Sunday, February 5, 2012

Two things...

First of all, is everyone else having trouble going beyond the first page of Comments, or is it just me? For some reason I can't find any "Next page" button...

And I've just been going through the comments marked as "Spam"- even though none of them were spam. For some reason, at various times Blogger reckons you might be spamming the comments section and so doesn't show what you've written (which might explain some missing posts). But I was going through it and I found a message from Teena, my Thai translator. Hi Teena! I think translating the short stories is a lovely idea, and you're so good to even offer to do it. You might have to check with the publisher that it's ok to go ahead, but you absolutely have my permission (if you haven't changed your mind by now...)

And, because no short Blog post is complete without a picture, here's a little doggy.


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Zathract Mist said...

Awesome, thanks, Nixion.

Izz said...

Wonderful dedication Nobody.

Nixion Strange said...

And Izz? If you think for a moment that your moths can beet my cream then... you're probably right

Izz said...

My personal favorite character is Lyra Blue.

She's an arms dealer of a sligtly illegal nature.

Izz said...

I am glad you acknkowledge that Nobody.

Izz said...

My spelling is shot.

Nixion Strange said...

I love Nixion 'cause he's as mad as i am

Wait, he is me... yesss, multiply personalities

Nixion Strange said...

*Does some sort of weird dance where arms smash everything within a ten meter radius*

Izz said...

When I talk to myself I'm Izzy talking to Izz. That way i'm not talking to myself....

I think that makes sense...

Nixion Strange said...

Makes as much sence as anything else we put up here

So mist personthingmabob, want a description?

Izz said...


New HISHE!!!!


Nixion Strange said...

what's a HISHE?

Izz said...

How It Should Have Ended.

Pronounced his-he

They're doing the new SH movie next week! Yay!

Nixion Strange said...

Whatever you call yourself by?

Nixion Strange said...

Awfully silent, isn't he?

Izz said...

This week's was just a deleted scene.

Zathract Mist said...

Okay, so because I'm writing the book, I'm going to need more information on the characters so if you guys could fill out all the parts below as detailed as you can, then that'd be awesome.

Adept Specialty (if Adpet):



Izz said...

You must watch HISHE.
It's very good. The superhero ones are the best.

Because I'm Batman.

Zathract Mist said...

Hey, sorry, I was writing something and forgot to reload for messages.

Description form is up though.

Oh, also if you could mention if they're good/neutral/evil, that'd be good.

Zathract Mist said...

And because I missed the parts of talking to outselves, when I'm talking to me its:

Miles talking to:

Insanely Evil: Negative
Insanely Cheerful: Kassd
Insanely Normal: Mist

Zathract Mist said...

Are you really the voice of Batman, Izz?

Zathract Mist said...


Nixion Strange said...

Nixion Strange
14 (almost 15)
Bone Breaking (like Teseract)
I just told you, bone breaking

Thin, just taller then the normal 14 or 15 year old, Brown hair, brown eyes(but a dark, tormented look in them) Wears Ghastly jacket on special occations, but normaly just black leather jacket, black jeans and a t- shirrt. Boots

Prone to mood swings. Sometimes violent, sometimes thoughtful, sometimes cocky. In a fight, can get over violent and take it to far.

When 10, was kiddnapped and forceably learnt bone breaking. Was donme by a mixture of torture and brainwashing (Explains the mood swing stuff) at 11, was released, and is attempting to fight his brain washing (explains over violence)

Lynxia Lost said...


Lynxia Lost said...

Bone breaking? Yay! Someone with my power!

Nixion Strange said...

and was evil, but trying to be good (brain washing thing)

Nixion Strange said...

Hey shadow

You're a bone breaker too?

Zathract Mist said...

Okay, cool, thanks Nixion.

Hey, Shadow, can you PLEASE allow me to post on CETMTGG now?

Lynxia Lost said...

Yup! Bone breaking and Necromancy. *wink*

Lynxia Lost said...

Post on what?

Izz said...

No I'm not. I'm just quoting HISHE.
My friend Jemma is Batman. I'm Superman. But Batman always says "because I'm Batman" in HISHE

Izz said...

Servus Shadow.

Lynxia Lost said...

Hey Izz! Long time no see! *hugs*

Nixion Strange said...

im a complecated fellow, aren't i?

sorry, but i'll be gone for 15 minutes


Lynxia Lost said...

