Sunday, April 1, 2012


This is what we call a Guilty Blog Post.

Why do I feel guilty? Because it's been well over a week since the last time I posted anything. Also, this post is far too short to be considered a worthy way to spend your time. But I have an excuse. Writing. I'm writing. That's always a good excuse, right?

Deadlines deadlines deadlines. Onrushing. Oncrushing. Is oncrushing a word? No it isn't. But it should be.

I'm days away from finishing Kingdom of the Wicked. Days! I might even have had it finished tonight, but I spent yesterday at the Oxford Literature Festival (which was a lot of fun) so that set me back a little. But I'm close. So close. That wonderful feeling is starting up, that excitement that tells me I've almost finished another book. It's a fantastic feeling. Every writer knows it. That sense of accomplishment that floods over you despite any and all insecurities, despite knowing that you have weeks or months of edits and rewrites ahead of you... None of that matters, not when you're about to finish your first draft.

Days. Mere days. My editor is waiting for it.

I have to get back to work.


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Gabriel said...

Not that often now, Scarlet.

Lavender Hope said...

*looks at time*
Oops. gtg now. Bye! See you guys tomorrow or something. I've got to get ready for bed now. Bye!


Sparky Braginski said...

Left 4 Dead.

Sparky Braginski said...

Bye Scar!

Gabriel said...

Bye Scarlet.

Sparky Braginski said...

*pulls out guitar and starts singing and playing Faking My Own Suicide by Relient K*

I can't actually play the guitar, it's more for aesthetic purposes.

And I know the title is weir, but the song is wonderful.

Gabriel said...

Ok. Im going to listen to it.

Gabriel said...

It's great if I'm in one of my suicidal moods. But yeah it's awesome.

Sparky Braginski said...

Good idea.

Gabriel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gabriel said...

It sounds depressing now. I'm going back to listening to Distant Worlds.

Sparky Braginski said...

Go for it.

Will be distant, writing...

Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...

Hi Sparky...

Eve the ROCK said...


Sparky Braginski said...



Sparky Braginski said...

...What's with the complete lack of enthusiasm Zath?

Zathract Mist said...

My shoulder. I had vaccination injections a few hours ago.y shoulder hurts so much I can barely think.

Zathract Mist said...


Sparky Braginski said...

I made an edit on the blog post...

Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...


If Brandon pokes my shoulder one more time...

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Mist! *hugs while avoiding his shoulder*

Gabriel said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Hi gab

Zathract Mist said...

*hugs back with one arm but winces anyway*

Hi! Are you home?

Gabriel said...

Hi Eve, Mist, Sparky.

Sparky Braginski said...

*stares open-mouthed at Eve*

But that has Kristen Stewart in it...

Gabriel said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Yup! Home and happy again!

When does school finish for you?

Gabriel said...

What are you people talking about?

Zathract Mist said...

Another two and a half hours. *sulks*

Gabriel said...

Oh. School....didn't go to school today. Last day of Term 1.

Gabriel said...

Is anyone going to talk?

Eve the ROCK said...

*raises eyebrow at Sparky* Well, Sparky, I'm sophisticated enough to not start hating someone just because she's in Twilight. I happen to like Twilight, and if you hate someone you haven't even met before, then that just makes me all the more superior.


Gabriel said...

Check my blog if you want.

Eve the ROCK said...

Aw. I want the surprise NOW though! *whines*

Gabriel said... guys are talking about Twilight Saga...

I could hardly care about that.

Sparky Braginski said...


Eve, I've seen other movies with her in them.

I don't particularly like her acting.

Zathract Mist said...

*moans and rolls around on the ground*


Sparky Braginski said...


Zathract Mist said...


You try and bear this for four and a half hours knowing that it's going to last for the rest of the week.
And my pain is worse than everyone else's too because I didn't move it enough when the fluid was injected.

*stalks off and winces again*

Gabriel said...

Ha. When I was about to get injected, I was actually being injected, when I thought they were just hovering the needle above my arm.

Gabriel said...

Did anyone check my blog?

Sparky Braginski said...

I'm sorry, everyone gets needles.

It's no worse for you than anyone else.

When I got one needle, I moved it so much that it started hurting before anyone else, and I was complaint about my arm hurting a week and a half later.

Now stop being precious.

Eve the ROCK said...

oh, good. GOOD. Then you're not one of those people who just hate something because other people love it. GOOD.

*puts knife away*

The only thing I don't like about her is that she takes too long to say something. Like she's forgotten her lines or something. :D

*watches Mist sympathetically* It'll go away. And I just read about tetanus. It freaked me out. Im going to have to get a vaccination high school. Hazah!

Eve the ROCK said...

I commented, Gab.

Did Mist leave? :(

Gabriel said...

Why are you guys afraid of needles...?

All they do is stick a needle into your arm. All you have to do is stay still while they are slowly pushing the needle.

Sparky Braginski said...

I'm not scared of needles.

Gabriel said...

Thanks Eve.

No, probably not. He's just probably staying silent.

Zathract Mist said...

I'm not scared of needles. No one said they were. Read comments before judging.

Eve the ROCK said...

Thinking about sharp things going into veins gives me headaches.

