Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Post Before I Go

I have a few random pictures cluttering up my desktop, so I shall intersperse them as I go...

I'm catching my plane tomorrow. An hour to London, then 13 hours to Singapore, then 7.5 hours to Sydney, then 3 hours to Auckland... I'll arrive in New Zealand a little before midday on Tuesday, mildly confused about whether or not I'm sleepy after spending a day in the air zipping across time zones. 

Oh boy oh boy.

I'm not packed, either. I know what I'm bringing- roughly- but I'll leave the packing until tomorrow. I'm bringing A Dance of Dragons to read, and I've already looked up what movies will be playing on the plane. Movies that I haven't seen but want to include Battleship, Dark Shadows, Lockout, Get the Gringo, The Five-Year Engagement, and The Woman in Black, and I'll also get a chance to watch The Avengers again. That's roughly 16 hours of movies... I think I should be okay...

Today, I am cleaning the house. Laura will be staying here when I'm gone so I need to have everything nice and tidy, or else she'll throw a mug at me. 

I fully intend to blog while I'm on tour. I know my publishers would like me to keep a Tour Blog, detailing how the events went and who I met and what the various cities were like- basically documenting the entire experience. Annnnnnnnd that's not gonna happen. When I get back to my hotel- usually at around 9 o'clock at night- I'm pretty much exhausted. But I'll do my best to keep my Minions appraised of developments.

I'll be gone for 17 days, during which time I'll be staying at 9 hotels and visiting 12 airports. 

The temperature in New Zealand is ranging from 1 degree (celsius) at night to 14 during the day. This, my Minions, is a temperature I can deal with.

The temperature in Australia is ranging from 7 to 23. 23 is a tad high. Please Australia, cool down a bit before I get there. Just a few degrees. Say, five. Thank you.

I've got my Sky box ready to record my shows when I'm away. Right now I'm recording Criminal Minds, Newsroom, The Mentalist, and Supernatural. I was delighted beyond measure to realise that I'll be able to watch the Ronda Rousey fight live in my hotel room on my only day off- Sunday the 19th. Thanks to the time difference, I'll just be sitting down to room service lunch when she fights...

And that's it. That's all. I have a house to clean and time is running out. I also need to write up instructions for Laura on how to use the TV (it's more complicated than it sounds) when I'm gone. All you Minions-with-funny-accents, prepare yourselves. I am coming. 


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Luciana said...

I have to go. Someone else ded. My dedications are shit, anyway/

Eve the ROCK said...


I'm changing my name. No more Astrid Vanilla. I'm changing my name to Eve something do people won't get confused. I mean, that's allowed, to have yor given first name as part of your taken name. So that's what I'm doing.

But should I be Eve Azure, like I was before, or something else....probably something else.... Not asking for suggestions, friendlings :P just wanted to let you know Im changing it.

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Luce!

Nixion Strange said...

Okay then Eve

June Clarence said...

OH MY GOD YOU ARE WATCHING "THE MENTALIST" ?! That is seriously THE BEST SHOW EVER! OMG! You just made my day, Mr Landy! ♥
Criminal Minds is brilliant, too, and you might want to check out "Castle" sometime. Bestselling author working with the police and solving murders ... sound good?

Have fun on your tour and enjoy the trip. I`m sure you`ll love Australia and New Zealand, though personally, I could do without the long flights.

Pre-ordered KOTW two days ago, btw. So looking foward to it! And maybe this year they will actually HAVE it in Germany on the day it`s available in the UK instead of a month later...

Nixion Strange said...

Hey June!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

bye L!!

Nix, its the old one
i wish they would make a new one...
My sister said to mum that she wanted to change the channel, so she did, and it came up with Prehistoric Park!! I had a fan-girl moment while eating dinner, hard to do. My friend used to have the series and i would ALWAYS borrow it. Maybe i should ask her a) if she still has it and b) ask if i can KEEP it

ok Eve

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

hi June!

