Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I Hate Thinking Up New Titles For Blog Posts

When you write, you run out of steam.

It's obvious. When you do anything for long periods of time, you're going to run out of steam. You need to take a break, take a walk, do something else, recharge your batteries... I've got a few things I do, and they all work, but nothing- NOTHING- reinforces my enthusiasm as much as my Minions.

Whether it's reading the Comments on this accursed Blog (on those rare occasions when I CAN read the Comments grrrr) or popping in to the Bebo page (which I will do soon, I promise) or just heading over to the official (and fan-run) Facebook page (, I always end up with a grin on my face, ready to get back to writing.

I never comment on the Facebook page, but I do visit. I have to, really. SOMEONE has to make sure these nutcases are behaving themselves. It was set up as something completely unofficial, but was filled with so many genuine folks that we just had to make Cory and Aby and Summer a part of the Skulduggery team. The wonderful thing about this is that, in some small way, you get to know the regular posters. I've never spoken with Zukiswa, but I know I'd like her if I did. Then there's Ellie and Ashley, two of the weirder ones. Georgina, of course, who has been around for YEARS and whom I adore. Olivia, my- ahem- wife of sorts. Never forgetting Becky, the irrepressible Becky, a girl for whom the word 'obsessed' was undoubtedly coined. There are loads of others- thousands of others, in fact- and their enthusiasm is infectious and good-humoured, and I'm glad that they have such a wonderful place to communicate.

(EDIT: and a quick glance at the Facebook page has made it clear that I somehow forgot to mention my dear Katy Amsden, one of my longest serving Minions. And while I'm not going to name everyone here, because this isn't a shout-out page, I will say hello to Joe and Nicole and Jordan and Ella- cool tattoo- and of COURSE a big hug and kiss goes to Megan Hobbs, with the clear understanding that she never mention the word baguette ever again.)

Another wonderful place is the Forums, at Again, I don't post any comments in the Forum, for a whole lot of reasons, mostly because I want to see how it evolves without my interference.

Practically every subject you could think of, to do with Skulduggery, is discussed here. Every few months I drop by and spend an evening just reading through the conversations. And there are some STARTLING conversations. The great thing is that you get real and honest opinions on the books and the various characters. You have people staunchly defending their point of view- like Liliana, who I've met a few times in Germany- and people working to convince others that their view is the right one. I've read their theories on what's going to happen, and some of these theories have veered close to what I had in mind, and some veered off wildly into the distance.

The internet, as we all know, is the refuge of the bully. You hear about it constantly- cyber-bullying and the ramifications it can have. And no doubt you've seen it yourself- focussed hatred and anger towards one individual that will not relent until that individual leaves. I've said it before, how happy I am that this Blog shows none of those tendencies, and neither does the Facebook page, and neither does the Forums. In the Forums, you have polar opposite opinions clashing with each other, but no one takes it personally. You have people arriving in the middle of a thread and announcing that, you know what? They don't really like the books anymore. And you get the politest and most understanding responses. You get one person loving Death Bringer, and then another hating it, and there is no animosity between them (the people who profess to dislike the most things seem to Synopsis and ExtraterrestrialGuy, but I think that's part of their inherent charm...).

I've never had a problem with people not liking these books. You can't please everyone, after all. If I read a bad review on Amazon or somewhere similar, I take it onboard, see if they have a point, and then move on. If it's constructive criticism, maybe it can even make the next book better. If it's not particularly constructive, then so be it. They didn't like it, and nothing I do or say will change that. And it's so gratifying that you, my Minions, seem to agree with me on this. There really is no point in getting annoyed with someone just because they don't like the same things you do.

One of the best Forum discussions I've read recently has been, bizarrely, part of the Pairings thread, where people hook characters up with each other. There is a group of people- Terry, Demented Kat, Moonie, Kribu, Holly-wa, Hallow Vigilance- who went off and had a long chat about, ahem, Valduggery. And for those of you who can't work out what Valduggery is, I'm not going to shatter your innocence here.

The thing about this discussion is the level to which all of this has been thought through. It stops being merely about the idea of Valduggery, and becomes an examination of Valkyrie and Skulduggery as individuals, and how much they mean to each other. As an extension of this, you also get a detailed investigation into the other characters as well.

