Thursday, September 22, 2011

Another Tour Over

Well... THAT was a tour...!

I've been back home for a few days, trying to get used to sleeping in my own bed and struggling to figure out how I managed to exist without someone from Publicity leading me to and from destinations, ordering me food, arranging hotel rooms and cars... It's not easy, adjusting back into normality, especially after meeting thousands of readers, many of whom go strangely quiet when they finally get their book signed... Not all of them go quiet, however, but we'll get to that...

I flew to London on September 2nd, a Friday, and had dinner with my VERY lovely agent Michelle, where we talked about all manner of cool things- INCLUDING the kitchen that I'm planning on refitting. (See? Seriously cool things like that my kitchen. I live such an exciting life.)

Saturday morning, Publicity Girl Extraordinaire Tiffany picked me up from my hotel and we started a day of public signings in Brent Cross and Bromley. Oh dear GOD. People had been waiting for hours- the queue went on forever- and a certain number of Skulduggery fans were actually screaming. Then they descended on me with their mad, crazy babble. I sat there, stunned, as they babbled and yattered and chattered and gibbered. I was given an inflatable unicorn called Clarabelle, and I'm pretty sure I was proposed to.

That evening I flew to Edinburgh, and the next morning Publicity Girl Extraordinaire Mary picked me up and I did events in Perth and Stirling, both of which were amusingly manic.

On Monday, we were in Glasgow, and I did TWO 400 person events one after another... This is when my voice started to go, and by the time I turned up at Waterstones that evening, I was definitely starting to worry. My voice has never been a problem before, but then, every tour the queues get longer, and I chat and laugh with more people, so it was only a matter of time before I was talking constantly for 8 hours a day... My poor voice just wasn't prepared for it.

We finished up in Scotland on Tuesday and drove to Newcastle, and from there it all started to blur together. We were in Bolton next, then Sheffield and Boston, then Cambridge and St Albans, and I met so many Skulduggery readers who each had their own theories as to what's going to happen next, and their own opinions on what just happened in Death Bringer, and each and every one of them were unique oddballs who made me grin and chat more and lose my voice AGAIN...

And then suddenly it was Saturday, and I was in Muswell's Children's Bookshop, talking to my old English teacher who'd come along, and I was given a WONDERFUL cake by a couple of readers who'd made it themselves. And then- Bluewater. The legendary Bluewater, where the queues are longer than anywhere else. If there is one thing this tour has taught me is how to speed up while signing, and I was definitely signing faster here in order to make it to the airport for my flight... But I did it, and I hopped on the plane, came home, and the next day I was at the Mountains to the Sea Festival in Dun Laoghaire, meeting the coolest people and getting lots of hugs.

Then I had a few days off, and Publicity Girl Extraordinaire Sam came over, fresh from her wedding, to spend time with the TRUE love of her life- me. Over the next three days we did events and signings in Tallaght and Kildare, Liberty Hall and Swords, and finished with epic signings in Dundrum and Blanchardstown.

And now? Now I'm finished.

I must, at this moment, thank my Publicity Girls. Thank you very much Catrina, it was so good to meet you! Thank you Mary- a few years ago I changed your life when I introduced you to the glories of the Gilmore Girls, and now I think I have done it again by introducing you and your family to the classic Batman: The Animated Series. Sam, after a few days with me, I hope life with your new husband won't appear too drab by comparison. And last but not least, Tiffany. Tiffany has been around for a few years, but this is the first time she's ever come on one of my tours, and unfortunately it's also going to be the last, as she heads back home to America in a few weeks. Tiffany was a wonderful companion, completely overawed at my wit, which is understandable. I knew we were going to get on when I heard the Imperial March coming from her phone.

I just want to thank all of you who came to an event or a signing- it really gives me a thrill when someone says "Hi, I'm Sue, but you probably know me best as Raven Darkclaw from the blog/facebook/forums." So many of you guys identified yourselves to me and it was like meeting an old friend for the first time. The lovely thing about these tours is when the Publicity Girls say how much they love the people who come to get books signed. For some reason, they seem to think you guys are fantastic, and fun, and sweet, and smart, and hilarious and goodnatured. I try to explain that ALL of my Minions are this way, and you are. From the people who froze when they met me (which is ALWAYS amusing) to the people who just wouldn't stop talking, to the girls who were practically hyperventilating, you were all magnificent. I don't particularly like going away to stay at bad hotels for a week, but every single one of you make it all worthwhile.