Nixion Strange said...

I have the full series

Colleen McGuigan said...

Gotta go now, 'cus I just realized it's lunch time and I'm in bed :P Bye All :) x

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Val!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

i wish i had it...

MAYBE i should just borrow her seires BOX and just "forget" to return it
maybe she will thank me one day for getting rid of it from her
something like that

yeah, i always borrowed the whole box she had, got about to the 3rd last, then forget to watch the others

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

bye Val!!
i always sleep in till about 1 in the arvo, if not then 11am

the reason it would be 11am is cuz mum dragged me out
something along those lines...

Eve the ROCK said...

Bye ValkyrieCain!

Hmmm... Eve Pineapple sounds pretty cool...but do you think it's too sinister? I don't want people thinking I'm some sort of super-assassin

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Pinapple sounds spiky
reminds me of a mohawk (thats not how you spell it but what the hell)

yeah, so maybe not

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

and it reminds me of yellow

Eve the ROCK said...

What about... Eve Taekwondo?


Eve Karate?

Eve Kungfu?


This is hard

Eve the ROCK said...

...Eve Onion....

Nixion Strange said...

Eve Pineapple?

Eve the ROCK said...

Eve Boombox

Nixion Strange said...

Eve, try thinking of an adjective about you, and looking it up on the thesaurus
How I come up with my names

Eve the ROCK said...

Eve Celerycelerycelery

...I'll put that in the Maybe pile

Eve the ROCK said...

*holds up hands* I don't need your help, I know how to take a name. Did I not come up with the gorgeous name of Mahogany Reen? I'll think o'somethin

Nixion Strange said...

Just saying how I come up with my awesome names

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

yeah, im suggesting ANYTHING
whatever i think of doesnt make sense
which is 98% of the time...

Eve the ROCK said...

Hey you know Releesa Trouble? It sounds like tire actually SAYING 'Release the trouble' xD

Or at least it does when I say it. I heard the different states in Australia have slightly different accents.

Eve the ROCK said...


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

yeah, Lav helped with that

Eve the ROCK said...


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

that day i just randomly did a brainstorm on taken names

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

...and i have that brainstorm in my notebook


Eve the ROCK said...

My older brother suggested Eve Zilla

Nixion Strange said...

Be back later

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

me and my friends are doing our given names backwards

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

bye Nix!!

Eve Zilla

could be a contender...

Eve the ROCK said...

Bye Nix!

My given name backwards is Eve.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

one of my friends given name backwards is Kram

and theres another guy whos given name backwards is Caasi

Star Inkbright said...

Sorry, I poofed. :/

Went to play badminton in our garden. Only our garden wasn't really big enough . . . If you count back from one side of the net there was about four metres of space before the trees that mark the edge of the garden, and on the other side of the net, there was only about two metres. :/

And trust me, two metres of space is NOT enough. The shuttlecock landed in the trees at about every other shot.

Star Inkbright said...

My given name backwards is Rats. :)

Star Inkbright said...


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

WB Star!

oh no, *sneezes* i think ive caught my sister cold...

Star Inkbright said...

My given name backwards is Ylloh. Pronouced Illo. :)

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

my taken name backwards is Ssim

but if you count the cain bit, its Niac Ssim

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

ok, got to go now

parents are making me get off


Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Star!!

Eve the ROCK said...

It's a riot.

Star Inkbright said...

Thgirbkni Rats.

Prounouced Fgeerb-nee Rats.

Or Rats Thgirbkni? Rats Thgirbkni looks better.

Eve the ROCK said...

Bye Miss!

Star Inkbright said...

Fours Cain!

Luciana said...

I thought of a ded!

Eve the ROCK said...

I'd be... Wait, I don't have a taken name :P

Eve the ROCK said...

Dedicate then!

Star Inkbright said...

Eve Thgirbkni? :)

Star Inkbright said...

Eve Zilla is coolio thoughhhh.

