Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas, minions!

My Christmas morning got off to a terrifying start.

Christmas Eve, you see, is the night when Laura and Katie come over. It's become sort of a tradition around here. They come over, we exchange presents, they go away with something really really expensive and I stay at home with something really really cheap. Usually a mug of some kind. But this year, Laura excelled herself. "What do you get the man who has everything?" she wondered. "Oh, I know. A Pac-Man alarm clock. Obviously."

So I naively set the alarm when I went to bed, planning on being up for about ten on Christmas morning. Nothing like a nice lie-in, I figured.

So there I was. Asleep. Dreaming of fluffy things you dream of when you're asleep. And then... oh dear God... The loudest, most abrupt alarm call ever blasted into my ear, the Pac-Man theme HAMMERING my tender, tender ear-drums as I woke suddenly and violently, thrashing about to visions of giant yellow circles chasing me through a maze.

Thank you, Laura. I am now terrified of my alarm. Thank you so much.

An hour later I was at my parents' house, ignoring everyone except my little niece Sophie, to whom I presented a huge Mickey and Minnie Mouse...

Presents were exchanged, and for once I got GOOD stuff. My mother dragged the heaviest punchbag you could buy into the living room, dumped it on the floor and gestured that it was for me before collapsing into a very dignified heap of exhaustion. My brother and sisters got me a smaller punchbag (the cheap kind) but that's okay. They did their best. And let's face it- it's a darn sight better than the bath matts they got me last year.

Then there was some visiting of the relatives, a part of Christmas I used to hate but now I enjoy (well, mostly). I usually use it as an excuse to just talk about me and how great I am. My aunts and uncles and cousins love that. They say they don't, but I know they do. I read between the lines. It's one of my gifts.

Then it was back to the parents' place, where my OTHER nieces joined us, and we had Christmas dinner and I got to watch the Doctor Who Christmas Special. I actually didn't think it was the best Christmas Special they'd ever had, even though Matt Smith is now officially my favourite Doctor ever, but it was saved by a wonderful final scene with Amy Pond. I love Amy Pond. Amy Pond rules.

And then I came home, and signed 13 copies of Death Bringer.

When my publishers sent me the books to sign for the competition winners they neglected to send me any copies of the latest book- so if any of you winners have received your prizes yet, you will have noticed you're one book short! Fear not- I am on the case, and will be personally sending you the latest book as soon as the Post Office reopens.

I've also been going through the entries to the Australia/NZ competition. I have a few possible choices for the female Australian character, but the NZ male character still hasn't been decided. Kiwis, you have a week to dream up someone new before I have to choose. Granted, I haven't gone through ALL of the entries yet, so I may have missed the perfect male character, but you still have a chance to win- so get to it!

And so, to end this Blog entry, I figured I'd post two more pictures of my cats. This is one of them, in a box.

And this is another one, who has found a fantastic new sleeping place in my sock drawer.

Merry Christmas, my loyal minions.


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Tava Taluie said...

... Nobody has commented yet?

Tava Taluie said...

Yay! I'm first!! :D

Dhodgkinson said...

wooohooo, second :)

Alexis A. said...


Alexis A. said...

(>^.^)> MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<(^.^<)

Alexis A. said...


Quinnera Elviana: 5th Seat of the Council of the Lost Ones said...


Or boxing day, I suppose :P

Alexis A. said...

I don't think I've been this close to the first page before.

Anyone on? I wouldn't be surprised if most are at a relatives place. I'm at my relatives house, at a Christmas party, and using my dads iPhone to escape the monotony of the party.

Jervis Tetch said...

Golden God, I..

I'm at a loss of words. Here I am, staring at the part about the Christmas Doctor Who special- and then I see it.
The terrible statement that someone views Matt Smith as the best Doctor and that Amy Pond is awesome.

Granted, I haven't actually SEEN any of Matt Smith's Doctor Who episodes (Bar the first episode with the 'delete your history' line) but I am so fiercely protective of David Tennant and Donna Noble that I just cannot watch the new series.

One of my friends has been watching and has been pestering me to watch it as well as it 'is not that bad', but as of so far I have not been swayed. Now someone as important as the Golden God Derek Landy has said that it's the best thing since sliced bread I jsut don't know what to do with myself.

Now, to get to the point. Merry Christmas! (Or Boxing Day, if people are Australian and Kiwi like myself)

Alexis A. said...

