Thursday, October 6, 2011

Calling All Ameriminions!

What's this, you ask? A brand new Tom Percival cover for Book One? But why? Whatever could be going on?

Well, my loyal and grinning Minions, it's because of the response we've been getting from our American readers that we've decided to have another go in the States. You've all been spreading the word to such an astonishing degree that we figured we'd help you along by re-releasing the first trilogy in eBook format, all with brand new covers. In fact, to FURTHER aid you in your recruiting endeavours, the first book is FREE to download for the entire month of October. 

Because you're awesome. And so am I. 

To see what's happening, just go to

But hark! The news doesn't end there. We're also about to run a first-of-its-kind competition for my American Minions (Ameriminions?), and my American Minions ONLY. Let's face it, the poor dears have to go through an awful lot to keep up with Skulduggery, so they deserve a bit of special treatment every now and then...!

What does the winner get, you ask? Oh, nothin' much... just the brain-melting honour of a special Halloween short story being set in their home state, starring (and I know you've been missing her) Tanith Low, to be released free in time for October 31st.

And what KIND of competition is it, you're asking now? Why, it's the kind of competition in which you write the first line of the story, and I continue on from there. Simples! So it's up to you, my Ameriminions. It can be as spooky, as crazy, as scary, as funny, as weird or as atmospheric as you like. I've read all your posts, and so I like to think that I know each of you just a little bit, and I know for a fact that you're all, y'know, just a tad... UNUSUAL. Ahem. Oh, and naturally I'll need your permission to actually USE your first line, so at the start of every entry could you all write "I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full permission to take this line and incorporate it into his wonderful, wonderful story." 

And you had BETTER put that at the start of your entry, because if I find the PERFECT opening line that lends itself so much to a weird and spooky story, and then I realise that you didn't give me your permission to use it...? Why, I'd just have to hunt you down and kill you with a spoon. 

And this is all thanks to the reactions we've been getting from the Ameriminions, so thank you Kallista, Skyril and Mar Chu, and Skulgirl13 (A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous), and Saoirse Equus, and of course Thor, and Thalia, and Ann Marie, and Vivianna Spark, and not forgetting Alana Core, Jugglingpaynes, Laura, Valkyrie V., ToriSkulduggery Skellington, or even Gwaila, Pandora Wakeshima, Ophelia, nights.raven, Arabella Valkyrie PleasantSparrow, Nicole, annaslanski, Naomi Wiflath, MooGirl XD, Bella Votolato/Valkyrie Cain, mmodrall, Artemis Shakora, Ven Curor, Minnie, Lois Lane, Another Individual, Deila, Thornton, legolas3, Anya, Captain Zombie, Lauren Longbottom, Idlewind, Hanna, Gwyneth Noire, Funk Tuba, Docktor,  Dantea William, Cat, Bekka, and last but not least- Andrew. 

Did I miss anyone? I bet I did. Dammit.


You MUST give me your permission at the start of your entry! 

There is no limit on word count- it can be as long as you like, or as short, cutting and snappy as you like. But it must ONLY be one line! 

Competition closes on October 23rd. The winner will be announced soon after on this Blog. 

With your entry, please include your home State, not your town. Your State is all I need.

Each person is limited to FIVE entries each.

The short story, once it's finished, will be available to everyone, all around the world. Yippee! (Ahem.)

Anyway! That is the first of our Americaland competitions, and the second will be unveiled next week, with all sorts of goodies up for grabs. But for right now, for THIS competition, all I have to say to my Ameriminions is good luck, and don't be afraid to be different. Embrace your inner lunatic. Fun times guaranteed. 


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Dantea Dredkin said...

Its gotten so violent sense the last time I was here.

I like it. ;)

Dantea Dredkin said...

@lego: Then you rip the other bones out, too. Obviously.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

It's always violent when I'm here, but me AND Amanda? It's crazy.

Venice Rain said...

It would be nigh impossible to rip out someones spine in one peice, due to the muscles and tendons connecting it to the rib-cage ect.
However, feel free to try, so long as it dosn't affect me.

Dantea Dredkin said...

Hehehe. Funnnnnnn.

Dantea Dredkin said...

I will try. And I will succeed. Just you see if I dont. I bet the meat and tendons and stuff would fall right off if it was cooked first.

lego said...

I would not suggest trying, as last time I checked, murdering people was accepted as a bad thing to do.

Dantea Dredkin said...

Oh. Damn. Your right. I keep forgetting.

*shrugs* I guess It will remain one of the great mysterys of life.

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

Murder can be a good thing!!!!!!!!!!!

Dantea Dredkin said...

