Ah, my Minions...
As some of you are aware, KOTW was released early in some parts of the UK. Mistakes were made, I am told, and by the time news got out, it was already too late to do anything. Our official release date had been breached.
I was told all about it. I shrugged. Hey. It happens.
While this tends to mean very little for the overall sales of the book- the same amount of people are going to buy it, after all- it CAN mean that a new book doesn't get to rise as high in the book charts as it otherwise would have, and so doesn't get discussed in the media, and so more people aren't made aware of it...
For example, if a thousand people intend to buy a book the first week it's out, then a thousand sales will move it to a certain spot in the chart. But if five hundred of those people manage to buy the book a week EARLIER, then those sales are spread out over two weeks, and so it doesn't reach as high.
A breached release date can mean the difference between a best-selling book and a NUMBER ONE best-selling book, which is what all publishers are looking for.
Me personally? I'm not OVERLY bothered. Death Bringer was a number one bestseller last year in the UK and Ireland, and that's enough for me. Like I said, I wasn't too fussed at the idea that a few thousand books has been sold before the release date. So what if I didn't reach number one twice in a row? Did I really care? Nope, I didn't.
Which doesn't mean I wasn't utterly delighted by the news today that DESPITE a breached release date, KOTW is now the number one book for young adults in the UK- so thank you, Minions! (I haven't been told how we're doing in Ireland yet, so I'll hold off my extra-wide grin for THAT moment...)
The reader reaction to KOTW has been wonderful. I know a lot of you were stunned by certain events- of which you are free to talk about in the Spoiler Zone post below- and I know some of you would have quite liked to throttle me upon closing the book, so I want to thank you for investing so much of your faith and emotion in these characters. All I can say is: prepare yourself. You have, I assure you, seen NOTHING yet.
And speaking of the final installments, here's a link to a short thingy I wrote for the Tesco website...
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
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«Oldest ‹Older 2201 – 2400 of 4912 Newer› Newest»Heya, Zaf. :)
Hey Luce. I finished KOTW today. I am. In love
Still cant get over the end though....
I knew it would happen. I just knew. But as sudden and dramatic as that............
* sighs * Avoiding saying spoilers is so TRICKY!!!
But I hate it when other people spoil so.....
KOTW is awesommme. :)
It was awesome!!!! I...uhm.
I had SEVERE emotional spazz at the end in History. My teacher just thought i had issues
Oh, you were asking about what happened on Chatzy last time...
Not sure what to say, really.
Well, its better to say SOMETHING than nothing. For our sakes.
i be back.
WB Irvine!
AH i'm on p 410 of KOTW. don't want to finish. ghfhbovfsab
Ivy just finish it. Just finish. And dont die
Imma go now!
blerh i meant 410..
i want to know what this big thing is at the end... -_-
BYE FLAME!!! *hugs*
Is any one here going to a derek signing soon?
Oh its a HUGE thing at the end :)
You NEED to finnish it.
If i knew where one was nearby, I would SO go.
Ivy. I would tell you but,
1. Derek hates spoilers
2. I like living
3. Its too epic to spoil
Just read. READ. Now.
I suggest anyone who hasnt ordered it or bought it
Do what Zaf said. NOW.
Argh. Gtg. MIGHT bbl. Fours!
Dont be like Celine. I slapped her today in English. She looked up spoilers,
She said, *insert spoiler*
me, What did i say about doing that?! *smacks with KOTW*
LOL ZAF!!! *high five*
*high five*
she deserved it. I made a new law today, NO LOOKING UP SPOILERS
Hi people!
I swear, if you keep talking about this huge thing at the end of a book which I may not get until October 12th(long story, don't get me started), Then I will have to kill you.
*walks in*
Why does your name keep getting shorter and shorter?
Robin! HI!
Hey Kes!!!!! * pushes into lake * it's how I greet people now. By pushing them in lakes.
* hands a Valsnack *
Heya robin :D
* pushes into lake, then hands Valsnack *
*takes Valsnack* *spits out and grabs MARRshmallow* *flails around in lake*
Because it can
I has a question for you... I don't know where you're from, but would you happen to be going to a Derek signing?