And I know I missed huge chunks of Ireland and the UK, but hopefully we'll visit your area next time. Next year there'll be more tours to add on, and whatever else pops up. Whenever I get a request, I do take note of it, because I know there are passionate readers all over the world who just want a chance to meet their Golden God. All you folks in Singapore, and Australia and New Zealand, and all the requests I get from Sweden and Germany and Canada and Estonia, not to mention you Americans...!

I really hope that one of these days I'll be able to tour America, but I just want to say right here and now that I truly appreciate all your support. It's not easy for you guys- not least because only the first three books are officially available over there- so your support really does go above and beyond the call of duty. I hope to be able to do something nice for you sometime soon, in thanks. In fact, how many of you are actually out there? I know Kallista is American, and Skulgirl, and I think Mar Chu, but how many others?

American readers, let yourselves be known!

One more thing, before I head off. It's thanks to you guys that Death Bringer sold so well, so thank you for officially making Skulduggery Pleasant a NUMBER ONE Bestselling Series!

Now I have to go. I need to finish The End of the World in the next few days. I love my job.


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Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hello, Miss Book Character. You must've been happy when you read that.

Venice Rain said...

Bella - its not the typos that matter, but the content

also, Kal hasn't read DB yet.
so, yeah, mild spoilers *wags finger and shakes head* but she knew that already. Thankfully.

Kal - :O *hugs Niall harder*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I already KNOW that typos don't matter. I am merely pointing them out. But did you notice the dress thing in Playing with Fire?

Paradox said...

Me and my friend travelled down to edinburgh to inverness on the last day of our summer holidays because we wanted to see you so bad! ( concentration in school is unimportant when skulduggery pleasant is concerned)

Just wanted to say that it was really fun meeting you and every moment of that day is burned into my memory forever.... Not in a traumatising way or anything but in a good kind of burny way....

( p.s; you probably wont remember us at all, but we were the girls you pointed out with the rather fantabulous pink + red hair!)

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Is there seriously no one here? I've been waiting for like almost 2 and a half hours, and yet everyone says about 1 thing and leaves. It's disappointing, honestly, to be the only one here.

Venice Rain said...

Bella, we're all on chat.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Well how come you don't come here? I don't even know what chat is!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

This reply is probably hours late, but Bella, chat is a chatbox someone made.
I like hanging out here, but most everyone goes there. So I generally end up going there too.
Anyway, here's the link of you ever actually see this message...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I'm looking at that comment right now. You posted that 6 minutes after I did.

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hey, hey, Thor, Thor
{get off of my cloud..}
~cough cough~

I mean, Hey, Thor go here as soon as you get a chance :D

lego said...

for thor...


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Bella! Hello! Sorry, lol, it's just that so often when I reply to someone's comment on here, it ends up being several hours later :P

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

And I just now DID go there, and it all semed very confusing, to be honest. I'm going to loyally stay here and see if Derek pops by.

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Aw, alright, Bella. It would be pretty awesome of Derek popped in, wouldn't it? :D

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Mistical Future said...

or am i late again?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I'm here! I'm here!

Mistical Future said...

hi bella!
you can call me misty!
soz i'm watching something so i might be slow to respond!

nights.raven said...

hey everyone

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hello Misty, pleased to meet you! *holds out hand*

And hey Nights.Raven!

Mistical Future said...

hi nights. raven
nice to meat both of u!!!
*hugs raven and bella

nights.raven said...

i gtg, ill b on tomorrow sometime, bye all

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

bye raven...

You still here Misty?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I guess I'll take that as a no...

Mistical Future said...

soz i'm doing jobs i'll brb asap

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

So... anyone here?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oooh! My photo came up! Now aren't I just lovely? DEREK! I request you look at my profile photo. It's the most recent photo of myself, considering the fact I took it a few hours ago. That's me alright--don't you think I resemble Valkyrie (or should I say Stephanie) an awful lot? BECAUSE I DO!!!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Mistical Future said...

hi cool piki!
as u may have realized I'M BACK!!!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I've been logged in for 6 and a half hours. That's ridiculous.

Mistical Future said...

oh well at least u have me!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Yay! I am lonely no longer!

