Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Post Before I Go

I have a few random pictures cluttering up my desktop, so I shall intersperse them as I go...

I'm catching my plane tomorrow. An hour to London, then 13 hours to Singapore, then 7.5 hours to Sydney, then 3 hours to Auckland... I'll arrive in New Zealand a little before midday on Tuesday, mildly confused about whether or not I'm sleepy after spending a day in the air zipping across time zones. 

Oh boy oh boy.

I'm not packed, either. I know what I'm bringing- roughly- but I'll leave the packing until tomorrow. I'm bringing A Dance of Dragons to read, and I've already looked up what movies will be playing on the plane. Movies that I haven't seen but want to include Battleship, Dark Shadows, Lockout, Get the Gringo, The Five-Year Engagement, and The Woman in Black, and I'll also get a chance to watch The Avengers again. That's roughly 16 hours of movies... I think I should be okay...

Today, I am cleaning the house. Laura will be staying here when I'm gone so I need to have everything nice and tidy, or else she'll throw a mug at me. 

I fully intend to blog while I'm on tour. I know my publishers would like me to keep a Tour Blog, detailing how the events went and who I met and what the various cities were like- basically documenting the entire experience. Annnnnnnnd that's not gonna happen. When I get back to my hotel- usually at around 9 o'clock at night- I'm pretty much exhausted. But I'll do my best to keep my Minions appraised of developments.

I'll be gone for 17 days, during which time I'll be staying at 9 hotels and visiting 12 airports. 

The temperature in New Zealand is ranging from 1 degree (celsius) at night to 14 during the day. This, my Minions, is a temperature I can deal with.

The temperature in Australia is ranging from 7 to 23. 23 is a tad high. Please Australia, cool down a bit before I get there. Just a few degrees. Say, five. Thank you.

I've got my Sky box ready to record my shows when I'm away. Right now I'm recording Criminal Minds, Newsroom, The Mentalist, and Supernatural. I was delighted beyond measure to realise that I'll be able to watch the Ronda Rousey fight live in my hotel room on my only day off- Sunday the 19th. Thanks to the time difference, I'll just be sitting down to room service lunch when she fights...

And that's it. That's all. I have a house to clean and time is running out. I also need to write up instructions for Laura on how to use the TV (it's more complicated than it sounds) when I'm gone. All you Minions-with-funny-accents, prepare yourselves. I am coming. 


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Selena Gasp said...

vena coil, never ever stalk people

Mayan said...

I did

Selena Gasp said...

I am watching Americas got talent, grace something on youtube, she is sooo good and she is only 11!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

im baaaaack

Mayan said...

Search Mika into youtube.
Prepare to faint in awe of his talent.

Selena Gasp said...

Wait Maya, go back on the blog!!!!

Nixion Strange said...

WB Miss!

Selena Gasp said...


Star Inkbright said...


Mayan said...

Hi Miss Cain!

Selena Gasp said...

which video do I watch Maya??? Which oneeee

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

my lil sister is so considerate
she drew me a SP poster for me

i might put it on Odd Life...

Mayan said...

@Selena Happy Ending ON REPEAT

Mayan said...

or we are young

Mayan said...

or we are golden or any other world or Grace Kelly
All his songs are wonderful

Star Inkbright said...

*laughs* Sometimes when I'm on blogger and talking to people irl, and the irl people ask me a question, I start typing out my answer to them in the comment box.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

scratch that

im too lazy to put it on my blog

Luciana said...

I’ve not dedicated in a while. So, I’m a tad rusty. Hahaha. But, I think I know what I want to dedicate to. Something that is part of all of us.
I’d like to dedicate to love and compassion. We show one another love and compassion pretty much every day. That’s something I love about this fandom- the majority of us are lovely. There’s only the odd one or two of you that’s not so nice to the rest of us. But, I guess, that’s probably just one of those things. It’s how it works, I guess. You get some wrong, you get some right. Maybe you just need to step back and have a look at the damage you cause…Anyway, back to the love and compassion…
When I first became part of this fandom, I wasn’t too sure what to expect. I was slightly scared that no-one would like me, like it was at school and whatever…But, from the moment I said one word you were all supportive and loving. You always seem to accept people for who they are. And, though everyone has their own group of friends within this fandom, you all kind of…Came together to welcome the new person. I see this happen every single time we get a newbie. It’s moments like that that make me proud to be a Skuttlebug. Make me proud to be a Minion.
Some faith in humanity is restored when I talk to you all. You all seem to attempt to face someone’s problems as a team as opposed to making someone go it alone. You’re all like one huge family. You might fall out with a couple of people, but the love is still there. You’re there for one another when someone needs help the most. There’s always someone there for people that need help.
Every generation of bloglandian we have had have become closer. They have faced their demons together and some have even fought against one another…But, in the end, you always manage to pull yourselves back together. You work as a team. Like a machine, every piece is crucial. Without just one of you things wouldn’t work anywhere near as well.


