Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Post Before I Go

I have a few random pictures cluttering up my desktop, so I shall intersperse them as I go...

I'm catching my plane tomorrow. An hour to London, then 13 hours to Singapore, then 7.5 hours to Sydney, then 3 hours to Auckland... I'll arrive in New Zealand a little before midday on Tuesday, mildly confused about whether or not I'm sleepy after spending a day in the air zipping across time zones. 

Oh boy oh boy.

I'm not packed, either. I know what I'm bringing- roughly- but I'll leave the packing until tomorrow. I'm bringing A Dance of Dragons to read, and I've already looked up what movies will be playing on the plane. Movies that I haven't seen but want to include Battleship, Dark Shadows, Lockout, Get the Gringo, The Five-Year Engagement, and The Woman in Black, and I'll also get a chance to watch The Avengers again. That's roughly 16 hours of movies... I think I should be okay...

Today, I am cleaning the house. Laura will be staying here when I'm gone so I need to have everything nice and tidy, or else she'll throw a mug at me. 

I fully intend to blog while I'm on tour. I know my publishers would like me to keep a Tour Blog, detailing how the events went and who I met and what the various cities were like- basically documenting the entire experience. Annnnnnnnd that's not gonna happen. When I get back to my hotel- usually at around 9 o'clock at night- I'm pretty much exhausted. But I'll do my best to keep my Minions appraised of developments.

I'll be gone for 17 days, during which time I'll be staying at 9 hotels and visiting 12 airports. 

The temperature in New Zealand is ranging from 1 degree (celsius) at night to 14 during the day. This, my Minions, is a temperature I can deal with.

The temperature in Australia is ranging from 7 to 23. 23 is a tad high. Please Australia, cool down a bit before I get there. Just a few degrees. Say, five. Thank you.

I've got my Sky box ready to record my shows when I'm away. Right now I'm recording Criminal Minds, Newsroom, The Mentalist, and Supernatural. I was delighted beyond measure to realise that I'll be able to watch the Ronda Rousey fight live in my hotel room on my only day off- Sunday the 19th. Thanks to the time difference, I'll just be sitting down to room service lunch when she fights...

And that's it. That's all. I have a house to clean and time is running out. I also need to write up instructions for Laura on how to use the TV (it's more complicated than it sounds) when I'm gone. All you Minions-with-funny-accents, prepare yourselves. I am coming. 


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Eve the ROCK said...

What iiiiiiiis iiiiiiiit?

Sir said...

It's the fact that I am off to bed. Good night, everyone. Pleasant dreams, or daydreams.

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Sir!

Noelle said...

Bye Sir Rein! *hugs*


Nixion Strange said...

I'm not sure what I want. This is good for writing, but not good for me being a character

Noelle said...

*nods* well, just do whatever feels natural for ya

Noelle said...


*goes back to writing book 2*

Nixion Strange said...

I just said something!

Noelle said...

Well, yeah but it didn't count... not really. You can't make a conversation off of "okay"

Eve the ROCK said...

Bye Sir!

*throws a strawberry after him*

*gives a strawberry to Nix and Adra*

Nixion Strange said...

You can if you try

Nixion Strange said...

*eat strawberry*

Eve the ROCK said...

It's just the one strawberry, so you'll have to share xD

Eve the ROCK said...

...OR you can just eat it. :P

Noelle said...

Ugh. I may as well be reciting Shakespeare...

My mistress's eyes were nothing like the sun.
Coral is far more red than her lips red...
If now be white, why then her breasts are dun...
If hair be wires, black wires grow on her head...
I have seen roses damask'd red and white
But no such roses see I in her cheers.
And in no perfume is there more delight
than that from which my mistress reeks...

*takes strawberry*


Eve the ROCK said...

...I don't understand Shakespeare

Noelle said...


neither do i... Ironically.

But there ya go, Nix. There was my attempt at civilized conversation.

Nixion Strange said...


Nixion Strange said...

Civilized? Pffffffft
Who needs civilization?

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...


and time-zones are quite funny...

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Miss!

