Tuesday, May 15, 2012




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Willow Storm said...

Hi guys.

Eve the ROCK said...

Lemonade!!! It's winter here.

Weapons making!!!! I want a greatsword!!

Eve the ROCK said...

You haven't even been here for more than a day. :D

Or have you?

Hi Rim!!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Hi White Willow, Im Miss Cain

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

@ eve
Are you talking to me???

Lynxia Lost said...

Hi Willow!

*hands everyone some Lemonade*


Eve the ROCK said...

Oh wait, sorry, White Willow.

Oops. :P

Hi White Willow!

Eve the ROCK said...

Yup, I'm talking to you!

Okay Lynxia!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

YAY!!!! lemonade *drinks it then relises it has sugar then has sugar hype* WHAHOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

ive only been on here for about 3 hours

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

wait theres something i havent done.....

HI DEREK!!!!!!!
(come to Perth for your Down Under tour!!!!!!)

Nixion Strange said...


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

that feels better now...

Willow Storm said...

How is everyone?

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

i feel CRAZY!!! thanks for asking White Willow! (sorry im new AND i just had some of Linxias Lemonade)

Lynxia Lost said...

Hey Nix!

I'm ok Willow, how are you?

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

oh god i spelt Lynxia wrong *shakes head in disbelif*

Lynxia Lost said...

Lynxia! With a y!

Nixion Strange said...

Me? In a very good mood!

Eve the ROCK said...

Heeeeko, Nix!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

MY SPELLING IS CRAP!!!! (today anyway, might be better tomorrow)

Eve the ROCK said...


Lynxia Lost said...

I put way too much sugar in this lemonade...

Lynxia Lost said...

K Eve.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

i THINK its worn off....... SUGAR!!!!!

Nup, it hasnt

Nixion Strange said...

even though there is an assigment due tomorrow that i haven't finished. There's the slim chance he won't make us hand in the assignment in alphebetical order, so there is hope

Lynxia Lost said...

Nix, you should finish the assignment...

Eve the ROCK said...

I'm pretty goose. :D

Luciana said...

Blogged. ^_^
And I am back, properly, now.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

thats right Nix, theres always hope...... *looks off into distance then relises shes looking at her wall*

Nixion Strange said...

I should, but for that I need my book, which happenes to be in my locker

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

and yeah you might wont to finish that assingment just in case hope doesnt turn up

Nixion Strange said...

You know, you're really catching on fast Miss Cain
Are you real?

Eve the ROCK said...

You know, once I said that irl, and everyone thought I was saying "I'm a pretty goose". It was hilarious.

But I WOUKD make a pretty goose, just so you know. I have the most beautiful webbed feet you've ever seen.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

i spelt want wrong!!!!

how is that humanly possible for an 11 yr old!!!!

Lynxia Lost said...


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

yes of couse im real!!!!!!

Nixion Strange said...

K Lynxia

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

i spelt course wrong didnt i

Nixion Strange said...

You were very quick to confirm you were real. Perhaps a little to quick...

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

oh great golden god

Nixion Strange said...

That to should be double o, shouldn't it...?

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

not funny *stares into the back of Nixs head and sees holes in them*

Nixion Strange said...

So Miss Cain, if that is your real name?

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

it isnt, duh

Eve the ROCK said...

Miss Cain, you're going to have to take the test to see I'd you are indeed real. We're going to have to cut off your head. If it grows back, you are not real. If it doesn't... Well, you WERE real.

Lynxia Lost said...

Back, but will be distant.

Eve the ROCK said...


Nixion Strange said...

K Lynxia

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

and i bet Nixion Strange isnt YOUR real name

Nixion Strange said...

So you don't deny you are using a fake idenity right now?

Nixion Strange said...

Whether it is or not isn't part of my questioning

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

ummm thanks eve???

(i know EVERYTHING about SP and i know THAT was from the first book)
*sheds a tear of triumph*
Im awesome

Eve the ROCK said...

Kay Lynxia

Eve is my real name!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Nix, what the hell????

Nixion Strange said...

You may be very awesome spam

Eve the ROCK said...

Everyone here knows everything about SP. you'll get used to it.

But well done.

Nixion Strange said...


Eve the ROCK said...

*laughs at spam comment* Couldn't help it

Willow Storm said...

No one knows my name, since I haven't told anyone the real one.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

@ eve
well yeah i kinda worked that out seeing this IS the blog of the AMAZING Golden God and i was just proving to you that i KNOW SP

Luciana said...

Going for dinner, bbl. :') *hugs*

Nixion Strange said...

Bye L

Lynxia Lost said...

WTGG Nix? You're acting strange even by your standards, Mr Strange. Are YOU sure that you're YOU?

Lynxia Lost said...

Bye Luce!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

@ Nix
1. I am awesome
2. I am NOT spam

Nixion Strange said...

Trying to change the subject Miss Cain? That won't do you any good
*shines lamp in Miss Cain's eyes*
How many pages are there in End of the World?

