Wednesday, October 26, 2011

And The Winner Is...

I've just picked a winner.

It hasn't been easy. Dear GOD it hasn't been easy. There were so many great entries that offered up so many great ideas and moods. I narrowed it down to ten, then added five more, then did the whole process again, and again...

Then I started writing the story itself, writing from the middle on, and once I got the feel of the story I went back over the entries, searching for a line that fit with what I was writing. And that's how I found it.

There can, of course, be only one winner. But so many of you came close. I'm going to include just a handful of these entries, just to give you an idea of the broad range I was getting. First of all, there where the funny entries, entries like Kallista's:

Tanith Low found herself running for all  she was worth from a crazy pack of sugar-filled screaming, drooling zombie toddlers.

Or Zoodude254's:

It was a dark and stormy night... actually it was a perfectly bright Tuesday morning, but being chased down the street by a giant squid makes it feel like a dark and stormy night; squid spittle feels a lot like rain, and it blocks most of the sunlight as it's running towards you.

The BookNommer's:

Tanith was scared: not in the look-behind-you-feels-like-someone-is-watching-you-but-no one-is kind of way, but in the OHMIGOD-OHMIDGOD-I-AM-SO-SCARED-I-AM-GOING-TO-PEE-MY-PANTS-THEN-DIE kind of way.

Jaid's entry was a wonderful lesson in the surreal:

"I am going to kill you with this fork," said the man in the grey trenchcoat, standing before Tanith, holding a spoon.

And of course, there was Ann-Marie:

The man rounded the corner at a dead run and was immediately trampled by a herd of goats.

(Um, all of Ann-Marie's entries were about goats. I worry about her.)

Then there were the atmospheric entries, one of the best of which was Saoirse's:

The crescent moon rested its tired frame upon the peak of the South Sister that jutted, stark white, into the dwindling twilit sky. 

I was sorely tempted by this one. Not only is it well written, it's also set in Oregon, and I had a girlfriend who came from Portland... But no! It was beautiful, but it just didn't fit with the story I was writing.

Then there were the people who tried to sneakily undo the damage I had done to poor old Tanith at the end of Mortal Coil... JoelsCrazy tried it with:

The Remnant left Tanith's body.

And Dane Stull attempted to reverse the damage with:

Tanith felt terrible, her head felt like it weighed a thousand pounds, she hated lying to Val and Skulduggery about being fully possessed by the Remnant but she had bigger problems, here in the United States, the end of the world... again.

Very sneaky, but I spotted it just in time...!

As I said, many great entries, which only reinforces my belief that you're all insanely talented, and deeply disturbed, people. The less said about Lauren's attempt to put Valkyrie is a very revealing Wonder Woman outfit the better... Desmond would have a heart attack!

(Hmmmm... might put that Wonder Woman outfit into the next book...)

(No! No, I can't! Inappropriate for younger readers! You are a NAUGHTY girl, Lauren!)

I wish I could go through them all, but I simply can't.  And so it gives me great pleasure to announce that the winner of the Ameriminion competition is THALIA, with:

Tanith wiped the blood off the carving knife and, ignoring the body of the man she had just stabbed to death, went back to carving her Jack-o-Lantern. 

Simple, sinister, and there's already a corpse in the story. I like your style, Thalia. Now I have to go and finish the story.

Well done!


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Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

What do starfish have to do with anything?

NOM Ominous said...

Well, I think they should be whatever colour they want! If they don't like green, so be it! I'm just saying that it's weird that none of the starfishs' favorite colours are green!
Nevermind though, becuase if the ones who like green want to be green, then they can just lie around and wait for the alge to accumulate!

Zathract Mist said...

Am I back?


...Yes I am. Who are you planning to kill, Val?

NOM Ominous said...

Do you know the dolphin man?!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oh, I'm planning to kill a guy who goes to my schol named Brandon. He made the mistake of repeatedly pissing me off... I literally lunged at him and tried to punch him in the face, but he kept putting his violin case in the way so I punch that instead. After a few seconds the flash of anger was gone and I walked off, but I was still in a bad mood and I told my brother, who ran outside and asked if I knew where Brandon lived so he could kill him, but I didn't...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I'm gonna beat him to a pulp next time I see him...

NOM Ominous said...

But some people don't like pulp! How 'bout you just beat the juice outta him?!

Zathract Mist said...

Fair enough.

NOM Ominous said...

Everyone loves juice!

NOM Ominous said...

