Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Molly's Blog Post

Okay FINE, so we're all waiting for the Tanith cover... It's looking like a Friday reveal right now- so long as we suffer no more delays. Believe me, once you see it you'll know it's been worth the wait. Tom's best cover. Ever.

Speaking of awesome covers, take a look at these.

Isn't that brilliant? There is literally nothing about this cover that I do not love. And there's more!

I know Suz Korb is a Blog-reader and she's commented a few times, but just take a look at these books she's written. And the titles! Pulpy, trashy, and so much FUN.

You know that old saying, never judge a book by its cover? That's not always applicable. People who judge my books by Tom's covers know exactly what they're getting- awesomeness on a page. And if a writer has enough taste to approve these covers, as Ms Korb obviously does, then that bodes very well for what's inside. From what I know, they're all available online.

Okay, I didn't actually intend to show all of these covers, but once I started I just couldn't stop.

This Blog post, by the way, is for a girl called Molly, who I met today in Forbidden Planet in Dublin. There I was, perusing the shelves, building up the stack of comics in my hand, and then I hear a "Excuse me, can I ask you a question?" from right beside me. I turn, and there stands a fifteen-year old in a really odd hat. 

She was, as you can imagine, overjoyed at meeting me. We talked about her nonsensical love of all things Transformers (except the movies- she has issues with the movies) and her appreciation of Batman and how she never could get into Wonder Woman. That led to a conversation about lassoes, and then to a conversation about lassoing horses, and then to a conversation about how cowboys don't lasso horses, they just run after them when they want to catch them. Bless her, she has a small brain. 

So this is a Blog post for Molly. Happy birthday Molly. 

I've been watching some movies lately. I saw The Amazing Spider-Man last week. Not as bad as I'd been led to believe. I quite enjoyed it, in fact. Andrew Garfield didn't have to cry NEARLY as much as Tobey Maguire, and of course Emma Stone is just divine. I could watch her in anything.

The Dark Knight Rises is out now, of course, but I'd already seen that in the cinema. Not perfect, and some of the story just refuses to make any kind of sense, but a fitting end to the trilogy. I am in awe of Christopher Nolan's ability to generate atmosphere, and then use that atmosphere to make the audience dread what is about to happen.

I've been playing games as well. Just finished Hitman: Absolution. Awesome stuff. I want to play it again and not fire a single shot. Now that's a challenge...

I had been playing the new Assassin's Creed game, but got bored.

Dishonored, however, is a game that did not bore me. The thought and the imagination that went into building that world is staggering. Loved it.

Basically, I've been fitting as much as possible into the last few weeks because I think I've started Book 8... It's all very random at the moment, very casual, just writing a few bits and pieces, a few scenes here and there... but yeah... I think I've actually started. I had a look at the plot a few days ago, to remind myself of what's in store. I've already got it planned out to a degree- I did that a week or two after finishing KOTW- and wow. A LOT happens in this book. Like, SERIOUSLY. It's going to take a lot of planning on my part. War is like that. Complicated. Got to remember who's on who's side and where they are and when certain things take place and who's around when certain people DIE HORRIBLY.

Be warned. There will be horror. There will be slaughter. There will be betrayal and hatred and love and there WILL be blood.


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Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I used to think that song was about me....

Like, when I was two or so...


The Grave of a Coward said...

Thank you.
Allow me to make it up to you by singing a song about Dexter Vex.
*steps up to the microphone*
*taps the microphone*
Is this thing on?
*prepares to sing*)

Maralie Lily Charm said...

((It's fine Adra, haha :) ))

((Omg Anni best ship song ever.
Although technically that's about a boat.))

Mara: Adra... *eyes fill with tears* It happened..

Harry: *rubs her back*

Maralie Lily Charm said...

((*hugs Fabibibibibubbles*
I used to think I was Dora the Explorer...))

The Grave of a Coward said...