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Miss!

Noelle said...

CAIN!!! *tackle hugs*

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*falls to ground*

heeeey Adra!!

*waves but accedently whacks Adra in the face*

Noelle said...

And if my theory is correct, Helena should be here shortly

Noelle said...

Oi! Watch it!!! *runs off, crying*

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*runs after Adra*


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

SURELY youve been through worse

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*stops running and sits down and sulks*

Noelle said...

*comes back, and sits next to Cain*

i'm really tired... :D

Noelle said...

that happy face was supposed to be backwards: D:

Eve the ROCK said...

...I thought there was a scab on my back. I was like,

HOLY CR**!!!!!

Then I realized it was a sticker.

All morning, my back had been 5% off...

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

im not tired

i just vacuumed the house
and the vacuum doesnt really work
so it took longer then it should of...


Noelle said...


that made my.. day? night? something.

Noelle said...

It's nearly 1 in the morning. :D

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

stickers are weird
they just stick to you


Eve the ROCK said...

It's 2:12pm here! On SUNDAY

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

its 12:44pm

Noelle said...



Luciana said...

Is Eve still online? :/

Nixion Strange said...


Nixion Strange said...

Hi Luce!

Did someone say you wanted to talk to me?

Eve the ROCK said...

I'm here, Lucy Anna :)

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

heeeey L!!

Luciana said...

Eve, I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier. I was on the car for hours and hours and then when I finally got home I got some more bad news and I've just been super irritable recently...Even Hb hasn't been able to keep me stable Luke he usually manages to. I've just been in a funny mood and I shouldn't have been so foul mouthed, earlier. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so horrid.

Noelle said...

Hi Luce!

I was just gonna say, yall, it's late, and I need sleep horridly, so...
Bye everyone!
*hugs Eve*
*hugs Cain*
*hugs Nix*
*hugs Luce*
*hugs anyone forthcoming or not on*
bye!!! see you all later!

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Adra!

Luciana said...

It's almost 6am. Thank god!
I've been up all night. Hehe.

Eve the ROCK said...

... to be honest, I'd pretty much forgotten about that :P Don't worry bout it, you can swear all you like xD

Luciana said...

Bye, Adra!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

bye Adra!

Eve the ROCK said...

Bye Adra!!!!!!!!!! *hugs*

Jakro Tintreach said...

blody hell those pics are brilliant... oh... hi... I've actualy convinced myself to talk in an irish accent without trying... the dilema is that now I cant speak american... uhh... funny stuff...

Luciana said...

I felt really bad. Yesterday was not a good day for ne. Chat has, uh, well...I don't even know how to describe what happened amongst them. But me and Hb are attempting to sort things out. Great fun that is. Yay.

Luciana said...

I'll shush and attempt to come to a decision as to which books to buy..

Jakro Tintreach said...

ha... watch the video

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

hi Jakro!!

Jakro Tintreach said...

"I still aint bothered!"

Jakro Tintreach said...


Luciana said...

Hey, Jakro!
And, one. It's 6.08 am. Two. I'm on my phone. Three. Everyone else is asleep.
No videos for Lucy. :(

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Jakro!

Jakro Tintreach said...

its 10:pm here

Jakro Tintreach said...

eve... video... hahahahahahaha...

Jakro Tintreach said...

can you send me the prologue?

Nixion Strange said...


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

im just going on all book stores for the cheapest price for the Down Under Tour editions

10 bucks online for each on Dymocks...

researching bookstores catalouges

Luciana said...

Are they the new paperback editions? The ones on my bottom shelf towards the left, I think?

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

yeah, those are the ones, L

just the Down Under tour editions...

Nixion Strange said...

Nah, special Aussie editions, only availble in Australia

Luciana said...

Yeah, they're dirt cheap over here. SP new edition paperback I bought for £1. Which is, like, nothing over there. *laughs* I'm good at getting things cheap. C:

Nixion Strange said...

But we get something you don't

Luciana said...

