Friday, August 10, 2012


New Zealand, eh? Lovely country, full of lunatics...

I arrived on Tuesday, checked into my hotel and met up with a friend who's living over here. By nine that night, every time my eyes closed I was in serious danger of falling asleep right there and then. Only the fact that my luggage had been misplaced somewhere between Dublin and Auckland kept me from turning in early. It's not exactly a nice feeling, wondering if you're ever going to see your luggage again. You start thinking about all the clothes you packed, about the toothbrush, about the phone charger you might never see again...

I went to bed, then was woken at 2 AM by reception- my luggage had arrived. They delivered it to my room and I wept manly tears of joy. Or, y'know, I shrugged and mumbled a thank you and went back to bed. Whichever.

It's now Friday night, and tomorrow is my last day in New Zealand. It's been astonishingly good so far. Every school I've been to has been great- really enthusiastic people, ready to have a laugh. Two schools even did a welcoming Haka-type thing, which was awesomely cool.

The public signings have been great too. This afternoon I did one in the Children's Bookshop in Christchurch, where I met a load of readers, including Jordan, a girl who had kept me updated about her status after the recent earthquakes. It's always nice to meet people I only know online, and she had many, MANY questions to ask.

Tomorrow is my last day in NZ, and so the first chunk of my tour will be over. I've really enjoyed my few days here- this was a great way to kick off the tour.


I've just read over what I've just written, and it's all so sickeningly POSITIVE and nice. Bah humbug! There needs to be some grouchy stuff in here in order to be genuine- so I'll just say that I STILL haven't been able to see Katie Taylor winning the gold in boxing, and I am NOT happy about that. I can't even find it on YouTube.

Bah YouTube! Bah!

Every single Irish Minion knows who Katie Taylor is, and they're as proud of her as I am. What a girl.


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Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

Oh okay, I was going to say, it would be scary if you were Nix. OH MY GOSH< YOU ARE NIX!

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

*, And I am kidding, don't worry. I know that you are Eve.

Nixion Strange said...

Val isn't anyone important

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

Lol, I am sorry, that was fun. I have to have chicken casserole with baked potatoes for dinner. BLEECCH!!!

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

I know. Okay, now it really is dinner, bye!! You know me, I will be back.

Helena Ember Sky said...

*laughs raucously* I just heard Derek on Radio National! Can can e-mail it to anyone that wants it...

Nixion Strange said...

Nah, I've got it. Hi Hel!

Helena Ember Sky said...

Hey Nix!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Helena Ember Sky said...

Got it Val! May take a few minutes though.

Helena Ember Sky said...


Helena Ember Sky said...

Derek Lizard... haha

Helena Ember Sky said...

Am I talking to myself again?

Eve the ROCK said...

....Huh? Val isn't me. :P

Helena Ember Sky said...

Let us see how long I can go.
Puck (my imaginary friend): You won't get further than this. Bet my mirror that you can't get to 8 comments.
Me: Bet I can! Would you mind polishing that mirror for me?

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Eve!

Helena Ember Sky said...

Puck: *laughs quietly*
Me: *points finger at Puck* You, SHUT UP! *pouts*

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Nix! Hi Heck!

Helena Ember Sky said...

*looks annoyed* Hey Eve.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hi Eve! *hides*

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

I am back.

Helena Ember Sky said...

Gah! You ALL ruined it!
Puck: *goes around shaking everyones hands* Thank you, thank you.
Me: *glares*

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

Hi Helena and Eve, we have met before, I am Selena :)

Helena Ember Sky said...

*glares at Puck, without taking my eyes off Puck* Hello Selena.

Eve the ROCK said...

HA! No, sorry, I'll promise to call you Helena next time

Hi Val! *samples blood* *samples own blood*

*shows both samples to Selena* Seeee? Different blood! We're not the same person!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


I'm someone you wouldn't guess and I was here about three times. I barely said anything.

And Eve, GIVE ME MY BLOOD BACK! *tackles her to the ground*

Helena Ember Sky said...

I don't mind Heck. It's just that you made me LOSE! *slams fists on tables managign to break mirror* *laughs* Puck! I'm afraid I might have... *laughs harder*
Puck: *looks distraught* *crosses arms* Well, bad luck for you then!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

When you say Puck, all I imagine is the weird fairy from A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Helena Ember Sky said...

He's the same. He's clever but SO cheeky and annoying. He has a tendency to play pranks but looks like a handsome 15 year old boy.

Helena Ember Sky said...

Val did you get the e-mail?

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

I am watching the Simpsons. It's quite funny.

Helena Ember Sky said...

It is Harmony.