Deck the halls with revolver nicks,
Fa la la la la, la la la la. 
Tis the season to give bad guys a kick, 
Fa la la la la, la la la la. 

Don we now our black attire, 
Fa la la, la la la, la la la. 
And tailored suits to look much wiser, 
Fa la la la la, la la la la. 

Make our enemies catch on fire, 
Fa la la la la, la la la la. 
And make the situation look less dire,
Fa la la la la, la la la la. 

Obtain the skill, wit, and measure, 
Fa la la la la, la la la la. 
And create a battle worth a treasure, 
Fa la la la la, la la la la. 

Defeat the gods, zombies, and demons, 
Fa la la la la, la la la la. 
Hurl fire and shadows to make 'em run screaming, 
Fa la la la la, la la la la. 

Skul and Val will work together, 
Fa la la la la, la la la la. 
And keep us safe from now to forever, 
Fa la la la la, la la la la!!!

Merry Holidays! :3

Adra Cruciatus said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS from America, Derek! to let yo know, I asked for all the books on audiotape, and UNFORTUNATELY, I didn't get ANY. At all. Ruined my day... On the bright side, I did get a Sok Monkey hat. HIP HIP
I really don't know WHY I jsut shared that information... I honestly don't. Yes, and when you have a movie, make sure there is an box game of SP... y'know... if there is a game... :D
and have a good Boxing Day!!!
~Adrasdos Dark
P.s. I haven't sent the letter yet, BUT I promise I'll do so soon!

Mar-Chu said...

.......okay, was I the only one who pictured Derek popping out of a massive box when he said 'Personally Deliver'?

Dear Lord.

Your cats are AWESOME! We should all sleep in sock drawers. Save the world, y'know. Support wildlife. Throw a party.

I was suddenly remembered that I'm in Florida...

...and the books are coming to our home, in Cleveland. I mean, we held the mail and all, so even if the books do come the...the...weird... *hiccup* I mean, it's not possible that...that the...that...THAT THOSE OTHER PEOPLE WILL GET OUR MAIL AGAIN, AND THEY'LL GET THE BOOKS!!!!! I'm terrified of that. It never occurred to me that THEY'LL GET THE BOOKS before, but I was thinking...and I thought- DEAR GOD THEY COULD BE BOOK THIEVES!

So I've been sitting particularly close to the kid on the bus and listening to his conversations. Is that dirty of me?

Gah...need to watch the special...


Okay, well, this comment is dragging a bit. Blame my new fractured toe I got when I leapt with joy at getting over a pound of books, and thus crashed into the table and was so pale I literally looked like a sheet.

Oh look. It's purple and blue now. HAR HAR HAAARRR!

Nye said...

You are the best person who ever lived ever, Derek.

Mar-Chu said...

....your clock is kinda cute.


But terrifying, all the same. It's still an alarm clock. COME, GOLDEN GOD! WE MUST RISE UP AND DESTROY THE ALARM NATION!

Mar-Chu said...

I can't stop looking at that pile of Death Bringer and giggling.



Mar-Chu said...

I feel like sharing CHRISTMAS LOVE!

...but there's no one here. Or IS there? Hmmm...

Mar-Chu said...

Ignore the Mar. She's ignoring her Father's rule that no one will refer to themselves in third person in her family.

Nuttermeg said...

Wow, now that I think about it, pac-man would be a horrifying game to live in, stuck with fellow ghosts, tormented, trying desperatly to protect the endangered white dot species. While a yellow sphere eating macheine is on your tail, eating everything in sight, even you and your friends!
Anyway, merry... uh... Boxing Day?
Yep, Merry Boxing Day to all! And to all a good, erm... box.

Mar-Chu said...

Ratchet: Write, Mar.
Mar: Woah! Where the heck did you come from?!
Ratchet: Your inner mind.

Alexis A. said...

I'm dying from boredom. And I'm praying I get a fedora as a present

Anonymous said...

I'm already 469 pages in.
And when I read "Kallista Pendragon" and "Rosella Embers" I laughed out loud and startled a few people, because that was just AWESOME Derek XD

Mar-Chu said...

What IS boxing day anyway?

And what's bonfire day?

Mar-Chu said...

LOL Pandora!

Mar-Chu said...


Ratchet: I'll talk to you, Mar.
Mar: Shut up! You're fictional.
March: Well, so am I.
Mar: But you're just ME.
March: That portrays you.
Mar: ???

Nuttermeg said...

