Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Molly's Blog Post

Okay FINE, so we're all waiting for the Tanith cover... It's looking like a Friday reveal right now- so long as we suffer no more delays. Believe me, once you see it you'll know it's been worth the wait. Tom's best cover. Ever.

Speaking of awesome covers, take a look at these.

Isn't that brilliant? There is literally nothing about this cover that I do not love. And there's more!

I know Suz Korb is a Blog-reader and she's commented a few times, but just take a look at these books she's written. And the titles! Pulpy, trashy, and so much FUN.

You know that old saying, never judge a book by its cover? That's not always applicable. People who judge my books by Tom's covers know exactly what they're getting- awesomeness on a page. And if a writer has enough taste to approve these covers, as Ms Korb obviously does, then that bodes very well for what's inside. From what I know, they're all available online.

Okay, I didn't actually intend to show all of these covers, but once I started I just couldn't stop.

This Blog post, by the way, is for a girl called Molly, who I met today in Forbidden Planet in Dublin. There I was, perusing the shelves, building up the stack of comics in my hand, and then I hear a "Excuse me, can I ask you a question?" from right beside me. I turn, and there stands a fifteen-year old in a really odd hat. 

She was, as you can imagine, overjoyed at meeting me. We talked about her nonsensical love of all things Transformers (except the movies- she has issues with the movies) and her appreciation of Batman and how she never could get into Wonder Woman. That led to a conversation about lassoes, and then to a conversation about lassoing horses, and then to a conversation about how cowboys don't lasso horses, they just run after them when they want to catch them. Bless her, she has a small brain. 

So this is a Blog post for Molly. Happy birthday Molly. 

I've been watching some movies lately. I saw The Amazing Spider-Man last week. Not as bad as I'd been led to believe. I quite enjoyed it, in fact. Andrew Garfield didn't have to cry NEARLY as much as Tobey Maguire, and of course Emma Stone is just divine. I could watch her in anything.

The Dark Knight Rises is out now, of course, but I'd already seen that in the cinema. Not perfect, and some of the story just refuses to make any kind of sense, but a fitting end to the trilogy. I am in awe of Christopher Nolan's ability to generate atmosphere, and then use that atmosphere to make the audience dread what is about to happen.

I've been playing games as well. Just finished Hitman: Absolution. Awesome stuff. I want to play it again and not fire a single shot. Now that's a challenge...

I had been playing the new Assassin's Creed game, but got bored.

Dishonored, however, is a game that did not bore me. The thought and the imagination that went into building that world is staggering. Loved it.

Basically, I've been fitting as much as possible into the last few weeks because I think I've started Book 8... It's all very random at the moment, very casual, just writing a few bits and pieces, a few scenes here and there... but yeah... I think I've actually started. I had a look at the plot a few days ago, to remind myself of what's in store. I've already got it planned out to a degree- I did that a week or two after finishing KOTW- and wow. A LOT happens in this book. Like, SERIOUSLY. It's going to take a lot of planning on my part. War is like that. Complicated. Got to remember who's on who's side and where they are and when certain things take place and who's around when certain people DIE HORRIBLY.

Be warned. There will be horror. There will be slaughter. There will be betrayal and hatred and love and there WILL be blood.


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Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Sorry I'm sick of getting cursed for no reason. I'm sick and tired of it. I clean my room it isn't perfect to ther liking I do things and get cursed. Then this morning when we were going down to the diner my mother had a legit go at me for not really wanting to have stayed after school until 4/15 for her stupid Zumba. I didn't say I wasn't going to i just was a little annoyed she didnt tell me until 6am when we have my friend and niece carpool and it isnt fair on them that they hve to wait when theyhave things to do too. And not being told a day in advanced. Oh but I'm the selfish one. I'm the one who doesn't do anything but yet I go to drama they complain they gotta pick me up i do Key Club mom complains she is tired after picking us up when she sits and chit chat with her best friend. So then apparently I'm a waste of space. Well sorry I don't go do drugs or is that what they rather? It seems anything I do I'm told I'm worthless and i didn't get a single good job from them for the play. They sent a flower. It was a miracle they did that. They didn't say anything nice to me that entire weekend when i was tired Sunday they yelled at me. My brother was nicer to me then them and he usually hates going to see plays but he went and was happy for me he was happier then my parents when i got a part. Then my mom told me I shouldn't try out for Annie because she doesnt want to get me from practices

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((I'm sorry to hear that, Zaf. [hugs]))


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Doesnt mayter now

Maralie Lily Charm said...

i have had the worst week of my life.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*hugs Mara* one day more

Maralie Lily Charm said...