Hey Nix! I just noticed something! You're a Jackson! YAY! THANK THE GODS! I'm not alone!

Izz said...

I knew a Jackson in primary school...

Zathract Mist said...


Lynxia Lost said...

Not a Jackson as in a name silly! A Jackson as in a Percy Jackson fan!

Lynxia Lost said...

Post on what? What the Golden God is CETMTGG?

Nixion Strange said...

K, fiveteen minutes from NOW

and i love perct jackson (not as much as SP)

Lynxia Lost said...

Percy Jackson is good though! Nico di Angelo FTW!

Lynxia Lost said...

Hello?? People??

Izz said...

That's good cause now I can say that she was a bitch.

Isn't CETMTGG that blog where you all try to meet derek? A collaborative effort to meet the golden god?

Izz said...

OK. Description of character for Mist coming up...

Lynxia Lost said...

Oh you mean Collab. It's Collab. not CETMTGG! *face palm* And anyway - I don't know how. I'll talk to Flame about it! Anyway ~ BYE!

Izz said...

Name: Lyra Blue

Age: 66 (looks twenties)

Magic: Adept. I'm pretty flexible
on specifics. Basically she's really good with her weapons and is hard to kill.

Adept Specialty: Combat

Appearance: Jagged black hair to shoulders. Slim build, average hight, pale skin and dark brown eyes. Good friends with Ghastly. Wears mostly black and red, also white on special occasions.

Personality: Bit paranoid (has at least six weapons on her at all times & does trust anyone) casual but observant. Quiet unless selling something.

History: always loved martial arts and swords. Also guns. Deals in magical weapons and normal weapons.
Was left a large collection of illegal weapons at 20. Currently in London.

Izz said...

I'm guessing that means you're gone?

Izz said...

Also I worked that out all by myself (meaning of cetmtgg) I am proud of my cryptography skills.

Izz said...

Very sorry Nobody. and anyone else that was here.

But I shall take my leave now.

Zathract Mist said...

Name: Zathract Mist
Age: 15 years
Magic: Elemental + Necromancy
Adept Power: [N/A]
Gender: Male

Personality: Zathract is relatively cheerful, though is very determined when it comes to a case. He despises people who are classified as "evil" and classifies himself as one of "the good guys", as well he should. Zathract will tell an occasional joke but mostly sticks to whatever topic he and whoever else is discussing.

Appearance: Zathract has long black hair that covers the back of his head and falls over his ears, blocking them from view. His eyes are emerald green and will stare into your soul, should he deem it necessary. His clothes consist of a black jacket, black pants and a black shirt, all made by Kassd None who is one of the best tailors in Australia, his qualities rivaling Ghastly Bespoke's in Ireland.
He wears expensive sunglasses he likes to call shades and his boots are also made by Kassd.
Zathract's gloves channel his Necromancy Magic.

Zathract Mist said...

History: When the seven year old Zathract had accidentally stumbled across the Australian Sanctuary, he took an interest to the hidden world at once and devoted himself to magic. Reluctantly, an Elemental mage named Masoling-Grid Ragikk took him under his wing and started teaching him how to use his magic abilities after it was discovered that he had quite a lot bottled up inside him. Zathract, Jake Frox back then, went through many processes including having to choose a name. He eventually chose the name “Zathract Mist” for reasons he will not reveal. Ragikk started calling Zathract “Zath” to annoy him and Zathract begun calling Masoling-Grid “Maso” in turn. They both cared for one another and saved each other’s lives many times. Each seemed destined to be partner in detective work, yet also to drive one another up the wall as often as possible.
Zathract soon became employed by the Elders of Australia and he joined Ragikk in solving crimes and fighting various notorious villains. Unfortunately for Zathract, Masoling-Grid was killed while they battled Vathrasi, a warrior who had sided with Mevolent in the War. Vathrasi had decided to go against the Sanctuary who had done a deal with him and had taken up his old ways, moving against the Sanctuary.
Fortunately, Zathract and Ragikk alerted the Elders before his Hollow Men breached the entrance and they were able to barricade the Sanctuary and reinforce its defences. It was a fierce battle when Vathrasi himself blew down the defences blocking the entrance and somehow, Masoling-Gird ended up battling Vathrasi alone. Zathract, only being ten at the time, was thoroughly confused and had his hands full with Hollow Men himself. He tried to help his partner, but it was too late. Vathrasi had struck and Masoling-Grid Ragikk fell.
A month later the Sanctuary had been rebuilt and Vathrasi had vanished. No one knew whether or not he had been killed in the confusion, but Zathract knew he was still out there, weak and binding his time, waiting to strike again.
Zathract swore to himself to take down Vathrasi for killing his friend and mentor, but he hasn’t seen Vathrasi since that day. Instead, he continued his detective work for the Sanctuary, alone now, but just as effective as he was with Ragikk. He soon heard that Nefarian Serpine had done a similar thing against the Ireland Sanctuary a few years back. In-between solving cases and bringing down more villains, Zathract attempted to track down Vathrasi, but he hasn’t had much luck so far.
And then he had met Vai Melt, a women trained in Necromancy, while ending up in a temple in Australia when working on a case. He had heard about Necromancy before, but never had a desire to learn anything about it. Vai wasn’t like other Necromancers though. She seemed quite normal actually. She saw that he had Necromancer powers in him as well as Elemental, something that surprised Zathract quite a bit considering that he seemed quite talented in that area of magic already. Vai Melt taught him some basic Necromancy and he quickly excelled in the subject, choosing to channel the power through his gloves, something he would always keep on. The only problem with them now was they kept his hands thoroughly cold due to the death magic running through them. Though Vai could never replace Ragikk, she was still a comfort to him none the less.

