Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Post Before I Go

I have a few random pictures cluttering up my desktop, so I shall intersperse them as I go...

I'm catching my plane tomorrow. An hour to London, then 13 hours to Singapore, then 7.5 hours to Sydney, then 3 hours to Auckland... I'll arrive in New Zealand a little before midday on Tuesday, mildly confused about whether or not I'm sleepy after spending a day in the air zipping across time zones. 

Oh boy oh boy.

I'm not packed, either. I know what I'm bringing- roughly- but I'll leave the packing until tomorrow. I'm bringing A Dance of Dragons to read, and I've already looked up what movies will be playing on the plane. Movies that I haven't seen but want to include Battleship, Dark Shadows, Lockout, Get the Gringo, The Five-Year Engagement, and The Woman in Black, and I'll also get a chance to watch The Avengers again. That's roughly 16 hours of movies... I think I should be okay...

Today, I am cleaning the house. Laura will be staying here when I'm gone so I need to have everything nice and tidy, or else she'll throw a mug at me. 

I fully intend to blog while I'm on tour. I know my publishers would like me to keep a Tour Blog, detailing how the events went and who I met and what the various cities were like- basically documenting the entire experience. Annnnnnnnd that's not gonna happen. When I get back to my hotel- usually at around 9 o'clock at night- I'm pretty much exhausted. But I'll do my best to keep my Minions appraised of developments.

I'll be gone for 17 days, during which time I'll be staying at 9 hotels and visiting 12 airports. 

The temperature in New Zealand is ranging from 1 degree (celsius) at night to 14 during the day. This, my Minions, is a temperature I can deal with.

The temperature in Australia is ranging from 7 to 23. 23 is a tad high. Please Australia, cool down a bit before I get there. Just a few degrees. Say, five. Thank you.

I've got my Sky box ready to record my shows when I'm away. Right now I'm recording Criminal Minds, Newsroom, The Mentalist, and Supernatural. I was delighted beyond measure to realise that I'll be able to watch the Ronda Rousey fight live in my hotel room on my only day off- Sunday the 19th. Thanks to the time difference, I'll just be sitting down to room service lunch when she fights...

And that's it. That's all. I have a house to clean and time is running out. I also need to write up instructions for Laura on how to use the TV (it's more complicated than it sounds) when I'm gone. All you Minions-with-funny-accents, prepare yourselves. I am coming. 


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Noelle said...


Cat said...

Kenny is supposed to be hated. silly. You're supposed to loathe him with every fibre of your being and kill him. painfully.

Noelle said...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I laughed at Caelan. I just laughed and laughed. I was cheering too. I skipped home from school singing Caelan is dead

Noelle said...


Keep calm, dear!

I loved the twilight reference in there somewhere

Cat said...

Is he dead? is he really dead?
he's coming back. yyou know he is.
Fletcher Ghastly Caelen

Bee back soon

Noelle said...

Bye Cat!!!

And yeah... What if they killed caelan reflection

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

How?! Caelan died salt water kills vamps.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


And oh hell


Noelle said...


Em said not to bring that debate back, Zaf!!!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


*thriws Em in volcano* where is that bloody Iriminion?

Noelle said...

LOL! She says that that's classic. (the reply)

And Em is writing Dublin Daes (whatever that is).


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...



Noelle said...

From Em-



Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*pokes Iriminion*

Cat said...

Dublin Daes is awesome, is what it is.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Noelle said...




Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*blows up someone*

Noelle said...

At least you know who he is

Sir said...

What is it with you and explosions?

Noelle said...



Sir said...

Bless you.

Noelle said...

*sniff* thanks!


Sir said...

You appear to be missing an "R" in that sentence.

Noelle said...

Yeah I meant to fix that.... But this computer is slow. I don't bother.



Sir said...

That is it.

*smites thee with ye olde cane of justice*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


*shadow walks to tree*

haha!!! I await Master Derek

Sir said...

Master Derek? What is this, the 1700's?

Honestly, keep up with the times, old chap. It IS the 19th century, after all.

