Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy New Year, Minions!

There are fireworks outside my window. Not directly outside, because that would be noisy. But over there, in the distance, over the town that I live beside. It's one hour into 2012 and someone is still letting off fireworks.

As you can tell, I stayed in this New Year's Eve- as I do every year. I stayed in and wrote, because I like to start the year as I mean to continue, by writing. So that's what I did. I was working on the Australia/New Zealand short story because I've pretty much figured out which characters won that little competition. Before it's announced, I just have to check with Josie about who came up with Tane Aiavao, because that's my favourite male character so far. So, Josie, if you could let me know in the Comments section, that'd be just super.

So... 2011, eh? What did it bring you?

It brought me great sales for Death Bringer- the best yet, to be honest. It brought me a flood that ruined my car, refurbishments that swallowed three months of my time, and a trip to London to see the new Twilight. Ahem. It also brought me a brand new niece to add to the collection (yay!) and so much joy as all four of them entertained my entire family (by falling over a lot).

2011 was the first year I had to stay for any length of time in hospital, so that's a new year's resolution right there: "Don't do that again." It sent me away on tour, nearly robbed me of my voice halfway through said tour, and got me meeting a whole bunch of you guys.

It brought us the last Harry Potter movie, which I thought was really well done. It brought us the uncannily good X-Men: First Class, and Thor, which was superb- and much better than Captain America (though even that was streets ahead of the abysmal Green Lantern). I thought Attack The Block was good fun, Rise of the Planet of the Apes was surprisingly great, and The Adjustment Bureau gets my vote for best romance. Plus it made me fall in love with Emily Blunt. Which is a good thing.

2011 brought me a load of great books that I tore through far too quickly, and quite a few dreadful books that I couldn't make myself finish. One of the best new YA authors of 2011, I reckon, has to be Veronica Roth, who emerged with Divergent. And no, I don't just like her because she's pretty. That's just, like, a coincidence, or something.

All in all, it was a good year for me. Nothing terrible happened to my family or my friends. The world faced so much upheaval during 2011, from financial crises to revolutions and rebellions and earthquakes and floods- but my friends and family are safe and well and happy, and that's what I reckon to be a good year. I know that not all of you can say the same. I know that some of you lost loved ones, or suffered through whatever hardships the year threw at you. For those who had a bad 2011, I hope 2012 is better. And for those who had a good 2011, I hope 2012 is better still.

Nothing wrong with being a little greedy every now and then.


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Ivy incredible said...

ong im tired i havent slept in like forever well not forever hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i wonder if meh charecter viy could ever be in a book i wonder hmmmmmm omg omg omg my mom made coffee yay i can stay up all night mwahahahahahaha

Alexis A. said...

I'm a Valduggery shipper too...

Izz said...


Ivy incredible said...

welll i havent read all the books i dont know if it will happen maye if skullduggery ever became human again and valkyrie you know wasnt like 14 then maybe it will be possible but alas i can only dream

Robin Snowscar said...

yeah the first one I sent a second *yawns* I am going to have to sleep soon, school tomorrow.

Robin Snowscar said...

Why are you sighing Izz?

Izz said...

I just sigh sometimes. When I have nothing to say.

You have school tomorrow? I'm on holidays til 6th of feb.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Ah why *yawns*

You hate me don't you?

And ivy valduggury is not gonna happen.. EVER I forbid it

Ivy incredible said...

i just read the third it made me cry it is sooo sad welll who knows what will happen in the future for little valkyrie well i just hope she falls in love somewhere along the way hopefully not with a vamp i hate vampires lol i think everyone does in this book....i mean they shed theyre skin...its really gross and disturbing

Robin Snowscar said...

For goodness sake I want long holidays like that.

Alexis A. said...

Always the skeptics with Valduggery...

Ivy incredible said...

why forbid it they would be a really cute couple

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Ivy, I could spoil the serious for you, but I won't...

So yeah

Izz said...

haha. It is summer here. and 39 degrees C

Robin Snowscar said...

Phoenix, I don't hate you, why would I yawned because I'm tired doofus *hugs*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

No it isn't..

It's gross.., a skeleton and a human...

