't too busy with Doctor, I would love to continue...

Well. Whatever that was. I honestly have lost track at this point.

I suppose it might've been nothing.

I don't think I know what I'm talking about. Ignore me.

Night Fabrooo *cuddles her* Sorry to leave you))

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Night, everyone...))


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Finished Ioux, but I can't scan it 'cause it's late))


((Anyway, I thought I'd comment to let y'all know I'm still distantly ghosting))


Snow said...


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...



Snow said...


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Thanks. :-)

It's Liz.

I also finished Ioux today, but I haven't scanned it yet.


Snow said...

can't wait to see it. :)

how goes it?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Mm... Okay. You?


Snow said...


i was wearing two hats today. a x-mas one over one of my other ones. i made it work.

Snow said...

g2g, bye fab.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

XD Awesome.

Bye... :-(


Star Inkbright said...


It's sort of a relief to actually say that. :) I kept thinking it, and then one time I realised I was whispering it, and then I was like WOAH WHAT, and then I was just repeatedly whispering it over and over. *nods*




Star Inkbright said...

But hey, I potentially have a mood disorder (although I'm doubting that more every day now). I'm not even sure if the way I feel about things counts. XD


Star Inkbright said...

*may potentially


Star Inkbright said...

But anyway.


Sir, Anni, Adra, Em, Death, Lantern - was Mara here? Maybe not, I think she poofed before . . .

Anyway. Sir, Anni, Adra, Em, Death, Lantern.

One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six.

And then Zaf.


Let's pretend you have two fields. One is full of carrots, and the other is full of carrots. They're all different colours, but they're all worth the same amount of money and you don't have a particular emotional attachment to either one of them. You love them both equally.
One of the fields is six times bigger than the other.
Let's say the little field is failing because it's grumpy it's not getting the same amount of food and water as the big field (although obviously the big field would get more because it's bigger. The little field would get about the same as one sixth of the big field).
Are you meant to spend all your efforts on drowning the little field excessively whilst letting the big field fail, meaning you only get one seventh of the crop you were meant to have and one sixth of the crop you would have had?
Or are you meant to logically point out to the little field that's in percentages it's getting the same amount of food and water as everyone else (because they're intelligent carrots. We only think carrots are stupid because most of them are orange. All these carrots are differently colour), and carry on treating the big field well so it can still be happy and grow as it needs?

You do that, left?

Well, Zaf doesn't seem to think we should.


I know I don't count for much as I'm not there when most of the roleplay is going on, but I don't ignore her! D:

And even if the little field of carrots (which is black. Like Necromancer carrots) is annoying me, I still love it.

Because carrots are special and wonderful. :)


Star Inkbright said...

Because it just seems to me like Zaf was moaning at everyone and then everyone got upset.

And Death was trying to roleplay with Zaf.

And Zaf doesn't really make an effort to seek people out.

Like, Adra. Adra is a pro at seeking people out. Whenever somebody's on their own and Priya is not otherwise occupied, she's taken to making her find them.

And she was basically roleplay on Sir and Precocious's bowling because she wanted to.

They did invite Zaf to just come and start bowling with them.

And when Zaf started moaning about everyone ignoring her, people were always talking to her and trying to sort the problem out.

And Fabi said something really good at communication.

So, you know, gah.

And Zaf never really reads my rants that happen after everything because she isn't online then (not her fault), but if she reads this, I'd like to make it clear I don't hate her.

I've established that I get very angry and then I get over it. :)


Star Inkbright said...

(But I really like that carrot metaphor, so I really hope someone reads it. :P)


Star Inkbright said...


Well, I'm not, because the energy just isn't there, but I was really annoyed yesterday.

When it's some obscure inventor that nobody's ever heard of's birthday, Google gets tons of decorations and that out.

When it's Remembrance Day, there's one little poppy at the bottom of the screen.

When it's Nelson Mandela's deathday, they have a plain little hyperlink at the bottom.




Star Inkbright said...

Well, if anyone comes, I'll still be here, unless I won't . . .


Star Inkbright said...

*is still here*


Star Inkbright said...

