Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Friend Get Friend

First of all, my Ameriminions seem to be having a great time coming up with their opening lines, and I have to say the standard has been superb. There's still ages left to go, of course- the deadline is October 23rd- so keep submitting them in the comment section to the last post. It's all been very impressive so far- some real writers out there, and every few hours I have a new favourite... SO KEEP SUBMITTING!

Of course, I did promise a SECOND competition, now didn't I? Basically, your Golden God needs your Miniony help to spread the Skulduggery word around the world during this, the most fun of all months. This is what we're calling our "Friend Get Friend" competition, and it's all to do with social media. I honestly understand only about half of what I'm about to say, so please bear with me. The winners will receive a set of the Skulduggery books- UK editions- all signed by moi, and you'll each get a signed poster with your favourite quote scrawled across it. I'm not sure yet WHICH of the amazing Skulduggery poster you'll be getting, because it all depends on which ones I can find in my house (yes, that does mean these posters are from my own personal collection.)

Here are the things you need to do to be in with a chance of winning:

If you have a Facebook page, you could change your profile pic to the new Tom Percival US cover, then post a link on your Facebook wall to the eBook here http://bit.ly/qNJYCP

If you're on Twitter, you could tweet (I'm sorry, I'll never be able to take this word seriously) a message out using the following hashtag- #FREESkulduggeryebookUS . It can be about anything connected to the free eBook offer but it must contain a link to the page http://bit.ly/qNJYCP and a request to re-tweet your tweet. Good God. Tweeting, retweeting, hashtags... Does ANYONE understand what the hell I'm talking about?

If you have a different online profile- like MSN, YouTube, Blog, Tumblr, etc- then you could post a status update which includes the cover and the link http://bit.ly/qNJYCP ...

Now, if you do ANY of those things, you MUST tell me in the Comments section to THIS post. Tell me EXACTLY what you've done and you'll be automatically entered into the competition. The closing date is October 31st, the competition is open to EVERYONE in EVERY country (yep, that includes you Ameriminions), and 10 winners will be selected at random by me. 

Ready? Set? GO.


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nights.raven said...


BlackDragon said...

what u up 2 great g2g ill be back in like half an hour

nights.raven said...

oh, nothing
bye taz

Jackskin said...

hi guys

Jackskin said...

guys are you here

Jackskin said...

damn it damn it damn it missed everyone as usual

Anonymous said...

Heyyya :)
I posted the link on my facebook-page, and changed my profile picture to the awesome US book-cover ;)
I'm from Denmark btw, love the books, started out by buying the first three in danish, but the translation of the books thereafter was to slow.. so i ordered them in english so i could get them faster .. :D :D I actually bought one on a schooltrip to london.. a lot faster than waiting for the book in the mail it seemed^^

nights.raven said...

hi Jack, how r u?
long time no see

nights.raven said...

did i miss u?

nights.raven said...

i cant believe i missed u by 10 minutes! i was on here http://xat.com/chat/room/146341296/?p=0&ss=10000

Anonymous said...


Ciara Hughes said...

Hey, Is anyone around????

nights.raven said...

hi onyx

Ciara Hughes said...

Hey, wassup??

BlackDragon said...

im back!!!

nights.raven said...

nm, u?

nights.raven said...

wb taz

Ciara Hughes said...

nm, just some homework, i need some fellow minions t cheer me up and HEY YOUR BACK!!

Ciara Hughes said...

still only you following the good side :/

BlackDragon said...

i know i told my friends to make a blog and fllow the good side but i dont think they will be bovered to do it

Ciara Hughes said...

lol, ask peeps on the blog to follow it when you tlk to peeps then

BlackDragon said...

earlier today

Ciara Hughes said...


BlackDragon said...

today just earlier on

Ciara Hughes said...

what about it???

BlackDragon said...

u said when did u talk to peepsthen

Ciara Hughes said...

oh ok, soz hw makes me confuzeled o.O

BlackDragon said...

lol me and val v were doin hw at the same time yesterday night and it took absolutley agaes and guess wat happened 2 day

i got more hw : b

BlackDragon said...

raven r u still on???

Ciara Hughes said...

lol, i couldnt be bothered to do hw over the weekend so i have about 7 pieces of homework to do, :/

BlackDragon said...

i was gonna do mine at school but i didnt wanna be cramped up in one o da smallest classrooms

nights.raven said...

yea im still here, but im also here http://xat.com/chat/room/146341296/?p=0&ss=10000

nights.raven said...

thats why im so quiet

Ciara Hughes said...

lol, i can neva be bovered to do hw in skl either, do u know any good songs????

