Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Friend Get Friend

First of all, my Ameriminions seem to be having a great time coming up with their opening lines, and I have to say the standard has been superb. There's still ages left to go, of course- the deadline is October 23rd- so keep submitting them in the comment section to the last post. It's all been very impressive so far- some real writers out there, and every few hours I have a new favourite... SO KEEP SUBMITTING!

Of course, I did promise a SECOND competition, now didn't I? Basically, your Golden God needs your Miniony help to spread the Skulduggery word around the world during this, the most fun of all months. This is what we're calling our "Friend Get Friend" competition, and it's all to do with social media. I honestly understand only about half of what I'm about to say, so please bear with me. The winners will receive a set of the Skulduggery books- UK editions- all signed by moi, and you'll each get a signed poster with your favourite quote scrawled across it. I'm not sure yet WHICH of the amazing Skulduggery poster you'll be getting, because it all depends on which ones I can find in my house (yes, that does mean these posters are from my own personal collection.)

Here are the things you need to do to be in with a chance of winning:

If you have a Facebook page, you could change your profile pic to the new Tom Percival US cover, then post a link on your Facebook wall to the eBook here http://bit.ly/qNJYCP

If you're on Twitter, you could tweet (I'm sorry, I'll never be able to take this word seriously) a message out using the following hashtag- #FREESkulduggeryebookUS . It can be about anything connected to the free eBook offer but it must contain a link to the page http://bit.ly/qNJYCP and a request to re-tweet your tweet. Good God. Tweeting, retweeting, hashtags... Does ANYONE understand what the hell I'm talking about?

If you have a different online profile- like MSN, YouTube, Blog, Tumblr, etc- then you could post a status update which includes the cover and the link http://bit.ly/qNJYCP ...

Now, if you do ANY of those things, you MUST tell me in the Comments section to THIS post. Tell me EXACTLY what you've done and you'll be automatically entered into the competition. The closing date is October 31st, the competition is open to EVERYONE in EVERY country (yep, that includes you Ameriminions), and 10 winners will be selected at random by me. 

Ready? Set? GO.


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Chione Asahina said...

Chi2: Alright
*goes upstairs with the twins and tucks them in*

(I want Twins. Lira and Lucas. Blonde Hair blue eyes...i want Lucas to be born first so he can look after his little sister and protect her.)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Ember: That location literally means nothing to me. You could have just said we're close to Gurantuatarantaylaland and it would have made no difference. Oh? You can move on water? How useful. You can give me a piggy back ride whilst Elizabeth swims. Unless we both sit on your back and use you as some kind of boat, using my fire to propel us. That would be quite amusing.

Elizabeth: We are not using him as a boat, Ember. Please think sensibly.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Onwa: I do love the ability to teleport.
*takes her hand*

James: Mm..

I love you too Beth, so much.
*raises an eyebrow at Claire*
I will kiss her more the more you complain.

Manuel: Of course. And I am aware, however that doesn't make the situation any better.

Star Inkbright said...

((Same goes to you as to Gemma, then, Keiron. :)

Well . . . I'm pretty indifferent on the kids front. I mean, maybe it would be nice, maybe it wouldn't. My mum keepsa ysing phrases like "When you have kids" and I'm just mentally like "-_- dunno if that'll happen."
However, I do know I don't want to be a single parent, because I think it would be too difficult for my liking. So basically, I'll only have kids if I find someone who wants to co-parent witih me and I htink the idea sounds good at the time. :) If I never have kids, I imagine I'll live. If I do have kids, I hope I'll live. :P))

Chione Asahina said...

(Lol Star

Exactly, Keiron. Why do we have so similar goals for parenting?)

Anonymous said...

(dunno...? maybe because we'll be good at it someday hopefully :P)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I dispense hugs very rarely here, my sense of humour is somewhat lacking and I am hardly the most relaxed person in the world.)

Liliana: *they vanish in a flash of black, reappearing outside a small hotel in the city* Mmm... This is where we will stay.

Parasite: For the sake of conversation, do you have a house?

Claire: Urgh. Fine.

Lily: *she shrugs* It makes it slightly less worse... Is there anything you would like to see here?

Chione Asahina said...

Juvia: *gasps and almost falls over*
W-woah...it's breath-taking.
I don't think i could ever tire of this view either.
*presses herself against the glass, feeling the water currents*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(@Star *high five for being indifferent!*)

Star Inkbright said...

((Today has taugth me something.
Being as stubborn as heck gets results.))

Star Inkbright said...

@Jai: *hi-fives!!!* :)

Chione Asahina said...

(Very rarely for me, Star lol
Hopefully, Keiron.)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Star - That is something I have known for nearly a decade. It is nice that someone else has finally realised it.)

Feraaaa32 said...

well, today was a slow day on the blog ^_^

Star Inkbright said...


















Chione Asahina said...

(I'm so annoyed at Stuart because he hasn't seen all the disney movies. I have to invite him up and make him watch them all somehow.
My kids will be forced to watch them all too.)

Star Inkbright said...