*hugs Zaf*

Noelle said...


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

I'm alive? I am! I'm alive guys! *angels sing in the background*



Noelle said...

Trip! *hugs* Hullo

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*hugs* Herrow!


Maralie Lily Charm said...

Hey Adra, Trip *hugs*

I'm not going to school tomorrow I don't think... I'm sick. Eh.

Noelle said...

What's up my fine furry friend? *ruffles hair*

Noelle said...

I'm sorry, Meera :/ I hope you get better

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Ha! Being sick is for the... sick? I not good at being contemptuous...

Herrow Marsa. *hugs*


Noelle said...

*points to the wacky names*

It's catching on...

Mara- perhaps try to take a warm bath or shower? Tea?

Wait isn't it almost 12 there.

Perhaps, you know, sleeping can help?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Trip *hits across face* thats for putting Adra through hell

Noelle said...


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Hey, I didn't /put/ her there. In fact, how did I know she was in hell? Wait a second, I'm not even here! *is actually inside pocket dimension box*


Noelle said...

*adra is currently in the opposite dimension, so*

Yeah what

Noelle said...

*Eritan is looming over the small boy*

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*Hey, he's six two! How dare you call Trip 'small'?*


Noelle said...

((Because Eritan's 7'8". Most people are smaller than him.))

Star Inkbright said...

*hugs Zaf and Mara* I'm really sorry your lives are sucking. :( Remember that you're both awesome, and the blacker and bleaker the world is, the brighter you shine out. :) "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's nor okay, it's not the end."

*is here* *should be asleep* *was emailing*


Noelle said...

*cuddles* bby

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Mevolent is 8ft! HA

Star Inkbright said...



Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*Trip still isn't 'small' though.*


Star Inkbright said...


Tall people are awesome. :) My tall friend (the one who makes fun of my midget friend att) is tall, this girl I know in art is tall (the other day she was telling me that tall person are better than everyone else :P), and Hunter's tall. :P

I'm meh. Well, my tall friend insists that she's normal and the rest of us are just midgets, but . . . :P


Noelle said...

((No, not small- Adra's small. But I said that to Eritan's eyes- and as I said- everyone is small to him. I didn't mean to offend))

Star Inkbright said...


@Trip: Truey. :)


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*That is slander, and I will see you in court. Now, where were we? Ah, yes!* This, is my warehouse.


Noelle said...


I just realized how disproportionate Tadra is omg))

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Heya Star. *hugs*


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...



Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: Truey wuey. :)

Our conductor calls us stringed instruments stringy-wingies . . . :)


Noelle said...

((Oh yeah! Well... Well. *Childishly* You're a slander!))

*Eritan nods wisely* Indeed

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

(But hey, it's basically fan fiction written by the authors, so anything goes really.)


Noelle said...

((Star you sound like the Doctor.

Omg though.. TADRA I'm laughing so hard no- SHH I'm doing homework! Wait, but this- *slaps* NO! Shush. Doing work- But- NO ))

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*starts to walk into the maze of racks* Come along Eritan, we don't have much time. We definitely haven't spent a whole week doing nothing.


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

((BUT WHAT???))


Star Inkbright said...

Hey Trip! :)

BEING DISPROPORTIATE IS AWESOME. :) C and B, who are really good friends, are disproportiate and they're awesome. Once C knelt down and there was the same height difference between her and B as when C was standing up. XD

. . . Damn, I talk about the height of my friends a lot



Noelle said...

((Sh. I'm talking to myself.

Guess what.
I think Tadra's half-year of it's existence is coming up :0))

*Eritan walks quietly behind him* Alright then... What are we to do now?

Star Inkbright said...



@Adra: :)


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

(Those two could have their own eighties cop show.)


Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: Thank you. :) And - YAAAAAAY!


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Well you need to be careful. As there's no earth in this dimension, or anything but the floor and these racks, you can't see can you? You're following my voice.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Lol yeah msd in car going to choir

Noelle said...

((:O And I concur))

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

((It started in June didn't it? At what point are we measuring from?))


Noelle said...

That is correct, yes.

Emerald Melody said...


Star Inkbright said...

@Zaf: Okay. :) Hi.