*continues to hang upside down in tree*
*giggles and pokes Derek from his inbox*
*frowns* I don't like water.
*knocks Zaf off of tree*
Zaf. Seriously. That is not funny.
YOU CAN NOT SPOIL IT. SERIOUSLY. YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT. THE REST OF US HAVEN'T GOTTEN THE BOOKS YET. And me? I've tried so hard to avoid spoilers, and there you go....
Sorry for yelling, and luv ya, but really...
I didnt say crap...gawd peoples....
*falls outta tree*
not funny!!!
Thank you Adra. The more you spoil Zaf, the more I want to look at the spoiler post, and the harder it is for me to resist.
Yes, it kinda was. *throws Zaf in volcano*
Yoo do realizeanything i say about KOTW besudesit was AWESOME is a lie right?
wbd, doing homework.
Zaf, you said "that's it. they won"
REALLY. Now, when I read it, I'm going to know how it ends, no matter how bad the situation, I know that they'll get out of it. I will HATE it.
So they don't win? Wait, don't answer that.
*shadow walks out of volcano*
next person to do it im going to hurt mentally
*sits down and hums*
Gaah DONT BELIEVE ANYTHING I SAY ABOUT THE BOOK GOT IT? I am not answering that Kes. I slapped Celine today. I dont like spoilers.
*hums along to whatever Robin is humming*
Well.... Not to be pessemistic, but how do I know that you're not just trying to cover it up?
I dunno!
... *shakes head sadly* UGH. I JUST WANT THE FUCKING BOOK.
Ok. Ok. *takes a deep breath* I am now going to forget everything you said about it. *wipes mind of KotW*
NOw, would you like to know why it might not get here til October 12th?
You swore :O
*shrugs* well you'll know what is lie what is truth excuse me as i shut up before i end up having a second video from Derek
Skulduggery Pleasant Magic Vs. Magic
Starting from midnight (uk time) we'll be holding a day full of SP activities. XD we'd be honoured for you to take part. <3 LOVE YOU GUYS.
It'll be fun so long as we get enough people to join in with the quizzes, omegle hunts, spot the differences and whatever else we have in store for you all. <3
*hugs everyone* now I'm in even more pain..
Yeah. I did. That's what I do when I get angry.
Don't swear, it's a bad habit.
I'll check it out L!
Gaaah i gotta rant....brb going to spoiler zone
Ok. So, I ordered KotW in early June. From Amazon, which until now was my best friend. It said it would be here by September 4th. Then, on August 31st, we received a message saying that KotW was unavailable, that Amazon didn't have it, blah,blah,blah. It then told us to reorder from Amazon Marketplace. We proceeded to do so, and it charged us 5 extra dollars. I was fine with that. What is 5 dollars in order to get KotW after all? But THEN the next day, we got the arrival estimation dates. Which were, September 28th- October 12th. Do you know how LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGG that is?
Ah.... Sorry, it's already a habit.
And mine apparently hasn't even been shipped yet! WTF! I AM SO _______ ________ _______ ____ ________ RIGHT NOW.
JESUS. I HATE SHIPPING. *is in a rage, please ignore*
Well mine was Seot 13th to October 1st it changed again. But it came waaaay too early. So the odds might be in your favour
Uuugh gtg bye!
Mine shipped day before yesterday. BUt seriously? October 12th? What's the arrival date estimated to be for yours?
Bye Robin!!! *hugs*
And I ordered mine about two months ago... And it hasn't been shipped yet. WTF. W.T.F.
Bye Robin!
Ok, Zaf that gives me hope!
NOt really though. With my luck, it won't get here til Halloween.
Where did you order from?
Well its possible, i mean...never know
Oh, poor, poor you. Poor deprived Kes. That is SO harsh.
My estimated shipping date?
I don't know.
True. I also have the U.K. editions of books 1-3 which were supposed to get here the 4th, and are not here yet.