I think I'm going to buy about 4-9 more SP books in this next week. Then ill start saving up for KOTW collectors edition and normal edition Hardback. And then the Aussie edition. :P

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*laughs in triumph*


now, i have to work the money off that i DONT have
also, i get them in about 2-4 days


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*runs around yelling 'theyre all mine'*


Nixion Strange said...

Can you even get the Aussie edition over there?

Luciana said...

I might just buy the collectors edition then I buy other SP books, too. C:
I'm on 31! XD

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*bangs into a tree*
*gets up and continues to run around like a maniac*

Nixion Strange said...

I'm not sure if you can get the Aussie editions over there...

Luciana said...

/I/ can, Nix. Not sure how many others can, like, but I can. And will. The covers please me. :3

Nixion Strange said...

How many books can you sign? I don't think many people are comming to the Melbourne event, so will you sign more than one?

Nixion Strange said...

Have they got a golden thing at the bottom of the front cover saying something like 2012 down under your special editions?

Luciana said...

'Derek signs as many as he has time for. If I were you, I'd take a few and the two you want signing the mosy should be put at the top of the pile.' - Becky, the Irrepressible.

Luciana said...


Nixion Strange said...

Yeah, but seven people are going, and at least one has no books with them (parent)

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

ive got to go now
*rubs head*


*waves but accedently bashes my own nose*

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Miss!

Luciana said...

I quoted the irrepressible Becky. I don't have any knowledge other than that. Signings are not my speciality, given I've never been to one and I've never met Derek.

Nixion Strange said...

So Luce, do your editions have it?

Luciana said...

Bye, Cain! *hugs*

Luciana said...

What's the question? I got SP'd. The books were screaming out to be rearranged...

Nixion Strange said...

Have your editions got a golden thing at the bottom of the front cover saying something like '2012 down under your special editions'?

If not, they aren't the special Aussie editions

Luciana said...

Mine are the UK ones, nimrod. :P
But if I so desired I could buy those ones. Pretty simple, really.
And we were merely pointing out that the covers are practically identical. :P

Luciana said...

Mine are the UK ones, nimrod. :P
But if I so desired I could buy those ones. Pretty simple, really.
And we were merely pointing out that the covers are practically identical. :P

Nixion Strange said...

Yeah, the covers are, but we have bonus material you don't have

Luciana said...

*headDB* Damn double comment!

Nixion Strange said...

Did you hit yourself with Death Bringer?

Luciana said...

You have a banner in gold. *laughs* we've had the books with short stories for far longer. And the hardbacks. And collectors edition hardbacks. And the large paperbacks.

Nixion Strange said...

Yeah, but we get an extra short story from Germany, and Tom Percival art

Luciana said...

Yes, I just hit myself with my DB Hardback. It was painful.

Nixion Strange said...

I hit myself with Mortal Coil yesterday

Eve the ROCK said...


Nixion Strange said...

Eve, I'm guessing your email didn't work

Luciana said...

Tom Percival does the UK art, too. And he tweeted me back. Twice.
And which German one? Mytosis Terror? Or something like that. *laughs* that was a funny day...

Nixion Strange said...

Yeah, but we get extra art in the back of DB, and I don't remember the name, but it said it was the first time it was printed out of Germany. If it lied, heads are going to roll

Luciana said...

Never hit yourself on the head with the second trilogy hardbacks. It's so painful I can't even...

Luciana said...

Mytosis. *nods* Which book did you get it in? Or was it sold separately? *is making a list of things to buy*

Nixion Strange said...

Mortal Coil had the germany story, Dark Days had deleted scenes from book 1, Death Bringer had Tom Percival art, and I'm pretty sure the first 3 just had the regular short stories you get

Nixion Strange said...

I haven't bought them yet

Luciana said...

I'll check Dymmocks, later. (':

Nixion Strange said...

I read them though. I read the bonus stuff
Except for one and two. I already read the bonus short stories in that, and I never though to check if it had more bonus stuff

Luciana said...

Any time anyone talks to Hellboy and he isn't on here tell him to go to Blogland! I'm trying to get him to come back to Blogland. :L

Nixion Strange said...

