Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Blogger Bah

Okay, I have done SOMETHING with the comments section...

Now when you comment, a new window should pop up. It isn't perfect, but at least there are pages now, and you don't have to keep reloading to get to the newest comment...

This is all VERY annoying.


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Sparky Braginski said...


The vampires on the other hand...

*silently thanks Ghastly for clothes*

Guys, I recommend you brace yourselves.

*punches ground, sending shockwave out and throwing everything within a ten metre radius fly off their feet*


*sprints into pile of fallen vampires and slices each of them in a life threatening manner*


Unknown said...

I'll buy you a new coat, will that be enough?

*struggles up and sets a vampire sneaking up behind Nobody on fire*

Unknown said...

*flies off feet again as the shockwave hits me*

Nixion Strange said...

S**t, i didn't brace myself

*climbs out of shop window, daised*

*Acidently steps on vampires face and looks down at the pissed off monster*

Why me!?

Nixion Strange said...

*Stomps on vamps face repetitly until is stops looking pissed of and starts looking dead*

Sparky Braginski said...


*keeps slashing at vampires and glances at the shop Nobody got thrown into*

Oh, I'm going in there.

*laughs, sprinting into the store and comes out with chainsaw*


*rips cord of chainsaw and sticks it into vampire*

This is satisfying my bloodlust, that's for sure.

Unknown said...

*scrambles up and charges to help Sparky, who needs to get back, slice up vampires*

Nixion Strange said...

*Looks back into shop Sp[arky got the chainsaw out of*

Sure, why not?

*Dives in and comes out with a machete*

What sort of shop was that?

Nixion Strange said...

*Runs over to Sparky and Sanity*

Now we're all togerther. And if anyone starts singing, they're dead.

Unknown said...

*watches as Sparky and Nobody return with weapons from the shop*


*hurries into shop and comes out with much more ammo for gun and a replacement dagger for the one the zombie had stuck in his throat*

*Charges back to assist them, firing bullets at the Vampires and bringing half of them down*

Sparky Braginski said...

Weapons Anonymous.

And it was my magic, I didn't get thrown.

This chainsaw is heavy...

*chucks chainsaw away and gets out Makhaira again*

*turns and laughs when I see that the chainsaw landed in a vampire*

*blurs into middle of fight, electrocuting and hacking*

Nixion Strange said...

*Swings machete at vampires neck and cuts through head*

What fun!

Unknown said...

*ignores Nobody's comment about singing and continues to hum Asylum by Disturbed (which is an awesome song) while continuing to shoot the Vampires around him*

Unknown said...

(Also, refer to me as Negative)

Sparky Braginski said...

*gets idea and sprints back into shop*

*does faint evil laugh from within shop*


*comes back out with bazooka*


*aims at the centre of group of vampires and shoots*

*watches enormous explosion*

That's how it's done. Everyone okay?

*sees the others getting up*


Nixion Strange said...

*considers trying to kill sanity, but dosen't like the odds to continuse hacking and tapping vampires*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*swears* I think Derek keeps hanging up on us...

Sparky Braginski said...


Nixion Strange said...

*Sorry, considers trying to kill Negative... happy?*

Unknown said...


*ducks quickly as the Bazooka obliterates all the Vampires*
*gets up, brushing dirt off my jacket and silently thanks Ghastly for the strength it possessed*

Well, that cured my boredom.

Unknown said...

Now what?

And yes, Nobody, I am happy.


* ceases humming*

Won't happen again.

Nixion Strange said...

When you bye me my new coat, it better be froms Ghastly's

*sees, his shop down the steet*

Brb, and im putting it on your tab

Sparky Braginski said...


That's the vampires out of the way...

Why don't we fight characters now?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I keep trying to call Derek. It calls, then something causes it to hang up.

Nixion Strange said...

And by the way, i was talking about a very particular song, from a school musical i was forced to watch.

Hi val!

Sparky Braginski said...

He could be talking to someone...


Unknown said...


And yay, Val's back.

Nixion Strange said...

*Comes out of Ghastlys shop with a new coat and sees all the Vampires dead*

Aww, couldn't you save me some. Now i feel ridiculus holdind my machete.

Sparky Braginski said...

How about we fight characters?

Nixion Strange said...

alrighty then

Unknown said...

Good idea.

*Serpine appears out of no where*

No, no, I mean some POWERFUL characters.

*Serpine glowers and vanishes again*

Also, you're buying me new Shades, no body. Oh, wait.

*pulls sunglasses out of inside jacket pocket.*

Don't worry. So who're we fighting?

