Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas, minions!

My Christmas morning got off to a terrifying start.

Christmas Eve, you see, is the night when Laura and Katie come over. It's become sort of a tradition around here. They come over, we exchange presents, they go away with something really really expensive and I stay at home with something really really cheap. Usually a mug of some kind. But this year, Laura excelled herself. "What do you get the man who has everything?" she wondered. "Oh, I know. A Pac-Man alarm clock. Obviously."

So I naively set the alarm when I went to bed, planning on being up for about ten on Christmas morning. Nothing like a nice lie-in, I figured.

So there I was. Asleep. Dreaming of fluffy things you dream of when you're asleep. And then... oh dear God... The loudest, most abrupt alarm call ever blasted into my ear, the Pac-Man theme HAMMERING my tender, tender ear-drums as I woke suddenly and violently, thrashing about to visions of giant yellow circles chasing me through a maze.

Thank you, Laura. I am now terrified of my alarm. Thank you so much.

An hour later I was at my parents' house, ignoring everyone except my little niece Sophie, to whom I presented a huge Mickey and Minnie Mouse...

Presents were exchanged, and for once I got GOOD stuff. My mother dragged the heaviest punchbag you could buy into the living room, dumped it on the floor and gestured that it was for me before collapsing into a very dignified heap of exhaustion. My brother and sisters got me a smaller punchbag (the cheap kind) but that's okay. They did their best. And let's face it- it's a darn sight better than the bath matts they got me last year.

Then there was some visiting of the relatives, a part of Christmas I used to hate but now I enjoy (well, mostly). I usually use it as an excuse to just talk about me and how great I am. My aunts and uncles and cousins love that. They say they don't, but I know they do. I read between the lines. It's one of my gifts.

Then it was back to the parents' place, where my OTHER nieces joined us, and we had Christmas dinner and I got to watch the Doctor Who Christmas Special. I actually didn't think it was the best Christmas Special they'd ever had, even though Matt Smith is now officially my favourite Doctor ever, but it was saved by a wonderful final scene with Amy Pond. I love Amy Pond. Amy Pond rules.

And then I came home, and signed 13 copies of Death Bringer.

When my publishers sent me the books to sign for the competition winners they neglected to send me any copies of the latest book- so if any of you winners have received your prizes yet, you will have noticed you're one book short! Fear not- I am on the case, and will be personally sending you the latest book as soon as the Post Office reopens.

I've also been going through the entries to the Australia/NZ competition. I have a few possible choices for the female Australian character, but the NZ male character still hasn't been decided. Kiwis, you have a week to dream up someone new before I have to choose. Granted, I haven't gone through ALL of the entries yet, so I may have missed the perfect male character, but you still have a chance to win- so get to it!

And so, to end this Blog entry, I figured I'd post two more pictures of my cats. This is one of them, in a box.

And this is another one, who has found a fantastic new sleeping place in my sock drawer.

Merry Christmas, my loyal minions.


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Zathract Mist said...

You click on it.

Nixion Strange said...

ah, there you go

Nixion Strange said...

Invitation no longer valid
The invitation link that you tried has already been used. Please ask the Blog administrator to send you another invitation.

Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...

Done. You're an Author...changing to Admin now.

Zathract Mist said...

Should i remove your school one?

Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...

You haven't written out that thing for Lynxia yet, have you?

Nixion Strange said...

yes, remove the school one

Nixion Strange said...

im writing it

Nixion Strange said...

i so prefer my old one...

Zathract Mist said...


Nixion Strange said...

can you put links up too all the blogs i used to ollow
Just click on my old profile. I'll do some, and you do some

Zathract Mist said...


Nixion Strange said...

never mind

Star Inkbright said...

Golden god nix, i'm so sorry . . . At least you're trying to get it sorted now, a new email address is better than nothing, i guess . . .

Nixion Strange said...

hang on... im goin to make my new profile an admin to my blog

Nixion Strange said...

new email doesn't change the fact that i'll only be here for a few hours a week...

Star Inkbright said...

Wow, look how many comments appeared while i was reading through . . .

Star Inkbright said...

Nope. But hopefully you'll find a way. Tons of people have 'left' the blog, and they've always been back on soon.

And, like i said, better than nothing.

Zathract Mist said...

Zathract Mist said...



Well you SHOULD be!!

Zathract Mist said...


Sparky, get on!

Zathract Mist said...


Eve, get on!

Star Inkbright said...

Wow, that's a lot of blogs!


And, you don't need to bother with inkstar midnight. That's just a decoy blog for my parents.

Eve the ROCK said...

Dinner. Bye!

