Sunday, October 30, 2011


SPOILER WARNING for anyone who hasn't read Mortal Coil. Look away now.

Just a quick note to say that the Halloween story will be appearing as soon as I've finished it. HOPEFULLY that will be tonight, but it might be tomorrow, and appear on Halloween itself. I have to say, it feels good to be writing about Tanith once again, even if she IS ever so slightly evil...


And speaking of Halloween, look at the desktop thingy you can download. Yay desktop thingies!

In keeping with the general creepiness of the season, may I also direct your attention to Haunted, a compilation of ghost stories by various writers, of which I am one. It's out now, and as part of the promotion, the writers are appearing as guests on various blogs around blogland. I had the good fortune of writing a piece for the Bookwitch, which can be found here:


1 – 200 of 4825   Newer›   Newest»
Reflector said...

PRobably not firts!

Dragona Pine said...


nights.raven said...

2nd :P
and 3rd

Dragona Pine said...

Ah crap, 3rd.

nights.raven said...


nights.raven said...

Cant wait for the Halloween story! :D

Aquila Felis said...

Top ten?

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Oooo desktop thingies. I do love those.
~nods wisely~
Derektastic ghost stories FTW!

NOM Ominous said...


NOM Ominous said...


NOM Ominous said...

YES,guys, that is mr up there
just not on this acc
no lies

nights.raven said...

ur Awesomeknox?

Anonymous said...

Dragona, Raven, Skyril, Aquila!



Thrust, nice to meet you!

NOM Ominous said...


NOM Ominous said...

I'm actually not new to this... I mean I made around two posts in this blog somewhere else, don't ask where.

nights.raven said...


Ev! *hugs* Hi!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hi! I haven't seen you for AGES! Good to see you :D

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Greetings and salutations, Thrust!
Pleasure to make your acquaintance! :D
Now, to avoid confusion... are you a boy or a girl?
Sometimes it's hard to tell :P

Anonymous said...

It's good to see you too! I've just been distracted and busy lately...

The following link is MUY IMPORTANTE.

NOM Ominous said...


NOM Ominous said...


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Yay! It's a booooooooooooy!
And in a non-creepy way, we need more boys around here. :P

NOM Ominous said...

I actually HAVE noticed that...

NOM Ominous said...

Have I just passed some sort of test?

Laura Jordan said...

Time to go take a look at that link me thinks!


Anonymous said...

We do need more boys around here. The disproportionate female:male ratio surprises me sometimes.

Okay, so what are everyone's thoughts on a Secret Santa fic/poem exchange?

Anonymous said...

Salutations, Sabrina! I'd say nice to meet you, but I talked to you in a PM once, so nice to meet you here!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Yay! New post!!!

Shadow Whispers said...

can't wait for the halloween story!!! And yay for desktop thingies!!! I have become such an SP fangirl lately.... oh well! it is awesome

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

lol, no, no tests here. I was just wondering :P

Greetings and salutations, Sabrina!
Pleasure to make you acquaintance! :D

I think it's brilliant!

Dragona Pine said...

I have to go now. Night guys!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Skyril, you've been added. That's four people so far including me- I'll get Ann to join, so five, and a month left for signups.

Anonymous said...

Bye, Dragona!


Mar-Chu said...

Oooooooooh! I love my new wallpaper~


Must read your story!

*prances off, in a random mood of Halloween*

*Thalia walks in, with a monotone expression*

Thalia: She loves creepy cemeteries and dead things.

*Mar jumps back, waving her hands in the air happily*

Mar: In fall, everything's DYING! ITS SO COOL! I could be a Necromancer!

*Mar prances away again, dragging Thalia with her*


*door closes before Thalia can finish her sentence*

Anonymous said...

Erm. 'Lo, Mar!

Mar-Chu said...

*tackles Everisse in a hug*



NOM Ominous said...

'Lo, Mar!

Anonymous said...

-hits head on ground-

Owwwww. Hi!

Mar, link!

