Friday, August 10, 2012


New Zealand, eh? Lovely country, full of lunatics...

I arrived on Tuesday, checked into my hotel and met up with a friend who's living over here. By nine that night, every time my eyes closed I was in serious danger of falling asleep right there and then. Only the fact that my luggage had been misplaced somewhere between Dublin and Auckland kept me from turning in early. It's not exactly a nice feeling, wondering if you're ever going to see your luggage again. You start thinking about all the clothes you packed, about the toothbrush, about the phone charger you might never see again...

I went to bed, then was woken at 2 AM by reception- my luggage had arrived. They delivered it to my room and I wept manly tears of joy. Or, y'know, I shrugged and mumbled a thank you and went back to bed. Whichever.

It's now Friday night, and tomorrow is my last day in New Zealand. It's been astonishingly good so far. Every school I've been to has been great- really enthusiastic people, ready to have a laugh. Two schools even did a welcoming Haka-type thing, which was awesomely cool.

The public signings have been great too. This afternoon I did one in the Children's Bookshop in Christchurch, where I met a load of readers, including Jordan, a girl who had kept me updated about her status after the recent earthquakes. It's always nice to meet people I only know online, and she had many, MANY questions to ask.

Tomorrow is my last day in NZ, and so the first chunk of my tour will be over. I've really enjoyed my few days here- this was a great way to kick off the tour.


I've just read over what I've just written, and it's all so sickeningly POSITIVE and nice. Bah humbug! There needs to be some grouchy stuff in here in order to be genuine- so I'll just say that I STILL haven't been able to see Katie Taylor winning the gold in boxing, and I am NOT happy about that. I can't even find it on YouTube.

Bah YouTube! Bah!

Every single Irish Minion knows who Katie Taylor is, and they're as proud of her as I am. What a girl.


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Matex Von Darkhour - マテクス said...

Wait really, you can hang back and talk to him?!
I will definetly try that!

Eve the ROCK said...

Coz, like, I'm going to be there 2 hours early

Hi Kessie!

Matex Von Darkhour - マテクス said...

Wait Eve, your going to the one in melbourne tomorow?

Eve the ROCK said...

No, I'm in Adelaide :) Saturday

Unapplicable. said...

Eve, he might not get there two hours early though. And if you're first in line. With a bunch of people behind you...
I don't know. It might work.
Because he's got a little speech too.

Matex Von Darkhour - マテクス said...

Goodluck with that :)
But last time I went you couldnt even get in early (obviously it would depend where you see him), but it was upstairs and you had to line up and even then he didnt get there till a while later, there was like half an hour of other stuff first.

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous of you people. If only he would come to AMERICA...

Matex Von Darkhour - マテクス said...

World summit, if we can get one to happen :)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Eve xD i just saw Derek's little message to Becky xD i shalll beat her in stalking Derek!

Eve the ROCK said...

I know, but I'm going two hours early anyway, when the shop opens, so there's no WAY anyone will be there before me :)

I hope I can still chat with him with a gazillion people waiting :P Coz mum might not let me stay til the end.... She said we have to go home, have lunch, then go to the EVENT :)

I'm still getting him to hug me though! I will! I must!

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Zafira! I don't know what you're taking about :P

Nixion Strange said...

Hey, I'll see you tomorrow Matex

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Lol on the facebook page was funny but...anyhow

Im thinking of anyone else ik gonna meet Derek you are Em is, is Nix?

Matex Von Darkhour - マテクス said...

the EVENT?

and you will totaly get a hug from him, why wouldnt he haha

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


You gonna see Derek tomorrow?

Matex Von Darkhour - マテクス said...

Nix is going to see him tomorow :)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Matex are you as well?

Nixion Strange said...

Course I'm seeing Derek tomorrow

Eve the ROCK said...

I'm meeting him Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Matex Von Darkhour - マテクス said...

ugh this is confusing with comments popping up while you write your own one >.>

Yeah Nix, most likely haha :)

Unapplicable. said...

Hahah, Zaf. That was me who videoed it. Are you proud?

Hi Nix!