@Sophia: :)

Hang on, btw. I don't want to abandon WhatsApp when everyone is being thrown out of their orbits to do what I want. It would be unbelievably bad form. So that kinda makes it hard to focus on typing more than a few sentences.

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Evelyn: *she gets close to finishing, washing the last few pots* *she calls up* I think I'll be leaving now. I suppose I'll see you tomorrow?

Chione Asahina said...

(Great first comment, Star.

Hey Fera. Yes, it has been. And i'm so bored that i don't want to do anything but obviously that'll make me more bored.)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Star, I responded to the roleplay.)

Star Inkbright said...

@Gemma: HAHAHA I've only seen like half of 'em. XD

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(You hug me every time I come on.)

Onwa: Very nice.

James: I do, many.


Manuel: what is there to see?

Star Inkbright said...

@Sophia: I know. Just hard for me to respond rn. :/

Chione Asahina said...

Chi2: *comes back downstairs*
Thank you very much for helping me out.
*gives her a £10 note*
Here. Just to start you off.

(Star it's still your turn on our RP btw.)

Anonymous said...

(Again my optimism is off the charts lately, I don't like it... I have no chance in hell for finding a partner that has the same views and will deal with me lol I doubt it will happen for me. Still nice to dream, I suppose. )

*smirks watching her* Sometimes they come right up and I feed them, sometimes I feed on them... sometimes the fog rolls over the water and becomes so dense you can barely see the water. It's amazing, I'm rather glad I moved to be honest.

Chione Asahina said...

(Star! Unacceptable. You have to watch all the classics. It's part of our childhood now. Or it should be.)

Feraaaa32 said...

I've seen all of them star :p

Anonymous said...

(I don't think there's a pixar, disney film I haven't seen and if so then I plan to watch all with my kids anyway if they were real... so you know optimism for seeing all the disney films with kids someday.)

Chione Asahina said...

(*raises an eyebrow at Keiron and gestures to the last oage but doesn't say anything*)

Juvia: Sounds amazing to live here all the time. The thing is that I can't live in the water because my skin will be like a prune. Or a raisen. Or a date.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...


Chione Asahina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chione Asahina said...

(I haven't seen 'Planes' that's pixar isn't it?)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I have seen one or two. Disney movies are not exactly my type of thing. They are usually too... happy, cliché and cheesy? Those are the three words that I would use, personally.

Jaimie - Yes, but that is you.)

Liliana: *she smiles, linking arms with Onwa, starting to head inside*

Parasite: Are any of them interesting?

Claire: Steve should be delivering the car back soon.

Lily: Well there's a castle...

Evelyn: ... Really? Thank you, so much... *she hugs Chione gently* Thank you... I'll go and buy myself some food and maybe some gloves, thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

(*raises eyebrow at gem* "AND WILL PUT UP WITH ME" that kinda is one of the things that has to be done for kids I do not want to be one of those couples that the kids get sent back and forth between mummy and daddy I want to be there. )

It is *smiles* ((isn't she like concentrated water ? :P)) I bet you'd still look good.

Feraaaa32 said...

ha! I've seen planes as well :D

Chione Asahina said...

(But that takes magic power.)
Juvia: *blushes*
*glances at him then looks back to the water*

Anonymous said...

(i've seen planes yes it's pixar :P there's 2 of them)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(@Soph you can't use that as an excuse xDDD)

Onwa: *walks with her*

James: What would you class as interesting?

Okay. How we're the eggs?

Manuel: Then we can go see it if you wish

Chione Asahina said...

Chi2: *glad she took the money*
*hugs her back gently*
You're welcome.

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I have never seen Planes, or Cars, or whatever other films about vehicles they have made (boats? helicopters?). I have seen Frozen. That is possibly the only one I have watched the entirety of.)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(I've seen loads, but not cars or planes.)

Chione Asahina said...

(It looks realllly bad though.

*smashes her face off her wall and blood goes everywhere*
*giggles insanely*)

Star Inkbright said...

((@Gemma: Yeah - what did you say last? Last I rememebred, I made them all respond at the same time.))

Morgan: *flips to elsewhere on his phone, which is designed to work even when there is liquid all over the screen*
*messages Rowan and Ben at once* |Bleeding.|

Ben: |We'll be there.|

Morgan: |Vehicle.|

Rowan: |You okay?|

Morgan: |No.|

*to Ember and Elizabeth* Someone'll come.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*watches gemmy*
*puts her in a straight jacket in a padded room*

Chione Asahina said...

(Aria laughed and asked if they believed her now)

Chione Asahina said...

(*rolls around the floor in the straight-jacket*
It's padded and comfy!
*giggles more and continues rolling making popping noises*)

Star Inkbright said...

@Keiron: Does 'will share all my views' really have to be an issue?
So long as you both accept each other, surely it's all fine?
*genuine question btw*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Hotel receptionist: Hello, welcome to the White Harp Hotel. Are you here for a room or just for the bar?

Liliana: We would like a room. Perhaps one of the more... executive ones.

Hotel receptionist: *she nods* Yes, we have a suite that would match your needs. It will cost you two pieces of gold per person, per night. Is that acceptable?