Cassidy Clarimonde (Self-Appointed Grand Mage of the Scottish Sanctuary) said...

needs tha halloween story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is my birthday !!!!! cant wait for friend get friend to finish!!!! hope i win!!!!!! guess what i got and did today!!!! -

I got £50 and bought- a bracelet with a skull, a choker, the 1st el skulduggo book, plasticine, book marks, and a bottle of juice!!!

i went to waterstones !!!!!!!!!!! i saw a poster thingy that says - Our Bestselling Books for Kids, and it has the front cover of deathbringer on it so i asked the nice lady who was working there if i could buy it and she gave me it for free then i asked for the skulduggery happy halloween poster and she said come back on thursday cause thats when we take down the halloween things down and im like "omg i love u " !!!!! :D

my friends got me -

Jack skellington cards, home made picture, badge, hoodie and t-shit
bestfriendatops face towel
teddy bear ear phones
and an awesome card!!!!!! i love my friends!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D xxxx

im also gonna post pictures on my blog so check it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and im happy cause my birthday is exactly one week after master landy's !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hope he reads this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D xxxxxxxxxxx

Mar-Chu said...

*head tilts*


Anonymous said...


Okay, I apologize for excessive linking. The blog in the link I posted is the Blogland Secret Santa Exchange 2011, for fics and poems. It's going to be awesome, but I need more people to join!

Anonymous said...

Agh, Mar got Comment #42.

Mar-Chu said...

*tackles Kallista in a hug*


Ayesha said...

Ahhh I can't wait for the short story Oh I have missed Tanith, she was one of my fav Characters!!! Poor Tanith :(
Oh and YAY for the desktop thingies!

nights.raven said...

Happy Birthday, Cassidy! (srry for late response)

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Oo, I've got to go now!

Happy birthday, Cassidy

Sorry, everyone for disappearing!

Just in case I miss it tomorrow,

Happy Halloweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!
Ghost eyes-

Ok, bye now!

~Hugs everyone~

~dashes off~

NOM Ominous said...

Happy Birtheday, Cassidy!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Mar, got you down! Try to link to others, if you can!

Happy birthday, Cassidy!

Hi, Ayesha!


Anonymous said...


Bye, Skyril!

Kallista, got you down too. That's six, now, including me! We're on a roll, and only the first day of signups!

Mar-Chu said...

*prances back*

I'm heeeeere!



nights.raven said...

bye sky *hugs* Happy Halloween!

Ophelia said...

Derek write new story?
Ophelia must go read now.....

On another note what is everybody going to do for Halloween?

IDK how things work over there in that Europe place but over here in America everyone dresses up and goes trick-or-treating, I'm guessing that's what you people with the fancy accents do as well but I'm not sure.

I'm going as the Mad Hatter from Tim Burton Alice and Wonderland and my friends are going as the rest of the characters. We have been working on our costumes for over a year now so they are frekin' AWESOME!!!

We are already planning next years costumes...were thinking of our favorite magical Irish book characters but we think we might have to hold off a few years until your books get SUPER-DUPER famous so people actually know who we are.....



Anonymous said...

I have a sudden craving for ramen noodles, and no idea why I felt the need to share that fact.

lego said...

Oh, hi! I really, really love Halloween. Like, if Halloween was a person, I would totally kiss hir. Sadly, we're prolly not going to get many trick or treaters this year, (stupid snow) but at least more candy for me! Yay!

Also, my dad gave me his old iphone, so I can get on here when my laptop isn't permissible. Not xat, though. Has anyone figured that out?

Lois Lane said...

YAY! Can't wait to read it!

Also, happy birthday to Cassidy! May this day live forever in your mind as the super amazing one that was... Really fun... And stuff... :D

...And happy late birthday to Master Landy! :D

Anonymous said...

I have to go, guys!

-hugs everyone-

Dinner. I'll try to be back later, but for now, see you!

nights.raven said...

im gonna dress up and hand out candy

nights.raven said...

bye ev *hugs*
bye kal *hugs*

Cassidy Clarimonde (Self-Appointed Grand Mage of the Scottish Sanctuary) said...

