Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy New Year, Minions!

There are fireworks outside my window. Not directly outside, because that would be noisy. But over there, in the distance, over the town that I live beside. It's one hour into 2012 and someone is still letting off fireworks.

As you can tell, I stayed in this New Year's Eve- as I do every year. I stayed in and wrote, because I like to start the year as I mean to continue, by writing. So that's what I did. I was working on the Australia/New Zealand short story because I've pretty much figured out which characters won that little competition. Before it's announced, I just have to check with Josie about who came up with Tane Aiavao, because that's my favourite male character so far. So, Josie, if you could let me know in the Comments section, that'd be just super.

So... 2011, eh? What did it bring you?

It brought me great sales for Death Bringer- the best yet, to be honest. It brought me a flood that ruined my car, refurbishments that swallowed three months of my time, and a trip to London to see the new Twilight. Ahem. It also brought me a brand new niece to add to the collection (yay!) and so much joy as all four of them entertained my entire family (by falling over a lot).

2011 was the first year I had to stay for any length of time in hospital, so that's a new year's resolution right there: "Don't do that again." It sent me away on tour, nearly robbed me of my voice halfway through said tour, and got me meeting a whole bunch of you guys.

It brought us the last Harry Potter movie, which I thought was really well done. It brought us the uncannily good X-Men: First Class, and Thor, which was superb- and much better than Captain America (though even that was streets ahead of the abysmal Green Lantern). I thought Attack The Block was good fun, Rise of the Planet of the Apes was surprisingly great, and The Adjustment Bureau gets my vote for best romance. Plus it made me fall in love with Emily Blunt. Which is a good thing.

2011 brought me a load of great books that I tore through far too quickly, and quite a few dreadful books that I couldn't make myself finish. One of the best new YA authors of 2011, I reckon, has to be Veronica Roth, who emerged with Divergent. And no, I don't just like her because she's pretty. That's just, like, a coincidence, or something.

All in all, it was a good year for me. Nothing terrible happened to my family or my friends. The world faced so much upheaval during 2011, from financial crises to revolutions and rebellions and earthquakes and floods- but my friends and family are safe and well and happy, and that's what I reckon to be a good year. I know that not all of you can say the same. I know that some of you lost loved ones, or suffered through whatever hardships the year threw at you. For those who had a bad 2011, I hope 2012 is better. And for those who had a good 2011, I hope 2012 is better still.

Nothing wrong with being a little greedy every now and then.


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Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*gets up*

I dedicate to coco chanel.

Cos I just saw it in my aunties bathroom window. *shrugs*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Zathract Mist said...


Unapplicable. said...

Internet's being horrible guys :/ I'll be back in about half an hour.

Zathract Mist said...

Bye Calamity.

Zathract Mist said...

I grg now. Sport. Be back later.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Hi mist.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


I g2g too.


Unapplicable. said...

Is anyone here now?

Zathract Mist said...

Back. Will be distant for 10 mins.

Unapplicable. said...

Cool. Hi Mist.

Zathract Mist said...

Back properly for 20.

Lavender Hope said...


Lavender Hope said...

Anyone here?

Unapplicable. said...

Hey Lav!

Lavender Hope said...

Hey Calamity!

...Can I call you Cal?

Zathract Mist said...

Hi Hope.

Lavender Hope said...

Hey Mist. :)

Unapplicable. said...

Yeah sure. Just remember I'm a girl though. *grumble* because some people seem to be confused.

Lavender Hope said...


Don't worry, I'll remember. :)

Lavender Hope said...

Hey, how old are you, Cal?

Unapplicable. said...

I'm 14 going 15 this year.

Zathract Mist said...

I always knew you were a girl...I think...

Unapplicable. said...

Haha, I'm referring more to Flame.

Lavender Hope said...

...okay... I'm still older than most here...

:P It's funny cause I always act younger. :)

Lavender Hope said...

I'm turning 16 soon... a few months

Unapplicable. said...

How old are you, Lav?

Unapplicable. said...

Ah right. Don't worry ^^ What about you, Mist?

Zathract Mist said...

Yay for pre-teens!

*goes to hi five then realizes I am the only 12 year old here*


Unapplicable. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unapplicable. said...

You're only twelve?! Golden God, you act so much more older.

Zathract Mist said...

Going 13 this year.

Lavender Hope said...


I'm the oldest out of the regulars I think...


Zathract Mist said...

Do I?