Eve the ROCK said...

We ain't ezzakli sisstez, Rats :P

Eve Zilla...*starts laughing*

Eve the ROCK said...

How does Eve Marone sound?

Star Inkbright said...

Eve Madillo.

As in, armadillo, but Evemadillo.

Although I also like Eve Pineapple. :)

Eve the ROCK said...

It means brown in Italian.

Star Inkbright said...

Eev ma-rown. :)

It sounds cool.

Eve the ROCK said...

Ha! Eve-Madillo. A new breed of 'dillo.

Eve the ROCK said...

Ma-roan. Roan rhyming with bone.

Eve the ROCK said...

So, Ma-rone :P

Star Inkbright said...

I'm weird. If I haven't eaten anything for quite a long time, I'm not hungry, but if I've just eaten something, I'm hungry.

I am weird for other reasons, of course. I never tell anyone exactly how weird I am. They would be too scared. (Turn the "weird" in thay last sentence into "clever" and it's an AF quote.)

Star Inkbright said...

Yeah, ma-rown is ma-roan, rhyming with bone . . . I'm not brill at explaining rhymes.

Luciana said...

I can't think of anything to ded to.
I've dedicated to everything I can think of..

Eve the ROCK said...

We're all weird, Star xD

Hmm...I like Hyacinth... Eve Hyacinth? Hyacintha? Eve Hyacintha? Nah, doesn't suit me...

Eve the ROCK said...

You just said you'd thought of a ded...

Eve the ROCK said...

*grins* This is funny. I just list off all these names but in the end, I just pick something and settle for that :P

Luciana said...

I've ded'd to it before. >.<

Star Inkbright said...

Ded toooooo . . .


-HB/Joe- said...

Hiiiya :)

-HB/Joe- said...

It's been a while. But we meet again, Blogland.

Drew O'Connor said...

Ahhh Hellboy!


Star Inkbright said...

Hi Hellboy!!!

-HB/Joe- said...

*hugs* Heya Emerald :)

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Em!

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Helllllllboy! A.k.a. Only-person-I-know-here-who-is-in-Adelaide-so-yay!

Hi Memerald!

Eve the ROCK said...

I would just settle for Marone...but it starts with M...M doesn't really suit me...does it?

-HB/Joe- said...

Heya Star, Eve :) *hugs*

Luciana said...

I dedicate to artists. Authors, painters, illustrators, sculptors, singers, songwriters, dancers and whatever other forms of artists there are. Without artists the world would be a rather dull and boring place, no? We're all artists in our own rights. Many of us here write stories, some of us draw, some of us sing, or dance...
Every form of art that you may contribute to this world is precious. If it wasn't for artists we wouldn't have many of the architectural structures we have today, we'd not have books, we'd not have posters, we'd not have fashion.
Art is a much larger part of life than people think. It's overlooked far too easily...I think it deserves some recognition, because some forms of art change people's lives.

Skulduggery Pleasant has saved me from suicide more times than I can count. Hunger Games replaced one of the nightmares that usually stalk me in my sleep with a dream - for the first time in months. The Zelda soundtracks always bring a smile to my face because they're part of some of the few happy memories I have.
Art can change lives, whether you like it or not. Derek has changed all of our lives. Derek's art, these books, are a gift to the world and the effect they have had upon us is immense.

And so, leading on from this, I dedicate to all of you Bloglandians. If it wasn't for Derek and his amazing talent I'd probably not even know of your existence. I feel as though it is an honour to be a fan of such a series as this.


Luciana said...

Yay! Hellboy! *hugs*
I told Nix I'd get you on Blogland.

Drew O'Connor said...

*does a silly celebration dance*

I'm on a roll!!!
With my next chapter!!!
I'm so excited!!!

Luciana said...

Eve, you should have Ia as the second part of your taken name;D

Star Inkbright said...


How is that ded bad, L????

Luciana said...