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

cya L

Lynxia Lost said...


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

just a sec Nix

Nixion Strange said...

Am I me?!
*shines lamp in my eyes*
And so the interogation begins
I swear I'm real-
Shut up!

Nixion Strange said...

How many pages in Playing With Fire, Nixion Strange? If that is your real name?
351, in my copy...

Nixion Strange said...

You're not helping yourself Nixion...
Please, let me go-

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...


Nixion Strange said...

How many fingers do I have up behind my back?
How am I meant to know that?
I'll be asking the questions around here

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

and why are you talking to yourself????

Nixion Strange said...

Uh... 16?
You got lucky Nixion...

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

im gonna guess this is a normal thing for Nix

Lynxia Lost said...

*walks back in* Nix, stop shouting at Nix and Nix - wipe that scared look off your face, you look ridiculous.

Nixion Strange said...

I am thinking of a number between one and ten. What is it?
Thirteen. No, a digit between... one and ten?
Hmmm... correct...

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

is it just me and Nix????

Cus i dont wanna be stuck with him!!!
*starts whinging to herself*

Eve the ROCK said...

Bye Luce!!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

oh bless the Golden God, Lynxia is also here

Nixion Strange said...

Yes, stop shouting Nixion
But you're the one who was shouting...
Was I Nixion? Was I really?

Willow Storm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Willow Storm said...

Sorry, but I couldn't stop watching anime.

Eve the ROCK said...

I'm here, Miss, don't worry.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

and Eve!!!!

My luck is back
(hes called Fred)

Eve the ROCK said...

Nix, orange.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

YAY!!! and White Willow

Eve the ROCK said...

Fred is such a commonly used name.

Why don't you use name's like Patrick-Seamus?

Forest said...


Nixion Strange said...

We swapped positions a while back
So we did...
Now what do you have to say for yourself?
Uh... You're under arrest?
Noooooo! You'll never take me alive! Neeeeeveeeeer!
*gets dragged away*

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Forest

Lynxia Lost said...

Nix, stop being so strange! Hmm... Maybe not the right wording...

Lynxia Lost said...

Hey Forest! Long time no see!

Forest said...

forest isn't a commen name.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

ummmmm Nix is acting normal, right???

Hi Forest! Im Miss Cain

Lynxia Lost said...

Nix, *shakes head* you're getting as bad as Zath with whole Nagier thing. *is leaving Elaisse out of it*

Forest said...

ya iv been off for a while lynxia!

Willow Storm said...

Hi Forest.

Nixion Strange said...

Nix cannot act normal!
*is a tree*

Lynxia Lost said...

*sighs* Yeah, this is normal... You should have seen when we were arguing over what field mice were...

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

ahhhh that makes a WHOLE lot of sense

(not really)

Forest said...


Nixion Strange said...

I'm telling you, they're faceless beings in another demention who want to take over out bodies and destroy the world!

Forest said...

who wants a big white thing?:-)

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Forest!

Nix, if you stop being a tree, I will grant you a lifetime supply of bananas and frillet mix.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

oh if this is normal for Nix......

*starts hyperventalating over what would classify strange for Nix*

Luciana said...

Is Nix actually Nix? He seems normal, today...Normal is boring. *chews on red vines* D'you know where I put that rabbit? The blue one?

Nixion Strange said...

*isn't a tree any more*

Eve the ROCK said...

You mean a giant bunny?

Lynxia Lost said...

No, we settled this! They shed their skins at night and become viscous. We settled it! End. Of.

Forest said...

no their not the faceless ones nix......

Star Inkbright said...


*waits for eve to call me Starkid*

Nixion Strange said...


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

yeah we ALL know about the Faceless Ones Nix
*shudders at thought*

Lynxia Lost said...


Luciana said...

Subtraction is overrated. It's like adding, but backwards. You're never going to need it.

Eve the ROCK said...

I think you left it in the truffle cabinet, Luce.

Very good nix. You will receive your gift in the mail.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

this makes NO sense

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Star

Lynxia, i'm certain. A carrot, powerful carrot and his partner the broccili fought the feild mice! The carrot was dragged into the demention of the feild mice!

Lynxia Lost said...

Hey Star!

I've been here on off all day... I need to get a life - no, wait - I have a life, just a very sad one!

GUESS WHAT! (No, the Hobbits are NOT going to Isenguard) I got my Slytherin hoodie!!!

Lynxia Lost said...


Lynxia Lost said...


Lynxia Lost said...


Lynxia Lost said...


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Hi Ink, Im Miss Cain

Eve the ROCK said...



Forest said...


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

YAY!!! new page

Nixion Strange said...

It's okay, the broccili got the carrot back after 11 suns of hard work

Forest said...

oh cool

Lynxia Lost said...

That's a compliment Star!

Lynxia Lost said...

Um... Dedications...

Forest said...

that hapend randomly!

Eve the ROCK said...