Lavender Hope said...

^^ and I act so young! :P

Lavender Hope said...

Yeah, Mist. I think you do.

Unapplicable. said...

Yes Mist. Yes you do.
Haha, Lav. How old's everyone else?

Zathract Mist said...

Is that in a good or bad way?

Lavender Hope said...

Somewhere between 12-14... Mostly.

Lavender Hope said...

Good way, Mist.

Unapplicable. said...

That's great, Mist.

Zathract Mist said...

Huh. Ok then.

Unapplicable. said...

Are you sure you're 12? Secretly haven't aged or something?

Zathract Mist said...


*rolls around on carpet*

Zathract Mist said...


Darn. It isn't fun without Eve.

*rejoins Cal and Hope*

Lavender Hope said...

WHY??? Homework! AK!

*reads email*

whew, I thought I was behind on Science when I saw an email from the teacher... turns out it was only a reminder. Whew.

...But I still have to do english before Monday, which is tomorrow! :O Will be really distant... soon. I'll say when. Not yet though.

Unapplicable. said...

If you need assistance, I can help. I'm somewhat good in English.

Zathract Mist said...

Damn. Gtg now, visual arts. Be back in an hour and a half.

Unapplicable. said...

Have fun, Mist. Bye!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Im on for a bit lol i got tortured! They made me rewatch Bellatrix's death :'(

Lavender Hope said...

Bye Mist!

Hi Zaf.

Unapplicable. said...

Hey Zaf.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hi lavender!

Eep i thought the torture would end they replaying the death of her full blast

Lavender Hope said...

I have to go eat dinner now...

BB soon!

...I eat in my room... Family doesn't really eat together anyway when Mom's working late...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hi everyone lol there

Unapplicable. said...


Unapplicable. said...

See you soon, Lav.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I eat with family

Unapplicable. said...

It depends for me.

Lavender Hope said...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

We all are home since mom works in the school im in lol but i think the few times we ate seperate was during the time i had play practice

Lavender Hope said...

Well, when my mom's home, we eat together... but on day's she works late, we eat by ourselves...

Unapplicable. said...

Well, I've got to go now. Pastoral Care *winces* Wish me luck and I'll see you all later.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ahh i had dinner few hours ago its 9:12pm now

Lavender Hope said...

See ya Cal! Good luck!

Lavender Hope said...

It's 6:14 PM here.

Lavender Hope said...

Hey, Zaf?

Did you see my weird dream yet?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Oh! All these time zones confuse me....ok i gtg now school tomorrow :( *hugs all then shadow walks*

I just gonna laugh if Derek comes back while i am at school

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Oh no i cant open links on iPad...*shadow walks for real*

Lavender Hope said...

see ya Zaf.

Lavender Hope said...

Still here...

Lavender Hope said...

Okay, going distant now, unless someone comes on right this instant...

If someone comes later, I'm still checking in. Please stay, I'll comment soon enough...

Unapplicable. said...

I'm supposed to be making a poster that demonstrates how we show and receive hospitality. Needless to say, I'm a little bored.

Lavender Hope said...

Still here Cal... I'm doing homework too...

I have to write things about poems...

Like what I think they mean and stuff like that... It's actually hard... :S There are certain poems I have to write about... It's confusing.

Unapplicable. said...

You could always say that poems sometimes indicate foreshadowing and attempt to tell a story in a rhythmic tone.

Unapplicable. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unapplicable. said...

whoops, sorry double.

Lavender Hope said...

Oh, and I'm also trying to write more of my story on my blog... If you want to read it...

...I don't think I can, I think it has to be specific...

Unapplicable. said...

It's good! Read and commented.

Lavender Hope said...

Thanks. I'm now trying to continue it... while doing english homework... not very good...

Did you also listen to the vids? It's me singing...

Unapplicable. said...

I'll do that at home tonight! :D I'm quite curious to hear that! ^^

Lavender Hope said...

Thanks. Tell me what you think. I'm also trying to play guitar, but things have gotten so busy lately, I haven't found the time...

The story I'm writing actually came to me as a dream. I might post the dream version later, sometime tonight maybe... I wrote it down in a notebook.

Unapplicable. said...

Hm that's cool. I'll see you later, Lav! I've got to go. *hugs*

Unapplicable. said...

I wish I could play the guitar however I play the flute instead :D

Lavender Hope said...

Bye Cal! See you later!

Lavender Hope said...

