Sunday, April 1, 2012


This is what we call a Guilty Blog Post.

Why do I feel guilty? Because it's been well over a week since the last time I posted anything. Also, this post is far too short to be considered a worthy way to spend your time. But I have an excuse. Writing. I'm writing. That's always a good excuse, right?

Deadlines deadlines deadlines. Onrushing. Oncrushing. Is oncrushing a word? No it isn't. But it should be.

I'm days away from finishing Kingdom of the Wicked. Days! I might even have had it finished tonight, but I spent yesterday at the Oxford Literature Festival (which was a lot of fun) so that set me back a little. But I'm close. So close. That wonderful feeling is starting up, that excitement that tells me I've almost finished another book. It's a fantastic feeling. Every writer knows it. That sense of accomplishment that floods over you despite any and all insecurities, despite knowing that you have weeks or months of edits and rewrites ahead of you... None of that matters, not when you're about to finish your first draft.

Days. Mere days. My editor is waiting for it.

I have to get back to work.


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Eve the ROCK said...

*sits next to Mist*

Zathract Mist said...

Hi Eve.

*hugs back and happiness level increases substantially*

Eve the ROCK said...

*smiles* mine's all the way to the top.

Zathract Mist said...

*smiles back*

And why's that?

Lavender Hope said...

Hi Mist...
I would ask, but... never mind...

I think I'm really going to go now...

Can't come on tomorrow... so... I'll see you sometime... I might post on my blog. But... never mind. I'm going now.
*thinks again*
you know, I really do type '...' a lot... <<<SEE??? Anyway, too much, I think. But sometimes I can't help it. Yeah, anyway, bye guys. Night. *smiles a bit*

Eve the ROCK said...

Isn't it a little obvious? *kisses mists cheek softly*

Eve the ROCK said...

Bye lav

Zathract Mist said...

Bye Lav.

*smiles at Eve again*

Eve the ROCK said...

*smiles contently*

Nixion Strange said...

A lot of smiling going on here

Zathract Mist said...


Hello, Nix.

Eve the ROCK said...

Just shows how much you DON'T smile, Nix.

Nixion Strange said...

I wish i smiled more
But my jaw hurts whenever i smile. I should get that checked out

Nixion Strange said...

so, how's life been treating you all? Any dogs?

Nixion Strange said...

Okay then

Nixion Strange said...


Zathract Mist said...


*hugs Eve*

I should have emailed you sooner. Sorry...

Eve the ROCK said...

Argh. Dinner. I'll be back! *kisses mists cheek again a nd bursts into oblivion*

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Eve

Zathract Mist said...

Bye, Eve!

Nixion Strange said...

Hey Mist... you get chapter 6?

Zathract Mist said...

Yeah. Haven't had time to read through it though.

Star Inkbright said...

*sigh* Nix, mist, your girlfriends (lynxia in particular) have been arguing about reationships in my story with me . . .

Zathract Mist said...



Zathract Mist said...

(is a sad aw)

Nixion Strange said...

My girlfiendssss?
And what realationships?

Nixion Strange said...

and i don't care that you haven't had time to read it, i was just asking if i sent it (i don't remember)

Nixion Strange said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zathract Mist said...

It's in the Word Doc. now and I'll start editing tomorrow. Have to get off the computer now.


Might not be back until Eve does. So bye if not.

*leaps into The Black Void somewhat lifelessly*

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Mist

Nixion Strange said...


Sparky Braginski said...



Nixion Strange said...

I'm looking and just commented
I saw the comment above

Nixion Strange said...

now im following the blog

Nixion Strange said...

You need to explain L4D to me one day

Eve the ROCK said...

Monday through Sunday yo.

Nixion Strange said...

Greetings Eve

Sparky Braginski said...

Honestly Nix, just look it up.

Eve the ROCK said...

Greetings? You mean, shftfbcjjfd?

Nixion Strange said...

Look it up...Hmmm...

Eve the ROCK said...



Anyway. Is Mist here?