Don't you think
Is going mental
It seems to me
We're spiralling
Out of control
And it's inevitable
Now don't you think
This time is yours
This time is mine
It's tempremental
It seems to me
We're on all fours
Crawling on our knees
Someone help us please (dah da da)

Oh Jesus, Christ Almighty
Do I feel all right? No not slightly
I want to get a flat I know I can afford it
It's just the bureaucrats who won't give me a mortgage
It's very funny coz I've got your fucking money but I'm never gonna get it just coz of my bad credit
Oh well I guess I mustn't grumble
I suppose it's just the way the cookie crumbles

Oh, yes, I'm fine (duh, duh duh)
Everything's just wonderful
I'm having the time of my life (duh dum dum duh dum)

Don't you want
Something else
Something new
Than what we've got here
Don't you feel
It's all the same
Some sick game
And it's so incincere
I wish I could
Change the ways
Of the world
Make it a nice place
Until that day
I guess we stay
Doing what we do
Screwing who we screw (dah da da da)

Why can't I sleep at night?
Don' say it's gonna be all right
I want to be able to eat spagetti bolognese
And not feel bad about it for days and days and days
All the magazines they talk about weight loss
If I buy those jeans, I can look like Kate Moss
Oh well, it's not the life that I chose
But I guess it's just the way that things go

Oh, yes, I'm fine (duh, duh duh)
Everything's just wonderful
I'm having the time of my life (duh dum dum duh dum)
Oh, yes, I'm fine
Everything's just wonderful
I'm having the time of my life (duh duh duh duh duh duh)

Ba, ba ba, ba ba, ba ba, ba ba ba ba
Ba, ba ba, ba ba, ba, ba, ba ba ba ba

Oh Jesus, Christ Almighty
Do I feel alright? No not slightly
I want to get a flat I know I can afford it
It's just the bureaucrats who won't give me a mortgage
It's really very funny coz I've got your fucking money but I'm never gonna get it just coz of my bad credit
Oh way, I guess I mustn't grumble
I suppose it's just the way the cookie crumbles

But I guess it's just the way that things go
I suppose its just the way the cookie crumbles
But I guess its just the way that things go
I suppose its just the way the cookie crumbles

Noelle said...

Marry me, Star

Star Inkbright said...


Um, I'm already engaged to Saph . . . :P


Star Inkbright said...


Noelle said...

*whispers* nooooo

Fine. Then I'll find someone else

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Hey *hugs all* well......a lot of people at school know about me being *** so....well, I don't know what to say

Star Inkbright said...

Oh, wait, I just realised.



*hasn't seen a person here since I woke up*

*which was, like, at quarter to ten*

*which was like O_O because I NEVER wake up that late*


Noelle said...

Nu! My phone can't pick up the link! It isn't letting me! Because, you have to highlight it, but it's putting a block over the whole comment and no!

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

So how are you all?

Noelle said...

Rhydian- did you tell them?

Star- yes! Hello! *is a person*

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

*listens to music*

Noelle said...

I'm warm, because my room is a an oven. There's about 9 inches of snow out there and I have horseback riding and I'm too warm!

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

@Adra: There was a huge misunderstanding when I wasn't there and all of my friends know. Then someone asked me if a was and I just told the truth. So.....lots of people know. Not sure if I'm relieved or slightly worried. Or both

Jophiel said...

(Hey... :/ ))

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: Sorry! D:

@Rhydian: Aw. :(

Well . . . people are always gonna have a go at you for something. I've always thought that so long as you have some friends, who cares about the rest of society, and if you don't have any friends, then that's only bad if you're not fine with it. I've said this before, but there's this boy who I sit opposite in RS. At the beginning of the year, he was intent on trying to annoy me. Now, he's been freaked ou so much by my weirdness that he just tells me I have problems and looks freaked out.

Sometimes, people knowing things about you is bad because they interpret what they know abut you in a way it isn't meant to be interpreted, but I think that's always going to happen, and if you're fine with that being that about you because you know the correct way to interpret it, that's fine. :)

And - *hugs* Sorry.


Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Heya Rose! *hugs* how are you?

Star Inkbright said...

