Ah, my Minions...
As some of you are aware, KOTW was released early in some parts of the UK. Mistakes were made, I am told, and by the time news got out, it was already too late to do anything. Our official release date had been breached.
I was told all about it. I shrugged. Hey. It happens.
While this tends to mean very little for the overall sales of the book- the same amount of people are going to buy it, after all- it CAN mean that a new book doesn't get to rise as high in the book charts as it otherwise would have, and so doesn't get discussed in the media, and so more people aren't made aware of it...
For example, if a thousand people intend to buy a book the first week it's out, then a thousand sales will move it to a certain spot in the chart. But if five hundred of those people manage to buy the book a week EARLIER, then those sales are spread out over two weeks, and so it doesn't reach as high.
A breached release date can mean the difference between a best-selling book and a NUMBER ONE best-selling book, which is what all publishers are looking for.
Me personally? I'm not OVERLY bothered. Death Bringer was a number one bestseller last year in the UK and Ireland, and that's enough for me. Like I said, I wasn't too fussed at the idea that a few thousand books has been sold before the release date. So what if I didn't reach number one twice in a row? Did I really care? Nope, I didn't.
Which doesn't mean I wasn't utterly delighted by the news today that DESPITE a breached release date, KOTW is now the number one book for young adults in the UK- so thank you, Minions! (I haven't been told how we're doing in Ireland yet, so I'll hold off my extra-wide grin for THAT moment...)
The reader reaction to KOTW has been wonderful. I know a lot of you were stunned by certain events- of which you are free to talk about in the Spoiler Zone post below- and I know some of you would have quite liked to throttle me upon closing the book, so I want to thank you for investing so much of your faith and emotion in these characters. All I can say is: prepare yourself. You have, I assure you, seen NOTHING yet.
And speaking of the final installments, here's a link to a short thingy I wrote for the Tesco website...
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
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«Oldest ‹Older 1201 – 1400 of 4912 Newer› Newest»Cya!
Well, they might just be an American thing. But, I can basically get than at grocery stores, pharmacy's, y'know, the works.
*waves frantically*
I don't understand that stuff, If you can't hunt it, then I guess I'm going to have to live without it
Mbd, working on my story.
I'm not entirely sure if you're serious or not...
are you serious?
I'm always serious. I dont have the imagination to not be serious.
Um ok. But you have written stories. Writing requires imagination.
But they... they stink like moose dung.
Not true. And you created Thrust2Ominous
I did, but Lynx made him my relfection. Anyway I'm trying to get funnyier. But oh crud I gotta go.
But basically camp affected me in ways I didn't like.
Bye! See you at some point in the soon-to-be-now!
Anyone here?
Whats gonna happen? tell us
HELLO! *jumps across EVERYTHING*
DEREK. Please, go visit Em in hospital. It's in Ireland, it wouldn't be far!!!! Your presence could save her life!!!!!! Please. Don't think it's unfair because you can't come see every minion - these are special circumstances so PLEASE go amd see her. Please.
I gtg now. :( Bb in eight hours. No, wait, nine. Fours.
STAR! That's an excellent idea!
Eve, why don't you just call me Sky or something...?
Hey, Star need to ask you something. You'll have to be a later character in the story, so do you have any requirments and what are your powers? (Remember, you let me use your name in the story) :D
Hey everyone.
God, all I can think about is em...
Can someone look at my new blog Drenched in Ink, please? It has the first chapter of a Skulduggery based story. Please! LOOK!!!! *makes puppy dog eyes*
Derek, visit her in hospital PLEASE!!! If you think it's unfair to your other minions - were all begging you to. We don't care. And anyone who knows em would want you to go to her in hospital too.
I know her condition isn't actually usually fatal, with what's been going on with her... It probably is now. Please. You visiting her - it might save her LIFE.
Whats happened to Em?
Whats happened to her? Why is she in hospital?
What mistakes??? Oh, I MISSED THE BALL, I AM SOOOOO ANNOYED RDS *DFyiaD YAGD asG AHGD FYI!!! I was away!! And there was no internet! cFG YTzfgytasrdY7I!!
Long story...
Basically she had a lung disease called PAP and it is very bad. She had two operations a few weeks ago, but yesterday had to be taken back to hoplspital because her stitches had become infected and some had split. Now she has to have a bit of her infected lung removed - and her lungs are bleeding, and all kinds of bad things. Her bf Chase keeps us updated and is at the hospital (or was at least) worried sick. AND he has canser, too.
Heyheyeheyehey, watch this video. This guy is in my class,and am one of the four people that he mentions, the one on the winning side!!