Tou conment too fast...

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

ummm nice going Nix
*starts backing away very slowly*

Nixion Strange said...

Popity corn!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

you guys comment TOO fast!!!

Nixion Strange said...

*laughs manically*
Popity corn! Popity corn!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...


i LOVE this place!!!!

Willow Storm said...

I'm in a writing poetry mood. I'll be even more distant.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...


Star Inkbright said...

THANK YOU EVE! *also laughs*

Ooh, i remember now, i was gonna sing a song to you eve . . .

#You are a rock,
You are an iiiiiiiiiiii-i-ii-land . . .

Nixion Strange said...

Now... what to rap about...?

Eve the ROCK said...

ME TOO, Miss!!

Forest said...

ohhhhkkkkkeeeeeyyyyyy!!!!!!! who knows when doctor who is airing?????

Star Inkbright said...

Hello Miss Cain, welcome to insanity.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

you write poetry???

i wrote one about volcanoes for school, it was CRAP!!!

Star Inkbright said...

NOT ME, forest. Sorry.

Willow Storm said...

Yes, I write.

Forest said...

darn any1???

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

good, i LOVE insanity *does evil laugh then starts coughing*

Nixion Strange said...

No idea bushland

Star Inkbright said...


But apparently i'm okay at writing stories.

Eve the ROCK said...

I'm a ROCK!!! Yaaaaay!! You are my favourite person here, Star!!


Nixion Strange said...

I am awesome at writing
You know, just being modest here. But at poetry I suck

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

my brain is starting to hurt, i think its from Nix

Lynxia Lost said...

I dedicate this to everyone in Blogland. This has been said so many times that it is now a cliché but it needs to be said.

You are all brilliant!

No matter what happens we can come here and talk to our friends, whether it's venting our problems or just talking about random stuff - we always have Blogland.

If you're an Elder, a Regular, a Newbie or a One-Poster - it doesn't matter what you are but together we form the Blogland community and without you guys I actually feel I would have committed suicide a looong time ago. So, yeah, in your own special ways you are life savers.

We even have 'families' I mean, Flame is Octa's Blog-Son and then there are marriages and it just fits togther like the community it is.

So - here's to you!

Eve the ROCK said...

Rap about me!!! You'll be here for HOURS!!

Forest said...





Nixion Strange said...

I gave you a shrubbery...

Star Inkbright said...


Uh, thanks eve, but i'm sure i'm not your VERY favourite . . .

Forest said...


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

im not the best at writing cuz i relise ive stuffed it up then i give up altogether

Eve the ROCK said...

Here's to us!!

*raises untouched lemonade glass*

*pours it into left eye*

Nixion Strange said...

Blogland community!

Nixion Strange said...

Bushland, are you trying to out insane me?

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

ummmm bye or hi to Forest

Forest said...

so seresly bue:-(

Forest said...


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

yep, heres to Blogland!!

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Bushland!

Star Inkbright said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynxia Lost said...

bye Forest! *hugs*

Don't try to out insane Nix. You'll fail.

Nixion Strange said...

*toasts drink*
*eats glass*

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*starts dancing*
go Blogland, go go go Blogland

Lynxia Lost said...


Nixion Strange said...

*music is playing*
This isn't a bad song

Forest said...

*walks off clif and falls onto my drangon*

*flys away*


*falls off dragon*

Nixion Strange said...

K Lynxia

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Nix, my brain is frying here! please try to remember im new

Eve the ROCK said...

Nix, I cherish that shrubbery, but Star sang to me. You can't beat that. Unless you rap about me.. :)

Star, who would be my favourite then?

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

damn im SOOOOO slow at commenting

Nixion Strange said...

Bushland, you should really have a sadle of some sort

Nixion Strange said...

Miss Cain. Would you rather I held this insanity in until i blows and you seen the insanehat Nix? Cause I'm like a bad tempered clown compared to insanehat Nix

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

oh my

i should of joined AGES ago
*hi fives the computer*

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

i dont want to go but i have to cus ive got school tomorrow

C ya

Star Inkbright said...

*shrugs* Well i'm a crap favouritionerererer . . .

So i wouldn't know much about favouritioning. I don't have blogland favouritions.

Eve the ROCK said...

Bye Miss Cain!!

Nixion Strange said...

I've got school. But maybe I just stay awake easier
*has bags under eyes*
Bye Miss Cain!

Star Inkbright said...

May the fours be with you cain!

Eve the ROCK said...

You guys are my best friends, you know that? Of course you do.

Star Inkbright said...

I've got school tomorrow too, but it's only about half three in the afternoon for me, so . . .

Nixion Strange said...

Just like you guys know you're my best friends?

Star Inkbright said...



Nixion Strange said...

Common, this topic of how I need you guys is sobbering me up

Nixion Strange said...

Bye sobbering, I mean making me gain some sense

Star Inkbright said...


Wait, i know that?




Really really?


Really really really?



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