Liliana: Yes, it is. *she places four gold coins on the counter* If we wish to stay any longer, we will pay you tomorrow.

Parasite: Perhaps a torture room?

Claire: Good, thanks.

Lily: I was thinking for your benefit, not for me... It's up to you.

Garret Falcone said...

(Jai you've just reminded me of a joke

What do you call a chav in a box?


What do you call a chav in a box with a padlock?


XD brill jokes (well me and my friends like them haha :P )

Yeah #wasghosting #resumesjob )

Star Inkbright said...

((@Gemma: Ah, okay. :) I'll start typing out the response now.))

Anonymous said...

(was it something I said?

I tried and got shut down. What more do you want? *sigh*

*goes into shadow realm sits in the darkest depths in a corner to talk to the dead and how it feels*)

*pulls out fish food and drops some over the side without her noticing hoping one will come to the glass*

Anonymous said...

(@star no they don't have to share my views at all tbh I don't mind change... but I want consistency if that makes sense, I want to be able to talk to them 50 years down the line... I want to at least have things we like in common so we can do them together... roughly the same views on parenting so that the kid isn't like half racist because of my partner or something you know...

little things really they don't have to be massive and yes I will love them for who they are... and differences can be good :P)

Star Inkbright said...

Ben: *doesn't show feelings*

Rowan: *looks shocked*

Ryan: *looks shocked and embarrassed*

Male5: *looks angry*

Male1: *looks interested*

Morgan: *looks interested*

Kent: *looks shocked and interested in equal measure*

Kent: Sorry to ask this, but how do we know you're not just a person with powers?

Ben: Does it matter?

Kent: *sighs* Probably not. Old habits die hard.

Chione Asahina said...

Juvia: *keeps staring at the water*
*presses her palms against the glass*
*closes her eyes and follows the water currents*
*feels them change*
Something is coming.
*she watches happily, waiting*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*lays bubble wrap all over the floor for her*)

Onwa: Hmm.. I will have to pay you back for that.

James: Of course they have torture rooms.

Good. Do you want me to fix your face?

Manuel: I would like to visit the castle.

Star Inkbright said...

*nods at Keiron* That was a very cool paragraph you wrote. :)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Elizabeth: How long will they be?

Ember: Urgh. Any amount of time is too long. I hate fucking water. Why couldn't you have had less precise aim and landed us on somewhere full of volcanoes? *her hair gives off more steam*

Elizabeth: It is hardly that easy.

Ember: I hope you understand there could be sharks here? And I cannot do shit whilst we're in this water.

Elizabeth: I can. I could cause it to wither and die if it attacks. No shark would be a bother.

Evelyn: Thank you so much... I'll be here tomorrow early-ish. *she hugs Chione again, before going to the door*

Chione Asahina said...

Aria: *pauses for a moment*
Well, you know how Gods and goddesses can change their apperance?
*turns into Kent, then Rowan, then Ryan and finally back to herself*
I can also be an animal but i-i'd rather not show you that.
And to prove i'm the princess...
*takes off her silver necklase*
*opens the locket which reveals her mother and father wearing their crowns and the symbol of the royal family engraved on the inside*
*gives it to Kent gently*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Liliana: Hardly. I am most likely richer than you, Onwa. I am a baroness, remember? And then there is the fact we can literally create gold coins in our realm.

Parasite: Mmm... Who have you used them on? How are they equipped?

Claire: Nah. It's fine. No problem. It won't scar.

Lily: *Manuel experiences a falling sensation, before a castle rises up from the clouds beneath them, with Lily and Manuel landing on its lowered drawbridge* Here we are.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Onwa: Mm. If you're a baroness does that make me a soon to be baroness in law?

James: Many people, and many ways.

You sure..?

Manuel: *stumbles, teetering over onto his rear*

Chione Asahina said...

(Oh btw i didn't go insane because of what you said Keiron. I'm just really bored.

*rolls around and pops the bubble wrap*
*screams with delight, her left eye twitching*)

Chi2: Goodnight, Evelyn. Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

(danke *nods and smiles* :P

Con: *looks at gar blinking S_O_S * )

*two cat fish come to the surface one black one white swimming in circles eating the food*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*laughs quietly at Gem* I can actually imagine myself enjoying that..)

Chione Asahina said...

Juvia: *squeals with delight*
Hello fishes.
*glannces at Con and sees the fish food*
Can i give them some?
*smiles at him*

Chione Asahina said...

(I know i would enjoy it. I also wnjoyed running in a hamster ball across water.)

Andviolet Queen said...

Hello people of Blogland!

Anonymous said...

Yes of course *smiles* scoot back a little I'll make the panel disapear to get a better feeding point. *holds out the food with one hand the baton with the other*

Garret Falcone said...

(taking that as a good sign Con ;D haha
Yeah chav jokes are the best :D

Another one

What do you call 2 chavs in a car with no music playing?

A police car! XD )

Anonymous said...

(VIIII! hi *glomps* :P

Con: Hello *tilts head* where and how have you been? *hugs*)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Ohhhh so would I xD

Hey and.)