I tried to get them all the come back. To be honest, they prefer to moan about it then do anything

Luciana said...

Have you heard from Lynxia, recently? :/ I'm worried about her...

Nixion Strange said...

Oh, I email her every day
She's going on holiday today. To a beach somewhere

Nixion Strange said...


Luciana said...

Well, Hb told me that he'll come to Blogland when he remembers or is reminded. C:
And I can have words with some of themmmm. I can be rather influential when I want to be. :P

Luciana said...

Loki doki!
And I should probably have e-mailed her last week. Same with Sparky. I need to e-mail Mist, though...Why is it so goddamn early!?

Nixion Strange said...

I've heard from Sparky and Mist

I tried to help them. I joined the chat, I got to know them. Then when I tried to get them to come back, they insult me and moan and say I don't know what happened
So I gave up on them

Luciana said...

I'm in the fb chat and the new chat. I get along pretty well with Kal, Octa, Red, Sky and Hb. I don't rreally talk to the rest that much. But they're pretty nice, to me...I'll see what I can do. I got Facebookians on here. C:

Wbd. Msd.

Eve the ROCK said...

Jakro, email.

Nixion Strange said...

Don't think he's here Eve

Eve the ROCK said...


Luciana said...

I panicked for a minute, then. I thought my DD new paperback went missing. my brother has it, though...

Nixion Strange said...


Luciana said...

I'm starting to get tired.
What is this
I don't like it.

Time for coffeeeeeee.

Nixion Strange said...

I'm starting to get tired

Mayan said...

Hello again fellow minions!
My internet sucks so if I disappear for ages that is the reason.

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Maya!

Luciana said...

Heya, Maya!
Coffee = Hyper Luc. Hehehe

Luciana said...

I've a feeling I'll regret that all nighter...*giggles* I look so wide awake, it's freaky. I wish everyone would wake up...

Mayan said...

Have you seen the new Dr Who trailer yet?

Luciana said...

I'm goofy goober. ROCK.

I'm a kid, you say
When you tell me not to play I say no way
N-n-nnoo wayyy.

Nixion Strange said...


Luciana said...

I'm not a Whovian. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. *dances to sorry sorry without even thinking*

Luciana said...

Yup. I have the Campfire song Song in my head, too.


Mayan said...

She's not there

Well no one told me about her the way she lied
Well no one told me about her how many people cried
But it's too late to say you're sorry
How would I know why should I care
Please don't bother tryin' to find her
She's not there!

Mayan said...

For some reason I can't explain
I <3 that song

Luciana said...

Brb. I'm in dire need of another coffee...

Mayan said...

Whenever I have homework I eat lemons. It keeps me awake because I have boring homework.

Mayan said...


Mayan said...

Oh Yeah, BTW I have a habit of type/singing the song I am listening to . Right Now it is "Praise You" by Fatboyslim

Luciana said...

I am going until I can get on my laptop. Which will probably be in about 2 hours knowing how long my sister can sleep for! :P

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Luce!

Minnie said...

Ooh. Dark Shadows is good, and Woman in Black is wonderfully scary. So you're in for a treat there. =) I don't watch any of the shows you're recording, but have you seen the new season of Teen Wolf? Not sure when it airs over there, but you HAVE to watch it when it does. It's amazingly intense so far. =)

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Minnie!

Minnie said...

Oh, Hi! How's it going?

Nixion Strange said...

It's going... north, north east?
Yeah, just ignore me, I make no sense

How're you?

Mayan said...

Bye Luci!
Hi Minnie!

Minnie said...

I'm good, Nixion, thnx. =) For me, it's going more due east with a strong crosswind. Hoist the mainsail! Baton down the hatches! =)

Hi, Mayajune21!

Nixion Strange said...

Hall the penton line!

I have no idea how to spell, but I heard it on some movie once, so maybe I'm on to something

Mayan said...