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

Please, whilst I am under this name, I would like to be called either Pixies ate my sandwich or Harmony. I am probably going to chat under this name now onwards.
Hmm *Looking down at Val* I never knew that you could tackle yourself.

Helena Ember Sky said...


Eve the ROCK said...

NEVER!!! *hides blood in a random tree hollow*

Harmony....I am not Val, and Val is not me. We are completely different people.

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

The Simpsons! DUN, dun dun, dun, dun, da dun dun! Da dun dun dun. DA dun dun dun dada dun!

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

I know Eve, I am just kidding. Um, okay Helena, calmith downith Helenaith.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*picks up tree* *takes the entire thing, searches through it, finds blood and puts it back in self*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Helena Ember Sky said...

*hugs Puck* I apologise.

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

*Sigh* This is a good episode of the Simpsons, it everything turned out fine! It was nice.

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

I am not amused.

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

Why I am watching the glee project?

Mayan said...

Hey Everyone!
Harmony... Are you any relation to/ the same person as Selena?
I just thought because of the Christina Perri thing AND her blog is called Vena Coil AND you both have the same colour picture
Are you?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Yeah, that's Selena

Mayan said...

I don't know why you are watching the glee project. It has no point after Abraham and Nellie were elimanated!

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

Famous last words.

Helena Ember Sky said...

Romana! Meet Puck *pushes Puck forward*

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

Ha um yes I am Selena, well I was Selena, and I am watching it cause it's on. That's why really.

Mayan said...

Thanks Valkyrie! (can I call you Val?)
Hi Harmony! I feel like such a stalker now cos I guessed who you were by the colour of your picture... I. AM. SHERLOCK.

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

Puck, you have caused a lot of trouble! You made everyone fall in love with the wrong people! Tut tut tut.

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

Puck, you have caused a lot of trouble! You made everyone fall in love with the wrong people! Tut tut tut.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Yes, Maya, you can call me whatever you'd like. Well, as long as I approve. And I approve of Val. *nods, and hands everyone a lemon*

When life gives you lemons, BURN LIFE'S HOUSE DOWN.

(Now, let's see if anyone gets the reference...)

Helena Ember Sky said...

Puck: *grins*
Me: Romana, I AM SHERLOCKED! ;)

Mayan said...

Hey Puck! *high-fives*
I shall try not to step on you... (depending on how tall you are...)

*immedietly thinks of glee*
Sorry about my gleekness its just cos of Puck, like, Noah Puckerman

Helena Ember Sky said...

Puck: Val, I like your style.

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

The color of my picture? Okay Sherlock. Hey, hey, hey... Sherlocked! That was so sad.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*turns to Puck*

Yes, well, long black coats ARE in style for Skulduggery fans.

Helena Ember Sky said...

Puck: *scowls*
Me: Puck's just a bit taller than me. Also, Puck hates Glee. He thinks Noah's a wuss.

Helena Ember Sky said...

Me: *whispers* He meant the burn the house down style...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*whispers back*

I know. But I thought it would be funny to respond the way I did.

Did anyone get the Portal reference?

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...


fan-girl moment...

oh, hello!

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

You think. um what was I saying? oh my gosh, I started typing and then I looked at the tv and now I can not remember. Weird.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Helena Ember Sky said...

*whispers* Okay Val. Miss! E-mail please! Val did you get it eventually?

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

I have to go soon.

Mayan said...

@Puck glee is ACTUALLY somehow educational and awesome and Obama watches it SO THERE!
Also can you ask King Oberin (spelling = bad) if he knows about his rainbow magic alter-ego?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Yes, I did! It was amazing, because it had an Australian accent and then it had Derek's awesomeness.

Eve the ROCK said...

Oh, good :P

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*tackles Eve* *takes her syringe and uses it to take all of her blood* *runs off*

Eve the ROCK said...


Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

Yes, it did. Forget what?

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

we happen to be talking about Midsummer Nights Dream and that's what our grade is doing for the end of year drama performance...
Although it's a bit different, still the same...

there, Hel

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

Oh, can you email to me as well?

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

Be back soon

Eve the ROCK said...

*has lost all blood* Ugh....

*stumbles towards Val*

*falls on face*


*drags self to blood sample fridge*

*takes some of Val's blood and injects it into self's blood stream*

*is better* Thanks for your kind donations!

*runs after Val*

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

k Harmony!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*stares at Eve* *blinks a few times in shock*

Um... Let's make a deal. How about you take my blood back out of you, never put it in you again, and I'll give all of yours back. You don't even have to give me mine, just... Don't put it in you! IT'S MINE!

Helena Ember Sky said...