EVE! You tell him that you WANT that hug, what no, you NEED it. Of course, he'll give you one! And he gives the best hugs!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Nix *gives puppy dog eyes*

would you tell him Zaf says hi? Abd you too Matex Eve is being nice and telling him. Trying to be the American version of Becky stalking him xD

Matex Von Darkhour - マテクス said...

Zaf- Yes, i am! :D

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Calmity that was funny xD i was laughing we do need restraints for Becky

Nixion Strange said...

I'll try, but I seriously have about... 26 questions I need to ask him, so don't blame me if I run out of time

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ty Matex you gotta tell me what he says

Unapplicable. said...

Matex, just video it!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

And Nix that fine xD if you can cuz im trying to be loco. See I cant go meet him so i gotta ask people who are to say hi to him for me

Matex Von Darkhour - マテクス said...

Gah! Too many comments haha,
Yes i am going and idk i might tell him Zaf says hi...

Matex Von Darkhour - マテクス said...

wait what?
Yeah i think im going to take my video camera anyway and film most of what happens :)

Eve the ROCK said...

Okay :P I'll remind him that I asked him for a hug on the blog. You know I'm bringing a rock for him to sign? I found it at the beach at Glenelg when I was eight, and ut's practically the exact same colour as my profilian rock :D

Anonymous said...

Yes! Say hi to him foe me even though he probably doesn't know who I am.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Matex pwease?? The closest i get to meeting him is on Blog im an Ameriminion. I came to the conclusion
hus publishers hate us

Unapplicable. said...

Naw, Eve. That's adorable. Ahaha.

I think people that are meeting him from now on need to write a list of people that are trying to greet him through other minions. Add me on to the list! Even though I just saw him yesterday... aha.

Eve the ROCK said...

Two, I'm telling him Zafira says hi from America and she is awaiting his arrival, AND im giving him a hi from Lucy Anna too. Anyone else? :P haha

Matex Von Darkhour - マテクス said...

Well yes either his publishers are losers or your american publishers are losers for not publishing his books haha. He should dedicate one of the books to the ameriminions and their silly publishers :D

I plan to ask him about a world summit when i see him tomorow haha, try and convince him to have one where everyone can have a chance to meet him :)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Yay Eve remembered xD

*hugs Eve* i spare you from the lake

Eve the ROCK said...

Yaaaaaaay! No lake! *hugs*

I might disappear soon, warning

Unapplicable. said...

Oh, me! Eve - my little amazing ball of brilliant - you must tell him I say hi.
Just because.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Out of the Aussies meeting Derek someone ask him if he trusts me as Grand Mage

Anonymous said...

Me too! Say hi from me!

Matex Von Darkhour - マテクス said...

may as well say hi from everyone on the blog :P

Eve the ROCK said...

Okay! I'll do that Calamity! Okay Zafira, I'll do that! Ill day him from you too, Kessie! I'll write this all down.... :)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Just the Ameriminions and poor souls who cant go....hint hint he should be in USA too.....

Matex Von Darkhour - マテクス said...


Well im going to get some sleep before i have to get up early enough to go meet him u.u

Bye everyone :)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Night Matex

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Matex!

Eve the ROCK said...

Bye Matex!

Eve the ROCK said...

This is what I got so far:

Zafira says hi from America and she awaits your arrival. And would you trust her as Grand Mage?

Luciana Scáth says hi! 

Calamity - you met her in Sydney - says hi!

Kestrel Starr says hi!

Unapplicable. said...

I'm going to head off as well. Have to keep my wits about me for school.
Good night!

Unapplicable. said...

That list is beautiful, Eve. *applauds*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Niiice Eve thats good xD are you gonna video it?

Night Calamity

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Cal!

Eve the ROCK said...

Bye Calamity!

I'm not going to video the signing (but I will take a picture hopefully) I'm just recording the event, I think it's Derek talking :) I think

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Oook so you'll just tell us what he says xD

Luciana said...

EVE- if you're still here- SAY TO DEREK FOR ME...

Hello and something about cherry flavoured iced rainbow baguettes...


*hugs everyone*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*hugs L*

Hi L!!!!

Eve the ROCK said...

I will, Zafira :)

Okay Lucy Anna!

Luciana said...


Luciana said...

*whispers to Eve* Skuttlebug.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hehehehe French Toast sticks soon

Eve the ROCK said...