Selena Gasp said...

Hi Miss, hey Nix, I am going to have to opt out of the comp, I have a big project coming up at school, sorry :(
:(:(:( I would love to be a part of it, but I will not have time

Luciana said...

I’ve been told by a lot of you that I do a lot for you guys. I’ve had Sparky tell me that I see the best in people. I’ve had Hellboy telling me I’m fantastic and brilliant. I’ve had a fair few of you tell me that I am strong and that I’m a great person. So many of you compliment me and I never used to see the truth. But, now, I see the light. You guys were right and you compliment me all the time. But if I am all of these things, what are you? You all do so much for one another. Help each-other when things are tough, make each-other laugh when everything is going wrong and made each-other smile so bright that they lit up their own way through the darkness. My point is, you all work as a team to help each-other. Skuttlebugs. That’s what everyone says the name of the fandom is. It’s not just a fandom. I assure you. We’re a family. We are one together.
You guys see the best in people and don’t take them for any less than that. You guys can see as man sides of a person as they have and still see the brightness shining through the dark.
The love you show one another is immense and thought there is magic in the fandom through throwing fireballs and flying through the air, the real magic is within you. Within all of you. This bond that you all seem to have is forever. You jump in and save someone when they need it and you help each-other through every little step. Half of us don’t even know the people we tend to spend our lives talking to, but that’s what proves how strong love truly is. How magical love can be.
Our shared love for this series of books has brought together thousands of fans and changed their lives. It’s not just the Skulduggery Pleasant books that are amazing, it’s the fandom too. This is literally the best fandom I have ever known. Including the Mockingjays with their District Twelve Salute, of sorts. This fandom. This is the more true and pure fandom ever, in my opinion. You are all tremendous people and there’s just one word I want to say to you, now…This one word is what you all are. No matter how many times you deny it, it won’ stop it from being true…

Helena Ember Sky said...

AH! Derek's finally coming! Now to decide whether or not I'm going...

Star Inkbright said...


Nixion Strange said...

That not perfect thing was directed at me

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Helena!

Selena Gasp said...

Best ded ever Luciana.

Nixion Strange said...

You know there are only 8 people in the comp...

Mayan said...

@Luci I am actually crying
If I ever publish a book I will try to dedicate it to you guys. *sobs*

Luciana said...

Actually, the beginning bit about not being completely nice was aimed at a few people I have a bit of a distate for...

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*wipes back a tear of joy*
that was BRILLIANT L!!


hi Hel!!

Nixion Strange said...

So, me

Star Inkbright said...


Luciana said...

I thought that dedication was crappy... *hugs Maya* I'm so sorry!

Selena Gasp said...

I am listening to happy endings, Mika is great, but some comments are so sad :(

Mayan said...


Star Inkbright said...

My knees don't have blood on them, just bruises.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*looks at knee*
mine has a cut...

Luciana said...

Not you, Nix. *hugs Nix* You're Nix. You're awesome.
I don't have anything at all against you! :D

Thanks, Star! *hugs back*
Thanks, Cain! *hugs*
Thanks, Selena! *hugs*

Did I miss anyone out? *shrugs* Thanks everyone. *hugs all*

HEY, HEL! I almost didn't say hi because I forgot you weren't already on Blogland because you were on the FB page and...*is confuddled* I'm a scatterbrain.

Nixion Strange said...

I have damage in my knees. They've never worked properly

Star Inkbright said...

I ALWAYS get bruises on my knees when I go rockclimbing. It's kinda irritating.

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Hel!

Nixion Strange said...

Hey Luce, email?

Luciana said...

My feet are covered in cuts and bruises...And I have a huge bruise on my shin...Because of that stupid beach. >.<

Selena Gasp said...


Unknown said...


Nixion Strange said...

My bones always have damage. I have a bad neck, I can barely move my jaw for the past few days, my ankles have been sprained at least a dozen times by now, I always get back pain, my knees are shot. I've been this way ever since I could remember

Star Inkbright said...