Oh, and if you look at the comments, I am Vena. Oh, I only just the comments about Em, sorry for the link and being so not caring!
My thoughts are with Em.
Hi harmony. * about to bear hug, but too worried not to *
Hey, how many people are actually still online now??
Or bye harmony instead, eitherss cool
All alone.......
I think..
* starts whistling *
* starts humming *
* starts singing *
Kids need us
To come together
We can make them better,
We can get them some feta
Feel inside, and stuff like that,
Open up the lid, helpa helpa helpa the kids!!
Okay, i'm back
Heh. Look it up on YouTube....
Feel inside (and stuff like that) by flight I the conchords.'you want the long version.
Though, you might not get all the jokes...
It's called NZ humor, where our country is small enoug to all be in on the joke. We only have 4million peps....
Why has Derek used AUSTRALIA in the books but not NZ!!! It's not even mentioned!! ONCE!!!
Aussie isn't THAT great...
There are children who are so unwell
they have to live their lives in hospital
their feeling lospital
Yay!! Harmony!! I can stop talking to myself now.....
:D yes!!!!!
Are you or no??
Hey, I am a kiwi!!!! Ha, Aussie aren't as cool as us! We rock!!!
And of course I will get the jokes
i watched the interviews
Children, gettin sicker
Drinking too much bubble mixture
They all just wanna be bubbles
We all just wanna be bubbles
Lol, we all just wanna be bubbles..
:D good!! Another kiwi!!!
There must be something we can do
to stop these kids from doing spews!
Feel inside, and stuff like that...
I am so happy when I stumble across a fellow kiwi.. Are you in the North island or south??
I am watching the interviews again again again
He. The prime minister gets money from the queen. The queen gets money from the bank. The bank gets money from the prime minister
Te craziest financial system I've ever seen....
The interviews are sooo funny ad CUTE TOO!!
I'm from the north, you?
Sorry if I sound like a stalker
Oh North. I am in Auckland.....
Nooo way you don't at all.
Besides, I don't mind giving out my city but I'd never give out my full adress online anyway
I'm in Wellington :)
Wet, wild, windy Wellington...
Morning magical beings
Sorry, I vanished..
Oh Wellington. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL and I would never give away my address either or ask for one
Hey Chase.
How's things going??
The little girl who say: the kids cannot do there hip-hop anymore is soooo funny! my sister was like that..
As in, with everything... That's been happening....
And how the little boy randomly says 21.
Yea so cute too!!!
Well I'm knackered.
No change this morning though her heart is doing a bit better now it's not working double time.
A million, and hundred, and ten, and twenty one dollars....
What was wrong with her heart!!?
...and we can get that money by either robbing robbers, or getting everyone's teeth and putting them in a bowl for the tooth fairy (in a bowl....... In a bowl..... A giant BOWL!!!)
John stop blowing all your money on couches :D
Oh. Am I alone again!?
It looks like it...
Now I'm bored..........
And you don't want to see me when I'm bored.
Her heart stopped last night during a procedure so they had to put her on the ventilator and monitor it over night.
If her heart is strong enough come this afternoon she might be able to start the process for getting her artificial lung.
Oh and guys, it's a brilliant suggestion asking Derek to visit but Em basically has no immune system at the moment. It would be too dangerous for her.
Even I'm sitting in a separate room.
I go crazy.
Oh, poor, poor, POOR em!!!!!!!!!
I just can't believe it....
It's too awful. It must be worse for you, Chase, too. * mightily worried, sad, depressed *
If I get #1 comment on next page I am so dedicatin to em and you too :D
Why does reality have to be so... unfair.
All I want is for her to get better.
Nothing else in the world matters to me right now.
Yes. I know.
Actualy, I don't. I myself har never bee through that sort p thing before. I can only imagine what it would be like * sighs * so unfair.
When you can talk to em again, let her know that we all REALLY just want her to get better as quickly as possible. And, (if there's a chance of her dying) that we'd all practically die too. So get better please.
Life is so unfair.
It makes me appreciate how lucky all of us are, the ones who are healthy and well.
I will but I don't know when she will be awake again.
Hey guys, if you really want Derek to do something for Em.
He could email her.
Read her story.
Just little things like that.
As I said, she has no immune system at the minute so she can't have any visitors cause it will be too dangerous for her.
Wow, I have been not here.
Mwahahaha. WE SHALL SPAM DEREK! Mwahahahahaha!
Hello, by the way.
Lol I think spamming if appropriate at this time
Hi Chase, we have not met, but you can probably tell that I know about Em. I hope that she gets better.