And if Brandon doesn't like pulp, then you'd technically be doing him a FAVOR by beating it outta him! Doing my way will ensure he'd miss something!

NOM Ominous said...

don't take any risks!

NOM Ominous said...

"Violence is never the answer"!
--Oh yeah?! Well what if the question is how do I beat someone up?! Or maybe, "What's so awesome about SP?!" HUH?! WHAT IS THE ANSWER THEN?!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Nice one, Thrust XD

My brother said that he's just going to get a bunch of his really strong-looking friends to come over and walk to the bus stop with him to come and scare Brandon....

Zathract Mist said...

Is it just me or is there no conversation at all in this...?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Violence is the answer! Sometimes!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

There's no conversation. *puts a bandaid on hand*

NOM Ominous said...



NOM Ominous said...

Yeah, it's just me talking to myself!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hey, did you guys comment on my thing? I'm trying to bother my friend by making people post "HI ZOE!" in the comments on my newest post on my story blog.

NOM Ominous said...

so, Val V, how did you get so many words into your blog title?!

Zathract Mist said...

Fine. I'll go do that now, Val. Because it isn't as though my COMPUTER IS LOADING.

*punches the computer*

...Is it meant to make that sound?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I clicked on "Design" and messed with it.

NOM Ominous said...

Messed with what?!

Zathract Mist said...

The title. Duh.

Commented, Val.

NOM Ominous said...

Oh...! Genius!!

NOM Ominous said...


Sparky Braginski said...


NOM Ominous said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


NOM Ominous said...

HI Sparky! Care to hike up the coinversation?!

Sparky Braginski said...

*shakes head*

*puts head in hands*

No. I'm not taking any part in this.

I'm going to go talk to my sane friends and see what they think of life.


NOM Ominous said...

I meant CONVERSATION, I have no idea what a coinversation is, maybe coin geeks do with eachother, but please don't start something like that out of confusion!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


*pauses* You have sane friends? I don't...

NOM Ominous said...

I'm sane! Here I'll prov-! Oh wait I can't...!
just TRUST me?!

NOM Ominous said...

yesterday, I picked up a Goosebumps book from my collection and started reading!
It brings back so many memories...!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hehehe... I got a picture of David Tennant saying "DON'T BLINK" as part of he background on my Blog

NOM Ominous said...

It's AWESOME! It also clashes annoyingly with the words: Older Posts" until you find the!

NOM Ominous said...

Did you see the Legend of Korra?!

NOM Ominous said...

It's the second series of Avatar (the last air bender)- but you knew that already!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I haven't seen it and I didn't know that...

*sighs* I feel depressed.

NOM Ominous said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Because of earlier. I mean, I almost punched someone in the face. For real. Not because it was going to be a playful, joking punch, but because it was going to be a full-on punch to the face. I'm depressed that I got that angry. The fact that I even can get that angry.

And now I feel horrible and like I want to cry, but I won't because there's no point.

I think I'm gonna go for a little while. Bye.

NOM Ominous said...

I know what you mean.
trust me.
I even broke my exclamation point at the end of every sentence for you

NOM Ominous said...


Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Friday. I'vee never been so upset that it's Friday.

Reflector said...

Hi amanda, I some how knew you'd be on!
Called some one a diperonie today...! HI EVE!

Reflector said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Thrust!

Is Mist still here?

Eve the ROCK said...

Bye thrust

Zathract Mist said...

Yes. Hi, Eve!

*hugs her*

Eve the ROCK said...

*hugs back* Yay!

Zathract Mist said...

Sorry about last night.
Dad turned off the internet again. :(

Eve the ROCK said...

Salright. I was up to the part where they go into the maze, so dad was gonna turn the Internet off anyway.

It's Friday. :(

Zathract Mist said...

Yes. It's friday. :(
It's all very sad.
Three more days.
Then ten more weeks.
*checks calender*
Eleven more weeks.

Reflector said...

Mist have you been here the whole... time..?!

Eve the ROCK said...

Eleven? I think I've got ten. And I don't go back til Tuesday. Isn't Wednesday a public holiday though? ANZAC day?

Zathract Mist said...

Yes. Yes, it is.

Zathract Mist said...


*looks at comment*

Reflector said...

um.. what... what are you talking about?

Zathract Mist said...

And I meant four more days...
My head is messed up. It's probably because of that headache. Which is probably because I'm trapped in this tiny office...

Zathract Mist said...

Yes, I've been here the whole time, Thrust.

Eve the ROCK said...


Zathract Mist said...



Zathract Mist said...