Noelle said...


Like you're one to talk!

Sir said...

Perhaps you should read the rest of my comment for it's full intended effect, Adrasdos.

Noelle said...

Apparently, neither can I.. My attire is that of the 1800's

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Isnt Derek like hoping his Minions will defeat his enemies? Or are we not in his little army

Noelle said...



Noelle said...

I obviously didn't read that. Okay.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Scepter is little bio

"As a blackbelt in Kenpo Karate he taught countless children how to defend themselves in hope of one day building his own munchkin army. He firmly believes that they await his call to strike against his enemies. (He diesnt actually have any enemies but he's assuming they'll show up sooner or later)"

Thats the bit and brb

Noelle said...

OOOOH too true!!!

bye! *hugs*

Noelle said...

Silence will Fall

Sir said...

Off of a building?

Cat said...

May I blow you up again, Sir
Reingington? There is another
funny looking square. There is
also a little voice in my head
telling me not to. so, naturally,
i should.

Noelle said...

Lol! No, upon the land.

Cat said...

That's where it falls, not where it falls from.

Noelle said...

It's from the Silence

Cat said...

it falls from itself?

Noelle said...


perhaps :P

Cat said...

must be pretty tall.

Noelle said...

lol!!! they're barking HUGE!!!

I think that Sir Rein left... :/

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*walks in*

Ah, it is so much cooler inside than outside...

Cat said...

Silence is barking huge? but it would have to do a sommersault(dont know how to spell that, but whatever) so... maybe if it were a balloon.

Noelle said...

Like the Tardis.

VALLL!!! *tackle hugs, and steals wallet*

Noelle said...

No.... THE Silence. It's an order type thing of aliens

Cat said...

I Gots all wet.

Hello, Valkyrie V. Cain.

Maybe if someone hugged Sir Reingington, it would fall better.

Noelle said...

Val, care to assist?

*stalks towards Sir Rein*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*didn't have a wallet in the first place*

*tackles Adra*

You spelled TARDIS wrong! It has to be in all capital letters!

Noelle said...


Cat said...

Oh, My Doctor.

Noelle said...

Oh yeah. Val- the new art reveal for Doctor Who season 7...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

What now?

Cat said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Cat, you like nine, right?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Cat, you like nine, right?

Cat said...

Oh, the sky.
Oh, the sky.

Cat said...

Nine? You mean Christopher Eccleson?

He Was my first doctor, I must admit... then i saw the Old ones. Im on David tennant, now. I am not too Pleased with Matt Smith.


Noelle said...


Cat said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Sir said...

And then the bloodbath began.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Back. Sorry my parents tell me to vacuum. I do so. The whole house turns into a fight. I get cursed for my school work my appearnce my vacuuming skills (which suck as i only did it now 2times) my room my hair style my friends. Yup. All because they got mad. Ugh

Cat said...

He's not my Husband though. Not Ezackly anyway.

Noelle said...


*throws Sir Rein into a collapsing star*

Sir said...

Still doesn't work.

Cat said...

Zafira... I am So sorry. Feel
Better though, that its just your
parents critisizing you. Its not
Critism, either, it sounds like.
just that what you are is wrong...
and that's not even.

Sir said...

Cat, it appears that you are writing a poem. I'm not entirely sure if that's on purpose.

Noelle said...

IT DOES!!! *wraps Sir Rein in chains made of a white dwarf*
*traps him in a mirror*

Hi Zaf!!! I'm sorry...

Sir said...

*chains collapse*

Well you did say it was a COLLAPSING star...

Noelle said...

Chains of the dwarf are unable to be broken.

Cat said...

what about a dwarf?
But, Unfortunatly, Gimli is in my closet now.
so you're screwed.

Sir said...

What about a staring contest? I NEVER lose staring contests.


Noelle said...

*pokes out eyes*

Sir said...

*still stares*

Noelle said...