*grins skuttlebuggishly* Skuttlebug.

Eve the ROCK said...

Okay....Im gonna fall asleep.... Can't look st the keys properlySzz....not spelling things right.....bye Nix!! Bye Zafmira! Bye Lucy Anna, Skuttlebug! :P

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Eve!

Nixion Strange said...

I'm going as well

Anonymous said...

Hi anyone that's here!

Anonymous said...

I'm lonely...

Willow Storm said...


Bethany said...

Katie Taylor was brilliant :3

Cannot wait to see you at the end of September. Glad to see you're having a great time so far, though

Luciana said...

Heya, Willow! ^_^

Luciana said...

I know that I've got a big ego.

I really don't know why it's such a big deal, though.

Willow Storm said...

I will become an old cat lady, at thirty.

Willow Storm said...

And and and, my cat had eight kittens, this morning. They're so cutttteeeeeeeeeeee. But, everyone says that eight is too much for her, so some are going to be murdered. I don't care if their just cats, it's murder. Another reason as to why I can't stand my family.

Willow Storm said...

Soo boreed

Willow Storm said...

*giggles* Oh, sweet, sweet anime, how much I love thee.

Willow Storm said...

2 Corinthians 4:16-15:8
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands. Meanwhile we groan, longing to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling, because when we are clothed, we will not be found naked. For while we are in this tent, we groan and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. Now it is God who has made us for this very purpose and has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord. We live by faith, not by sight. We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord.

Willow Storm said...

Why is it, that I know that word for word? ^^

Willow Storm said...

Someone come here. I'm very bored.

Anonymous said...

Your kittens are getting killed?

Willow Storm said...

Yup. They aren't a day old, yet so . . . I'm going to go now. Off to relive my childhood, playing Bratz dolls

Eve the ROCK said...

Wow....Adelaide's the only city in Australia that gets a public I don't know what to expect! Gotta talk to a kiwi....

Anonymous said...

Is that the new official term for the NZers?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

khsunvgsjzj soiudvn

I almost got killed by a ball of twigs earlier.

Anonymous said...

Do I want to know how?

Anonymous said...

I'm writing an SP fanfic!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I'm at a little vacation house, and outside there's a really old one-room cabin outside. My mum told me to put my book down and go explore the cabin, so I did. I tried to open the door on the deck (which was right above where the tide comes in, but at the moment it was still just sand) and the door wouldn't open, so I scowled and went to walk back. When I was walking back a big ball of twigs came out of nowhere and hit me in the face, I practically shrieked, took a step backwards, and made sure it wasn't a giant spider that had just fallen on me.

Bear in mind, had I stepped back any further I would've hit the old wooden railing, fallen through, and fallen at least ten feet to the sand and rocks.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

And I will be off now, because the internet here SUCKS.


Anonymous said...

Tell me if you think it sounds good:

Kestrel Starr has been training under China Sorrows for years. She loves her mentor unreservedly, even though she know that it is not reciprocated in the slightest. So, when Skulduggery Pleasant, the great Skeleton Detective leaves China bleeding and broken on the streets of Ireland, Kestrel starts training harder than ever. She is determined to have revenge on him no matter the cost.

But what if the cost is her life? For the Skeleton Detective's rage is legendary....

(That's the description)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Anonymous said...

You think it sounds cool?

Anonymous said...

My problem though, is deciding who wins. I can't make my main character lose, but I also can't mess up Skulduggery's victory streak.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


I dedicate to 3 Ausies and an Iriminions. Eve Nix and Matex who are helping me stalk Derek. I shall make Derek afraid of me more then Becky *evil laugh* and to Em for actually going and asking few questions for me and video them xD love ta damn Sanctuary Agent

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hmmm a draw?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but can you imagine Skulduggery allowing himself to be tied with? I mean he always wins.

Anonymous said...

Derek, if you are reading this, HELP ME!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

True never know. Maybe Skulduggery loses i mean think if the twist. It'd be cool

Anonymous said...

It would...but it would kill something inside me to write about him losing.

Anonymous said...

And if anyone who hadn;t read the books read it, it wouldn't be a twist. It would be the natural solution.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hmmm i think your main hasta lose but comes close to winning

Anonymous said...