I just broke another nail. >.<

Luciana said...

Did you see my ded from earlier, Star? That one was okay.
i need to read it.
gimme a minute to read that ded from earlier.

Luciana said...


Star Inkbright said...

I saw itttttt. :)

T'was brill.

-HB/Joe- said...

That ded was amazing, Luc :) Well worth the wait. Wish I had my own room, I could print some of these out and stick them up somewhere...

Eve the ROCK said...

Eve La? Not bad. Not bad at all.

Eve the ROCK said...

I might disappear soon, warning

Star Inkbright said...

I think I'm turning into a permanant msder, myself.

Luciana said...


This is your fault, Hb. I stayed up all night talking to you.
And choosing which SP book(s) to buy...

-HB/Joe- said...

Well, fine XD Then the headache I have now from spending 12 hours on the computer is YOUR fault :P We're such dedicated friends. Ow I'm going to turn the brightness down on this comp....

Drew O'Connor said...

Just a short chapter for Chapter 15 but I think it'll be one that a lot of you would like to read.

Luciana said...

Hehehehe. Yes, your headache is my fault. :P
We're too cool;D Clearly so much love;P
I'm not even sorry. :P

Nixion Strange said...

Here for a few minutes

Drew O'Connor said...

Chapter 15
Short chapter

*coughs again*
Jaysus that's an awful cough

Star Inkbright said...


At least you think it's a good one.

Nixion Strange said...

Why does everyone ignore me now days?

Luciana said...

Hey, Nix!
Sorry. I fancied a can of pop/

Cat said...

Hi Nixion

Its alright... you get used to it. sometimes its better

I hope everyone feels okay, even if I dont, with their headaches and coughs

i cant type today.

Luciana said...

Hey, Cat! *waves*

Nixion Strange said...

Well, this has all been facinating, but it's too late for me. See you all later

Luciana said...

Bye, Nix! *hugs* Talk to you soon! :)

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Cat!

You do know nobody can explain to you why they ignore you, right? Because if they did, they wouldn't be ignoring you. And if they didn't ignore you, they couldn't say why the did, because they didn't.

Star Inkbright said...

Fours Nix!

Luciana said...

I hate my left hand.
It's so shaky. >.<

-HB/Joe- said...

Sorry for being a bit unresponsive, guys. This headache's actually really getting to me. I'm going to sleep it off now.

*hugs* Cya!

Cat said...

Bye Hellboy

Star Inkbright said...

Fours Hellboy!

Luciana said...

*hugs Hb* Niggggggggghhttttttttt! c:
I'm sorry for making you get a headache. But you did keep me up talking all night...Which /was/ rather funny, actually...And I did find 7 books I want to buy and can afford...Hehehe. Anyway, talk to you later! NIGHT! :)

Cat said...

Hi again Kallista Pendragon- The Beautiful Goddess Queen(and Theif in Black)

Luciana said...

*hugs Kallie* Hello. :)
You just missed Hb. He's blaming me for his headache because I am blaming him for my getting no sleep. *grins* How are you?

And *laughs* my dear, I think you'll find those dedications were terrible and I have lost the edge that I had only very briefly..

Cat said...

Question for the Derek
Why do all of your charecters... funny? none of them are just, you know, lame little charecters that bug people to a point where its not intense, and not funny, and they all have depths that you can see? I dont really get that....
Speaking of, Finbar Wrong is awesome.
I figured you probably wouldnt read this, so you probably wouldnt mind me tacking rubbish to the end.

Eve the ROCK said...

*is back* I am here but in danger of falling asleep. I have taken no chances when it comes to this cold 8-16 degree (C) Sunday. I am wearing a singlet and a pyjama top and a pyjama top, all long sleeve, long pyjama pants and thick blue smurfy socks. And a quilt and a blanket.

Luciana said...

I'm off, now! Bbl! *hugs everyone* Talk to you later! <3 XXX

Eve the ROCK said...