Damn it. I have to go. Be back soon-ish hopefully.
Bye Eve! :(

Eve the ROCK said...

Aw. Bye Mist. :(

Zathract Mist said...

No, wait, I'm here for a bit more. MSD though.

*hugs her just in case*

Eve the ROCK said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eve the ROCK said...

Oh yay. :)

*hugs back*

Eve the ROCK said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Breakfast bye!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Blergh... I feel sick

Zathract Mist said...

Back. Anyone here?

Why do you feel sick?

Lavender Hope said...

*is seething with anger*
Secret Service??? There are SO many things I would say to that had I not promised myself not to curse. Disgusting. Total hypocrites. Except Kal. She actually TRIES to stop fights and arguments, But do people listen to her?

Not the one's who NEED to. Who SHOULD because THEY'RE the one's causing trouble!
*gets a fire in eyes*
*tries to calm down*
*takes some deep breaths*

Zathract Mist said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I've been stalking all of you this whole time, so BYE!!!!!

Zathract Mist said...

Bye, Val.

Sparky Braginski said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zathract Mist said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zathract Mist said...

*shuts up completely*

Eve the ROCK said...

Ne-ver be the saaaaame!
If we ever meet again!

Eve the ROCK said...





Eve the ROCK said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Oh. *turns away* I see how it is.

*sits in a barrel*

Zathract Mist said...

Hi Eve!


Zathract Mist said...

Wait, why are you sitting in a barrel...?

Eve the ROCK said...

Yay! *hugs him back*

Eve the ROCK said...


*climbs out of barrel*


Zathract Mist said...

. . .


Lavender Hope said...

*is back and calmer*


Zathract Mist said...

Hi, Hope...

Eve the ROCK said...

And then he died. *tuts*

Never send a badger into a maze.


How has your morning been?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Lavereno!

Lavender Hope said...

Wb Val. :)

Zathract Mist said...

Full of useless standing-around-while-people-I-don't-even-know-take-my-picture-y. :D

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Valereno!

Zathract Mist said...

Hi again, Val.

Eve the ROCK said...

*nods* Awesome.

*gets a shock* Oh god. We've got school photos this term.

Lavender Hope said...

Sorry, I'll be distant for now.

Eve the ROCK said...

Kay lav

Zathract Mist said...

School Photos...Had 'em already. :P

Eve the ROCK said...

You don't understand. This photo is going to be projected onto a giant screen so the whole school can see. Right next to my reception photo. Your either going to get a round of Awwwws or youre going to have people laughing they're heads off. It's not fun.

Zathract Mist said...

Oh, those. Yeah, well:

Year 6. Last year of Primary School. Everyone in Yr. 6 has three pictures put up on a powerpoint on a huge screen for the School to see at Presentation Night. 1. Baby photo. Dear god this is terrible... 2. One of starting kindergarten. Yes. Because EVERYONE wants to see a person with no teeth... 3. One of us now. Because apparently, they don't know what we look like already.
Then text: What we want to be when we grow up and what our goal in life is. Oh, and what our favourite memories of Primary School was/is.

And I had to make the Powerpoint. For the whole of Yr. 6.

Eve the ROCK said...

Hahahahahahahahaha. I guess mine isn't so bad after all. :D

But we still have to put down what we wanna be when we grow up. I'll probably put down "Anything That Doesn't Involve Maths" or something.

Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...

Arg. I hate maths...

Eve the ROCK said...

That involves maths. You have to work out how many sunflowers you're going to need for this level.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Ha! I was lying! I wasn't here, because I walked off to write a letter to my grandparents!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

THere's a zombie on your lawn, there's a zombie on your lawn, there's a zombie on your lawn, we don't want zombies on the lawn...

Eve the ROCK said...

WB val

Zathract Mist said...

*is laughing at Daneboe's ranting on Youtube*


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


I'll be leaving in a very few minutes

Zathract Mist said...

Anyone want first?

Zathract Mist said...

Okay, Val.

Eve the ROCK said...

WHAT? That's the guy who made oranges annoying!

*runs away*

Eve the ROCK said...

We are family!

I got all ma chickens with me!

*eats live chicken*

Zathract Mist said...

I hate annoying orange but Daneboe is awesome.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*scowls* I need to stop bumping into things...

Eve the ROCK said...

*starts spinning in circles*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Eve the ROCK said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zathract Mist said...

Deeeeeeedicaaaaaaate befoooooooore you leeeeeeeave.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


I dedicate this page to... uh... to Zoe, because she's already super annoyed that I told you all to say hi to her and it's FUNNY! (To me, at least....)