*does victory dance and throws black and red confetti in the air*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Wanna hear a creepy poem I wrote?

Mistical Future said...

*joins in doing victory dance

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Don't worry, it's short.

Mistical Future said...

oh well it may be short but it is still fun!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Ok then, here it is:

I sit up late at night,
Then slowly turn on the light.
Because my nightmares wake me,
And my dark thoughts shake me.
I hear a sound,
That is perhaps underground.
I sit in fear,
Hoping tragidy is no where near,
And unkowingly await,
My terrible fate.
The sound is on the stairs,
Now near the dining room chairs.
Its in the hall,
By my leaft wall.
Finally at the door,
Where I realise its something more.
Its a ghost,
And I know I'm toast.
But it's all a memory,
And nothing can harm me,
Because it's all in my head,
And I'm already dead.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

It should say LEFT wall.

Mistical Future said...

cool thats good!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

But it's creepy, right?

Mistical Future said...

yes it's creepy to!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

And thank you! I seriously just started to think of creepy rhymes to go together, and I'd thought of that within about a minute.

Mistical Future said...

your good!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Are my comments still showing up?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Yes they are.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

6:00 am

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I've been on for 7 hours. *whoo whoo!*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Still here, Misty?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I supppose I'm alone. *bum bum bum buuuuuum* (and then there was 1...)

Mistical Future said...

soz i went down for cake! :P
it was good :D

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*gasp* You got cake?! I WANT SOME!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Or goodnight, depending on where you are.

Mistical Future said...

hear u go
*gives bella a piece of cake

Dragona Pine said...


Mistical Future said...

hi dragona want some cake?
*ofers dragona cake

Dragona Pine said...

*takes cake and eats it happily*

Thanks :)

Wait, I don't think we've met, or at least not talked before. I'm Dragona *shakes hand*

Dragona Pine said...

Oh, and btw, I'm a boy. People thought I was a girl when I first came on and I don't really know why but ah well. I am a boy.

Mistical Future said...

mistical but everyone cals me misty
and thats fine with me!
*shakes dragona's hand*

Dragona Pine said...

... I suggest you don't go near a German when called Misty :P

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hey Dragona. I just read Derek's first post. You can be a real downer Derek, you know that? I shouldn't really be saying anything though. earlier (or yesterday, I guess I should say) I claimed that my school bus was trying to kill me because while I was getting of my hand scraped along something and started bleeding.

Mistical Future said...

peeps thought u where a girl because of the "a" at the end of your name!
in Italian a "a" at the end of a word ment that its feminine or a female word!
though i'm not Italian i'm Australian i just learned Italian in primary school

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

True story, I swear.

Dragona Pine said...

Hi Bella! Unless you're Bella Solus or however you spell it, I don't think we've met *Shakes hand*

Misty, probably, and it's the same with Spanish and Latin, but I'm english *nods* so I don't follow them rules :P

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

So, Misty's Australian, I'm an American who's convinced herself that I'm Irish, and where are you from, Dragona?

Mistical Future said...

well yea thats my thery

cool story was your hand ok?

Dragona Pine said...

I'm from Yorkshire, England.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I suppose your english then. *returns hand shake*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

My hand was NOT ok in my opinion, actually. It was burning all freakin day and the skin peeled off and it was bleeding and it HURTS.

Dragona Pine said...

... ouch.

Dragona Pine said...

Btw, guys, someone made a chat box for this blog, it's miles easier, and quicker to talk.

That's the link.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

My friend Bella (I don't talk to myself; she's a real person) said that everything just probably hates me because my LAPTOP made my arm bleed because it's cracked, I smashed my head into a door, shattered a window with my hand, a mirror tried to slit my throat and I cut my hand.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I find chats WAY too confusing, and I'm staying here becuse I've convinced myself that if I stay here long enough Derek will come on.

Dragona Pine said...

... ouch.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Actually, all those events listed DID result in pain. What a planned coincedence

Mistical Future said...

oh what fun that sounds!
*note i say this sarcasticaly

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I know sarcasim when I see it. Have you guys read all 6 books?

Dragona Pine said...

Yep, I have them all.

Niamhy Jay said...

Hey all :)

Mistical Future said...

time for random dancing
can can can u do the can can can u do the can can ooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh
*randomly starts doing the can can*

Dragona Pine said...