Boxing Day = Day after christmas, the name is when you take all the gifts you don't want or the ones that have gotten old, box them, and give them to charity.
Bonfire day (don't ask how I know this, it's an english holiday) = After a nutjob tried to blow up Downing Street (English Parliment) he was attempted to be hung drawn and quatered, but I think he killed himself before that, anyway. They burned him in one way or another and since then on one random day or another, the English get togother and burn a scarecrow of the nutjob and have a few beers and a barbie while their at it.
Fun ain't it?

Mar-Chu said...

*is reading*


Would that be...Ramses? Or...

Ratchet: An elf!

Alexis A. said...

Wasn't the nut job who tried to blow up Parliament Guy Fawkes?

Mar-Chu said...

Cool~ Whoever invented Boxing Day's a genius!

And...Bonfire day's just weird. No offense, English.

Nuttermeg said...

What are you reading exactly? And what do you mean by 'crimson denizien'?

Mar-Chu said...

*eyes pop out of head*



Nuttermeg said...


Mar-Chu said...

Shakugan no Shana the light novel~


A crimson denizen...

...look it up. It's really, REALLY complicated saying that this's the third or second or so book.

Mar-Chu said...

*coughs slightly*

Mar and March: I DID NOT!

Mar-Chu said...

Every time I try and crack my toes I move my fractured one, get all light-headed, and have to lie down again.

Nuttermeg said...

Hmm... Shakugn no Shana, sounds like a job for Wikipedia! (superman theme song start HERE)

Alexis A. said...

I actually love Guy Fawkes. Without him, V for Vendetta wouldn't have been born. And I love V in an almost creepy way.

Nuttermeg said...

I'm really closed off from the movie world. What's V for Vendetta?

Mar-Chu said...

Isn't V for Vendetta a TV show?

*is oblivious*

Mar-Chu said...

OH! Well, duh.

It's not Ramses! That's an Egyptian Pharaoh! It's Lamies. COMPLETELY different.

Nuttermeg said...

I don't know, whenever there is a name of somthing I don't know of I assume it's a movie or something. Maybe it's from all my friends being movie buffs in one way or another.
One almost cried when I asked who Stanley Kubric was.

Mar-Chu said...


Favorite line in book:

"And it responded.
The book responded"

Alexis A. said...

V for Vendetta is a master piece. Albeit a bit old, still great. Starring Natalie Portman and Hugo Weaving.

Minnie said...

Merry Chrismas!!!!!!!!

Your niece is adorable, and OMG Derek, you love your cats so freaking much, don't deny it. =)

Glad you enjoyed your Christmas Day!

Mar-Chu said...

.......who IS Stanley Kubric?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

New Born by Muse.
Muse in general.

Mar-Chu said...

*has head stuck in a book, muttering little comments*

Mar-Chu said...

*slams book shut abruptly*

THAT'S IT!!!!!!

*goes to write*

Anonymous said...

Christmas is both craziness and chaos and hope and love here...
There are too many people in my house xL
All my brothers AND my step-family AND my grandparents.
I can't imagine what Tuesday's going to be like when EVERYONE's going to be there at my uncle's XD

Alexis A. said...

Still suffering from boredom... (T.T)

Anonymous said...



Nuttermeg said...

I know to much about this guy now:
He made 2001 a space oddessy, really advanced film for its age, the special effects are just MIND BOGGOLING for something made in the 1960's. If you've ever seen the parody where a monkey is banging bones together to make music, that was 2001. The whole movie is 3 hours + long and spans from 3000 B.C. to the year 2001.
He made the moviw version of Clockwork Orange (never ever watch this, never ever ever ever if you value your mind. I'm serious the book version is uncensored as hell and the movies worse.)
He also made one of the creepiest films to date, i can't really remember the name but it's fmous scene is where a little girl is standing alone in a long hallway saying "Play with me please."
Anyway, good movie maker? Yes. Made good films? Yes. Choose good film subjects to make films on? NO. Big NO.
I do not reccomend him, even if my friend worships him.

Anonymous said...


I feel like all caps today.
I'm currently fighting the desire to go curl back up with my book :I
Or go write... or... both... >,<

Anonymous said...

Strong words are exchanged between my dad and brothers.
I wonder if they'll get their room lock taken away today >xL

Alexis A. said...

I too get that feeling though I get it a few times a day...

Nuttermeg, who're you talking about?

Anonymous said...


I must give in.
Goodbyeeeee Blogland, and gooodbyyyeee Derek. I must go read/write before sudden and immediate combustion of the mind takes place.