I know, but if you don't get rid of the body fast, then they put you in jail, and its hard to erase evidence when theres that much blood and spines and cooked body parts involved.

Tori said...

hi you guys
my mom just made me clean the house X_X

lego said... *tries to think of a situation where it would be a good idea to kill someone*

Dantea Dredkin said...

Osama Binladden. Hittler. Crux. Justin Beiber.

Venice Rain said...

whats with all this talk about murder?










wait. *looks at Niall* *derpy grin* I think I know why *snuggles*

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

That sucks

Dantea Dredkin said...

I hate those sappy animal shelter commercials. they make me sad.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

If you need to get rid of a body all you do is hide it in the floor like the guy in "A Tell-Tale Heart"

I've done it DOZENS of times. Works like a charm.

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...


*whispers to others*
You have to BURN the body.

Dantea Dredkin said...

Is that the one where the guy goes crazy and hears the heart beating or voices or something? And wouldn't the smell give it away?

lego said...

I really don't think it was acceptable of them to kill him. I don't find it ethical to go around killing people, instead of taking them to court, which would have been far more reasonable.

Oh, and I fantasize about killing people all the time. But fantasizing is one thing, and thinking it's at all acceptable is another.

*ends rant*

Venice Rain said...

Val - I preferred acid. Or cremation then dissolving the ashes in acid, or encasing them in concrete.

TBH, I always found phsycological torture more entertaining.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Well, if you roast marshmellows over the flame it gets a slight taste of corpse. Always a delicacy.

lego said...


Dantea Dredkin said...

I agree with Niall. Burning works best. Just use someone else's fireplace. I mean, fire even kills Edward Cullin.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Well, Amanda and I are gonna go watch Misery, so we'll be back afterwards.

Dantea Dredkin said...

I spelled Cullen wrong.

I change my mind. I'd rather roast marshmallows than people. They taste better with chocolate and gram crackers.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Anyone still on?

Venice Rain said...

*nods* me and Niall are being romantic on DA, Lego is looking at smut, and the others are plotting murder.

Its a good night.

lego said...


@venice- I'm not looking at smut, as you and niall have failed to send it. *whines*

Dantea Dredkin said...

Well, I'm not sure 'plotting' is the right word, more like debating the specifics of, murder.

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

A very good night indeed.

Now, if only my iPod would stop bullying me.

lego said...


bye for now! *huggies everyone*

Venice Rain said...

*hugs lego* I SENT YOU SMUT ON CHAT!

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

@Lego, google bookshelves in porn.
It's SFW, no nudity, but it's related to smut, and it's bloody hilarious.

Dantea Dredkin said...

I've decided on my second entry. Its short and sweet and to the point, yet at the same time a bit vague.

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full permission to take this line and incorporate it into his wonderful, wonderful story.


"It's pronounced, 'Flirtatious'." Tanith said crossly.

Such brilliance in only one line. *sniff* Its beautiful.

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

Bye Lego!
Enjoy your food.

(I bet it's barbecue. *nods sarcastically*)
(Can you nod sarcastically?)

Venice Rain said...

(yes, but it requires a certain skill - the ability to look at someone with complete and utter derision, whilst still keeping your composture.
Obviously, it has never be sucessfully attempted by an American ;) )

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

My iPod is dying such a bully could you guys look at my blog?

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

Sorry, meant blackboards.
Blackboards in porn.

I'm getting my blogs mixed up now.

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

@Ven, I prefer the "did-you-really-just-say-that" eyebrow r
for everyday use.

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

KK Flame.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

R u ven going out?

Venice Rain said...

I personally prefer the 'what a poor little idiot you are' smirk and eyebrow raise. Remove the smirk, and it turns into the 'I wonder what it feels like to be that thick'

lego said...

back for a moment...oven is malfunctioning.

@Niall- nah, was just planning to find an adorable baby pig and eat it alive.

@Venice- shuddup

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

@Flame, I am going to assume that was meant to be "Are you and Ven going out?" and I will answer as such.

No, but only because of circumstances.

Venice Rain said...

Flame - Me and Niall? Pretty much. Blog-bethrothed, at the very least.

Lego - I haz smut. Do you want it or not?

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

WB Lego!

And leave that pig alone.
*puts it in teacup*

lego said...

and yes, please. *turns entire face into a puppy*

Venice Rain said...

oh noes, not the pigs in teacups! Dwaaaaaaa

Okay, not 'going out' in the literal sense. But in the sense that we are ridicoulously romantic with each other and no other boy intrests me because they don't even compare to him in the slightest, then yes.

lego said...

weren't you going to eat him at the barbecue anyways?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Ok blogland is mor and more random each day

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

@Ven, *hugs*

@Lego, not him, specifically. For one thing, he's alive.