Star Inkbright said...

HEY EM! :)
How's you? :)


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

(AH! Em! Hello! How are you? Just in time! Please join in.)


Noelle said...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*is with Ravel somewhere*

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Well that's good. I don't think Em'll be all that interested in some of the stuff in here. But I couldn't trust you. But if you can't see a giant mech, you can't steal one. It's why I never brought Adra here... *shudders*


Star Inkbright said...

My little toe is all bruised from it knocking into whateveritwas earlier. :(
Poor little toe.
It's only little. :)


Star Inkbright said...

*from knocking


Noelle said...

Because you think she would try to take one.. Whatever it is?

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Why is it always the little one? WHYYYYY???????


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Most definitely. Ah, here we are. *stops abruptly*


Emerald Melody said...

(OH TRIP!!! Just so you know, Em is currently lying dead at the edge of the lake in the water. Lorcan killed her while they were training and now Lorcan has done a runner.

And my good friends all around Blogland have not discovered the body yet so she is still there :) Welcome back anyway bud lol)

Noelle said...

((I feel you, Star :P

*slow claps for Em*))

*Eritan tumbles into the tiny person*

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

(Oh, okay then. Yikes. You weren't at all integral to my plot or anything. Hahahaha. *slowly backs away, hurriedly rewriting plot summary*)


Star Inkbright said...


*is watching roleplay with intwrest* *isn't joining in because phone, msd and my main characters are in another dimension*


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Sorry. *starts to rifle through the rack* Juuust a seecond...


Noelle said...

*Eritan nods, taking a step back*

Star Inkbright said...

I think I shouldprobably go to sleep now. :) Foursies!


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Here we are! *pulls out two wooden sticks*


Emerald Melody said...

(lol You all fucking suck lol)

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Byse Star!


Noelle said...

((Bye bye Star! *hugs*

I know, Em. I excel at that))

*Eritan sighs* I have no idea what you've found.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Oh yeah. They're two seemingly plain wooden sticks. But... *places stick along spine, it changes shape to fit his back shape* Oooh. I love that feeling.


Noelle said...







Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Dammit! You know, if you want me to cure that blindness, we could go about half a mile that way, DAMMIT, half a mile to your left, and you could see clear as day!


Noelle said...

*Eritan looks droll*

Can I tape your moth shut while we're at it? Or can we just go?

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Fine, *holds out the stick* Just shove this on your back.


Noelle said...

*Eritan carefully takes it and places it against his spine*


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*Eritan feels a surge of strength, and his skin feels somehow thicker. The edge of his vision would get and odd red tinge, but... god damn it Eritan.*

All good? no side effects? No compulsion to eat human flesh or go on a killing spree?


Noelle said...

*He nods*

It is my only desire to hit your face. But, that has been present for a while. Otherwise, there does not appear to be any more symptoms

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Good those other two shouldn't be happening yet. Come along!


Noelle said...

Yet? Oh joy. *he follows his voice*

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*stops at an observatory sized telescope* One moment please. *walks up to it and begins to point it to a certain position*


Noelle said...

*He cocks his head to the side*

I do hope you don't expect me to look through that

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Don't be silly, it's mine. *freezes* Perfect. Gets up and walks over to a projector on a little table. I'm gonna need you to punch yourself in the face.


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Is it really important?


Noelle said...

It, in fact, is

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

A blow to the head will cause the stick's full functions to be activated, causing extreme rage, adrenaline surges and some weird magic stuff.


Emerald Melody said...

(I'm still stalking by the way peeps :D )

Noelle said...

*Eritan carefully hits himself in the head*

Allow me to help
*He smacks Trip*

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

YOU MORON! N- *seems pained for a moment, a ball of energy is growing behind him* Now I CAn't operate the projECTOR!!! *seethes then calms down*


Noelle said...


*Eritan laughs softly*

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*growls* It's not FUNNY! *Eritan starts to feel quite ragey as well*


Noelle said...

*he chuckles more* Of course it is! You're an easy target, what can I say? *his hand twitches*

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*a bit of the energy lashes out at Eritan, then withdraws* LIVES ARE IN DANGER, AND YOU'RE LAUGHING ABOUT SCREWING THEM OVER?

*Eritan's anger will start to escalate quite rapidly now*


Noelle said...

*Growls* You're the one who made us stuck here for a week

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

We've been here for TWENTY MINUTES!


Noelle said...


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...