And I gots to go, bye BYE!

Eve the ROCK said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Bye Valereno!

Zathract Mist said...

Bye, Val.

Eve the ROCK said...

"Hi, my name's Valkyreno."


"No, Valkyreno. With a K."

Zathract Mist said...

*rolls eyes and laughs*

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi! My name is


My name is


My name is chka-chka Slim Shady!

Repeat repeat repeat

Hi kids! Do you like violence?



Eve the ROCK said...

That was a very sinister Etcetera, by the way. You underestimate the power if the Grand Etcetera.

This is what Verbal Insanity is all about.

Eve the ROCK said...


Of the Gofer.

Zathract Mist said...

I'm gonna go to the forest. :P

Eve the ROCK said...

If birds could sing, then the candy would never go to waste and twitter would never be a great trouble to Mercury.

Eve the ROCK said...

Ooh, can I come with you?


Zathract Mist said...

Of course!

Zathract Mist said...

*holds Eve's hand and smiles*

Eve the ROCK said...



I mean YAY!

*takes Mist's hand and skips to the forest*

Eve the ROCK said...

*stops and nods* I'm slightly sane again.

*starts walking*

Zathract Mist said...

*looks at Eve*

*looks in her eyes*

...Nope, you're still insane. :D

Eve the ROCK said...

Awwwww. :(

I have to go now. I'll be back soonish. *kisses him*

Zathract Mist said...

Aw... :(
Okay. *kisses her back*


Lavender Hope said...

Sorry, I wasn't here much, but I gtg now. Bbl!

Eve the ROCK said...

Here for a little bit...

Eve the ROCK said...

Wait, no, bye. :(

Zathract Mist said...

Aw...Bye, again.

And now I have to go again too. Bye whoever reads this.

Zathract Mist said...

What, really?

Sparky Braginski said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zathract Mist said...


Sparky Braginski said...

You read it!?

Oh joy of joys, now for the 'consequences'...

Zathract Mist said...


...No. I didn't see it. I was just guessing it was you.

Sparky Braginski said...

Are you lying?

Zathract Mist said...


Lavender Hope said...

Back. :)

Sparky Braginski said...

*sees Lav*

I couldn't make a day.


Not even a f*cking DAY.

Zathract Mist said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zathract Mist said...


Hi Hope.


Lavender Hope said...

*reads comments*
Uh... Sparky?

Well, you were right, huh. You did come. :)

Will you stay?

Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...

Okay, seriously though; I didn't see anything, Sparky.

Sparky Braginski said...

"The internet can be a cruel place. Just look at all the online bullying that goes on. Look at all the internet trolls who just want to upset people. When you sit at a keyboard, interacting with people you've never met, the temptation to be as nasty as you can be is always there. The internet really seems to bring out the worst in people.

But you guys are different. I don't know WHY you're different, you just are. You are good, honourable, decent people. You're warm and witty and friendly, and you're loyal to each other. And that is a wonderful, wonderful thing to see.

I'm proud of every single one of you."

Derek would be so disappointed in us. His fan base. His minions.

Right now, I feel bad because WE as a community, have let our Golden God down.

Lavender Hope said...

That's what I looked at recently, Sparky.

Question, to all you guys.

Why did you come here? How did you know people stayed? What made you comment and stay?

Answering myself, I came here because I was interested in SP. I read past posts and realized people actually talk here. Not just leave a comment. I stayed cause I wanted to get to know these people who come all the time. Who seemed so nice and funny and happy in their comments. With get along with everyone else...

Why can't we keep doing that?

Lavender Hope said...


Zathract Mist said...

Funny how I thought all this stopped a while ago. As far as I'm concerned Dragona and whoever else aren't apart of "us". They hurt Flame.
They made him leave.
They aren't apart of our group, they aren't our friends.
Well, they certainly aren't mine.
...That could be because I've never talked to them, but that's besides the point.
Flame is our friend, so we stick up for him.
As far as I know, we haven't done anything wrong for a while now, Sparky.

Lavender Hope said...

Not with...

Sparky Braginski said...

I don't know Lav.

It used to be talking, not arguing.

Play fights.

Now it's..



Zathract Mist said...

Well it WAS like that again but NOW it's full of everyone doing this kind of thing. Fretting over things that aren't even happening.

*shakes head*

I don't want to argue, so I'm going to leave.
I have stories to write...


Sparky Braginski said...