Where you from, hows it going?
I know you
Gotta clue, what you're doing?
You can play brand new to all the other chicks out here
But I know what you are, what you are, baby

Look at you
Gettin more than just re-up
Baby, you
Got all the puppets with their strings up
Faking like a good one, but I call 'em like I see 'em
I know what you are, what you are, baby

Womanizer, Woman, Womanizer
You're a Womanizer, oh Womanizer oh
You're a Womanizer, baby
You you you are, You you you are
Womanizer, Womanizer, Womanizer (Womanizer)

Boy, don't try to front
I know just what you are
Boy, don't try to front
I know just what you are
You got me goin'
You're oh so charmin'
But I can do it

You got the swagger of champion
Too bad for you
You just cant find the right companion
I guess when you have one too many, makes it hard
It could be easy, who you are
That's just who you are, baby

Must mistake me, you're a sucker
To think that I
Would be a victim not another
Say it, play it how you wanna
But no way I'm ever gonna fall for you, never you, baby

Womanizer, Woman, Womanizer
You're a Womanizer, oh Womanizer oh
You're a Womanizer, baby
You you you are, You you you are
Womanizer, Womanizer, Womanizer

Boy, don't try to front
I know just what you are
Boy, don't try to front
I know just what you are
You got me goin'
You're oh so charmin'
But I can do it
You Womanizer

Boy, don't try to front
I know just what you are
Boy, don't try to front
I know just what you are
You say I'm crazy
I got your crazy
You're nothin' but a

Maybe if we both lived in a different world
(Womanizer, Womanizer, Womanizer, Womanizer)
It would be all good, and maybe I could be your girl, but I can't cause we don't

Womanizer, Woman, Womanizer
You're a Womanizer, oh Womanizer oh
You're a Womanizer, baby
You you you are, you you you are
Womanizer, Womanizer, Womanizer

Boy, don't try to front
I know just what you are
Boy, don't try to front
I know just what you are
You got me goin'
You're oh so charmin'
But I can do it

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*laughs softly watching Ravel catch a few flakes*

Ravel: It feels nice to spend time with you Zaf. *brushes snow from her hair*

Noelle said...

...What happened?

Chione Asahina said...

((A song about Dexter? I'm looking forward to thisssssssssssssss *rubs hands together*))

Chione Asahina said...

*clears throat reminding Ravel that i'm here too*

Anonymous said...

(*is watching the blog from the distance* I'm not sure if I'm here or not... I might be but I'll have to leave in less than an hour, so... yeah...)

Chione Asahina said...

((*Laughs at the song* Hell yes.))

The Grave of a Coward said...

(I already posted it, Chione.

*steps away from the microphone*

Any other requests?)

Maralie Lily Charm said...


Mara: The baby. It's gone..

The Grave of a Coward said...

(*grins at Chione*
Hell yes indeed.)

The Grave of a Coward said...

(*grins at Maralie too*)

Chione Asahina said...

((*tackles Mithria anyway* Chapter 7 part 1 is up Mithriaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ravel: I realize you are here Chione.

You aren't getting that feeling again are you?

Ravel: No, I haven't for a few days. I believe the pattern has shifted so that it will come on and off randomly. But still there, always.

Noelle said...

((ANNI! *hugs*))

(MITH! *huggles* Hi! And okay))


Oh Mara...

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Are there any other requests?
*taps microphone*
Because if not, I'm going to depart.)

Anonymous said...

(*hugs Chi* Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! :D I'll read it immediately!
Hey ADRA! *hugs back*)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Hi Mithria. Haven't seen you in ages.))

((hugs Marararararararalilililily))



Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Chione Asahina said...

((Annika, thanks to you i had to put the song on...))

Anonymous said...

(Fabiiiii! Hey! Well, I wasn't on for ages...)

The Grave of a Coward said...

(*laughs at what Chione said*
That's what I'm here for.)

Maralie Lily Charm said...

((If I had everrythingggg it wouldn't mean a thinggggg))

Mara: Mmm.. *mumbles*

Harry: But, Mara told me that this man called Eritan said that he can find a cure... But we aren't sure if it's too late.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Yeah... How've you been?))


Noelle said...

Is... Are they still hooked up

The Grave of a Coward said...

*taps microphone*

Noelle said...


Chione Asahina said...

((*screams* YES ANNIKA!))

Anonymous said...

(Busy, Fabi... too busy for blogland... And I still am, I'm afraid... I'm at a new school now and everything is kinda harder. I have to work quite hard, that's why I'm not here that often... Yourself?)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((I'm not exactly here......... I've actually been half-ghosting all morning, so sorry I didn't really greet people))


The Grave of a Coward said...


*takes a deep breath*

I put this yummy gummy through a science experiment,
That models what happens to a cell in an environment
That's more watery than the cell is inside,
And what I saw, came as no surprise,

My gummy bear expanded -- quintupled in weight,
My gummy expanded, an increase so great,
So listen up as Mr. W explains this!
It's all about osmosis!

