Sunday, February 5, 2012

Two things...

First of all, is everyone else having trouble going beyond the first page of Comments, or is it just me? For some reason I can't find any "Next page" button...

And I've just been going through the comments marked as "Spam"- even though none of them were spam. For some reason, at various times Blogger reckons you might be spamming the comments section and so doesn't show what you've written (which might explain some missing posts). But I was going through it and I found a message from Teena, my Thai translator. Hi Teena! I think translating the short stories is a lovely idea, and you're so good to even offer to do it. You might have to check with the publisher that it's ok to go ahead, but you absolutely have my permission (if you haven't changed your mind by now...)

And, because no short Blog post is complete without a picture, here's a little doggy.


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Eve the ROCK said...

Okay. Long dedication. This may take a while:

I dedicate this page to:

Miles! I will read your story when I am less busy! I promise!

Nobody! He's coming to ADELAIDE!

Izz! Who're you gonna call?

Lynxia! First follower! *bows with gratitude*

Sparky! You stole my victory, and then you followed my blog. Grrr, ten thank you!

Valkyrie V! You don't deserve to be up here. You beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep I'll take your blood beep beep beep beep

Phoenix and Robin! Again, hahahahahahahahahahaha

All others on blogger that undoubtedly believe they deserve to be up here!

Live chickens!

Purple bananas!

Purple in general!


Cooking birds! (preferably phoenixes or robins)

Derek Landy! I have dreamed about meeting you, and that's not creepy. I read your blog and I'm like, "Damn". I probably will never meet you, and that makes me cry and bully the ironing board. Please oh please come to Adelaide, or give me a sign that you know who I am. Please.

Me! Because, quite frankly, I'm awesome, and I encourage all to read, follow, react to, and comment on my blog. *eats live chicken*

Nixion Strange said...

Thanks Eve

Eve the ROCK said...

No worries, I'll probably never get first again.

Eve the ROCK said...

Wait, are you Nixion Stange or Nixion Strange?

Unknown said...

Lol. You will.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the dedication.

Nixion Strange said...

And if he comes to Adelaide, and not Melbourne... I'll try my best to get there. I'll be holding a sign that says
Say hi

Nixion Strange said...

how could i not notice that

Eve the ROCK said...

You are completely welcome.

Eve the ROCK said...

Both of you.

Nixion Strange said...

If he comes to Melbourne, will you follow?

Unknown said...

So do you want to put in a character, Eve?

Eve the ROCK said...

I'll be holding a sign that says "talk to me first"

Unknown said...

And you're both wrong...HE'S COMING TO NSW!!

Eve the ROCK said...

I hope so. My mum will probably say no. She doesn't understand how important this is to me.

Miles, what are you talking about?

Eve the ROCK said...

NO HE'S NOT!!!!!

Nixion Strange said...


Duh, it's so obvious

Eve the ROCK said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Miles? What's the character thing about?

Nixion Strange said...

He's writing a story, and a heap of us put a character in, and a description.

Unknown said...

Me, Nix, Izz and ChinaSorrowsMinion have put in a character each and I'm writing a story with all of them. You wanna be a part of it? Nix is writing one two.

(Nix is Nobody)

Zathract Mist said...

And I'm back in the Mist account.

All call me Mist now!!

Nixion Strange said...

yeah, but mines a lot more small scale. wanna be in mine?

Eve the ROCK said...

I'd love to put my character in. This is awesome. But which one...

Zathract Mist said...

And mine's better!

Zathract Mist said...

By the way, Nix, did you like the edited profile I made you?

Nixion Strange said...

You have a better idea, i have bettert presentation

Eve the ROCK said...

Wait, you're doing one too, Nobody?

Nixion Strange said...

And the profile was awesome!

Nixion Strange said...

but mine's a lot more based on me (Nixion) i think

Zathract Mist said...

Thanks, I'll use that Nix for the story then.

It will start with us two arguing!