Anonymous said...

Okay, now I can leave in peace. d: <3

Alexis A. said...

Lates Pandora. Hope your mind doesn't combust.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


I get a comment on Page 1!!!¡¡¡!!!

Hi all!!!¡¡¡!!!

Jervis Tetch said...

Nuttermeg, A Clockwork Orange is the best! I suppose the younger audiences are frowned upon in watching it, but it's still brilliant.

I only watched it this year though, and if I watched at 13 instead of 15 that I am now, I don't think I would have such a positive reaction to it.

And do you mean The Shining? I'm not completely sure, I wasn't too fond of that movie...

Alexis A. said...

Hey Pyro.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Kim!!!¡¡¡!!!

Alexis A. said...

Get any snazzy Christmas presents?

Nuttermeg said...

That's it! The Shining, I never remember that.
Anyway, I'm not saying that Clockwork Orange a bad film, apparatenly it's really good, the words 'never ever ever ever' come from the rest of my movie buff friends.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Not really, Octa and I got a board game between us. I got a book.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Still, I got some donations towards a laptop so I shan't complain. ^^

Jervis Tetch said...

Yes, it's a 'never ever ever' if you value being in the right frame of mind XD

Your friend is only trying to protect you and your poor untainted innocence, you should be proud to have them as a friend :'I

Alexis A. said...

Nice. Hopefully I get something snazzy when I open presents (please be a fedora!)

And I'm so bored I've been reduced to making Skulduggery themed carols. My Deck the Halls one is somewhere at the top.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Wow! That's still awesome, even if it is due to boredom.

And even though I didn't get the greatest presents, this has been the best Xmas ever!!!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Kal!!!¡¡¡!!!


Alexis A. said...

Hey Kal!

Nicole Cerundolo said...

Hello everyone! Merry Christmas!

nights.raven said...

Merry Christmas, Derek!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Hope u all had a great day!

Nicole Cerundolo said...

Merry Christmas raven!

nights.raven said...

Merry Christmas, Nicole!

Nicole Cerundolo said...

^^ Can't believe it's almost over... :'(

nights.raven said...

me neither

Nicole Cerundolo said...

I mean... it just got here...


All this hype, and now... it's... it's nearly gone... *sniffle*

Sparky Braginski said...

I had better be on that female list.

I'll die if I'm not.

MERRY CHRISTMAS LAURA, I LOVE PACMAN! (Especially the scary ones)

I bet Val V is happy.

Holly said...

80th? I don't know if people are going to abandon the meme-filled blog post for this one, even though it's not yet reached 5000 comments yet.

Sparky Braginski said...


Vex called Skulduggery a Turnip.

Derek, I have just learnt that turnips, was in fact embedded in my head and took 2 and a half months to surface!



*thinks for a second*

Scratch that last bit.

Sparky Braginski said...

And now, I play with my day-old Christmas presents.

Specifically, Sims 3.

Even more specifically, my two Housemates Tanith Low and Ghastly Bespoke.

Who both work as spies.


Sparky Braginski said...


Sparky Braginski said...

It is also within my power to torture them with a pet tiger.

Nicole Cerundolo said...

Ahhh... I have Sims 3, but it crashes on my comp so I got Sims 2... XP

Sparky Braginski said...

Though personally, I think that my Dalek alarm clock is scarier. Without knowing what it did, I set it for 7:00am and there is no volume control. I'm lying asleep and suddenly:

'EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!' right next to my head.

The previous night I watched the final ninth doctor episode for the first time.

I was VERY scared.

Sparky Braginski said...

Into the house...

Alexis A. said...

I have Sims 3 too! It came with a fancy flash drive. And now were opening presents! Brb!

Sparky Braginski said...

Yesterday was Christmas for me and we had lunch with the family.

The most exciting thing that happened there was me scaring my uncle.

My Russia death stare is complete.

Mar-Chu said...

Heh...was writing...


*runs away*

nights.raven said...

i gtg, bye all

Nicole Cerundolo said...

Aww, night everyone. Merry Christmas.

Sabrina said...

Have you read the Fanfictions yet Mr. Landy? Remember you said you'd read mine.

Sparky Braginski said...

I'm still here Nicole.

Making the Legend said...

Wow! That's terrifying. I once found this alarm clock that would wake yo with different sayings by famous guys, mostly threatening you to get out of bed or they'd hurt you. I wanted it so bad... I got Death Bringer for Christmas. I thought that only Shawn Spencer from Psych could laugh in the face of danger like Sulman does in the book, but I was clearly wrong.