Thank you Harmony, it means a lot
*hugs Harmony* Glad to meet you by the way lol
DEREK! E-mail Em AND read Dublin Daes!
You never hugged me Chase... *jumphugs*
*gets down*
I have to go, bye!
*shocked expression*
That's a disgrace on my part Helena
*hugs Helena*
*dances around chanting*
Brave Chase hugged me! Brave Chase hugged me!
Brave Chase?? lol
Please, I'm a survivor that's all.
*Hugs Chase back* I love give people that you have only just met a hug day!
See you Harmony!
You're brave because you fight for Em and you share her pain.
I love the girl.
As do we all. Just not as much as you.
I have to... CHEMERALD!
Lol there is that weird chanting again lol
Would you like me to explain it...?
Chase, why do you make me cry? I'm literally crying right now.
No I know what it is lol I'm only messing
*hugs Helena*
Why are you crying sweets?
*is still crying* Hello L.
*sniffs* My suggestion is to check your e-mail Chase.
Heya Lu!
Oh... Helena
Don't cry.
*wipes away tears* I feel like reading that again and that feeling is overcoming my want to not cry.
If that makes sense...
*smiles* It's so sweet.
Lol why do you want to read it again?
It's just gibberish... I'm still half asleep lol
Wow! That's brilliant, aha.
And that Tesco thing is interesting, to say the least.
Hello! It's been a long time since I've been on. Sorry, school's been a bit of a bother but how are all of you?
Well, I'm crying... Again...
Chase, it's so heartfelt, touching and amazing. I think it's restored my faith in humanity and managed to get me to overcome my phobia at the same time.
Whoops, need to change my picture back...
What's the situation with Em? Reading back over comments to check.
I have to head for a while lads, I'll be back on later and I'll let you know if anything happens ok?
Okay Chase! *hugs* I hope you read my comment just before... And thank you!
Bye, anyone that left! (:
Hey everyone.
I'm back.
Hey Phoebe.
Wow... But Em will pull through; she's amazing, she has to.
My thoughts are with her.
Maybe Derek could, like, dedicate a blog post to em or something.im sure she'd like that, when she's awake and all better :)
Hello Phoebe! *hugs*
I'm not going to say anything on the subject of Em. After my cousin and my best friend...And after what happened on Chatzy.
I just hope you all realise that Em isn't the only Minion in hospital. My best friend's friend is in hospital and he spends the majority of time there.
My point here is, there's always going to be pain and grief. I'm not saying you shouldn't have your thoughts with people or that you should forget about it, I just think you need to try to smile and be happy about things. No matter how bad things can get, if you can smile then things are so much better. :3
Good point, Luce. Hope that your friend is faring alright, as well.
Right, msd. Chest pains and everything, again..
At least I know there's nothing wrong with my heart. (':
So how's everyone?
I'm gonna say something Lu and I hope you understand it.
I'm not coming on and trying to boost Em into the limelight. I just want you guys to keep updated with her situation.
I know about other people in hospital,it's a daily occurrence, sure if Em hadn't been brought in, I would have been in at least 3 times this week alone.
And what happened with regards Chatzy, she's had the infection since Friday. She would have been in a lot of pain and not thinking in a clear mind. So I hope you understand that.
I want you to know that you have just as much support on here from everyone as much as they support Em. And I hope your doing well. I'm thinking of you.
Afternoon magical beings.
Afternoon brave Chase.
Helena... what did I say about the brave Chase thing lol
No need for it.
Bye Chase! :)
I WANT to. And I can do what I want.
Oh wait. Are you saying hi or bye?
I'll just say Good Evening :P
And say what I want.
Oooh touchy lol
Saying hi Eve
It's a compliment, you should be happy.
I know
I just don't like the fuss to be honest lol
Hi guys!
Anyone here?
Sorry Kes, I am here just going through emails and that.
Ok. Is Em getting any better?
I hope you feel better. We all love you so so so so so much. You are one of the nicest, most caring, and funniest people I have ever met. You were one of the first people I met on here, and it is because of you that I decided to stay. I am crying for you, and I am praying for one of the first times in my life. Please get better. I know that you can't control it, but please, Em, think positive. Even if you never come on and I never talk to you again, please know that if you get better I will be indescribably happy.
Kestrel LeStarre
Can you give/read this to her when she is well enough to listen and have you in the room?
She's still pretty much the same. She is still on the ventilator but they are now doing tests to get her ready for the artificial lung
Thanks. So they got her heart working again? That's good...
I gtg, thanks, and bye.
*laughs* I've been in and out of the doctors and hospital for a couple of days.
No-one has asked me how I've been holding up.
