Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Ten Winners. Ahem.

I have just picked the winners.

Before I announce them, I'd just like to mention that Death Bringer is up for an Irish Book Award. Skulduggery has won for two consecutive years, so I really don't mind if I don't win this year- to be honest, I think I'm running out of people to insult in my speeches...! Death Bringer is in the Senior Children's Section, and you can look at the nominees here

For the first time I'm up against Darren Shan, who could very well topple me, as well as three other books that I've been hearing great things about. As usual, I'm asking you to be fair, and don't vote for me just because you're thinking of Skulduggery right at this moment... Look at the nominees, pick your favourite, and if you like any of them, vote.

(And then scroll down to the Popular Fiction award and vote for Cecelia Ahern- she's lovely!)

Whoever wins, Irish viewers will be able to see them accept their award on RTE in the last week of November, because the whole thing is going to be televised. Whenever I win I always seem to grin and smirk and tell everyone how great I am- and generally mock everyone else- so it might be a good idea if maybe I DIDN'T win this year! I sincerely don't think I could be remotely serious...

Anyway! On to the important announcement! The Friend Gets Friend winners! They are, in the order they came out of the hat:

Miss Arianna Dark



Asteria Wing

The BookNommer



Silke Gronau

Lauren Longbottom


Well done, the lot of you. But I'm not finished yet. I have decided that we're going to have two EXTRA winners, two people who were not picked at random but who still deserve SOMETHING. I know ALL of you deserve something, and I'd love to give ALL of you prizes, but there are only so many I can give out.

So, those two extra winners. The first is Valkyrie V, simply for throwing the best Skulduggery party I've seen...!

The second is Trinity Kal- or Kallista, as she is more commonly known. A lot of you guys put forward her name as someone who thoroughly deserves a prize for a multitude of reasons, and I happen to agree with every single one of them. Kallista has been here since the early days, and she's a wonderful example of a Minion- she's warm, funny, nice to everyone and she makes newcomers feel welcome. People commenting here for the first time look at her comments, look at the comments made by all of you, and they instantly know what kind of place this is. We do not tolerate bullying, we resolve our arguments, and we get back to being friends and having a laugh. Kallista exemplifies this wonderfully, so I'm delighted to extend the number of winners to include her.

Oh, and Thalia? For winning the Halloween competition last week, you get the same prize as these guys. I couldn't NOT include you.

So now, all you winners, all thirteen of you, need to send your home addresses to my publisher's email- Mark it "Skulduggery Competition". Once we have your addresses, we'll figure out the prizes and send them off. I don't know when they'll be sent, but probably sometime over the next week or two. Hopefully.

I want to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to do something for the Friend Gets Friend thing. Congratulations to those who won, and commiserations to those who didn't. To be honest, seeing the response we've been getting to these competitions has really encouraged me to start thinking of more I could run- so if you didn't win this time, you could always win next time...

I was talking to my agent the other day about all of you, and the fact is that everyone- and this includes my publishers- have been astounded at your attitude. When Thalia won the Halloween competition, the positive reaction was startling. The rest of you were obviously disappointed that your entry didn't win, but there was no sniping or grumbling or sulking from any of you. You all seemed genuinely thrilled that Thalia, your friend, had won.

The internet can be a cruel place. Just look at all the online bullying that goes on. Look at all the internet trolls who just want to upset people. When you sit at a keyboard, interacting with people you've never met, the temptation to be as nasty as you can be is always there. The internet really seems to bring out the worst in people.

But you guys are different. I don't know WHY you're different, you just are. You are good, honourable, decent people. You're warm and witty and friendly, and you're loyal to each other. And that is a wonderful, wonderful thing to see.

I'm proud of every single one of you.


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The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

What quote did u choose for the poster??????

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I chose:

"My my, what dashing mentor has been teaching YOU to be a detective? Oh, that's right, it's me."

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

OMG I love that quote too!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I thought it was hilarious because I say things like, "And who is amazing enough to do that? Oh, that's right, I am", ALL THE TIME.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I also loved when in Death Bringer (this isn't a huge spoiler) Skulduggery and Valkyrie are breaking in and when the conversation goes like this (SP is the second person to talk):

"Stop right there!"

"What's that?"


"Keep going?"


"Okay, we'll keep going."

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

He's arguing with a Necromancer, not Val.