Speaking of which, I would like to introduce you to Shawn and Gus, from the detective show Psych. It's alot like SP with the witty replies and such and I think that you would like all the obscure movie references that they make. I will say that Psychic Dectective is my new dream job, although the fact that I am neither psychic, hyper-observant, or good at drawing quick conclusions might stand in the way, but I just gotta work through it. Really, try it. Look it up on Netflix or Youtube or Hulu or something and just give it a shot. I am addicted and cant sleep at night without watching at least one episode. If you stay up all night watching it and fall asleep in the early morning hours, your alarm clock can wake you up.

Have fun Derek! I would say that you should expect to see me in the new year, but the way that the airfares are moving, I dont think I can.


Nicole Cerundolo said...

Hehe. I need to write some more... I've been putting it off with so much WORK I've been getting in school. It's insane. But I DO have my book report on SKP 6, and I will mail it to you as soon as I remember at a reasonable hour.

Sparky Braginski said...


Tanith has a wish. I like this wish. It says:

'Kiss Ghastly for the First Time'


Nicole Cerundolo said...

What... what are you talking about? *raises an eyebrow*

Sparky Braginski said...

Sims 3.

Nicole Cerundolo said...

AHHH. I get it. I need to make epic characters on Sims. Like SKP. or Furuba.

Sparky Braginski said...

I wish I could make a skeleton...

It would DEFINATLY be Skulduggery and China.

In the mean time, I'm thinking about having the Edgley family...

Nicole Cerundolo said...

XD Epic. But-- to explain-- Furuba (Fruits Basket) is an anime/manga I adore. XD <3 Kyo-kun...

Sparky Braginski said...


Austria and Hungary. England and Amer...

Never mind.

Nicole Cerundolo said...

...Sparky? You still there?

Sparky Braginski said...


Sparky Braginski said...

They're going to lunch together.

Nicole Cerundolo said...


Sparky Braginski said...

SIMS 3 Nicole!

Nicole Cerundolo said...

I know... I know...


I'm just viewing it as a person randomly walking into the conversation, for at the present time it is just us two, and I am creating the illusion of, um, more people...

God, this sounds random...

Just... Just ignore what I say and hope the Golden God will come save this conversation/monologue.

Sparky Braginski said...


I would love it if he came here for new years...

Nicole Cerundolo said...

That WOULD be nice, wouldn't it? It would be even greater if he came on NOW... NOW??? ... NOW.




Sparky Braginski said...


Alexis A. said...

If Derek comes on while I'm here it will be a Christmas miracle.

Sparky Braginski said...


(hint hint)

Alexis A. said...

And I didn't get a fedora (fooey) BUT I did get some Christmas cookie flavored soap. And, to make it the best thing ever, IT'S FOAMY!!!! :D

Sparky Braginski said...

I wanted a fez.

Alexis A. said...


Sparky Braginski said...

Sorry, had to go for a bit.

Jervis Tetch said...

'Christmas cookie flavoured soap'

You didn't eat it, did you? XD

Sparky Braginski said...

I hope she didn't.

Sparky Braginski said...


Sparky Braginski said...

No one?

Sparky Braginski said...

This is ridiculous.

Jervis Tetch said...

It's odd for such a slowdown in talking, I would think

Sparky Braginski said...


Why weren't you talking?

Alexis A. said...

Sorry for disappearing randomly but I'm really signing off now. BUT FIRST! Some Skulduggery Carols will be presented in the next few posts.

Sparky Braginski said...


Alexis A. said...

Deck the halls with revolver nicks,
Fa la la la la, la la la la. 
Tis the season to give bad guys a kick, 
Fa la la la la, la la la la. 

Don we now our black attire, 
Fa la la, la la la, la la la. 
And tailored suits to look much wiser, 
Fa la la la la, la la la la. 

Make our enemies catch on fire, 
Fa la la la la, la la la la. 
And make the situation look less dire,
Fa la la la la, la la la la. 

Obtain the skill, wit, and measure, 
Fa la la la la, la la la la. 
And create a battle worth a treasure, 
Fa la la la la, la la la la. 

Defeat the gods, zombies, and demons, 
Fa la la la la, la la la la. 
Hurl fire and shadows to make 'em run screaming, 
Fa la la la la, la la la la. 