Anonymous said...

(Con: Silly boy it wasn't about the joke... It *cough* was to help me out of a predicament.

How did it go with the lady friend? Also how be you?)

Chione Asahina said...

(*shakes head at Rhos*
Those are terrible...)

Juvia: won't all the water cone in?
*panicks and looks at their clothes*

Andviolet Queen said...

*glomps K* Hi!
*hugs Con* Well I've been on a vacation, and in an endless vortex of YouTube that I have finally escaped :)
Hi Jai :) *huggles*

Chione Asahina said...

(Hi andviolet
I'm seriously commenting too much i have to stop and shut up.)

Anonymous said...

*laughs* no it's stagnant which means we'll just float here the water within touch, and yes you could fall in so you know try not to. *smirks*

Andviolet Queen said...

Hi Gem :) *hugzez*

Andviolet Queen said...

How be all of you?

Chione Asahina said...


Juvia: *leans in and touches the water*
*looks at Con and holds her hand out for some fish food to feed them*

Feraaaa32 said...

hey andviolet, haven't seen you in a long time ^_^ how're you? :)

Garret Falcone said...

(ahhh I see Con
Well if you need help email me lol
And yeah..... Long story behind that

Funny one though :P

As for moods
I'm rather happy thank you (coz a special friend of mine ;) but not the one you'll think it is, a different one which I can explain when you mail me :P )

(Hi Vi! *offers bro hug* )

(Thank you Gem :D
I know they are, that's what makes them so funny :D

And comment lots, be a rambler! Join us!!!! :D *zombie face*
*offers bro hug* )

Star Inkbright said...


I've just got this sociopath running off and finding handfuls of civilians in this city so Kaladin can fly them away to saftey.

*no one freaks out overly much at being changed into*

Kent: *looks down at it, then looks up at Aria and smiles* You seem liek a very incredible person.

Male5: *mutters* A very freaky person, more like.
*doesn't like being made to say things against his will, extraordinarily enough*

Rowan and Ryan: *also look uneasy*

Morgan1: Um . . .
|How long?|

Ben: |With a vehicle? A bit longer.|

Morgan1: |Portal|

Rowan: |You can do that?|

Morgan1: |.|

Rowan: |Okay. Try that. Any vehicle preference?|

Morgan1: |.|

Rowan: |We're bringing a boat, okay?|

((Are they underwater?))

Anonymous said...

(Con: sounds fun a lot like mr's here days in general *sigh* apart from vacation

where'd you go ? how are you? :P was it fun :P? hehe)

*spills a handful in her hand* there's a real big one that is a mix between the colours, I have taken to calling him yueri the japanese name for both sun and moon aka ying-yan but they are the smaller ones in tandem with their colour obviously, being a man of habit.

Star Inkbright said...

((I'll have you know that Lizzie, Carrie (Cat's character), Cas (LIzzie's character) and Morgan (my character) are all randomly bleeding now despite there being no external wound.


And I thought tihs was a rare thing.))

Star Inkbright said...

((Wait no. I think Carrie stopped bleeding. SHe's still all dizzy adn faint thoguh.))

Anonymous said...

(I thought you killed them I was so proud of you Star :L :( )

Star Inkbright said...

@Keiron: I did.
They're doing what I want now.
I got a sociopath risking his life to save people.
I call that a victory. ;)

Andviolet Queen said...

Sorry, got caught up in something
Gar: Hi :) *bro hugs*
Fera: HIIIII *huggles* I'm pretty good, how be you?
Con: yeah, it is quite the bottomless abyss
K: I went to a really awesome place in Pennsylvania. First to the place where my grandparents got married to celebrate their 50th anniversary, then to an awesome ski resort but since it's inner there was a bunch of other awesome stuff

Feraaaa32 said...

I am really good thank you, what have you been doing? :) *hugS*

Andviolet Queen said...

Mostly watching YouTube, but I also went on vacation with my family, so that was fun :)
And it's good that you are really good

Anonymous said...

(@star GOOOOOD ! Something something something Dark side something something hehe

@also star sounds like sherlock, is it sherlock, is there johnlock, omli I need johnlock in my life they are perfect goddamnit he loves you John....

@Vi awesome :D sounds like you had a blast :P did you see dracula? or a vampire?)

Star Inkbright said...

Hey Andviolet! :)

@Conductor: XD

XD Nah, just Dan the man with a plan who likes pizza cooked in a pan.

-_- Please don't Johnlock.
Don't ruin my lovely platonic relationships for me.
John and Sherlock can be equally awesome and have just as strong a bond without being in love, thank you very much.

Andviolet Queen said...

Con/K: Sorry, can't say I did

Andviolet Queen said...

Hi Star! *huggles*
Wbd, eating dinner

Feraaaa32 said...

hehe thanks ^_^ where did the vacation take place? :)

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Oooh, I go to Pennsylvania every summer!

Star Inkbright said...

I'm staying online till one, btw.

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Oh. And hi other people!


Chione Asahina said...