...and Adra.
Sorry I left for a bit. Them I came back .
I got 1-3 American 4-7 and TEOTW UK
Ah yes. Amazon...
I swear, it'll be so hard having to wait for it D';
AND avoiding spoilers.
I have 1-2 American, no 3(sadly, no clue why, but soon I will have all three in U.K. as well) 4-6(and soon to be 7) in U.K., and TEOTW in U.K.
Okay. I have a solution. I'm going to throw my computer out the window.
I was so happy when i got DB. My mom, who sometimes works there, came to school and gave it to me.
Only, I couldnt take it home cuz it was (OVER PRICED!!!) pb, my bag was full. and I think it was raining. *nods* It was probably raining... *twiddles thumbs*
Adra, I have clicked on the spoiler post, and then X-ed out before it finished loading SO MANY TIMES. It is physically PAINFUL!
I sobbed at the sight of KOTW on my book shelf.
Omg... You know what? I'm sorry everyone, but I'm too angry to deal with this peacefully right now....
Sorry, but I must go...
Yes. I can REALLY tell you threw your comp out the window, Adra, by the way your still talking to me.
* sarcasm *
AND... No need to read the book, I can just tell you what happens! The world explodes!!
Jks and by the way guys just so you know I would NEVER post spoilers. I loathe people who do, and loathing myself
Would be possible but hard to keep up.
Ok, here's MY DB story.
I asked for it for Christmas. I didn't get it for Christmas, and Santa/St.Nick left a note saying that he didn't bring it because my PARENTS had already ordered it for me for Hannukah. But THEN I didn't get it til at LEAST December 32st.
And for MC, AND DD.
I finished TFO and was waiting for the next one. I waited 1-3 years, for a sequel to come out. Little did I know that they were only published everywhere but here. I was left thinking that the series ENDED woth TFO.
I thought Derek's ego exploded xD seriously my dear Celine believed me on that
Bye Adra. I'm sure KOTW will arrive sooner rather than later :)
I hope it does for your sake, if nothing else.
Derek's ego could NEVER explode.
I loathe myself all the time, phoebe.
Hannuka FTW
...do I know Celiene?? Or is she just some annoying person YOU know.
Yes, Thrust. FTW!
Story time!!!!!
So, Vinette firced me to read book 1. I soon read the first triology. We waited til Christmas. Sahta gave her the next 3 for Christmas. I borrowed off Vinette. Then my birthday a month later i ordered the second triology. I had Secoter and PWF then, May or something i got TEOTW then in the sunmer i git TFO then Wednesday or Tuesday this week i got KOTW. Vinn doesnt have PWF, TEOTW KOTW
LOL guys.
But, I can't loathe myself forever * looks at self in mirror * I'm to pretty!!
Jks I'm not really. At all.
hi everyone
Hi Eden....
bwaahahahaha How evil:
And yes kes. FTW
Hello Eden!
hi zaf my db story is i didnt even know the book was out till my uncle surprised me with a signed copy and i got kotw at a signing
SIGNED COPY?!?!?! Your uncle is AWESOME! And how did you not know it was out? Although I can't really talk...
If Derek ever gets or sends a letter BACK i'll send him my one copy if Scepter of The Ancients
he just surprised me cause sp was all i talked about and this was all before i started to read the blog and yeah hes awesome bald but awesome and he got me a periodic table from one of the labs he worked in in nasa
My story now...
I begged my mum literally on my knees until she finally got DB. She now regrets the day she got the first book for me - I am completely and utterly obsessed.
With KOTW, I basically died when I found out I wasn't going to be anywhere NEAR nz - I was going to be in Scotland this time (I travel alot if you hadn't noticed) how could I bear the thought of other people being able to read it, and I SHOULDve been able to read too if I wasn't damn traveling so much.
I finally understood how you Americans feel )
And then I was saved :) Some relatives of mine that I hadn't seen in ages were going to come to Scotland to see us. I BEGGED them to bring a copy of KOTW. They are so nice :D
But mum made me say hello before GIMME THE BOOK.