Zathract Mist continues to work for the Australian Sanctuary and works as a detective still.

Zathract Mist said...

Ok, now who's still here?

Zathract Mist said...


I write out my profile and everyone decides to LEAVE?

Damn it.
Izz, Nixion, you need to get back on!

Izz said...

I'm actually still here....

Oh god. I'm picking up Sparky's habit.
*puts head in hands*
This is not good.

Izz said...

I think I better go. I'm gonna watch a movie.


Nixion Strange said...

Oh, and before i forget, i fight with a machette

Nixion Strange said...

If i was once classified as one of the 'bad guys', do you argue with me a lot. You gotta argue with someone

Nixion Strange said...


Nixion Strange said...

gotta eat


Gabriel said...


Gabriel said...


Zathract Mist said...

Oooooooookay, I'm back again. Nixion, I'll remember the machete part.

Now who's still here?

Please answer...

Gabriel said...

Never mind forget that I was ever here. Goodbye.

Nixion Strange said...

Hi, only for 5, then eating again

Nixion Strange said...


Gabriel said...

Ooh your writing a story? What is it?.

Nixion Strange said...

Mist is writing one, and he wants me in it as well
And read my new discription somewher above
And can i use you in my own story

Zathract Mist said...

Everyone's giving me characters and then we're going to discuss a plot and then I'm going to write out a story with the characters.

It's gonna be so fun~

Gabriel said...

I know right ? Soooo fun

Nixion Strange said...

I fight with a machette
And we fight a lot, cause i used to be a 'bad guy'
and can i use you in my story?

Nixion Strange said...

i wanna use both of you in my story
either put your descriuptoins on my blog, or when we next meet, cause i gotta go for another 10 or 20 minutes

Zathract Mist said...

You mean Zathract?


Nixion Strange, otherwise known as Nobody, I hereby give you permission to use my character, Zathract Mist, in your story, as long as you mention that he was originally created by me. You must refer to me either as NegativeSanity or Zathract while mentioning it.

You see, it's like I have to give you permission. Like Necromancy stuff!

Nixion Strange said...

don't leave

Gabriel said...

Ok remember I use a vast array of words to speak or treat people with contempt. I was trained by China Sorrows and I'm also proud and I have China's personality and attitude.

Zathract Mist said...

When you say we fight a lot, you mean Zathract and Nixion? Cool.

Zathract Mist said...

Gabriel, use this format if you want to join:

Adept Specialty (if Adpet):


Zathract Mist said...

Nixion, you still there?

Gabriel said...

And say it was Gabriel Conalt who made that character. You can Use my character for thy story, Nixion.

Gabriel said...


Gabriel said...

Damn it I'll post a biography later.

Zathract Mist said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zathract Mist said...

New profile, Izz!

Name: Lyra Blue

Age: 66 (looks twenties)

Magic: Adept

Adept Abilities: Varied: excellent with weapons, difficult to injure, harder to kill. Combat specialty.
Appearance: Lyra has jagged black silky hair that stretches to her shoulders. Her build is slim and has an average height and weight for a twenty year old. Her skin is pale and Lyra has dark brown eyes. She mostly wears clothes of black and red and seems to reserve white for special occasions.