Skul and Val will work together, 
Fa la la la la, la la la la. 
And keep us safe from now to forever, 
Fa la la la la, la la la la!!!

Alexis A. said...


Alexis A. said...

O Skulduggery! O Skulduggery!
Thy wit and skill is amazing;
O Skulduggery! O Skulduggery!
Thy wit and skill is amazing;
With a skeletal frame, and a fancy hat,
You'll shoot down bad guys, just like that.
O Skulduggery! O Skulduggery!
Thy wit and skill is amazing!

O Valkyrie! O Valkyrie!
Dark and mysterious are thee;
O Valkyrie! O Valkyrie!
Dark and mysterious are thee;
With a large burden and an awful fate,
You'll still be fighting at any rate!
O Valkyrie! O Valkyrie!
Dark and mysterious are thee.

O Ghastly! O Ghastly!
Loyal and fair, you'll always be!
O Ghastly! O Ghastly!
Loyal and fair, you'll always be!
From sewing clothes, to punching fists,
You'll get the girl and regain your wit.
O Ghastly! O Ghastly!
Loyal and fair, you'll always be!

O Tanith Low! O Tanith Low!
Your youth and fun will never grow old!
O Tanith Low! O Tanith Low!
Your youth and fun will never grow old!
Wielding sword and racing bike,
All that leather provides an edge and bite.
O Tanith Low! O Tanith Low!
Your youth and fun will never grow old!

(Just for fun. (; )
O Golden God! O Golden God! 
Our master and a mastermind. 
O Golden God! O Golden God!
Our master and a mastermind.
How can you write such works of art?
Have minions follow you both day and dark. 
O Golden God! O Golden God!
Our master and a mastermind!

Alexis A. said...


Sparky Braginski said...

Oh Christmas Tree. I like it.

Alexis A. said...

Now I must really be going. I may come up with more tomorrow... Remember, 'there's twelve whole days of Christmas!'
And say if a certain author would want to point out my Christmas works it would be a great gift. *hint, hint*
Cya! And MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kribu said...

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays. Or the weekend. Or the last week of the year. Or... something.

(Oh, and while I do like Matt Smith as Eleven, no one, and I mean NO one, can ever top Three as my favourite Doctor. Now that was a real man - well-dressed, suave, extremely assured of his own superiority, drove a vintage car, and punched people a lot.)

Sparky Braginski said...



Even though Matt Smith is my fav. David Tennant is a very close second.

Sparky Braginski said...

And, for once, Must dissagree with the Golden God. Donna Noble. The Doctor Donna. We must never forget how much everyone cried. If you didn't cry, I dislike you. Unless that is Derek, whome I would kiss the ground he walked on as a toddler. Amy is my third favourite. After Rory. Rory is my all-time (not including Donna) favourite. No one beats Rory.

Kribu said...

I haven't forgotten about Ten. I just didn't like him much. (I like David Tennant. He's a good actor - I've even seen him on stage - and seems like a genuinely nice man. But Ten is quite possibly my least favourite Doctor.)

I should try and watch the Christmas special. As much as I like Eleven and Amy and Rory, I gave up on season six about three episodes before the end and haven't had the slightest inclination to watch any more DW since.

Izz said...

Ah blogland.... It's good to have friends

Jervis Tetch said...

Poor, poor David Tennant Doctor. I thought everyone viewed him as the very best besides Tom Baker, but it seems I am mistaken.

But whatever, the only actual BAD character is Amy Pond. She's just totally annoying and unlikeable, I'm afraid to say. Perhaps I have just gotten too high an expectation because of Donna.

On the subject of sub subject of David Tennant, does anyone else think he would make a great Scapegrace if a movie does ever finally come out? Or am I just all alone in thinking that haha.

Izz said...

REALLY! I loved david as the Doctor!!! he was the best. I think Matt does well too.

Izz said...


My mum doesn't like Doctor Who. She makes it painful to watch.

somebody said...

Where's this LATEST BOOK at? Gimmie!

Sparky Braginski said...

It wouldn't be hard to prove I like Doctor Who.

Remote Control Dalek
Dalek Alarm Clock
Sound Effect Key-ring
Sonic Screwdriver Personalisation Kit
11th Sonic Screwdriver Projector
11 Doctor Action Figure Box Set

Sparky Braginski said...

There's still more...

Izz said...

Nice Sparky. I would get a sonic screwdriver but I would just get disappointed each time it didn't work.

Jervis Tetch said...