(*bro hugs Rhos*
Work was better today. I got to pick up all the balls from the ball pit and tidy them up which meant going into the climbing frame.
I also got the kids to help me by making it into game. I said to Jackson's dad that it's the only way to get them to clean up xD)

Aria: i-i've never been called incredible before by anyone...
*flinches and get expression turns from surprised to hurt at getting called a freak*

Andviolet Queen said...

Fera: various places in Pennslylvania
Duggy: cool! I go there a bunch too, I have a bunch of family there :)

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

OMLI me too! Most of my mom's family is from there.

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(No, Star. I did not think so. Otherwise it is unlikely they would be speaking.)

Ember: When we're done here, I'm going on holiday. Somewhere hot and dry, not warm and wet like this is.

Evelyn: Thank you, too. You've like saved my life, I mean it. *she exits the house, starting to head to the nearest town to get something to eat*

Liliana: It does not sound like it exists, but you will be in a place of great social standing.

Parasite: *she grins* Come on, give me some details.

Claire: Yep. It's fine. It'll have gone in a few days.

Lily: *she laughs, smiling, holding out her hand to help him up* I fell off the bridge my first time. You did well.

Andviolet Queen said...

Duggy: same!

Chione Asahina said...

(Hey Duggy.)

Juvia: *grins at the fish food*
*takes a pinch at a time and speinkles it over the water*
It sounds amazing...i would love to see it. Sounds quite rare though.

Anonymous said...

( @vi :( *scowls* that's exactly what a new turned vampire would have to say :P

Hilow DUggly *hugs the dug* :P

@star but .... but Johnlock... look into his eyes goddamnit he loves him, his pupils dilated, they dilated. he says John instead of help ... )

Sort of .. I took to training him he's a smart one *PLaces the tip of the baton in the water* If you want you can blow on the end it will send out a frequency he can hear *smirks*

Feraaaa32 said...

oh cool :)

Andviolet Queen said...

Con: well then what would someone who /wasn't/ a newly turned vampire have to say?

Chione Asahina said...

(Juvia: *raises eyebrow*
You want me to blow on your stick?)

Juvia: *blows on the end of it and a strange sound comes out*
Did it work?
*looks up at Con*

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Hey Gem!

Hey Keiron!
*hugs back*

Vi: weird! If you don't mind me asking, what general area of the state? We go to the middle ish east.

Anonymous said...

(Con: Not like that! Dirty minded! *scowls half jokingly*

I dunno... that you did see one but had a steak/cross handy and also beheaded them >.< :P ?)

Wait and see we'll know soon enough *smirks evilly holding onto the barrier as the house start to shake him swimming closer*

Andviolet Queen said...

Duggy: Uh, the general Pittsburgh area. I can't remember where that is...

Andviolet Queen said...

Con: Uh, well then what would someone say who just didn't knowingly encounter any vampires?

Garret Falcone said...

(Yay Gem! You did what I always still want to do (go in the ball pit, love those spaces
If I get married I so want one at my stag night, get bladdered and play in a ball put sounds fun :D ) and you're so right about kids, that tends to be the only way to make them tidy up (or promise them a present... Yeah that works too hehe )
But well done for having a fun day :D and enjoying work too )

(Hey Duggy :P )

Star Inkbright said...

((@Keiron: -_- If Johnlock ever becomes a thing I will lose a bit of faith in the world.))

((@Sophia: Oh yeah. XD))

Morgan1: *reaches for another phone and hold it out* Someone take this.

Morgan2: *to Aria* Don't mind him. *sighs*

Kent: *to Aria* *in a, like, non-flirtatious way* I find that hard to believe.
Alright. We are an organisation that monitors and sometimes eradicates people with abilities like you.

Ryan: Or him. *gestures to Morgan* But of course, we can't eradicate him, because he's /special/.

Morgan2: *looks innocent*

Kent: *sighs* *continues speaking* However, we only operate in our world. If you stay out of our world, you'll likely never hear from us again. But if you come here, you'll have us to deal with. Does that make sense?

Chione Asahina said...

(*is still rolling around in tge straight jacket*
*laughs evily*


Juvia: *wobbles slightly and hugs onto Con tightly so she doesn't fall into the water*

Anonymous said...

(Con: *shrugs* that you killed someone for the fun of it *clears throat* I mean because you suspected vampirism.)

Andviolet Queen said...

Con: what about someone who didn't knowingly encounter any vampires, didn't kill or attack anyone, didn't get killed or attacked by anyone, or had no experiences related to vampires at all?

Chione Asahina said...

Aria: what do you mean? People that transform? Why would you want to get rid of people like that?
*starts being paniky and scared suddenly*

Anonymous said...

(@vi Con: that's just boring ... )
(@juvia Con: Now do you see what he saw? *shrugs* I am me now. )

*holds her tightly as the fish bumps into the glass that remains cracking some of it, shaking the veranda, he's basically shark sized*
*smirks* who's a big boy? someone's been eating a lot.

Chione Asahina said...

Juvia: *yelps and hides behind Con*
*buries her head into his back*

Andviolet Queen said...