Personality: Lyra is actually a bit paranoid and it is displayed publicly as she has at least six weapons on her at all times. She never trusts anyone under any circumstances and but observe people she could possibly count as allies while acting casual, not giving away the fact that she is watching them Blue is normally quiet unless selling something to earn herself a living.

History: Lyra has always loved martial arts and loved actually doing it even more. And swords too. Lyra always liked swords. Also guns. Guns were a must. And still are. Lyra was born an orphan, never knowing what happened to her parents. She left the orphanage at the age of 10, seeking out her parents and trying to collect information on them. Eventually she tracked down her auntie who informed her that Lyra’s mother died in childbirth and her father was driven insane by the loss, now locked up in an asylum. Shattered by this piece of information, Lyra left her auntie before she could protest and ended up living on the streets for four years after becoming lost. Lyra always kept on the move, not wanting to go back to the orphanage but also despising the streets she lived on.

After four years, Lyra accidentally caught sight of two reckless Sorcerers battling in a pub one night and soon learned of the secret magical subculture that existed all over the world. After losing the trail of the two Sorcerers, Lyra searched and studied and searched some more and soon she found a Mage willing to teach her magic (should she have any) as long as she stopped pestering him. Much to the Mage’s dismay, it turned out that Lyra did have magic and he was forced to help her learn Adept powers. After a year, the Mage abandoned her after she assured him that she no longer required assistance.

Now that she had learned magic, Lyra begun to age must slower and lived through many centuries, discovering along the way that she had been left a huge load of illegal weapons by her made grandfather. Unable to work out why she was left this, Lyra took them anyway. Now 66, Lyra Blue deals in magical and non-magical weapons, selling them to make a living and using them to kill her opponents.

Lyra is also a very advanced assassin when she wants to be, but will demand a high price from her employees.

Lyra currently is living in London.

Zathract Mist said...

Be back soon. Dinner.

Nixion Strange said...

just got back from dinner

Nixion Strange said...


Nixion Strange said...


Nixion Strange said...

i'll just wait

Nixion Strange said...

Hurry up

Nixion Strange said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zathract Mist said...

Back!! Nixioin! You still there?

Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...


Nixion Strange said...


Zathract Mist said...


Nixion Strange said...

Took your time

Gabriel said...


Nixion Strange said...

really. Both at the same time. Why couldn't one of you been back earlier

Gabriel said...

Sorry. Ok wait I'm gonna get my character.

Zathract Mist said...

Gab, did you write out a profile yet?

Nixion Strange said...

And Gabriel, i need more of a description

Adept Specialty (if Adpet):


Gabriel said...


Nixion Strange said...

Remember Mist, we argue heaps. Different pionts of view and stuff. In my story, we figh a few times

Nixion Strange said...

Yo, mist?

Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...

Hey, Nix, when's this story gonna go up on your blog?

Nixion Strange said...

Cool. Writen any yet?

Nixion Strange said...

I do chapter by chapter
I only have two paragraphs so far
And i want Sparky as well, so i might have to wait till i see her

Zathract Mist said...

Nah. I'm waiting on Izz to get back on and for her to see if her new profile I wrote out is Ok. Right now I'm editing yours and I also need to get a plot, some way for all us to meet and a complication and bad guy/s to consume the story.

Also, there won't be any cannon characters like Skulduggery or Ghastly.

Nixion Strange said...

In mine we've already met

Zathract Mist said...

Oh, I'm also going to see if anyone else wants to join.

Gab first then I'll check with Val and Spakry.

Zathract Mist said...


So are we like friends who fight or like rivals who happen to always be together?

Gabriel said...

Name:Gabriel Cobalt
Adept Specialty (if Adpet):Sigil/Symbol/Arcane Languages

Appearance:Dark eyes,black hair, skinny, wears a suit most of the time.
Personality: Treacherous, Calculating, Manipulative.
History:Trained by China Sorrows after she had gone neutral during the war with Mevolent she doesn’t really have a clear reason why she trained him and why she tried to kill him, maybe because she thought Gabriel is becoming as strong as her, but he managed to escape from her as China was about to kill him in his sleep.