Gabriel said...

Stay still, when they are injecting the thing so it won't hurt. I mean it's just a small needle.

Gabriel said...

I did read the comments and sorry, King Mist, I will not repeat that mistake again.


Eve the ROCK said...



Gabriel said...

You're Queen Eve.

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...


If you wanna see what we're doing at the moment, go to youtube and watch "stuffed animal murderer" by valkyrieANDchina


Eve the ROCK said...

*sighs* But I'll never be KING HEROD again. Ever. Never Ever Never. EVER never never.


Gabriel said...

Can you give us a link?

Zathract Mist said...

Sorry Gab and Sparky. The shoulder thing is really making me grouchy, so....

Sparky Braginski said...

*is suddenly really sad*





You've all seen ASDF right? So you know who Tomska is? TOMSKA'S BEST FRIEND, EDD GOULD, MY FAVOURITE ANIMATOR, HAS DIED.

*looks solemn*

This is awful...

Gabriel said...

Why did he die, Sparky?

Gabriel said...

I meant, how?

Sparky Braginski said...


Zathract Mist said...

*walks out*

Last class.

Gabriel said...

I was right.

Eve the ROCK said...

Bye Mist! *waves*

Gabriel said...

Bye Mist

Eve the ROCK said...

Watched it, Val and Amanda. You are both very scary people.

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

Gabriel said...

I watched it...
Why did you kill those innocent beings?

Eve the ROCK said...


Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

We killed them because we got bored. Isn't that what normal people do?

Gabriel said...

I don't do that..

Me, Eve.

Eve the ROCK said...

Gab: In this life, all things are possible. *nods wisely*

Gabriel said...

I was just thinking of the same thing yesterday.

Eve the ROCK said...

*nods wisely*

Gabriel said...

I'm going away for a while. But I'll be back.

Now, search on Youtube Misguided Ghosts.

Eve the ROCK said...


Bye gab

Eve the ROCK said...


Eve the ROCK said...

You know what?

Eve the ROCK said...

I don't think anyone is here

Eve the ROCK said...

Not even Sparky

Eve the ROCK said...


Eve the ROCK said...


Eve the ROCK said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

This phone is annoying

Gabriel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eve the ROCK said...


I dedicate this page to Mist! Only...ten pages ahead?

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

Is Sparky still on?

Eve the ROCK said...

I don't know.

Eve the ROCK said...

Lunch! Bye!

Eve the ROCK said...

Really? Seriously?

Zathract Mist said...

9 pages.


Zathract Mist said...

*waits patiently*

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...


Zathract Mist said...


Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...


Gabriel said...

You guys should hear her voice....

Emiko Shiratori..

Gabriel said...

Oh, yeah she doesn't sing until 1:05

Gabriel said...



Zathract Mist said...


*goes back to waiting for Eve*

Minnie said...

Haha! I love the picture, =) and I'm sorry if I'm being repetitive but I think it's adorable that you complain about your cats all the time when you obviously love cats. Hehe!

Glad the writing's going well, and I didn't comment on the book-name-reveal post but I think it's an awesome name. =)

Gabriel said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Sorrrrrrrry!!!! I had to go to my cousins house to deliver easter eggs, and there was no Internet! Noooooo!

Eve the ROCK said...

*waits for mist*

Eve the ROCK said...


Unapplicable. said...


Zathract Mist said...

Yay! Hi!

Thats okay. I lost reception half way through the train trip anyway.
I'm at home now! Yay!


Unapplicable. said...

You finally on holidays, Mist?

Unapplicable. said...

Wait that was a stupid question, of course you are.
Holidays are already crushing my brain.

Zathract Mist said...

Hi, Cal.

Unapplicable. said...

Any holiday work?

Zathract Mist said...


Wait...yes. I have to make a face out of random things for art but that can wait. Friends and Eve come first!

Eve the ROCK said...


Unapplicable. said...

Lucky... I've got an assessment, a test to study for and don't forget homework.

Zathract Mist said...


*hugs Eve tightly with both arms and ignores the pain in right shoulder*

Unapplicable. said...

Hi Eve!

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Mist!

Eve the ROCK said...

*hugs back*

Zathract Mist said...

*smiles at her*

Holidays! Yay!

Izz said...

Servus people of Blogland!
Happy holidays Mist!

Eve the ROCK said...

*grins* Yup! And I've successfully gone off chocolate, just in time for Easter!

Are you at home?

Zathract Mist said...

Yeah. *grins sheepishly*

Hi Izz!

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Izz! I love that delicious/vicious turnip!!

Izz said...

Val convinced me to put the turnip back for a while.

Anyone got $1.4 million to spare?

Eve the ROCK said...


How was your last day of Term 1?

Eve the ROCK said...

Sorry, Ive only got 1.2.

Izz said...

Fabulous considering I finished last week and managed to get ahold of four seperate cakes and two easter eggs.

really? Well if we can get an extra $200000 we can buy District 12.

Zathract Mist said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eve the ROCK said...

I want District 1 though!

Aw. Poor Mist. Is it getting better?

Zathract Mist said...

I don't know...

*moves shoulder and winces*


Zathract Mist said...

