Thursday, September 1, 2011

Death Bringer Unleashed!


You don't know what it's like, you really don't. I finished the book, was very happy with it, and then took a few days of doing nothing before starting The End Of The World and some other stuff. And all the while I'd be reading your comments, and the comments on the Forums and Facebook, and smiling because everyone seemed to be looking forward to it so much.

But that was MONTHS ago!

To have to sit here and watch all of you count down the days made me feel so incredibly guilty for putting you through that. But now, finally, the wait is over. It is September 1st. It is Death Bringer day.

The Launch last night in Dublin was manic...! It turned into a marathon signing session, and it had Storm Troopers! STORM TROOPERS! I didn't get a chance to chat to any of the people I know and usually see at launches, because I was staring at the Storm Troopers and then signing books and staring at Boba Fett and signing books...

'Twas a good way to launch Death Bringer, so thank you Eason's bookshop!

And what will I be doing today, you ask? The day of the release? Will I be doing interviews and attending champagne parties? Er... no. I will be cleaning my house. I'm off on tour tomorrow, and as usual Laura will be staying here while I'm gone, so I have to get the place ready for her or she'll glare at me. And you've never been glared at by Laura. It's SCARY.

So all of you who have just bought the book, I hope you like it. The previous blog entry is still the ONLY place you can post spoilers, so don't do that here. And even in the previous entry, try to HINT at the spoilers instead of blurting them out. Because there are SOME people, who will remain nameless, who felt the need to SKIM the spoilers and were dismayed when certain things were spoiled for them... which I actually find hilarious. If you don't want anything spoiled, DO NOT READ THE SPOILER SECTION! Sigh.

Okay, I have a house to clean. And you? You have a book to read.


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Blood Butterflies said...

sorry I was chatting with other people..... and sleeping.....

Blood Butterflies said...

hey guys I have to go now. I'm sorry1 bye! *vanishes in a flurry of shadows*

Ann Marie said...

*gives Tessa a pillow*

Ann Marie said...

... fine. *throws pillow after Tessa* Bye!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Aww, farewell, BB!
~waves madly~

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Ah, I'm afraid I've got to go as well! :/
~hugs Kallista~
~hugs Ann~
~hugs Kallista~
Oops, I guess Kal gets two hugs :P

Good-night, guys!
Hope to see you tomorrow! :D
~waves madly~

Ann Marie said...

Goodnight Skyril!

Sorry, Kal, went to milk and forgot to say. Oops.

Ann Marie said...

Playing dollies with RS!

Ann Marie said...

((((Kallista)))) Goodnight!

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

is anyone on still

Dragona Pine said...

Hi/bye Amelie.

Have to go to school now. Will be on tonight. Bye!

awesomeman123 said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

awesome man you need to delete that post because some people havent read the book and dont know that if you want to post that kind of stuff go on the last post and do it there

Jackskin said...

hi guys

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...


amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

how are you jackskin i dont believe we have met *shakes hand* nice to meet you

lego said...

hmm...anyone here? Sorry for not vocalizing my leave on here last night, I mildly suck.

lego said...

hi kitty! *shakes her foot*

lego said...

By the way, I might be distant as I am trying to write, which is a VERY SERIOUS BUSINESS. Such a serious business, of course, that I have neglected to attend to it for the last month, opting instead to look at adorable pictures of baby enchidas..=p

Venice Rain said...

no. just no. delete that comment, tis nonsense anyway.

:O LEGO IS WRITING! best of luck

*looks at time sig* bollocks.

Dark Destroyer 28 said...

Octaboona Ambrosius- Paragon of the Purple Horde ba ck to your answer it may be 14.99 somewhere else but for a kindle version (electronic version of a book) shouldnt be 8.99 and so i will until it goes down in price wait and wait and wait and i don't care if i miss out i think authors should care more about ppl reading them not pricing it up so much
anyway thats how i feel i know no one will agree thats up to you lot

Snoogy said...


Snoogy said...

must go now so byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Ayla O' Reardon said...


Nobody has commented in my world for an hour and a half

Guys thats INSANE!!!!!

How did that happen? Has everyone suddenly pondered off to school?

Well, I cant go to school because I got a stomach bug from my freind and now I'm sitting at home sulking and trying not to think of a bug crawling out of my stomach, up my thorat and out of my mouth..........

.......because thats really discusting

and it brought my attention to this

I am feeling a HELL of amount of pity to people who have this

This sentence changed immensley, so I'm going to stop talking about stomach bugs now.

Venice Rain said...