Hey Death! :)

Sorry about Zaf being Zaf. Zaf is Zaf, and sometimes that's a bad thing, but sometimes that's a good thing because all positives equal negatives, so it's good that Zaf is Zaf, but I'm sorry for the negatives of that.

Ooh, I made a really good carrot metaphor earlier. *points upwards*


Noelle said...

Oh... Well the the best advice that I have for you is to play it by ear, now... *hugs*

Heya Rose! *hugs*

Jophiel said...

*Hugs Rhy back* I'm... Good enough as to be expected in my current state of health...

How are you?

Noelle said...

It was a good metaphor.

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: Aw! :( Damn.

*reposts link even though you don't have to watch it*


Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Not too bad Rose :) stuff happening recently but I'm surprisingly well :)

Jophiel said...

Hey Star, hey Adra. *Hugs back*

Noelle said...

It won't let me!!!

Blegh. Mean phone

Jophiel said...


That's good. Stay that way, Rhy!))

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: Thank you. *bows*

The other day, in biology, Sir was demonstrating how to do whatsitcalled, and he drew a square that was his garden, and a house that was his house, and then he drew a line from his house across his garden. (He said he grew award-winning cauliflower in his garden, but he was just making that up for the purpose of teahcing us. I think. You can never quite tell). You have to go along the line and mark down what you see across that line? Yes. That thing.
Anyway, he said when you found something, you had to ask questions to find out what it is (that's called an identification key. See, I remember THAT), and he said you should ask "Is it orange?"
Then I started writing 'orange' on the board except he spelt it wrong, and then he rubbed it out and put 'red' because it was easier to spell.
Then he said, "Imagine you find a carrot - because carrots are red." *draws a carrot*
Us: *laugh*
And so you would ask - is it red?
And then he drew a line off and wrote yes, and drew a line off that and put C, to stand for carrot.
And he said if you found a cauliflower *draws a cauliflower* you would ask, is it red?
*draws a line off 'red' saying 'no' and draws a line off that saying 'C' to stand for cauliflower*

So if it's yes it's C and if it's no it's C. :P

. . . Yeah.


Noelle said...

((Rose- since your RP was cut short... Would you mind if I joined you?))

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

((RP? May I join in???))

Star Inkbright said...

@Rhydian: Yay! :)

@Adra: *glares at her phone*


Noelle said...

A Punnett Square?

That's what it kinda sounds like, Star..

Noelle said...

(Ya bro)

Star Inkbright said...

I might join in and I might not . . .

I'd like to read it even if I don't join in, though. :)


Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

What is the rp anyway?

Jophiel said...

I think I'm in order to say that life is a bitch. I know that people have to die every single day for the world to not overpopulate and stuff but... I just really wish it wouldn't. I mean, I don't want the world to overpopulate, I just wish people didn't have to die, especially at such a young age.

Some people will never get to experience so much when they die young. They'll never be able to ride motorcycles, go overseas by themselves, get married... All their hopes and dreams are destroyed and all they're left with is an hourglass that they can't tip. They are forced to watch it slowly trickle away... Even if they turn their heads, they can still see it. They're always aware of it.

And they all know that they can't do shit about it.

Noelle said...

((Javsneveiablash. STAR

I don't think there's a huge plot to save the world or impending danger of the human race,if that's what you mean..))

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: No.

We had a quadrat, and it wasn't that, it was the other one.


*looks in revision guide*




Jophiel said...

Yeah, sure, if you want...

I need to take my mind off... Things anyway...

Gimmie a sec to change my profile...

Noelle said...

I would agree strongly with that, but disagree strongly, because that's what I believe in.

Noelle said...

((I have no idea, Star...))

*Adra wakes up in her lab with a splitting headache* *She curls on her side, softly putting a hand on her jaw and doing her best to ignore the pain*

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: What???

@Death: *hugs*
Well . . . you'll all be sick of me saying this but . . . for every positive, there is a negative. There has to be death to be life.
And . . . it really, really sucks that people have to live/die like that, and nothing I can say will make it not suck (unless, like, I gain amazing superpowers or something), but . . . like Adra says, you shouldn't let it ruin your life. It's like lose one lose one free.