Con: *shrugs* Well sorry, it was boring then. But it really wasn't, there was a giant slide that they had that you go down on a sled with wheels and it's over 300 ft long down a ski slope type hill/mountain. I went on it like 15 times in a day and a half period when I also did a load of other stuff and you have to go up a ski lift to get to it. It was awesome!

Anonymous said...

*smirks cuddling her* He's a big softy look *bends down touching his scaly back* He just likes attention and is well too big to know better. *he takes her hand slowly bringing her closer to touching him*

Star Inkbright said...

Kent: People with powers.
*calmly* We don't get rid of them if they're not a danger. We monitor them, and if they're a danger, we get rid of them. If not, we just continue to monitor them.

Ryan: You're saying Morgan's not a danger?

Kent: *sighs*

Morgan2: Thanks to me and Aria, Ryan, we know everythign we need to about Litherfian now. What's the issue?

Ryan: *shakes his head*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Ember: *she takes the phone* Do I need to do anything with it? Because I do not understand these things.

Elizabeth: Somehow I feel sorry for you, Morgan, stuck here with us two. It can hardly be a pleasant experience.

Anonymous said...

(Con: yeh but vampire hunting would have made it even more betterer)

Andviolet Queen said...

Con: Eh, vampire hunting isn't really my thing. I preferred the slide

Star Inkbright said...

Morgan1: *shakes head at Ember* *holds his hand out to the phone in her hands*
*realises he needs to focus to do this*
Hang on.
*takes another pill*
*this one isn't one of his usual ones*
*closes his eyes and sighs, then holds his hand out to the phone again*
Keep holding that.
*gives a sort of running jump and blurs as he moves over the water*
*in a moment, a fairly large portal springs up between Ember and where Morgan was when he initiated it*
*runs back to them and holds his hand out for the phone from Ember*
*he's bleeding more*

Star Inkbright said...

((Haha we're currently vampire huting over yonder.

[7/10/2015, 00:20] Catherine: Vampire 1: *runs towards Demigod Central*
[7/10/2015, 00:20] Lizzie: Meg:*has a machete ready* *leaves Cas stood a bit unsteady*
[7/10/2015, 00:21] Catherine: Vampire 2: *runs at Cas*
[7/10/2015, 00:21] Me: Nico: *slices its head off with his Stygian Iron sword*
[7/10/2015, 00:21] Catherine: Vampire 3: *runs at Kaladin*
[7/10/2015, 00:21] Lizzie: Meg:*slices head off vampire 2*
[7/10/2015, 00:22] Catherine: Vampire 4: *runs at Isabelle*
[7/10/2015, 00:22] Lizzie: Meg:*slice head of vampire 4*
[7/10/2015, 00:22] Me: Kaladin: *slices the head off Vampire 3 with his Shardblade*
[7/10/2015, 00:22] Me: ((Damn, we're getting good. :)))
[7/10/2015, 00:23] Lizzie: ((Well it's not hard))
[7/10/2015, 00:23] Me: ((No, but still.)
[7/10/2015, 00:23] Me: ((I rememebr when we were like "ARGHHHH VAMPIRES" and now we're just like "meh. vampries."))
[7/10/2015, 00:23] Catherine: Dan: *sighs* There'll be more Damned nearby.
[7/10/2015, 00:23] Lizzie: ((We have grown))
[7/10/2015, 00:23] Lizzie: ((Well u guys have))
[7/10/2015, 00:24] Lizzie: ((I have mentally))


Anonymous said...

(Con: okay.

*walks into the valley of the shadow of death* )

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

(i'm guessing Gemmy has gone to sleep...

that's nice star.... how do you feel about Destiel ? )

Star Inkbright said...

@Keiron: Haven't watched Supernatural. :P

I watched two episodes
but I'm not sure that counts. XD

Either way, I just generally object to people romantically shipping characters with a strong platonic relationship. I'm just like "I'm sorry, is that not good enough for you?"

It's like you're telling me that it's impossible to have a strong non-romantic bond with someone.
Which feels very defeating, I must say.

-_- Maybe I've just read too many aro threads.

Anonymous said...

( Destiel proof, actaul lines b4 he was "risen from perdidtion" )

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

(you should watch it :P it will take about 2 weeks if you are persistant like I was hehe

Luci is soy cute :P that's how you know we're crazy we think satan is cute and want him back )

Star Inkbright said...

@Keiron: Need to borrow DVDs from friends, and they're really unorganised. :P

XD XD HAHA Lizzie's the same. She swears by Lucifer, she thinks he's awesome and she misses roleplaying him and wants him back. XD XD

Anonymous said...

(aH yeh I remember bcoz there weird and don't want you watching it online for some weird reason :/

:P For lizzie :P )

Chione Asahina said...

(Sorry Keiron. I think i fell asleep? Not sure. But now i'm going so goodnight guys. Continue tomorrow.)

Anonymous said...

(it's fine go to sleep *offers hug* )

Star Inkbright said...

@Keiron: Beacuse they want to give money back to the people who made it.
It makes perfect sense.
I mean, if you love something you want to thank them for it and not rip them off, right>

Also falling asleep . . . soz. Like, struggling to focus on what I'm typing, and I think they're letting me go. Adios.))