IN FACT, It is quite easy to.. lose.. track.. of time in pocket dimensions! Shit! *fumbles with the projector*


Noelle said...

*Eritan looks peeved, but shuts up*

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*manages to finally hit the right button and an image of the Mongolian mountains is projected onto a plain white wall.* Come on! *jumps through, the massive ball of energy following*


Sir said...

Good morning, afternoon, or indeed evening, Blogland.

Noelle said...

((Sir! *hugs* How are you? Feeling better?))

*Eritan calmly steps through, enjoying the Earth below him*

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

(Herrow Sir.)

*the energy ball rejoins with Trip, and he lets out a howl of rage*


Noelle said...

*Eritan considers approaching the boy*

Sir said...

Greetings, Ms. Dark and Mr. Castalan. I suppose so, Ms. Dark.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*has become quite ferile. Back is hunched, moving swiftly near the ground* Come!


Noelle said...

((That's good to hear...

Would you care for me to roleplay someone for you? It can be whomever you wish- I don't know if you were very fond of Priya or not..))

Noelle said...

*Eritan runs after him, slightly concerned*

Sir said...

Ms. Dark, you do not have to do such a thing, you seem preoccupied enough as things are.

Noelle said...

((No! I would want you to be left alone))

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*they move over the lip of the hill, to see a small group of hobbits led by Bob, circled around a fire. They are fending off charging cultists from all sides, around the fire there are some tents, about ten in total*

Ah, we're late. COME ALONG MORON! *leaps down the hill, and sends his fist through the head of the first cultist he sees*



Noelle said...

*Eritan growls, but runs faster*

Sir said...

Ms. Dark, please. I believe I shall be fine.

Noelle said...

((But Sir! :/))

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*smushes two cultist heads together, then roars as he kick straight through another's chest


The Grave of a Coward said...

(I cannot stay right now, for various reasons, but I thought I'd just hop on for a moment to tell you all that I'm sorry I haven't been on in a while, but, barring some sort of emergency in the home, I will be on for a while tomorrow evening, all ready to continue the magnificent tale of Doctor Precocious.

Carry on.)

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

(Hello goodbye Anni. *hugs*)


Noelle said...

*Eritan looks alarmed*. Trip....

((You're alright Anni *hugs*))

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*the hobbits begin to push back as Trip fights his way through most of the cultists*


Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Looking back, I feel really bad for all the muses I had when I was little. I treated them like puppets on strings. See, I used to be good at plot. I would spend hours detailing intricate plot twists, and often even plan out dialogue in my head, which I was rather pleased with when I found out the dialogue usually went exactly as I planned it because I only ever did this for games my friends and I played where we ran around in the backyard pretending to be different characters. So I was just predicting what they would say, and then how I would respond. But anyway. I just had my characters do whatever was necessary to make my plot go a certain way, and I got pretty good at planning and manipulating so I was always able to execute things smoothly and I could always make my friends feel exactly what I wanted them to feel. ...Now, in hindsight, I think I feel worse for my friends than I do for my muses. But, just, I didn't get into letting the characters write their own stories until years ago, which is still years ago but at the same time doesn't include a lot of years where my stories were motivated solely by plot, and I haven't ever let a character take full control of their own story and development until Niccolo essentially just wrote himself. So my characters never had any control over themselves, and that's kind of sad.))


Emerald Melody said...

(I'm still here...)

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Hi Em!))


Noelle said...

...*Eritan stands there, confused*

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

(Wow, you are a trooper. You deserve a cookie (::) There. )


Noelle said...

((Hey Ari))

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*after all the cultists are brutally slaughtered, Trip begins to calm down. He pants heavily, and then the stick falls from his back* Ugh. My coat...


Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan starts pacing around the sheltered patch of woods he found in the Dublin mountains. He's mumbling*

Lorcan: What if they haven't found her? And I just left her, unburied... No, surely they would have... But still, I just left her.

*He sits on a tree stump and starts to wail again. He'll do this for 10 mins before he starts to pace again*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Hello, Adra!))


Noelle said...

*Eritan sighs* You sure are something....

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Bob: Trip! They aren't here!


Bob: When we showed up, they the others off! We lost 'em!



Noelle said...

*Eritan puts a hand on his shoulder* Breathe, child

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Im back!

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Breathing is for when you are angry.


Noelle said...