And it's ever so comfortable...

Cat said...

Ehm, Bye Everyone who is leaving.

Eve the ROCK said...

You all gone except Cat maybe?

Oh well.i have fun talking to cats.

Jed Dark said...

Love the pics Derek, so funny!

Eve the ROCK said...

Yay, Cat!

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Jed! Why not stay and chat a while? We FUUUUUN

Cat said...

Hi Jed Dark.
You could do that. but I am not Liable for any damage done to your physical or mental health or appearence.

Drew O'Connor said...

I'm glad Kallie liked the chapter :)

Heya everyone who is here at the moment.

Jed Dark said...

Sorry not got time to chat right now

Star Inkbright said...

8-16 °C isn't COLD!!!!

Cat said...

Hi Emrald Melody. Your story is going really nicely.

Drew O'Connor said...

Oh are you following it Cat?!

Cat said...

Ive been following it for a while.

Cat said...

It's brilliant.

Drew O'Connor said...

Oh why thank you very much :)

Eve the ROCK said...

Awesome. :D

Yay, Mem and Staraptor too!

Awwww okay Jed, come any time though!

Eve the ROCK said...

What?! Yes it is! It's quite cold. Reasonable weather is 20 - 30!

Bethany said...

have an amazing time while you're away. i've been wanting to watch the news room, but haven't gotten around to it. currently on my seventh rewatch of game of thrones so there's not much room for anything else. criminal minds is fantastic :3

cannot wait to see you when you come to belfast. it's gonna be the highlight of my year, and that includes a year in which the avengers came out. bon voyage!

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Bethany!! Stay and chat!!!

(I'm asking everyone to stay and chat)

Cat said...

going to go bang my head on a wall to see if that helps my writing- be back in a minute

Eve the ROCK said...

Kay Cat :)

Star Inkbright said...

20-30 is hot summer's day!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

I'm back for some advice on my Killer Whale report so far
Here it goes:

Killer Whales, also known as Orcas, belong to the family of Delphinidae. (Dolphins). Their scientific name is Orcinus Orca. Although their name suggests that they are whales, they are actually dolphins.

Killer Whales are around the same size as a bus. Their round, black bodies enable them to swim at speeds needed. They have a white eye patch behind and above their eyes. Killer Whales have tall dorsal fins which can reach up to 2 metres tall. White Killer Whales do exist, but are very rare. Males have tall, upright dorsal fins and are about 6-8 metres long and their weight ranges from 3600kg to about 5400kg. Females' dorsal fins are smaller and less upright then the males and are about 5-7 metres in length. Their body weight is about 1400kg-3600kg. Newborn calves weigh about 180kg and are about 2.5 metres in length.

Killer Whales are located all across the globe. They're mostly found in cold, coastal waters, but are also found near the Equator. Antarctica has an estimated population of 70 000 Killer Whales. Killer Whales do not have a particular migration patten. This is because they migrate to wherever food is at that time.

Soooo, what do you think?

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

That took forever to write!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...


Star Inkbright said...

Looks awesome, Cain. Really detailed and informative.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Thankyou Star
And I've got about 3 paragraphs to go!!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

I'm gonna go now
My cold isn't getting any better and I've had some medicine
Time for sleep


Star Inkbright said...

Fours Cain!

Rhiannon said...

Am glad you like Supernatural, that's one of my fav TV shows, I have all the series that are out on DVD. It always makes me happy when someone I like likes something I like XD

Can't wait to read the new book when it comes out and I look forward to reading more posts!!!

Have fun on your tour xx

Rude.And.Not.Ginger said...

First of all, KOTW was too amazing for words
Secondly, my friends and I are going through SO much trouble to come and see you in Sydney! We have to take a day off school and travel the 2.5 - 3 hours there. We still have no idea how we're going to get there, BUT WE WILL FIND A WAY! We managed to book the last 3 seats for the 14th, and seriously, that has to be a sign that we're destined to go, can't wait to see you there!