He is an Adept, obviously, trained in Sigil/Symbol/Arcane Languages Magic by China Sorrows. Skinny, dark haired and dark eyed. Wears a dark suit with a black tie and matching shoes most of the time, if not he’s either wearing a dark shirt and trousers or all-leather with dark tinted glasses. Since he was trained by the august China Sorrows he has inherited China’s attitude and her power to make people helplessly fall in love with her, through magic, but he could do that fine without magic. BUT his appearance is cancelled out by his treacherous personality. Oh yeah, he is 23 years old.

Sometimes he loses hi elegance when he is angry or when he is being hurried.

Zathract Mist said...

Stories I am currently writing:

- Zathract Mist
- Zathract Mist Short Story: The Zombie Signal
- The Core [Not Skulduggery Related]
- [Unnamed Collab. Book]

The Unnamed Collab. Book is the one we're doing.

Gabriel said...


Zathract Mist said...

Thanks Gab.

Can I call you Gab?

Zathract Mist said...

Also, what's Sigil? I've forgotten.

Nixion Strange said...

alright. Im writing another book as well, but i'm kinda bored of it, so im taking a break

And thanks Gabriel. Got it

Gabriel said...

It's the same as symbol but I prefer to use the word sigil.

Nixion Strange said...

seriously? im the only one who's actually 14 in the story? That's crap

Gabriel said...

Gab's cool.

Nixion Strange said...

And Mist? Yeah, we're friends through nececity. We kinda hate each other, but we're friends at the same time

Zathract Mist said...

Ok, I'll call you Gab.

And Nix, I'm 15, so it's alright really.

And is Nix's hair long and black? Or what?

Gabriel said...

Lol. I was trained by China years ago so I cant be 14 plus I'm treacherous, so it will be hard being an Adept if I have parents.

Zathract Mist said...

This is fun, we all have nicknames.

Mist, Gab and Nix.


Nixion Strange said...

Naw, i said it's brown, and not long, but not short either, if that makes any sance

Zathract Mist said...


Nixion Strange said...

Sence. if that makes any sence.
Middle lengnth

Nixion Strange said...

So how old are you in the story Mist?

Zathract Mist said...

Gab, there aren't any Cannon Characters in the one I'm writing so you can't be trained by China. Could you change it?

Nixion Strange said...

never mind, you're 15

Zathract Mist said...


Gab, you still there?

Nixion Strange said...


Zathract Mist said...

Hello? Gab?!

Nixion Strange said...

Is he still there?

Gabriel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gabriel said...

Wait I'm still writing.

Nixion Strange said...

right. In mine, you can still be china sorrows old minion

Nixion Strange said...


Zathract Mist said...

Nix, where do you live? What country?

Nixion Strange said...


Nixion Strange said...

I mean Australia

Zathract Mist said...


Gab, can you change your history for me?

Nixion Strange said...

anyone here?

Nixion Strange said...

He's doing that now

Zathract Mist said...

OK, Nix, I've finished your profile, wanna see it?

Nixion Strange said...


Gabriel said...

Ok. A few years ago, Gabriel stumbled upon a book on magic...He didn't believe any of it but he wrote a simple sigil on his hand, the one that powers your fists. And as soon as he drew the sigil on his hand it immediately faded. He closed his hand and he marveled at the energy he felt
rushing to his hand. He then decided that it was all real. He knew this was dangerous and he knew that there are other people like him, with magic, so he decided to keep it a secret. He rented an apartment and there he studied magic, he got more books and as he learned his powers got stronger. He is an Adept he specializes in Sigil and Arcane Languages Magic mostly long ranged and powerful close combat magic. Now he just collects books to learn more about magic of other people so if he ever gets in a fight with them he will be able to guess what they're moves will be. He has lots of connections and money all anonymous. So that's pretty much it. the other things are all in the comments I'm treacherous, calculating and manipulative and smart and neutral. I don't trust anyone. Unless they have evidence that they are to be trusted.

Nixion Strange said...

got it

Zathract Mist said...