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I made my mumzy read that and even when she finished that part, I tried to take my book back but she'd pull away from me and say, "Hold on; I'm reading this." XD

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

seriously??? u need to give her the other books now :P

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Not yet. I only have two copies of Playing with Fire, and I'm not lending it to anyone, not even her, until I get another. Although, I'll probably have another in the close future. But she refuses to read the others! She was scared of book one! She thinks that having Bliss push Skulduggery off a cliff was a little too scary. And she wouldn't be entirely thrilled to read chapters 13, 14, 15, and 16 of Death Bringer, I'll tell you that.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hehe... *imagines someone who's never read any Skulduggery picking up Death Bringer and opening it to chapter 13, and then the expression on their face*

Once I told my friend Emily to open Death Bringer and read a sentence or two, so she did, and the first thing she saw was, 'Skulduggery raised the sub-machine gun to his shoulder, finger hovering over the trigger. "You did this?"'...Such a great way to introduce someone to Skulduggery XD

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*wonders where everyone is*

Um... Hello?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Still nobody?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*closes eyes and wishes for Derek to come on*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Not that Derek would even be awake at 1:23 AM...

lego said...

oh...I'm here. hi!

do you like hugs? I can't remember. *hugs anyways*

Anonymous said...

Have you guys ever heard the song "Mercenary" by Panic! At The Disco???
Cause it's been stuck in my head all day =__=*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*laughs mischeviously* Once someone hugged me on here and I stabbed them in the back - literally, or as literal as you can get in Blogland - with a pair of sissors. So you can hug me *grins* but it's your risk.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

No, I've never heard it, but congratulations!

Anonymous said...

That sound like it would hurt :(

I can't spell scissors right :'(

Anonymous said...

Hey didn't you throw that epic Skulduggery party?
It looked amazing XD

Anonymous said...

Aw. Thanks Derek :3


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*smiles* Everyone knows me because of the party. Yeah, that was me. I obsess over Skulduggery with a great intensity. Or at least enough to throw a party for Derek and Skulduggery. I want to have a Tanith party on November 11, but I don't know if it'll happen.

lego said...

*hugs* meh...I'll take the risk. BECAUSE HUGS ARE THE MOST WONDERFUL INVENTION...INVENTED (as most invented things are)

Anonymous said...

Go with it! Tanith needs to celebrated!
**brings out a bomb**

Or else...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*pokes lego not-so-gently with sissors*

lego said...

*scissors of love

oh god, I repulse myself with my own overly sentimental tendencies.

Invisible_Fly said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*panics* Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no. I never thought I'd see the day when I forgot or became confused with something that had to do with Skulduggery. This is terrible.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*smacks head against wall* Oh *smack* no. *smack* I *smack* forgot *smack* something. *smack*

Invisible_Fly said...


No seriously, stop hitting yourself. What did you forget? :(

Mistical Future said...

hi peeps!!! soz my computer went spaz last night!!!

lego said...

heys fly!

and val, smacking your head is usually not amazingly productive, though it does produce cool sound effects.

Mistical Future said...

lol yes how r u all?

Invisible_Fly said...

Hi Future, Hi Lego, Hi Val!

Invisible_Fly said...

I'm pretty good. I pushed one of my coworkers in the pool today XD was so happy.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


I checked both the American AND the UK but I'm still confused! I've got Skulduggery's memorized. That's good. December 31st. But the others are confusing! Because on the US one it marks Skulduggery's birthday as 12/31/1906 (which, I must point out, is ridiculous, since he's 400 something years old), and in the UK, it marks his birthday as 31/12/1906. Okay. I can get that. But then for Valkyrie, Tanith (who's birthday I got WRONG *smack*), and Ghastly, it's marked the same for both countries!!! *wails like a maniac and starts throwing sharp objects at people*

Invisible_Fly said...

His birthday is marked at 1906 because the website wouldn't allow a birthday any older than that. I'm sure if they even wanted to put an older date, though, they wouldn't, just so we wouldn't have an exact time line of events :)

Also, don't worry about the birthdays. You got it right eventually :)

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*hopes that Valkyrie's birthday is really December 2nd and not February 12 to avoid embarrasment*

Mistical Future said...

Hi Visy!
Lego!!!!!! i haven't seen u in ages!!!
hi Val!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Invisible_Fly said...

*ducks from sharp stuff*

If you can dodge a sharp thing, you can dodge a ball.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Mistical Future said...

WAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! *doges sharp objects with ease* wow it's ok and just remember there are living people here and the living people don't want to be dead!

lego said...

*hopes sharp things don't hit her*

and I am okay! Completely sleep deprived and grumpy, but whatevers.

Invisible_Fly said...

hey Future, glad to see you again :) I was trying to remember who was the original one who called me Visy :)

Hey Val, I have a question I've been meaning to ask. How did you get that picture of skulduggery printed on the cake?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

My mumzy had a bakery print it on to eatable paper, than she stuck the paper to the cake.

And one of had better ask about what my proof is or I'll start throwing BIGGER sharp things that are harder to dodge!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*one of YOU

Invisible_Fly said...


And I was asking because I finally got one of my mates to buy the first trilogy, and she thought your party was a great idea so we're going to try to throw one too. :) You've totally inspired us!