I won't send it till I get Eve's e-mail too. Okay?
Puck: *punches Romana in face not affecting her because he's IMAGINARY*
Me: *kisses Puck on cheek* *slaps him* Stop punching my friends!

Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

Lol I watching man vs wild. It is a pointless show.

Helena Ember Sky said...

Eve! What's you e-mail?

Helena Ember Sky said...


Harmony Dew (aka a Nac mac feegle) said...

*Grabs syringe and takes some of Val's blood and some of Eve's and injects it into her hybrid creation*

Goodbye, I have go now. Oh, I am going to call my hybrid Eval. C u!

Helena Ember Sky said...

See you Harmony!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

bye Harmony!!

Mayan said...

Hello again!
Thank you for defending me againest HIM! *glares pointly at Puck*
Now I have Born this way int my head cos I wrote Capital H I M m m m
*forces Puck to liten to achy breaky heart ON REPEAT!*

Helena Ember Sky said...

*saves Puck* How could you Maya?

Eve the ROCK said...

Helena Ember Sky said...

Thanks Eve!

Eve the ROCK said...

It's mine now, Val!

Mayan said...

Byeeeeee Dew!
( I kinda don't like the name Harmony cos my J key annoys me cos it is jammed so I have to press it really hard and H iis right next to it and I am pretty sure it is the truly evil one. )

Helena Ember Sky said...

It's sent. But I forgot a subject and to write anything.

Eve the ROCK said...

Eval...Evil? :P

Lalalala! I have powerful Darquesse-esque blood!

Eve the ROCK said...

I dedicate this page to my newwww blood!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*murders Eve and takes all my blood back* *injects her blood back into her* *brings her back from the dead and runs*

Helena Ember Sky said...

No! Just missed out on first.

Eve the ROCK said...


*sobs because I'm not Ancient anymore*

Eve the ROCK said...

Thanks Heck!

Helena Ember Sky said...

Got it then?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*laughs maniacally and jumps in the TARDIS with the 11th Doctor*

Mayan said...

ohhh New Page!
Usually it takes me aaagggggeeesss to figure out that there is a new page

Helena Ember Sky said...

Puck: *flies Hel into TARDIS and joins the girls*
(Sorry if that made no sense)

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Irish and Australian accents together rule!

Eve the ROCK said...

It's downloading Chiddy Bang songs...?

Helena Ember Sky said...

Yeah Missy! If only I knew an Irish person... What Eve?

Eve the ROCK said...

Haha, never mind

Helena Ember Sky said...


Mayan said...

TARDIS!!!! *tries to run into it* There is no room!
Sorry Helana but I HAVE to do this
*kicks Puck out*

Helena Ember Sky said...

Of course there's room! *Puck flies back in*

Mayan said...

*grabs Nora the Noo-noo and carries her into the Tardis*
No room now!
*evil screeching laugh*

Helena Ember Sky said...

I'm talking to "Serpine" on facebook. Any witty things that I should say?

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

i could listen to that over and over and over again!!

thanks for sending it Hel!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Say, "You've got big ears" then say you disappeared through a wall.

Helena Ember Sky said...

S'ok Miss. Like my e-mail address?

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

its so cool!

Helena Ember Sky said...

Is it? I knew it was cool but I never knew that it was SO cool.

Eve the ROCK said...

But it IS because we're awesome!!!!


Nixion Strange said...


Nixion Strange said...

Hi Luce!
Distant, writing up questions for Derek tomorrow

Luciana said...


Okay, Nix! XD

Nixion Strange said...

... You're... like, in what way?

Mayan said...

GTG now Sorry!
Tis 10pm in Kiwi-a-go-go-land

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

hi Nix and L!!

distant, reading...

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

bye Maya!

Luciana said...

Heya, Cain!

Luciana said...

Bye, Maya!

Luciana said...

Nix, I'd have thought you would've heard by now. hahaha. C:

Nixion Strange said...


Luciana said...

Bye, Nix!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

bye Nix!

Eve the ROCK said...


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

hi Eve!

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Miss!

Luciana said...

Eve, Skuttlebug! XD *tacklehugs*

Eve the ROCK said...

Lucy Anna, Skuttlebug!!!! *tacklehugs back* :D

Luciana said...


I'm so giggly today, Skuttlebug.


Eve the ROCK said...

Why is that, Skuttlebug?

Luciana said...

I don't know, Skuttlebug.

Maybe 'cause he seems to be feeling a bit better. C:

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*is only commenting to make sure you know that I'm still here*

Luciana said...

I think the word Skuttlebug is starting to lose meaning, Skuttlebug.

Eve the ROCK said...

Ah, okay, Skuttlebug :P

Okay Miss :P

Yeah, that normally happens when you say something over and over, Skuttlebug.....And over, Skuttlebug....