Ayla O' Reardon said...

Wow great story Venice

Ayla O' Reardon said...


Only another two hours until I get to eat I CANT WAIT!!!

I'm sooo hungry

Venice Rain said...

*smacks Dess round the head* COMMENT

also, if no ones here, chances are they might be there.
and vice-versa

Ayla O' Reardon said...

Comment. Yes. Right.

Hey, Don't hit me, thats just mean.

And im not allowed on Xat.

thrice dozer said...

sup guys

Vita Song said...

hi everyone.... uhhhh just got back from school. *yawns* boring although english was quite fun... except the guy who tried to bite me (twice) nobody likes him..... grrrrrrrrrrrr! It's reaaalllllyyyy raining here (as it always does in england) *flump* now gotta do homework on count dracula which I didn't do in english ('cause that guy was trying to bite me) which is quite a coindidence seeing as we're doinj DRACULA!!!!!

wooooooooootttttt 4 more days till i meet derek!!!!!! :P heee heee......
right.... dracula!
uhhhhhhhhh just realised i've got maths as well!!!!!!! (and history and french but there easy)

Ayla O' Reardon said...

Hey Thrice

Hey Vita
Its lashing the heavens down here in Ireland too. It has been for days now so I expect England will be like that too. Or its been lashing in England for days and it'll be like that in Ireland. Whatever
I personally HATE school, so I suppoe its a good thing that I'm sick. Well not really, being sick hurts. Speaking of hurts I may need to rush off and grab a paracetamol I can feel a headache coming. Grrrr

Vita Song said...


Vita Song said...

ha what do ya know its a new pages.... so dedicattion.....
I dedicate this page to amazing Derek Landy who has written many of the best books and killed off some of the best charracters (dammmm youu) and has kept us alll entertain for atleast 4 hours!!!!!!! gd gd for u mr landy

Vita Song said...


thrice dozer said...

you still here?

thrice dozer said...

whenever i come on nobody else is...

thrice dozer said...

its beginning to get immensly annoying

June Clarence said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
thrice dozer said...


thrice dozer said...

what did she do? havent spoken to someone here since january

thrice dozer said...

aaand i think everyones gone again

thrice dozer said...

gonna go look at old posts from 2009

Tom H said...

Death Bringer had me on the edge of my seat the whole way through, i loved it, i loved the twists and i loved the subplots. I actually cannot wait until Skulduggery 7 and every preconceived thought i had about how this series was going to progress has been thrown out the window <3

thrice dozer said...


thrice dozer said...

i remember the days when there was almost a garuntee someone would be on... is it falling apart?

Vita Song said...

example: stay awake!!!! <3 it!!!!!!!!!1
"did we take to far, to far, did we chase the rabbit into wonderland?"

thrice dozer said...


Vita Song said...

the song by example..... you know the singer.. check it out on utube

Vita Song said...

Hey Derek are you on?

M said...

hello everyone :)

Derek Landy said...

June- had to delete your comment because you gave away a TEENSY TINY bit, right at the end...! No spoilers or hints or congratulations here, you naughty, naughty thing...!

Niamhy Jay said...

Hey Derek!!
How's the tour going??

June Clarence said...

Hehe, no problem, Derek. Sorry about that.

How is your tour going? Are you having fun meeting all those maniacs out there?

Derek Landy said...

Awesomeman- I deleted your comment too. NO SPOILERS HERE. There's an entire post devoted to spoilers where you can talk about the new book all you like.

Vita Song said...

hi derek....sorry bout all the dereks 2 pages back. I'm writting a story at the moment and I've only written 'bout 1300 words and I'm trying to make it a decent sized story... do you have any tips on anything bout writting stuff

Vita Song said...

ahhhhhhh soooooo much rain.... bluhhh...

Vita Song said...

soooo hows the tour going.. if I was you I think I would fall asleep in the middle of the signings. *yawn* I can't even last a hole day at school

Vita Song said...

oooooohhhhhh found out I'm having quishe and noodles for dinner... normal.
oh no-ones comenting except me... oh well

Vita Song said...

*sigh* nom nom noms....

Vita Song said...

oooooo well thats a different kettle of fish

Vita Song said...

you know I not gonna stop saying stuff till someone says something back (or I get bored)

Vita Song said...

fine be that way derek.... *turns back* I'm off to watch the simpsons/Big bang theory

Vita Song said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great she's just left.

Anonymous said...

is an anyone on?

Vita Song said...

who said i'd left

Anonymous said...