Noelle said...

Hi all!

Star Inkbright said...

Still here, Adra????

Coz if sooooo, hi!

Phoebe said...

HI everybody. I'm bored. Somebody talk to me!

Jinxx Cyanide said...

I feel an obligation to warn you, Golden God:
THe five year engagement is RUBBISH.

Don't say you weren't warned!

Noelle said...

Hi ink!!!

He Phoebe!!!*hugs*

I'm here! Singing my heart out, but here :P

Phoebe said...

Hello? Somebody tell me i'm not invisible please...

Phoebe said...

Hey Adrasdos hows things?

Phoebe said...

Do you want a present?

Phoebe said...

* hands box wrapped in a bow *


Hmm... you seem to be missing a head.

Luciana said...


Phoebe said...

Yay! Two people! Do you want a present aswell?

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Phoebe and L.

Wbd, as you can see.

Noelle said...

Hey Luce!!*hugs* howre ya???

I'm grand, Phoebe... And uh, thanks..?

Phoebe said...

I'll take your silence as a yes. Heres.... an exploded watermelon. Its a bit old though, I left it here yesterday.

Phoebe said...

I'd give you a present too Star, but you can share with Lucinda.

Your welcome everyone!

Yes I am acting wierd. I always do when I'm bored (again).

Noelle said...


Luciana said...

I think I might leave...
But I need to talk to Kal to talk to Hb for me...

Phoebe said...

Okay. You love Joseph Octaboona. We get it already!

Noelle said...

WOW KALLIE... *shakes head*

Komodo Devious said...


Komodo Devious said...

Here because for some reason there's no one on the chat.

Phoebe said...


Luciana said...

Oh. There she is...

Komodo Devious said...

And it seems like there's no one here too.

Komodo Devious said...

Oh, oops.

Phoebe said...


Komodo Devious said...

Hm, quite silent it is.

Komodo Devious said...

You know, aquila's one.

Noelle said...

Oh, yeah, Kallie. Just wanted to say thanks for cheering us up yesterday :D

Phoebe said...

Oh. Right.

DOes anybody like roleplaying? Just thinking of fun things to do...

Komodo Devious said...


Komodo Devious said...

Who else wants to roleplay?

Luciana said...

I'm not in the mood for anything, right now. I am just going to go curl up in bed and cry. Because. I. Give. In.

Komodo Devious said...

Silence again?

Komodo Devious said...

I kinda suck at commet chat.

Phoebe said...

Hi. I want to role play!

Komodo Devious said...

So, what we gonna do when we roleplay?

Phoebe said...

I'll try not to be silent. I'm watching a movie at the same time, so...

Noelle said...

It's alright. i was there last night. :/

Phoebe said...

Ah... I dont know. But can you start? I hate starting for some reason.

Komodo Devious said...

Well howdy doody there pheobe.

Komodo Devious said...

*Is icapable of starting roleplaying*

Phoebe said...

Hi! Are you american too...?

Komodo Devious said...

I'm from Ireland.

Komodo Devious said...

What's america like iving in?

Phoebe said...

Umm.... I'll try starting then.

* throws brick at Komodo * Do you like bricks? I like bricks.

Phoebe said...

No idea. I'm not american. I'm from New Zealand.

Komodo Devious said...

How is that starting?

Komodo Devious said...

Well, bricks are okay, depends on the situation.

Phoebe said...

I dont know! I've never ever started before. Because I am incapable. You try!

Becky Allaker said...

Hey, Jordan, if you're still here. I don't know if it's a mix of things or just what the guys told me, but.. I'm really sorry and I don't want you to be angry and i know you are and I understand why, but they told me because i was pissed and such.

But anyway it's ok, babe. I really don't know what to say but the lads meant no harm at all and I could have told them no, too, so I guess I'm to blame, too.

Komodo Devious said...


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