Friday, October 21, 2011

Last Few Days...

Three days left for the Ameriminion competition, and ten for the Friend Gets Friend. Tension around Skulduggery Towers (yes, that is what I'm calling my house) is HIGH.

To spur you on, I now present to you a picture of a cute puppy.

All hail the cute puppy!


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Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
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Star Inkbright said...

Morgan2: Apparently so.

Morgan1: *fires his crossbow at Minerve as he sees Elizabeth fall to the floor*

Dugglyn Carzainia said...



*supermegahuggletacklesofdoomvils everyone!!!!*
*if a person wanted to not be supermegahuggletacklesofdoomviled (:((( it would be super easy to side step*
*just saying*
*goodbye all ye mental cases*
*possibly just quote Blake*
*he's pretty cool*
*Olay, really*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
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Inky Flame said...

(*huggles diggy*)

Star Inkbright said...

:) :) :) *hugs Dugglyn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

John said...

(*Folds his arms as shades magically drop from the sky onto his face just as an explosion goes off behind him and Back in Black starts playing*

Yeah, I guess you're kinda right there Dug.)

Garret Falcone said...

(yeah I get what you mean J
But luckily in it only some is collectables, there is also forts (like in ac black flag) and gang hideouts (like the tower things in brotherhood(?) )

(yeah I get you too Chloe, work is honestly hard but rewarding
And sure which character?

???? )

(right okay... K but I'm glad you're good
Yeah that makes sense right :P )

(just my 5¢ I'm on the fence about Mark because in the beginning and for most of his time around he was a total arse... And i wanted to high five him in the face with a chair... But then he seems to be trying to change and for that he gets a frying pan to the face so yeah... He's sorta in the middle ish yeah )

Inky Flame said...

(Hmmm taw and gar? They just got married after all)

Inky Flame said...

Coles mum: eira! How did you get out

Eira; *runs over and trips over her own feet*
*doesnt care but cries* I hit him over the head. ..

Garret Falcone said...

(yeah okay Chlo

We last left it when they were making out in front of the vicar priest religious guy )

Gar: *although he is enjoying the kiss, he slowly breaks away with a smile on his face* *he licks the tip of Taw's nose as they part*

Star Inkbright said...

((XD 'vicar priest religious guy.'

My photography just gets worse adn worse. XD))

Inky Flame said...

Taw: *smiles* my handsome husband

Inky Flame said...

(*collapses* I didn't realise packing boxes was so exhausting!)

Garret Falcone said...

(yeah exactly my thoughts Star, :'D (<laughing too hard face)

And you're photography skills aren't that bad, try mine lol
Utter rubbish )

Gar: *smiles cockily because the compliment*
My incredibly beautiful wife, oh how much I love you
Words can't express my feelings for they just won't do it justice

Chione Asahina said...

Aria: so...what now? Why did you want to find him?

Jesa: *stays with the pups*

Juvia: *turns bright red and the rain starts burn through the umbrella*
*she yelps*

*sebastian and Cordelia look at each other and shrug*
Cord: Sure. Why not. I'll go first then, brother.
Seb: uh...yeah sis, go for it.

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Liliana: And I like you being bad. It is fun.

Parasite: You are very fun to be around, James.

Claire: Mrmhhhh.

Star Inkbright said...

(@Rhos: :P

Yeah, I still get a kick out of making my roleplay characters all do the same thing at the same time. XD

(eg. "Characters: *nod*"
OMG I don't even know why that's funny.)

Haha no lol mine suck quite a bit.))

Anonymous said...

*looks to the sky* Is this you ? *shadows covers his head and hers so as not to be burned* *He places his hand on her shoulder he is cold to the touch* is everything okay?

Inky Flame said...

Taw: maybe you can show me instead *smiles*

Eira: I is Cole going to be o okay ?

Coles mum: he should be fine *gies a reassuring smile$

Cole: *recognises that eira is there* e eira...

Inky Flame said...

(Has Jai poofed?)

Star Inkbright said...

Morgan2: *continues to walk towards Necromancer Guy*

Necromancer Guy:*is walking towards Morgan and Aria*
*is possibly in his thirties*
*still matches the description Morgan gave*

Morgan2: *to Aria, softly so Necromancer Guy doesn't hear* My brother's organisation's looking for him.
They suspect he may be responsible for some criminal activity.
*stops talking so that Necromancer Guy doesn't hear*
*to Necromancer Guy* Hello.