Nixion Strange said...

and it's 5:57 in ireland

Sparky Braginski said...

*Sanguine burrows out of ground, Melencholia shadow walks in, Tesseract jumps off building and lands in front of us, Scapegrace and Thrasher stumble out of the ice-cream truck and Davina Marr walks up*

Uh oh...

Nixion Strange said...

Someone else take tesseract, no fun fighting someone with the same magic as me

also, he's tough to beat

Sparky Braginski said...


I'll take Sanguine and Scapegrace.

*pulls out swords and runs at Sanguine, chopping Scapegrace's head off along the way*

Nixion Strange said...

Well Negative, i'll let you diside who you want to fight, and i'll take whoever's left

(please not tesseract)

Nixion Strange said...

Fine, i'll just take... trasher and >sigh< tesseract

Unknown said...


*slowly surveys who is left*

I'll take Melancholia.

*looks at Nobody*

Fine, fine.

*walks over to Tesseract*

Hey, I'll fight you, okay, but after I beat Melancholia.

*Doesn't reply*

You, SO owe me. *says to Nobody*

I'm taking Two of the most powerful people here and you get Marr. MARR!

*groans and runs to Melancholia, gets swiped away with a sword of darkness*

Nixion Strange said...

*Thrasher attempts to run but trips*

*Tesseract stares through his mask, with red eyes and musscles, and BETTER FIGHTING SKILLS!

Oh damn

Sparky Braginski said...

There's still Melancholia and Davina.

*growls as Sanguine sinks into the ground*



*hears crumbling behind me and puts hand on ground behind me, grabs Sanguine's head and shocks him*

Nixion Strange said...

wait, you're taking tesseract

Yah, thrasher and Marr

HAHAHAHAHAH! it's going to be a eas-a

Nixion Strange said...

*Thrasher is still on the ground, and mar pushes the air, causeing me to join him*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*pins Davina to the ground and slaps her repeatedly*


Nixion Strange said...

Wait, i just get thrasher, who is on the ground

kinda boring, make someone new for me to fight Sparky, do it soon, or i might just end Thrasher instead of laughing at him.

Unknown said...

*Turns and looks at Sparky and Sanguine struggling.*

I've changed my mind.

*Runs over and takes Sanguine off of Sparky*

You- OW! -Can take Melancholia. I've got Sanguine and Tessera-

*Tesseract comes flying out of nowhere and tackles him while Sanguine hurls fists into his skull*

*blows both of them back before releasing cords of Darkness form his gloves containing his Necromancer abilities.*

Sparky Braginski said...

*backs up against wall, watching the ground for cracks*

*hears crumbling coming from behind me*


*gets pulled backwards by hair*

*feels sword get ripped out of hands*

*gets pulled out of wall into empty room*


Sanguine: *points at wall*


Sanguine: *nods, grinning*

*sprints back into weapons store scanning shelves for another Makhaira*

*slaps forehead*


Johanna Remmus (The Mad One) said...

Hello BLogland and everyone in it!

Unknown said...

MY! MY Necromancer abilities...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*calls Fletcher, who teleports me behind Sanguine* *kicks him in the back of the head, then throws him at the wall with shadows*

Johanna Remmus (The Mad One) said...

Are you writing a story or something...?

Nixion Strange said...

Melancholia? alright.

*Gets up and trys to cut her, but machete ends up thorw behind her*

Unknown said...

*Quickly writes a large note and steps back to look at it. It says "I AM FIGHTING SANGUINE!"*

*Nods, then tackles Sanguine and blows Tesseract back with a fist of shadow*

Sparky Braginski said...

*hears the sound of Grotesquery appearing outside*


*grabs a dagger and a broadsword*

These will have to do.

*gets grabbed by Sanguine*

*drives dagger into his side*

You are a b*st*rd.

*stabs him with broadsword*

*sprints back to wall containing Makhaira and punches it repeatedly, causing it to crumble*

*pulls out Makhaira*


Johanna Remmus (The Mad One) said...


Sparky Braginski said...


*blurs back to main battle*

*blurs into Grotesquery*


*turns and runs, pulling out phone at the same time*

Johanna Remmus (The Mad One) said...

please answer

Sparky Braginski said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*steals Tanith's sword* *turns to the Grotesquery*


*slashes at it repeatedly, then jabs at the heart*

Johanna Remmus (The Mad One) said...


Sparky Braginski said...

*covers ears*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*is trying to hold off Grotesquery*

*stabs its heart*

*laughs as it dies*

Unknown said...

Entertaining ourselves!