Could imagine a few dirty things... *but I won't*

Ivy incredible said...

well my name isnt reall ivy its viy my charecter anyways i wish i was her well i am but in my mind she much awesomer ALAS WHY CANT THE WORLD OF SKULLDUGGERY PLEASENT EXIST!!!111!!

Robin Snowscar said...

Bloody hell... 39C

Alexis A. said...

Still a firm believer of Valduggery. I mean, with all the things that happened in Death Bringer.

Robin Snowscar said...

It does exist Ivy you just have to know where to look

Ivy incredible said...

LONG LIVE VALDUGGERY (begins rant and cries wanting to live in the world of skullduggery and makes a hole in wall with fist)

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Summer in the winter? 0o

In a doofus... That is nice

Izz said...

yeah it's a bit like that. I'm currently covered in wet clothing eating ice.

Robin Snowscar said...

I could see them together but the once upon a time I preferred Caelan to Fletcher, before he went psycho

Ivy incredible said...

ahh yes i heard of caelen i hate vamps they suck...literally!

Alexis A. said...

I have to leave. Bye!


Robin Snowscar said...

Same I gtg byee!!

Ivy incredible said...


Ivy incredible said...


Izz said...

I hate australia. I'm moving as soon as I can.

Izz said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Aww bye Robin

Ugh, I hate people who say valduggery is gonna work, dereks not like that...

Izz said...

What IS valduggery?

Ivy incredible said...

not like that half the world wants it i mean fletcher i wouldnt date mostly because he uses more hair products than me valkyrie on the other hand i would give her the choice who knows no one does i just hope she doesnt end up as a cat lady....witch she wont she's to awesome

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Valduggery = val and skul

Together in a relationship doing sick things

Ivy incredible said...

valduggery is the couple paring of skullduggery pleasent and valkyrie cain WITCH ROCKS!!!!!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Nut it's not gonna work

Izz said...

Isn't that necrophilia?

Izz said...

And make Skulduggery a ped

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

A what?

Ivy incredible said...

its not sick just think maybe one day i mean even if it doesnt happen i mean half wanted jacob black the others edward they got edward um and hunger games not going to spoil it but lets say people going to be mad i mean my friends were things dont always happen the way you want to in books i beleive in valduggery but it wont happen most likely i just like to dream

Ivy incredible said...

i used believe in fletherie but i soon got over that

Ivy incredible said...

i also believe in........GHANITH!!!!!!!!!!!GO GHASTLY AND TANITH WOOOHOOO

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Val will fall in love with the new guy

not saying his name, but hewent totheparty

And skulduggery will marry no one

Izz said...

I'm team Gale btw. But for me not Katniss.

And valduggery would prove China right.

ped as in pedophile

Ivy incredible said...

ok but who dont like ghanith!?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Gale and katniss?

Ivy incredible said...

yeah gale awesomness yes my school battles over dating rights...literally i won edward!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Ghanith will happen

ValSard shall happen

Ivy incredible said...

no ghastly and tanith i love that paring i mean who dont????

Izz said...

I don't like combining two people's names in such gruesome ways. just say Ghastly and Tanith.

Jervis Tetch said...

Guise I don't even know what you are talking about Tanguine is clearly the best shipping around

Ivy incredible said...

i dream of world where i can be viy rose sigh luv you viy well guess thats saying i love me but im so different from her sigh wish i could

Ivy incredible said...

no sanguine.....ew i hate him

Izz said...


*gives up on conversation*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Jervis Tetch said...

Shh Izz, shhh

It's alright

Ivy incredible said...

well lets see my fav part in the books ive read is wher skul shot val well not really her mirror image reallly i nearly threw the book before i knew sigh i was crying like omg you *@# %$@#!!!!!!!!

Izz said...

Ugh. It is not.

Jervis Tetch said...

It would be the best thing is Miss Cain actually died, I would yell to the skies in thanks

Okay I'm probably lying but if it did happen I would be feeling like a bit of a smug snake that she got what was coming to her

Ivy incredible said...

i reallly need the next book i mean my heart hurts for it i need soo bad can death be caused from heartbreak!?