I went to the beach the other day. We might go again today.

Nixion Strange said...

Hey Izzy

Unknown said...

hihihihihi friend can u see me

Selena Gasp said...

I have got bruises on my knees cause of hockey :(

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

hi Izzy!

Luciana said...

Make sense now, Nix? :D

Nixion Strange said...


Mayan said...

As in online?

Selena Gasp said...

wait, what just happened...

Mayan said...

Hi Izzy!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

do you want to send the first letter??
or me??

seeing as i remember you saying your post office is closed...

Luciana said...

Hi, Izzy! *waves*

Josh Hucherson's arms are the nicest things everrrrrr;D

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

im an impatient Aussie

Selena Gasp said...


Unknown said...

wat r u doing selena

Selena Gasp said...

Everyone, meet my mad as crazy, doctor Who obsessed, fast runner and great at art next door neighbor, IZZY!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*waves at Izzy but bashes nose again*


Unknown said...

umummmm so cool
hahahhahaahahahahhahahahahahhahahhahahahahaahahhhahaahhhahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha yay go on it is a cool game thing

Selena Gasp said...

Nada Izzy, wotcha ya doing? U should change your name to Finneta

Luciana said...

AND I think it's open. But I need money first. >.<
I am spending it all on book, at the moment...You can send a letter first if you like, Cain! I've got a parcel to send to Ellikins, after all. TOO MANY LETTERRRRRRRS :P

Unknown said...

hi and a good friend toooooo

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

ok L!!

*rummages through drawes*

Unknown said...


Selena Gasp said...

The blog is being odd to me at least, it is showing some comments and not others....

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...


Mayan said...

@Izzy Do you go to the same school as Selena?

Selena Gasp said...

I am so happy lololololololololololololol but I have to leave soon :( Oh well, I am good for now,

Selena Gasp said...

Nah, Izzy goes to a different school :(

Selena Gasp said...

Sooo, who here has kingdom of the wicked?

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

and ive finished it :D

Selena Gasp said...

distant, because I am on icanhazacheeseburgar

Unknown said...

i am

Mayan said...

*puts hand up*

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*dances around singing Fantastic Baby*


Nixion Strange said...

Read it last week

Selena Gasp said...

@ Miss Cain, lucky, I am about half way, gtg c u guys tomorrow, bye!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

byeeeee Selena!!

Selena Gasp said...

BYE Izzy fizzy lemon sqizzy.
Don't ask...

Star Inkbright said...


Mayan said...


Drew O'Connor said...

Morning one and all

Selena Gasp said...

BYe Miss Cain

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

im not going Selena

i thought you were!!

hi Em!!

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Meveryone who left

Hi Em!

Selena Gasp said...

Morning! lol I am going to bed. I have to get up early, anywAY GOOD NIGHT!!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

byeee Star!!

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Selena

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

ok, ive got to go do some more jobs

i WILL be back

*shadow walks out*

Luciana said...

Bye, everyone that left!
Hello, anyone that appeared!

Brb! :)

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Miss!

Mayan said...

I should probably go too
Bye Everyone!

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Maya!

Drew O'Connor said...

God that was a mass evacuation lol

I didn't think I smelled *sniffs armpits*
Oh... never mind.

Nixion Strange said...


Luciana said...

Bye, Nix!
Hey, Em! *hugs* How're you?


Drew O'Connor said...

Heya Lu *hugs*
It's good to have you back.

Luciana said...

It's good to be back.
It's even better to be back and dedicating. I made someone cry with that one. I'm officially proud.

Drew O'Connor said...

Ah my little one at the top of the last page didn't shed many tears lol

I love your deds, you should be proud of them.

Luciana said...

I'm never sure how to feel about my dedications. *laughs* I'm glad you love them, though! I must be doing something right! :D

Drew O'Connor said...

I have to head now Lu

I really don't want to leave you alone but I think my son will hulk out if I leave him in the high chair any longer lol

I'll talk to you later xx

Luciana said...

Heheh. It's okay. I should be sorting out my clothes... *laughs&=*

Bye-bye! *hugs* xxx

Nixion Strange said...

Dinner was eaten

Luciana said...

Hello, again! :)

Nixion Strange said...


Luciana said...


Nixion Strange said...

Be back soon

Luciana said...

Ok! Bai.

Helena Ember Sky said...

Sorry I left guys, dinner...

Luciana said...

Heya, Hel! *hugs*

Helena Ember Sky said...

