Tuesday, February 14, 2012

TV And Me

I STILL don't like this new-look Blogger. I haven't figured out how to sort out the comments section- I can't even READ your comments after the first 200, but I'll have to do something soon... grrrr...


I got a call just before 6 PM yesterday- my publicist, wanting to know if I could POSSIBLY make it onto a plane the next day to go to London to appear on the Alan Titchmarsh Show on ITV. Me, being the true professional that I am, eventually stopped crying and said absolutely, no problem. Never mind the fact that I'm writing a book. Never mind the fact that my deadline is approaching. Never mind all those little details. I'd be delighted to get up early and get on a plane and go to London and sit around for a few hours and appear on air for FIVE MINUTES... and then get on another plane and fly home, waving goodbye to a full day of work... Sigh. Such is the life of a  super-genius.

As it turned out, though, I had a lot of fun. Yes, the traveling and the waiting was as boring as ever, and yes I did have to miss a day of writing, but I was on the show with John Barrowman, from Dr Who and Torchwood- awesome! He's a lovely guy, and his sister was equally lovely, and I had a really funny five minutes on stage with them, being interviewed. They've written a book for young people called Hollow Earth, and it actually sounds pretty cool. John is everything you'd expect- charming, funny, friendly and engaging- so I wasn't at all disappointed. He was just like Captain Jack Harkness, in fact. Which obviously poses a problem, since if I ever get to meet David Tennant or Matt Smith I'll be expecting them to be wonderfully intelligent people with the ability to time travel. Hmmm.

Matt Cardle was also there, but he's not much of a "book-person". Nice chap, though.

But now I'm home, and I might actually try and get some work done. The book is going well, I'm sure you'll be happy to know. 60,000 words and counting. Whether or not it'll continue the tradition of every book being longer than the one before, I don't know. Hopefully it will, because I like giving readers more pages for their money every time, but a book's length is a book's length, and the story itself will dictate how long it'll be.

I also have a possible title... that I can't tell you about just yet! My agent loves it, my editor loves it, I'm pretty sure the marketing people love it... It's completely different to the style of titles I've been using up until now, which is what I'm after. I'm sure I'll be able to tell you what it is soon enough, and then we'll show you the cover closer to September, just to torture you even more.

But for now, I'm concentrating on writing the thing, fully conscious that The End Of The World is out on March 1st. You guys have caused such a storm with this, actually, because thousands of you have pre-ordered it on Amazon UK, and apparently that has never happened for a World Book Day book before. I've heard that Amazon were a tad stunned...

Well done, Minions. You stunned Amazon.

Be proud of yourselves.


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Gabriel said...

*headbutts Eve then kicked her to Flame with burning wings *ahem* chicken wings!*

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Molly! *throws Molly into oak tree*

Anonymous said...


Gabriel said...

*stabs Lynxia with a bread knife*

Anonymous said...

*Seriously angry dragon*

Lynxia Lost said...

Hi Molly. We're just... ya know... killing each other as usual. *grabs Eve and throws her into Molly*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

G to he'll eve.

*kicks her face in*

Eve the ROCK said...

Here, Phoenix. deliver this message. *ties message to Phoenix's foot*

Gabriel said...

Hey Molly.. it's a massacre * hurls spear of light*

Anonymous said...

Can I help?

Lynxia Lost said...

*pulls out bread knife* Please. *throws knife at Eve*

@Flame - Sparky says I'm not aloud to harm you. *sniff*

Gabriel said...

Waiit... Molly, you're in NZ right? TEAM..
*heals Molly.*

Eve the ROCK said...

*catches knife and stabs into own liver*

...Why the hell did I do that?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*raises eyebrow*


Let's team up then. We can't dominate this hell hole.

Lynxia Lost said...

Oh no ya don't. *fires arrow at Gab and kicks him in the face* Northern Hemisphere FTW!

Anonymous said...

Kiwi army, MARCH!
*Army of small flightless birds attack*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Eve the ROCK said...

*throws Molly into bear cave*

Lynxia Lost said...

*throws up shadows that slice the Kiwi army to pieces* Eat that.

Gabriel said...

Lol. Eve!
*update Facebook status*
*Throws computer to Lynxia's face*

Anonymous said...

*Comes out riding bear*

Rot in your Northern Hemisphere.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*blows them up by heating their blood*

*Kicks Molly into lake* *throws rock at er head*

Lynxia Lost said...