Ivy incredible said...

no val shouldnt die even though it is prophcied in there she can think of her friends they would heartbrocken sooo bad the book wouldnt be the book anymore it would no meaning what so ever if she died

Jervis Tetch said...

/Holds Izz close/

Shoosh pap, my child. Not everyone can surround themselves in the complicated world of shipping
Like Tangrace, Chinaguine, Valthrash

Izz said...


This is worse than days of our lives

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Jervis please stop


I will have to execute you

Ivy incredible said...

i respect other peoples you know pairing i just have it hard over hear no one has read sp witch hurts like bad cause i cant share my obsseddidness

Jervis Tetch said...

In Days of our Lives there would be a not so shocking twist of Thrasher and Scapegrace having a secret bromance behind closed doors.

Which is absolute pish posh

Izz said...

Yeah. definately days

Jervis Tetch said...

Stop? Never!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

We have read sp,, that's the whole *gestures with arms to blog*

Ivy incredible said...

gahhhhhhhh my cat scared me like helll omg i have bad paranoia i thought once that the whole sp clan ws comeing to rescue me from my world sigh never happened

Izz said...

I mean. In days the doctors are so good they could probably cure Scapegrace's zombieness.

Ivy incredible said...

im crying again omg why cant i fall in love with one of them or you know atleast meet someone like them sigh why is alll the books charecters sooo lovable??????

Ivy incredible said...

love is so hard when its a book charecter!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Oh jesus get over yourself

Jervis Tetch said...

Basicallymy whole group of friends has read SP, and upon a friend of my saying in science that she supports Valduggery, I promptly told her Tanguine is the only ship worth sailing.

I was quickly yelled at that I was horrible and I was sent scuttling into the shadows

Ivy incredible said...

sorry its just this is the only place i can rant

Izz said...

huh. well my friend is in fact my pet vampire.

Jervis Tetch said...

It's okay, Ivy

I'm secretly in a love triangle with the Scarecrow and the Mad Hatter because they are obviously not fictional characters and we have tea parties in my backyard all the time.

Izz said...

I presume you all know my story?
(if not it's in my introdution)

Jervis Tetch said...

I had a pet vampire once, he kept eating all my guinea pigs, the naughty boy.

Izz said...

My is good. Like a minion. There's a cage at school she locks herself in at night.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Well whatever

It's ok...

What am I saying

Izz I'm going to. Read robins strories and yeah

Izz said...

Yeah I'm leaving too. ironically to watch Days Of Our Lives with my parents...

Nicole Cerundolo said...

Popping in to say goodnight, everyone... XD See ya!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

See ya ruby and Izz

I'm leaving too..


Sparky Braginski said...


Sparky Braginski said...

Is there anyone here?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Sparky Braginski said...

Wow Still?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


I might go though as it is4:30 in the morning!

Sparky Braginski said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

I'll stay cos nmh cuz just threatened

When you fall asleep I'm putting makeup on you and putting a pic up on facebookk

Sparky Braginski said...



Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Yerp I'm leaving

Lates sparks

Sparky Braginski said...


No one calls me 'Sparks'.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Yes, she means it

Now I'm tired, bye

Sparky Braginski said...



Jakespeare said...

Any word from golden god?

Sparky Braginski said...


Which is annoying.

Hello Gemini!

Sparky Braginski said...

We might need to wait till tomorrow.

Which I wouldn't do if I could avoid it.

Sparky Braginski said...


Sparky Braginski said...

No one?

Sparky Braginski said...


Jakespeare said...

Darn if we need to wait until tommorrow! I had three hours sleep last night because I was so nervous!

Please Derek wake up at 6:00 and decide to post on your blog :)

Sparky Braginski said...

I went to sleep at 12:00 and had to get up at 4:30.

The first thing I did was check.


I mean, *cough*, please update your blog.

I'm going to die.

Jakespeare said...

I do hope he does

Sparky Braginski said...


I wasn't kidding though.

Jakespeare said...

About what? The mob of Australians?

Sparky Braginski said...


Anonymous said...

Are the books 4-6 ever going to get published in the US ? Or am I going to have to buy them on Amazon Canada .........