Cool. :)

Lavender Hope said...

Going distant now... But I'm still here, kinda.

If someone comes later, I'm still checking in. Please stay, I'll comment soon enough... depends when you comment and when I refresh the page...

Zathract Mist said...

Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack for 40 minutes!

Lavender Hope said...

Hey Mist. Sorry I'm commenting late.

Lavender Hope said...

Ugh, hwk is annoying...

Lavender Hope said...

...I'm still here btw.

Zathract Mist said...

Back now. Sorry.

Lavender Hope said...

Yeah, I know where you went... Not saying that in a stalker kind of way! Just that I got an email follow-up from Nix's post...

Lavender Hope said...

Cause I subscribed to the post and that lets me see comments that come after I subscribe...

Zathract Mist said...

Yup. I know.


English, and then I can go home.

Lavender Hope said...

Yup, trying to do that now... It's hard... :S

Lavender Hope said...

I'd rather continue writing my story... if only that can count for English...

Zathract Mist said...

I can help if you like. My best subject is English.

Lavender Hope said...

Are you good with finding the meanings of poems? Cause this poem I have to write about is confusing to me... I can't think of the right words to describe it.

Lavender Hope said...

I think it has to be me how actually has to find it out though... Thanks for offering, but I should do it myself.

Lavender Hope said...


Zathract Mist said...


It had to be poems. I'm good at basically everything in english but poems.

Lavender Hope said...

I know...


Lavender Hope said...


Zathract Mist said...

Ok. Just being killed by my friend here...

Lavender Hope said...


Lavender Hope said...

Killed by a friend?

Sparky Braginski said...

We're all insane.

Every last one of us.


Lavender Hope said...

Yay! Hi Sparky. :D

Zathract Mist said... we haven't.

But we are insane.

Lavender Hope said...


I just remembered something!

Sparky Braginski said...

*reads some of the comments at the top of the page*


That makes sense, but...

Zathract Mist said...

Oh, Sparky? Ignore the email I sent you last night.

Lavender Hope said...

I bet if Derek sees that we finished all the comments on his blog, he's going to post three, um, posts :P saying that we're insane and that he's only doing two extra posts so we have more space to comment...

That would be funny. :P

Sparky Braginski said...


No, Zath, I don't ignore e-mails.

I read it.

It hurt.

Zathract Mist said...

*sighs again*

I make everything worse on blogland.

Lavender Hope said...

...No you don't Mist...

But... I'm going to just...
Staying out of this...


Zathract Mist said...

I'm just going to leave. Partially because I have English now, but...


Lavender Hope said...

Okay then... um...

Unapplicable. said...

In Science and back!

Lavender Hope said...

Hey Cal. :)

Unapplicable. said...

Whoops - did I come in a bad time? And do you still need help with the poen?

Unapplicable. said...


Sparky Braginski said...

I have English now.

Unapplicable. said...

Hey Sparky! Does that mean you're leaving? :/

Lavender Hope said...

*looks at time*

Darn, I have to take my shower and I STILL-*hits self in head*- didn't do any work!

*repeatedly hits self in the head*
whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! WHACK!

OW! That last one did hurt...

*rubs head now*

Lavender Hope said...

Oh, I ask the same question as Cal... Are you leaving then, Sparky?

Sparky Braginski said...

*gives ice pack to Lav*

No, it just means that I need to be super careful.

Unapplicable. said...

Aw Lav. Say what - you should take that shower and relax. I'll hopefully be here waiting whilst you do that.

Unapplicable. said...

Ah right. Hey Sparky - could I get your email? I'm collecting *grins*

Lavender Hope said...

*accepts ice pack*

okay, but I still have to take a shower now...


Ugh. Homework after... I don't know why we have to have Sunday church in the afternoon... It was so long today...

*vanishes to take shower*

Jakro Tintreach said...

Aaaagggghhh... you do realize that we're going back in time

Gabriel said...

I might disappear...

But hi

Unapplicable. said...

hey Jake and Gab!

Jakro Tintreach said...

DO NOT CALL ME JAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *throws elaphant at calamity*

Sparky Braginski said...

Gotta go, BYE!!!

Gabriel said...


Bye sparks
And hi jake

Unapplicable. said...

Bye Sparky! Sorry! That's the first time I've met you - I'm sorry. *winces*

Jakro Tintreach said...

*stabs gabe*

Gabriel said...

It's Gab

Gabriel said...