Ok...or maybe she does something that satifies her need for revenge, but leaves Skulduggery as winner

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Yes! That works it be fun

Anonymous said...

Yep. OK, I have to go now. Thanks for the help! Bye.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Derek you reading? I'll talk to you...or is talking to real people doing your head in?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Aaaallll by myself

*swims in lake*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I give up.....byz ppl

Anonymous said...

Anyone here?

Unapplicable. said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Calamity!

Anonymous said...

I don't think I've met you yet. I'm Kestrel. You can call me K, Kes, or Kessie(that's what Eve calls me.)

Unapplicable. said...

Ah. I'm Calamity. You can call me Cal, if you like.
... Hm. Can I call you Trellis?

Anonymous said...

And now I feel weird, cause I think I'm talking to myself.

Anonymous said...

Oops. Why Trellis?

Unapplicable. said...

Kes'trel'. And I'm adding an i between the S in the Starr.
I don't know. I feel like it mostly, aha. Or maybe even Trellie. Or Trel.

Anonymous said...

Ok, that's fine. I might forget who ur talking to though.

Unapplicable. said...

Oh dear. Hm. I might just stick to Kes, just in case.
I'll be back soon.

Anonymous said...

Ok. See ya.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else here?

*jumps in the volcano*

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wonder how many of these I can do in a row?

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna guess at least 10.

Anonymous said...

And now I really am talking to myself.

*wanders off to talk to China*

Anonymous said...

*wanders back and jumps in the lake*

Anonymous said...

2 more to go...

Anonymous said...

I'm running out of things to say...

Anonymous said...

Yes! I did it!

Unknown said...

I quote from (the brilliantly dressed, witty, hillarious, and utterly annoying), "Skulduggery Pleasant."
"Just a few questions for you, Mr. Dunne. Or Kenny. Can i call you Kenny? I feel we've become friends these past few seconds. Can i call you Kenny?"
-Death Bringer

Unknown said...

Ahhh world would be so so so so i dont know exactly why i keep saying so but, it would be so easy to obliterate you although i need to wait to see what happens at the end of the so called Skulduggery Pleasant series. Curse you Derek write faster or i will feed your cat to sit in your chair and lay on your keyboard!

Unknown said...

Haha ahh Derek I , YES I who else would i be talking about , I have come up with a plan to write down in a note book every funny thing Skulduggery writes about! HA how do you think of that! Take that world

Anonymous said...

Um.... I just met you, but already I like you. I'll like you even more if you are an Ameriminion. Are you?

Unknown said...

Wait! I do believe that almost every time Skulduggery isnt being serious (which is a startling amount of the time) he is being funny! Ohh i have given myself much to think about!

NO I CANT BE BOTHERED NOW LEAVE ME ALONE! Oh you didnt say anything? Hmm well you just said something now so go away to leave me in peace

Unknown said...

YES i am

Cursed Derek wont write faster and he wont come to America what is wrong with the world oh i

Anonymous said...

*cries* You have angered me, pathetic mortal! Now my amazing warlock/necromancer powers will destroy you!

Anonymous said...

Where in America?

Unknown said...

I do have a habit of answering my own questions! It leaves others to wonder if a am slightly insane but haha who isnt am i right?

Of Course I am! Ahh see i did it again

Unknown said...

Oh did i? I am not sorry to say i am not sorry for that haha

Unknown said...

Ah where? The Middle

Anonymous said...

Embrace your inner lunatic. Fun times guaranteed.

Unknown said...

Mostly The Middle of The Middle

Anonymous said...

I'm in Florida.

Unknown said...

Ahh true true you are person but who can destroy Darquesse? Who can destroy the destroy of Everything?


NO ONE! Of course thats who but what if some one is named no one? hmmm

Unknown said...

Kansas to be exact i mean if you want to go into detail

but of course you want to go into detail i see that you are

NOT getting the chance to answer my questions haha

Anonymous said...

I bet if the Unnamed and Vile joined forces they could destroy Darquesse. And sorry. Was exposing the concept of 3 names to non-minion

Unknown said...

Derek i really do hope you are watching this conversation with myself i quite imagine you are quite pleased with me actually i mean who wouldnt be well i will let that question remain answered

Nothing wouldnt be pleased with me

Unapplicable. said...