And maybe I would say more, but lunchtime is occurring. *poofs*


Noelle said...

((BABES and- bye!!))

Jophiel said...

*Judi skips through the trees, giggling softly. She arrives in the main part of Blogland and folds her arms over her chest. Her eyes scan the area, looking for some fun*

( :/ ))

Jophiel said...

(Bye Star!))

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

((See ya later Starry))

Noelle said...

*Adra calmly gets up, needing more snow for her arm and face- the stitches on her leg are still fine, and the swelling has gone down significantly. It doesn't hurt as much when she walks*
*She carefully steps out into the snow with her light jacket and puts some snow on her arm and her jaw* *She doesn't see Judi yet*

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...


Jophiel said...

*She notices Adra quickly and ducks (why does the 'f' and the 'd' have to be so close together on the damn keyboard!!?) back into the tree line. She starts sneaking around to Adra and mutters softly as the snow crumples under her feet with every step*

Noelle said...

((Okies Rhydian))

*She takes a deep breath, letting the snow numb her jaw* *She leans against the post at the front of her house*

Noelle said...

(I know! UGH I don't know how many times I want to say"sick" and miss a letter.))

*Adra pauses for a moment, then turns*

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...


Noelle said...


Jophiel said...

*Judi freezes where she is, right in Adra's view. She grins sheepishly and raises one hand to wave* Uh... Hi Adra... *She bursts into maniacal laughter and she doubles over, holding her stomach*

Jophiel said...

(I'm sorry for taking so long to reply... RPing is feeling kinda hard at the moment... I don't know what to do.... :/ ))

(Hey Rhy!))

Noelle said...

*Adra looks up curiously* Why... Hello there, Judi... Where's Rose?

Jophiel said...

Uh... In here! *She taps her temple twice and straightens. She steps out of the trees and falls back into a sitting position, hovering inches above the frozen ground* Why do you ask?

Noelle said...

Merely curious... *Raises up a mug* Cocoa?

Star Inkbright said...

DAMN Judi is reminding myself of me (when I laugh for no reason). :)

I have to go now. D: See you in some amount of hours! Fours!

*waves to everyone*


Jophiel said...

*Shakes her head* No thanks. *She comes closer, peering up at Adra, thinking*
*Oi! Let me out!
Oh, it's you again, is it?
You bloody better hope it's me!
Tell me Rose, what's your definition of pain?*
*Judi grins widely and blinks at Adra while Death roars in her mind*

Jophiel said...

(Bye Star!

Yeah, if I vanish, it's because I fell asleep...))

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Bye Star!

Noelle said...

(Bye bye, Star! *cuddles*)

*Adra leans a little back, shielding her jaw in a precautionary move*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(I just wanna fucking sleep and my mom is blasting music

Jophiel said...

(You can join in if you want, Rhy! ^.^ ))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(On rp is happening my cue to go as im mever wanted

Jophiel said...

*She gets to her feet, beaming* Adra, you've always struck me as the rather... Intuitive type. Everyone has their own definition of pain. What's yours?

(Hey Zaf.))

Jophiel said...

(Dude. I was trying to RP with you this morning. You can come in if you want, Zaf. No one is saying that you're not wanted, that's your own notion. You believe it. We don't.))

Noelle said...

*Adra's eyes narrow slightly* That's for me to know, and no one to ever find out

Jophiel said...

Aw! Don't be mean! *She glares softly at Adra while the smile remains on her lips* Share!

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

((Hiya Zaffy))

Jophiel said...

(Waste of my precious time, that was. Bye Zaf. "I'm not going to waste my words" where have I heard that before... I still did, though...))

Maralie Lily Charm said...


hello :)

Noelle said...

*Adra twinges slightly under her glare*

Really, give me a break- I'm injured already...

Noelle said...

((Hey Moooooooooooia!)))

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Hey Mara!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(I am here its just not posting for some odd reason

Ravel: *walks down unsure*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Ha is that how you feel?! Fine. I'll leave thanks Rose. Thanks.

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Ravels here? I shall try not to murder him -.-

Jophiel said...