Osmosis is the diffusion of water,
Across a membrane or a water-permeable border.
Diffusing like all molecules in fluid situations,
From higher to lower concentration.

H20 diffusing
See that water oozing
Hypotonic to hypertonic flow
Let's go!

Let's talk about our gummy, in osmotic terms,
Hypotonic, hypertonic, isotonic are the words
You can use to discuss water's watery diffusion,
Learn 'em well, to avoid confusion.

Hypotonic means higher water concentration
And relatively lower solute concentration,
Hypertonic is the opposite --percent of water's less,
With more solute dissolved inside, as you might guess

So let's take these terms and apply them to our gummy bear,
I'm looking at the package, and seeing what it says here,
Each bear is mostly sugar with some other stuff mixed in,
And holding it together is the protein gelatin

So when you put a gummy in a cup of H2O
It's readily apparent that the gummy is so
Hypertonic to the water that it's in,
and the water's hypotonic to our little gummy friend,

And so through osmosis the water will diffuse,
Into the gummy which soon will look so huge,
The mass it gains is water which will infiltrate the gummy,
Which one day later, is looking pretty funny


Next I took this freshwater plant, name is elodea
It lives in lake and ponds never in the salty sea,
In fresh water elodea cells are full and firm,
It's all about osmosis as we're gonna confirm.

See the cells are hypertonic to their watery exterior,
So water will diffuse into the cell's interior,
Expanding the membrane, pushing it against the wall,
In fact you can't see the membrane at all,

But add some salty water so the outside's hypertonic,
And water leaves the hypotonic cells, it's so osmotic!
Membrane leaves the wall, the cells' insides are scrunched.
With the chloroplasts all stuck together in a bunch

That's why at the grocery they always have that mister
The water on the veggies helps to keep them crisper,
Those droplets on the veggies are a hypotonic brew,
osmosis moves the water in, the veggies look brand new.

Dried fruit and beef jerky preservation is osmotic
Their low water content makes the dry food hypertonic
So any germs or molds that fall upon them lose their water
And die and don't contaminate the dried food in the larder


Animal cells, in situation hypertonic
Lose their water, shrink and shrivel look so sick
But an animal cell in hypotonic abode
Gains water and expands, eventually explodes

'Cause animals cells lack a wall, of course
So nothing pushes back at the osmotic force,
Water flows from hypotonic to the hypertonic cell,
Which bursts cause the membrane can't stop the swell,

If you want to keep a frog heart outside a body beating,
An isotonic fluid, is what you'll be needing,
Water concentration's same on each side of the cell,
No gain or loss of water, the cell's feel so swell

And this paramecium which lives in ponds and lakes
Constantly fights osmotic water uptake,
The contractile vacuole's a pumping adaptation
To deal with this osmotic situation!


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((I've been busy as well, but I think I'd have exploded without this place, so...))


Maralie Lily Charm said...

((Ducktape was that comment for me or))

Star Inkbright said...


I am BACK!

@Mara: Like every other Bloglandian, including you. :) *hugs*

*waves to the people who arrived*

@Adra: I'm not saying who I wrote first. :)
. . . Actually, I'm even not 100% sure I remember. :P

And you know when you're in a mood where you just don't care?

I might be in that mood.

Or I might be upset, idk.

I'm deciding I'm not upset. Because then, in theory, I'm less likely to be.

"You come on like a bloodstained hurricane." I've always really liked that line.
But not as much as this one - "So can you tell me what exactly does freedom mean
If I'm not free to be as twisted as I wanna be?"

Because that's my favourite Disturbed quote.

And in physics I kept saying "To find the time is to lose the momentum" because momentum.

Ahaha, I have fun things to reference to in science . . .

ANNIIIIIIII in science we had to cut a piece of paper into sixteen squares and then write a key word on each of the squares. Then he told us we had to put the squares in a 4x4 grid with each key word being linked to every one surrounding it.
We were saying things like (to link amino acids and glucose) "Amino acids are a type of acid, and in anaerobic respiration in animals, glucose goes to lactic acid, which is also a type of acids."
But you see
osmosis was a really awkward word
and it didn't really go with anything
and my friend was getting exasperated at its uselessness
and I was like

And I was correct, beacsue I am always correct, because I am a bubble. *is a bubble*


Chione Asahina said...


Noelle said...

((Yes Mara and



so i ship two of my teachers
and my friend starts writing fanfics as i do fan art
and we're afraid of being dyknowed which is where teachers can look at your tablet screen

and im crying))

Noelle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Grave of a Coward said...


