Thursday, July 26, 2012


Okay then...

For those of you who have read KOTW, first of all, I'm glad you seem to be liking it, but I'm going to have to ask you to be careful. And for those of you who haven't read it- which is the vast majority of you- I'm going to have to ask you to be EXTRA careful. There are spoilers all over the place, on forums and Facebook pages and Tumblr... 

The heartening thing is that these spoilers don't pop out of thin air. Everything is tagged with spoiler warnings, which I really appreciate. But I know you lot. I know how impatient you can be. I know that if you're on a forum and you come to a post that's hidden behind a spoiler warning, and all it takes is one little click... I know how tempting it is to just sneak a teeny tiny peek...

Which could ruin the entire book for you.

We have, what, 35 days until it's widely available? That's a lot of days for mistakes to be made, or for something to slip out...

So be careful. I was never a fan of releasing this book so far in advance of the Ireland/UK date but I was convinced it was necessary in order to facilitate the tour. If it doesn't work out, it won't be happening again. I don't know what that would mean for any future Down Under tours, but I'll deal with that if it crops up. 

So, I want to thank everyone for behaving themselves as far as spoilers go, and ask that they continue to be very, very careful about what they say. 

And also, some of those spoilers (of which I am allowed to read, because, y'know, I wrote the book) and your reactions to them have made me grin...


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Dancing Fire (Directioner!!!!!) said...

hey heyy!!

Dancing Fire (Directioner!!!!!) said...

any1 here???

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Fire!

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Fire!

Dancing Fire (Directioner!!!!!) said...

hey guys!!!

Mayan said...

Hello Fire!

Niamhy Jay said...

How're you?

Dancing Fire (Directioner!!!!!) said...

oops, got to go again. im pretty buzy the past few weeks so i wont be coming on here to often. soz:)

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Maya! Fours Fire!

Mayan said...

Byeee! Hi everyone else!! Has anyone here read any books by an author from Nz called Margret Mahy?

Star Inkbright said...

Nope, sorry Maya.

Nixion Strange said...

Be back later

Mayan said...

Didn't think so coz she's a Nz writer but anyway she just died. RIP Margret Mahy :'(

Mayan said...

Is it just me or do heaps of famous people seem to be dying?

Niamhy Jay said...

What kind of stories did she write??

Star Inkbright said...

Oh, before I go - fours Nix, and Maya, people die all the time, but only the famous ones are ever really noticed.

Mayan said...

@Star Ink Bright very wise...
@Nj Very Kiwana-y books. They were really good though she wrote most genres

Mayan said...

bye Star!

Niamhy Jay said...


Mayan said...

Anyway Gtg now as I am at a library so yeah. Byeeeee!

Niamhy Jay said...


Star Inkbright said...


Niamhy Jay said...


Lavender Hope said...


Star Inkbright said...

Hi again NJ!

Niamhy Jay said...

Hey Lavender
How're you?

Star Inkbright said...

HI LAV!!!!! *hugs*


Lavender Hope said...

Hi Star! Hi NJ!

I can stay a while! Finally got- well, I THINK I got all my chores done, but then again, I forget what I have to do... I can't remember everything! Anyway, yeah. I'm pretty sure I finished my chores and I can stay longer! :D

So HI!

Niamhy Jay said...

Hey!! :P

Lavender Hope said...

I know, right Star!?
*hugs both back*
I am happy. How are you two doing?

Niamhy Jay said...

In Pain.
And really upset for some reason. IDEK why!!

Star Inkbright said...

I am inky. Other than that, I'm happy because it's the HOLIDAYS!

*has given that exact same answer four times today* Mwah ha ha. I am the Overlord of Repitition.

Lynxia Lost said...

Morning guys!! *hugs* How is everyone?

Niamhy Jay said...

Hey Lynxia!!
I'm in pain and all like I said. :P

Lavender Hope said...

That's funny Star. :)

That's not good NJ. :(

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Lynxia!!!

Lavender Hope said...


Star Inkbright said...

I am inky, Lynxia. Other than that, I am happy because it's the holidays!

FIVE TIMES!!!!! *laughs*

Lynxia Lost said...

Last night I fell in love with techno music...

The original piano is beautiful but this just epic!!

Lavender Hope said...

Just remembered... Okay, so I know I just said I was happy, but lately I've been on and off with my moods...

Lynxia Lost said...

Why, what's wrong, Lav?

Niamhy Jay said...

That sucks Lavender

Star Inkbright said...

*is starting on a certain part of chapter three that has taken me about *counts* nine tries to do and I probably still haven't got it right . . .

Lavender Hope said...

Sorry Lynx. I don't like opening links on my iPod. Which is why I haven't read any blogs lately.

Star Inkbright said...

^^^right . . . *

@Lavender: :( Hope you start staying happy . . .

Lynxia Lost said...