Anonymous said...

(even though they've already paid for it and you watching a dvd gets them no revenue when online has ad revenue ? :P ?weird ok whatevs goodnight)

Grant Ward ((Skylar Isome)) said...

I appear to have missed everyone.

Mémoire Perdue said...

That, perhaps, may just be your opinion, Monsieur.

Mémoire Perdue said...

I do, however, appear to be quite alone upon this moment, and I shall wallow in that loneliness no longer. Farewell.

Noelle said...

Today was terrible. The best thing that happened was that I broke 140, and managed to not gorge myself. Though I nearly fainted at my riding lesson. I was so hot, and I didn't have my inhaler- Shammy was breathing hard after the canters as well, so I trotted with her a while, before we walked.

Tomorrow I have to have my pictures taken, and I am rather... Upset. I don't wish to be doted upon, and I certainly don't think that I am worthy of being preserved. Besides. I have a sinking feeling that m scars will be edited from the photographs. If so, I just don't know if I will be able to take the hurt from that little piece of.... Reality.

The vial of acetaminophen looks ever-more seductive.
It's calling... Very sweetly.

My only fear is that, if I survive, I may have liver damage.
If I do, then I will simply throw myself from the bridge- it is quite a drop...


I don't know

Noelle said...

I've found gentle solace in Jane Eyre, that the novel is not quite as terrible as I originally expected. The first one hundred pages were truly painful.
I await the Blind Assassin. Perhaps at Brown...

I hate it when I'm told to "just love myself", and "try harder".
That is, to me, like saying "don't breathe".
I do try- I try so much, and it frustrates me more when I don't get anywhere. I don't think that I'm beautiful. The only thing that I like about myself is my eyes- but the rest oft face is rather childish and like a caricature. Then, my body has pieces of fat that I try to whiffle away- but it is terribly difficult. I've named my stomach fat Gladys, for that is a name I abhor. It doesn't hurt me so much because I can then kill Gladys.. Make my stomach become flat. I'm so close, as well- she is just a contour that is so nearly dead...

I can't express how happy it made me to fit into my shorts that were once too small. I felt better about myself. But k still look into the mirrpr... And....
My legs are still to wide. They are smaller up top, but then ballon outwards. It's infuriating- and what more, my asthma makes it difficult to exercise without a deep pain. At the very least, I weigh myself every morning, and I record the answers.

To be plain, I simply cannot stand my appearance, and I only feel beautiful if I wear makeup, if I suck my Stomach in, and keep my legs part. Then, no one can tell how much I'm struggling...

I just

"Wow, Noelle! You're so thin...!"
I hear it so often- from family and friends..

Mom tells me that it's okay to let myself eat, because she does know? But I haven't acknowledged to her this


And paracetamol is calling for me now, and I must deliver.

Have a good night, good life...

*Surreptitiously, Noelle stands behind the exhaust pipe of her mother's car and- breathes in deeply* *Continues to breathe in, until she is unconscious*
*No one came to her funeral, not surprisingly* *Why would anyone* *No one loves her- deeply cares for her, the kind of bond not broken by space time, drama, or relations*
*Withers away into dust*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*hugs Noelle gently*)

Onwa: Mmm..good.

James: *chuckles* Hmm.. Okay. One of my main pieces in the brass bull.

Okay.. if you're sure.

Manuel: *takes her hand, standing, the smallest of blushes appearing on his face*
Thank you

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Ember: Okay, that's pretty cool. Are we going through it?

Hotel receptionist: I will show you to your room. *she stands up, starting to head up some stairs behind the reception*

Liliana: *she follows her*

Parasite: Very interesting. Anything else? Who have you had in the brass bull?

Claire: Yep, I am. *she finishes drinking her orange juice*

Lily: *she begins to head inside the castle* You are very welcome, Friendship.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...


Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Hello, Tia.)

Feraaaa32 said...

*Hugs noelle but knows that only people mentally and physically close can help her*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Hello, Fera.)

Feraaaa32 said...

hello sophia ^_^ umm, do you happen to know where clo is? :)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(No, I do not. You never answered my question, yesterday. What did you mean by, "well, we can test whether I'm homophobic or not, meet me in 5 min baby ;) :P"?)

Feraaaa32 said...

It was a joke, sarcastically taking the mickey out of the implication that i am homophobic, because i am not ^_^ :D

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(That is your reason behind it, not its meaning. How would meeting in five minutes fix anything? And why did you call be "baby"?)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Sorry for disappearing. Hello, Sophia and Fera.

Star Inkbright said...


((I just thoguht of something.))

((In fairness, it was about one am last night.))


Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

He, Star.


Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Hello, Star. What did you think of?)

Feraaaa32 said...

well, you clearly don't get the joke ^_^'

Anonymous said...


I appear to still be breathing :( )

Feraaaa32 said...

hey keiron, what's up? ^_^

Anonymous said...

(Just that I didn't die, it's quite annoying.)