You know what? F*ck it...

*Hurls flame and Sanguine, ducks under a fist from Tesseract and kicks him backwards. Squashes Thrasher's head and slices Davina Marr up with swords of shadow.*

You two can take Malencholia, I'm helping Sparky.

*sends of Nobody and Valkyrie...and Flecher, runs off to help Sparky against the Grotesquery.

Nixion Strange said...

*Melancholia trys to cut with the shadows, but i dodge past them and see an opening. Melancholia falls back, her left arm broken*

HAHHAHHA I'll join you guys at the gro- thingy soon

Unknown said...

Oh, never mind.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*is kind of scared to fight Melancholia after what happened*

Unknown said...

Now lets all fight Melancholia...

Eve the ROCK said...

What are we doing? Killing things? Okay. *eats live chicken*

Nixion Strange said...

Dun dun dun. I thought Val wanted revenge? Come on, she's easy

*Changes mind after throw back, left arm badly cut. Payback, i suppose?*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*punches Melancholia in the face with shadow knives*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*punches Melancholia in the face with shadow knives*

Johanna Remmus (The Mad One) said...

Go kill Melancholia!!!

Sparky Braginski said...

*turns to Mel*


*electrocutes and throws Makhaira at her*

*watches as Mel grips the sword with shadows, turning it to dust*


Eve the ROCK said...

What? I'm on Melancholia's side! *goes for Val's blood*

Johanna Remmus (The Mad One) said...

Mash her into a bloody lump of meat!

Unknown said...

*Joins Val and uses Necromancy against her. Fists of shadow crashed into Melancholia and laughs and she stumbled and knives of darkness sliced her skin open, stopping her from recharging as the simbols split*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*is thrown across the room by Melancholia's shadows*

Sparky Braginski said...

Melencholia just destroyed my Makhaira.

My sword is a pile of dust.

*is seething with anger*

Johanna Remmus (The Mad One) said...

*footy tackles Eve and throws her across the room*

Unknown said...

For gods sake!

*grabbs Eve and hurls her away from Val and charges for Melancholia who is still trying to recover form her injuries and her broken arm*

*kicks her hard in the head and while she stumbles back, shoots her straight in the head with last bullet*


Nixion Strange said...

Gets close while Melancholia's distracted, and trys to puch her, but ends up with a broken nose*

I had such a pretty face

Eve the ROCK said...

Ow! *scrambles to feet and leaps onto Johanna*

Sparky Braginski said...

*turns to Eve, white with rage*

You are on the the same side as the person who destroyed my sword.

I am going to kill you mercilessly now.

Johanna Remmus (The Mad One) said...

Is she dead?

Unknown said...

*Turns and hurls a fireball and Eve*

Unknown said...

Yes, Mel is dead

Johanna Remmus (The Mad One) said...

*grabs Eve and repeatedly punches her in the gut*

Eve the ROCK said...

Oooooooow! What did I do?

Nixion Strange said...

this is before she dies

Eve the ROCK said...

Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! *claws at Johanna's face*

Johanna Remmus (The Mad One) said...

You are on the same side as Mel. That in it's self is EVIL!!!!

Sparky Braginski said...

Get. Away. From. Eve.


*watches everyone back away from Eve*

*lifts Eve off the ground and watches her eyes as I shock her to death*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*throws Eve on the ground*


*throws fire at her*

Eve the ROCK said...

Oh, yeah, that. Well, *starts kicking Johanna in the gut*

Sparky Braginski said...

*stops, dropping Eve*

No. I don't kill people.

Nixion Strange said...

who's dead? i can't tell

Eve the ROCK said...

*screams* *dies*

Unknown said...

That. Was. Hilarious!

*stops laughing as Sparky glowers at me*

I mean...apart from you loosing your sword of course...again...*cough*

Eve the ROCK said...

Oh, you don't? That's good. *lives*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

But I kill people...

Eve the ROCK said...


Johanna Remmus (The Mad One) said...

Well, are all the bad guys dead?

Unknown said...



- Negative/Zathract
- Sparky
- Nobody
- Val
- Sanguine
- Tesseract


- Anyone not listed above

Sparky Braginski said...

*calls Lyra Blue*

Me: Could you possibly get me a new sword?
Lyra: What happened to your old one?
Me: *looks at dust pile* It's beyond repair.
Lyra: Okay...

*leaves and get new sword, exactly like the old one*

I feel better now. But I'm not in a mercy mood.

Johanna Remmus (The Mad One) said...

Nope, Eve still isn't dead!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*looks at everyone*

It seems the bad guys are dead. Except for one.