Mistical Future said...

yes Val whats your proof? because i thought Derek said that it was some time in August?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


So, you know how Valkyrie is 15 in Dark Days? Well, Dark Days takes place in the beginning of September. I know this for a fact. Then, 5 months later, in Mortal Coil, she's 16, and Mortal Coil takes place at Christmas. And then, in Death Bringer, she's STILL 16, because Death Bringer takes place in May, which is 5 months after that. But in between Dark Days and Mortal Coil, she had to have a birthday. She simply had to. And it couldn't have been in February, because then she'd have been 17 in Death Bringer, and would still be 15 in Mortal Coil, and that would make no sense whatsoever. So if her birthday's either in December or February, it HAS to be December.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

If Derek said it was in August he must of been speaking nonsense at the time. Because that's simply impossible.

Mistical Future said...

but Derek said he changed it so she was 15 in Mortal Coil so that she could be 16 in Death Bringer! or something like that!

just wait i'll get my proof!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oh, and you know what ELSE I did? Do you? Because it's insane. It's so insane that you will NEED to ask what it is.

*cough*Because if you don't I'll throw sharp things*cough*

Invisible_Fly said...

Tell us, Val, what else did you do? (PLEASE STOP THROWING SHARP THINGS)

Mistical Future said...

*sigh* what else did u do?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


In chapter five of Mortal Coil, Valkyrie's talking to Gordon, and he suggests that Fletcher should meet her parents. Then Valkyrie argues by saying her parents probably wouldn't like the fact that her boyfriend is older. Then Gordon says, "He's eighteen, you're sixteen." PROOF! On page 42!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oh, about that other thing. I counted how many times Valkyrie speaks in the first three books.

Skulduggery Pleasant: 941 times

Playing with Fire: 519 times

The Faceless Ones: 642 times

Invisible_Fly said...


Not that I don't find it impressive, but why?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

If that isn't insane obsession, I have no clue what is.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I was bored that day. And Skulduggery amuses me.

Mistical Future said...

BUT didn't they go out to an UNDER 17 club! so Fletcher is 17! and it was in Mortal Coil after chapter 5!!!

oh and Derek went back and edited it! so yes you are correct yet so am i! because it depends what version you read as to who is correct! though possibly in some other books (the ones that Derek is yet to wright) she could have her birthday in August!!!

Beat that!

Invisible_Fly said...

Well that was a productive day. I've never gone through a book and counted that sort of thing.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Misty, I'll tell you this: when it comes to proving each other wrong about Skulduggery, I'm almost ALWAYS the one proving someone wrong.

~Acacia Volt~ said...

Val’s birthday is in February...

Mistical Future said...

fine whatever i wasn't shore about that but any way i am right about Valkyrie!!!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Mistical Future said...

hi Acacia! how r u?

if it is in Feb that YAY by B'day is in Feb!!!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

It. Can't. Be. In. February. IT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE!!!

Invisible_Fly said...

I'm gonna leave before this gets nasty.

Bye everyone. Have a good night!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Sorry we scared you off, Fly! Bye!

Mistical Future said...

that her B'day could be in December, February or August depending on ur book, info or how u calculate it!

~Acacia Volt~ said...

Seriously, it is. :P Soooorry!

Hi Misti! I’m awesome! :D (In more than one way)

I just read back one page of comments… wasn’t Skul at Gordon’s because he was looking for the entrance to the caves? Or rather, the key?

Mistical Future said...

bye Visy sorry about our argument!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I spent a while figuring this whole thing out, and it can't be in August OR February.

~Acacia Volt~ said...

It’s not August, but I’m 87.59% sure that it’s in February. :P

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Well I'm 100% sure it's NOT in February.

~Acacia Volt~ said...

Who came up with it being August?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*shrugs* Not me.

~Acacia Volt~ said...

Yes, well, Derek’s really the only one who can answer this for us.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

There's proof that it's in December if you look for it. And I did.

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

i again. anybody on???????

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

FreakFan, there's is a... disagreement for when Valkyrie's birthday is. I'm determined to be right.

Mistical Future said...

i brought August in but only because it was from one of Derek's blogs! and i mean about Val's b'day being in it!

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

oh i think i know . . . . let me think

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

found the answer! it is 12/02/1995

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Well I guess we're ALL insane, including Derek. But seriously. I've proved that it would be in December. *suddenly there's a new thought*

OH. MY. GOSH. There's a new option and I think it works.

Mistical Future said...

yet i want to be right to!

oh um ... Val r we still friends? i hope we r because i am finding this fun! ... i don't know about u!

but i think it's fun to find a way to prove ur right when someone can find evidence that ur wrong because it gives ur more reason to prove ur self right!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I don't automatically hate people because of stuff like this.


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

i looked on 'character' profiles on the skulduggery pleasant website

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I looked there too. But the American one and the UK one are different. And I think that they're both wrong now.

Mistical Future said...

ok that could be an answer ... justify it pleases!

why is it in October?

why not ... November?

Mistical Future said...

soz peeps gtg!!!