Star Inkbright said...


@Anni: OSMOSIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)




Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: *laughs* XD


Noelle said...

((Tadra doe))

Star Inkbright said...

Gosh, my German teacher can't even flipping use punctuation correctly when she's writing in English. *facepalm* When she puts our homework on the online site, she never uses capital letters.

How the fuck is she meant to be teaching us another language when she doesn't even know her own?


Maralie Lily Charm said...

((oh my God Anni))

((Adra what exactly do you mean by "hooked up"?))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(*isnt really shipped but nods*

The Grave of a Coward said...


Noelle said...



Maralie Lily Charm said...


well couldn't you have said that first))

Mara: I... yeah.

Star Inkbright said...

@Zaf: As I was just saying . . . half an hour ago . . . so not 'just' saying . . . is that today, I was writing ship names in my mini whiteboard, and I was stuck on you because you have loads of ships and I was like errrr what do I write here?

So it's hard to ship you without being disloyal.

And I'll have you know, part of my devastation when Niccolò was torturing Zaf because od Nafira. :)


Noelle said...

((I msd though))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*closes eyes laying against Ravel*

Ravel: hey you alright Zaf?

Just tired

Ravel: *realizes she isn't even shivering from the snow* Oh dear...

Star Inkbright said...



The Grave of a Coward said...


Noelle said...

Okay- this can work then.

((It's like Star never saw my revelation. The only thing that freaks me out is that Ari never writes a happy ending...))

Star Inkbright said...

((Zafffffff!!! D:))


The Grave of a Coward said...

(Star, did you read the new Superfluous?)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Awww :) I see it is hard to ship me...honestly I'm happy with whoever people ship Zaf with...I didn't think anyone shipped Nafira)

Star Inkbright said...

((What, Adra?))



((Oh. Well, I didn't go on about that because a) I wasn't there at the time and b) I was yaying about that, and then more stuff happened, and then I got really angry and was taking my mind off it. :) And then obviously my mind was taken away.

But, assuming you mean the thingy, THAT'S AMAZING. :) :) :) *fingers crossed*

And it's really great to see Niccolò functioning purposefully again. :) I've missed him.

Well done, Adra! :)



Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(That's my fear is someone is gonna die, Nic is gonna die because she never ends things happily, either that or Ari will die which wouldl totally be more devastating because Nic's obsession over her. And I'd laugh. )

Noelle said...

((I'm pretty sure you'd cry, actually...

But I hope this works. I couldn't sleep last night, I was so excited.))

Maralie Lily Charm said...


Mara: *looks up* .. Really?

Star Inkbright said...

((@Anni: No. I'm not going to read any blogs until after my German. That include yours, Chione's, and people's Namelesses, and Dragona's blog if he posts anything, plus anything else that might come up. I only extended that sentence to show I was being fair. Sorry. :) I do want to read stuff, but if you read something, you have to read everything, and then before you know it isn't midnight and you're like where DID the time go.

*is being reminded of something as I type that* *is frowning as I type, trying to work out what it is* *realises it's Skulduggery talking about murdering people when he's being Detective Inspector Me and grins*

Ahaha, that was funny. :)
*almost goes and read it*

*hits self on head because homework*


The Grave of a Coward said...

(Ah. I see. Well, no hard feelings, Star. After all, I've already traumatized Adra with it, and that means it has been a good day.
*nods solemnly*)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ravel: Zaf, are you cold?

Not really.

Ravel: Right...*keeps her close to self*

*is asleep after a while*

Ravel: I need someone good at healing...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(I'm far from excited, I dread it. I actually am not wanting to be on because of it because I know it will cause something to happen. I wish it wasn't happening and you'd leave Nic alone. )

Star Inkbright said...

@Zaf: I don't necessarily ship Nafira. I mean . . . you know how I'm a person who often sits on the wall in arguments? I feel guilty if I'm being mean to one side, so it's hard for me to ship Nafira because Nikola Tesla was there first, but I do ship it to some extent, and I think it's hard to explain why it's horrible to have Niccolò torturing Zaf (other than the obvious reasons) because Nafira, mostly because I don't wholey get it myself, but it is. Um . . . that explained nothing. Sorry. If you don't understand any of that, that's fine. :)


Chione Asahina said...

*stops the snow over them*

What's wrong Ravel...?
Will i go get Adra?

Noelle said...

Of course....
*she points upstairs* The experts can work on it with you

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((I wish...))