Hello again.

Anonymous said...

It is not with yourself. I just replied up there.

Anonymous said...

Hi. Sorry about that.

Anonymous said...

You still there?

Selena Gasp said...


Unapplicable. said...

Aha. That's alright.
How are you, Trelis? Having a good day, so far?

Unapplicable. said...

Hello Selena!

Selena Gasp said...

Oh mannnnn I will be back. But as a different person!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yep, except it's quarter till midnight here. Hi Selena! Thought you were gonna be under a pixie stole my sandwich?

Unapplicable. said...

Ah. It's about a quarter to 2pm here.
Alright, Sel.

Anonymous said...

What are you doing?

Unapplicable. said...


Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

Hi again

Anonymous said...

Either one of you.

Unknown said...

I quote from ( the unforgetable forgetting father of Valkyrie Cain)Desmond Edgly and ( destroyer of the world Darquesse and closest friend of Skulduggery Pleasant) Valkyrie Cain

"Hmm? Oh, yes what is it?"
'We're all out of milk!"
"Damn lazy cows."

Unapplicable. said...

Hello Pixie.

Currently, I'm in school; in Science. I'll have to go in ten minutes however.

Anonymous said...

Hello pixies.

Unapplicable. said...

Desmond is really such a brilliant character.

Unknown said...

OH that is one of the most unforgetable lines ever in the Skulduggery Pleasant books haha Damn lazy cows haha

Anonymous said...

Your science teacher let's you go on here?

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

Yes Kes, I was going to be and then I forget and then I remembered. YAY for remembering!! YAYAY

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

Yes Kes, I was going to be and then I forget and then I remembered. YAY for remembering!! YAYAY

Unknown said...

I love him like my own father actually More than my own father well maybe more yea well yes i think just a little more

Anonymous said...

I say it to people and they wonder what the heck I'm talking about.

Anonymous said...

Is crossing the road with your eyes closed wise? No, but I do it anyway.

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

Oh, I am Selena for those who don't know. HEHEH lol. Okay, I am good now.

Unapplicable. said...

No, they don't. I do anyway.

I do have to go now - so bye!

Anonymous said...

Anyone want to jump in the volcano with me?

Anonymous said...

Bye Cal!

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

I am so sad right now, I am watching some thing sad on T.V BOOOHOOO

Anonymous said...

What is it? *hugs pixies*

Anonymous said...

I've gtg. See you all later.

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

Sorry, I am kinda in a weird mood.

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...


Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

Boohoo, I am alone. The sad thing on telly is over. Okay, I am strange. LOl WHOA I am in a weird mood.

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

I will be back soon.

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

We are you exceptional. Sorry that song is stuck in my head.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I am back...

Guess what! Another time I got attacked by this house! I rammed my toe into the wall and got blood on the flooooooooor! *says 'floor' in a sing-song voice*

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

Hey hey hey! I am back. :)

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

Oh are okay??

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

Am I alone???

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

My laptop is being odd, I say that a lot. HAHAHAHA Its true.

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

4 comments in a row. HMMM. That's a record for me I think......

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...


Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...


Eve the ROCK said...


Helena Ember Sky said...

Puck: *rolls around laughing his head off*

Mayan said...

Hi Dew
Hi Eve
Hi Helena
*says nothing more*

Helena Ember Sky said...

Hey Romana, I don't think that the others are on.
Puck: *flies behind Maya and pokes her*

Mayan said...

True dat!
I never notice cos of the time difference...
You are in Britishland right?
*Sets fericous Noo-noo on Puck HAHA*

Helena Ember Sky said...

Puck: *flies and hides behind me*
Me: Nah man, I'm from Austraya mate.

Mayan said...

Hey thats pretty cool I is in Nz.
It's so weird thinking all you Australian minions are so close to us... Maybe one day we will meet? :)
*Tells on Puck to Queen Titiana SHE IS MAD!*

Helena Ember Sky said...

Puck: *runs from Titania*
Me: Hopefully.

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Heck and Mary Jane!

Mary Jane did you meet Derek????

Mayan said...

Hi Eve!
Did you guys?
I seem so calm...

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