I have uh

A tiny Weeping Angel

(AS well as books from the much older series)

Sparky Braginski said...

David as Scapegrace?

David is too hot. Simple. I refuse to have a Scapegrace who I think is attractive. Nuuh.

Izz said...

I wouldn't mind. it would make it easier for me to accept my fate

Jervis Tetch said...

Scapegrace is clearly the most drop dead gorgeous character in the entire series.


Izz said...

It would be better for me if he was...

Kribu said...

I could see Tennant as Scapegrace. I really could. He can do whiny and annoying really well.

I don't have a lot of DW stuff, but I do have a cute little model Bessie (Three's lovely yellow vintage car) and a Three action figure and a Sea Devil action figure. And all books featuring Three. And all Target novelisations of the Three stories.

Er. I might be a tiny bit obsessed with Three.

Jervis Tetch said...

In my defense, if you look at Tom's concept art for him he's not actually all that bad looking!

no i dont have a total crush on scapegrace what is this ridiculous nonsense what a terrible notion to be had

Sparky Braginski said...

I agree that he would be perfect for Scapegrace. But Tennant is drop-dead gorgeous. Which is not a quality Vaurien should posess.

Karen would be REALLY good at Scorn though. Pretty and evil.

Izz said...

Mel. Is that a bunch of different coloured Batmans on you profile pic??

Izz said...

Yeah and Sparky, I always thought of Scapegrace as quite short.

Izz said...

Oh and Sparky.... did I apologise for the stalking thing the other day?

If not I'm sorry if I freaked you out but I WAS bored.

Sparky Braginski said...

I think he's average. Average height, weight and strength. The only thing he's good at is being moronic.

And yet I pity the poor guy...

Sparky Braginski said...

And Izz, you freaked me out big time. VERY big time.


Jervis Tetch said...

Yes, it's from an actual comic; though it doesn't say fabulous in the actual one, obviously.

But hilarity would ensue if it did.

Izz said...

Yeah. I have a friend who loves Batman. She'd like that pic.

And sorry again Sparky. I really was bored and that's just my sense of humour.
I wasn't really going to stalk you.
I mean seriously.
I'm like, 14.

Jervis Tetch said...

Pretending to be creepy online is such a fun past time, especially in chat rooms.

I have a habit of banding up with two of my online friends and we make it our objective to creep people out on Zwinky.

We lead such fufilling and meaningful lives, we do.

Izz said...

Yeah you know what you should do?

You should actually go up to a random person and tell them they're in a coma, that none of this is real and all that. then walk away and act as if nothing happened. Do it with your friends so it's more believable.

Then you can go get some KFC and giggle about the poor person's inevitable confusion.

Jervis Tetch said...

Oh how I wish I could grab some KFC, but being in a rural town in the middle of the country takes such a privilege away from me. It's heartbreaking, really.

But what if I were to approach someone diagnosed with schizophrenia and they yell at me that they know, and then I soon find out a few seconds later they have violent and murderous tendencies as well?

This is obviously what would happen in such a situation, and I would end up face down in the street with red pooling out of me.

And then I would haunt you, Izz.


Izz said...

Which is probably a lot worse than stalking....

I live in a rural town too. But I'm in Melbourne for Christmas.

What would be worse is if the person WASN'T diagnosed and everyone thought they were normal. Then they wouldn't be on any meds.

Ok NOW I'm scared.

Jervis Tetch said...



And everyone is just acting so we think we are not.

Izz said...


What if the real reality is in our dreams and this is all fake!!
What if there are gods who treat us as pets!!


Izz said...

What if the Matrix movies are true!

Izz said...


Izz said...

We need the door locks back online!

Jervis Tetch said...



Ayesha said...

Lol Derek! That alarm clock seems evil! I have no use for an alarm clock because normally it doesn't mattter how annoying or loud that clock is, I will normally fall back asleep! :P Awww, your niece looks sooo cute! Lol, I watched the Doctor Who Christmas special and I loved it, though it may not have been the best one the end scene was really good! Matt Smith is amazing at playing the doctor and he's incredibly funny as well! Hmmm.....I really want a fez now...Fez's are cool! xD

Izz said...

Of course! Why didn't I think of that before!

Jervis Tetch said...

'Ello Ayesha

Don't mind us, we are just unveiling conspiracies that the world has been hiding from us.

You must believe us, don't be fooled by the Government; don't believe what they want you to believe!

Izz said...

Yeah. What she said.

Izz said...


Izz said...