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

ok bye mistical!

Unknown said...

I'm not sure if this will work...
I've been trying to post comments for over a year and my computer has been being unusually cruel to me...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Okay. Time For proof.

My original point was: "So, you know how Valkyrie is 15 in Dark Days? Well, Dark Days takes place in the beginning of September. I know this for a fact. Then, 5 months later, in Mortal Coil, she's 16, and Mortal Coil takes place at Christmas. And then, in Death Bringer, she's STILL 16, because Death Bringer takes place in May, which is 5 months after that. But in between Dark Days and Mortal Coil, she had to have a birthday. She simply had to. And it couldn't have been in February, because then she'd have been 17 in Death Bringer, and would still be 15 in Mortal Coil, and that would make no sense whatsoever. So if her birthday's either in December or February, it HAS to be December."
But now, now I'm remembering The Faceless Ones. Dark Days takes place 11 months afterwards, meaning that The Faceless Ones takes place in October. And during The Faceless Ones, Valkyrie corrects Kenspeckle - may he rest in peace - when he calls her 13, she says, "Just gone fourteen", or as it says in the American one, "Just turned fourteen". Which means that her birthday would be sometime in October.


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

And if someone is willing to doubt me, which isn't wise, I could point out EXACT PAGE NUMBERS from where I got this proof.

Unknown said...

Ok, this has been a long time in coming!!!
I just got and read Death Bringer two days ago (since I'm in the US)I loved it!!! One of the best. Of course, I also really loved Playing With Fire, which is the first I read. (My mistake, cause, funny thing, the only reason I read these books is because I promised myself to start a new book, and I closed my eyes and skimmed the bookshelf with my fingers and I stopped on Playing With Fire... and it was amazing. And Skulduggery is an anomaly.

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

nice unknown!

Unknown said...

Ok, the computer was glitching on me again... I posted the comment about Playing With Fire.

Unknown said...

Ok... there it goes again.
It's Caspian, by the way.

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

Oh, sorry, it says unknown on my screen :P

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*is glad no one's questioning for page numbers*

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

Sorry everyone gtg b bak asap!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Unknown said...

Obnoxious thing... I only got to post under Caspian once, then it completely ignored me...

~Acacia Volt~ said...

How do you know that Val is 16 in MC? *Facepalming self*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Sorry for a late response.... I know because on page 42 Gordon't talking to Valkyrie about Fletcher meeting her parents and Gordon says, "You're sixteen, he's eighteen."

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*Gordon's, not Gordon't

Quinnera Elviana: 5th Seat of the Council of the Lost Ones said...

Morning all! I have 2 minutes!


Quinnera Elviana: 5th Seat of the Council of the Lost Ones said...

Now I g2g


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I just now had a very educational conversation. I was the teacher, because I was doing the explaining for the series to the student, who was my mumzy's boyfriend. Congrats, Derek, you've just earned another fan. :)

Moira Darke said...

Hi guys.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

HI! Which Skulduggery book are you on?

Moira Darke said...

Me? I still haven't had a chance to read Death Bringer, but I've read the others.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hey Derek, my mumzy was just telling me this, but I'd make an excellent editor if you were to publish the 4th, 5th, and sixth books in the US. Seriously. I'm great at finding spelling corrections, I know how to use punctuation in the correct places and what punctuation mark to use, I also know the books all by memory... And, you know, I want to be an author, and so it would bring me a step closer to that....

Just a suggestion. Because, you know, not everyone wants a 12-year-old editor... BUT IT'S SOMETHING FOR YOU TO THINK ABOUT! :D

Moira Darke said...

Well, that was a pathetically short amount of comments, but I gotta go.

Also figured I'd beg people to glance at my blog. Why not?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I've read all six. And I think I figured something out that Derek may have not.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

You're going all ready? Dang it, I'll be alone again...

~Acacia Volt~ said...

You said that you know that DD was in September for a fact, how is this so? Is it because of the All-Ireland Championship in September? :P

~Acacia Volt~ said...

You said that Mortal Coil takes place 5 months later than Dark Days, but if that were so, it would take place in January. So if it does take place 5 months later, Dark Days would be in August. If she is 16 in Mortal Coil, her birthday would have to be in December though...

~Acacia Volt~ said...

Or is it July?…

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*looks at previous comments about the birthday proof thing*

Hmm... Derek, do you see this? I've got some good detective skills.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

No. Dark Days takes place in the first week of September, and Mortal Coil takes around and during Christmas, which is the end of December.

blubber2000 said...

I know why ever1 is so friendly Derek!!!!! If we weren't all so awesome we wouldn't have read skulduggery pleasant and post on this blog.

~Acacia Volt~ said...

Ugh. Derek seriously needs to come on and sort all of this out. (Unless we’re catching him up for his mistakes. In that case, mwahaha.) :D

~Acacia Volt~ said...