Anonymous said...

(Um... I think I'll be gone now... See you guys!)

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Yes, I should egress as well. Good-day!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ravel: something is up. Zaf should be cold. She should be but she isn't. I don't know if her body simply is too weak to fight infection....I don't. But I know she isn't healthy.

Star Inkbright said...

@Zaf: But Niccolo's so HAPPY now. And he's so focused and has so much purpose. And HUnter believes in hope and living in the present, and I couldn't bear to put a stop to it because then you'd crush Niccolò and I hate crushing. And I really want to support it and I really hope Adra's idea succeeds. And if it DID . . . :) That would be amazing.

I was about to state that if it went wrong, I would cry, but the phrase "I would cry" is pretty much worthless now for me because I cry so often . . . this girl who wasn't in my German class was saying to me in art "Didn't you have a panic attack in a lesson the other day?" *facepalm*
So how about - "I will be genuinely devastated" if anything goes wrong.

Because I really will. D:

Crushing is one of the feels that crushes me the most.



*zooms off*

*minimises tab*


Maralie Lily Charm said...

Mara: *looks at Harry*

Harry: I... I'll wait outside.

Mara: Okay. *glances at Adra* *goes upstairs*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Hapoy for what? To ruin who he is? That's what Adra is doing. I'm scared to use Aro for fear I'll get yelled at for interfering with the stupid idea. Which frustrates me because Mevolent would use Nic to terroize everyone aand all but now with Adra running in with a plot I feel I can't do what I was)

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Wow. Y'all are getting so upset over the recent developments with Hunter and Niccolo, and I barely "know" them at all.
I know they've been here much longer than I have, but . . .
Is Precocious's storyline interesting at all?
*looks concerned*
I don't really want to compete, per say, but I do hope that people would care what happens to her.)

Chione Asahina said...

I'll go to Adra.

*jumps out the window and rides her ice path to Adra's lab*

*knocks the door*

Chione Asahina said...

((Annika i care, i was RPing with you yesterday D:))

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Yes, I remember that. That was fun!
*offers Chione a raspberry scone*)

Maralie Lily Charm said...

((I care Anni! *hugs*))

Chione Asahina said...

((Oooooo *Takes it* Thank you ^.^ *Eats happily*))

Star Inkbright said...

Not Hunter. Nobody cares about that. Well, I think Hunter and Ez care rather a lot, and I care in an annoyed WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIVES DAMMIT HUNTER way, it's just I tend to state his views rather than my own, sometimes, because I feel a way and then realise that that's because he thinks something, rather than me. :P
And - your roleplay is AMAZING. :) I do care. I do care. I have stated this. Your roleplay is brilliant. :) It's very interesting. Sometimes I don't even know how the hell I got drawn into caring about this, because if I distance myself it doesn't seem to make much sense, and that's part of what's brilliant. :) Also, it's so different and unique and that's cool.

A lot of the roleplays are awesome. :)

@Zaf: Don't you dare. The reason I will be so mad at you and genuinely upset if you wreck it is because you're essentially doing what we fear Ari will do - crushing the hope when Niccolò has a chance this time, a genuine chance. He could get somewhere. He never thought he has before, and know he does, and whoever crushes that - I will be so mad. I swear.
I'm getting emotional now, so . . . *backs away from anger and upset slowly*


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Anni, I read as much as I can of all the plotlines.))

((Your storylines are brilliant.))

((Also, I haven't met Hunter, so it's not anything to do with knowing anyone longer.))


Chione Asahina said...

((*hugs Annkia* I care about all of you.))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(I do care even thiugh I wasnt totes part of the plot)

Star Inkbright said...

@Zaf: Oh, and I'm not angry and upset at YOU, exactly. It's just . . . this hope Niccolò has is like a delicate ice sculpture. It's so easily broken or melted, and I really very protective of it. :)


The Grave of a Coward said...

(Awh. People like me.
*smiles happily*
*eats a raspberry scone*)

Star Inkbright said...

((@Zaf: Lol, I'm never involved in any of the plots. XD

And then I sort of was.

And then Hunter went off and did something else and totally excluded me again.

I swear, he's so annoying sometimes. XD


Chione Asahina said...

((yesh, we really really do Annika ^.^))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(I'm not hopeful. Ari never writes happy endings. The only thing I want to do is find a way to seperate John Smith from the other names because he's someone who Zaf cares for and if the names have a shot to be free in a way...Zaf would pick him to help. If that makes sense I mean she just knows he deserves to be free from the other names but yeah...she'd willingly let him be with her name but it probably wouldn't work...)