*hugs back* Anyone else here?

Luciana said...

I don't think so. *frowns* I'm a loner.

Helena Ember Sky said...

Together forever alone.

Anonymous said...

me too :)

Anonymous said...

hi whoever's still here!

Luciana said...

Luna! *hugs*

Eve the ROCK said...

Open the door, get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur!

Anonymous said...

*walks the dinosaur* *hugs the dinosaur Luce and Eve*

Luciana said...

Luciana said...

Hey, Eve!
Wb, Nix! :)

*waves at everyone*

Anonymous said...

hi Nix : ) *punches*. Sorry...

Helena Ember Sky said...

*screams* PEOPLE! *hides in corner*

Nixion Strange said...

*throws ballon*
Beat that!

Anonymous said...

HEY! *explodes into flame*

I love the Key of Awesome *dies*

Anonymous said...

'He's not a F**cking Dragon now he's dead! Ouch.'

Nixion Strange said...

Which one's that from? I've been watching to much Youtube lately...

Anonymous said...
the link that Luce put up! Just copy + paste

Nixion Strange said...

Oh yeah, the Game of Thrones thing

Anonymous said...

heh, yeah. I don't think it's their best one though

Nixion Strange said...

I like Sombody I Used to Know

Eve the ROCK said...

Ha! Chatting with my friend Tibi

Tibi: Is Slender really that scary?

Me: It's more of a panicking fear, yes, it's horribly scary

Tibi: Yeah but what's it about?

Me: *explains*

Tibi: Wow. Doesn't sound scary when you tell me though. What does he look like?

Me: *sends picture of Slender Man in the game*

Tibi: Lol that's not scary

Me: *shrugs* Watch a video.

Tibi: Do you have to buy it?

Me: It's free.

Tibi: I'll just get it then. It doesn't sound very scary. Bye :)

Me: Bye :)



Nixion Strange said...

Ha. Poor Tibi

Star Inkbright said...

*gives everyone waves I stole from the sea*

I'm not very good at saving my Gone books for when I go on holiday. Read about thirty pages already.

Helena Ember Sky said...

Haha, silly Tibi...

Luciana said...

Will someone teach me to shut up?
Because I need to learn to watch what I am saying.

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Star!

Eve the ROCK said...

Poor Tibi indeed. That'll teach her :D I'm making my friends play it on my birthday

Nixion Strange said...

He he he

Helena Ember Sky said...

Hello Star!

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Star!!!

Hmm. *looks from Star's picture to Lucy Anna's*

Star Inkbright said...

*looks horrified* HOW DARE YOU HEAD DB????

Star Inkbright said...

Oh, and L? Shut up. Sorry. Just following orders.

Star Inkbright said...

*is reading the first Gone* OMGG everybody's SANE. It's so freaky.

Nixion Strange said...

I know

Luciana said...

When I get angry with myself I hit myself on the head with the heaviest book I own...Death Bringer.

*laughs* Oh, Star. I do love you. c:

Eve the ROCK said...

The heaviest book I own is the mega book of dinosaurs. Or possibly the dictionary.

Nixion Strange said...

Either Inheritance or the completely collection of Sherlock Holmes

Star Inkbright said...

*looks at bookshelf* Yeah, Inheritance.

Helena Ember Sky said...

Awkward! I need something fabulously awkward to say!

Luciana said...


Also, his arms, his shoulders and his back. He is rather sexy. Apart from him being a spod. He's a handsome spod, though. So it's all okay.

Star Inkbright said...

Something fabulously awkward.

TA-DAAAAAA! I said something fabulouely awkward!

Luciana said...


Helena Ember Sky said...

You did... I might use that. But I probably won't. I LOVE HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE!

Eve the ROCK said...

*rolls eyes* Sorry, dealing with a wannabe Minion

Star Inkbright said...

This sounds horrible, but sometimes I just hate interacting with people. You always have to make such an effort to be nice. Often I just can't be bothered, but you have to do stuff anyway. Like if my friend wants to go on a bike ride with me. Unless I have a really good reason, I have to say yes, or be mean and have her end up not liking me - for good reaeon. And then on the bike ride I have to be constantly acting friendly and not giving monosyllable answers all the time, or going on about things she has no interest in. It's not just bike rides. It's LIFE. People are just so much EFFORT. But I don't want to be friendless, you see, and so on it goes. *sigh*

Nixion Strange said...

Trust me, I would love to be able to go out somwhere with friends

Luciana said...