Ok I am going to talk to derek as if he is here

Vita Song said...

but he's not is he

Vita Song said...

dum dum dum....... errrrmmmmm done me homework yay

Anonymous said...

but i am still gonna do it anyway

oh hi derek how's the tour
oh really? Thats interesting. my book came today but we were out.
oh really? uh-huh. yeah. ok. I will go down and eat the chocolate cake in the fridge. uh-huh. hmm. ok
WElL this has been a very interesting conversation derek, and i hope you see it because you were in it.

Anonymous said...

oh really? WOW! thats awsome! And she..? and then... lol! uh-huh. Yeah, ok. See ya, derek

Vita Song said...

dat made nosence what so ever

Anonymous said...

i know.

saku said...

Woop! I can finally come back to the blog lol

GenesisAggelos said...

Derek... You made me drop my book. I nearly DAMAGED my book and all because of your awesome twists. I hope you're happy -.-
On a lighter note Death Bringer was the BEST book EVER! New favourite ^^ Why you no do book signing near me?

Also... hi guys! Guess whos back in business :p

Venice Rain said...


GenesisAggelos said...

Why are we sulking?

Aquila Felis said...

*arches eyebrow at Venice*

Ayla O' Reardon said...


Vita Song said...

hello everyone

Aquila Felis said...

I could exactly tell you why I have that opinion, but since you prefer sulking...
*changes to cat and curls up*

Ayla O' Reardon said...



Dragona Pine said...

*strokes Aquila-cat*

GenesisAggelos said...

Hellooooooo people! I was beginning to think no one came on here anymore D:

Dragona Pine said...

Have to go now. Night guys!

GenesisAggelos said...

Bye Dragona!

Aquila Felis said...

*purrs and meows a bye*

M said...

night @Dragona :)

GenesisAggelos said...

Sup Aquila? Long time no speak ^^

GenesisAggelos said...

Okay is anyone actually speaking on here anymore?

Venice Rain said... we're all on here Gen ^^

GenesisAggelos said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... that explains a lot :p

Aimza-Belle Shrew said...

Hello, wierd duck girl again.
I just want to say I loved the new SP book Mr.Landy, well worth the time taken to read it!
Thanks for the laughs! :D

Ann Marie said...


*wheeeeeeee* I'll be absent for a couple days. Reading, you know.

Dear Mr. Landy,

I read as far as the dedication so far. You are charming, witty, funny, smart, and so, so obnoxious. Good thing you're also cute.


See y'alls on the spoiler post!

Venice Rain said...

@Ann - :O
you forgot the accent too ;)

Ann Marie said...

Ohhh, good point, Venice!

Dear Mr. Landy,

You also have a sexy accent, and the stutter is endearing. But that doesn't make you any less obnoxious.


Min (Thalia) said...'re so luuucccckkkkkkyyyyy


I'm not sure if my mum ordered my copy yet. I'm not sure if she even REMEMBERED to order my copy.

Ann Marie said...

It helps to be able to order it for yourself, yeah... sorry, guys. :-( *hugs everyone*

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hey, guys! [if you're still there~

Lucky :P
But then you probably already knew that.
Have fun reading DB!!

However, I'm determined to get it ordered today!
~puts my foot down...~

~on top of a nail~


Min (Thalia) said...

Dear Golden God,

This is one of those times that I sincerely wish that the books besides the first three were released in America. Because then I could just stalk the shelves of my local Barnes & Noble until they got it. But alas. It is not so. So I will continue to slowly waste away until either I get my own copy, or Mar gets hers and finishes it, so I can then borrow it.

From your loyal minion,


Min (Thalia) said...

LOL Skyril!


How're you?

Ann Marie said...

:-/ *wants to supply all the American minions with books*

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi all!!!¡¡¡!!!

Min (Thalia) said...

*hugs Ann*

I know Mar has hers ordered. She even pre-ordered it, so it should be here soon. And knowing her, she'll plow through the book like THAT

*snaps fingers*

So somehow, I will soon have a copy to read :D

Min (Thalia) said...

Yo Pyro!


How're you?

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Thalia!!!¡¡¡!!!


I'm good! Thanks for asking, and how are you?

Ann Marie said...

Hi Pyro! Hi Skyril!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Ann!!!¡¡¡!!!


Min (Thalia) said...

I'm tired. I always am after school, though. So, pushing past the tiredness, I guess I'm good. Thanks for asking, Pyro.

Venice Rain said...

hey all!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


I promised myself I'd practise my Spanish vocab.



Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Yup, I wish all the bookstores had the book too!