Nixion Strange said...

Luce, what should I have heard?

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Nix!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

hi Nix

i shouldnt be distant anymore, finished reading

Luciana said...


I was talking to Hellboyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

Helena Ember Sky said...

Puck: *flies Hel in through the window*
Me: I could have done that.
Puck: *grins* I know.

Nixion Strange said...

So Luce?
*is suspecting but isn't sure*
What should I know?

Helena Ember Sky said...

*sidles up next to Nix* Yes L, anything we should know?

Luciana said...

I thought everyone already knew. *laughs*


Everyone in Chat knowwwsssssss.

Eve knows.

Eve was one of the first to know. ^^

Nixion Strange said...

From the start, I knew it was someone, I just didn't know who. Then today, I got it, but wasn't sure

Helena Ember Sky said...

Hmm... Yeah, I knew as soon as you WOULDN'T STOP TALKING ABOUT HIM! That was before you fell "in love" with him.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

now we have that sorted, I shall, umm, swim maybe

no, don't help me, I WILL think of something...

Eve the ROCK said...

Okay Missy

Hi Helena!

Luciana said...


I love how slow you guys arrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeee.

Ellie realised before I did...


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

oh yes, I nearly forgot

hi Hel!

Helena Ember Sky said...

L? I did too! So did Puck! Didn't you Puck?
Puck: *nods*
Me: Hey Eve.

Eve the ROCK said...

Hehehehe, yeah, I'm the Romance Detective :P

Nixion Strange said...

Luce, I talk to you maybe once every two weeks, for a little bit. How am I meant to know?

Helena Ember Sky said...

Hey Miss! *hugs*

Helena Ember Sky said...!/photo.php?fbid=432504253457280&set=a.416930185014687.93266.416927101681662&type=1&theater Right in the feels. (The comment on the side, not the picture fully)

Luciana said...

News travels round fast. *laughs*

Luciana said...

Hel says she's gotta go and says bye!


Nixion Strange said...

Bye Hel!

Nixion Strange said...

Sorry, I have a thing whenever someone implies/infers/says I'm less than intellegent

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

bye Hel!

hi Maralie!

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Maralie!

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Hi! :) I'm writing my Skulduggery Fanfic now. IT'S ALMOST OOOOVER! :0

Eve the ROCK said...

Bye Miss and Heck!

Luciana said...

Hi, Maralie!

Sorry, distant. :P

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Maralie!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Eve, im not going

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Hi Miss Cain, Eve, Luciana and Nix!

Nixion Strange said...

Last as always

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Sorry. Okay, let me try again. Hi Nix, Miss Cain, Eve and Luciana!

Nixion Strange said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Oh, right, sorry, I thought Heck said 'bye' :P

Eve the ROCK said...

*facepalm* Where is the sense of humor these days? :P

Nixion Strange said...

*runs around in a circle*

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*looks around*

what hole?

Nixion Strange said...


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

gonna go now

bye all!

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Miss!



Eve the ROCK said...

Bye Miss!

Luciana said...

Sorry for poofing.

I was busy. >.<

Eve the ROCK said...

That's alright :)

Jacqueline Willing said...

Went to the Sydney event today and OH MY GOD!!!!
It was amazing!!!
Met awesome people not to mention the golden god himself and had great fun! Thank you for giving me the best day of my life Mr Landy!!!

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Jacqueline!

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Jacqueline!

Matex Von Darkhour - マテクス said...

So, you excited yet nix? :P

Nixion Strange said...

Be back later

Matex Von Darkhour - マテクス said...

Pft you suck >.>
Who else is still on? :)

Matex Von Darkhour - マテクス said...

No one? :(

Unapplicable. said...

I'm here.
I don't think Eve ever left...

Matex Von Darkhour - マテクス said...

Yeah it seems a lot of people just 'poofed' off without warning haha

Eve the ROCK said...

Bye Nix, Hi Matex, Hi Calamity!

Nah, I didn't leave. :P

Eve the ROCK said...

How many books does Derek sign, Calamity?

Matex, are you Aussie/Kiwi?

Unapplicable. said...

For me, he signed all the 12 that I had. Some of them were for others.
Erm. At the other one, they were apparently running out of time and he only signed one.
But if you mention who you are and HANG AROUND TILL THE END; you'll be able to talk with him for ages afterwards.

Anonymous said...

I'm here. Is Maralie? Msd

Matex Von Darkhour - マテクス said...

Hey there Eve :)
Yeah im aussie, going to go see him tommorow, only a few hours away :D
Last time I went he signed as much as you wanted

Eve the ROCK said...

Really? :D what if I see him....first?

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