Thanks everyone!!!! check out my skulduggery pleasant blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 :D x

Anonymous said...

Lego, xat doesn't work on iPods or iPhones. Check ouy!


lego said...

Bye ev!

*clings to kal* can you stay just a little longer? :(

Mar-Chu said...

*stumbles back*

...dang. Keep getting distracted.

*giggles after a moment, then prances off*

Mar-Chu said...

ah, actually, brb.

Mar-Chu said...

...wait do I smell WAFFLES?

...or is that just something in the kitchen burning...

...probably the latter.

Cassidy Clarimonde (Self-Appointed Grand Mage of the Scottish Sanctuary) said...

So how is everyone in blogland!!!!!!!!!! :D

Ayesha said...

Xat does work on iPods and iPhones but I don't know how to do it. ask either Niall or hellboy they come on Xat with their iPods and phones but I don't know how they do it

Mar-Chu said...

MMMMH....My Mama just came over to say Happy Wedding Anniversary to my parents, and bring candy.


That is why I love her.

Mar-Chu said...

(And why I like my Math teacher. He gives us food, too)

DogsLikeBones said...

Hey Everybody! Ooh! Desktop thingy! I wouuld use it if I didn't share this laptop with my mum, who would just change it back... Oh well...

Niamhy Jay said...


Ayesha said...

I gtg now Byee everyone!!!!
*hugs everyone and disappears in a poof of purple smoke*

Cassidy Clarimonde (Self-Appointed Grand Mage of the Scottish Sanctuary) said...

bye :D

Anonymous said...

My math teacher gives us lollipops. ;-D


Laura Jordan said...

Everisse Eterna, I didn't know we had talked before?! Or, at least, I don't quite remember it! I am now inclined to say "Hello again!"


Cassidy Clarimonde (Self-Appointed Grand Mage of the Scottish Sanctuary) said...


DogsLikeBones said...

Bye Ayesha!

My maths teacher is awful. Last week he was like "Lets just make a brief note on tangents". He made us write an entire page.

Speaking of pages, am I actually on the first page of comments? That doesn't happen often....

Anonymous said...

It was a review you replied to, actually. It wasn't really much of a conversation, I wouldn't really expect you to remember it since it was months and months ago. This used to be my ffnet username, but it got changed to Exalted Pancakes when I gave it to my friend.

Anonymous said...

Our math teacher is awesome. He's insane, does imitation voices, only makes us take a few notes, never gives us full worksheets for homework, and we play math bingo every Friday with lollipops as prizes. It's a ninth-grade-honors-level algebra class.

DogsLikeBones said...

@Cassidy - I know right? You just can't beat that song ^^

Laura Jordan said...

Ahh, this does explain a lot. In any case, nice talking to you again!

Min (Thalia) said...


Min (Thalia) said...

Darn, 89th and 90th.

Cassidy Clarimonde (Self-Appointed Grand Mage of the Scottish Sanctuary) said...

well iu can if u listen to this is halloween in the nightmare before christmas!!!!! :D but yes it is epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!::D

DogsLikeBones said...

Everisse, I had a teacher like that last year. But now I'm stuck with the school's worst Maths teacher for antother two years ;( And I already had him in my first year as well!

DogsLikeBones said...

Cassidy - Heard that too! Love it! I also love Marilyn Manson's version!

Hey Thalia!

Kribu said...

Oooh, I can't wait for the story! *does a little anticipatory dance*

Well, actually, I have to go to bed now, so I suppose I can. But anyway.

And this reminded me that I ordered Haunted a couple of weeks ago but now that I went to check on whether it's even been dispatched yet, my whole order seems to have gone missing, as if I'd never placed it at all, although I have the original confirmation e-mail... have to find out what's up with that. Boo.

Min (Thalia) said...

OK, silliness aside. Happy Halloween Derek! I get to go the school as Sherlock Holmes tomorrow! Happy days.