I have to go. Talk to you guys later! *hugs* X

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Luce!

Helena Ember Sky said...

*hugs back* Bye!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

im baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack

yeah, hmm
i wonder what i originally left to do before sidetracking...?


oh yeah, to do jobs
then i watched the Hamish and Andy i taped
i then watched some Olympics

so anywho, im back

Star Inkbright said...

*looks at Nix* See? I am, by nature, a person who wants to damn well be left alone. Only if I go and tell people that, I look ungrateful and selfish. Because other people enjoy having friends. Well, I enjoy having friends. I'm human. I just don't like how the rules of the world have decreed that it involves effort. But everything worth having involves effort. And I am being mean and selfish, here. I know I am. I just trust you all enough to show you my selfish feelings on this point. Because everybody is selfish at times, only they often hide it from others to look friendly. I trust you all, so I'm not hiding it. If that trust is wrong, then no matter. I'll survive. I haven't been through half the things some of you guys have, and I feel guilty about that. Don't ask me why. But I'm going off track, here. Don't mind me.

Nixion Strange said...

Hey Miss

Helena Ember Sky said...

Hello Miss!

Helena Ember Sky said...

Hello Miss!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

hey Hel, have you done chapter 4 yet??

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Cain!

And now I have said all that, you will go offe a little. Because when someone shows how mean they are, people tend not to like them as much. But nobody's perfect. Everyone has a good side and a bad side. A lot of people just hide their bad sides. *shrugs*

And people think they're perfect, but they aren't. Nobody's perfect. *has gone totally, totally off track now*

Helena Ember Sky said...

*looks annoyed* No, not yet.

Colleen McGuigan said...

Hi, guys :)
Derek, The Woman in Black is AMAZINGGGGGG And so is Dark Shadows (Johnny Depp<3)
And, um-
Does anyone know what way the Belfast signing is gonna be working...?
Like, we just show up? (Hopefully, that's how it works :P) Cus I know with some other ones you have to get wristbands and stuff, so if anyone knows please tell me :) (I don't live in Belfast, I'm about 1hr away, but I'm driving there for the day :P)

Star Inkbright said...

*off me

Luciana said...


Nixion Strange said...

Thanks Star, I am perfect

Nixion Strange said...

Hey Valk

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

hi Val!


Luciana said...

Thanks for contradicting my last dedication, Star.

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Val!

So I guess what I'm saying is, if you don't like me as much now, that's okay.

Helena Ember Sky said...

Hey Val!

Umm... maybe, possibly... I've been busy...

Star Inkbright said...

*headradiator* Sorry, L. I didn't think of it like that.

Luciana said...

Hehehe. *noogies Star* S'okay. Made me giggle! :P

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

oh, ok Hel!
*skips around the lake singing Broken Bones*

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...


Nixion Strange said...

K Miss

Star Inkbright said...

*notes* Astrid from Fear would hate how she's acting in Gone.

Helena Ember Sky said...

Thanks for being understanding Miss. Truth be told my last chapter really shook me.

Colleen McGuigan said...

Hi guys :)
I'm still in bed xD I should be cleaning saddles, but I'm so LAZYYY... :P

Star Inkbright said...

K Miss!

*grins at L* Thanks. Although I fail to see how I was in the slightest bit funny. But I like making people laugh, so I'll let it pass. :)

Star Inkbright said...

I have a feeling Michael Grant ENJOYS breaking his characters down one by one. Or quicker than one by one. He has a twisted mind.

Nixion Strange said...

Of course he does

Helena Ember Sky said...

Just like Gordon.

Star Inkbright said...

Yes, Helena. Just like Gordan. I bet Kichael Grant laughs when he makes all his characters so insane.

Nixion Strange said...

Worse than Gordon

God damn I have to many books to read. Gone, Department 19, PJ, Heroes of Olympus, Cherub, Changeling, 39 Clues

Colleen McGuigan said...

I'm reading Anna Dressed In Blood.
It has blood, and excorsims, and stuff.
So yeah, I like it :3

Colleen McGuigan said...

I keep drawing cat whiskers on myself now. I blame Dan and Phil, entirely.

Helena Ember Sky said...

Who's read Blood Ninja?

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Oh my god!! Does anyone know of/remember Prehistoric Park??
it was one of my fave shows when i was younger!!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

and it was on GO while i was eating!!

Nixion Strange said...

I remember! I loved that!
Its a new one on, or is it just repeating?

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