Fair enough Lav. People say I must have loads of people reading my blog because I've got *counts* 41 followers but most of them are never are on and there's only about 6 who usually do ad Lav, you're one of them anyway!

Helena Ember Sky said...

So. Many. People. On.

Lynxia Lost said...

Hi Hel!! *hugs them pokes* You neeeed to post. You're killing me!!!

Niamhy Jay said...

Hey Helena.
How're you??

Star Inkbright said...

I never worked out how to open links on my phone, but I've bookmarked all the blogs so that's: :)

Star Inkbright said...


Hi Heck!

Drew O'Connor said...

I am, as we speak this fine morning, writing the moment when Drew tells Ellie everything.

Lynxia Lost said...

*bounces round Em* Yay!!

Lavender Hope said...

It's just my friend's being a little... mean lately. And all the chores I have to do take a while for me to finish. So I never really have time to do other things. Well, I try to write in my free time because I'm stuck on this one part so I just started writing the ending. :P

So all in all, I've been angry, upset, frustrated, happy, and calm all in the past week... But I'm okay now. My friend and I just go on and off about things. I'm in my room, and she's resting on the bed we share.

Niamhy Jay said...


Lavender Hope said...

Hi Helena! Hi Em! :)

Lavender Hope said...

Okay, I really need to catch up with the blogs. :(

Star Inkbright said...


And, hi!

Ermm . . . That sounds good and bad, Lavender. Like the world. And humans in general.

Mostly bad, though. :(

Nixion Strange said...


Lynxia Lost said...

Hi Nix!!

Hmmm... I don't know what to write... Any suggestions?

Lavender Hope said...

Yeah, but I'm okay now. Being here makes me happy. :) <-- See? Smileys. :)

Lavender Hope said...

Hi Nix!!! :D

Nixion Strange said...

I don't know
I'm writing a new thing, it's stupid

Niamhy Jay said...

Hey Nix!!

Lynxia Lost said...

I doubt it's stupid Nix.

Niamhy Jay said...

I gotta go now all

Lavender Hope said...

How are you on Patchwork, Lynx?

*suppresses laugh*
My friend just snorted. She's definitely asleep.

Lynxia Lost said...

Bye NJ! *hugs*

Nixion Strange said...

Bye NJ!

Lavender Hope said...

What is it about, Nix?

Bye NJ!

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Nix!

Drew O'Connor said...

Ah don't worry Lav, your not missing much with my blog.

Lynxia Lost said...

Nuh, Patchwork... It's a bit... Scratchy, frayed and I know where I need to go it's just getting there... Besides, the plot is non-existent and the characters aren't believable according to people at school who've seen it. They keep saying nobody would ever just except that that's what's going on like that.

Star Inkbright said...

Fours NJ!

Nixion Strange said...


Lynxia Lost said...

Yup. About Opstanak and him being free.

Lynxia Lost said...

They keep saying nobody would believe Mort straight off.

Nixion Strange said...

Mine's about survival I'm saying...

Anonymous said...

hello everbody

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Viv!

Lynxia Lost said...

No, you were at least polite in your comment Nix. The way they said it, it wouldn't have been worse if they'd just slapped me.

Lynxia Lost said...

Hey Viv!

Lavender Hope said...

Em- Still, I need to catch up with what's going on on he blogs.

Lynx- I think Patchwork's cool. What about Crescent? Hey, what's the one you posted recently? I read in the comments somewhere that you posted part of a different story.

Be right back.

Nixion Strange said...

Lynxia, you're confusing me
I hadn't read your comment just then when I wrote mine. Lav asked me what my story was about. I just said survival, then I read your comment, then you said that thing about Opstanak, and then Mort...

Lynxia Lost said...

Erm... I've posted quite a few. In The Beginning, A Murderer's Dance and I think maybe some others.
Crescent, yeah I guess but I've just got no ideas for it at the moment.

Why is it, during term time when I have no time to write, I get loads of ideas but now, in the holidays I have none?!!

OK Lav!

Anonymous said...

Don't know what to say

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Viv.

We all love Patchwork though, and there is NOTHING WRONG with the characters! And maybe everyone just thought that Mort was a trustable person, have they thought of that?

Lynxia Lost said...

Oh, I thought (cuz it had a capital S) you were on about Patchwork because Opstanak means Survival in Swedish I think it is. I thought at least one person had bothered looking up the names.
Mort - Death (French)
Liv - Life (can't remember)
Rätsel - Riddles (German)
Espoir - Hope (French)

Never mind Nix, doesn't matter.

Drew O'Connor said...

Nobody else except you guys like my story Lynx.

Sure that doesn't stop me.

The same haters who put you and your writing down, will someday be your biggest fans.

Then you can proudly stick two fingers royally up at them :)

Lynxia Lost said...

*salutes Em* Will do, ma'am.