Then control yourself

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Grah I want to help Lorcan but I'm technically still in a dungeon, and if I assume I'm not in it, then I still wouldn't know where he was... Ugh...))


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Do I look like I'm running around killing people?


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Ari I can shunt if you want me to get you guys out because I can't join in either so

Noelle said...

((dungeon nnnnnnnnn *creys* BBY))

*Eritan shakes his head* Looks aren't everything.

Do you have any clue where they might be?

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Well, Niccolo and Adra came for me the other night, we just still haven't left yet.))


Emerald Melody said...

(Lol just assume you left Ari and then you can trace Lorcan through the mental link he has with Alexis possibly??)

Noelle said...

((I almost cried, lemme tell ya))

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Bob: The tracks lead off in that direction. *points* But my men are tired. We cannot give chase today.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Well I can go over as I cant do anything and all and Im NOT roleplaying on my own again

Noelle said...

((Zaf, if you're so bored, why don't you RP with Em? Then.. You know... Neither of you will be all lonesome))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(I kinda wanna talk to John if Nic is willing....

Noelle said...

*Eritan pinches the bridge of his nose*

Of course...

((Adra not being there is killing me I hope you know, Trip))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Adra Ari seriously just pretend it happened I mean you guys dont need to rp getting out just say you guys left and all)

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Sure, I'll just do a time skip and pretend we left the dungeon and put Adra back in her lab, if that's ok with you, Adra))


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

((Goood... MWUHUHUHUHU!))

I'm pretty worn out as well. I think we need to rest for the night. We'll begin chasing them tomorrow at dawn. Agreed? *a chorus of agreeds come from the hobbits*


Noelle said...

((Why not..))

*Adra sits on her couch, restless*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Right well I would take Alexis out but yeah I doubt she has the mental capicity to even use her link from being so drained

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Right wbd a few to get in the house ect

Noelle said...

*Eritan, sighs, pulling out his phone*



Apparently so. Your boyfriend has asked me to go on a field trip with him.


No, Adrasdos.



Noelle said...

*Eritan reluctantly nods in agreement*

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*has begun lying by the fire*

Send Adra my regards...


Alastair Cruciatus said...

*is strolling around and happens across Lorcan because why the heck not* *stops* ...Lorcan? Are you ok?


Noelle said...

*Eritan relays the message*


I will. Good luck to you as well.

*he sighs* Goodnight, then.

*he closes the phone and props himself up against a tree*

She says to be careful... And that if you're not, I have we permission to slap you. FYI...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Wait Ari can i talk to John??? Or should I just suck it up and be Alexis? I kinda wanna talk whilst Nic isn't busy with Adra...

Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan stumbles back off the tree stump in surprise*

Lorcan: Don't... don't come near me. Don't! *tears streaming down his already puffy face*

Noelle said...

*Adra gets up, pacing slightly again*

*She hears a thump from upstairs*
*She frowns slightly, going to the stairs, carefully stepping up a few*


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Oh... good... *falls asleep*


Noelle said...

*Eritan sighs, and falls asleep himself*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((..Uhm... Well, Niccolo will be working on notes and such again, so if you can contact him he'd be fine with it, but I'm not sure how you'd do that- you'd have to call me, I guess, since he doesn't actually own a phone, and he wouldn't contact anyone mentally in his state.))

Ok, I'm not coming near you. Just talk to me. What happened?


Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan just can't stop crying, the pain sitting clearly on his features*

Lorcan: I... I killed... *he gulps* I killed my mother. It... I didn't mean...

Noelle said...

*The thump is apparently on the third floor*

...damn animals. If there's a deer in here...

*She ascends to the next floor, turning the lights on, following a whirring noise down the hall*

*There's another thump*

Hello, mother.

*She turns*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*texts Ari* Ari can you see if Nic would let me talk with John Smith? I'm not sure how to get Nic himself without usuing mental communications

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Wait, what? You mean, Em is...? *takes a deep breath* Ok. Ok, try to calm down, if you can. You didn't mean to do it, and we can get her back. We just need to call the right people. So, try to breathe. Just breathe, and don't think about anything else, at least for a few seconds. She'll be ok.


Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan holds his head in his hands*

Lorcan: That was... that was two, maybe 3 days ago. And I... I left her in the water... I just...

*he screams from the pain of his actions tearing him apart*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Noelle said...

*Adra's thrown back into the wall* How... How are you even...

*Adrian grins* You are my mother in the other dimension. You left me... I found her, but you know... Revenge isn't ever satisfied, is it?