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Phoenix

You need to getchourself a picture yo.

Nixion Strange said...

Mist left. He said he'd some back if you were here...maybe

Eve the ROCK said...


Sparky Braginski said...





Eve the ROCK said...

Nothing yo. What's up with Flamereno?

Nixion Strange said...

Flame is just... weird

Flame Phoenix said...

Nothing much really.



Flame Phoenix said...

thanks nix! YOU too.

Star Inkbright said...

You and lynxia. Zath and eve.

And sparky and flame.

Sparky and eve and lynxia were all giving me instructions . ..

Eve the ROCK said...

Okey dokey.


Sparky Braginski said...


*hugs Flame*


Zathract Mist said...


*hugs Eve*


Flame Phoenix said...


Hi sparky.

Star Inkbright said...

Well, it's speak of the devil again . . .

Sorry, devils.

Flame Phoenix said...

my mother has you confused with shadow and is asking really stupid questions and she's fucking annoying me.

Sparky Braginski said...

About the relationships in her story.

Eve the ROCK said...

*hugs back* Hi! *is smuper happy*

Nixion Strange said...


Flame Phoenix said...


Sparky Braginski said...

Confused me with Shadow?

I'm not Shadow.

I'm me.



Eve the ROCK said...

Yo nixiono

Eve the ROCK said...

Yes, flamereno. Smuper.

Nixion Strange said...

What's with all the Yo's?

Flame Phoenix said...

i should really go do something with my life..

i want to write but im not inspired enough today,,

2,030 words! yay!

Star Inkbright said...

*sigh* Apparently sparky's living in ireland, zathract and eve have met, so have nix and lynxia, yes they have to have a relationship, an blah blah blah.

Flame Phoenix said...

what are you on about star?

Eve the ROCK said...

What's with all the dictionary words, yo? Why can't we all just chillereno.


Star Inkbright said...

I neeed to write too. If i write one page per day, i have to write another half a page today.

Flame Phoenix said...


Sparky Braginski said...

She's on about her story.

*smiles at Flame*

Hey, you know how I sent you the link to what your ring looks like?

Eve the ROCK said...

*nods coolly* Word.

Star Inkbright said...

My story. Relationships in my story.

Zathract Mist said...

*looks at Sparky's comment, then at mine*

...How did THAT happen?

Nixion Strange said...

Me and Lynxia? Say we meet when she came to Australia on a mission or something
btw, i stopped being insane at...
*looks at Mist*
I always forget what age im at when i regain the better part of my sanity
But Nix is 14 almost 15 now, so there's a few years for you there

Eve the ROCK said...

*frowns* I wasn't arguing. I simply said, "of course we know each other." and then I let you do all the brain stuff.

Flame Phoenix said...

*is thoroughly confused looking*

Nixion Strange said...

okay, how about Lynxia came to Australia a few months back, and me and Mist were invesagating her, and i meet her, and fell for her (like to see my character do that(sarcasm)) and helped her get back to England without Mist knowing
How's that?

Star Inkbright said...

K. Good. I knew you weren't insane now though, duh. I mean, your story self. Isn't insane now. Whatever.

Star Inkbright said...

K nix.

Eve, i know YOU weren't, but you were there.

Nixion Strange said...

now im going

Eve the ROCK said...

*gapes* someone sketch my arm. NOW.

The light is bouncing off it perfectly...

Sparky Braginski said...

*runs fingers through Flame's hair*

You seem to be a bit out of it today, is anything wrong?

Flame Phoenix said...

*is even more thoroughly confused*

GUYS, stop talking confusedly.

Eve the ROCK said...

Bye nixiono, yo.

Flame Phoenix said...

yes, theres yonks wrong.

Sparky Braginski said...

Would you feel better if you told me?

*kisses him*

Cause I wouldn't mind hearing.

Eve the ROCK said...

*makes a fire with berry wood* Metaphorically.

Flame Phoenix said...