*grins evilly*

Johanna Remmus (The Mad One) said...

Are you going to kill Eve, or just, like, torture her?

Sparky Braginski said...

I'll take Tesseract.

*watches his smile*

T: You sound Russian.
Me: I'm close enough.

*draws Makhaira*

Eve the ROCK said...

No! Please! I'm good now!

Unknown said...

Oh...Well-wait, when the hell did THAT happen?

Johanna Remmus (The Mad One) said...

Wait.. Is Val evil...?

Sparky Braginski said...

Eve lives.

Sanguine is still alive.

I take Tesseract. With no help.

*circles Tesseract*

Nixion Strange said...

breaks that one evil guys nose


Eve the ROCK said...


Johanna Remmus (The Mad One) said...

At least Eve is good now... Hopefully...

Unknown said...

*shakes head*

I'M taking Sanguine this time.

*Faces him*

S: and YOU sound Australian
N: Close enough

*attacks him ruthlessly and kills brutally with a sowrd of shadow.*

N: Wait, no, you're right. I AM Australian.

*grins and watches Sparky attack Tesseract*

Johanna Remmus (The Mad One) said...

Can i have Sanguine?

Nixion Strange said...

I'll take Sanguine
*rushes towards him*

Johanna Remmus (The Mad One) said...

Oh right, he's dead.

Nixion Strange said...

Wait, he's dead? i didn't get to kill anyone


Unknown said...

I already killed Sanguine

Sparky Braginski said...

*sees Tesseract's fists close*

No magic then?

(No response)


*grips Makhaira tightly in left hand, electricity surrounding other*

Johanna Remmus (The Mad One) said...

Is Tessaract alive?

Johanna Remmus (The Mad One) said...

Can i kill someone? Please?

Nixion Strange said...

Who can i kill, someone give me someone to kill

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Kill me! Wait, don't do that.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Sparky Braginski said...

*dives at Tesseract, missing completely*

*hits ground*

Right. You're fast. But faster than me?

*blurs towards Tesseract, aiming to punch his side*

T: *grips Sparky's right fist*


*screams as the bones splinter*

*sees the others come to help*

No. No help.

*pulls out leaf and chews it*

Eve the ROCK said...

Ahh! Darquesse! Sheesh! That's why you have to die!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I didn't plan to help you in the first place.

Johanna Remmus (The Mad One) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Remmus and Nobody, you can fight amongst yourselves about who will kill Marr. I forgot about her.

Sparky Braginski said...

I take Tesseract. You guys take Darquesse.

*feints for Tesseracts ankle, but draws up for his chin*

*misses by and inch and doubles back*

You're good.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oh, I'll kill Marr.

*pulls her head off*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Johanna Remmus (The Mad One) said...

Darquess! Grabs machine gun on back and fires at her.

Eve the ROCK said...

Die, Darquesse! *charges*

Nixion Strange said...

Fine, i'll do this myself

*springheeled jack jumps out, with his back to me. i touch him at the spine, and he dies*

>sigh< it'll have to do

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hehehehe... I'll kill you all...

At a different time. I have to go, and kill people elsewhere.


Unknown said...

Oh... *looks at Valkyrie change into Darquesse*

Well...I have a..
I have a stronger form too!

Yeah...Slides into the shadows and watches.

Johanna Remmus (The Mad One) said...

I've gotta go! A random monster in Africa is killing people. Seeya soon!

Sparky Braginski said...

T: Yes, I am known for being the best.

M: I get that. Actually, I don't. Because I don't kill people. Unless they are very, VERY evil. Which you are. No hard feelings.

T: None taking. May the best mage win.

M: Indeed.

*blurs towards him and slides between his legs, slamming my fist against the ground at the same time(Not the broken one, obviously)*

Eve the ROCK said...

Don't worry, she's gone. You can stop cowering in the corner.

Unknown said...


*jumps forwards and Remmus and Darquesse leave*

Wow, I'm high.

*snapps out of it and walks over to Tesseract and Sparky*

Need any help?

*asks while they continue fighting*

Sparky Braginski said...

*moves quickly while Tesseract is on the ground*

My hand hurts...

*cuts off Tesseracts fingers and thumb on his right hand*

*blurs away again*

Sparky Braginski said...

No help.

Nixion Strange said...

At least i killed someone, even if it was from behind

Eve the ROCK said...

This may not be the right time too say this, but I just posted a new story on my blog, if anyone wants to read it...?

Unknown said...

If you give me the link I will.

Sparky Braginski said...