*slaps across the face*

Cat said...

now he'll never blink.

but i have no eyelids, so nor will I.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


they just hate me. I know they do. Before church Mom had a hissy fit I didnt wear the dress she wanted. Nobody picked my clothes out for me since 4th grade im now going into freshman year. Then she got pissed my hair was finished before hers then she got pissed I was ready then she got pissed i took a shower even though she told me that i could go. Then she cursed me for eating Cheerios them cursed me for sneezing

Cat said...

It could be worse. But I hope
It gets better
for you.

Noelle said...

They don't hate you... she's probably just going through a weird phase or something. Or maybe something happened to a friend or something...

I wouldn't assume anything, Zaf..

ND FRESHMAN! WOO!! ME TOO!!!*high fives*

Sir said...

So, who likes Oreos? Personally, I hate the things.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*high fives*

its not that time either. She had a surgery done so she dont get it. Its bedn this way for the past week. Ever since we came home from Jersey when the kids were up.

Willow Storm said...

I'm so tired.

Noelle said...

Zaf.. I wouldn't worry. It's probably just a thing.


Noelle said...

Hi Willow!!! *hugs*

Sir said...

So? I am eating a banana.

Willow Storm said...

Hi Adra!
*hugs back*
How are you?

Noelle said...

I'm brilliant, ta! You???

And bananas are cool

Cat said...

Well that... that could always be worse.

But sont listen to me. I'm a lucky... lucky circumstances. just a crazy girl who belongs in w white room and a straightjacket, and instead got a decent life. if only i wenent so present.

I cant see what i'm typing... my screen is down because i dont want my sister reading my comments.

a crazy girl. i need a wite room, so i can be crazy without bothering the word...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

It isnt

I know it isnt. She hates me because im not the perfect angel she wanted. Im not the girly girl who shops who loves dresses who runs outside. I have nobody but myself to play with.

Cat said...

Hello Willow.

How tired are you? Really? I got up every time i stand up i nearly fall back over. i havent slept in... too long. Of course, it could be worse...
But if you're tired, you should get rest. you should.
Besides tired, how are you?

Willow Storm said...

I'm Okay :) Bit tired, though.

Cat said...


One minute... I need to read the comments... what are we talking about?

Willow Storm said...

Cat, I've been trying to sleep for the past two hours. I gave up.

Noelle said...

Awww... Well isn't it around 2, right???

Oh, Zaf... Unless she's said that to your face, I doubt that. and besides, you can be whatever you want to. It doesn't matter who says you can't. You can be whatever the hell you want

Cat said...

"What do these children do without storybooks?" Naphtali asked.

And Rob Zebulun replied: "They have to make do. Storybooks aren't bread. You can live without them."

"I couldn't live without them," Naphtali said.

Cat said...

oh. sleep.
I dont like it as much as i used to.
i dont need sleep to hate it. but i should
i really should

Noelle said...

Willow... Melatonin?

Willow Storm said...

Mela what?

Noelle said...

Its stuff that helps you sleep. That is, if you have trouble sleeping every night

Cat said...

Doesnt work. Just gives you nightmares. or that might be sleeping.

Willow Storm said...


Noelle said...

It's just sleeping... Nothing can give you nightmares besides yourself, I think...

Cat said...

oh. I have an aweful self.

Noelle said...

Everyone does, somewhere

Willow Storm said...

Don't know why, but I kinda like nightmares. :/

Cat said...

its my whole Freaking Crazy SELF!!!!!!!!!!

Cat said...

yeah. They get freaking old. i like pain too.

Cat said...

but its not so great to feel like crap all the time.
because thats what i am.
im going to stop now.

Noelle said...

I sometimes have dreams that take place in my room, and there are demons and things in there...

It's what makes me believe that my house is haunted.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Im alive

Noelle said...

*sings BeeGees*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Mine aint haunted

Noelle said...


Cat said...

my mind is haunted.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said... the Pocono 400 it was just released: 1 dead 9 injured from the storm. All struck by lightning. D:

Noelle said...

WHAT???? 10 PEOPLE????


Sir said...

Oh dear... That's so terrible...