I love my new background. I already had a Skulduggery one up, and now I have this one, and it's awesome.

Can't wait to read the story!

Anonymous said...



How've you been?

Min (Thalia) said...

Hi Bones!


Min (Thalia) said...



I'm pretty good! Sick, but good. How are you?

Cassidy Clarimonde (Self-Appointed Grand Mage of the Scottish Sanctuary) said...

dogslikebones- they are both good!!!!

Anonymous said...

-puts on hazmat suit-

I'm good! Freezing to death, it just snowed yesterday, but good!


DogsLikeBones said...

*hugs back* God, I haven't been here in a while have I? Haven't hugged for a while!
Sham I have to go in 10 minutes... :( BooHoo

And Thalia! You're so lucky to dress as Holmes! And at school! My school is far too lame for that...

DogsLikeBones said...


Min (Thalia) said...

*pat's Bones' head*

You're school doesn't let you dress up on Halloween? For shame.

DogsLikeBones said...

Cassidy - Too true! I bought The Nightmare Before Christmas on dvd a week ago because it was on offer at HMV. I went back to school next week and my friend had bought it for me! ^^' lol. She ended up giving it too her sister.

Anonymous said...

We can't dress up either. But I'm wearing a headband with cat ears on it anyway.

DogsLikeBones said...

*sniffle* I know, right? But oh well, I can dress up anyway ^^ They can't stop me! *thunder, lightning and other special effects*

Cassidy Clarimonde (Self-Appointed Grand Mage of the Scottish Sanctuary) said...

lol i wasn't allowed to buy a jack hoodie cause my friend bought it for my birthday today !!! :D

Min (Thalia) said...

Ev - I'd love to do the Secret Santa thing, but my email is private. Is there a way I can still do this without giving you my email?

DogsLikeBones said...

Oh! Happy Birthday! How old are you?

(I got a Jack Skellington bag on holiday ^^)

Anonymous said...

Thalia- you could create a separate gmail account? I can't send assignments secretly without e-mail or some other form of private communication.

lego said...

Oops, left without saying goodbye. Sorry, horrible form.

Anyways, how is everyone?

Also, hi Thalia! And anyone else who came in my absence! *hugs*

Min (Thalia) said...

Happy birthday Cassidy!

Min (Thalia) said...

Hi Lego!


Ev - my parents somehow know everything I do online, and they would NOT let me make one. You could post a comment on a random one of my posts on either my writing blog or personal blog? I'm the only one who would see it, then I could delete it.

Cassidy Clarimonde (Self-Appointed Grand Mage of the Scottish Sanctuary) said...

thanks everyone im 13 today :} sweet 13 finally a teenager !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D yas!!! there is a post on my skulduggery pleasant blog about what i got if u wanna check it jus click on my name then the blog :D or look for a previous post cause its there too lol :D !!!! x

Anonymous said...

Thalia- I'll do that, thanks! We're up to 8 people now.


CharlieTheConsultingTimelord said...

I dressed up as Jack the Ripper for halloween :) I was the most historically accurate fourteen year old girl at the party (or box social as I liekt o call it) :D

Have a good Halloween everybody! x

Min (Thalia) said...

Yay! Thank you so much Ev!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Cassidy, officially legal in the country of Spain~

DogsLikeBones said...

Well, Congrats on surviving another year since your last birthday!

And with that, I regretablly must leave you all! Goodnight! (Or whatever it would be according to your time...)

Anonymous said...

Okay, gotta go, guys! I might be back on later!

-hugs everyone-


Cassidy Clarimonde (Self-Appointed Grand Mage of the Scottish Sanctuary) said...

thanks Eve :D

Min (Thalia) said...

Awww, bye Ev, Bones!


lego said...

@ev- I saw, and I'm really excited! But I'm on iPod, and can't pull up the necessary blogs to comment. But yes, count me in and I will try to remember to comment. :)

lego said...