Venice Rain said...

*curtsies theatrically* Oh I know. We do our utter best flame, we really do. But there is no standing in the way of 'fate' if you believe in such things.

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

@Flame, how so?

Dantea Dredkin said...

Ug. Laundry. Gotta go.

*Salutes Derek*


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Never mind

What's the pigs name?

lego said...

@Flame- that was random? seemed pretty on topic to me, considering.

now...foodtime! woohoo! *hugs again*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

??? I really don't no ..

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

Bye Dantea.

@Lego, enjoy your piglet!

Venice Rain said...

*hugsies Niall back* BYE LEGO!!

*evil laugh*

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

*is still wondering what was random*

Rosella Embers said...

Nyyyyxie, are you on?

Rosella Embers said...

oh, dear, anyway, hi niall and venice!

is anyone else here?

if so, HI!

Rosella Embers said...

uh oh, byeee everyone!

...have to go now... be back later....

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

I'm here

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

Hi/bye Rosella.
That was a quick visit.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Niall can you look at my fanfic?

Venice Rain said...

Niall - two people, miles apart, falling for each other thanks to the blog of an author of a what is technically a childrens book?

yeah, I wouldn't say thats normal. Brilliant, magnificent, but not normal.

Anna_Bee said...

Forgive me if this was already posted, I just need to make sure it worked. . .

Here I am, an American making herself known.

My mom is computer illiterate. Otherwise she'd have made herself known LONG before this.

"Tell the Golden God that I don't care WHAT all these youngsters say-- I AM HIS BIGGEST FAN! I buy all his books PRESALE on Amazon UK, and I am MAD AS HORNETS that I can't download the AUDIOBOOKS in time for my ROAD TRIP!"

My dad says it's a good thing you live in Ireland, or she might become your groupie.

We Evangelical Skulduggery Fans have gone out into our humdrum society, spreading the good news of our golden god's phenomenal characters and witty banter. I, being an avid reader, keep a list of all the books I have loaned out to my friends, and you should know that my battered paperback copy of Skulduggery Pleasant is out the most. Mom says she'll buy me a hardcover when it comes out in America, and we'll make the old one a shrine.

Entries soon to come, I just need to think them out a bit first. . . :3

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

@Flame, mayhaps.

@Ven, it's not?
I really need to find out more about this whole "normal" concept people keep talking about.

Anna_Bee said...


I'm excited. :P

Venice Rain said...


Niall - I'll introduce you to some of my old 'freinds'. That should do it. But I don't think I will. Abnormal is far too much fun.

Anna_Bee said...

Hello, Venice!

And hey, 'Normal' is just a setting on my washing machine.

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.

Hey FantasyFreak!
I don't think we've met.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

I agree ven

Please can ye look at my fanfics?

I Gotta go... Bye

Venice Rain said...

Niall - no, 100% one of a kind is the correct term, methinketh.

FF - I like you already...
I should not judge people on first impressions, I really shouldn't...

Anna_Bee said...

Oh, fanks. :3

I've been following the blog for evah, but I just joined yesterday. Decided to finally start posting-- you guys seem to be having fun, lol.

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

@Ven, I'm glad you were the collector that picked me up.

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

@Fanta, I was the same.
I entered in a convo about food, which was fun.

Venice Rain said...

Niall - dwwwaaaaa

FF - I swear, its not always like this... well, me and Niall are when we're together, but I do believe its diluted by other people. we use this chat a ton, feel free to come online.

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

Bye Kal!
*resolves that someday he will fly to Michigan and punch Kal's parents*

Venice Rain said...

KAL! :'( ow kay...

Anna_Bee said...

Thanks! But my brother's pizza just came out of the oven, and the smell is overwhelmingly delicious. I would share, but. . . that's really hard to do over a computer. Talk to you later!

jordan warringtron said...

Wooooooooooooi you are great and i have a spoon to

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

Bye Fanta!

Lois Lane said...


Ahem. My entry: I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full permission to take this line and incorporate it into his wonderful, wonderful story.

"Tanith was growing weary of all the Mexican food."

I'm in Texas. FACT: There is a tremendous amount of Mexican food here. It's sometimes called Tex Mex, in case you care.

Venice Rain said...

*hugs Kal*


Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

*puts away wasabi trousers*

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi all!!!¡¡¡!!!

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

Hey Pyro!

I have to leave now, so also Bye Pyro!
And Bye Kal!
And Bye Ven!

lego said...

Yay! I is back!

*hugs kallista and turns her mom into turd*

lego said...

hi pyro!

Bye niall! *hugs*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

We just finished wwatching Misery...