Necromancer Guy: *doesn't look best pleased* You're with them, aren't you?

Morgan2: No. I'm freelance. And bored.
*almost puts hands in jacket pockets (the external ones) before remembering he gave it to Aria*

Garret Falcone said...

(Star, why does necromancer guy sound like Garrett?? Haha :P )

Gar: Is that a challenge? *grins*

Garret Falcone said...

(yeah I thin she has Chloe :P
Probably busy with her art h.w )

Inky Flame said...

Taw: nooooo *says sarcastically *

Star Inkbright said...

@Rhos: :P Maybe because he IS Garrett. O_O


Inky Flame said...


Garret Falcone said...

(Lol the would be a totes beast plot twist hehe XD )

(yup :P )

Gar: Okay then *winks* *sweeps Taw off her feet like they do in dreams*
Lets go *smiles and carries her out the church*

Anonymous said...

(Con: I thought it was me first...)

Inky Flame said...

Taw: *giggles* where are you taking me?

Star Inkbright said...

((XD Nahhhhhh, the Necromancer Guy did not exist until today.))
((He doesn't even have a name.))

Anonymous said...

(Con: maybe you only thought he didn't exist because he works in the shadows.)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...
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Garret Falcone said...

(it could be either of us Con :P
And do you want to see your crush (XD ) Daisy? ;) )

Gar: Well because right now is a special day
We're going back to where we met *smiles* and when we're there we'll have a bit of fun if you know what I mean..... *smiles happily*

Anonymous said...

(Con: Yes I suppose it could. She's not my crush...

i'm not in the mindstate to try and decipher that. )

Inky Flame said...

Taw: yay! I can't wait *smiles and kissez*

Anonymous said...

(I suppose that was my way of saying Hi Moss :P)

Inky Flame said...

(Hey mossy!)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Oh, it's just a greeting. I don't really want anyone to figure out this particular code, anyway.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

But yeah, hello! Wbd.

Inky Flame said...

(It's a funny old week)

Anonymous said...

(how so?)

Garret Falcone said...

(okay and you sure Con? Hehehehe ;)
I reckon she is :P )

Gar: *kisses back* someone's eager *chuckles* *shadow walks them both to the mountain where they met*

Daisy: *is skipping through a field of flowers that share her name* *a smile on her face, humming happily*

(Hi Fabi and i have no idea bout the code.... :P hehe )

Inky Flame said...

(I am watching it's a funny old week)

Taw: *looks arounf*
*remembers the last moment before gar Enters and changes her lfe*

Anonymous said...

(Con: I condemn thee. How dare you put me in such a position.
I will have to use other me as one of me is with Juvia... I hate that you hold this power. )

Con2: *is sitting against a tree in said field a hat of shadow covering his eyes*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


I was talking to Star a little while ago, and she mentioned how secret-y I was, and then I remembered that I hadn't coded in ages and I was like! D: WHAT IS THIS MADNESS

So yeah.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
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Inky Flame said...

(Jai? Can Anna respond to eira please?)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Speaking of which


John said...

(I poofed.)

*Beckons to Cord*

By all means, come at me.

Anonymous said...

(@moss 50 !75 @ (0)1^6 6'^^3 90\/ \/\/@^7 ?)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Wow, lots of roleplays going on. Cool.

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Minerve: *the crossbow bolt strikes her in the shoulder, and she shifts slightly at its impact* *she turns to the direction in which the bolt came from, starting to glide to Morgan*

Elizabeth: *she slowly stands, raising her crossbow, firing a bolt at Minerve* *twenty crossbow bolts strike her in the back, but they fail to stop her advancement*

Minerve: *she reaches Morgan's location, reaching for his throat, the air growing cold around her*

*the grass at Minerve's feet, which was dead previously, suddenly explodes into growth, wrapping around her hands and pulling them away from Morgan* *the grass begins to wrap around her torso*

Minerve: *she tilts her head, the grass dying and falling from her* *she turns in Lily's direction, drawing her dagger and throwing it, striking her in the chest*

Lily: *she gasps and cries out, holding the hilt of the dagger in her hands, her body starting to go into shock*

Ember: *she sprints at Minerve, charging into her, knocking her down, her entire body bursting into flames, Minerve's clothes and skin beginning to burn* *she leaps off her to avoid an attempt by Minerve to grasp her head, allowing the phoenix to swoop down and begin to claw at her instead*