What if Julia Gillard is a Lizard Person!

Izz said...

What if Obama is an alien satellite!!

Jervis Tetch said...

Control yourself!

We need to calm down and keep a clear head. Perhaps a glass of water will do the trick?


The water supply
I bet it's contaminated with chemicals
To make us believe
To make us believe the lies

Izz said...

WHAT IF THE WORLD ENDS IN 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Izz said...



Jervis Tetch said...


No what are you talking about

Of course the apocalypse is not going to bring itself about in 2012, utter pish posh

Izz said...

Oh. damn. My parents think I need a life. I have to go for a walk.

Bye for now!

(what if these computers are just another part of the conspiracy!)

Jervis Tetch said...


~Acacia Volt~ said...

Merry Christmas, Dear Derek. :)

Would you like to know what I received for Christmas? I bet you would, well, I unwrapped a nice solid present at 5:30AM, expecting it to be… oh, I really don’t know. Anyway, I was unwrapped and I burst into a laughing fit of hysterics as I stared at my brand new plank of wood.

I think you’ll be happy to know that I am currently turning that plank of wood into a hat rack :)

Pacman reminds me of two things: Scott Pilgrim and cupcakes. A few weeks ago I made cupcakes and iced them with little Pacman ghosts and the yellow man himself. Now, whenever I make cupcakes I’ll be reminded of you. They shall be called Derekakes.

I quite happily went to the beach today, (I think that last time I went was last summer… yes, I live in Australia and I’m a sun hermit…) I was thinking about how impenetrable the sun is to my pale,pale skin, so white, it puts vampires to shame.

I am now a lobster. :D

Enjoy the rest of your holiday season and DRINK MORE TEA!

xxx ~ S'K

Sparky Braginski said...

This world is all inside of Ivan Braginski's head.

That is why everyone is drink and warring.

Or... None of this is real. Nothing. This reality is just a play-thing in the mind of some sort of super being.

Jervis Tetch said...

Well the world clearly isn't in Mr Kirkland's head, as there would Flying Mint Bunnies rampaging throughout the streets.

Sparky Braginski said...


While I was washing my hair I had an epiphany. The best character in Doctor Who, including Donna and the Doctors, is River Song.

Amy can't beat her, Rory can't beat her, Weeping Angels can't beat her. Tha frigging Daleks can't beat her and she nearly killed the Doctor. Three times.

Sparky Braginski said...

Every time I see a bunny or anything mint I yell:

Flying Mint Bunny!

At the top of my voice. Only one of my friends has seen Hetalia. I call a different one Greece and another Alfred. They are all girls.

Jervis Tetch said...

One of my more distant friends introduced it to to me early last year.

She calls me Austria and I call her Canada >:T

Jervis Tetch said...

Also I feel the need to post this:

The Wannabe-Author said...

Hi. Its boxing day now so I'm not going to wish you happy christmas, so don't expect me to. Anyway, your christmasses sound weird... I mean interesting... no, I mean weird. You got two punchbags???? 0o Anyhow, have a happy... And now you CAN box on boxing day because you have two punchbags!!!! YAY!!!

Shadow Whispers said...

Merry christmas Derek and a happppy new year when it comes around..... My little brother has taken to singing I want a hippopotomus (I can't spell...) for christmas as he dances around the house... I am trying not to punch him, it is however not going well, I fear I may have given him a black eye... then he told me I can't build the harry potter lego :'(

Niamhy Jay said...


Shadow Whispers said...

hola NJ! *hug*

lilian.thigh said...

The unadulterated joy of giant Disney plushies AND Doctor Who in one post. I want to devour this blog with my love.

Octa said...




Octa said...

Ok. To comment on the post. That alarm clock is awesome! YAY! I don't know whov my favourite Doctor is! I love them all!

Also is your cat sitting in the box because it secretly hopes it will end up in the Doctor Who Narnia planet?

Also my books have yet to arrive. I can see them waiting all piled up. But they haven't arrived. Oh well. SOOON! SOOOOOOON!

Shadow Whispers said...

I meant merry boxing day.... christmas is over *facepalm*

Shadow Whispers said...

top comment! I dedicate this page to everybody, cause your all nice people

lilian.thigh said...

Excuse me while I be a wannabe Sherlock: Mickey and Minnie look remarkably like the Disneyland designs. Though they might have been shipped over; Mickey looks a bit beaten up. I AM SUCH A DISNEY GEEK I CAN TELL THESE THINGS.

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