There the stone was, sitting perfectly on its bed, the purple velvet cushion. It was sapphire blue, beautiful and looked very precious. Livanna Recren sighed. She wasn’t even going to try and steal it. Arax Filate was the proud owner of ‘Jem’s magical objects and repair shop.’ Arax was a man of caution and took pride in his lifetime business. Livanna was a thief. A magical one, only she didn’t know that part. Livanna didn’t know about her magic, she had run away from home at the age of seven. In order to survive, she had become a thief. She was known throughout the world as the best and only as the best. But, ‘Jem’s’ was way too heavily guarded to even attempt a job on. She entered anyway.
Arax jumped up from behind the counter and smiled cheerily, “How may I be of service?” He spoke with an ancient kind of ancient air to him. His features scared Livanna. His face was burned and he had three scars running parallel to each other, straight down his face.
Livanna fixed her dark, scarlet red hat with a feather protruding out of the top of it. She wore a plain white blouse with lacy, brown leather pants. She brushed herself down as if dusting herself off. She smiled back and asked, “How much is that stone on the window?”
He answered. “Livanna Recren?” She was busted, “You can have it!” Arax reached across the counter and grabbed the stone from the window, hastily, as if he was in danger and had to hurry. He looked at her and thrust it into hands before she could react

Star Inkbright said...

I used to love doing the )) thing. But then i foune out you weren't actually suppoeed to do it:(

Now, i'm not much bothered either way.

I was only asking eve coz her character makes an appearance in the story now.

Flame Phoenix said...

Livanna was stunned. She couldn’t move, she was frozen with fear. Thieves were usually hanged when caught. The part she didn’t understand was why he was just giving it to her. Livanna finally decided to run. So with a messy roundabout turn, she made a break for the shop door. A rough hand grabbed hers. Livanna spun to see Arax’s un- delightful features glaring at her coldly. He asked her to go into the back of the shop with him. Livanna protested and tried to run again, resulting in a failure. She couldn’t break his grip and fell, her hat falling off. Luckily, there was no one in the shop. Arax half pulled, half dragged her into the back of the shop- making the coloured beads hanging from the doorway dangle.
Livanna was dumbfounded by the man’s strength, and tried once more, resulting in the same, to pull away. Arax shook his head and muttered something. “What?” Livanna shouted.
Arax shook his head once more. “Livanna Recren, Daughter of Elise Evelyn and Darveckle Claw?” Livanna gasped with surprise and nodded and opened her mouth to reply. Arax cut in. ‘How did he know this?’ The sentence ran through Livanna’s mind repeatedly. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Arax chuckled, “Sit.” He said beckoning to a chair. Livanna slumped into the ornate wooden chair Arax had told her too.

Star Inkbright said...

K flame. I'll try.

Well, anyway the aussie people aren't meeting the uk people for a while yet.

Eve the ROCK said...

Yay! Appearance!

Mist, still here?

Flame Phoenix said...

“I know you ran away when you were younger, Livanna,” Arax continued, “And you probably don’t know this, but, I was a friend of you parents.” The front door to the shop opened, causing the wind chimes hanging from the ceiling to chime softly and melodically. It was beautiful. Livanna made to speak, but Arax cut in again. “Hold that thought.” He walked back into the front door of the shop. Livanna looked around. The back room was full of not only magnificently crafted swords and daggers and other weapons, but also of ancient looking artefacts and objects like vases and chairs. She got up and walked to a small katana sword, in a black sheath with a gold dragon coiled around the handle. It hung on the wall by two gold hooks. She grasped it in one hand and held it up, examining it closely. It was magnificent, really. Then there was a loud bang from the front of the shop. It was like something big had fallen. Livanna yelped and hung the sword back on its hooks carefully, trying not to make it look out of its place. She quickly sat back down on the ornate chair and listened, not making a sound. The stone inside her pocket glowed, and then burned her. Livanna pulled it out and saw it shining, luminously blue. There was a thin silver chain dangling from a hole in the top of the stone, which Livanna threw around her neck. The stone stopped glowing. She wondered why it was glowing in the first place. It was a mystery to her. Livanna sat still listening to a conversation.
“Where is it?” A loud, strange voice bellowed.
“I don’t know, it was sold this morning, a man in a suit bought it.” Arax sounded frail compared to the stranger.
“I think you are lying,” the stranger remarked, “I think you are. Now, tell me where the stone is!”
Livanna gasped and held the stone Arax had given her tightly, holding into her chest. The argument outside continued, but she wasn’t listening anymore. She was too busy trying not to make noise. Livanna could feel her heart pounding, beat after beat; it was like it was trying to get out of her chest. She took deep breaths and then the shop door slammed. Arax ran into the back room, looking ever so slightly older and concerned.