Sparky Braginski said...


Are you still there?

Sparky Braginski said...

That's a no...

Sparky Braginski said...

*sees that Derek hasn't posted yet*


Sparky Braginski said...

*gets more and more nervous by the second*

Jakespeare said...

I just had a terrific butter chicken curry

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

hey anyone on

Sparky Braginski said...

I think I might be...

Sparky Braginski said...

Anyone out there?

Jakespeare said...


Sparky Braginski said...


Anonymous said...

How on earth is derek landy gonna sift through 800 pages of characters...? thisl take him forever :(

Jakespeare said...

Last time it took him a month :( I've been doing my research :(

Anonymous said...

WHAT?! i cant wait a month! its killing me wondering if josie's entry is legit or not

Jakespeare said...

yeh Josie did enter and It was pretty good. I'm worried though because my style was absolutely different

Sparky Braginski said...


Jervis Tetch said...

It's alright, children; if you read it he says 'that he already has an idea of who the two characters are'

Sparky Braginski said...

Yes, but...

*freaks out*

I hardly care at this moment in time, I just want to know who won.

Okay, I care again.

Anonymous said...

aaaargh i read josie's too and mine so isnt "kiwiana" enough. Damit.
Also sparky if u dont win i think there may b outcry, u did have an awful lot of people rooting for u :D so i reckon you will haha

Sparky Braginski said...

*glares at Flossy*

Would people PLEASE stop saying that?

It makes me feel icky.

Anonymous said...

*shrinks and hides* why? i agree with them. Yours is cool as

Ash McFluffy said...

Yew. Anyone alive?

Sparky Braginski said...


Are you an Aussie or a Kiwi?

Anonymous said...

Who me? Kiwi

Ash McFluffy said...



... That is all.

Sparky Braginski said...

Well that makes me feel slightly better...

I just don't think that it's fair on the other Aussies. Some of them did truly fantastic characters.

Anonymous said...

well, pringles do make a nice change from all the shipping and worrying haha

Ash McFluffy said...

I aim to please.

Jakespeare said...

cough cough :P jks but you did do well

Christine Night said...

Hi all

Jakespeare said...

I want salt and vinegar pringles now!

Jakespeare said...

hey christine!

Sparky Braginski said...


Ugh. I'm going to sleep.

Unless you guys convince me otherwise, that is.

Ash McFluffy said...

Howdy. Pull up a stump and we'll spin a great yarn about the time before photo copiers, and all the hardships we had to endure because of it.

Anonymous said...

oh gross! cheese and onion all the way :P

Sparky Braginski said...

Hello Christine.

Jakespeare said...

see you sparky and I'm probably going to give up now

Christine Night said...

I nod my head as i pretend to understand what is happening.

Sparky Braginski said...

Give up what?

Anonymous said...

bloody hell everyone here types too fast :(

Sparky Braginski said...

Eh. I'm leaving.

Christine Night said...

figure's just got on the computer when i have to get off again.

Night All

Jervis Tetch said...


I will just be here, on my own.

You know, Forever Jervis.

Jakespeare said...

Give up staying awake

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jervis Tetch said...

Hahaha, I wish.

He's a character from Batman, the Mad Hatter to be precise.

I'm just a girl, a girl named Mel.

Anonymous said...

oh, him. he's in arkham city ay? that guy freaked me out almost as much as the scarecrow did in batman begins :P

NotMyRealName said...

Mel rhymes with hair gel...... 0_o

Eve the ROCK said...

Dammit. Derek hasn't announced yet. *frowns unhappilly*

NotMyRealName said...


Eve the ROCK said...

The Australia/New Zealand create-a-character comp. I'm Australian, and I'm bursting with the suspense *bursts into oblivion*

Jervis Tetch said...

Yes, he's also the person in my avatar; he's my very favourite character along with Scarecrow :)

Ah! How can Cillian Murphy freak you out, he is absolutely handsome in all his Irish charm and he made a very pleasing Scarecrow (even the character is traditionally a lot different to how he is portrayed)

Yes, it does rhyme with gel, much to my chagrin. It also rhymes with hell and bell among other things and everyone thinks they are so clever when they rhyme things XD

Eve the ROCK said...