Garret Falcone said...

okay and I hold no power over you Con in anyway I'm just poking fun really :P )

(that makes totally sense Fabi :) makes sense )

Daisy: *sees Con and skips towards him*

*may as well tack a description of Daisy on by here:
She's about 5'3
Looks 15
Is actually 115 (<age and a reference too try looking it up ;) )
Wears a black hoodie, a small jean skirt and black Doc martins
Has snow white hair and eyes midnight blue
Quite pacifistic too
Also has sigils tattooed onto her body so she can use them when needed*

Gar: *carefully puts Taw down, takes her hand and walks to the edge of the mountain*
*looks at Taw, admiring the view* (smooth XD )
I remember when we fist met here *smiles* that was a real interesting day

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
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Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Manuel: LILY!!!)

Star Inkbright said...

@Lantern: @lotsaroleplays: Ikr.
@secret-y: :) :)

Inky Flame said...

Taw: I... I was supposed to die here...

Eira; *sniffles * I I'm glad

Coles mum; shall we move?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

@Keiron I'll work on decoding that one in a little bit.

For now, though, wbd/msd

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Liliana: *she grins, kissing Onwa passionately*

Parasite: Thank you.

Claire: Ow... Fine, I'm awake... I'm awake...

Anonymous said...

(Con: You have her, you have power... )

*Hears someone coming and jumps to his feet pointing his baton straight out seeing Daisy* Oh! it's you *laughs* I knew you were here to kill me *giggles*

-I think you know con's desc yeh ?-

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
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Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Liliana: You are a bad girl, Onwa. *she grins, sucking gently on her ear*

Parasite; No, I have never had eyes.

Claire: Mrghh... Do I have to?

Inky Flame said...

Eira; *stands up and helps carry cole*

Star Inkbright said...

Morgan: *fires another crossbow bolt at Minerve, not wanting to try firing anything else in case he harms Ember*

Garret Falcone said...

Gar: *hugs her tightly* no one is supposed to die.... Everyone deserves there shot at life, in this case you had an intervention to stop your death..... *goes silent*

(ahhh I see now, but remember Daisy does have her own thoughts ;) )
Daisy: *stumbles back a little in surprise* I'm not here to kill you silly *giggles, sounding adorable* its only me and well I'm not dangerous

*yeah I think so lol*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
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Inky Flame said...

Eira; *helps, stumbling along the way*

Coles mum: *they get to the house and calls* inky?

*opens the door, looking pale and fragile*
*smiles, regardless* it's been a while *frowns when she sees cole* what happened?

Coles mum: mark,..

Say no more! Bring him in

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
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Inky Flame said...

It's really alright!)

Anonymous said...

Con2: That's exactly what an assassin would say to his victim then you'd befriend me and I'd go to hug you and you stab me... that's what I'd do. *looks her up and down* The Daisinator, I know your game :/ act all cute so I'll like you then you kill me, you're doing a great job, but you won't kill me.

-just for fun

6"2 190lbs dark black hair, black jeans, black trench coat with a dark grey shirt, black docks ... royal blue eyes

yes he did have his face melted off and he spent time in the shadow realm absorbing them to heal. he does have a face. -

Noelle said...

Fabu, did you hear? I got a 5 in APUSH and AP Psych!

Inky Flame said...

Eira: *lets go of Cole gently*

*activates the healing sigils$ he'll be okay now

Cole: *heals *
*opens his eyes and bolts up* eira!

Eira: *cries and bounds into his arms* I I escaped

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
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Inky Flame said...

Cole: anna?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Yes, I heard. :-) :-)

Did I forget to actually post my reply? If so, sorry about that.

Either way, congratulations! That's great! :-)

Garret Falcone said...

Daisy: *looks mock offended* *playfully pokes his arm* I'm a pacifist you git *laughs* and yup that's my nickname, I like it so thank you *awkwardly hugs*

*interesting character there K, I like the description*

(Well done Noelle! :D )

(ummm Chloe.... Yeah :P )

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
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Inky Flame said...

;(shit! Sorry... Thought I replied!)

Tawnee: *doesnt lt him go* you changed me. I was in a bad place
You rescued me *shakes* and gave me a home and love and a family that I adore

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Minerve: *it strikes her in the shoulder, and she raises her palm at Morgan, firing a black pulse of energy at him*

Liliana: Mmm... Show me how bad you are.

Parasite: Not especially. Why?

Claire: No.