BlackDragon said...

yh take off by chipmunk its epic

BlackDragon said...

raven follow the good side

Ciara Hughes said...


nights.raven said...

follow the good side?

BlackDragon said...

yh click on libz then find her blog called the good side and then follow it

BlackDragon said...

any1 on

Ciara Hughes said...

soz :) on the chat room raven is on :)

BlackDragon said...

yay hav u wats ur review on death bringer

nights.raven said...

i've read it
i thought it was EPIC!!!

BlackDragon said...

i cant click the link coz im using a fone

: (

BlackDragon said...

: ( x15

nights.raven said...

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Star Lord said...


You will be AMAZED!!!


BlackDragon said...

: (

nights.raven said...

hi sarth, how r u?

Invisible_Fly said...

Here's a screencap of my facebook page


because I realized that linking to my profile would be useless since I had my profile blocked to anyone not my friend :P

I deny any allegations that my last name is Edgley...

BlackDragon said...

hi sarth im taz

im using a fone i cant click the link

nights.raven said...

hi fly, how r u?

Invisible_Fly said...

hey Raven! I'm pretty good. Just finishing up a chemistry lab. Hopefully I'll get around to studying for my midterm tomorrow

*has not studied any material WHATSOEVER*

BlackDragon said...

im bk

hey fly

Invisible_Fly said...

Hi there! Nice to meet you! Unless we've met before, in which case I'm horrible at remembering people and it's my bad :D

BlackDragon said...

we hav met but only briefly im taz

Invisible_Fly said...

Hi Taz. I'm Fly. Is Taz your real name, or is this too personal?

BlackDragon said...

it is my nickname

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

omg i was so close

congrats taz

Invisible_Fly said...

Okay, I'm off to go do that chemistry studying. HURRAY MIDTERMS :P

BlackDragon said...

wow second time in a row that i was at da top o da page

i dedicate this page 2 ghastly coz hes plain awesome

BlackDragon said...

kk bye fly

BlackDragon said...

flame u still here

nights.raven said...

bye fly
hi flame, how r u?

BlackDragon said...

flame u still here

BlackDragon said...

raven u on or am i alone

BlackDragon said...

i am alone nooooooooooooooooooo

nights.raven said...

im here, sorta

BlackDragon said...

yay brb

BlackDragon said...


BlackDragon said...

wats ur review on DB

BlackDragon said...


nights.raven said...

it was EPIC

nights.raven said...

ill be here http://xat.com/chat/room/146341296/?p=0&ss=10000 bye all, might be back on here later

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

ugggghh chat is too confusing ;(

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

oh and Derek

I told three friends in school about skulduggery pleasant and they went to the library and got it.

I also posted the link on pottermore saying Skulduggery is great, but people didn't like it, some did though ;)

i want to win, but it wont matter if i dont as i already have the books and have them signed

but dont let that make your descision :)

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

i am alone???

Dragona Pine said...

I have to go now. Night guys!


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

dragona i think you are a doorknob.... basically because thats all you say :(

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

anyone this is killing me....

Unknown said...


BlackDragon said...

hi guys i couldnt get on here 4 sum reason

BlackDragon said...

any1 on???????

BlackDragon said...

heyderek as you know i have ben telling every1

about sp

just wantedto let you kno that loads of them are buying your books : ) RESULT YAY

BlackDragon said...


BlackDragon said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

So have I!! I swear!!! But they have dismissed it

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Not much u????

BlackDragon said...

hav dey wat a shame sum o my freinds try to get the whole collection and they are starting to buy the hard backs

BlackDragon said...

i aint doin nout i could nt get on 4 sum reason

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Shame arite.... C half don't like books cos they give them s chance....

BlackDragon said...

ha they all started 2 read it now RESULT


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Wel ha

We never finished that fite

BlackDragon said...

morph into fire demon bring it on

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*throws magic doorknob and fire demon turns into shoe*

BlackDragon said...

*ultra ninja pose


*flying spin kick flames head he goesflying backwards sprawling on da floor

now thats da master at work

BlackDragon said...

whip flame wid magic shoe lace he turns into a frog nd then i turn back into the fire demon

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

A shoe can do dat?