I belong in District 5!

Eve the ROCK said...

Well, at least you can still use your wand-hand. :)

Izz said...

Says here they're having trouble with tourists:

What happened to Mist?

Eve the ROCK said...

Ill see what District I belong in.

Zathract Mist said...

I had my tetanus, whooping cough and some other thing immunization shots at school today. My shoulder hasn't stopped hurting since first class. :(

Evil tourists who don't like hunger games!

Unapplicable. said...

Hahaha, vaccinations.
At least your survived your first term.

Izz said...

I'm District 2.

*laughs* I've never had any of those.

Zathract Mist said...

Just barely.

*eyes Gosford suspiciously some thousand k's away*

Unapplicable. said...

District 7.

Zathract Mist said...

What are 7 and 2 known for?

Izz said...

Seven's lumber and Two's weapons and peacekeepers.

Zathract Mist said...


*google's "lumber"*

Eve the ROCK said...


Zathract Mist said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Whats wrong with District One?

Zathract Mist said...

Be back soon. :(

*kisses Eve and leaps into black void*

Eve the ROCK said...

*kisses back* Bye Mist!

Izz said...


Unapplicable. said...


Zathract Mist said...


Eve the ROCK said...


Izz said...

Is 333 words too long for a character profile?

Zathract Mist said...

Oh, people. I'm staying up all night tonight (tonight for me) with Internet. So I'll be talking for hours. And hours. And hours. get the idea.

Zathract Mist said...

No. Mine was two thousand and something, Izz

Eve the ROCK said...

Maybe, Izz. Maybe just a little bit.

Yes! Yes! I must try to get mum and dad to keep the Internet on! I went to bed without them telling me to last night, so they might let me!

Mary Contrary said...

Derek Landy, I have a question.
Well, I actually have quite a few questions, but I'll just ask this one for now.
And I'm going to introduce it with the story of how that question came to be. Because I do that.

So, I reading some random chapters from the first book, not for any reason other than that it's awesome, I realised that though everything, except 'The Troll Beneath Westminster Bridge' is set in Ireland, yet when I read the book, none of them speak with an Irish accent.
But, I don't know anyone Irish, but I have seen videos of you, on youtube and such, so Skulman ended up becoming you. And I noticed that the only difference between the characters, Irish you and not-Irish Skulduggery, was the accent. And that Skulduggery's a skeleton. And that he's fictional, whereas you're real. Or so I hope.
Anyway, the POINT of this story, is that I'd like to know, coming from you, would you say, that aside from the above points, would you say Skulduggery's personality is based on your own?

I've over-complicated a pretty straightforward question, haven't I? I really need to learn not to do that...

Izz said...

Gut. I like 333

Eve the ROCK said...


The surprise!!!

Mary Contrary said...

Ooh! There is peoples here!
Hi peoples! :D

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Taia!

I think in an interview he said Skulduggery was roughly based on himself. :D

Sparky Braginski said...


Star Inkbright said...

Hi people!

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Sparky!

Zathract Mist said...

I was wondering when you'd remember.


Unfortunately, I am now on my way to Westfield. So no computer. :(

Sparky Braginski said...

Hi Eve, Ink, Izz and Taia!

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Star!

Mary Contrary said...

Hi Eve!
And thanks! :D I guess I didn't see that interview :P

Lavender Hope said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zathract Mist said...

Um...Hi Sparky...

Izz said...

Ok I've finished writing a character profile for myself. It's 333 words so it's lucky. for me anyway.

Star Inkbright said...

Yes i think skulduggery is and valkyrie is based on his friend laura.

Eve the ROCK said...

I DID remember! And I said it before! Or maybe I was just thinking it...

Aw. I have to leave in an hour. :(

Mary Contrary said...

Hi Sparky! Hi Ink!

Izz said...

And Mist. Have a great day, Westfield shopping!

Zathract Mist said...


Star Inkbright said...

I'm guessing you like the number three.

Sparky Braginski said...

Why are you so reluctant to say hello to me Zathract?

Eve the ROCK said...


Unapplicable. said...

Hi Sparky, Ink and Taia!

Zathract Mist said...

I get the feeling you don't like me much anymore.

Sparky Braginski said...

What makes you think that Zath?

Mary Contrary said...

Hi Calamity!

Star Inkbright said...

LAVENDER'S HERE??? *stares in disbelief*

Zathract Mist said...



Nixion Strange said...


Star Inkbright said...

Hi cal!

How's your arm zath?

Star Inkbright said...

Hi nix!

Wow, there are a lot of people here . . .

Zathract Mist said...

Uh...No, she isn't. Sorry.

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi nix

Star Inkbright said...

Jabs are paaaainful.

Izz said...

Servus to everyone who has arrived in the past few minutes

Star Inkbright said...


Zathract Mist said...

My battery will die soon. :(

*hugs Eve just in case*

Star Inkbright said...

Which is a lot of people. *grins*

Eve the ROCK said...


*hugs back*

Unapplicable. said...

Hi Nix!

Star Inkbright said...

I appear to be having a number of convos at the same time.

Zathract Mist said...

So am I right, Sparky?

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