Bye ev and dogs! *huggies*

Cassidy Clarimonde (Self-Appointed Grand Mage of the Scottish Sanctuary) said...

bye bones :D

Min (Thalia) said...

I g2g for dinner. Bye all!

*hugs everyone*

*skips off*

Cassidy Clarimonde (Self-Appointed Grand Mage of the Scottish Sanctuary) said...

bye thalia :D *hugs*

NOM Ominous said...


Noelle said...

Yay! I'm soo happy! Derek Lnady, I even dedicated one of my blogs to you, and i drew pictures for you. I cant load them here but if you click on the link below you can get them!!!
~Adrasdos Dark

Emily said...

I finished The Faceless Ones last Sunday and have already spoiled myself for Mortal Coil twice so I figure I don't have a lot to lose... It's shocking just how much descriptions of books on Amazon give away for those of us who haven't gotten that far...

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Sooo a new post.... I was on the last one... I always do that....

Hi everybody!

Moonie said...

Oooh, I am super excited for the stories!
Also, my Valkyrie costume is all done and ready for tomorrow. I will look like a teenage thug but it'll be WORTH IT.

Alexis A. said...

133? Not quite an accomplishment but at least I'm on the first page.


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Hey moonie nice to meet u!!!!


Is that like a book? Cos most of them are my favourite auuthors

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Ms vex nice to see u again...

Alexis A. said...

Hola Phoenix.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

How r u?

Alexis A. said...

Pretty good. I'm watching an unsettling medical-doctor show thingy and working on a Skulduggery Pleasant Halloween themed fanfic.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Can I have a lookie???

Alexis A. said...

Yeah, I guess. Er, do I just post something on here or...?

Moonie said...

Hey Flame! And the rest of you cool kids.

Oooh, what kind of halloween fic?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Hey moonie Howr u?

Alexis A. said...

Let me just finish typing up a part and then I'll post a little bit on here. I'm posting the whole thing on my other blog either today or tomorrow.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Octa said...



Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Hi octa Howr u?

Mistical Future said...

hi peeps!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Hi misty

nights.raven said...

hi all

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Hi nights

NOM Ominous said...

Whenever I apply the halloween desktop thingy, it always cuts Skulduggery and Valkyrie's heads off! How are they supposed to see how awesome they look up there?!?!? SKULDUGGERY... HAS... NO... HAT...! AHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all done.
he, he..

nights.raven said...

hi flame

Ann Marie said...

*bounces in*

*lands on ass*

Ow. Glad that's well-padded. How's everyone?

Mistical Future said...

well you can right click and go to personalize then you can make it so that the whole piki fits!

Octa said...

Hey Ann!

I've not spoken to you in ages!!!


NOM Ominous said...


Mistical Future said...

good! how about u?

Octa said...

Pyro says hi too.

Moonie said...

Flame: I am doing awesome, Flame! I marathoned Halloweentown movies (and kept imagining the cab guy as Skulduggery...)
Thrust: Go into your system preferences and go to desktop. You should be able to shift the image around a bit until it fits!

nights.raven said...

hi ann *hugs* how r u?

lego said...

hi peoples!


Mistical Future said...

wow so many peeps that i haven't met!

btw i cant be on for long!

Alexis A. said...

All right, this is an EXTREMELY short snippet from my Halloween themed Skulduggery fanfic. It doesn't compare to Derek's writing at all but I tried. *sighs* Enjoy I hope!

“Please go away,” Skulduggery was saying to two costumed girls.
But the girls were relentless. “But we’ve got costumes on.” the bottle blonde said. “No one will ever know it’s us!” the redhead said in a pleading tone.
Valkyrie hurried over to the Bentley and approached the two girls. “Carol, Crystal. Um, how are you?”
Carol pointed an accusing finger at Skulduggery and adjusted her bright pink superhero costume. “I recognized him from Gordon’s hearing. But he won’t let us come on an adventure.”
Crystal crossed her arms over her ridiculously inaccurate vampire costume. “And if he was here then we figured you would be coming here too.”
Skulduggery looked at Valkyrie with a tilted head. His hair was black and short today and his eyes were a vivid green. He mouthed the words help me. Valkyrie couldn’t help keep an amused smile off her face. Skulduggery had gone up against villainous bad guys, evil gods, and had confronted his inner demon. But now, cornered by two teenage girls, he was openly asking for help.