(Hey Mars! *Hugs tightly* ))

I can see that. Fine. If you won't tell me that, at least tell me what injured you so badly. *She softens her gaze but her eyes turn more crazed*

Jophiel said...

(Zaf. Email.)

Noelle said...

*She pauses for a moment, considering her options on who she really wants to tell*

*She throws those options in her mental bin*

My son...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(I dont have anything to i hardly can

Jophiel said...

(Just at least read the fucking message, Zaf. Then you'll know why I'm on a short fuse. I'm trying not to let it spread around.))

Your son...? Since when...?

Noelle said...

No, I mean... Well, in this dimension, my son died before I had him. Apparently he lived in the other dimension, and... The other me must have slighted him. The point is, he's found out what happened to him in this dimension, and so he took it out on me.


Maralie Lily Charm said...

Jfc Zafira Kerias every time I come on here you're in a huff I used to look up to you even though you constantly acted lile you were better than everyone else and oh, once Zaf didn't like something everything stopped. Because Zafira Kerias is more important than us all. Oh, if everyone was roleplaying and Zaf didn't like it, the roleplay had to stop and we had to go by Zaf's plot. I thought maybe once you got put in LSODM you would actually realise how lucky you were but nope, it got worse. I'm sick and tired of coming on here feeling happy, seeing you pissy and then me leaving depressed. This may sound harsh but idgaf anymore. It's my opinion, and I'm being totally honest. It. Needs. To. Stop.

Jophiel said...

(Okay. Sorry. I'm actually rather pissed and I don't have time for it.

I better sleep.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

( wasnt going through that may explain my confusion.

Ravel: so your son did this when Zaf said he's dead. Have you lost your mind Adra?

Noelle said...

((Goodnight, then, Rose sleep well.))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I'll leave, it serms nobody can be happy when I'm on. So I'll go. Goodbye

Noelle said...

*Adra shrugs and goes back inside to work*

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

A Christmas Ball? At my huge Victorian house?

Noelle said...


Oh my goodness. There's about 10 inches if snow yaysies!))

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Cool! Btw when is Harralie wedding?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Lucky i didnt get any but an inch maybe)

Noelle said...

((I'm very confused..))

*Adra sits down on her couch and unwraps her arm, noticing how it's beginning to heal- enough so that she won't need a bandage for it*

*She pulls her sleeves down over her arm, and leans back, noticing how- if nothing else, the bruising on her jaw is getting worse*

Noelle said...

((I will have to leave in a few. So if I do- goodbye!)?

*She shifts her body weight so she's on her side, and still reads*

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Rhy - the 24th of December :)
Basically Christmas Eve :P

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Ok...Should we have a Christmas Ball? On Christmas Day? We could have it at my place :)

Noelle said...

*crying Harralie*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Oooh ball

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Ok then, it's decided...We're having a Ball!

Noelle said...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Omg when shall we have it?!

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

The 25th?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

No it's hard as people do things on Christmas Day and Eve it wouldn't be fair....the 26th?

Maralie Lily Charm said...


Sorry, distant. In the car :P

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Oh wait, no. Harralie's wedding is the 23rd. I have it saved as an event on my iPad :P

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

24th then?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

24th is Christmas Eve Rhy. I mean if you want its just I know i'm busy at night and idk if others are too...

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

We can do it before, lots of people do it before like the 23rd

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Can we have the Ball on the same day as the Wedding?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Oh yeah guess it hasta be the 24th

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I believe it to be okay if we do it Christmas Eve

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

OOkthen. Christmas Eve it is :)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Just keep in mind it may be slow if people do stuff. I go down to my aut and uncle's and we do the Italian tradiion of 7 fish and all...holy shit its a lot of food but fun

Noelle said...

Christmas Eve ball *creys*

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Gtg now. BYE!

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

I dedicate this page crush.

Because they're really shy and really kind/nice.

See ya later people!

Noelle said...

*ships it*
*Raises glass* Hear hear

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Bye Rhydian...

*looks around* Oh...*goes back to corner having read Star's rant from earlier*

Noelle said...

(( brb))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

K Adra..*sighs* I'm really a bitch ain't I? I am...