*sets taz on fire*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*hops into pond*

Fire demon follows

Stupid fire demob

BlackDragon said...

turn into ice demon den i freezeflameinto a block ofice

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*burns it cos i favour fire*

*Turns into flame and kicks the crap out of taz*

BlackDragon said...

i though we were in a pond

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

well... Umm... I hate u..

*Pulls taz out andthe kicks the crap out of him*

*and I melted the ice*

So ha

BlackDragon said...

i turn into steam choke u out then turn into water den ice den my fire demon

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*throws water at u*

*den a bush*

BlackDragon said...

u just gave e fuel o burn

*i turn into biggerfiredemon


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*well guess what*

*turns into faceless one and beats the fire out of fire demon*

BlackDragon said...

pull of a triple double combo thingy den take u down with a reverse tornado kick

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*breaks taz legs*

I don't like tornado kicks

BlackDragon said...

hey derek i emailed another of my friends : )

i heal then seep u down from behind and strike u wid my fist (that is now rock)

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*blocks it*

*crumbles them*

BlackDragon said...

i stumble great ten turn into a metal robot


stomp i stamp on flame

BlackDragon said...

g2g soz

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

* chops tazs head off*

Ur dead I win

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Bye I won

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Any1 on?

BlackDragon said...

Great alone again

Mar-Chu said...

Derek, you haven't answered my question. Time is ticking, and I need to know this information, you know...

In the books, when you said something about the American Sanctuary, you said Sanctuaries, as in plural. Which IS understandable, saying that there's 50 states, and they're a bit far away from each other, with so many people and mages in-between. So, is there only one sanctuary for the WHOLE OF America, or one for every state?

StarryNight said...

um, I hope this works...
anyway, I changed my facebook picture (can't even remember the last time I was on before this) to the new cover, and I put a post with the link to the e-book.

And why is there a contest for the Americans, but not us CANADIANS too?

lego said...

anyone here?

majorly procrastinating here...lolwhuts homework?

lego said...

@starry- well, in canada, all of SP is released to bookstores, right? not so for us americans, unfortunately.

NymphadoraLupin said...

posteded the link on my profile page and changed my gorgeous profile picture to an awesome skulduggery one :D
did the same on my google account :D
NymphadoraLupin in NEW ZEALAND

Dia T said...

I need the new SP book or I will die. Seriously, no joke. It's only Monday and my weeks been bloody awful and I need a new book. I've read just about every new or interesting book in the library and my house. I need a book to get lost in and for that I want Skulduggery. Why must I be tortured by not being able to get the new books?
Thank you s much for doing contests open to your Ameriminions

Mistical Future said...

hello if any peeps come on i am likely to be on!

StarryNight said...

Wait, sorry about the repost. the original comment didn't come up for a while, so I posted again....just ignore one

Mistical Future said...

hi StarryNight you can call me Misty! *shakes hands*

Emily (fromthelikes) said...

Hey guys. I finally fixed my computer... Kinda...
I hope...

just dropped in to say Hey ^_^


I'll Be Back!


Emily (fromthelikes) said...

AHA!!! It WORKS!!!! I can't beleive it!!! >_<

I don't think I've been this happy since I got a copy of Death Bringer. (There's a great story there).


Mistical Future said...

hi Morgana Wolf!!! *shakes hands* you can call me Misty!

~Acacia Volt~ said...


~Acacia Volt~ said...

Why am I always so dreadful with the timing of these things? Hmm…

Nevertheless, I shall say what I came here to say.

I was reading my sibling’s Scholastic magazine when the marvellous picture of Death Bringer jumped out at me with the catch phrase ‘Stand out from the crowd!’

May I just say that they got one thing right :)

Alas, that is me, I am gone. I am off to watch more of Wolverine and his amazing adamantium :D

xxx. ~ S'K

Jaffa Morbid said...

Anyone there?

Mistical Future said...

is any one still or or am i lat again?

Batman said...

Hey Derek,
Hope your having a lovely day, i posted the link on Facebook, and changed my profile picture, ALLLL the way from sunny Perth, Western Australia. Heres the link to my Facebook,


(by the way, no one in Australia says G'day)

Schrodinger's Cat said...

DONE!!!!! BOO YAH!!!!! http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000438367448

Schrodinger's Cat said...

Oh, and GDAY MATE!!!! they sure do say Gday Derek, Daniel was lying

Schrodinger's Cat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Schrodinger's Cat said...

Nah, but youre pretty cool I think Daniel. LING LING LOVE YOU LONG TIME!!!!!