Zathract Mist said...

*is back*

Sorry. I was watching the Sorry music video. That's ironic...

It's a sad video.

Star Inkbright said...

That's really interested me already flame . . . I really want to see what happens.

Food stuff.

Star Inkbright said...

Hi zath.

Flame Phoenix said...

“So,” Livanna said trying to get a conversation started, and maybe some answers, answered, “How did you know my parents?”
Arax waved the question away and he became more serious. It all showed in his tone, he was anxious. “They’re coming, all of them, I need to leave. And so do you, get out of here. Run, and take the stone with you. Grab a weapon, and remember. Trust no one. They’re coming….” He repeated.
Livanna made to ask him who, but Arax ran through the doorway with the beads hanging from it and dashed madly to the door. Livanna shrugged and got up. She walked out to the front room. It contained vials of every shape and size and vases and other items. There were weapons hanging on the wall, all looked heavy. She kept looking around until she got to the centre of the shop. It was a disaster. Livanna took the banging noise as the wardrobe that was smashed on the ground in smithereens. She gasped. A blinding white light soared from within Livanna’s head and she nearly fell over. Then she suddenly remembered something. ‘Run’.
The word was clear in her mind, and it surged inside her, she wanted to run, but didn’t. The voice was strong and dubious. It certainly wasn’t hers. It spoke again.’ Run, get out, and run. ‘Go, quickly. Remember, trust no one. Get a weapon, you’ll need it.’ Livanna rushed back into the store room and grabbed the sword with the dragon handle. She stuck it through her belt and returned to the front of the shop. She looked for her hat which had fallen off her. She saw it lying, folded in half beside the counter. She frowned and went and picked it up, straightened it out, put it on and fixed herself. Livanna ran and vaulted the smashed wardrobe and opening the shop door, and dashed through it quickly.

Eve the ROCK said...

I'll have to watch it some time. When I'm in the mood for sadness. Anyway, smiley face!

Zathract Mist said...

*nods and smiles at Eve*

Flame Phoenix said...

Livanna looked around, standing on the cobbled street of seventeenth century Dublin, Ireland. She gasped and ran. She ran as fast as she could, and as quickly too. She glanced back and saw two men in black shadowy swirling cloaks go into ‘Jem’s’ shop. She panted and continued running, now crossing the road. The carts and horses plodded along, and she did her best to avoid them. She glanced back and saw the men leaving the shop, looking angry. She continued running and got to the crowd square and stopped. It was market day and there would have been no point trying to get past the crowds of merchants, bustling and pushing, spending their money, investing in absolutely nothing. Livanna took several gulps of air, it was like water. Her muscles burned as if there was a raging fire within them.
The men were looking around outside the shop, calculating where Arax could have gone. They didn’t know Livanna had been to the shop. And if they did, she would probably be dead. ‘Jem’s’ exploded and fire spread out, shooting flaming tendrils out in all directions. Splinters of wood and glass flew out onto the street, smashing windows of carriages. Papers and parchments floated everywhere, landing on the road and in puddles. It was sunny but it had rained the night before. The men nodded happily, satisfied with their catastrophic work, and walked over to the square and into the crowd. They were ugly men, big and buff and dangerous.
The people screamed and plunged madly, terrified as they couldn’t see the shop. Only people with magical ascent could. All the mundane people could see was splinters and fire; it was like the air had spontaneously self-combusted. They made mad dashes in every direction, running around like headless chickens on slaughter day. They bumped into Livanna in hurried little packs, nearly knocking her over. Livanna looked equally as scared, although she could see the shop; she didn’t know about magic. The stone started glowing again, and it soon burned her.
She cried out loudly, making everyone look at her. She gulped, looking embarrassed. The people were confused by her glowing blouse, but then just started running again. The men in the black suits had noticed her though, more than noticed her. They ran at her, nearing to her every second. She saw them, just in time too, another minute and they would have grabbed her. Livanna spun sharply, knocking over an old man carrying a bag of potatoes. She yelled an apology and continued running, harder and faster than before. Livanna leaped over stalls gracefully, having had training during her years as a thief. She was fifteen and was quite tall. Her blonde hair waved, madly in the force of her running. She dodged another woman, spinning around to avoid her. She caught a glimpse of the men. They had gold stars in circles on the front of their clothes; she believed them to be pentagrams or something. Livanna ran onto the cobbled road and across the street avoiding oncoming traffic.