Here, Nix:

Name: Nixion Strange
Age: 14, almost 15
Magic: Adept
Adept Ability/s: Bone Breaking – Tesseract
Gender: Male
Appearance: Nixion is thin, just taller than the average 14 year old with brown eyes that carry a pitiful tormented look in them. He wears a protective jacket on special occasions, but most of the time, Nixion just wears black leather jacket, black jeans and a t- shirt. Black boots cover his feet and he carries a machete with him at all times.
Personality: Nixion Strange is very prone to mood swings. They can vary from becoming suddenly violent to being lost in thought to a cheerful teen. In a fight, Nixion can get overly violent and take it too far, sometimes accidentally injuring himself and his allies if in a rage which will occasionally allow him to loose control.
History: At the age of ten, Nixion was kidnapped by a Sorcerer criminal and was forcibly taught the Bone Breaking Adept discipline. This was done with an insane combination of brainwashing and extreme torture upon Nixion which eventually changed something in his mind, thus creating his sudden mood swings. Finally, at 11, Nixion was abruptly released with no warning whatsoever. To this day Nixion attempts to fight the brainwashing done on him which also explains his over-the-top violence at times. A year after he was released, Nixion Strange was saved by Zathract Mist from a horde of zombies and the two kind of latched on to each other. It isn’t safe to say they are friends at all, but they are allies but also seem to be arguing constantly over almost everything.
Nixion Strange lives in Australia and helps Zathract Mist on cases for the Australian Sanctuary.

Nixion Strange said...

That's so cool

Gabriel said...

Ok.... what do we do now?

Nixion Strange said...

And if you're still writing at the start of April, change it to fiveteen
My birthday's sometime around then

Nixion Strange said...

i dunno

Gabriel said...

I guess I'm gonna write my story..

Nixion Strange said...

and if we run out of pages to talk to here (and it'll happen in the next week) where do we go?

Gabriel said...

Someone's blog?

Nixion Strange said...

Actually, if that happens, we go back to the last empty blog post, and talk there until it's full

Gabriel said...

My blog? Your blog? Mist's Blog?

Zathract Mist said...

To the previous post I guess.

Nixion Strange said...

This blog. Easier, and if he does make a new post, we can talk there

Nixion Strange said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zathract Mist said...

My blog. I'll set up a page. Actually, we should go there now and record all the stuff we have so it's easier.

Nixion Strange said...

go there now?

Gabriel said...

Ok I'm going there now.

Nixion Strange said...

wait, do we wait until he makes a new page, or just go now?

Gabriel said...

I don't know he should just send a link.

Nixion Strange said...

yeah, we'll wait until we get a link

Nixion Strange said...

the page is up, i checked

Eve the ROCK said...

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I'm do saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!

Zathract Mist said...

Page is up.

Go there.

Nixion Strange said...

hey eve
is something wrong?

Eve the ROCK said...

Everything's wrong! I haven't met Derek Landy yet, so how can ANYTHING be right?!

Nixion Strange said...

i havn't met him either

Eve the ROCK said...

*sniffs louder* I'm an early blogger, so just now I read heaps of Derek's earlier posts, and that just makes me want to meet him even more!!!!

Eve the ROCK said...

Oh! Nobody! Hi! Enough with people changing their names!

Nixion Strange said...

*sniffs, juggles, plays violin and slaps face*
I wanna met him

Nixion Strange said...

Sorry, but i had to.

Eve the ROCK said...

*sniffs, cries, wails, scream, topples ironing board, eats live chicken*

Come to Adelaide, Derek!

Nixion Strange said...

NO! come to Melbourne

Gabriel said...

New Zealand!!!!!

Eve the ROCK said...

Purple bananas. Whenever I repeat something or say something random just ignore it. I don't have a taken name. *frowns*

Nixion Strange said...

That's why i changed my name, it's my taken name

Eve the ROCK said...

No, Adelaide! If you go anywhere else, I might not be allowed to go! I probably won't!

Eve the ROCK said...

Ahhhhhhhhh! I got first!!!!!

Nixion Strange said...

damn, i just noticed

Gabriel said...


Nixion Strange said...

and if he comes anyware else but Melbourne, i can't go

Nixion Strange said...


Gabriel said...


Gabriel said...

I have to go. See ya.

Nixion Strange said...

So, have we stopped with the other blog?

Nixion Strange said...

oh, bye Gabriel

Unknown said...

Hi Eve!

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Miles/Mist

Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...

By the way, Eve, I'm Zathract Mist now.

Zathract Mist said...

We're all making a book. We're each putting in a character or two and then I'm writing a book. Nixion is too but mine will be better. >>

You wanna put in a character?

Nixion Strange said...

Hey... Yeah, alright

Zathract Mist said...

Lol. Kidding, Nixion.

Nixion Strange said...

Mines more about Nixion, but you guys are in it

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