But that’s only four months, if you count it that way.

blubber2000 said...

Helo *shakes hand*

~Acacia Volt~ said...

I don’t see how it could take place in the first week of September, seeing how the All-Ireland Championship was at the end of the month.

~Acacia Volt~ said...

Hello, Blubber! :) Nice to meet you!… again!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

And I know it takes place the beginning of September because the All-Ireland Championship - which they were at - is usually on the first Sunday of September, which was September 4 in 2010. So about 5 months later would be Christmas. And her birthday has to be somewhere in between. But it needs to be in October, because of what she says in the Faceless Ones.

I swear, I could point out the exact pages where it says this, if you need me to.

~Acacia Volt~ said...

The Championship was on Sunday the 19th of September.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I'm determined to figure out the mystery of Valkyrie's birthday month. And I will figure this out. I WILL.

blubber2000 said...

wow this is intense...

blubber2000 said...

also... GO NEW ZEALAND!!!! sorry im required to put that on every post i make as i think i am the only person from nz who posts on this blog

~Acacia Volt~ said...

:D ’Tis. Remember, though, we’re not fighting, we’re collecting evidence and discussing.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Well I don't live in Ireland! I'm using my resources, which ISN'T THE INTERNET. And was the Championship the 19th of Sep. this year? I need to know what it was in 2010.

~Acacia Volt~ said...

It was the 19th in 2010. :)

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Ugh... Well did Derek know that when he started writing Dark Days? I doubt he did.

~Acacia Volt~ said...

This year it was the 9th of October. And I don’t live in Ireland either.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

If you don't live in Ireland how do you know? (this is a serious question, not a snobby one)

~Acacia Volt~ said...

He might have known it. Championships are usually broadcasted. But 9 months before hand… not too sure.

Mistical Future said...

back peeps!!!

no worry's Val i saw r proof and i agree that is well justified!!! u have a good reason for saying that it's in October! good job!!!
*Sherlock appears* yes good mistory solving the question is will the creator agree? said Sherlock
*Sherlock disperses*

~Acacia Volt~ said...

I think that Val’s b’day is in December, (although a lot of people thinking it’s in February can get confusing,) but I’m just trying to work out the months thing. :P

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I'm going to find the page numbers for my side of this. I'm saying her birthday's October. Okay. And I'm finding the answers for when it takes place, the distance between the book after it, and Valkyrie's age. Okay.

~Acacia Volt~ said...

Right now, I’m not even sure if I believe that Val has a birthday.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

give me about 5 or 6 minutes and I'll have my proof

blubber2000 said...

again wow

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Death Bringer:

1. Page 212; Speaking to Caelan, Valkyrie says, "Dude, I'm sixteen."
2. Page 157; Ghastly's talking to Skulduggery, "You think your brief encounter with Vile five months ago has prepared you?"
3. Page 17; Kenny's finding Lynch in the park, 'There were people everywhere, stretched out in the May sunshine...'

Mortal Coil:

1. Page 42; Gordon talking to Valkyrie about Fletcher, "He's eighteen, yo're sixteen."
2. Page 38; Valkyrie telling Gordon when se found out about Darquesse, "About five months ago."
3. Page 12; 'Christmas was a few days away...' and Page 521; 'Chapter 53: NEW YEAR'S EVE'

Dark Days:

1. Page 85; Jack talking about Valkyrie with Scapegrace, "Fifteen years old and already four people want to kill her."
2. Page 10; explaining the time between when the Faceless Ones took Skulduggery until then, 'For eleven months he had been gone...'
3. Page 357; Valkyrie talking about their plan, "The All-Ireland Championship. My dad was trying to get tickets. But that's TODAY..."

The Faceless Ones:

1. UK Page 85, US Page 86; Kenspeckle and Valkyrie, "You're thirteen..." "Just gone fourteen."
2. UK Page 29, US Page 25; driving past the pier, 'Six months earlier, Valkyrie had leaped from it, followed by a pack of the Infected...'
3. There's no answer for the exact date.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

For question 3 in The Faceless Ones, 11 months before September is October, which is what I officially decided is my choice for Valkyrie's Birthday.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

AND, just to be sure you understand: After Dark Days, Valkyrie had her birthday, which I say is in October, BEFORE Mortal Coil. So she's sixteen in that one. And since Death Bringer is in May, she was still sixteen because her birthday hadn't come around again afterwards.

~Acacia Volt~ said...

Well you’ve got me there. In the faceless ones she would have had to have been older than ‘Just gone fourteen’ if she is definitely fifteen in Dark Days. (Which she is.)

Mistical Future said...

cool good job u have convinced me!
u did well!!!

Mistical Future said...

YAY the mistory is solved!!! *claps for Val V*

~Acacia Volt~ said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

So, to sum up what just happened...