*hugs mist and leaves on a train*

Star Inkbright said...

*laughs* As mist commands, so eve shall appear . .

Zathract Mist said...

Bye, Eve...

Just so you know, Nix, "My Crazy Stories" is a decoy blog for my parents.

Unapplicable. said...

Bye Eve

Nixion Strange said...

im here

Star Inkbright said...

Inkstar midnight is a decoy!

That reminds me, i should probs post summat on it . . . So not to arouse suspicion.

Star Inkbright said...

Hi cal!

Zathract Mist said...

Yeah well read through all those bloody comments then.

Unapplicable. said...

Hey Star!

Nixion Strange said...

i had to sign on as my old profile, send my new profile an invite, go on my new profile, acept the invie, go to my old profile, make my new profile an admin, go to my new profile, remove my lod profile from an aithor and admin

Star Inkbright said...

Hey star?

Hey star???

Thanks, but . . . What about nix and mist?

Zathract Mist said...



Star Inkbright said...

Sounds complicated nix.

*frowns* I always say nix and mist when i say nix and mist coz of nix and mist.

Does that make sense?

Unapplicable. said...

What did I say wrong?

Zathract Mist said...

Who here has an iTouch?

Star Inkbright said...

I mean, i always call zath mist when i say nix and mist because of their story titled nix and mist.

Nixion Strange said...

No iTouch for me...

Zathract Mist said...

Do you have Facetime?
Sorry, I should have said "Who here wants to FaceTime?".

Star Inkbright said...

Doesn't everybody here know all about my electrical devices?

I have:

My phone.

The ipad.

The laptop.

The mini laptop.

Nixion Strange said...

i want to, but i probs won't
What's facetime?

Unapplicable. said...

I don't have a camera on my iTouch. But I could use my sister's instead and yes she has FaceTime...

Zathract Mist said...

You talk to people over speech and cam.

Star Inkbright said...

Ah, i remember now.

Today, i am going to get skype. *nods*

Nixion Strange said...

no more laptop... i can't believe i'm going to fail my history test. I worked so hard on those study notes, looked up so much evidence... but i can't print it or look at it

Nixion Strange said...

no webcame...

Nixion Strange said...


Star Inkbright said...

Gtg bb in 15

Nixion Strange said...

i hate this new profile

Zathract Mist said...

Freiza: No seriously, Kai-o-what?
Goku: Kio-Crap...
Freiza: I thought so.

-- Closing Theme --

King Yemma: Next...Strip...Next...Strip...Next...Strip...Next...Strip...Nice!
Recoome: Recoome thanks you.

Nixion Strange said...

Nixion Strange said...

and here's my goodbye to Lynxia
remember where it is, or copy it or something

Nixion Strange said...

The time I’ve spent with you as been some of the happiest of my fifteen years of life. You’ve made me laugh more than anyone else has. I can honestly say that you are the kindest, most caring person I know. So it really pains me to write this. My laptop, my only one, my school laptop, the one where I go to Blogland, has got viruses in it. The school will take it away, and because of the holidays, I won’t get it back for a while. The only time I can get on my home computer is a few hours a week. And because of the time difference, they probably won’t be hours where you’re on. After I get it back, the school will monitor what websites I go on, so I can’t go on blogs. I’ll still be around, but the chances of you and me meeting are slim, and if we do, it’ll only be for a couple of hours.
I’m more sorry then anyone that this has happened. I still love you, no matter what.
Nixion Strange

Zathract Mist said...

Vegeta: Kakarot...Kaaaaakarot...Kaaaaaaakaro- Argh, screw this, WAKE UP, DUMBASS!
Goku: Vegeta?!
Vegeta: Kakarot. You are failing your race. Freiza is far stronger than anyone you have ever faced before. Inside you there-
Goku: Why are you naked?
Vegeta: -Is a...What?
Goku: You're naked. Why?
Vegeta: I...Idiot, you don't take your clothes with you when you die.
Goku: I did.
Vegeta: ...What?!
Goku: Yeah. I even took my weighted clothes with me. And I didn't even die in those.
Vegeta: ...That lying, fat motherf*cker!

Nixion Strange said...


Zathract Mist said...

I'll make sure to tell her, Nix.

Nixion Strange said...

okay... what the hell was that?

Nixion Strange said...

and you tell her word for word

Star Inkbright said...


Nixion Strange said...

hey Star

Zathract Mist said...

I will.

Wb, Ink.


Nixion Strange said...

sorry Mist, but im not in the mood for writing right now
That okay?
I'll do it tomorrow

Unapplicable. said...

I'll be back.

Zathract Mist said...