The Grave of a Coward said...

*hugs everyone*
*nearly suffocates*)

Star Inkbright said...

*translates, with more difficulty as I'm hampered by the fact that is a site primarily for English, French and Spanish and doesn't have very extensive German translations, the work Miss wrote for me last lesson because I think she finally noticed that fact I wasn't really in a state to work (emotional breakdown, remember?)*

*discovers she has said that I go in our caravan, without stating who the 'our' is*


*changes it to me and my family, as it's both more high-level and makes more sense*

*so HA, take that*

Sorry, I might be constantly updating you with German-related anger. I really dislike my German teacher . . . :P


Star Inkbright said...

@Zaf: :( I think it's always going to have an unhappy ending now. I mean, if nothing happens and Niccolò continues as he is, that's an unhappy ending as well, with all those poor names in poor him.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Do you think my request is possible? I mean Nic probably would agree if I asked because John likes me as it it isn't like he'd be with sadistic killers he'd be with Justaria and she's calm and plus the person who he likes he could talk to...I mean it isn't hard for Zaf to learn to use Nic's discipline I would need a memory or to see him do it but its up to him and Ari which its probably impossible but I just feel obligated to do that for John if you can seperate him from the others)

Maralie Lily Charm said...

I think Adra poofed haha

Star Inkbright said...

@Zaf: I think what they're trying to do is immensely complicated and unlikely anyway, so I think you might as well ask, and I think it'd be a cool plot to have. :)


Star Inkbright said...

@Mara: I think she might have done. :P


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(I do too I know my character can handle 2 names especially as John isn't insane he's ordinary and Zaf can handle that as I doubt he'll be a problem for her she does't care what magic he has its who he is

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Mara, I see why you like 1D I have heard SOML and What Makes You Beautiful. Not bad. Catchy actually

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...






Maralie Lily Charm said...

Thanks, Zaf. *hugs*

Noelle said...

((I'm sorry! My class started. It's nearly finished.))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(*hugs back* course. I just thought you should know)

Star Inkbright said...

@Zaf: They aren't bad. :) *kills urge to say that in French*

Sorry I poofed - my mum was hovering. *kills urge to say THAT in French*


Noelle said...

*the other alchemists wait for Mara*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Hey Adra can I bring down Javier or someone to ask about Zaf? I think Chione poofed.)

Noelle said...

((Well duh of course :3))

Star Inkbright said...


Sorry. Blame autocorrect.

*laughs* I'm trying to translate 'should' in this German dictionary I found and it's giving me a translation for 'Thou shalt not kill.' :P


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: *goes down to the lab and knocks* Adra look Ravel just figured something out that is not good

Noelle said...

What? What is it?

Maralie Lily Charm said...

((Oh sorry haha))

*walks into the room* Uhm, hi..

Chione Asahina said...

((Nooo Zaf))

*looks at Javier, I've been here waiting for Adra to answer*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: Well she had a fever so Chione cooled her down and she was messing around and laughing. Now Chione made it snow on Olivia and Ravel and they showed signs that it was cold...she then did it to Zaf and Zaf was acting like she was fine and Ravel was holding her and realized she wasn't even shivering. He came to the conclusion she must have caught something but she's too weak to actually fight it off so its making it worse.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Sorry I kinda thought you poofed so I just...well you can talk Javier just is anxious)

Chione Asahina said...

*turns to Adra*

Truthfully I didn't notice anything was wrong, it was Ravel, her temperature was fine...

Noelle said...

*Tzipora smiles* Hey there friend! Er... So... I heard what happened. I can save the baby. Don't worry.

*she pulls Mara to the table* Lay down.

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

Omg Guys
My blogversary is in 4 days and THIS IS THE POST THAT I FIRST COMMENTED ON O.O

Maralie Lily Charm said...

*lies down* Thank you... *smiles weakly*

Noelle said...


*she pauses*

Why the hell would you make her cold! You never do that unless someone has hyperthermia...

Jesus, she could have pneumonia or something now. Bring her into the treehouse and let me get my things and I'll be there in a minute, okay?

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

And also

Maralie Lily Charm said...

((Omg Jubi! *hugs* :oooooo))

Chione Asahina said...

((That's freaky Jubi))

Noelle said...

((OMG JUBI! *huggles* YAYYA!!))