Star Inkbright said...

Has anyone but me even NOTICED flame's awesomista story?

Eve the ROCK said...

*smiles back and hugs him*

Flame Phoenix said...

She had just got to the other side, when a carriage came to a sudden stop in the middle of the road. It blocked the traffic, stopping them from moving. Yells of annoyance and anger filled the air. She looked at the man who was wearing a silver suit and a matching top hat. He put two fingers on his monocle and she swore he winked at her. Then the voice came again. It spoke louder and firmer. ‘Run’. Livanna did just that, running into a back alleyway that smelled of damp and sewerage. She stepped in dirt and muck. Slimy moss grew on the walls like horrible, green scabs. Rats scurried out from the shadows and out into the street. Livanna did her best not to squeal. It was horribly horrific. But she was safe. That was the main thing. Or at least that’s what she thought.

Eve the ROCK said...

I'm trying to keep up with it...

Sparky Braginski said...


I can't read the rest, I need to have dinner.

*pulls Flame into a kiss*

I love you.


Flame Phoenix said...

you have star, and thats enough for me. As, im planning to send this off to a publisher.

Zathract Mist said...

I have but Im sort of multitasking here.

*hugs back*

Flame Phoenix said...

thats chapther one.


*kisses back*

Star Inkbright said...

*glares at them* see? It's important!

I hate it when people show no interest in my stories. Even if they critiscise, that's okay, but if they show no interest . . . It's like, why bother?

Star Inkbright said...

Bye sparky!

Star Inkbright said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Flame Phoenix said...

star, to admit, i havent read your story.

Reasons why: parental controls wont let me go on any other blog than this one.

and my ipods fucked up/

Flame Phoenix said...

im writing chapter 2...

Eve the ROCK said...

*rests self's forehead on Mist's*

Nixion Strange said...


Flame Phoenix said...

Flame stared at the letter from the sanctury. Literally stared. There was no point of course the decision was final. He was about to get an apprentice dectective, one with the ability to read the future and he did'nt partically like it. Her name was Zorabose.

She had dark black wavy hair, a button nose and thin lips. she was slender and fit looking. He had only just got the letter, only, as in it just came through the letterbox of his apartment in Dublin. She was to be dropped off at six. He looked at his watch. The time of course was five to six. Typical......

His flat was a mess, he needed a shower and had to drive into town to get something. 'Of course there would be no time for that now' he thought as the doorbell rang. "God help me" he muttered annoyed,

Flame was never one for keeping his anger in check. Never. He opened the door to find a small petite girl with black wavy hair. It was six on he dot. He opened the door wider and beckoned her in from the dreary corridor. She looked up at him curiously, staring at his red hair.

"What?", he snapped.

She giggled. "Hi, I'm..."