Hiya, Ann! :]

Greetings and salutations, Pyro! :3

Min (Thalia) said...

Hi Venice!


How're you?

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

¡¡¡Hola Venice!!!

Venice Rain said...

I'm good. Oddly emotional, but good.

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hiya, Ven!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

I'm bored of Spanish…

Hi Skyril!!!¡¡¡!!!


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

~pokes Pyro~
You sure got bored of it quickly :P
But that's alright... I think I'll be bored of it when I start to learn it too....
Evertime someone says "'Kay so..."
I think of cheese!

lego said...

yay people! *hugs*

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hiya, lego!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Legolas!!!¡¡¡!!!


Ann Marie said...

Hi LEgo!

Ven, why are you emotional?

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Kallista!!!¡¡¡!!!


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

LOL Welcome back, Kal!
~throws purple confetti all over the place~

Venice Rain said...

@Ann - I'm a teenage girl, your guess is as good as mine :P

snow patrol is helping, turns out their soulessness is good for something.

Caelen would probably like them BA-DUM TSH.

Min (Thalia) said...

Hi Lego, Kal!

*hugs them both*

Sorry, my bro stole the computer from me. I actually have to go in a bit, but I'm here for now.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

*catches a paper plane*

*adjusts a few folds*

*adds a circuit structure to the paper model*

*watches the flying paper helicopter*


Venice Rain said...

*folds a plane into and origami crane*

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

*makes origami fireworks*

I actually have one of these fireworks, it makes loads of patterns!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Kk Kallista!!!¡¡¡!!!

Min (Thalia) said...

Well. Now I must take my leave, for the bro needs the computer for homework, and I must find a way to destroy my school pictures without my parents knowing.

*hugs everyone*

Bye all!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Bye Thalia!!!¡¡¡!!!

Ann Marie said...


*catches a paper plane*

*eats it*

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Aw, farewell, Thalia!
~waves madly~

Ann Marie said...

Aw, bye Thalia! *hugs*

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Dude, Katie Melua has the weirdest music videos on the planet

Venice Rain said...

lol, especially her latest ones!

lego said...

oops...forgot to say I was going again, sorry.

bye thalia! *hugs*

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

There are, like, two band-the Celtic Woman and Barrage- whose music I can generally say I like. Every other song I like is pretty much singly or two songs. Like Viva La Vida. I don't like anything else by Coldplay. Or Katie melua, for instance. I really like a Happy Place, but everything else I've listened to is just kinda eh. I mean, I like the lyrics to Nine Million Bicycles and I Cried For You isn't TERRIBLE, but I don't like either enough to really listen to very often.
It's like I like the odd song out on everything :P

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Aw, ~hugs Kal~
Welcome back...
~knocks her mom out for a little while with a frying pan~

Ann Marie said...

:-P (((Kallista)))

Ann Marie said...

*waves at Hellboy*

Ann Marie said...

*laughs* Well, um, thank you for passing those on.

lego said...

aww...scary moms are no fun.

*runs into the pacing kallista to give her a magical hot chocolate hug*

lego said...

also...ANN! HELLO! *incredibly large hamster hugs*

Brittany Cain said...

Hey Derek! I just read the book! In four hours! You've really outdone yourself this time! You might remember me from when you came to Auckland. I was the one who said that I thought Scapegrace was called Spacegrape. Yeah, that was me... And when I got a picture taken with you, you told me to look intelligent- a feat I did not accomplish. Not like you. You have the intelligent look downpacked. Because you are. Anyway, it would be really cool if you replied, but no pressure...

Ann Marie said...

Sorry Kal and Lego, I keep having to do stuff.

*is terrified*
*runs away from incredibly large hamster*

lego said...

It's chill. um...a friendly, herbivorous, large hamster?

Ann Marie said...

*makes sign of the cross to ward off hamster*

Can't I get giant rat hugs? I like rats.

lego said...

sure...but white rats kind of freak me out...*ginormas grey rat hugs*

Ann Marie said...

I like black-and-white rats! Sooooo cute! *pets ginormous rat*

lego said...


Ann Marie said...


Not my chattiest day ever, sorry.

lego said...

Hi kallista!!

Ann Marie said...

Hi Kal! Do you want to pet my giant rat?

lego said...

oh dear...*jumps into the rat's small intestines to save the kallista-mush*
*reassembles her into her normal self, though slightly more...squishy*

Ann Marie said...


*sprays mushy reassembled Kal with febreeze*

lego said...


got to go to bed now...nighty night! *hugs*

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

~waves arms in the air to get some attention~



Go to this link :D


Mz.Boo said...