Mistical Future said...

hi peeps!
hi Schrodinger's Cat i don't think we've meet before! *shakes hands* u can call me Misty

Mistical Future said...

chow down on this

and i wrote part 2 as well!

Derek please read them!!!
[note i have very bad spelling!!!]

Schrodinger's Cat said...


jenknee said...

and ive done it on twitter now, I know I wont win anything, but im all for spreading the skulduggery word. I feel so privileged to live in Dublin (which is something I never thought id say) and it because of these amazing books. I give skulduggery tours to my UK friends and anyone who will ask really :)

My2Munches said...

Good day! I've posted the link on my Facebook and also changed my profile pic -- hopefully all of my own minions will be rushing out to meet Skulduggery!

BlackDragon said...

yep hey derek

i have told every1 about sp today and every1v has at least read 1 of your books: )

nights.raven said...

hi taz

BlackDragon said...

hi nights

BlackDragon said...


BlackDragon said...

g2g getting a new oven :)

nights.raven said...

ok, bye

Ciara Hughes said...

Hello fellow minions ... anyone around???

nights.raven said...

hi onyx
most ppl are here http://xat.com/chat/room/146341296/?p=0&ss=10000 that is to say, Aquila, Dragona, Isabella, and Kallista are there lol

nights.raven said...

and venice

Isabella Midnight said...

108 more comments until it is full!

nights.raven said...


Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

wait... did my last comment register?

Jean Turner said...

Posted the e-book link on my Facebook & changed my profile pic to the awesome new cover (facebook.com/janete11en). I also tweeted the link & hashtag (@Janete11en) & shared the link on Google+. So glad Skulduggery's getting an American marketing blitz. EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THESE BOOKS.

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

YAAAAAY ! I FOUND MY PROFILE! I was stuck using a different one for a while there...

nights.raven said...

hi thrice, how r u?
what last comment?

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

i lost a comment in the vast world of vast world of... i dunno i think it hiding in some distant corner of the internet

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...


Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

do you have a link to the xat yolkie that kallista and aquila and everyone else uses?

nights.raven said...

this one?

Thrice Dozer the Clumsy Sleepwalker who hasn't smelly feet said...

YES! thanks so much raven

nights.raven said...


Rachel McCoach said...

:D 'allo!!

xat is being EPICALLY slow for me the day :/

if anyone's on both, can they say hi to the others for moi?


nights.raven said...

hi rachel *hugs*

nights.raven said...

they say Hi back :)

Rachel McCoach said...

:D Hi Rave!! *hugs*

:P how u this fine day?

nights.raven said...

im good, how 'bout u?

Rachel McCoach said...

:) am good too thanks :P

up to much?

nights.raven said...

not really
i got some new books on saturday, and im rereading The Belgariad... again
how about u?

Rachel McCoach said...

ahhh!! i've deffo heard o them books. they sound good

as for me...:P TRIED to make pancakes this mornin but they kinda failed... XD

and soz, am easily distracted so do appologise for the awesomely big gaps between comments...

ThiefQueen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ThiefQueen said...

Yes! I finally got the picture up! Been working on that for a while now. Computers just dislike me...

0.0 wow! Lot's of people have commented on here! That's awesome!

nights.raven said...

its ok, rach lol

nights.raven said...

hi thiefqueen, nice to meet u

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


I won a competition today

I got 2 darren Shan books signed and sent to me free!!!!

I'm haappyyy 0,o

nights.raven said...

hi flame
thats awesome! congratz!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Hi nights hugs

nights.raven said...

*hugs back*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

How're u?

nights.raven said...

im good, thx, how r u?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Happpppy :)

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Da da dum da da da dum La la laa

So wua?

nights.raven said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Lighting a fire!!


nights.raven said...

lol i dont know what it means

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Oh rite what u at.....


Unknown said...

Hi! I've met Darren Shan twice ;)

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

I've met him once ;)

nights.raven said...

lol its ok flame
hi crystal

Unknown said...

Hey raven

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Crys dya mind of I ask a question?

Unknown said...

Sure go ahead

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

K so did u go to1 of dereks signings?

Unknown said...

No not yet :( I hope he comes near me soon though :) U have haven't u?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Yep twice...

I was just wandering it doesn't matter...

Rachel McCoach said...

*magically appears again*

:P see? shows just how easily distracted i am...

Heya Flame, Crystal and Rave (again!) !

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Hi Rachel * hugs*

Did u go to edinburgh that was u with the card thing??

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