I wake up every night not being make to breathe and crying. Sometimes even screaming. But no-one asks me how I've been holding up.
I've not been saying anything because no-one cares.
You don't know how horrible it is to need help and support but everyone you think you can go to being busy with someone else.
I put so much fricking time and effort into you guys and helping you all out. And when I try to help someone else I get made to look horrible.
I know Em might have problems. But none of you seem to see anyone else. There are so many people here, in Blogland alone, that need help.
I'm sorry, but I've got bigger problems to deal with. At least Em has lived some of her life. Unlike most people I know and love...
In regards to what happened on Chatzy, that made me even worse than I've been in a long time. None of you have been helping me or showing that you care. Or even asking if I'm okay.
I know I'll get hate for this, but I'm terrified, in pain, lost and alone. The people I once thought I could turn to won't help me...I'm on my own and I just thought it'd be worth telling you all how much it fricking hurts.
So, yeah, fuss over Em. Because the world revolves around her.
Not the rest of us that need help or even a little smile.
It's probably best for me to leave, I guess. You're all going to hate me after this, after all. Well, you all did from the beginning so it doesn't make much difference..
*laughs* I've been in and out of the doctors and hospital for a couple of days.
No-one has asked me how I've been holding up.
I wake up every night not being make to breathe and crying. Sometimes even screaming. But no-one asks me how I've been holding up.
I've not been saying anything because no-one cares.
You don't know how horrible it is to need help and support but everyone you think you can go to being busy with someone else.
I put so much fricking time and effort into you guys and helping you all out. And when I try to help someone else I get made to look horrible.
I know Em might have problems. But none of you seem to see anyone else. There are so many people here, in Blogland alone, that need help.
I'm sorry, but I've got bigger problems to deal with. At least Em has lived some of her life. Unlike most people I know and love...
In regards to what happened on Chatzy, that made me even worse than I've been in a long time. None of you have been helping me or showing that you care. Or even asking if I'm okay.
I know I'll get hate for this, but I'm terrified, in pain, lost and alone. The people I once thought I could turn to won't help me...I'm on my own and I just thought it'd be worth telling you all how much it fricking hurts.
So, yeah, fuss over Em. Because the world revolves around her.
Not the rest of us that need help or even a little smile.
It's probably best for me to leave, I guess. You're all going to hate me after this, after all. Well, you all did from the beginning so it doesn't make much difference..
Hi Hellboy!
Aw :(
*hugs Luce*
I am leaving, bye!
*Wonders off looking for someone to kill or something to destroy*
Actually, sweetheart, I ask you all if you're okay everyday that I'm here.
So, ...
Dear em!
It is Death Rose here! I can't remember if we have officially met, I think we have... *Looks around confused*
Well, I just wanted to say 'GET WELL SOON!'
I have a friend with cancer in her spine, she pulled though fine, both my older brother and one of my older sisters' had to have operations on their brains! It was scary but they pulled through fine! I know you must be feeling very scared, but you will pull through! I know it! I have phycic friends and I asked them - including Finbar Wrong- and they all said you would be fine!
Be brave!
Death Rose
You know, Luce, people DO ask how you are, your answer is always "I'll be alright" or something like that. You can't say that no one ever asks.
I'm going to go kill something! Bye!
*Saunters off to kill someone*
Luce people aren't mind readers sweetheart.
If I hadn't had said anything, no one would have known Em was in a bad way and what if the doctors hadn't been able to revive her last night.
Then I arrived on and tell everyone she died and no one would have known she was even sick.
Tell people your feeling rotten. Be selfish and scream to the world that you want cuddles and hugs and Derek spams. You deserve it.
But you have to let people know first. We can't keep an eye on you if we don't know you have been feeling rotten.
I'm sorry if I sounded harsh that was never my intention.
I'll be back in a while. I have to go home and make sure everything is alright with the nanny and the kids.
Bye Chase! :)
Eve, I say I'll be alright because you're all too bothered about everyone else. And that's only ever after me asking if everyone else is alright.
I'm being selfish, now. But selfish doesn't suit me. I don't say things because I can't bring myself to say something unless someone asks me.
DON'T call me sweetheart.
And actually, we did know she was ill. She kinda told us herself. So, you're wrong there, dear.
I'd tell people how I felt if people would listen to me. But they don't. They'll only listen if I do something that's incredibly out of character. Like this. Why do you think I am acting so foul!? I'm being out of character so some fucker will pay some attention to someone else.
I have been mentioning things. Like 'msd, I might have to go back to the doctors'. But no-one will notice. I don't like being open completely. You guys have known me long enough now to know that I prefer to hint at things, because I hate being selfish.