John said...

(So does anyone want to RP with a Blake2)

Inky Flame said...

Cole: thank you
and good luck *holds eira close*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
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Inky Flame said...

(I am off to bed
nos da!)

Noelle said...

:3 yes, thank you.

I am accomplished rn

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
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Anonymous said...

*looks surprised* Really? *giggles poking her arm* Pacifist but you just poked me? *sticks tongue out then hugs back making it less awkward.

(Con: why thank you Gharrett *bows*

he is a bit strange :P)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Liliana: Mmm... I want it again.

Parasite: I would like eyes, but I would have no use for them.

Claire: Fine! Fine! I'll explain! I wasn't tired last night so I snuck out and stopped a woman getting raped. The rapist then tried to stab me in the face, which is why I've got a cut on my face, so I shot him between the eyes. Problem?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
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Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Yay for accomplishment! [celebrates]

Garret Falcone said...

(its cool Chloe haha :P )

Gar: *holds her even tighter because the shaking and gently strokes her hair*
I know.... And to be honest it was the best thing I've done in my life...
This isn't so one sided though, because you've made me who I am today a caring husband and farther, you've shown me how to love and well I'm eternally grateful for it, I can never repay this debt to you Tawnee Falcone *has tears of love in his eyes*
If I could I would go back in time and save you again and again and again, because I never want to lose you...

(and now Goodnight Chloe)
(you're welcome Con and yeah he is a bit but hey who isn't strange in their own way :P )

Daisy: So... Poking isn't violent *adorable giggles* *smiles as they hug, but quickly drops it when they part from contact*

Inky Flame said...

(If Fera comes in, tell him I didn't reply to ha fb message cause messenger is a duck and I'm off to bed)

Chione Asahina said...

(Oh my gods i'm so sorry guys i mega poofed >.< one minute till i catch up.
Keiron, Since you're clearly busy with Rhos i'll leave our JuviaxCon RP until you get bored again.)

John said...

Blake2: *Pokes his head into the room Sil and Claire are standing through a shadow on the wall*

Let the girl have some fun!


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
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John said...

(Blake: How about you go through half the crap I have, hmm?)

Chione Asahina said...

(Bye Chloe)

*Sebastian turns into a scythe and Cordelia twirls him in one hand and throws him in the air*
*doesn't catch him*
*the scythe growls*
Cord: ok now i'm ready, Blake.

Jesa: *stands outside with Belle and Copper*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Liliana: Just one more time... for now. *she grins*

Parasite: Because I would like to be able to blend in with humans whilst I slowly make them go insane.

Claire: I wasn't tired! And I was on my way in that direction anyway to stop a gang that smuggles drugs and also sometimes people into the country, and I passed on my motorbike and saw a man attack a woman. No, I didn't get stabbed in the face. I got cut on my face with a knife. And um, he was a rapist. I stopped a rape. And I stopped drug traffickers and human traffickers. Isn't that the more important thing? So what if a rapist dies? Who actually cares? So what if drug traffickers and human traffickers die? The less of them, the better.

Bethany: Every life is worth the same amount, Claire.

Claire: Um, no. Criminals make their choices, and there's no reason why people should suffer because of those choices. So I make some choices too and I stop people being hurt because of the criminal's choices. I mean, really? It's just one rapist, and a few gang members. Well, quite a lot of gang members. But no one will ever find out about those.

Anonymous said...

(Gem I'm using Con2 :/ we could continue.

Con: He asked me if I wanted Daisy, I couldn't say no.)

Con2: *smiles after the hug stop but fades* *pokes her a few more times getting closer* this isn't violent? *goes into kung fu mantis mode poking more giggling*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
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John said...

*Stifles a chuckle and darts forward, propelled by springy shadows* *Two daggers form in his hands and he launches a swift flurry of slashes and stabs*

Chione Asahina said...

(Chi: oh yes honey. Because you have mounds of shit to go through. Whilst your wife has dealt with your supposed death, getting blown up and almost made Erebus' queen, you leaving me, again, to raise the twins on my own and now i'm stuck in Hevate's head as she's in jail ^.^)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
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Garret Falcone said...

(its cool Gem (poofing part but thats not aimed to me but hey... Friendlyness hehe
And I'm sure K can run two Rp's at once or maybe a merge between the two? Just a thought really *offers bro hug* *yeah* )

(yup I was right, Con likes Daisy
Ooooh XD )

Daisy: No not really... *laughs* thats tickling you sly sod *jabs him back*

John said...