I know it's short but that's all you get at the moment. :\

Mistical Future said...

Hi Lego i haven't seen u in ages!!!

nights.raven said...

lol i liked it kim

Octa said...

I like it Kim!

It made me laugh. :)

Mistical Future said...

that's really good Kim! it's funny and i like it!!!

Alexis A. said...

Thanks guys. (^.^) Cross your finger I can finish the rest by tonight.

nights.raven said...

*crosses fingers*

Mistical Future said...

soz peeps gtg school!

nights.raven said...

bye mistical

Octa said...

Bye Misti!

Alexis A. said...

Adios Mist

Niamhy Jay said...

*hugs everyone*
How are you all??

Ann Marie said...

And then I went to get breakfast. No promises I'll stay! Blogger is not on my list of most cooperative sites.

nights.raven said...

hi NJ *hugs back* im fine, u?

Alexis A. said...

Bonjour Maverick. I'm fine, thanks for asking.

nights.raven said...

hi ann *hugs*

Invisible_Fly said...

I think it's a sign that when I just finished my last midterm, there's a new blog post.

Octa said...

Hey NJ!


I'm really tired.

kk Ann...

Ann Marie said...

Kimberly, that's great! XD I love the twins.

nights.raven said...

hi fly, how r u?

lego said...

hi fly! *hugs*

@ann- isn't opening for me. :(

Invisible_Fly said...

Hey guys! I'm good :) I'm just reading homework and making some cookies. When the cookies are done, I'll leave them out for everyone. I think everyone likes the Canadian cookies :3

Ann Marie said...

*gets Octa a pillow*

Hello back to Pyro, btw!

*goes around hugging everyone* wheeee!

Alexis A. said...

Thanks Ann Marie! And hello to all the people I didn't say hello to.

Niamhy Jay said...

I am grand, as ever.
Hello Kimberly pleasure to meet you.

nights.raven said...

good to hear NJ :)

ann, how r u?

Niamhy Jay said...

Hello Fly.
Nice to meet you.

Invisible_Fly said...

Hi NJ, nice to meet you too. How're you? :)

Niamhy Jay said...

Hey Ann, long time no speak.
How are you??

Niamhy Jay said...

I am Grand, and yourself??

Ann Marie said...

I'll try, Lego. It's taking kind of a long time to load the page, though.

nights.raven said...

how r u?

Octa said...

Ooh. Pillow! Thanks!

Sorry for slow responses.

I'm practically sleep writing here.

Invisible_Fly said...

TO EVERYONE: How are you? Got any plans for tonight or tomorrow? I'm going to be watching Nightmare Before Christmas tonight, and tomorrow I'll be giving out candy.

Niamhy Jay said...

I probably will need to get to bed soon, I didn't go to bed til about 4am last night.

Niamhy Jay said...

I don't celebrate Halloween.

Ann Marie said...

I'm good! I think. Am I?

Maybe I'm confused.

Halloween is a surprising amount of work, carving stuff and making costumes.

Alexis A. said...

I think I'm trick-or-treating tomorrow. (It may appear immature considering my age but it's quite fun. :3)

nights.raven said...

im fine, u?
im gonna dress up and hand out candy while to watching a Ghost Hunters halloween special :D

Alexis A. said...

Yippee, first!

nights.raven said...

congratz on first, kim!

Niamhy Jay said...

Lucky for some.

Moonie said...

I have an icon now! YAAAY.
Sounds awesome so far, Kim!
Anyone as anxious as I am for the contest results? haha

Niamhy Jay said...

Congrats Kim, what is your dedication??

Alexis A. said...

A dedication? Hmm...

I dedicate this page to the remaining hours until Halloween.

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