Because these Minions, like most of you, seem to have an encyclopedic knowledge of all things Skulduggery, they regularly quote a line or two from the earlier books that have relevance to the later books. (I'm not really a fan of foreshadowing, and contrary to popular belief there isn't any of that in this series. Rather, there are hints of secrets that certain characters are keeping, that will only become apparent the more you read- and the more you re-read.) I've had a smile on my face when the conversation turns to how Skulduggery reacted to a certain piece of news in Mortal Coil, a reaction that only becomes understandable once you read Death Bringer, and then relate it back to what China said in the first book. It's so much FUN, as a writer, to drop these hints just when the series is starting off, and then wait a few years for the payoff. And it's places like the Forums, like the Facebook page and on Skulpedia that these things come to light.

So thank you, Minions, for all your hard work and thought and dedication. Thank you for treating each other with respect, and warmth, and thank you for how you welcome newcomers into the fold.

By the way, you're all insane.


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Eve the ROCK said...

See? Four that time.

Eve the ROCK said...

No one's here...

Eve the ROCK said...

Well, even if it means bragging to no one, I'd still like to brag about having the the new-cover Skulduggery Pleasant with the short story! Woooo!

Nixion Strange said...


Lynxia Lost said...

Hi Nix! If you're still here.

Nixion Strange said...

yes i am

Gabriel said...

I'm here.

Eve the ROCK said...


Gabriel said...

Hello Everyone.

Lynxia Lost said...

Hi Eve! How are thing in Australia?

Nixion Strange said...

people comming from everywhere

Stephanie Edgley said...

Hello. I'm not really here, but hi anyway.

Lynxia Lost said...

My comments are disappearing again... And I just found a wasps in my bathroom do I killed it with my slipper.

Nixion Strange said...

hey, i just realised, since i've never met anyone here from welbourne, or tasmania, i am probably the southernest person here

Stephanie Edgley said...

I'm here for . . .ten minutes. Literally.

Hi eve, lynxia, gab.

Nixion Strange said...

told you my spelling died in the personality wars

Stephanie Edgley said...

And hi nix

Eve the ROCK said...

Naw! SA is totally southern!

Gabriel said...

Hey STar.

Nixion Strange said...

yeah, but melbourne dips bellwo SA

Eve the ROCK said...

Australia is feeling awesome right now. I wish Derek would come sooner!

Stephanie Edgley said...

Today i have english, french, science, maths + geography.

Lynxia Lost said...

I have mo idea what you're on about. I gave up geography.

Nixion Strange said...


Stephanie Edgley said...

Cool! New page!

Eve the ROCK said...

I dedicate this page to Derek coming to Australia! Please come to Adelaide!

And I dedicate it to Nix for recognising me! (he probably looked at my profile...)

And I dedicate it to Mist! SLAUGHTERHOUSE!!!!

Gabriel said...

I like Geography.

Nixion Strange said...

i was first...

Gabriel said...

I also like trains.

Eve the ROCK said...

Hahahahahah! *teases Nix* Your comment disappeared!

Stephanie Edgley said...

Yeah but i'm 13. I can't yet. And i like geography this year. We have a cool teacher.

Lynxia Lost said...

*laughs*Ha your comment disappeared like mine!

Nixion Strange said...


at least im still most southern

Lynxia Lost said...

I hatedy geo. teacher.

Stephanie Edgley said...

Really? I like trains too! *gets run over by a train*

Lynxia Lost said...

Trains are nice but I prefer planes.

Nixion Strange said...

Help me! my tie is trying to kill me

*person backs away*

*looks at tie*
please don't hurt me

Lynxia Lost said...

Hi Angela.

Gabriel said...

Hey Angela.
I have a cool Geo teacher..
My English teacher threatened the class.

Eve the ROCK said...

Hello, Angela! I don't believe I've met you!

Sparky Braginski said...


Stephanie Edgley said...

Hi angela. I don't think we've met.

Althought tge last two times i said that, it was to eve and shadow, and i DID know them. Angela, if i know you, i will kill you.

Eve the ROCK said...

I looooove Skulduggery Pleasant! I love it more than any of you!

Lynxia Lost said...

Hey Sparky!

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Sparky

i was just reading the first time i came here

Izz, i just realised you called me a girl

Stephanie Edgley said...

Just want you to know, it's nothing personal

Gabriel said...

Ha. Star...carzineess.

Eve the ROCK said...

....Sparky? From TEOTW?

Lynxia Lost said...

Right, of course you do Angels. *holds Angela at knife point* What page does Val kiss Caelan in the 6th book?

Stephanie Edgley said...

Hi sparky!

Aussie people, in future you need to get on earlier, or you'll never see me cept for weekends + holidays.

Nixion Strange said...


Stephanie Edgley said...