Zathract Mist said...

About the best way to kill zombies.

Eve the ROCK said...

Can I put one charact. in Mist's, and a different one in yours?

Zathract Mist said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Okay. Okay. Offf to fetch my character descriptions. Be right back.

Nixion Strange said...



Nixion Strange said...

Did it work?

Nixion Strange said...

yeah, it worked

Zathract Mist said...

What work?

Nixion Strange said...

my profile pic dissapered, and i got it back

Zathract Mist said...

Ah, OK.

Nixion Strange said...

i need more people in my story... Gab has said he's netruel, so i can't quite count him as a fighter...

Nixion Strange said...

And where's Eve?

Zathract Mist said...

gtg, bye.

Nixion Strange said...

bye Mist, see ya... Tomorrow?

Eve the ROCK said...


Drucilla Nox

Drucilla Nox has enhanced vision. She can see exeptionally clearly at night and in dark places, and in the day she can see things from great distances, and can spot the tiniest details. Incidentally, this makes her exceedingly expert at Spot The Difference.

She has long shiny black hair and startling grey eyes and pale skin, creeps people out a bit because of her always-wide-eyed blank expression. She only speaks when someone asks her a question, and her voice is high and breathy. She hardly ever smiles, but her smiles are kind of unsettling anyway, but she has a perfectly controlled temper and never even frowns.


Mahogany Reen

Elemental magic always came easily to Mahogany Reen, and yet she refuses to use her magic against anyone unless absolutely and utterly necessary, and even then she will do so somewhat reluctantly. Fighters struggle to fathom her, but they treat Mahogany with a healthy respect, as she has never once made a move to disapprove of their lifestyle. Being the young sorceress she is (not as young as Valkyrie, but still young) Mahogany still loves to use magic, and always turns to the elements to make everyday life that bit easier and more magical.

Mahogany has light brown hair stopping at her shoulders, and blue eyes with a bit of green, I suppose you could call it turquoise. She's friendly and fun, and seems intrigued by other people's personalities.

Eve the ROCK said...

Anyone still here?

Nixion Strange said...

got it, thanks

Nixion Strange said...

cool characters.

Eve the ROCK said...

Thanks. I didn't put the end paragraphs when the comp was on. Should've.

Nixion Strange said...

yeah. My old character was crap. I just couldn't think of anything else

Eve the ROCK said...

Who was your old character?

Nixion Strange said...

I don't have the full thing with me, but i'll go by memory

Name:Fish Sticks
Power:Can Breathe under water
Age:early 60's
Personality:Think she is a really good fighter (really isn't)angry cause everyone laughs at her.
Apperence: She's short, blonde and has a grumpy expression.

Eve the ROCK said...

Oh my god I remember her. Fish Sticks. That's hilarious.

Nixion Strange said...

i know, i did it for laughs

wait, how do you remeber her

Eve the ROCK said...

The part where everyone laughs at her.

Eve the ROCK said...

Uh, I was kinda counting how many other entries I was competing with, and that one kinda stood out.

Nixion Strange said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nixion Strange said...

yeah, it does stand out. I can't believe Derek didn't even mention mine

Do you have your character thing?

Nixion Strange said...

hey Gabriel

Eve the ROCK said...

My character thing what?

Hi China Sorrows minion!

Gabriel said...

Please, call me Gabriel.
I'm watching ALIAS.

Nixion Strange said...

uh, sorry, i gotta go

Tell me next time

Eve the ROCK said...

Okay, Gabriel.

Eve the ROCK said...

Bye Nobody. Still don't know what you were talking about.

Eve the ROCK said...

So what's with the "China Sorrows' Minion" thing, huh?

Gabriel said...

Alias search it up. Bye Nobody, bye everyone too gotta go.

Eve the ROCK said...

Fine, ciao.

Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...

Anyone here???

Zathract Mist said...

Anyone here???

Zathract Mist said...