Feraaaa32 said...

why did you want to die? ^_^

Anonymous said...

(many reasons.)

Star Inkbright said...

Omg I just started crying wtf.

I'm not even sad.

I think I'm tired.


@Sophia: Eh. Roleplay plot thing. Our roleplay. I made an error. Oops.

Star Inkbright said...

*hugs Keiron* Are you okay?

@Fera: . . . I don't think any of us did.

Feraaaa32 said...

you ok star? :) and well keiron...you can skype about those reasons ^_^

Feraaaa32 said...

star: I think keiron did ^_^

Anonymous said...

(Not really. *hugs star*

I did I think and if it's what I think I still didn't appreciate it and it didn't help your case...

but don't take that personal... I just don't find things funny rn.)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I am not sure I do, Fera. Hence why I am asking you to explain.)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Star - What was the error? We could potentially rewind and start again before the error if you wish?)

Star Inkbright said...

@Fera: Not really. I'm not reall feeling overly great and I can't be botehred with life rn, so I htink that I should probably right a disclaimer here to apologise for any hurt I may cause in the next - however long. If I do cause hurt, it won't be intentional, and it won't be becausee I don't have the energy to maintain shields over my thoguhts or anything, it'll just be because I'm fed up with life rn.

Omg that was so eloquent.

It was beautiful.

@Sophia: Ummm . . . idek.

I'll sort it out. Dw.

Feraaaa32 said...

it's fine, i've noticed that you haven't been in a good mood lately ^_^ again, you can skype if you want...
sophia: "Meeting up" with winky face...i hope you can figure from there ^_^

Feraaaa32 said...

star: why are you fed up? :) E-mail me if u don't want to be public with it ^_^

Star Inkbright said...

((@Fera: It's not for any particular reason. I was just sat here and I started crying. And then I was like "Well, I feel exhausted adn shitty rn."
I might be a bit better now, though.))

Morgan1: Yes.


Anonymous said...

(as i told my friend that tried to get it out of me, if I were to tell you i'd break you...

so it was then, that doesn't disprove homophobia.)

Star Inkbright said...

@Keiron: Eh, idk. :/

Anonymous said...

(WHat do you not know?

that i'd break your mind or that it did show non homophobia.)

Feraaaa32 said...

does it not? How so? ^_^ If a guy's willing to have consent with another guy, i am pretty sure he ain't homophobic? ^_^
star: Ahh....hormones then ^_^

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Fera - I do hope you understand that I am a lesbian, right?)

Elizabeth: Where does it lead?

Star Inkbright said...

@Keiron: That you'd break my mind.

@Fera: . . .

Feraaaa32 said...

sophia: um....
star: sorry, but i couldn't find any other logical explanation ^_^

Star Inkbright said...

@Fera: No, the '. . .' was @youandSophia.

Anonymous said...

(not logical though. SHE is a girl, Dragona is the guy... or did I miss something?)

Star Inkbright said...

@Keiron: . . . Yeah, Sophia is a girl and Dragona is a guy.

Um . . .

What was the significance of that statement?

Feraaaa32 said...

ah ok :)

Feraaaa32 said...

staR: nothing, i didn't know what to say ^_^

Anonymous said...

(he was implying he would have sex with sophia, but was also implying she was a guy... )

Feraaaa32 said...

ok then it was meant 4 dragona :D

Star Inkbright said...

@Fera: No, still @Keiron.

@Keiron: Yeah, that's what I didn't get. I was like "but Sophia's a girl so if you had sex with her that would be straigth adn not gay WTF."

@Fera: Yeah, but you were talking to Sophia. :S

Feraaaa32 said...

oh alright... well it was meant to be directed at dragona :D

Star Inkbright said...

@Fera: . . .
And what would that accomplish? Dragona wasn't part of the conversation.

Anonymous said...

(You could have just said me to make it easier? lol I'm pan and all and identify as a guy.

@star yeh that's what I was getting at. It shows at least ignorance towards -what's the word too early-)

Feraaaa32 said...

it was supposed to say that i am not homophobic...and well i am usually an ignorant person :)

Star Inkbright said...

@Keiron: :) :)

And - *nods* *shrugs* *doesn't know word either*

@Fera: *nods*

Omg. Words.

I guess though . . .
I guess the conversation shouldn't go like this -
"That's a homophobic word."
"Oh, but I'm not homophobic, so it's okay if I use it."
It shoudl go like this -
"That's a homophobic word."
"Oh. Well, as I'm not homophobic and hence don't say homophobic things, I will try not to use that word."

^In my opinion.

-_- I don't really want to have a go at you, because I don't want to hurt you, but equally sometimes things just need saying.

Feraaaa32 said...

well, it's not meant to offend. I don't use it usually anyways ^_^ I said it one time(maybe 2) . I really don't care what people think of me for it ^_^

Star Inkbright said...

@Fera: I know that (the first part, anyway). I also know yu're not homophobic. I'm just pointing out. :)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I do agree with Star.

I cannot help but think that the situation is hardly difficult to understand. My name is Sophia Rachel Keating. Surely that would indicate the fact I am a woman?)

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