*the alchemists circle around her*

*Tzipora tentatively pulls Mara's shirt up so her belly is exposed*
*she nods*

Okay. Let's get this show on the road. *she hands Mara two different vials of blood*

Chione Asahina said...

No, Adra she was boiling hot and had a fever... I just got her back to normal temperature...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: She's in the treehouse already Ravel has her she's asleep.

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

I still can't get over how stupid I sounded when I first came on...

oh and also


Maralie Lily Charm said...

*takes vials* Ahm... what do I do with these? *laughs uneasily*

Chione Asahina said...

*turns slowly and walks out glancing at Javier then making her way back to the treehouse*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I love Liz Herald so much. In a wow-she's-really-easy-to-write-and-complements/contrasts-the-other-characters-so-nicely.


Noelle said...

Tzipora: *smiles* They'll help heal the baby. It's okay to use them. *she nods*

Adra: alright... Well. Have you checked her temperature again!?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Happy Jubi-day to you!


I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

FABIO!! *Supermegatacklehugsofdoom*
Hai :3

Star Inkbright said...

YAY JUBI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :)

@Lantern: Yay! :)

*is maybe here now*

*oh wait*

*maybe not*


Maralie Lily Charm said...

Mara: Okay. Right.

((Dammit msd and probably wbd too studying :/))

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

Why fankyoo :3

... I just realized that I came on when it was Dec. 6th in Blogland time but it was really Dec. 5th in MY time...
So TECHNICHALLY it's 3 days NOT 4 till my blogversary

Maralie Lily Charm said...

((*hugs Fabibibibibibubbles*

I tell her to speak up, tell her to shout out...
The Little Me video is coming out soon!:) ))

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...



Star Inkbright said...

Oh the shiny side, my next task is to highlight a load of good phrases from vocab sheets and then stick said vocab sheets in!

. . . On the less shiny side, at the time, I was so angry at being handed vocab sheets and being told that these were basically the key to our success and all we had to do was memorise all of it that I had my worst emotional breakdown yet!

*tries not to think about it*


I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

FANKYOO STARRRR *supermegatacklehugsofdoom*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((:'D [hugs Maralililililyy]))

((I referenced that song in my Parallel Fabi short story because Mireille :') ))


Noelle said...


*Tzipora nods, and carefully draws a little symbol on Mara's belly, before closing her eyes, letting herself be pulled into the Afterlife*

((...right, Meera? Yeah? Retrieving souls yay))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: Ravel said she felt very hot he didn't do an exact but he said he could feel heat radiate which isn't like her, she usually feels cool to the touch we joke its the inner Necromancer

Star Inkbright said...

@Lantern: I saw that reference. :) :) Awesomenessle.

*is supermegatacklehugsofdoomed* :) :) :)


Noelle said...

Okay... It might be Hyperthermia. I have a vaccine

(Zaf, do you actually have a set idea of what she has...?)

Star Inkbright said...

*is taking interest in the roleplay, just not participating or anything*


Noelle said...

((Hey Staralar))

Maralie Lily Charm said...

(( *hugs Fabi* Little Mix :') ))

*closes her eyes*

((Yep Adraaaa haha))

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

*joins Star in the non-participate-y-ness* :)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(To be honest? Nope! Zaf kinda threw this on me. If what I understand which is little, some of what Nic did infect her with is infecting her again. )

Javier: well its worrying and Ravel's closest with her

Noelle said...

*Tzipora stands in a white space*
*she looks around*


*calls out* child!

Noelle said...


Right. *she grabs a hyperthermic needle* Give that to her, okay? *gets a few other herbs* Put those in tea. They'll bring her temperature down a bit

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: I shall. *goes up and gives her the needle and makes the tea*

Chione Asahina said...

*gets to the tree house and stares blankly at Zafira*

Noelle said...

*she shuts her door, not wanting a cold draft to get in and stretches, pulling out a pen and drawing on the backs of her hands, symbols*
*she pulls her hair back into a bun*
*yawns a little, downing another cup of strong coffee* *sits down and gets to work again under her table lamp*

Maralie Lily Charm said...

((Dammit sorry um))

((Adra what do I do omfg what does a baby do "goo goo" or something jfc I'm stupid))

Chione Asahina said...

*she creates a bunch of flowers in a vase and sits them next to her*

Star Inkbright said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Star Inkbright said...

Sorry, doing homework and my mum keeps hoovering.