I checked both the American AND the UK but I'm still confused! I've got Skulduggery's memorized. That's good. December 31st. But the others are confusing! Because on the US one it marks Skulduggery's birthday as 12/31/1906 (which, I must point out, is ridiculous, since he's 400 something years old), and in the UK, it marks his birthday as 31/12/1906. Okay. I can get that. But then for Valkyrie, Tanith (who's birthday I got WRONG), and Ghastly, it's marked the same for both countries!!!

Okay. Time For proof.

My original point was: "So, you know how Valkyrie is 15 in Dark Days? Well, Dark Days takes place in the beginning of September. I know this for a fact. Then, 5 months later, in Mortal Coil, she's 16, and Mortal Coil takes place at Christmas. And then, in Death Bringer, she's STILL 16, because Death Bringer takes place in May, which is 5 months after that. But in between Dark Days and Mortal Coil, she had to have a birthday. She simply had to. And it couldn't have been in February, because then she'd have been 17 in Death Bringer, and would still be 15 in Mortal Coil, and that would make no sense whatsoever. So if her birthday's either in December or February, it HAS to be December."
But now, now I'm remembering The Faceless Ones. Dark Days takes place 11 months afterwards, meaning that The Faceless Ones takes place in October. And during The Faceless Ones, Valkyrie corrects Kenspeckle - may he rest in peace - when he calls her 13, she says, "Just gone fourteen", or as it says in the American one, "Just turned fourteen". Which means that her birthday would be sometime in October.

I'm going to find the page numbers for my side of this. I'm saying her birthday's October. Okay. And I'm finding the answers for when it takes place, the distance between the book after it, and Valkyrie's age. Okay.

Death Bringer:

1. Page 212; Speaking to Caelan, Valkyrie says, "Dude, I'm sixteen."
2. Page 157; Ghastly's talking to Skulduggery, "You think your brief encounter with Vile five months ago has prepared you?"
3. Page 17; Kenny's finding Lynch in the park, 'There were people everywhere, stretched out in the May sunshine...'

Mortal Coil:

1. Page 42; Gordon talking to Valkyrie about Fletcher, "He's eighteen, yo're sixteen."
2. Page 38; Valkyrie telling Gordon when se found out about Darquesse, "About five months ago."
3. Page 12; 'Christmas was a few days away...' and Page 521; 'Chapter 53: NEW YEAR'S EVE'

Dark Days:

1. Page 85; Jack talking about Valkyrie with Scapegrace, "Fifteen years old and already four people want to kill her."
2. Page 10; explaining the time between when the Faceless Ones took Skulduggery until then, 'For eleven months he had been gone...'
3. Page 357; Valkyrie talking about their plan, "The All-Ireland Championship. My dad was trying to get tickets. But that's TODAY..."

The Faceless Ones:

1. UK Page 85, US Page 86; Kenspeckle and Valkyrie, "You're thirteen..." "Just gone fourteen."
2. UK Page 29, US Page 25; driving past the pier, 'Six months earlier, Valkyrie had leaped from it, followed by a pack of the Infected...'
3. There's no answer for the exact date.

For question 3 in The Faceless Ones, 11 months before September is October, which is what I officially decided is my choice for Valkyrie's Birthday.

AND, just to be sure you understand: After Dark Days, Valkyrie had her birthday, which I say is in October, BEFORE Mortal Coil. So she's sixteen in that one. And since Death Bringer is in May, she was still sixteen because her birthday hadn't come around again afterwards.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

And Derek, this is what I mean by being obsessed and determined to figure something out. *smiles*

~Acacia Volt~ said...

Can’t wait until he sees this. :) He’ll be like ‘WOW! EPIC FANDOM!'

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Now, Derek, I'd like to point out that your website is incorrect.

See? I'd make a great editor! :D

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I have the right to point that out, don't I? I think I do.

~Acacia Volt~ said...

That you would! :) But technically, it’s not Derek’s website, now is it? It may be HarperCollins randoms or really really eccentric fans that love to hack things.

(Derek, if you don’t appoint Valkyrie as your new editor {Just tell Nick Lake he’s needed elsewhere ;D}, and me as your casting director for the films, you will be incessantly stalked until you die. :D)

~Acacia Volt~ said...

Not that you aren’t already...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

But the whole stalking thing is going to be more diffucult for me because now Derek can stalk me back... Not that I care. If he stalks me I'll see him, because I've got ninja senses, and then I'll be the stalker stalking my own stalker. XD

~Acacia Volt~ said...

Who would care!? :D The stalker becomes the stalked as the stalking stalked stalker stalks the stalked stalker. Boo-sha.

You know what’s really sad with fan-art of Davina? No heterochromia! Honestly! D;

~Acacia Volt~ said...

I mean, on Deviantart there’s a couple, but really, not too many.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*scowls* I absolutely HATE Davina Marr. She's a... she's a... *thinks of insult* She's an anus. There. I said it.