OMG!! I have 200 pages to go and I want to spoil it all but I can't and won't i don't like spoiling things and i can't anyway... I can't believe what has happened so far it is amazing and unbelieveable

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

hey is aNYOJNE ON

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

hey when people come on coiuld you please go to please it is a story i am working on nothing is posted yet but a note please let me know and i when i am on i will let people know when it is updated

Dragona Pine said...

I'm here, I think. We're on chat.

Aquila Felis said...

Aquila Felis said...

Dragona Pine said...

Have to go to school now. Will be on tonight, but a bit later because I have to go for my hair cut. Bye guys.

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaffa Morbid said...

Updated my blog. Will talk properly later, must be going :D x

Blood Butterflies said...


Blood Butterflies said...

*scowls* Why do I always miss everyone?

Blood Butterflies said...



Blood Butterflies said...


Blood Butterflies said...

What? no one's online?

Blood Butterflies said...


Blood Butterflies said...


Blood Butterflies said...

*noms a cookie*

Blood Butterflies said...

The things I do when I'm alone.

Chione Asahina said...

hi everyone hi BB guess what? I GOT DEATH BRINGER AND DEREK SIGNED IT HES AMAZING!!!!!!! derek i know soon u will read this... hopefully. i guess you are still on tour......

Lucy said...

I know he is! I interviewed him last year in Worcester and he was really nice, but it was also really weird cause he was so much like skulduggery! (Obviously I mean in personality, I'm not saying you look like a skeleton Derek!)

Joseph said...

Hey Derek, I was thinking about the Skulduggery Pleasant movie and though that maybe instead of doing a movie an animated TV Show! It would be so cool as a weekly show like Transformers or something like that. I hope you take this into consideration and hope that if you can maybe you can answer back with your thoughts. Thanks

Joseph Walters
PS: I started reading Death Bringer at about 9:00pm and the next time I looked at the clock it was 12:30am! Loving it!

Chione Asahina said...

arent we all joseph? lol chapter 11 nearly

Vita Song said...

wow you have to finish death bringer lol amazing!!!!! I would be telling you all 'bout it if it wasn't 4 my stupid toe. I cut it walking home from school my shoe came of and i grazed my toe on the path with was really rocky bumpy sort of. well had toe limp home one shoe on one shoe off blood trailing behind me. my friends houae was way back so i had to carry on valiantly home(whichwas just round the corner) but my toes still stinging and i cut it bout an hour ago... it's sort of a slit down the toe. deep joy

Vita Song said...

suppose i should maths homework

Anonymous said...

hello peeps :P

Anonymous said...

I ahve just got death bringer- at chapeter 20 already- AHHHHHH WOWOWOWOWOWOw

Chione Asahina said...

lol im just on chapter 11 or 12

Vita Song said...


Vita Song said...

dum dum dum

hallsk03 said...

LOVED the book!!! Couldnt belive the twist.Can't wait for the novelette. Great book but could'nt help noticing that valkyries little sisters name changed from alice to alison at one point anyone else notice that.

Anonymous said...

Hey V! It came yesteday, we wernt here to collect it! :l

Chione Asahina said...

i noticed it at chapter 3 it was alison and at chapter...11 it was offence derek me correcting you...

thrice dozer said...

sup whos on

emmajane said...

Hey Derek I'm Emmajane , you met me at easons in town in April , I was the girl who asked if "the killer supreme" ever killed anyone and you told me to shut up basically . Anyway I got to page 293 and I was shocked so shocked that I gave the book to my friend to ruth who you met as well and I told her to read it and now I need to read the rest can't wait thanks , xxx Emmajane

Vita Song said...

oh alice is short 4 alison!

Vita Song said...

hey Derek are you on? Making final arrangements with friends 'bout goin to signing!!!!!!!hee hee we're all so happy! We're gonna leave 'bout now so get to bluewater bout 10:30 so take us till 11 to find watersones. 2 of us are going to wait in que will over to go off SHOPPING!!!! YAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY SHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!
hee hee.

Vanaerah Dire said...

Lol, I've come here for one single reason.
To say that Portal and Quinn both rock because they learned the song!
Quinn you're awesomessssss!!!!!!1 :D :D
That is all...

Aimza-Belle Shrew said...

Umm... hello Vanaerah... nice to meet you!

Vanaerah Dire said...

Hi there Crazy Looking Duck girl....
I'm sure you're sane but you never know..
My laptop is well slow so expect slow responses.
But nice to meets ya! :D

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