*happily listening to Device*

When you vilify
You begin to nullify
Everything that we've ever done
You're fucking with my head!
As you vilify
All I've ever given
I don't wanna fall apart anymore
I want to end it right NOW!
When you vilify
I start to ponder
Every battle ever fought, every thought
Imploding in my head!
If you vilify
It's a bitter pill that I
Will force you devour enough
Why don't we end it right NOW?


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*wakes at the needle* Woah owe

Javier: sorry please drink the tea Zaffy

*mutters drinking*

Noelle said...

(Jesus Mara MEVERMIND I got it lol :3))

*Tzipora sees a small glowing light, the color of silk, radiating a small light as it daily floats, emitting peace**she smiles, holding her hand out and lifting it into her arms before walking to her circle and stepping through*
*She opens her eyes to be seen by Mara, as the symbol on her belly glows red*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I will never, ever, ever be an eggplant


Noelle said...

*Kerra makes Mara drink the damn potion*

Chione Asahina said...

*sits silently watching Zafira drink the tea feeling horrible*

Noelle said...

((Wise words, Fabi))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*looks at Chione* I'm alright....I'm okay. *lays head against Ravel*

Ravel: I got you

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

It's ok Fabi
we all have our dreams and hopes
and they are only there to be BRUTALLY CRUSHED BY REALITY.

And then live happily ever after :) *nods*

Noelle said...

*she yawns, getting restless and sets up a tack board by her fireplace, pacing back and forth by the couches, after having pinned things*


Maralie Lily Charm said...

((Well then))


*drinks the damn potion*

*wonders why did god make me this way*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Jubi-bean, you're awesome. [hugs]


Chione Asahina said...

You're not alright Zafira... this is my fault... I was trying to make you and your family happy but I made your illness worse... *tears up*

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

*laughs and hugs back* Thanks Fabi :)

Noelle said...

*the symbol stops glowing and immediately, Kerra pulls out a stethoscope, listening very intently*

*She suddenly grins broadly, a full row of teeth showing* *She says something in her Amazonian language*

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

I gtg :(


Noelle said...

((Bye Jubi!!!!))

Star Inkbright said...

'broken' in German is 'kaputt'. *giggles*

That's such a good word for it. :)

I love the word broken, though. :)


Noelle said...

(*nods at Star's wise words*

I translated something in Arabic to show Red how much I knew.
Granted, it was simple, but


Maralie Lily Charm said...

*looks up at Kerra* Is... Does that mean.. It's okay?

Maralie Lily Charm said...


Star Inkbright said...

*waves to people* I think I'm here now!

But I need to listen to this song, because it's sung my Device's (and Disturbed's, they're the same person) vocalist and Avenged Sevenfold's vocalist.

Little gets better than that. :)

I found a picture on one of the videos of them with their arms around each other.

It's amazing.


Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: Yay! :)


Star Inkbright said...



Chione Asahina said...

((I love it too Star, it's funny and I love saying it))

Maralie Lily Charm said...

((I dedicate to Little Mix. Because perfection.

And I dedicate to Luci.
And my boys ofc.
And my *cough*fiancée*cough* Izzy
Okay that's it))

Star Inkbright said...

@Chione: Yay! :) *hugs*


Star Inkbright said...

@Mara: Yaaaaaay! :)


what fiancée



Noelle said...

((*raises glass* Hear hear!))

*The other alchemists smile at what Kerra said*

Tzipora: Of course h- they are. *she nods*

Star Inkbright said...

*points* Like I said, little gets better than that.

That's M. Shadows from Avenged Sevenfold on the left and David Draiman from Disturbed on the right.


Star Inkbright said...

((@Adra: WHAT?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????



Maralie Lily Charm said...

((Star - hahaha it's my instagram friend omg we're engaged apparently and little mix and one direction and tich are coming to our wedding XD))

*eyes widen* T-They?

Noelle said...


Star Inkbright said...

((@Mara: Um. Congratulations? :P
*hugs* :) :) :)))


Noelle said...

((What? Oh. Okay. COol. Mara's having twins now...

I mean, I wanted to stay neutral with the baby name... Oops. That came out wrong. But SURE! YEAH! I WOULD FANGIRL))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Sorry i back

Ravel damn it I feel crappy

Ravel: I know

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: Nope. :P


Noelle said...

*Tzipora takes a step back* Umm

Noelle said...

((Dammit Star :P))

Star Inkbright said...

Wb Zaf! :)


Chione Asahina said...

*doesn't look at Zafira*

It's all my fault...

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