*gets angry all of a sudden*

Zath, you're right.







They stay in chat.

They have their chat.

And I am sick of them (I'd like to say here very quickly that Kallista Pendragon does not count as 'them' because she talks here and is very nice when she does. Flame isn't either.) coming here and talking to each other, and to us, as if they've been here the entire time. They start conversations about how long people have been on the blog for.

It's almost as though they're marking their territory.

Well. Not. Any. More.

I suggest (SUGGEST, not order, SUGGEST) that we no longer recognise people for how long they've been here, I think it should be based around how well liked a person is.

And if there were to be a leader, I would nominate Lavender and Lynxia.

Because everyone knows and enjoys being around Lav and Lynx.

Brb again.

Lavender Hope said...

Play fights.
*smiles at a memory not mine*
Val and Flame had so many of those... Sure I wasn't there, but it feels like I could have been when I read them...


Sometimes... all I type are dots...
*goes silent*

Lavender Hope said...

*is surprised*
Me? You'd nominate me as leader? I won't make a very good leader...

Lynxia would be good, though. I'd nominate her.

Lavender Hope said...

I agree that Kal doesn't count as one of 'them' either. And Flame's my friend as well.

Maybe not how well LIKED, but how friendly AND liked a person is.

Cause there could be someone who is LIKED but not necessarily NICE.

Zathract Mist said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lavender Hope said...

But that's also a suggestion and I think I'm talking to myself now.
*goes silent again*

Zathract Mist said...

No I don't! That's stupid! What?!

*holds head in hands*

I have to get rid of this headache...

Lavender Hope said...

I didn't see it, Mist. Unless you're talking about MY comment.

Lavender Hope said...

Headaches hurt.
*looks up how to stop headaches*
Just curious.

Zathract Mist said...

No, I was talking about mine. But I'm not making any sense.

Basically, I second Sparky. Yes. That doesn't sound stupid.

Sparky Braginski said...

But you are friendly and nice Lav.

That's why I picked you.

Lavender Hope said...

I second Sparky too, Mist. Ah, except for me being leader. I wouldn't make a good leader...

*looks at page for stopping headaches*
Mostly says "Try to sleep it off."

Lavender Hope said...

Friendly and nice, yeah, but good at making decisions?
*shakes head*
Not THAT good...

Zathract Mist said...

Useless website. *rolls eyes*

That doesn't help it.
Anyway. Hope, I don't think the point is to lead, but to set a good example.

Or am I going on the completely wrong track, Sparky?

Lavender Hope said...

*looks up more headache cures*

"Sleeping is great, for one, but if you don't have time, try and get some ice or cold water, and put it on your fingers, and then rub your eyes. "

Zathract Mist said...


..."Track" looks like it's spelled incorrectly...I should probably drink some water...

Sparky Braginski said...

No Zath, you got it.

Lavender Hope said...

*thinks about what Mist said*
*speaks slowly*
Well, setting a good example is always good...

But it's kinda... I know I'm older than most, so I SHOULD be setting a good example already, so...

It'll be a bit weird just all of a sudden acting my age, or just older than I act now...

Zathract Mist said...


Okay. That's good...

*stops thinking*

Everything hurts when I think. I I'm going to stop talking for a while and see if this headache goes away. Be back later guys.


Lavender Hope said...

Okay, Mist. Hope it gets better. :)

I don't-
Could my name have something to do with the way I act? Lavender Hope sounds like a name for a nice person, right? Or could it be- but it can't be that it's ME who- In real life, I don't really act like this... I actually DO act older. So why-?
*ponders this*

Lavender Hope said...

*looks at lavhope email*
What the-?

Anyone know a Sally Gulledge? Report card? No one, save you guys, know my lavhope-

Unless... could Facebook have something to do with this?


Zathract Mist said...

Hope, you made my headache come back, that sentence was so confusing...

*curses and goes to find some ice*

Lavender Hope said...

*looks at email better*
Weird. Someone else has EXACTLY the same email add as me... Someone named LaVonne Carlson. Same EXACT email add...

Lavender Hope said...

I'm sorry Mist! I didn't mean to!

*goes quiet, not wanting to make headache worse*

Lavender Hope said...

Hi Gab!

*hoping that sentence doesn't make a headache worse*

Eve the ROCK said...

*comes back and lies on couch*

Gabriel said...

Hi People.

Lavender Hope said...

Hi Eve!

Zathract Mist said...

Eve? What's wrong?

Gabriel said...

Hi People again.

Zathract Mist said...


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