(Blake: Y'know I came here to have a good time, and honestly I'm feeling very attacked right now.)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
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Chione Asahina said...

(Well if Con likes daisy i wouldn't want to barge in with Juvia.
maybe we could merge the two...but it would be pretty R-rated would it not?
*raises an eyebrow*
Too much so for the blog.)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Liliana: *she grins, kissing Onwa passionately*

Parasite: Does that not make sense? As it stands, I could not go into a human area for too long without being revealed as inhuman.

Bethany: *she quickly takes the knife from Silente, tears in her eyes* *the material causes her hands to burn and she hisses, dropping the knife on the floor* Please... Don't... I can't... Please...

John said...

(Blake: Mhh, it'd be so good for them to have their half-insane primordial-possessed "pathetic power-junkie" father around.

Garret Falcone said...

(Gar: Well this parent debate is fun
Sil and Blake you're both the same really... Crap parents

If anything Chi here is a good parent (sorta) and well I know I'm a sorta bad parent myself and can't really say much... I am raising more kids than you all so yeah... Just call me super dad :P )

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
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John said...

(Alright then, how's this for a reason. I, as myself, do not want to RP Blake and Chione's relationship any more and nothing any of you say or do will change my mind on that.)

Chione Asahina said...

(Chi: Oh of course baby. So very sorry. I can't have fun currently. I'm in a dark goddesses head and Sil is looking after our children. It's their borthday soon. Or have you forgotten our children's birthday?)

Cord: *spins the scythe so it turns into a blur*
*blocks all of the attacks from the daggers*
*the scythe glows red and it absorbs the magic that makes up the daggers*
*the little meter on the scythe fills 1/4 of the way*
Wow, you're powerful.
*jumps and slams the scythe down on him*

Anonymous said...

(please tell me you are doing that for the quote john :P

Con: *clears throat **sighs* maybe... but that doesn't mean you can't join... you want r rated? :/ )

COn2: *rubs the spot where she punched* Ow! I knew you were out for me! *glomps* you'll never take me alive! *laughs*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I actually do not think Silente is a bad parent, Claire is just an... odd child.)

(Time skip, Jaimie?)

Parasite: Good. Are you hungry?

Bethany: *she hugs her back, crying into her shoulder* ... Why would you hold a knife to your own throat? I can't... understand... You scared me...

Chione Asahina said...

Chi: Ok. Forget their bloody birthday then.)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Garret Falcone said...

Lol Gem!
Well yeah Con does seem to like Daisy, I'm not sure if she feels the same way
So a merge is totally possible and if she did then yeah It could go that way XD
And that would be well too much for the blog hehehe XD )

(what do you say K? And potentially Con? )

(okay J.... No need to be like a bear with thrush..... I personally was just poking fun in the debate.... Yeah i know it'll be the death of me hehe )

Daisy: Nooo! *dodges the glomp* ah ha! You missed *laughs hysterically*

John said...

*He frowns as the daggers dissipate and rolls to the side*

So I'm told.

*Holds up his fists and bounces on the balls of his feet in a ready stance*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
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Chione Asahina said...

(Chi: And thanks for that lovely first comment sis. Now i'll just disappear.)

Cord: you look like a complete tosser like that...
*has the scythe over her shoulder*

Anonymous said...

(I said I'm up for it :P

Con: Yeh as long as it doesn't get awkward.)

Con2: *lies there face down in the dirt* how could you? YOu're evil! *sticks tongue out and grabs her ankle with a tendril pulling her down, he catches her so she doesn't sustain damage.*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Liliana: *she presses against Onwa, grinning* Mmm...

Parasite: Just give me a moment. *she vanishes*

Bethany: ... That really scared me... I'm sorry... *she picks up the knife from the ground by the bladed end, cutting her finger but also causing her finger to burn more* Ow... Ow... *she drops the knife* It's been used to kill someone... Ow... *she presses against Silente* ... I was going to try and give it you back... *she cradles her hands in her own lap* Sorry... I get scared too easily... But that... That was horrible for me... I'm sorry...

Chione Asahina said...

(It will probably get kinda awkward. Especially if Juvia gets jealous and you know she will.)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
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John said...

Maybe, but I imagine it'll be harder for you to absorb my magic if I'm not actively using it.

*Slides forward and fires off a few quick jabs, ducking and rolling occasionally*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Hear hear.