Oh, sorry, the comp WINNERS.

Jervis Tetch said...

Hng, throw a 'though' in there somewhere between 'even' and 'the'.

Eve the ROCK said...

It also rhymes with smell. Hehe.

Eve the ROCK said...

And tell, and...yeah.

Jervis Tetch said...

That is the worst contending rhyme, Eve hehe

NotMyRealName said...

I could create a character if there was one for Ireland. But, there's none that I know of.

Jervis Tetch said...

Well I'd keep an eye out when future books come out, you never know.

NotMyRealName said...

I'm on the munchkin army now. Setting up an account....

Anonymous said...

I totally agree, cillian murphy is awesome and the fact that he's irish just adds to it :D but he still freaks me out in that one movie with the mask on

NotMyRealName said...


NotMyRealName said...

I'm Irish. Does that make me awesome?

Anonymous said...

Hell yeah. I'd love to be more Irish than like 1/16th or so :P

NotMyRealName said...

I'm pure Irish. And we don't sound like leprachauns. That's the "Northen Irish". Stupid English, making our people sound gay!

NotMyRealName said...

Lol I'm on crashed Skulduggery Pleasant website.

Anonymous said...

I duno, at least u dont get people laughing at u for saying "fush n chups" all the time... and asking you how long the bridge is between sydney and australia -_-

Anonymous said...

* auckland. sorry

Jervis Tetch said...

Even though you shouldn't do the whole fractions thing because you can only be one SOLE nationality, I'm 1/8 Northern Irish. So I am clearly 1/8th leprechaun, explains why I'm so short.

No, it's fun to ask Kiwi's to say 'six' or 'second'

NotMyRealName said...

Yeah but we got people asking where the nearest pot o' gold is and the schools here suck. Half the people in my class barely know long division.

Anonymous said...

haha im guessing there is major rivalry between northern ireland and ireland

NotMyRealName said...

Noh, I'm just weird. Well, bye now. I'll be back at 5pm Irish time. And no, there's no rivalry, I just don't like the way they sound.

Jervis Tetch said...

Buhbye now, the one with no real name. Have fun in your lovfely Ireland whilst I'm stuck in boring Australia.

NotMyRealName said...


Jervis Tetch said...

Normally people love to be 1st but I don't care-

Callooh Callay, oh Frabjous day I guess

Anonymous said...

cya :) and tbh i reckon you all sound cool. Rather unintelligible, but cool nonetheless haha

Jervis Tetch said...

Someone I talked to in America online today had his mum ask me if I'm from London

Why does everytone think I'm from London you make me want to cry. Us Australians sound nothing like the British, they must understand!

Anonymous said...

Yeah but americans generally don't have any idea where anyones from unless its america :P, someone at underwater hockey thought i was from england too :L

Jervis Tetch said...


Well, American is the only language and culture Americans understand hahaha.

Oh don't mind me, I'm just being so mean right now.

Anonymous said...

Well considering less than 20% of them have passports, i think realistic is closer to the mark

Anonymous said...

Ok not to be creepy bt i just clicked on yr username while trying to reply and discovered you like tim burton movies and gorillaz. i just quickly gotta congratulate u on yr good taste :P

Red Right Hand said...

Jervis, you still here? There's people!!!
Hello people!!!

Anonymous said...

Red right hand? as in the song or serpine?

Red Right Hand said...

Both :)
Because.I love them both equally

Red Right Hand said...

Nope, I like the song better.
Had a change of heart

Anonymous said...

gotta say i love the arctic monkeys version more than the original :L

Red Right Hand said...

I don't care.
They both rule.
It's the lyrics that are so...
*no words*

Anonymous said...

oh yeah its just the right combination of eloquent and downright creepy

Red Right Hand said...

"It's 10 o clock"
"How do you know?"
"It's written on a piece of paper"
"Wait a minute. This piece of paper ain't ticking"
"OH they sold me a forgery!!!"

Red Right Hand said...

Your one microscopic cog in his catastophic plan..
Designed and directed by his Red Right Hand

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