Heya eden :)
:( I have NO signed copy's.
What address do you send letters to Derek to?
ha thats funny and my kotw experience was i wasnt going to go until derek changed the date then i got it signed in kilkenny
yeah it probably wouldnt take to long because if i knew his address i could drive to his house so yeah need his adress or emailadress
* sighs * is it just me or is the latest news bit on the sp site hardly ever updated/changed? There hasn't been a vomp or something like that in AGES..........
Somebody tell me an address to send letters to!!!!!
yeah thats why i go to the blog for news
Depends on the country. I kniw i sent to New York City. DAMN EITHER HE HAS IT OR THEY DO
I got the librarian at my school to get the first four books cuz I loved them so much
no one was taking them. I tried to get people to read them but almost nobody wanted to.
I got the library to put them on a sujestion class reading list. When I got back to school the two first ones were gone!
well i think the comments we are posting go straight to his email account so
dear derek
i met you in kilkenny i was the kid in the maroon uniformm and the cows lick and remember how you said i could be in the book and i dont care if i die
yours sincerely
eden threatening
i dont need to try in my new school a good few first years have read the books but of course im the only one out of them whos on blogland
Lucky!!! I think after my....stupid acts. I could never be in a book. Plus ill never meet Derek. Thank you, HarperCollins! I guess *sighs and loooks up at Derek from his inbox*
i never thought to see myself actually ask for forgiveness. But, I am. Dont hate me please. Im nice. I love the Irish.
It can enable/disable comments going straight to your email. And given we usually write, eventually, 5000 comments per post (not every time, mind) I think hed've disabled it by now.
I have returned! Sorry, I just watched his newest interwiew, and it was AWESOME!
* yawns * I might go now. It's late in France......
Which newest interview!?
I have to go. BYE!
Yes but sorry to say, knowing Derek he's still trying to disable that feature
Me to bye!!!!!!!!!!!
hopefully he hasnt figured out how to do it but anyway it was so funny in my school last week when the teacher was making us think of a word that starts with bi and one kid made a mistake and said bisectual
me as well.
bye phoebe bye thrust
but first...
This isn't fair. Amazon told me I'd get it by TODAY. And now I can't even order it unless it's from the UK.
ohhhh well ive already read so i used to obsess about kotw but know that ive read it it all goes away strange isnt it
Hmmm. Val i ordered from the UK now i knw why it came
you know how its strange that you cant wait and then it all goes away
I don't CARE that it goes away. IT WON'T GO AWAY, EDEN. THE BOOK ISN'T COMING.
Val order it used. I did that with DD
well the important thing is that its not the end of the world get it * chuckles *
the ending was brilliant
EDEN *goares*
no telling
I'm not in the mood for jokes right now. I'm super pissed off.
Val thats my advice. Im serious
im not going to spoil but the joke was good eh and i get that yur pissed ive had a lot of trouble off amazon
But the thing is, I don't like ordering things used. If I order it used it won't be in perfect condition, and I'm a freak about that kind of stuff. That's one of the reasons I have 27 SP books.
wow i only have nine
Val, i ordered DD used it came in perfect condition
it would ve had to or else i would have complained to amazon if it was me
gtg everyone be back tomorrow hope everythings gets sorted out with the book val
I was pissed. That happened to me on DD i just used the link Derek posted in the cover post
I got my book from the UK now... With fast shipping... It cost way more money but now it'll be here by Wednesday.
No! Eden come back!
Oh, that was like 40 minutes ago
How are you Cain? And you can kill me, I know Skulduggery does after the "incident" with the Bentley
I'm fine, I suppose.
And you?