Oh I can't decide whether you should live or die
I mean you'll probably go to heaven please don't hang your head and cry
my heart is dead inside it's cold and hard and petrified!
BTW I'm not singing to like either of you just singing in general

Minnie said...

haha! Yeah, me too. I'm not sure I spelled "baton" at all right, or if I'm just thinking of Baton Rouge. *shrugs*

Minnie said...

Haha, thank goodness, Mayajune21. For a second, I though you actually couldn't decide whether I should live or die. ;)

Nixion Strange said...

If its and buts were candy and nuts we'd all have a Merry Christmas

No nessesarily true, but it rhymes

Star Inkbright said...

Be here in 15 minutes!

Nixion Strange said...

Okay Star!

Minnie said...

Alright, well, I should get to bed. It was nice talking to you guys. =) Keep...sailing?

Nixion Strange said...

I shall keep crashing the ship and drowning, which is close enough

Bye Minnie!

Minnie said...

Haha! Bye! =)

Luciana said...

Tumblr is dead.
Which is weird.
And I cannot write.
I lost that ability along with my ability to trust.
Anyway, that means I am back. No-one I follow on twitter is tweeting. D: Oh and eBay is boring.

Nixion Strange said...

WB Luce!

Mayan said...

G'night Minnie!
Hopefully I will SEA you on Blogland again.

Luciana said...


Why do I get so many creepers? It's freaky. So. Many. Creepers.

Nixion Strange said...

I don't like Minecraft

Luciana said...

I've never played Minecraft.
Apparently I should.
*shrugs* I like Zelda. I'm happy with Nintendo games! ;D

Nixion Strange said...

But you just said you got Creepers?

Luciana said...

Creepers as in...*shakes head* Never mind.
It's an in-joke, I guess. *shrugs*

Nixion Strange said...

The only Creepers I know are from Minecraft
Never played Zelda either

Star Inkbright said...

Hi people!

Luciana said...


Staaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrr. *tacklehugs* Hi.

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Star!

Mayan said...

Hi Luci!

Star Inkbright said...

*waves to all the beings*

Mayan said...

Hello to Star too!

Star Inkbright said...

*and then waves to Nix*

Luciana said...

Hey, Maya! *hugs*

I'm in a huggable mood. *hugs everyone*

Nixion Strange said...

Oh, ha ha

Star Inkbright said...

*gets hugged* AHHH!!! HUGS!!!!! *dies*

Selena Gasp said...


Luciana said...


Luciana said...


Luciana said...

YES! *happy dance*
Now to think of a dedication...

Nixion Strange said...

Hey Selena!

Mayan said...

Hey Selena!

Star Inkbright said...


Hi Selena! Yay you.

Mayan said...

Same Comment O_0

Luciana said...

Hey, Selena! :D *waves*


Star Inkbright said...

*snatches Luciana's waves and throws them back into the sea*

Mayan said...

*hands out fezzes*
thought like doing that...
Hey, Selena Just wondering but why weren't you at writers group?

Selena Gasp said...

My sister shaved her head for cancer, and my parents kinda didn't really want her to, no because they don't think that raising money for kids with cancer is bad, but because they think that there are better ways and anyway she is not allowed her laptop as punishment, so I had to read her Derek's latest post, word for word to her. She is 14 and now bald. I get a shock when I look at her. She and the friend that she did it with raised 600 bucks.

Nixion Strange said...


Star Inkbright said...

*hands out waves* Careful, they're wet.

Mayan said...

Go Jessica!!!! *Applauds*
Is her school alright with it?

Star Inkbright said...

*blinks* She's BRAVE, to do that. I'm (neeeeeearly) fourteen and I'd never be able to do that . . .

Selena Gasp said...

*Grabs waves from sea and rides them all the way to the dairy* Yeah man...

Star Inkbright said...

What was wrong with the waves I handed outttt?

Selena Gasp said...

I have no idea if her high school is okay with it, I am soo not brave enough to do it and thank you star, I will try not to drop them...

Star Inkbright said...


Mayan said...

@Selena so did basically everybody else! :P
Locksoflove is a good site for hair donations..

Selena Gasp said...

Hey Maya, um can you pop to my blog for a sec? Something from the book........

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