I don't need people to tell me....I guess I probably should be kinder....I'm lucky compared to most...I am. I guess I am lucky and need to shut up and be thankful. Then again I don't know what it is people want me to do...I feel like whenever I really want to do something I can't but others do what they want. Like it made me smile my friends irl all ship Zavel and as each read LSODM they all tease me how normal my OC is compared to me, I guess I'm lucky. Celine I managed to get her in LSODM (Serephia) and I did the same for Nikkii and V for book 9 but like I feel like here I'm not it because I am in LSODM? Because I did something not every Ameriminion can...I dunno but I can tell not many people really want me around and it effects me. The whole thing last night I had Ravel in the freakin room when they went bowling, I was watching Jeopardy and 10min later everyone left on me. Didn't even acknowledge I had been there too so it made me feel like I did something wrong which I realize now it's who I am that people hate

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(I guess maybe I'll go rp my own characters.....ot shower one lf the twi

Noelle said...

In my honest opinion, Zaf, above all, people are just very angry with you. You say you are lucky, but when a new person comes on, you address yourself as "the girl from LSODM" and "Derek and Holly's twitter child". Part of what angers everyone is that you seem to always pick fights, and all the rest of the time, you play victim (ie: right now; last night)).

And when we went bowling, it was both a promise that we would do that activity from earlier this week, and also- Sir invited you, but you opted out. Rose, too, tried to RP with you, but you completely ignored her. Em did as well, but there wasn't a lot of effort put into it, so she left your character.

I suppose that angers people as well. That they actually do what you say, but you make the choice to ignore their story and go off on yours, or you don't like them. I actually recall you saying to me that you didn't like to RP with Sir or Annika (as Doctor), but then you complain when they don't pay attention to you?

I'm sorry, but I'm confused- lots of people are, and you change all the time- your stories, and everything, and sometimes don't do it in a kind manner, often using excessive curse words and insults.

So yeah- in answer to your question ^^

And most people just come here to be happy. People tend to become unhappy if they answer to your complaining or arguing, so most just ignore you, to retain their own, personal, emotions

Noelle said...

*Adra hums, quietly sewing a dress for the ball*

*She smiles*

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Blake: Hey Adra! How are you? HavE you seen Rhydian by any chance? He's just disappeared? He told me he'd pick me up and take me here. He didn't so I just came here by myself.

Noelle said...

*She shakes her head slightly, then frowns, holding up her phone in a gesture to mean if Blake has texted Rhydian*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...



Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Blake: I texted him, but no reply.

((Morning Moss!))

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Your lord and saviour has arrived!

Other lord and saviours are available.


Noelle said...

*Adra frowns, confused* *She tries calling Rhydian as well*

((Moss! Lord and Savior! *hugs*))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I didn't think people would get all defensive over something so stupid it was more I was messing around with Holly and she was the one who told me to. I wasn't doing it on purpose so whatever so sorry to offend next time someone new comes ill just not say hi because probably saying hi will result in being told im being offensive

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

((Heya Trip!))

Blake: He's not answering. *looks over at Rhydian's new house within Blogland* Maybe we should knock on? *goes to Rhydian's house*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Hi Rhydian! [hugs] The Christmas ball sounds like a good idea!))

((Hullo Trip! [hugs))

((Adraaaaa! [hugs]))


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*comes outside looking around spotting people* Do I dare? Probably not. *watches Blake and Adra dejectedly*

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

((Hey, I never said it was me. Or that they were here. You need to become a better pedant.))


Noelle said...

((Wait how did Blake get there so fast omg?))
((Zaf, that bit was practically insignificant. The important bit of the speech was the other half.))

*Adra sets her gown on the floor, her head spinning and her jaw throbbing as she slowly gets to her feet and throws her jacket on* oh wait up..

Noelle said...

((Trip I swear..))

Noelle said...

((I know, right Fabi? Christmas Eve ball... Dancing... *Sobs* Cuteness..))

Star Inkbright said...