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(That is a nice dedication, Jaimie.)

Garret Falcone said...

(okay K and okay Con
Gem if it does get awkward well that'll add to the fun really (that's what I think anyway ) )

Daisy: *grins triumphantly* because I could *laughs and then falls to the ground because the tendril* *has a soft landing* hey! Rude much *slight giggle*

Garret Falcone said...

(hear hear :D )

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
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Anonymous said...

(I like Juvia but she won't like me... She can't, she's promised to another.

Con: I like... *clears throat* Daisy, because she's nice to me... But only because what Keiron said, I don't think Juvia ever liked Con.)

Chione Asahina said...

Cord: Aww you figured it out already. Well, you look like a tosser all the time anyway.
*Let's herself get punched a couple of times, bruises already showing up on her skin*
Damn that hurts...

Chione Asahina said...

(Night Jaimie.
Not this Juvia, Keiron.)

Anonymous said...

(hear hear)

Con2: *laughs* because I could *attacks with poking* I will win.

John said...

*Pretends to be offended* I take that personally.

*Jumps and spins, sending his heel rocketing towards Cords gut*

Chione Asahina said...

(*tilts her head*
Why the hell do you think the rain started burning them?)

Star Inkbright said...

Morgan1: *isn't fast enough to move without being seen, but is still pretty fast* *dodges out of the way*

Garret Falcone said...

(G'night Jai :) )

(woah.. Blogland love triangle much hehe :P *hasn't really got anything constructive or helpful to say here lol* )

Daisy: *frowns* that's my reason.... *is attacked by poking* you won't win! *pokes back faster* because I'm awesome! So I will *sticks her tongue out plaufully*

Chione Asahina said...

Cord: Good.
*uses the bottom of the scythe to launch herself in the air and comes down ontop of Blake, feet pressing into his gut instead and sending them both to the ground*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Liliana: Mmm... You definitely are a bad girl.

Parasite: *she appears again a moment later with a large chunk of demon meat* Here you go.

Bethany: I'm sorry...

Claire: For the record, I don't kill people when they've changed. I only kill people who pose threats to others. So yes, you do matter. As if you asked if a parent matters to a child, and held a knife to your throat whilst you were asking it.

Chione Asahina said...


Anonymous said...

(I'm torn. I agree with Rhos kinda... It could get interesting... If only real life had such ailments.

Con: I'm sorry.... I like you too I do... I'm not sure I can handle this... no one likes me... you can't make me choose... I did save you from the rain... )

Con2: *smirks* it's my reason too. *Giggles* yes you are but I can't loose to you *sticks his tongue out*

John said...

*He grunts as they go down, then immediately grabs Cord by the ankle*


*They begin to sink into their shadows* *Tendrils whip up and grab Cord by her arms and waist*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Minerve: *she redirects her hand, firing another pulse of energy*

Ember: *she throws a wave of fire at Minerve*

Minerve: *her dagger forms in her hand, vanishing from Lily's now-lifeless body* *she throws a wave of black energy to counter the fire with one hand, slicing the dagger at Morgan with the other*

Elizabeth: *she fires her crossbow at Minerve again, another twenty bolts striking their target, staggering Minerve slightly but not taking her down*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Garret Falcone said...

(what's wrong Gem??? :S *considers poking* *best not to, but then this is me so yeah....* *gently pokes* *that's compromise at work there* )

(K, life does have these ailments for lucky guys who are probably drunk with other drunk people and well then messes like that happen... Yeah (if that's what I think its about... Not sure lol) )

Daisy: Don't make me cheat boy! I will do it *grins* and awww thank you but flattery won't allow you to win sorry *winks*

Anonymous said...

(Do you mean?...)

Star Inkbright said...

Morgan: *dodges pulse of energy, and then blocks dagger with forearm* *it slices into his jacket*
*fires laser light in Minerve's direction*

Chione Asahina said...

Cord: *swears under her breath*
*gets a sudden flashback to when they first met*
*her Scythe slips from her grasp, turning red and slips into Cord's shadow*
*the shadow is partly absorbed, the meter on the Scythe already full*
*Cord and the Scythe burst into light*
*Suddenly Sebastian is standing smug above Blake*
Seb: hi there.

Anonymous said...

Con2: Cheat? *looks intrigued* how would you do that in a game like this? *grins* I won't loose but I don't have to win.... *continues poking changing the pattern up hoping to confuse her* It's not flattery if it's true.