Venice Rain said...

and with that, goodnight.


lego said...

night! *huggies*

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi/Bye Niall!!!¡¡¡!!!

Hi Lego!!!¡¡¡!!!

lego said...

hi pyro, how are you?

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

I'm good thanks!

And you?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Misery scares me *glances around, making sure crazy-lady's nowhere near*

lego said...

I'm awesome! I just ate food, and am reminded how amazing it is.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Valkyrie V!!!¡¡¡!!!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Except, Y'know, 5 hours ago…

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hi pyro! Me and Amanda - who just went back to her house after our epic Skulduggery sleepover - were screaming because of my first scary movie I've been allowed to watch.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Sounds scary…

And no, that wasn't sarcasm, even though-


I can't be bothered to explain, but I wasn't being sarcastic.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

… I'm confused…

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

There was someone who was an author and his biggest fan tied to kill him and she was some insane murderer and... and... IT WAS SCARY!

lego said...

ugh...we had a final service before they would let us eat. 15 minutes after her speech thing was supposed to end, I started going a little crazy from smelling the food I couldn't eat.

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hello... anybody there? :D

lego said...

Hi skyril! *hugs*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I is here and I watched a scary movie

lego said...

@Valkyrie- hmm...what I think would be scary is the "OMIGODILOVEYOUSOMUCHCANIHAVEYOURBABIES" fans. Wonder if derek has any of those...

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hiya, Lego! ~glomps~

Hello, Valk! ~glomps~

How are you guys?

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Kallista! Hello! ~glomps~

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

How are you?

lego said...

hi kallista! *hugs*

lego said...

@Skyril- I'm good, finally got food, and have not puked it up yet. I'm sure it's only a matter of time though, I basically stuffed everything I could find into my mouth in 10 minutes.

How are you?

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Huh, a minute too late.

Hi Skyril and Kallista!!!¡¡¡!!!


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Yay! Congratulations, Kallie!
~throws purple confetti all over the place and awards her with a purple lollipop~

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Aw, ~hugs Lego~
I hope you can keep it down :/

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Pyro! Hello! ~glomps~
I'm doing alright, thanks :D

Abby said...

Because I don't want to die by means of a spoon...

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full permission to take this line and incorporate it into his wonderful, wonderful story.

As the smell of rotting flesh filled her nostrils, Tanith leaned over the corpse and thought, "What the heck just happened?"

I'm from Maryland, by the way.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Ah yes, Octa found a new physics joke!

We don't serve nutrinos said the bartender

The nutrino walks into a bar

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I forget who asked if derek had those creepy psycho fans... But that question makes the movie scarier! It was a creepy psycho fan who took the author hostage!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hey guys look at my blog

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Even if you've already seen it! I re-decorated it, I suppose. It looks awesome!

lego said...

np. *glares at computer*

Mistical Future said...

hi peeps!!!

Mistical Future said...

yay i'm not late!!!!!!!!!!

Mistical Future said...

... or am i!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hi Misty

Mistical Future said...

hi Valkyrie!!!
u've changed ur name again!

Saoirse Equus said...

MREH!!! Derek the only reason I'm reposting this is because I typoed. I meant to say Tanith and not Valkyrie on the last sentance. So here is the revised one.

I hereby give my Golden God, Derek Landy, full permission to take this line and incorporate it into his wonderful, wonderful story.

1. The cresent moon rested its tired frame upon the peak of the South Sister that jutted, stark white, into the dwindling twilit sky.

2. Somewhere, a coyote howled and Tanith listened as it's brethren yipped and screamed in a haunting chorus that rose tangibly into the hot summer night sky.

3. Dry lightning split the rain streaked horizon, illuminating the Cascades in a dazzeling array of abstract shapes and colors.

4. Downtown Bend was alive with people meandering about, enjoying fine wine, music and art, completely unaware of the woman watching from the shadows above.

5. Valkyrie watched as the fuzzy black colt romped about in the field of freshly fallen snow.

Saoirse Equus said...

MREH! I still typoed. That's why you shouldn't copy paste.

5. Tanith watched as the fuzzy black colt romped about in the field of freshly fallen snow.

Better? good. :D

Saoirse Equus said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hello, Saoirse! Nice to meet you!

lego said...


you don't know me.
*hands box of awesome and love*

now you do! yay!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

You can't just hand out boxes of love!

But you CAN pull out spines.

lego said...

why can't I hand out boxes of love? seems less painful than spine ripping...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Less painful, and less fun.

lego said...

nah, love is fun.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Saoirse Equus said...

YAY! *hands you box of chocolates* Now you know me too. :3

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


lego said...