Whatever, I'm going to sleep. Night to anyone who sees this...ZzzZZzzzzzzZZzzzzzZzZZZZZzz...

Lynxia Lost said...


Lynxia Lost said...

Why is it, that every time I'm here - nobody else is?!?!

Lynxia Lost said...

Still nobody!

Stephanie Edgley said...


I'm on a computer!

Stephanie Edgley said...


I'm on a computer!

Stephanie Edgley said...


I'm on a computer!

Stephanie Edgley said...

Sorry for triple posting

Stephanie Edgley said...

Is nobody here?

Stephanie Edgley said...


Lynxia Lost said...

I return! Hopefully to find people!

bluebird said...

im first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) hehe

bluebird said...

hey peeps :)

bluebird said...

that kinda failedd

Lynxia Lost said...

Hello. Nice to meet you. *holds out hand*

bluebird said...

be my friend if u love skuldergurry pleasenet! (soz i cant spell :( )

bluebird said...

hey :) yea im just joined yesturday

Valice said...

Hi everyone!!

Sparky Braginski said...


Lynxia Lost said...

Hi Valice my German buddy!

Lynxia Lost said...

SPARKY! *hugs* You OK?

Valice said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sparky Braginski said...

Yeppers, I am GREAT!

*smileh face*

Valice said...

Hi Shadow, Sparky and bluebird!
@bluebird: it's skulduggery pleasant, not skuldergurry pleasenet!

Lynxia Lost said...

What time is it for you? (BTW, I was looking through some REALLY old comments on another post and you said you have Sims. Which one?)

Sparky Braginski said...


Well if so, it's 4:47am, and I have Sims 3 Pets.

bluebird said...

hey wat happened to my comments???????????????????????????????????????? :)

Valice said...

pets? what kind of pets?

Lynxia Lost said...

Sims 3? *is on verge of meltdown* I have Sims 2 and because of TS3 nearly got shut down. There is war between TS2 and TS3 but I don't blame you Sparky, you are just a victim...

Valice said...

I have Sims 2 too, but I have windows 7 so it doesn't work right

Sparky Braginski said...


I just got the most recent version!



Lynxia Lost said...

I don't hold you responsible but let us just say that the EA have got a lot of e-mails from a certain angry person about how they just forgot about

Sparky Braginski said...


Valice said...

they don't care about sims2 any more because of sims 3. In Germany they don't sell sims2 anymore

Lynxia Lost said...

Sorry, I'm a bit obsessive. In fact I'm making Custom Content (CC) right now.

Lynxia Lost said...

Yeah, it's really hard to get the games here as well. One of my games had to come from Greece and I had to change the language.

Sparky Braginski said...

Gotta go, BYE!!!

Valice said...

Hey, you can change the language! I can't! i allways try to change the language from english into german but I can't

Valice said...

Have to go too!
so bye Shadow!

Lynxia Lost said...

Bye Sparky! Yeah you change it when you install it.

Lynxia Lost said...

Bye Valice!

bluebird said...

my comments r disappearing!

bluebird said...

i am a newbie so check out my blog!

bluebird said...

anyone here?????????????

bluebird said...

thanks valice by the way for correcting my spelling :) skulduggery pleasant yay!

bluebird said...

anyone talking????????????????????????????????? if anyones wondering who am i, then i go to skool wiv star midnight!

Lynxia Lost said...

Oh sorry - I'm still here! *waves then gets out bow and arrow and starts shooting trees, again*

bluebird said...

anyone talking?

bluebird said...

hi :)

Lynxia Lost said...

Me. *shoots another tree*

bluebird said...

can u tell me wat happens in skulduggery pleasant because i havent read it yet, but relly need too! :) thanks

Lynxia Lost said...

:O No! I will not tell you - you will read it like the rest of us! *starts firing arrows angrily*

Rim. said...

Hi peeps!!! HI Shadow!!!!

Lynxia Lost said...

Hi Rim!

bluebird said...