Sure. Understandable, Nix.

Star Inkbright said...

I'll tell her, nix. I copied it.

Do you want me to email it to her?

Nixion Strange said...

yeah... i hate life

Nixion Strange said...

No, don't email it
I don't know why, i just don't want it emailed

Zathract Mist said...

No, don't email it. I'll tell her when she gets on...

Nixion Strange said...


Star Inkbright said...

K. I'll tell her it if someone hasn't already.

Eve the ROCK said...


Zathract Mist said...

*hugs Eve*


Eve the ROCK said...

Hi! *hugs back*

Zathract Mist said...

*flutters onto iPod*

Eve the ROCK said...

*reads through comments* what did you need to tell me before?


Eve, get on!"

Eve the ROCK said...


Nixion Strange said...

hey Eve

Eve the ROCK said...


Nixion Strange said...

If you see two Nixion Stranges following your blog, you can tell why

Eve the ROCK said...


Nixion Strange said...

... im bored

Zathract Mist said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Okay. *waits for mist*

*looks at Nix*

*throws an oven at him*

Nixion Strange said...

*gets hit with oven*

ughhh... im not bored anymore

Eve the ROCK said...

Yay! *throws purple bananas at Nix*

Nixion Strange said...

*catches banana*
Are these toxic?

Unapplicable. said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Hey calamity

Nixion Strange said...

*eats purple banana*

Zathract Mist said...

Boom. Back!

Nixion Strange said...

everyone comming back

Eve the ROCK said...

Help yourself, Nix.

Yay! Mist is back!

Zathract Mist said...

Damn it. Just go again. Be back in ten.

Nixion Strange said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Okay, bye mist!

I need to go too! Bye!

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Eve

Star Inkbright said...

I have returned . . .

Yep, loads of people coming back at once!

Nixion Strange said...

no, they're leaving

Unapplicable. said...

Haha, that was quick.

Nixion Strange said...

where is everyone? Sparky, Lav, Cal?

Star Inkbright said...

Oh. Right. Well, i'm back. Though i should be typing.

Nixion Strange said...

Hey Cal

Unapplicable. said...

Hey Nix. Erm - how are you feeling?

Star Inkbright said...

I want to do a vid, now.

*runs through times when i'll be able to*

Wednesday, i t-hink.

Nixion Strange said...

Im feeling lousy

Unapplicable. said...

Yeah that's understandable. When's your history?

Nixion Strange said...

tuesday... i need to print it and read it and edit it and add to it (not in that order obviously)
Im screwed

Star Inkbright said...

That sounds bad, nix.

Nixion Strange said...

and i gotta go soon...

Unapplicable. said...

On your birthday? That is so bull.
So it's an assessment rather than a test?

Nixion Strange said...

i need to do all that, but my laptop will be taken away tomorrow, and i won't get it back for a while

Nixion Strange said...

It's actually an essay
I need to print off my essay notes

Star Inkbright said...

Tests, assessments, exams, whatever, they're all similar.

Nixion Strange said...

and it accounts for a lot of my history grade...

Unapplicable. said...

Is there any way I can help you redo your notes?

Nixion Strange said...

so im really screwed

Star Inkbright said...


Nixion Strange said...

they only way you can help is to have a really good knowledge of the hisotry of Indegenous Australians, and have another copy of the table that i can fill out

Star Inkbright said...

I dedicate this page to the hope that nix won't fail his history test.

Nixion Strange said...

Star, please not the Derek copied thing again

Nixion Strange said...


Thank you. Far of dream, but thank you

Star Inkbright said...

Um, no. I've never done any australian history. Sorry.

Nixion Strange said...

exactly. I have to have evidence for it, so i can't wing it
Im so screwed

Nixion Strange said...

i can't just say my opinion, i have to have lots of evidence to back me up. Evidence that's impossible to remember, and all of it was on my table

Star Inkbright said...

I WAS gonna dedicate the page to inigo montoyo, but i decided against it.

I hate buttercup. She's really mean, when you think about it.

Nixion Strange said...

... buttercup?

Unapplicable. said...

Is Buttercup an orange tabby? In the movie, I mean?

Star Inkbright said...

Sorry have to go now bye

Unapplicable. said...

... And there's absolutely no way to recover that?

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Star

Nixion Strange said...

the only hope i have is that they get rid of the viruses quickly, within an hour or so, and give me the alptop back and the table isn't affected

Star Inkbright said...

No buttercup is the princess bride the one the prince wants to marry who is very beautiful and she and westerly love each other but she doesn't desevre it bye

Unapplicable. said...

Oh. I thought you were talking about the Hunger Games.