~Acacia Volt~ said...

:O That’s, that’s… that is simply preposterous!

Not really. Davina is annoying… but SP wouldn’t be complete without her.

And where did Spring-Heeled Jack go :( I know that he left Ireland, but, but… JACK!!! *Breaks down in crying fits*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

(Sorry I had a few spelling errors on my proof stuff, Derek... I was just trying to type really fast to be sure people saw it)

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Jack's in prison. Again. Remember? When they were at Croke Park, after the crisis was averted, the Cleavers came and took him away.

~Acacia Volt~ said...

I am people, and I saw it.

Mission accomplished.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Correction! You cannot be people! You are a single person! *laughs crazily* Hehe... I'm acting all editor style... >:D

But it's not as if I don't talk like that all the time :D

~Acacia Volt~ said...


Why would you pick Sanguine over Jack? I’m not asking from a ‘Tanith, what the hell.’ kind of way, I’m asking from a personal opinion way.

I know that I would pick Jack over Sanguine… and then as soon as we see Skulduggery, goodbye, Jack!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*vomits at the thought of being stuck with Sanguine or Jack* And I thought that being stuck with Fletcher and Caelan would be the worst...

~Acacia Volt~ said...

No. I am people. Not a person. :) (And I did know of he mistake I was making, I’m not a total idiot. Please believe that. :D) you hear people saying ‘I am a people person’, well, I am a 'person people’.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*grins* That was actually really funny XD

Kribu said...

That age thing ... I've stopped trying to work it out. I know Derek said Val's birthday is in August, and that she should have been 15 in Mortal Coil instead of 16, but that doesn't really make any more sense - if she was 15 in Dark Days (just turned 15 in that case), still 15 in Mortal Coil, and her birthday is in August, then she should have been still 15 in Death Bringer as well, as that was definitely taking place before August.

And what with little Alice/Alison being, what, four months old in Death Bringer, it's pretty obvious that Death Bringer takes place some 5-6 months after Mortal Coil, not one and a half years later, which is the only way Valkyrie could have turned 16 in the meantime otherwise.

And there's just no way she's still 15 in Death Bringer - I think there were a few mentions of her being sixteen, and/or not even seventeen yet.

So I've basically given up trying to work it out, and just decided that Val was in fact sixteen in both Mortal Coil and Death Bringer - a few months away from turning seventeen in Death Bringer. :D

It doesn't really help with the confusion that Mortal Coil is (I think) the only book where we know the timing with absolute certainty, what with the whole Christmas thing. I've been guessing Death Bringer takes place in late May or early June the following year, but that's just guessing, I think.

~Acacia Volt~ said...

Caelan would be hell. Fletcher… not AS bad but almost.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Kribu - I just spent the last few freakin hours figuring that out. LOOK AT MY PROOF. I don't know where the whole August thing is coming from, but in Mortal Coil it says she's sixteen, so there you go. She is.

~Acacia Volt~ said...

We know the timing with Dark Days too. It’s definitely the 2010 All-Ireland Championship which was September 19th.

~Acacia Volt~ said...

And, Hi, Kribu! :D

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I'd hate both Caelan AND Fletcher... But Caelan would definitely be worse. I mean, I appreciate when people notice my amazingness, but when that person starts stalking you and then attempts to kill you? Not entirely appealing.

~Acacia Volt~ said...

:P That’s it from me. I’m off to do more characterisation work! Bye!

xxx ~ S'K

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Kribu said...

It says August in this blog post:

And otherwise it would sort of make sense, but in that case Valkyrie MUST still be 15 in Death Bringer. Sigh.

Unless Death Bringer takes place way later in the year - and I seem to recall Melissa was pretty heavily pregnant in Mortal Coil, and if Alice was four months in Death Bringer, then it can't really be post-August that year.

Kribu said...

Hi Acacia! Bye Acacia! Hi everyone else! :D

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I dedicate first to the detective work I just did! Here it is again!

'"So, to sum up what just happened...

I checked both the American AND the UK website but I'm still confused! I've got Skulduggery's memorized. That's good. December 31st. But the others are confusing! Because on the US one it marks Skulduggery's birthday as 12/31/1906 (which, I must point out, is ridiculous, since he's 400 something years old), and in the UK, it marks his birthday as 31/12/1906. Okay. I can get that. But then for Valkyrie, Tanith (who's birthday I got WRONG), and Ghastly, it's marked the same for both countries!!!

Okay. Time For proof.