John said...

*Blinks a few times*


*Kicks straight up at his groin*

Star Inkbright said...

*and then, y'know, through to his arm

Chione Asahina said...

(Ok well you two boys seem to want this merge to happen, so is it going to?)

Garret Falcone said...

(shit! Totally miss read what you said K
This sorta thing does happen in life

A girl likes a guy, guy likes another girl, second girl isn't interested in the guy, guy doesn't know girl one likes him and well yeah mess there )

Daisy: Awwww thank you *blocks the pokes* as for cheating, I'll do it like this *taps a sigil on her hand and pokes Con in the forehead, knocking him out cold*
*smiles and says to his unconscious body* I win

Anonymous said...

(sure... how? )

Con: *shielding juvia from burning rain still* -?-

Chione Asahina said...

Seb: *groans and bends over*
Ughhhh did not see that one know how much that hurts man, ughhhhh.
*Cordelia would facepalm if she could*
clearly i got the brains and my brother here got the strength.
Seb: Cord that's mean...stop calling me stupid...
*recovers and stands up, kinda*

Garret Falcone said...

(yeah okay Gem,

Right from this point on its merge time :)

You start the merge Gem?

So coz its merge time K just ignore the last comment :P )

John said...

*Slipped out from under Seb as he was dealing with that last hit*

Had an idea, can you still absorb magic in this form?

Anonymous said...

(okaii I'm confuzed I'll wait ... *cough* you have mail.)

Chione Asahina said...

(Uh sure. So did Juvia and Con not meet yet then?)
Juvia: *is walking in the rain, getting soaked*
*she's looking around for something, possibly something she's lost*

John said...


Anonymous said...

(aww big jelly baby :P

Con: so what has happened? have I wrestled with Daisy?)

Chione Asahina said...

(Are you volenteering, John? -.- .Juvia has no gray. Unless someone wants to RP as him. But right now this is the RP so yeah.)

Seb: why would i tell you that if it's part of your idea?

Chione Asahina said...

(Keiron...please please please just don't...)

Anonymous said...

(Con: I think he meant me... because I'm cold and dark.)

John said...

Mk I'll just try it.

*The clone talking to Seb dissipates and Blake grabs his arm from behind, putting him in a lock*

Let's see just how much you can handle.

*Darkness flares up around them as Blake releases his metaphorical magic floodgates*

Anonymous said...

(Hey you're the one pushing for Con-Juvia don't judge when I make jokes.)

Chione Asahina said...

(Honestly don't know how much longer i can stand staying here.)
Seb: *yells loudly, struggling*
*gets his foot under the Scythe and kicks it in the air, catching it with his other hand*
*the meter gets filled to half, absorbing the shadows*

Garret Falcone said...

I'm confused too so lets say no Con
And just go from Gems starting point :)
And replied btw )

Daisy: *spots Juvia in the rain* *skips towards her a smile on her face*

John said...

*He keeps pushing, assaulting Seb with a seemingly endless stream of magic*

Chione Asahina said...

(No, actually. I'm not pushing for JuviaxCon. I was pushing for DaisyxCon since you seem to enjoy it more.)

Star Inkbright said...

Necromancer Guy: So you're hired by them.

Morgan2: I have been in the past, but they don't even know I'm here.
*looks at Necromancer Guy in a very direct manner* How about we do an information swap? I'll tell you about them, and you'll tell me about yourself.

Necromancer Guy: *looks suspicious* *his boss wouldn't want him giving away information* *but his boss wouldn't want him to pass up this opportunity*
*warily* Alright.
You go first.

Morgan2: *nonchalently* What do you want to know?

Necromancer Guy: *thinks carefully at the moment, still looking suspicious* How are you tracking me?

Morgan2: *immediately* They can sense your energy. It's quite distinctive.

Necromancer Guy: *nods, still looking wary*

Morgan2: My turn.
*doesn't smile* ((finally))
Are your plans going to result in the deaths of innocent people?

Necromancer Guy: You /are/ with them.

Morgan2: *shakes head* I don't like people dying.

Necromancer Guy: . . . Yes.

Morgan2: *he's probably told the truth* *that's a good sign*

Necromancer Guy: My turn.
Who's she?
*points at Aria*

Morgan2: *looks at Aria like 'well?', asking with his expression if she wants to answer the question for herself*

((*looks at argument* Uh . . .))