... Fingers are crossed for you, Nix.

Unapplicable. said...

I'll be right back.

Nixion Strange said...

It's not much of a hope. If im lucky, they'll give it back in a few days. Probably a week or so

Nixion Strange said...

and that would be Dinner
I won't be back on. Remember, my goodbye to Lynxia is on the last page

Bye Blogland

Zathract Mist said...

Is Eve coming back? :(

Zathract Mist said...

Bye, Nix...

Zathract Mist said...

*sighs and looks through comments*

Bye, Star...

Oh, Cal is coming back. Yay.

Zathract Mist said...

*sighs again*

I really didn't read much of the Hunger Games at all today...

Zathract Mist said...

That's bad. Must read.

Zathract Mist said...

Sith Lords For The Win!

Zathract Mist said...

*sits down*

Zathract Mist said...

Should I have another argument with myself?

Zathract Mist said...

I haven't had one for ages...

Zathract Mist said...

Since...before Nagier made his debut anyway.

Zathract Mist said...

*sighs for a third time*

Cal, get back here.

Zathract Mist said...


Gonna read HUNGER GAMES now.

Eve the ROCK said...


Unapplicable. said...


Unapplicable. said...

Whoop! Go read that book and regret nothing!

Unapplicable. said...

Is Eve still here?

Eve the ROCK said...

Yup...I think.

Eve the ROCK said...

Lynxia. Let me show you something Nix wrote.

Eve the ROCK said...

The time I’ve spent with you as been some of the happiest of my fifteen years of life. You’ve made me laugh more than anyone else has. I can honestly say that you are the kindest, most caring person I know. So it really pains me to write this. My laptop, my only one, my school laptop, the one where I go to Blogland, has got viruses in it. The school will take it away, and because of the holidays, I won’t get it back for a while. The only time I can get on my home computer is a few hours a week. And because of the time difference, they probably won’t be hours where you’re on. After I get it back, the school will monitor what websites I go on, so I can’t go on blogs. I’ll still be around, but the chances of you and me meeting are slim, and if we do, it’ll only be for a couple of hours.
I’m more sorry then anyone that this has happened. I still love you, no matter what.
Nixion Strange

Zathract Mist said...

And it's not me.
It's Primrose Everdeen.

Unapplicable. said...

What. Mist - what?

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Mist!

Lynxia Lost said...

*curls up under tree* We still might meet though, its not like he's completely gone...
*rests head on knees*

Zathract Mist said...

I'm trying to say that I just finished the first chapter. And Prim just had her name drawn.

Hi Eve!

Unapplicable. said...

Oh hi Lynxia. Didn't see that one coming. *cringe*

Unapplicable. said...

Oh right. Hahaha, I thought that you were calling yourself Prim and... yeah forget it.

Eve the ROCK said...

*kneels down to look at Lynxia* That's right. You'll see him again.

Zathract Mist said...

Oh...Hi Lynxia...

Lynxia Lost said...


*throws medals at wall*

I could have got here sooner!!!

Eve the ROCK said...

I may have to leave soon, to glue something together. It wobbly take TOO long.

Zathract Mist said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Wobbly? I meant Won't. Hehe.

*looks at Lynxia* oh, and nix has a new email address. Let me get it.

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Phoenix.

What's wrong, Mist?

Unapplicable. said...

Hi Flame.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

guys, this is actual beyond the point of ridiculous...

Eve the ROCK said...

Eve the ROCK said...

What do you mean, Phoenix?

Zathract Mist said...

He thinks we talk too much.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Like, can we actually not break a blog within say, 5 days?

and were gone well past 15 blogs broken

Unapplicable. said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Oh, right. *laughs* get over it, Phoenix. We're a chatty bunch.

Zathract Mist said...

Listen to the woman.

Eve the ROCK said...

Oh. *whistles*

Eve the ROCK said...

I'm not a woman. To be a woman, you need to be mature, or summything.

Zathract Mist said...

Then listen to Eve.

Flame Phoenix said...


Eve the ROCK said...


Aw. Glue time. I'll be back!

Unapplicable. said...

See you soon, Eve!

Zathract Mist said...



Eve the ROCK said...


Unapplicable. said...

That was... insanely fast.

Eve the ROCK said...

That's why it's called Insanely Fast Glue!

Flame Phoenix said...

is it really?

Zathract Mist said...

*glowers at*


Zathract Mist said...

Oh wait, there's one.

Lynxia Lost said...

Back and how can the post below us have 5014 comments?

Unapplicable. said...

Hahaha :)

Zathract Mist said...

Because it's special.

Unapplicable. said...

Does it really?

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