Yes angela, it's sparky from TEOTW. She invented Hayley.

Eve the ROCK said...

page 121

Nixion Strange said...

said it first

Eve the ROCK said...

Cool! You must be so proud of Hayley

Stephanie Edgley said...

*looks at clock* Damn . . . I have to go, people. See you.

Lynxia Lost said...

Yes Nix. Did you check. I don't need to. I hate that page.

Eve the ROCK said...

Yeah, but I still love SP more than any of you.

Lynxia Lost said...

Doubt it.

Nixion Strange said...

yeah, but i remebered what was around it, what happened and what time

So it was pretty easy

Nixion Strange said...



Eve the ROCK said...

*glares at Angela* I'm leaving.


Lynxia Lost said...

God, I hate that page. Glared at page in DB. I hate it...

Lynxia Lost said...

Bye Eve.

Eve the ROCK said...

Oh no. Don't go, Eve...

Nixion Strange said...

i am the southernest person here, the supreme ruler of cream and i have been here for ages

Nixion Strange said...

Oh, bye Eve...

Eve the ROCK said...

Did I say something?

Hey, isn't she the girl who eats chickens?

Nixion Strange said...

yes, she also has a cluthu or something

Sparky Braginski said...

Sorry, I was looking for something to show Japan...


Oh, thanks Angela, I AM that Sparky.


Eve the ROCK said...

What's that?

Eh. I didn't like her anyway.

Nixion Strange said...

i don't think you can be most western, cause it'll just keep going round and round and round...

Lynxia Lost said...

YYeah, she is. Are you fairly new here, she's on a lot.

Nixion Strange said...

Angele IS Eve

Eve the ROCK said...

What do you think of her?

Nixion Strange said...

can't believe i missed that one

Eve the ROCK said...


Nixion Strange said...


Gabriel said...

Eve is Angela?

Eve the ROCK said...


Nixion Strange said...


Eve the ROCK said...

*slaps Nix* I told you not to say anything.

I'm a super spy.

Nixion Strange said...

otherwise, how the hell would you know about the chickens

You're not a emeber of her blog, and you're new

Eve the ROCK said...

Because it's FUN.

Eve the ROCK said...

Yeah, well, as I said, Angela is a super spy.

Gabriel said...

Lol, why the hell do you do that?

Nixion Strange said...

well, you didn't say about this profile

i didn't know

And i couldn't stand you thinking i couldn't pick that up

Eve the ROCK said...

Because it's FUN. If you did something like that, I wouldn't say anything. It adds to the FUN.

Nixion Strange said...


Lynxia Lost said...

I'm bored... Tackle Time! *tackles Nix, Eve and Gab*

Nixion Strange said...

you should've told me somehow...

Eve the ROCK said...

I knew you picked it up, Nix. These people are gullible. Watch.

Hey, Gab, it says gullible on the ceiling. *steals lungs*

Gabriel said...

I knew you were gonna do that Eve.
Look there's something on your face.
*punches Eve*

Eve the ROCK said...

Hahahaha. *punches Lynxia*

Nixion Strange said...

the class disected a rat today...

i don't like it

Gabriel said...


Eve the ROCK said...


Lynxia Lost said...

Yay! Fun! *kicks Eve and jumps on Nix* Piggy back!

Nixion Strange said...

*piggy backs her for a meter*

Well, that was a fun ride!

Eve the ROCK said...


Lynxia Lost said...

*refuses to get off. spurs Nix* Run horesy, run!

Eve the ROCK said...

*starts strangling Gab*

Nixion Strange said...


Nixion Strange said...

witch sits on dog, and candy people blow up when scared

Gabriel said...

*kicks Eve*
*runs away, summons spear*

Eve the ROCK said...

*sees full moon*

Eve the ROCK said...


Eve the ROCK said...

*bares teeth*

Eve the ROCK said...

Eve is gone.

Fletcher Renn said...


Eve the ROCK said...

*roars at Fletcher*

Gabriel said...

Hey Fletcher.

Eve the ROCK said...

*swipes at Gab*

Fletcher Renn said...

Umm, what?

Gabriel said...

Join us.

Eve the ROCK said...


Nixion Strange said...

whywolves are alleric to obnoxigen, and will eat the house people unless Donny the ogere is there, and if they eat the house people the cosmic owl will wipe out the whywolves

Gabriel said...

*spears Eve's paw*

Eve the ROCK said...

*pounces on Nix*

Nixion Strange said...

Werewolve, do you like butterflies?