Bye I have to

Unapplicable. said...

Bye Gab.

Unapplicable. said...

Bye - gotta go!

Lavender Hope said...

...Is anyone there?

Lavender Hope said...


Lavender Hope said...

*reads past comments*

Jakro, if you're still there, that was mean, what you did to Cal. She's new. You shouldn't be mean to her.

Lavender Hope said...

AKA- throw an elephant at her.

Lavender Hope said...

I'm going distant...

Lavender Hope said...


Lavender Hope said...

Back again...

Lavender Hope said...

and no one's on...


I'll be waiting...

Lavender Hope said...


Lavender Hope said...


Lavender Hope said...

now I'm just talking to myself!

Lavender Hope said...

okay then...

Lavender Hope said...


Lavender Hope said...


Lavender Hope said...

Oops. :P

Wrong count...

Lavender Hope said...

I dedicate this page to...

well, no one's on so... maybe... nah, that's too mean.

I dedicate this page to Calamity, and Sparky.

Calamity, this ded is to say sorry for what Jakro did to you. I'm sorry he did that.

And Sparky, for being the best friend who's always there. :)

Then I should put Star... but then I'll just start going on and dedicate this page to everyone I know!

So... Sorry guys... but this page is just for Cal and Sparky. No hard feelings I hope.

You all are special!

Lavender Hope said...


and I'm still alone...

Gabriel said...

I'm here again

Lavender Hope said...


I was waiting for a while.

Lavender Hope said...

I'm listening to a song, and it's making me happy. :D

Gabriel said...

You were waiting for ten minutes .

Gabriel said...

What song?

Lavender Hope said...

Have you heard of the Lorax?

The movie?

Gabriel said...


Lavender Hope said...

Well, I'm listening to a song that kids are singing from that movie... They are so good, it makes me happy to hear them. And they look like they're having a good time too. :) Here's the link... It's the second video.

It might take a while to load, but you should hear them! They are good.

Lavender Hope said...

Are you listening to it? They are really good. :)

Lavender Hope said...

um... anyone there?

Ebony Law said...


Zathract Mist said...

I'm here.

But I'm not.

Lavender Hope said...

Hi Kai.

Ha, that rhymed.

Lavender Hope said...

Oh, NOW all you guys show up.

Ebony Law said...

I hate rhyming.


Ebony Law said...

I'm typing chapter four. :)

Ebony Law said...

It even has YOU in it, Lav.

Lavender Hope said...

Cool, can't wait. :)

Ebony Law said...

"Shoo," Skulduggery said.
Lavender shifted into a human, and Skulduggery looked dazed on his fake face.
"I'm not a fly," Lavender said with a scowl.

Lavender Hope said...


hahaha. :D that's funny!

Lavender Hope said...

I'm still laughing!

Ebony Law said...

Yeah. You were a dog, and Skulduggery shooed you away.

Lavender Hope said...

Okay, stopped laughing, but still smiling. :P

...How old are you, Kai?

Ebony Law said...



Ebony Law said...

I got blondish brown hair, blue eyes, a tan, and I'm very tall.

Lavender Hope said...



I don't think I believe that.

What year were you born in?

Lavender Hope said...

I don't really believe that you're sixteen, I mean...

Bah, another rhyme! I think I'm good at those... :S

Ebony Law said...

You don't believe me? Well, there's nothing I can really do about that.

Lavender Hope said...

I'm still looking at that little excerpt...
'I'm not a fly.' That's exactly what I would really say! :P

Lavender Hope said...


Well, I can believe the little description you put, but I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that you're 16, too...

Lavender Hope said...

Every time I reread that, I laugh.

'Skulduggery looked dazed.' haha :P

Ebony Law said...

You're right. I'm actually four, and not too long ago I TRIED TO KILL MYSELF.


Lavender Hope said...

Now your just lying about your age.

But I KNOW you tried to kill yourself, and I don't want you to try again.

Lavender Hope said...

Okay, really. How old are you? Tell me the truth. Please.

Ebony Law said...


Lavender Hope said...

You're telling the truth? Really?

If you're 16, when were you born. What year?

Lavender Hope said...

If you're really my age, you would either have been born in the same year as me, or the year before me.

Ebony Law said...

Well, you tell me if you're sixteen, too.

Lavender Hope said...


So you want my birthday?

Lavender Hope said...

... Where are everyone else? I think Mist is still here, but where are the others? They should be here by now... I think.

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