Nixion Strange said...

It had a capitol because that's also the name of it

And Google translate no longer works on my computer. I can't look up different languages. It's been like that for a while.

Helena Ember Sky said...

Sorry, I had to go to dinner, so who's on now?

Lavender Hope said...

Hi Viv!

That sounds interesting, Nix. About Survival.

Well, you made Riddle(forgot how his name's spelled) have the ability to know when people are lying. Mort told him and Riddle believes him.

Gotta go now. Be back soon!

Anonymous said...

bye lavender

Lynxia Lost said...

That's the one I use. If you type in each name of the Emotions or Instincts it'll tell you what they are and what language. Except with one of the Instincts because the word has two translations he's actually Exploration but it comes out as something else.

Star Inkbright said...

Me, Lav, Niads, Em, and Viv, Helena.

Lynxia Lost said...

Bye Lav!

Unknown said...

Oh my god, please tell me this works....

Anonymous said...

who is niads?

Star Inkbright said...

Fours Lavender!

Star Inkbright said...

Hi XiaoXiao!

Niads = Nix + Lynxia.

Lynxia Lost said...

Hey Xiao!

Niads - me and Nix.

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Xiao!

Anonymous said...

okay. Hi XiaoXiao I'm Vivstar

Anonymous said...

okay. Hi XiaoXiao I'm Vivstar

Lavender Hope said...

Okay, turns out I won't be back now or later. They just told me, me and my friend have to sing tonight! Gah! We are SO not ready!

Bye guys!

Lynxia Lost said...

Bye Lav!! See you again soon (hopefully!!)!!! *hugs*

Luciana said...


Lynxia Lost said...

Hey Luce!! *huggles*

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*fan-girl squeal*

I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lynxia Lost said...

Hey Missy! I'm taking a wild guess here and saying you got KOTW, correct?

Anonymous said...

Good for you miss Cain

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...


*jumps up and down like a maniac*

Helena Ember Sky said...

Yay Miss! *grabs hands and jumps up and down squealing with you*

Nixion Strange said...

Seriously?! I'm not getting it for another two days. If not then, another week!

Star Inkbright said...

Hi L and Cain! Fours Lav!

Well, good for you. *mutters darkly*

Star Inkbright said...

I'm not getting it for about a month!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

i found it at Big W

i thought it wouldnt be there, but it was!!!

*continues to jump up and down with Hel*

Luciana said...


I am actually happy to wait for KotW! *hugs Cain* Yay for you! C:

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*hugs everyone*

its alright, you WILL get it

im trying to finish this book *shows book* before i start KOTW...

Helena Ember Sky said...

*breaks off from jumping, and hugs Missy* Congrats, I'm no longer alone.

Nixion Strange said...

Yeah, but at least you know it's not right there, and nearly every other fan in your country has it!

Helena Ember Sky said...

That was an itsy bit late, which book? I can't see the title, your finger's on it.

Anonymous said...

Well at lest you guys get to keep the book

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

its called Beyond The Green Door

i found it in the library and started to read it

Luciana said...

This is my last day for a week.


And my other SP book hasn't come in the post, yet.

I have the one I bought for Ellikins, though.

Rim. said...

Hey Guys :D

Helena Ember Sky said...

Sounds really good. Viv? Borrowing it from someone? Why don't you buy it for yourself?

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

hi RIM

Drew O'Connor said...

*Fanfare blows*

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Chapter 13!!

Lynxia Lost said...

HI Rim!

Anonymous said...

bye I have to got to dinner.

Lynxia Lost said...

*Screams and goes to read*

Helena Ember Sky said...

Hey Willow!

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Rim!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...


bye Viv!!

*goes to read chapter 13*

Rim. said...

What Nix??

Luciana said...

Hey, anyone that appeared.
Bye, anyone that left.

Helena Ember Sky said...


Luciana said...

I'm packing- I'll be very distant.

S'up, Nix?

Nixion Strange said...

Just depressed

Rim. said...

L you can get anything DeathNote related on Etsy.

Helena Ember Sky said...

Where're you goin' L'? I like apostrophies and abbreviations atm.

Rim. said...

Why Nix? Finished KOTW too fast??

Star Inkbright said...

Hi/fours anyone who came/went!

YAAAAYZ! *goes to read*

Helena Ember Sky said...

*whispers* Willow, he doesn't have KOTW. I LOVE DEATHNOTe!

Nixion Strange said...

I haven't got it yet.

Drew O'Connor said...

Oh my Golden God!!

Nix is excited about my story???!!!
Lol I'm blushing, I'm honoured lol

Lynxia Lost said...


(I commented btw)

Luciana said...