I've mentioned a few times that I've had times where I'm unable to breathe properly. And no-one cares. No-one will ask if I'm alright.
I ask every single day I am here if you're okay. If you're coping okay. Even those that aren't always on, I tend to send an e-mail or message them on facebook to check they're alright. Or even Skype.
I'm one of the few people that will do this.
Chase, I have let people know. Even Em knows I've not been well. And I barely talk to her anymore because I refuse to. Everyone on Chatzy and most people on here knew.
Because I actually had the guts to tell someone. But I can only tell people things like this when I lose it.
I have no-one. You've all made that clear.
I'm not sure I even want to be around you guys anymore when you're so fickle with your supposed friends.
Fed up of it all...
And anytime you have said that, I have said I hope your feeling ok.
I don't come on here to casually chat, I come on here to update and answer any questions people have, so I am not on here the majority of times.
And Luce I have seen the Facebook messages between you and Em, where she has been worried about you and very concerned about you.
Is that not caring??
Now I don't know any of you well enough to feel that I should put my feelings 100% but I do sympathise with a lot of you because I know being in hospital or being unwell can be a bitch.
But being hateful towards one person because they can't control their health is not the right way to go about it Luce.
People know as well that Em has a child. And that can be a major factor in any survival.
I'm sure if your mother died suddenly, you wouldn't be able to go on.
And if Em had died last night, we would even be having this debate?
I'm only asking and stating my point. I am not looking for an argument and I do care about you but I didn't know how bad you were.
Yeah, I know Em has a child. I know all of this crap! I don't care if she's going to blame her illness on how she's been acting towards me. She can get lost. I am fed up of people treating me like I'm worthless!
You know, most people only care what I think of them because of who I know. And I've actually been told that by some people. Which means I can't trust anyone.
I'm not being hateful because of that. I'm being hateful because of everything. She's been annoying me for a while. I was one of the first people she ever talked to here on Blogland and I know that the first person you talk to from here is always unforgettable. But she's just been acting like I don't care, recently. Loads of people have.
If Em died last night then she'd have died. Just another life lost. People die every fucking day. Yeah, it'd be sad. But it'd also be less painful for her. Yeah, I think we probably would be having this debate. I've been told hundreds of times before that I clearly don't understand feelings.
No-one knew how bad I was and am, because no-one asks. I'll say something like 'I'll be okay' or 'I'll be reyt' because no-one really cares about how I'm faring.
I'm fed up of people seeing me as nothing when I've done everything I can to make sure people are okay.
Every time I've said 'you guys are perfect' I've meant it. Every single dedication to any one of you guys has been completely true. Every time I've stayed up all night making sure everyone's okay was worth it. Every time I listen to someone's problem and are there for them, I barely even get a thanks or a smile in return.
I've spent so long helping people and making sure they're all okay. But then I get nothing back. I'm fucking fed up of it all.
None of you care about me, it's just how it works, I guess. I'll give up now and save myself the pain.
Hey everyone
*Realises its an awkward moment and wipes smile off face *
Don't worry Eden mate your alright.
A blogland family moment lol
Yeah okay
* smiles *
I tell you I'm kind of sick of family moments in real life
Oh would you stop Eden.
I'm just so grateful that none of my kids talk back to me.
I have raised them well lol
Okay I guess might just leave cause I'm quite tired so yeah
And chase well at least your a good father wouldn't know what that feels like so I'll be leaving
Hi people!
Heya Star!
Hows it going with ya?
L, I know I emailed you about it, but so everyone else can see - you just did a Nix. :)
You said exactly what you thought and offended a load of people, but also said what everyone else was too scared to say and made people secretly agreed with you.
She didn't offend me lol I think she kicked arse.
I just wish she would have told us sooner that she was unwell so then we could have huggled her just as much!
Hey chase we've never met before and I haven't met Emerald either but I heard that she's sick and I just wanted to say that I really hope she gets better soon, its unfair how this can just happen to good people:(
Hiya Star:D
And the same with you Luce, I seriously hope you're okay:(
Okay. Well, apart from the fact that I hate myself atm for being a bad friend. But that's okay.
Hi Panda!
*hugs Star*
Your not a bad friend.
Should would couldas kills us more than anything else.
I've to go now boys and girls
I'll talk to you later.
I am a bad friend. Fact. But I can live with it. I have for my whole life so far, after all. :)
Fours, Chase!
Derek please put up the pic I gave ou at the Waterstones signing!(Elle)
Hi Darquesse!
Hi Darquesse
*waves at Eden*
* waves back *
haii guys!
* walks in *
Hey everyone :)
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