Noelle said...

it is... God, how is that possible???

Cat, if i could hug you now, I would, however. Haven't forgot!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ik...Nascar did end the race but up there really there isnt cover. The stands are metal. It started raining and it was awful. Im 10 minutes away. I saw lightning. Wanted to scream. It was like a tornado

Cat said...

That Ten people are struck by lightning? God is a good person to ask. Instead, ask the rain... it might answer...

Noelle said...

Oh my LORD!!! So... In a way, you saw something that made someone die???

That is terrible..

Cat said...

thank you for not forgetting.
even if i wanted a hug...
at this point, it would make it
it always makes things worse.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Basically. Not very pleasant

Noelle said...

okay... You're welcome

Cat said...


half-watching the olymics...
looked up just in time to see a
guy with "Gay" plastered on his
chest... took me a moment to
realize that was his name... very
confused, thought it was some sort
of protest

Go Gay Rights!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Noelle said...

I would've been confused as crap... :P

Cat said...

not much i can ssay i know is right. Gay Rights is one of those few things.

Sorry for ameriminions who are against it... i know that's unconstitutional.

Noelle said...

*laughs* what??? I'm all for it. I believe that you should be able to marry whoever you want.

Cat, you're not Ameriminion, are you? Probably not. Okay. The way you said "unconstitutional" makes it sound like the bible or something... In America, no one really cares of politics anymore, because its screwed anyway

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I be confused....i usually am confused though

Cat said...

still an unfortunate name though... must have gotten beaten up a lot. probably why he's such a great runner.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Polotics are screwed up here

Noelle said...

That's sad, but true Cat.

And yeah, Zaf.. no hope

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

No hope! America offcially jacked up

Noelle said...

It has for 300 years

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


See we fails!!!!


Cat said...

America is screwed. and? so is the
human race. we're just more
screwed, and will be screwed
before the rest of you.

Sir said...

Well, we WERE technically founded by terrorists.

Noelle said...

WHAT??? Oh riiiiiiight. Gotcha :P

Cat said...

this is my dad again.
he goes from singing about
meat man to talking about communists
and now he's laughing at the
winning olympian's head
and their shoes
now he's singing about having a
giant toenail head.

thought you ought to know.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

The claw da master

Sir said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cat said...

this is america.
wait... did you see my comment?

Noelle said...


Emily (fromthelikes) said...

Oh My GOD!!! Derek Landy Watches Supernatural. I knew he was amazing, but now he's just showing off with his Amazingness. Gaaaaah!!! I can't wait until he's in Melbourne!

I've got the newest book, but I haven't started reading it yet. asdfghjkl;'
I honestly just can't wait to read it.
Uhm... Yeah... I'm almost finished fangirling, but when I finish here I'll continue fangirling in my english class.
Also, I'm related to Simon Baker (Who is in the mentalist) :P (Which is actually kinda sad for me.)
So yeah.
Oh, Hi everyone, btw.

Sir said...

Hello, my significantly less-gentlemanly other who doesn't know their connection to me.

Noelle said...

Lol! I laughed when I saw that he watches Supernatural also

Noelle said...

wait what?

Sir said...

It's a long story that only exists inside my head.

Quite disappointing that you haven't realized that yet.

Noelle said...

I should've guessed.

the Empress is sad.

Cat said...

The Empress is sad?

Omigod, can i use that?

Sir said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Noelle said...


Noelle said...


Noelle said...

The Empress is meeee.... Sir Rein's fault. I kinda got attached to it, but yes, I supposed

Sir said...


Cat said...

that's so beautiful
The Empress is sad.
so beautiful

Emily (fromthelikes) said...

Hey, I don't think I've met you guys yet, and if I have, forgive me for forgeting, I haven't visited here in quite a while. :)
And do YOU watch Supernatural?? I do. It's awesome. Too awesome. :P

Sir said...

Hm. I'll be right back, I need to fix the continuity alarm.

Noelle said...

It's awesome.