" Zorabose Reckfiend", he cut her off " Apprentice detective, assigned to me by that stupid detective mentor project from the sanctuary, you can see the future. Anything else?"

"Not really.." she answered disheartened.

"Good", Flame sighed.

"You don't want me here do you?, I can come back later if you would like?"
"No, its fine, I'm just a bit short tempered."

"Okey, Dokey", Zorabose said cheerily. She pushed past Flame and went into the living room. He followed her. Zorabose had already made herself at home, her black hard dirty boots on the coffee table, the TV remote in her hand currently watching Spongebob Squarepants. Flame walked over to the sofa across from her. He sat down.

"You certainly know how to make yourself at home", he muttered.

Zorabose looked up. "Wha?!?", she yelped startled "Didn't see you." She went back to watching TV.

Flame looked at her. She was exactly like him when he was younger. Independent, willing and stubborn.

"How old are you?", he asked out of the blue.

"I am twelve", she muttered engrossed in Spongebob.

"And", Flame continued, now he had her attention "Do you know who's idea it was to create this programme?"

"Spongebob? yeah umm..", She looked thoughtful.

"No", Flame interrupted, " The apprentice programme."

"Yeah" Zorabose said surprised.
"Didn't you read the letter?"

"Just tell me" Flame snapped.

"Ok, the Elders did. They thought it would be good. I mean after all Skulduggery Pleasant and Valkyrie Cain did it, why not others?"

Flame got up and walked to the kitchen area where he had left the letter. He picked up and scanned it.

We have made this decision based on how well Detective Skulduggery Pleasant has got on with his apprentice Detective Valkyrie Cain.

Flame dropped the letter. "Damn!" he muttered, " I hate those two."

Star Inkbright said...

That's okay. You haven't arrived in it yet anyway.

Chapter three is going to be back in uk and ireland. Chapter four, america, definately america.

Flame Phoenix said...

thats a story i wrote yonks ago

its on my blog.

Zathract Mist said...

*grins and kisses her*

Nixion Strange said...

i read that story Flame

Star Inkbright said...

Don't say that on derek's blog flame!

That story's cool as well though!

Eve the ROCK said...

*kisses him back*

Eve the ROCK said...

*barely notices anything*

Flame Phoenix said...

it amazes me, that i used i hate those two and everyone dislikes the using of it, but the stories cool?!

Star Inkbright said...

Eve just commented on my blog saying "Woo!" . . .

*is trying to remember why she would say that*

Star Inkbright said...

Yeah. I like the spongebob bit.

Zathract Mist said...

*flops down on couch and drags Eve with self*

Lynxia Lost said...


If anyone is here, will be distant...

Flame Phoenix said...

hi lynx

Eve the ROCK said...



Nixion Strange said...


Eve the ROCK said...

*grons and Sits right next to Mist*

Eve the ROCK said...

Hello Lynxia

Eve the ROCK said...


Zathract Mist said...

Hi Lynxia.

Flame Phoenix said...


*points upwards*

Lynxia Lost said...

Stupid comments... They keep disappearing...

Zathract Mist said...

*looks at Eve*

How was your day?

Lynxia Lost said...

I'd already read it Flame. Read it on your blog.

Star Inkbright said...

Hi lynxia!

Flame Phoenix said...

no the other one.

*points more nothernly*

Sparky Braginski said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Full of final rehearsals and word searches and liturgies and basketball and that annoying girl staring at me and Breeze still and congratulating the girl who put a banana peel in her bag. And my favourite part- talking to you.

And how are you?

Flame Phoenix said...

wb, spools.

Zathract Mist said...

Right now I'm great.

My day was full of death and bad news and ignoring idiots who kept asking why I was crying.

Sparky Braginski said...


You haven't called me that for a while.

*interlocks finger with Flame*

Star Inkbright said...


Sparky Braginski said...

...What happened Zath?

Sparky Braginski said...


Zathract Mist said...


Star Inkbright said...


Sparky Braginski said...


Zathract Mist said...

Yes, Ink?