*hugs Nix* No need to be depressed. You're fully entitled to, and all. But, it's not a good way to be spending your time.
Every time I come on Blogland and yo're all happy, I always feel proud and welcome. But, it hurts when I know just one of you isn't okay. So, I make sure I make you feel better. So, before I go on some huge tangent, is there anything I can do to help, sweetie? *smiles*

Nixion Strange said...

I read it Em. Sorry I didn't comment, I'm not feeling so well at the moment

Rim. said...

I'd be depressed too then...

Nixion Strange said...

Sweetie? Why does that make me feel like a sulking six year old?

Lynxia Lost said...

I gotta go now! Bye guys!! *hugs*

Nixion Strange said...

No, I'm not depressed about that (though it does add a fair amount)

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Lynxia!

Luciana said...

Bye, Lynx! *hugs*

I call everyone sweetie..Or my dear. Or my darling dear...Or just darling...Or even darling dearest...Or even hun. *grins stupidly* S'up, Nixxxxxxxx? *prods*

Star Inkbright said...

. . . That's just so sad. Poor Drew.

Stupid Jessie.

Nixion Strange said...


Rim. said...

Bye Nix!!!

Luciana said...

Bye, Nix!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

bye Nix!

wbd, reading
Must. Finish. This. Book. Before. KOTW!!

Star Inkbright said...

Wow. First.

I dedicate to honesty. Honesty is needed in the world. Honesty is needed is needed to build trust and if you trust a person and find out that they haven't been honest with you, it leads to a whole lot of pain for everyone. No matter how hard it is to be honest, we should always try and be honest to our friends and our family. Even if being honest will lead to upsetness and pain, you should still be honest because the longer you leave things, the worse it becomes.

Plus, being honest makes you feel better. Well, it makes me feel better. You know that you've done the right thing, and that always feels good.

I also dedicate to Em's story, for being brill and for inspiring the first bit of the ded.

Helena Ember Sky said...

See you Nix! Have a lovely dinner!

Luciana said...

*huggles Star* That is an awesome dedication, Star. :3

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

great dedication Star!!

Rim. said...

Nice Ded Star!!!!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

ive done chapter 12!!
its very short...

Star Inkbright said...

Thanks. It's not like L's deds, but it's better than nothing.

Star Inkbright said...

Thanks. It's not like L's deds, but it's better than nothing.

Luciana said...

*glares at Star*
My dedications are bad.
Do not compare my dedications to anything.
Maybe something seriously crap, though..

Rim. said...

The last time I dedicated it was 4 words - I dedicate to skittles. :D

Drew O'Connor said...

Ah Star, that was so nice.

Thank you so much :)

Star Inkbright said...

Gtg fours.

Rim. said...

Bye Star

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

byeee Star!!

Unknown said...


Oh. OH. OH MY GAWD!!!!!!!!!!


I just ordered KOTW. Pleaded with my mom. She told me if I behaved well for another few weeks, and I told her it was going to arrive on August 20 something so it will be another month before I can get it.

She didn't agree. I made a deal with her. **Sighs, the sacrifices are the worst**

And after 10 minutes of pleading, persuading, and slamming the doors out of pure frustration, I FINALLY GOT THE DAMN BOOK!!



Luciana said...

Bye, Star! *hugs*
And if I don't see you later, I'm going to miss you very muchly. :c You're amazing, so are your dedications. Bye-bye, I'll miss you so muchhhhhhh! *hugs tight*

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

well done Sonia!!

Drew O'Connor said...

Ok Chapter 13 has 6 views but 1 comment??

The numbers aren't adding up lads lol people are letting their opinions be heard.

Rim. said...

I'm gonna go get some breakfast bbs :D

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

ok Rim!

Luciana said...

Loki doki, Rim! Bye! c:

Helena Ember Sky said...

I have to go, bye! *hugs everyone* *goes over to Rim's breakfast* *pokes food* *waves* *blows kisses* *leaves*

Rim. said...

Bye Sky!!
Back :3

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

bye Hel!!

Drew O'Connor said...

Whoever has seen the new chapter but has not commented

Speak now or forever hold your peace lol

I'm messing lads, I'm just grateful people are reading it.

Nixion Strange said...


Drew O'Connor said...

how are you feeling nix?

Nixion Strange said...

Great now

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

thats good Nix!

Nixion Strange said...

Master of the house, keeper of the inn

Drew O'Connor said...

That's good to hear Nix.

It's important to look after yourself sometimes Nix so don't be stressing about other little things.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

yeah, distant


Helena Ember Sky said...

Les Miserables, Nix?

Nixion Strange said...

Si, si

Helena Ember Sky said...

"Si" is Italian Nix, Les Miserables is about the FRENCH revolution.

Luciana said...

Sí is Spanish.

Sparky Braginski said...

The time has come.

The time... Of spoiling.


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That's all I have time for. Too many spoilers, too little time.

Maybe in a month.

Hope you're all well.

Sparky~ xoxo

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

i only know Japanese

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