Ahhhh you're sad because the name stuck

Cat said...

just because youve met me doesnt
mean you know me. doesnt mean
you've met me, Morgana Wolf- The Wise Flying Guardian of Lost Souls.

Cat said...

i dont need the Empress... all i want is
The Empress is sad.
because that might be the most beautiful thing that I've
heard all day.

Noelle said...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Yes I actually wanted first!!!

I dedicate this page to the victims of the lightning strikes at Pocono Raceway. The poor people went to see racing. They get there its 90 minute rain delay. They drop the green fkag and we get some action only subdued by more rain. Then the storm. The race ends with Gordon winning by Nascar offcials declaring it. These poor people get hurt at an event they wanted to go to. One will never see another Pocono 400. They dead. My heart goes to their families and everyone hurt by their death or injury, lets hope Watkins Glen is safer as the boys continue their race for the Sprint Cup.

I also dedicate this page to Elder Celine, mu awesome Elder in real life. Her birthday today and she deserves mentioning. Love her even if she tried killing me for no reason at my party in January.

Second to lastly I dedicate this page to the Down Under Tour. Please Derek dont get struck by lightning. Also, lets hope the Aussies and Kiwis dont steal our beloved Golden God

Lastly to, Ameriminions. We want the books and Derek touring our country. I hope each of us try our hardest to convince the publishers that we do count. Do not give up on us. We are growing. You released three books. Not enough, we go through hell to be up to date on SP. I think its time maybe we are considered. We might have less fans but we exsist. We try. We need help this cannot be done alone. Bring forth the Golden God!!!!

Noelle said...

*raises glass* HEAR HEAR!!!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*grins* that was the longest i ever did

Cat said...


The Empress is Sad.
I love that.

I couldnt live without them.

Noelle said...

Woo!!!! *high fives*

Cat said...

That was a Wonderful dedication.

Noelle said...

You do realize that this is all going to my head, yeah?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Oh god


thanks. I try. I had that planned out and i wanted to do it tonight. :D damn that was long but still....

Noelle said...

Niiiiiice!!! I loved it, so

Cat said...

it was brilliant, is what it was.

Any good quotes, anyone?
I'd put down the ded, but it is a little long...

Noelle said...


Not of now. Later, perhaps

Cat said...

Sir Reingington?
oh, an i wont call you anything
shorter, unless you explicetly
allow me to.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Yay xD

Noelle said...

I call him whatever, and he tolerates it.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

What SP should i read? I own all but KOTW

Cat said...

that applies to everyone. Even Morgana Wolf- The Wise Flying Gaurdian of the Lost Souls.
I dont mess with names.

Sir said...

Honestly Cat, I can't make you do anything you do not wish to. You could call me cake man, and I couldn't do anything about it.

Sir said...

Quotes... Quotes...
I believe I may have said this here before, but, "Farewells are bittersweet, and as long as you live, you cannot escape them. However, as long as you live, the future is a blank page."

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Msd gonna watch Jekyll & Hyde

Noelle said...

I like this:

"I'm getting very bored and impatient. I don't do bored and impatient."

Sir said...


"I'm atop the fourth wall, looking down on you all."

Sir said...

And so, with that bit of wittiness, I'm off for bed. Good Evening, everybody.

Noelle said...

That sounds like Fahrenheit 451

Noelle said...

Bye Sir Rein!!!*hugs*

Cat said...

I am recording EVERYTHING you post right now.

Noelle said...



Cat said...

Goodbye, Cake man.

Noelle said...

:P *leans back in her chair*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

"They'll never be able to seperate Jekyll from Hyde!"

"Damn all the odds"

"Bad news from God, Teddy"

"I will have vengance I will have salvation!"

"Henry is marrying me father not you."

"The frightened princess doesnt know what to do."

Cat said...

How's this?
I Terrify Myself.
Anger is a Killing
Thing. It kills the Man
Who Angers and The
Man who Is right
And Each Rage Leaves a Man
Less of Himself
Than he Had
takes itself
from him.

Noelle said...

you forgot "good and evil are so close as to be chained together in the soul"

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