*I like ur star sentences :)*

bluebird said...

ok, i'll have to get it on monday :)

Lynxia Lost said...


Rim. said...

How are you shadow??

bluebird said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rim. said...

Not everyone but I am...

Lynxia Lost said...

I'm OK, you?

bluebird said...

doesnt matter

Rim. said...

I'm good!!! This is weird but you're my BMA on this blog page!!

bluebird said...

about the over comment i mean sozz

Lynxia Lost said...


bluebird said...

ahhh i keep writing at the wrong bits

bluebird said...

yea whats bma

bluebird said...


Rim. said...

Basically best mate... (friend)

Lynxia Lost said...

KK! My best friends on here would probably be...


I have to go now! Bye!

Rim. said...

Bye shadow!!!!!.....

bluebird said...

bye guys, i feel a bit of a loner haha

NotMyRealName said...

Hellllllllloooooo people.

bluebird said...

anyone talking?

bluebird said...

hi notmyrealname haha

NotMyRealName said...

Anybody there?

NotMyRealName said...

Anybody there?

NotMyRealName said...

My comment posted twice....

Rim. said...

Hi nmrn!!!

NotMyRealName said...

Hi tsr(R)

NotMyRealName said...

Goodbye. I hate the new blog style. It sucks cause it takes even longer than the first time. Bye again.

Rim. said...

Lol!!! What shall I call you then??

bluebird said...

am i the only brand new person here,

NotMyRealName said...

Rosy O' Donnel. Goodbye again again.

bluebird said...

wat is everyone up 2? :)

NotMyRealName said...

Yuppppp...... By a few months, the 2nd being me. NOW GOODBYE

bluebird said...

hehe kk then bye :)

Rim. said...

Anyone still on???

Rim. said...

...... Yay I'm alone again...

bluebird said...

im on know again cause im soooo bored

bluebird said...


Rim. said...


Rim. said...


bluebird said...


bluebird said...

wooh wat happened to all the comments :)

bluebird said...

2nd :)

bluebird said...

anyone talking

Rim. said...

First!!! Dedications...

Derek Landy!!! (If it wasn't for him we wouldn't be on here!)
Sparky + Flame...
Shadow 9!
And Terence the llama for maiming Star Midnight!! (Which was funny)

bluebird said...

g2g anyway and fall in a hole so BYE......

bluebird said...

Do u know star midnight? randum question

Rim. said...

Ok bye...

Rim. said...

And yeah I do!!

bluebird said...

cause she goes to my skool, she talks a lot about llamas

Rim. said...

Yeah ask her about Terence and Cranberry Juice!!!

bluebird said...

yea :) i will

bluebird said...

she talks about u lot :)

bluebird said...

yep haha thats y i started this blog :)

bluebird said...

do u not like llamas either...

bluebird said...


Rim. said...

I HATE llamas!! But not Star Midnight killing llamas!! They are cool!

bluebird said...

ok i hate llamas too then :)

bluebird said...

do u all make up stories then :)

Rim. said...

I don't but others do!!

bluebird said...

ahh sorry i hav to keep writing comments or i wont let me see them confusing :(

bluebird said...

mint :) she does talk alot about llamas at skool where do u write about them?

Rim. said...

Yeah it is!

Rim. said...

We just watch star have a comment fight with them!

bluebird said...

who do u write wiv???

bluebird said...

il hav to join in, sounds fun!

Rim. said...

It is!!! Me and shadow pi** ourselves watching!!

bluebird said...

haha wen do u do it!

Rim. said...

Any time! We don't write we talk!! It's like facebook

bluebird said...

how do u do it???

bluebird said...


bluebird said...


bluebird said...

Do u do it on the comments or a group thing ? :)

Rim. said...

Do what??? We just talk, like how are you doing and how was your day!! We don't usually write on here!! People post their fanfics sometimes!

bluebird said...

Il need to read them sometime

Rim. said...

We talk in a group when there's more people!

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