T: Well, I must say, that was intelligent.

M: Was that sarcastic?

T: No, my magic only comes out of my fingertips.

M: Excellent. For me, I mean. Not so much for you.

T: Quite so. *runs towards Sparky, and punches her chin, sending her flying into a tree*

M: *falls out of tree, landing on broken hand*


Eve the ROCK said...

Here it is:

Sparky Braginski said...

I read the one with Jimmy. It's good.

*blurs away from Tesseract again*

Unknown said...

And you're SURE you don't want help? I mean, I know the whole pride thing can get to you, I'm the same, but it looks like you're loosing here.

Eve the ROCK said...

Thanks. *beams* I was going to call him Flash, but decided against it.

Sparky Braginski said...

*pauses to look at right hand*

*breaths in sharply*

Ooo, that's not pretty...

*sees Tesseract coming*


*waits standing in open*

*points sword directly outwards*

T: *doesn't have enough time to stop, runs right into blade, causing it to go straight through him*

Eve the ROCK said...

Tesseract, Sparky, all that fighting must be tiring. Would you like a live chicken?

Eve the ROCK said...

Oh. Okay. Sparky?

Nixion Strange said...

Guess this tune

Dun, dun, dun dun dun. Dun dun dun dun dun dun, dun, dun, dun

Eve the ROCK said...

Uh...Jingle Bells?

Sparky Braginski said...

T: Oh. Ow. That hurts. And it's my fault. Great. *pulls off mask*

M: *pulls out sword and inspects hand more closely*

My hand is very swollen, purple and black at the moment.

*feels chin carefully*

I thinks his fractured it or something...

*presses on ribs*

And a couple of them a broken too...

*runs out of adrenaline and goes very pale*

Sh*t, that hurts.

*passes out*

Nixion Strange said...

nice tune. but no

Unknown said...

*spins daggers absent mindedly*

Eve the ROCK said...

*peers at Sparky* Maybe this will bring her back. *shoves live chicken down Sparky's throat*

Eve the ROCK said...

What's woah?

Eve the ROCK said...

Um...I don't know. What tune is it?

Nixion Strange said...


Nixion Strange said...

I may have made a mistake

Eve the ROCK said...

YAY! IRON MAN! Guess this one:

Da da da, da da da, da da da da da da da da. Da da da, da da da. Da da da, da da da. Da da! Da da da da da da...

Eve the ROCK said...

An easy one, but anyway.

Nixion Strange said...

highway to hell? i don't know many songs

Unknown said...

My recently created blog!

Nixion Strange said...

I put stories on my blog too. Grabted, i've only done it once

Nixion Strange said...

Sorry, *granted i've only done it once, but still

Unknown said...

No, I JUST made that.
Also, that new story was good.

Unknown said...

I mean Eve's

Unknown said...

Where did everyone go?

Unknown said...

Where the HELL did everyone go?

Unknown said...

Is the world dead?

Unknown said...

My god, the end of the world has started and no one told me!

Eve the ROCK said...

Thanks. I'm here!

Nixion Strange said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Wait, that was rude! Out of all the things people choose not to tell me, is that the end of the world is happening! That is SO inconsiderate!

Eve the ROCK said...

Also, it's not Highway to Hell. It's the Spiderman theme song!

Unknown said...

Oh, yay, people are alive

Eve the ROCK said...

Sorry, NS. I was too busy being abducted by aliens.

Eve the ROCK said...

Oh, and thanks. :)

Unknown said...

Oh, well that's even WORSE!

Nixion Strange said...

which one, 'cause there are several
You mean
"spiderman, spiderman, does whatever a spiderman can..."

Unknown said...

You get to have FUN, while I sit here and type useless things about how I miss out on everything!

Unknown said...

Wait, is getting abducted by aliens fun?
I don't know. It is, Eve?

Nixion Strange said...

i'm bored

Unknown said...

What happened to Sparky? What happened to Darquesse? Surely she's done killing people by now.

And Remmus, he should be done battling that random monster thing in Africa by now...

*screen shot of the monster killing Remmus*


Eve the ROCK said...

Yeah, it's that one.

Um...depends. The hovering part is fun, the experiments....not so much.

Unknown said...

Ah, I suppose that'd be expected.

Eve the ROCK said...

Val left, I think Sparky did too.

Nixion Strange said...

oh, so what do we do now?

Eve the ROCK said...

We could all worship me!

Nixion Strange said...


Unknown said...

Yeah, I'M the insane one.

Nixion Strange said...

Hey, while im here, does anyone know if/when derek landy is coming to Australia?

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