Zaff alive
That was waaaay too easy
I dedicate this page to, forgiveness. People do stupid things. I am definetly one of them. But yet we manage to pull through even in our darkest hour. Like people who kill. They did stupid things. There is someone out there forgiving them. I think everyone deserves another chance. Sometimes its not their fault. I know an example but, for sake of others I shall not use the particular one. I think of Doctor Nye instead. Nye was an evil sadistic....thing. It tortured people in the war but yet Ravel and the Irish Council gave it a second chance to work in the Sanctuary. Now we all know Nye isnt exactly trustworthy but still. It was granted a second chance. Yeah itpretty much guarentee is going to do something illegal. No matter how bad some crime was they still get a chance. I know im guilty ofpretty much doing stupid things but. It is what it is. I also dedicate to my fellow Ameriminions. I know, it sucks. We cant meet Derek, but you know what? It'll make the moment that we do more special. The Funny-Accented-Minions and UK Minions have seen him. We Ameriminions havent. The moment will just be more epic. So to all Ameriminions, we will meet Derek. We just need to be paitent. Our time to shine will come. We go with what we have. Soon or later HarperCollins will see we do exsist. And im sure Derek cant wait to meet the Ameriminions.
*claps* Amazing dedication, sweetie! *hugs*
Awww thanks! I thought I was lonely
*sits watching the stars*
Derek you awake? I know you must be stalking me.
No, I'm here. :3
You can't get rid of me that easy. :P
Yaaay!!!!! Shall we pester Derek to say hi?
Hello Harmony..
Zaf it's 1am. Is he even awake!?
Hey, Harmony.
Probably. Playing video games or doing whatever authors do, last time he commented at 1am.
Hello there, to both of you.
... I shall admit, I'm not much of a "hug" person.
So I'd appreciate it if you detached yourself from my ribcage.
*backs off and hangs upside down from tree*
sorry I was tempted to poke Derek. Ahem i...I HAVENT EXPLODED ANYTHING TODAY :D
See see? I can contain that
And Val, if you are on, or if you read the comments, I ordered mine IN JUNE, and it was supposed to get here THE 4TH and it did the same thing with me.
Why do I feel like international shipping likes me?
Perhaps because it does. You never know.
They sent it to you on time, because they were afraid that you'd blow up Ireland if they didn't.
Yet....I DONT know if Derel recieved a letter from my friends and i
Hello Sir. I heard that you are a Floridian. Is that true? Because I AM TOO!
i'd only explode them. I'd leave Ireland and Derek
He might've gotten it and just not managed to reply or whatever yet. I mean, he HAS been on tour, and at signings, and he seems to have been getting a lot of letters lately.
Really Kestrel? Because I AM from Florida.
Who told you that I am? I may have to eat their face.
Zaf, would you mind exploding Amazon for me? I HATE THEM right now.
He said he got Adra's....but not mine. I sent it in JUNE. I swear!!!!! Imma blow up something if he didnt get it
I can't remember who told me...
WHERE in Florida? And would you like to be the third Elder in the Florida AS that I am Grande Mage of?
I have full permission
*explodes Amazon*
It might've gotten lost in the mail...
Yay! Amazon is dead, and my book was shipped already so it will still get here!
*hugs Zaf*
An elder?
I'd laugh, but that would be rude.
Have you heard of Satellite Beach?
*hugs Kes*
i so would win the award for most explosive minion
Nope. I shall go look it up now. I'll take it you don't want to join then?
I'm in Boynton/West Palm Beach.
Yeah, you probably would Zaf.
No offense, but it's simply not how I act. Due to the fact that I'm a gentleman, I do my best to avoid every single possible responsibility I can.
Im Grand Mage of the East of the USA im actually pretty nice. Just, I explode
For the record, international shipping adores me. I buy so many things from Australia. Like my proof copy. XD
It likes BOOKS unless I got sent a book it usually hates me
Good to know that Luciana, if I need to import any illegal goods I'll know who to call.
I am jealous of your proof copy, L.
Fair enough Sir. And you are across the state from Tampa, right? We are WAY far away, but the closest to eachother so far.
I'm really slow to comment, this morning, because it's the 24 hours of Skulduggery. XD
What do you mean? Am I missing something awesome?
Hm. Well, it's better than nothing I suppose.
Expect an impeccably dressed shark to show up at your house one day.
And that's not creepy at all....
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