*dodges computer* *runs to Eve. Shatters skull by placing a hand on her head*

Eve the ROCK said...

Eve army, ATTACK! *sets up purple banana peel booby traps everywhere*

Gabriel said...

Im Filipino...
*blue shockwave of energy dissolves shadows*
* Electrocute!*

Eve the ROCK said...

Dammit. I needed that skull.

Lynxia Lost said...

*pulls out bow and arrow again* Say hello to the insides of you bowels again Eve. *fires poisoned arrow at Eve*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*spins and kicks eve in tree*

*repeatedly pounds her head against bark*

Anonymous said...

Dobby's sock.

*Sends out fireballs*

Anonymous said...

Dobby's sock.

*Sends out fireballs*

Eve the ROCK said...

*receives a full moon* Werewolf time! *becomes werewolf*

Lynxia Lost said...

Voldemort's nipple! *kicks Molly*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Kreatures butt.

Gabriel said...

*Flame, did you know the sparrow flies south for the winter?*
*hits Flame*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*cuts werewolf eve right down the middle*

Gabriel said...


Eve the ROCK said...

*chases Phoenix with werewolf-toungue hanging out*

Anonymous said...

Grow a nose!

*Screams really loud*

Lynxia Lost said...

*** hole! *kicks Gab into lake and suffocate's him with shadows*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*headbutts gab splitting her head in. Half*

Eve the ROCK said...

*both halves of werewolf become seperate werewolves* Twins!

Gabriel said...


Anonymous said...

She's closer to the End of the World.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*blows both up*

*slices molly's arm off*

Gabriel said...

I'm a guy!
*elbows Flame, kicks him into lake, then sends daggers of light after him*

Eve the ROCK said...

(next week) I didn't finish my due homework!

Lynxia Lost said...


Lynxia Lost said...


Lynxia Lost said...


Lynxia Lost said...


Lynxia Lost said...


Lynxia Lost said...


Gabriel said...

Oh crap why the hell did I send Eve to next week?
*punches self to next week*

Lynxia Lost said...


Lynxia Lost said...


Gabriel said...


Gabriel said...


Gabriel said...


Gabriel said...


Gabriel said...


Gabriel said...


Gabriel said...


Gabriel said...


Gabriel said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Actually, I'm getting TEOTW on Tuesday! Thank Dymocks in Adelaide!

Gabriel said...


Anonymous said...

*Glares at arm and turns into a human torch*

Die! *Runs around, setting fire to stuff.*

Lynxia Lost said...


Gabriel said...

Yes! First!
*headbutts Flame*
*kicks Eve*
*electrocutes Lynxia*

Lynxia Lost said...

Damn. Ah well, it's only a page that will one day be forgotten.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*skalds Molly with boiling water*

Eve the ROCK said...

For once, I'm not going to say dammit! *turns back into human*


Anonymous said...


Gabriel said...

Everyone here right now.

Gabriel said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Yay! Thank you, Gab! *kicks his face*

Anonymous said...

*Burns Flame with steam*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Gab got the page, it'll be forgotten.

Lynxia Lost said...

Ah screw this. I can't be bothered any more. Anyone want a marshmallow? 8holds out a bag of thick white marshmallows and starts a campfire*

Anonymous said...

I'd like to thank...
*Wipes tear away.*
And Gab, of course.

Eve the ROCK said...

*burns Phoenix and watches him be born again* Hello, baby Phoenix!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Who's doing nanowrimo?

Anonymous said...

Nom Nom Nom!

*Throws fireball on stack of wood*

Gabriel said...


Lynxia Lost said...

Who's doing what?

*is eating roasted marshmallows*

Anonymous said...

No one was spared, not even the children.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Eve, eff off.

Gabriel said...

Eats... Donuts.

Eve the ROCK said...

Well, the fighting has come to an end....so bye!

Lynxia Lost said...

Bye guys! I need to go if I'm getting these power shot finished. Knock yourselves out with the marshmallows. *hugs all round* *disappears and leaves behind marshmallows.*

Gabriel said...

Bye Eve!
*tries to trip Eve*

Eve the ROCK said...

Who taught him swear words?

Futurama's on. Buh buh.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*kills gab*

He's out. So is eve. Shadow has stoppedz

*kills Molly*

I win.

Gabriel said...

Oh well...bye Lynxia.

Gabriel said...

I'm not dead yet!

Anonymous said...

I gotta go to bed. It's 11, after all.
*Vanishs, leaving behind scorch marks*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Bye eve.