Star Inkbright said...

Which flipping blog?

Eve the ROCK said...

*looks at Mist then quickly pulls him into a hug lock*

Sparky Braginski said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Star Inkbright said...

Uh, what happened? I was seconding what sparky said.

Lynxia Lost said...

Good Flame.

*sigh* News to go again now.

Bye! *hugs all and kisses Nix. Shadow walks*

Zathract Mist said...

*hugs Eve back tightly*

Sparky Braginski said...

Bye Shadow.

Zathract Mist said...

I forgot I wasn't meant to talk about that...

Zathract Mist said...

Be Lynxia.

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Lynxia

Flame Phoenix said...

What blog, star?

and whats wrong zath.

Flame Phoenix said...

bye shadow

Star Inkbright said...


Zathract Mist said...


And I'm not talking about it, Ink.

Eve the ROCK said...

*doesnt stop hugging him*

Zathract Mist said...

I mean Flame. Or whoever is asking these questions.

*holds head*

Star Inkbright said...

Forget the blog thing.

Okay then zath. I won't pester.

Nixion Strange said...

don't pester

Star Inkbright said...

Me and flame.

Sparky Braginski said...

*sighs sadly, walks towards the forest and sits on a rock*

Star Inkbright said...

I won't.

Flame Phoenix said...


Whats got you sighing sadliest.

Zathract Mist said...

Thanks Nix. Or ink. Or whoever. Everything is so complicated suddenly...

*doesnt stop hugging Eve*

*whispers* this is the only simple thing. :)

Flame Phoenix said...

going now./


Eve the ROCK said...

Some, where, over the rainbow...

Have you seen the Wizard of Oz, Mist?

Nixion Strange said...

Stop pestering the man!

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Flame

Eve the ROCK said...

*kisses the side of Mist's face*

Sparky Braginski said...

*looks up and sees Flame has gone*


Eve the ROCK said...

Thinking about the Wizard of Oz always cheers me up.

So does:

Sunshine, lollipops and, rainbows...

And you.

Sparky Braginski said...

*sighs and re hangs head*

*eye gets caught by ring glinting*


Zathract Mist said...

Bye. Flame. Or Shadow. Whoever.

Zathract Mist said...

*grins at Eve*

Zathract Mist said...

Gah. Dinner. I'll be back!

*kisses Eve and leaps into Black Void*

Sparky Braginski said...

*grinds teeth*

"Bye. Flame. Or Shadow, whatever."

That's really insulting.

Eve the ROCK said...

*scowls at assignment*

*looks away from assignment*

*sees Mist and smiles widely*

Breeze smiles at me like I'm insane when I try to explain how I feel about you.

Eve the ROCK said...

*smiles* okay. Bye Mist! *kisses back*

Nixion Strange said...

keep with the times Eve, Mist left

Eve the ROCK said...

I knooooooooow. How bout YOU keep with the times, yo. Times of yo.

Eve the ROCK said...

Nix of Nothing.

Star Inkbright said...

Oy yo.

Oy yo oy yo oy yo oy yo oy.

Oi you!

Eve the ROCK said...

A b c,
1 2 3,
Do rei mi,
Eat some wheat!

Eve the ROCK said...

*eats live chicken*

*grits teeth and gets on with assignment*

Star Inkbright said...

Oy yo oy yo oy to oy yo oy yo oy yo oy oy yo oy yo oyyo yooy oyyo yooy oyyo yooy oyyo yooy oyyo oyyo oyyo oyyo oyyo,oyyo oyyo oyyo oyyo oyyo yooy yooy yooy yooy yooy yooy yooy yooy yooy oyyooyyooyyooyyooyyooyyooyyooyyooyyooyyooy

Eve the ROCK said...


Nixion Strange said...

Doe, a deer, a female deer
Ray, a drop of golden sun
Me, a name I call myself
Far, a long long way to run
Sew, a needle pulling thread
La, a note to follow sew
Tea, I drink with jam and bread

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