Gabriel said...

Stop being smart!
*stabs Nix*

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Lynxia

Im going to call you that now

Gabriel said...

Bye Lynxia.

Eve the ROCK said...


Fletcher Renn said...

Bye lynxia.

Fletcher Renn said...

Huh? how come my profile pic isn't showing

Eve the ROCK said...

I HATE BUTTERFLIES!!!! *scratches Nix*

Nixion Strange said...

Gab, just beacause my intelligence is superior to yours, dosen't mean you have to resort to violence
*pats Gabs head*
Have a cookie

Gabriel said...

*throws butterflies at Eve*

Eve the ROCK said...

*bites Nix's leg*

Gabriel said...

Hey, I'm smart too.
*punches Nix*
And stay down.
Stop being pretentious.

Nixion Strange said...

You used that as a name before

Eve the ROCK said...

*digs claws into Gab's shoulder*

Gabriel said...

@Nix what?

@Werewolf *stabs with silver blade*

Eve the ROCK said...

*howls in pain*

Eve the ROCK said...

You idiot, Gab.

Gabriel said...

*stabs Eve with silver sword*
And again.

Nixion Strange said...


Gabriel said...

Eve stop changing accounts!
It's confusing!

Fletcher Renn said...

Yes! I fixed it! Can you see my profile pic?

Nixion Strange said...


Gabriel said...

No, Renn. We can't see it.

Eve the ROCK said...

I love Skrillex!

Fletcher Renn said...

Dang. Who cares? So how do you fight?

Nixion Strange said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Like this. *punches Fletcher*

Gabriel said...

*punches Eve*
I could hardly care. I don't like dubstep.

Fletcher Renn said...

You're mean.

Nixion Strange said...

we are at that

Eve the ROCK said...

Has anyone heard The Werewolf by Figure?

Fletcher Renn said...

What's that?

Eve the ROCK said...

I'm not mean. I'm just nasty. *scratches Nix*

Eve the ROCK said...

Just another dubstep.

Gabriel said...


Fletcher Renn said...

I don't mind dubstep. I like Cinema.

Nixion Strange said...

*tears out Eve's throat8

Eve the ROCK said...

*sighs* Fine.

Gabriel said...

Shut up Renn!
Stop talking about dubstep!

Eve the ROCK said...

I was just listening to Cinema.

Nixion Strange said...


Gabriel said...

I said stop talking about dubstep!

Fletcher Renn said...

It's awesome right? My friends got me into it.

Eve the ROCK said...

I don't have to stop talking about anything. Dubstep Dubstep Dubstep!

Gabriel said...

*punches Fletcher*

Fletcher Renn said...

You can shut up. You're so mean.

Eve the ROCK said...

Yeah. I have to go now. Bye

Gabriel said...

Bye Eve
F**k you Fletcher!

Nixion Strange said...

sorry, i turn into other things sometimes

Fletcher Renn said...

Bye Eve.
Shut Up Gabriel.

Eve the ROCK said...

That's it. *punches Gab*

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Eve

Eve the ROCK said...

*gives Gab wedgie*

Gabriel said...

Hey Nixion. Kill Fletcher.
*spears Renn through the neck*

Eve the ROCK said...

*bites Gab*

Gabriel said...

What the hell was that for eVE?!

Gabriel said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Don't you dare. *slams gab against table over and over*

Fletcher Renn said...

Shame Gab. Everyone hates you.

Eve the ROCK said...

*tugs Gab's hair*

Gabriel said...

*elbows Eve*
Leave me alone.

Fletcher Renn said...


Eve the ROCK said...


Nixion Strange said...

your new, aren't you Fletcher

Gabriel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eve the ROCK said...

*scratches Gab*

Fletcher Renn said...


Nixion Strange said...

you're making us look bad Gab
Not everyone new is Dylan

Gabriel said...

He's annoying.

Eve the ROCK said...

What Nix said. *hits Gab*

Nixion Strange said...

no, he's not that annoying

Fletcher Renn said...

*shakes head*
I thought you were Sherlock Holmes, Nix.


Gabriel said...


Nixion Strange said...

i know, i didn't know if Gab knew

Eve the ROCK said...

What are you saying?

Gabriel said...


Eve the ROCK said...

You know what...?

Nixion Strange said...

i knew, but i didn't know if Gab knew, so i played along

Gabriel said...

*closer Nix*

Nixion Strange said...

Am i right Fletcher/Eve
Are you the same person?
*smiles and winks*

Gabriel said...

*rolls eyes*

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