*slaps her goodbye*

Bye shadow.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I might stay.

Gabriel said...

*wanders aimlessly*
I really hope we get the chance to kill each other again!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Bye Molly.

*kills him again*

You are now.

Anonymous said...

Me too.

*Hugs Gab*

Anonymous said...

Me too.

*Hugs Gab*

Rim. said...

Ummm hi!!! I don't Wana fight so Salam aleykum

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Anonymous said...

It's Candy Mountain, Charlie!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

I'm going for a while.


Anonymous said...

What's that, Flame?

Anonymous said...


Gabriel said...

Damn it... Bye everyone.
* wanders aimlessly *

Rim. said...

I guess I'm alone now...
Shout up if I'm not plz!!

Anonymous said...


Rim. said...

Heyyyy Molly!!!!!!

Stephanie Edgley said...

I have returned . . .

Are my comments still staying?

Rim. said...

Yo Star!!!

Anonymous said...

Calling all the monsters!

Rim. said...

I have refreshed multiple times and they are staying!! Whoop!!!!
How is everyone??

Stephanie Edgley said...

Hi rim! Hi molly!

Guess what? I'm on my phone and my comments aren't disappearing!

Anonymous said...


Shall I start a debate?

Stephanie Edgley said...

Maybe i am cured!!!!!!!

(Does this mean i have to change my display name then? Or xhould i keep it as a memory?)

Rim. said...

Not with Valduggery!!!! *shivers*

Anonymous said...

Keep it!

Chaaarlie, that kills people!

Stephanie Edgley said...

I think i'll keep it as a memory. I xab always change my mind:)

Anonymous said...

Valduggery for the win!

Rim. said...

Yeah I may Change my name but I'm not sure what to...

Stephanie Edgley said...


Rim. said...

I would honestly prefer valkyrace

Rim. said...

Over Valduggery!!

Rim. said...

Star have u read Death Bringer??

Eve the ROCK said...

Simpsons! Yay!

Stephanie Edgley said...

My name was, at one point: Star Midnight, the Disappearing Invisible Girl with Munchkin-Ninja-Penguin-Minions-To-Be, who is the Enemy of the Llamas.

I changed it because it was a bit long.

Rim. said...

Simpsons!!!!! Go Ralph Wiggum!!! (not correct spelling whatsoever)

Eve the ROCK said...

.....what's this? Valduggery?

Rim. said...

Were debating what's better! FLETCHYRIE FTW!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, they said we shouldn't, they said we shouldn't, Look where we are, they've done what they thought we couldn't, As bad as the odds were looking, push, yeah we kept on pushing, and every time I nearly hit the ground you were my cushion.

There's evidence to prove you wee heaven sent, 'Cause when I needed rescuing you were there at my defence.
Girl, in you I find a friend, you make me feel alive again, and I feel like the brightest star, cause you made me shine again.

Eve the ROCK said...

Oh yeah anything but Valduggery. Ugh

Anonymous said...


Stephanie Edgley said...

Yeah i read death bringer for the first time on monday:). It was brilliant, but i still think mortal coil's my favourite. It's close though. Death bringer made me laugh more, but mortal coil was a better story . . . I think. I might change my mind once i've finished re-reading them.

Stephanie Edgley said...


Anonymous said...


Eve the ROCK said...

I love them ALL. But I especially love Mortal Coil. No favs but still.

Anonymous said...


Eve the ROCK said...

You disgust me, molly. Justify your statement of 'valduggery'

Anonymous said...

I like Dark Days and Mortal Coil.

Rim. said...

Clarabelle and Scapegrace!!!
Im going for a shower brb.

Stephanie Edgley said...

Hmmm . . .

Varquesse might actually be quite a good idea . . .


Anonymous said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Varquesse? No! No varquesse no Valduggery.

Anonymous said...

Varquesse = World is screwed.

Eve the ROCK said...

I said justify, molly

Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...


Hello, Blogland! And Eve! And...whoever else is here.

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi mist! We were just discussing Valduggery and how it's NOT GONNA HAPPEN

Stephanie Edgley said...

Some people don't like mortal coil because of all the bad stuff in it. But that, to me, is part of what makes it such a good book.

Eve the ROCK said...

It's all about the crowd. That book is not for the faint of heart

Zathract Mist said...

Agreed. And there is no way in hell Valduggery will happen.

Eve the ROCK said...