@Zaf: I am right now rather angry, but that'll go in a minute, so sorry if I'm not acting 100% normal, but it's nothing to do with LSODM. If you remember, I have plenty of blogfriends in LSODM (although not everyone is the Grand Mage of America, haha). Also, I have blogfriends who have actually written an actual book, and blogfriends who are in one of those actual books. I could not be happier that you and others are in LSODM. I'm not jealous, because I know I would not be in LSODM, as whenever Derek gives us competitions or opportunities to be in things I generally don't enter/try to get in as I believe(d) I would be happier if one of you guys got in.

The reason people don't like you (uh, not me. I like you. :) If you've read what I said earlier, you should see that) is because you always say everyone ignores you and is leaving you out. People get annoyed at this not because you say it, but because of the situations in which you say it and what occurs around it and blah. Firstly, people try to include you and roleplay with you, and then you don't want to do that, which leaves them feeling that they're not good enough, and then you still moan about nobody wanting to do anything with you, which is aggravating as people DO want to do things with you. Secondly, it's because when you complain, the whole thing has to stop whilst we deal with you, and then everybody, who was perfectly happy, feels down, and the roleplay, which was going perfectly well, is destroyed. People don't mind this once or twice, but when it tends to happen every time, everyone just gets fed up of you ruining everything for them. Lots of people have said things better than me, such as Adra, Mara, Anni, Fabi and others, so I'm sorry.

But don't feel I hate you, because even if you make me angry sometimes I don't. I'm going to quote my own story here - "And that was the thing. Every time you thought you’d labelled someone as being not that great after all, they surprised you with their awesomeness."
Everyone has things that aren't that great about them, and yet everyone is awesome, too. So I like you for the ways in which you are awesome. And for other reasons that I can't explain because I don't understand. I think I summed it up pretty well the other day, but that explanation was pretty much ununderstandable, sooo . . .

Also - people find it really, really hard to ship you, because you keep changing your mind about who you want to be shipped with. Otherwise I'm pretty sure we would. :)


Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Blake: *knocks* *no answer* Hello? *opens door and steps inside* Why is it unlocked?

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

((*evil laugh*))


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(So when I was watching tv and didn't refresh the page because i was busy that couts as ignoring Rose? Because I was watching Jeopardy like I do Mon-Fri 7pm my time and I was distant as it is I didn't refresh til during Final Jeopardy because I lost track of time because I actually was answerig correctly. So I guess next time someone becomes distant I'll say they are ignoring me. Thats basically what I got. That I 'ignored' her. When I was distant. Don't worry I'll remember that, as for Em I answered her and she ran off didn't ask for help didn't even say thank you anyway no she ran off i mean what was i supposed to run after Chase like an idiot?

Noelle said...

((*thwacks him with a stick* NU


Do you want me to be Eritan for you rn? Or, idk-
Wait though
Hang on

This still cracks me up-
Tadra has been a thing for almost six months
And Adra STILL doesn't have Trip's phone number.
I'm CRYIN.))

*Adra looks for the boy, disgruntled as she scoops some snow against her jaw and follows his tracks carefully*

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Blake: *finds Rhydian lay flat on his hed* *not breathing but is still alive* *Rhydian isn't blinking* *no signs of life* RHYDIAN!!!!! *checks pulse* He's alive..Magic?

Star Inkbright said...

@Zaf: And if you get irritated at me . . . I'm sorry.

Because I like little carrot fields. And I don't think little carrot fields should die out. Maybe it makes more sense to focus on the larger carrot field, but if you just ignore the little one, then that's a whole lot of wasted carrots and these carrots are awesome, remember? :)

Although my carrot field metaphor is a bit wrong, beacsue it shouldn't be one big carrot field and one little carrot field. That's like the little carrot field beign cut off, left out. Either all the carrots should be separate, like so each field is an individual person, or they should all join together in harmony. :)


Noelle said...

*Adra quickly follows Blake's cries, and spots Rhydian* *She kneels by him, checking for responses to stimuli*

((Er...what's happened?))

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...


Zaf, I have been directly quoted something you once said to Em through facebook. That is why I dislike you. Now, I didn't tell everyone out of a sense that it is not mine to tell to the blog, and that people can change.

Don't go on any kind of defensive here, you don't deserve to give yourself the honour.


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