My original point was: "So, you know how Valkyrie is 15 in Dark Days? Well, Dark Days takes place in the beginning of September. I know this for a fact. Then, 5 months later, in Mortal Coil, she's 16, and Mortal Coil takes place at Christmas. And then, in Death Bringer, she's STILL 16, because Death Bringer takes place in May, which is 5 months after that. But in between Dark Days and Mortal Coil, she had to have a birthday. She simply had to. And it couldn't have been in February, because then she'd have been 17 in Death Bringer, and would still be 15 in Mortal Coil, and that would make no sense whatsoever. So if her birthday's either in December or February, it HAS to be December."
But now, now I'm remembering The Faceless Ones. Dark Days takes place 11 months afterwards, meaning that The Faceless Ones takes place in October. And during The Faceless Ones, Valkyrie corrects Kenspeckle - may he rest in peace - when he calls her 13, she says, "Just gone fourteen", or as it says in the American one, "Just turned fourteen". Which means that her birthday would be sometime in October.

I'm going to find the page numbers for my side of this. I'm saying her birthday's October. Okay. And I'm finding the answers for when it takes place, the distance between the book after it, and Valkyrie's age. Okay.

Death Bringer:

1. Page 212; Speaking to Caelan, Valkyrie says, "Dude, I'm sixteen."
2. Page 157; Ghastly's talking to Skulduggery, "You think your brief encounter with Vile five months ago has prepared you?"
3. Page 17; Kenny's finding Lynch in the park, 'There were people everywhere, stretched out in the May sunshine...'

Mortal Coil:

1. Page 42; Gordon talking to Valkyrie about Fletcher, "He's eighteen, you're sixteen."
2. Page 38; Valkyrie telling Gordon when she found out about Darquesse, "About five months ago."
3. Page 12; 'Christmas was a few days away...' and Page 521; 'Chapter 53: NEW YEAR'S EVE'

Dark Days:

1. Page 85; Jack talking about Valkyrie with Scapegrace, "Fifteen years old and already four people want to kill her."
2. Page 10; explaining the time between when the Faceless Ones took Skulduggery until then, 'For eleven months he had been gone...'
3. Page 357; Valkyrie talking about their plan, "The All-Ireland Championship. My dad was trying to get tickets. But that's TODAY..."

The Faceless Ones:

1. UK Page 85, US Page 86; Kenspeckle and Valkyrie, "You're thirteen..." "Just gone fourteen."
2. UK Page 29, US Page 25; driving past the pier, 'Six months earlier, Valkyrie had leaped from it, followed by a pack of the Infected...'
3. There's no answer for the exact date.

For question 3 in The Faceless Ones, 11 months before September is October, which is what I officially decided is my choice for Valkyrie's Birthday.

AND, just to be sure you understand: After Dark Days, Valkyrie had her birthday, which I say is in October, BEFORE Mortal Coil. So she's sixteen in that one. And since Death Bringer is in May, she was still sixteen because her birthday hadn't come around again afterwards.

Kribu said...

The detective work is impressive, but Derek says in that blog post I linked to that he messed up a bit and has adjusted the timeline. So the original age references in the books aren't completely accurate.

The timeline as explained in that March blog post seems to make sense, mostly, apart from Death Bringer making me confused again. :D

I'd really want to know the "official" dates/month of when Death Bringer is taking place, because I got a strong impression that was early summer (early June is my best guess), and that would mean Valkyrie is *still* fifteen, for the third book in a row, although there was at least one "not yet seventeen" reference there somewhere, which I would take to mean that she's at least sixteen.

Kribu said...

And yes, Valkyrie did indeed tell Caelan in Death Bringer that she's sixteen - although I suppose it's possible that if the book takes place in, say, June, and Val's two months away from turning sixteen, she may be rounding up.

Although in that case, as she's explicitly pointing out how young she still is, rounding up wouldn't make a lot of sense.

So yeah - either Death Bringer takes place in late August or later in the year, or there's simply no way Valkyrie can be sixteen in it, if her birthday is supposed to be in August.

Kribu said...

Oh yes - I'd forgotten that Kenny was explicitly referring to May there. So that explains why I thought it would be then. (The book takes place over several days / a week or two, I think, so ... yes, late May to early June, probably.)

So, yep, either August is wrong or Valkyrie is rounding up a lot there when talking to Caelan. Which *is* possible, as it's something young people do when fairly close to their next birthday (older people prefer not to round up in my experience :D), but again, doesn't make much sense under the particular circumstances.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*is suddenly very irritated at Derek's March post* *glares at it for a little while*

Derek, I believe I've just corrected your post. Do you not see that? That makes it entirely reasonable for her to be SIXTEEN in Mortal Coil. Are you reading this? Because I'm saying that IT ACTUALLY HAS MADE PERFECT SENSE, and is VERY POSSIBLE for her to have been sixteen.

Kribu said...


I didn't have any issues with her being sixteen in Mortal Coil either - without having an "official" date/month for her birthday, it seemed to work out just fine.

(And from an entirely old-fashioned person point of view, I think I preferred thinking of Valkyrie heavily involved in relationships with two older boys at sixteen, not at barely turned fifteen / still fifteen in Death Bringer. It's a small difference, and has nothing to do with anything really, but nevertheless.)

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