Chione Asahina said...

(Daisy is too happy. I don't like her.)
Seb: *grunts and starts to scream* why did you have to do this...?
*the Scythe is filled to full and Cordelia comes back*
Cord: *swears, a lot*
So you got that figured out too then...

Juvia: *doesn't notice the girl, keeps looking on the ground and behind trees*

John said...

(No I'm not volunteering I was just commenting on the "looking for something she lost". Grey. Cause he left her. Get it?)

Anonymous said...

(How did I enjoy it more? We had been Rping b4 with Chloe as them Con was flirty it continued... I liked you too aka why I didn't let you fall in the mud, or get burned by rain.)

*is sitting under a tree -again- a shadow brimmed hat covering his eyes*

John said...

Actually no, I was planning to overload your brother there.

*Smirks a little*

Though I guess this works too.

*Aims a swift kick at her knee*

John said...

(Also, "filled to full"?)

Chione Asahina said...

(*tries to smile*
Hey star what are you talking about there is no argument here all is happy and cheery and delightful.
*sinks into a ditch and a stone saying R.I.P appears over it*)

Aria: M-me?
I'm Ariadne Silver. Just a bartender and waitress
Just tagged along cause i was bored.

Star Inkbright said...

Msd. Sleep should possibly happen.

Chione Asahina said...

(What, John?)

John said...

(Your wording in that last action, you said "filled to full".

Slightly redundant.)

Star Inkbright said...

((@Gemma: :/ :/))

Necromancer Guy: *to Morgan* So you're one of those.

Morgan: *rolls his eyes*

*Necromancer Guy clearly doesn't know him*

Necromancer Guy: *thinks Aria might be easier to pick on, seeing as how she's pretty and young and female and he's stereotypical like that* What do you know about him? *meaning Morgan*

Star Inkbright said...

((You can fill something half full.))

Chione Asahina said...

(...yeah Star. You should probably get some sleep. Remember what i said this morning if you're struggling.)
Cord: *goes down on one knee, crying out*
*uses the Scythe to stay up*
*moans as she stands again, a little shaky*
*her bruises from before are gone though*

Star Inkbright said...

((@Gemma: *nodsnods*
Thank you. :)

*rolls into bed . . . or not, since that would mean I had to roll upwards*

Chione Asahina said...

(I don't care. I'm tired. If you don't like my wording would you like me to stop the RP and discard it?
You've dealt with my worst spelling and grammar. Although you've never seen me that tired. Even though we've watched each other sleep.)

Chione Asahina said...

Aria: i know his name is Morgan and that's it. We just met there.

John said...

*Crouches down next to Cord*

You done already?

Chione Asahina said...

Cord: of course not.
*flips and kicks him in the chin with her other foot then catches him in the Scythe and they spin until she throws him like in the hammer throw*

Anonymous said...

( rocking out to this and my headphones fell off :P

btw I replied... 11:29)

Chione Asahina said...

(I was just waiting to see if Rhos was still here, Keiron. If we scared him away do you want to continue with our other RP?)

Star Inkbright said...

Necromancer Guy: *disappointed* Oh.
Morgan: She gets to ask you a question back, now.
*glancing at Aria* If you want.

Anonymous said...

(yeh if you want... could keep them separate :P I don't mind

Con: so everything did happen ? :/)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
John said...

*Tumbles through the dirt for a yard or two and winds up on his back with his neck arched to look backwards at her*
*Wipes a line of blood off his lip as darkness creeps into his left eye*


Chione Asahina said...

Aria: *looks at Morgan*
I really don't mind. But you do, so you ask him instead
*stands and watches*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Minerve: *she counters the laser with a beam of black energy* *she grasps Ember's wrist, and the skin and muscles retreat up her arm until there is only bone* *she breaks the bone*

Ember: *she hisses, pulling away, her hair becoming blue flame* *she growls, fire swirling around her, engulfing Minerve completely*

Elizabeth: *she fires her crossbow bolt at Minerve, many bolts striking her in the face*

Chione Asahina said...

(No i was just meaning that until Rhos comes back or reappears tomorrow, we could continue with ours cause we can't exactly do the merge without him. Although i'm really tired so i might go soon. And my work could call me in the morning and tell me to come in xD which fucking sucks...
*collapses on her bed*)

Anonymous said...

(okai g'night Gem are you on a Zero hour contract?

-that awkward moment when your phone auto corrects something into something worse.)

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