Told ya, Molly. Valduggery would completely ruin the plot.

Anonymous said...


1. Fletcher and Val broke up, and I can't see them getting back together.

2. Caelan is dead, so that's not happening.

3. Most of their friends are possessed, busy, evil or just... Not friends. So they only have each other.

4. People support Ghanith, which is almost the same.

Zathract Mist said...

And what makes you think the two will get together, or even NEED someone?

Zathract Mist said...

Also, it would be too dangerous. Val is Darquesse and Skul is Vile...kind of. Not only would it be a huge cliche, but I don't even think Derek has considered putting it in the series.

Eve the ROCK said...

Molly, the whole thing between Valkyrie and Skulduggery is that they are best friends, they love eachother (not in THAT way), and they would die for eachother. How can you possibly expect the series to sprout into some cheesy romantic rubbish?

Zathract Mist said...

Ha. My logic is un-arguable! ...shut up.

Zathract Mist said...

Eve, eachother isn't a word. They're separate.

Eve the ROCK said...

What Mist said. (lol, Mist)

Zathract Mist said...

Sorry, I'm a Grammar Nazi.

Anonymous said...

Don't be jealous of my genius.

Eve the ROCK said...

I know. it's a habit I hope to grow out of one day.

Sparky Braginski said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eve the ROCK said...

I'm not jealous of your genius, Molly, because your 'genius' is clouded by your need for romance. Sorry to be so mean, but I suggest you find yourself a book more suited to your interests...Twilight, perhaps. Or the Wolves of Mercy Falls. That's a good love story.

Anonymous said...

*Glances around*
I am far too tired to be doing this now. It's midnight and I'm going to bed.


Sparky Braginski said...

Flame said he'd be gone for a while.

Is forty five minutes a while?

Rim. said...

Heyy I'm back!!

Eve the ROCK said...


.....She surrendered. Victory!

Zathract Mist said...

Hello...whoever has just popped up.

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Sparky! Hi Rim! I think Mist and I just set a Valduggery fan's mind straight.

Rim. said...

Sparky he said he was playing ninja tag in the park yesterday so... He may be a wile...

Anonymous said...

I hate Twilight!
With a vengance.
I'm not sure where my Valduggery came from.
I don't mind Fletchyrie, I just like Valduggery.

Eve the ROCK said...

I can be VERY nasty when it comes to Valduggery. Very, very nasty indeed.

Zathract Mist said...


*begins to chant abstract war-cry*

Rim. said...

Molly it's like 4 against 1 so give up..

Anonymous said...

I'll be on your guys team.
For NOW!
*Cackles weakly*

Anonymous said...

I'll be on your guys team.
For NOW!
*Cackles weakly*

Zathract Mist said...

Valduggery just...will not happen. It's impossible.
And I'll do something very bad if it does.

Eve the ROCK said...


Anonymous said...

*Falls over*

Eve the ROCK said...

I will most probably destroy half the world if that happens. I'll start on New Zealand. We're coming for you, Molly!

Stephanie Edgley said...

Sorry had to go and do jobs back now:)

Sparky Braginski said...

I really honestly don't think that Val deserves to be with anyone at the moment.

I am a diehard Ghastlith, and no one will change my mind over that.

Rim. said...

I have family in NZ so please don't!!!!

Anonymous said...

*Runs around*

Eve the ROCK said...

Everyone's a Ghastlith at heart, Sparky.

I agree. I think Valkyrie isn't interested in long-lasting relationships anymore.

Anonymous said...

I like Ghastly and Tanith.

Anonymous said...

You have a point.
*Changes mind over Valduggery*

Eve the ROCK said...

We all do.

Eve the ROCK said...

YES! *boogies a second time*

Sparky Braginski said...

At heart...

*lapses into deep thought then snaps back to reality suddenly*


Zathract Mist said...

I just got back from Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace in 3D! It was awesome on the big screen.

*drools like the fanboy I am*

Rim. said...

Ghanith is so sweet!!! I feel so sorry for Ghastly...

Anonymous said...

Seriously, I gotta go.
*Valkyrie supporter walks off*
Goodbye, SPF!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, I gotta go.
*Valkyrie supporter walks off*
Goodbye, SPF!

Sparky Braginski said...

By the way Rim, when Alfred read the comment where you said that you thought Flame had a contender her face screwed up all funny and then she was laughing so hard her chair nearly toppled backwards.

It was a mirical that neither of us ended up on the floor.

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