Adrian... You... Please- leave!

*He grabs her arm quickly, flipping her over* I was only a child. As it turns out, you have done the same here... With no one to take it out on..

I've had 200 years... That's punishment..

Not enough

Alastair Cruciatus said...

*hears a phone beep* *glances at Lorcan, sighs, and checks phone, having accepted some time ago that her position lends itself to her having to answer things at inconvenient times* *texts back* I'll ask him.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I dedicate this page to Christmas because its so magical to me and to all my Bloglandian family

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*replies* Thank you. I can meet him, if not I'm in the treehouse in the library which is safe from waking Christopher up

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Thinking of the library...EM can you message me the I.P for Minecraft? I do have a treehouse to rebuild)

Noelle said...

((*Raises glass* hear hear!))

*he flips out a knife, pressing it against her arm* *She bucks upward, but he puts further weight on her legs, assuredly pinning her* If I remember... We did this in Hell, did we not?

*He begins to carve the words "Child Killer" back into her arm* *She screams, but he cuts her off with a chop to her throat and she chokes on her own sound*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Three days isn't that much of an issue, and the water will have hopefully kept her body cold so she'll require less healing. Lorcan, please, just try to calm down, even just a little, ok? We can get her back, but freaking out like this isn't going to help anyone.


Emerald Melody said...

Lorcan: I KILLED my MOTHER!!!!! I'm surprised I haven't got Chase or Trip or anyone else hunting me fucking down!!

And all I wanted to do was run away with Lexi after I killed her...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: *from behind* I bet you still do

Noelle said...

*she bites his shoulder, refusing to let go as he roars, jerking back* *She feels hot blood pour from his bite, then screams, looking as he pushes a knife painstakingly slow into her leg*
*She gasps, looking at it, purple and dark red pooling below her* *Her hands begin to shake as tears pour down her face* Adrian... Baby.. Please- stop.

*He kneels, taking her hands, and placing a gun in them, pointed towards her* *He puts his hands over hers, his finger over hers on the trigger*

Oh mother... You should know better than that. I am my father's boy, aren't I?

Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan jumps back slightly before jumping up and hugging Alexis tightly*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: woah hey there *hugs tightly back*

Emerald Melody said...

Lorcan: I thought I wouldn't see you again...

Alastair Cruciatus said...

*smiles at the arrival of Alexis*

((ADra! My feelings!!))


Noelle said...

*The cold barrel presses against her chin*

*She looks at it* Adrian...

*He smiles* Yes, mother?

Noelle said...

((ARetha! My feelings as well!))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: You try getting into Ireland when you have the Grand Mage with you....I got here and its all that matters

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*sits down in a chair in my library reading a book waiting news*

Emerald Melody said...

Lorcan: Aretha knows...

Niccolò Croatoan said...

*appears by Zafira, without the coat* Hello, Zafira. You look radiant, as always. To what may I owe the pleasure of your request to speak with me?


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: And? Its the past Lorcan you know it it happened just breath she can live

Noelle said...

*She kicks upward, and he falls back, his hand tightening, and the trigger is pulled*
*There's a spark, and the lights go off, with a scream*

Emerald Melody said...

Lorcan: It's not her, I'm worried about... It's Chase. Or Trip. Or even Adra...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*turns and smiles seeing him* Hey John, thank you. I don't know how long Nic will handle letting you out so..I'll get to thw point. Though it is lovely to see you again. *he can see I'm a bit nervous* With...the plan...I know you guys in Nic's head..may die...and I want to know..well if I can...would you be willing to let me steal your name? Hear me out...I know what you did before this and I want to give you a chance to do what you were. And out of the names...well you seem like you deserve it. But I want what you want. I know there will be risks if i'm able but i am willing.

Noelle said...

*She moves stiffly, her jaw throbbing and a sharp pain in the back of her head*
*Moaning, she moves a little, blood pouring from the side of her face* *She tries not to scream any more to hurt her jaw* *Adrian's presence is gone*

*She grabs a piece of gauze, slowly wrapping it around her carved arm, beginning to sob, yelps between her sobs*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: Like they will touch you!

Noelle said...

*She lies on her side, pain spreading slowly to the rest of her skull and down her spine* *The moans softly, her stomach churning with nausea*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Woah this is late for me....ah well gonna go soon)

Noelle said...

((Alright Zafira))

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