*gives valkyrie a mini refrigerator of love and glitter*

Saoirse Equus said...

I'll have to say a box of love is way better than spine ripping. Spineripping on the first meeting doesn't leave a good first impression. :/

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I'll except the love, but glitter gets every where. But thanks for offering :D

Saoirse Equus said...

*Gives Valkyrie V a box of chocolates too*

Liz said...

OMG what is this? Could it be? The rat girl has finally hauled butt and is actually on the blog! YAY!


Ann Marie said...

Aw, people were handing out smut and I missed it? *pouts*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

First impression? If you get the impression tht I'm creepy, yeah, it's correct. If you get the impression that I'm super nice and friendly, well, I'll steal Derek's murder spoon.

Saoirse Equus said...

HI ANN MARIE! Nice to meet you have some chocolates C: *hands you box of chocolates*

lego said...

hi lizzy! *love*
hi ann! *love*

and ven never delivered on the smut...*pouts*

Ann Marie said...

What I meant to say is, Hi all! Who's here? Lizzy! It's been a long time! Saoirse, Lego, Val, ..Kal, Misty and Pyro are gone?

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

Hi !!!!!!

Ann Marie said...

Chocolate! *snarfs* Even better than smut. Yay!

Mistical Future said...

hi Saoirse
hi Lizzy
i don't think we've met before *shakes there hands*
u can call me Misty

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


(Eat this if you love it so much!)

lego said...

chocolate's better than smut now? *watches the world flip upsidedown*

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

hi valkyrie

Mistical Future said...

Hi Ann!!! *shakes hand*
nice to meet u!!!

Mistical Future said...

Hi Amanda!!! nice to meet u! *sakes hand*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

(Eat it!It eat if you love it!)

China I'm attaching a dog to the shark body :D

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

The awesome person is saying hi

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

that's awesome valkyrie

Mistical Future said...

... ok then
how r u peeps?

Ann Marie said...

Nice to meet you, too, Misty!

Hello, awesome person!

*shows Lego chart* See, this is where I am now. Give me a few days.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

We is good!

Amanda left my house not very long ago. I miss her already!

Mistical Future said...

that's good!!!
it's ok u'll see her again soon!!!
... i think

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hey Amanda Signy said she's seen Misery. I can tell because she said

OH! Ive seen that movie! The fat chick bashed his legs in and everything! It was so creepy :O

That's word for word from the text she sent me :D

lego said...

wait...who's the awesome person? *confuzzled*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Amanda's the awesome person

lego said...

oh, hi amanda! you're the one who wanted to rip someone's spine out, right?

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

I'm the awesome person !!!!!!!!!!

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

Yes that is right

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*scowls* I'm awesome too

Mistical Future said...

ok then this person is now less confused!

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

yes you can be awesome valkyrie

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

But I'm always awesome

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oh yeah. And did you read what Signy said about Misery?

Mistical Future said...

who wants to bring Skulduggery into this!!! he is an awesome person/skeleton!!!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I'm always awesome more than you Amanda!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*clap clap* *suddenly is hugging Skulduggery*


Mistical Future said...

lol yay FREE HUGS FOR SKULDUGGERY!!!! *throws arms around Val and SP*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

you suck bella

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Aw, amanda, I can so tell that you think I'm your favourite person in the world. Or is it Skulduggery? Everyone knows you LOVE him.

Mistical Future said...

*CRUNCH* woops did i brake u Skulduggery? or u Val?
SP "no not me. and it best not be Valkyrie!"
Val "not me"
*Misty looks around*
oh good i just trod on a empty can!

Ann Marie said...

*sigh* Blogger is not being awesome to me.

Lego, does your smut need to be visual, or are words ok?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Naw, I think that was China's skull cracking in anger, Misty.

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

I do NOT love him your a snozcomber a dipperonie a gusterd

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


China Sorrows, China Sorrows, she's the one, they're saying. She's the one. Nefarian Serpine killed Skulduggery Pleasant, but China Sorrows led his family into the trap - TO GET HIS WIFE OUT OF THE PICTURE!!!


lego said...

aw...poor unawesome blogger.

@ann- words are good too. :)

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

You are being hated

Mistical Future said...

lol yes that's probably it!!!

if u want we can go and hunt her down!

Ann Marie said...

Yeah, this really isn't working too well. I'm gonna go.

*hugs all* Night, guys!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I know where she lives!

China - And hatred, hatred, hatred. Such a familiar feeling.

Mistical Future said...

sorry no that's not what i meant i meant China!!! not u sorry!!!!!!!!!!

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

Go hunt who down

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Bye Ann Marie!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Go hunt YOU down, China!

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