Hi NJ! You're not normally on this early.

Dragona Pine said...

I have to go now. I'll be on tonight, bye!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

NJ! Hello! Fletcher DOESN'T love you!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Bye Dragona!

Mistical Future said...

hi NJ
u can call me misty

Niamhy Jay said...

No Dragona I am not but I am today :)

Hey Bella :)
That is a horrible thing to say my Aunty China isnt going o be happy that you r slagging me off :P jk jk
How are you??

Mistical Future said...

bye dragona!

Niamhy Jay said...

Hello misty you can call me NJ :P

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I'm grand, apart from the constant injuries that occur everyday.

And I will say it again, FLETCHER DOESN'T LOVE YOU.

Niamhy Jay said...

Bye Dragona

Mistical Future said...

how r u peeps?

Niamhy Jay said...

But I gotta go to school now

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Bye NJ! And I don't have school this Friday--teachers only day! Have fun doing boring stuffs!

Mistical Future said...

bye NJ!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*frowns with a confused look* It's almost midnight HERE. I hate stupid time differences.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

What time is it for you, Misty?

Mistical Future said...

well its almost 5 hear

Mistical Future said...

i always forget the pm

anyways its 5pm hear

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

AM or PM?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Ah well you answered the question already. Random question, but I happen to be listening to it, Do you like the Ramones?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Mistical Future said...

the who?
soz i don't think i know them or it or whatever the Ramones are

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

It's a band. I was listening to a song that went, "beat on the brat, beat on the brat, beat on the brat with a baseball bat..."

Mistical Future said...

soz i don't know them!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oh! I just thought of something! Have you ever heard of Rocky Votolato, Slender Means, Blue Checkered Record Player, Bugs in Amber, Telekinesis, Jaguar Love, or the Blood Brothers?

I'm a close relative of people in those bands.

Mistical Future said...

um ... i don't think so ... no

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hmmm.... I wouldn't have thought you did.

Mistical Future said...

oh well
btw cool piky

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

So have you read all 6 books? I certainly have.

The Wannabe-Author said...


Dang Flabbit I missed Dragona!!! X(

I think my Mum may know the Ramones. My mum is cool, I'm uncool.

Ya so anyway *shakes misty's hand* pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am the cannibal maniac Adept with silver magic pistols...

and I write stories. You may call me Kali (but its a bit pointless since you only miss one letter off my name)

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Who's your 3 least favourite characters? Mine are Davina Marr, Melancholia, Myron Stray, and Caelan. And that IS three.

Mistical Future said...

yes it is sooooooooo good and i so didn't expect the twist in the middle yet it all makes sense! but its so good it had me going oh my god this is going to be bloody hell if these 3 clash!!!

all the books are so good but this one had unexpected written all over it!!!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hey Kalia! I'm the one who pointed out a ton of speeling errors, including the now instead of know in Death Bringer. There's a list somewhere on this page...

The Wannabe-Author said...

My least favorite (even though u werent asking me but nawell) is Remus Crux. But I do like the quote about him:

"he's alive- he's not crwaling away at any sort of speed but he's alive"

The Wannabe-Author said...

Yeah I saw the list. I wasn't claiming I'd found it, may I remind you. I just asked if they'd seen it. It was very clever of you to point them out. Misty, are you boy or girl so I don't mistake you for the wrong one like I did with Dragona.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

That WAS a funny quote... I like it in Dark Days when Valkyrie says "Don't point your gun at his head and Skul says "Oh. THAT kind of nice."

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Mistical Future said...

hi kalia
*shakes hand*
i'm Mistical i am a Adept with a sliver sword that can go through anything i want it to.
in other words it can cut through any thing and it can phase though anything

The Wannabe-Author said...

OMG i LOVE that quote! I also love "are you taking my hat hostage?"

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

And I love it in Death Bringer when Skulduggery says, "I kill a sofa for you and you go and sit in a chair? I don't think you appreciate the sacrifice that has been made for you."

The Wannabe-Author said...

I loved that quote so much I actually put it in a text and sent it to a friend! Misty, are you boy or girl? Anyway, I also love it when skulduggery says "btw, your reflections still naked"

The Wannabe-Author said...

I had a dream about Skulduggery and I laughed in my sleep

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

My all time favourite though would have to be in book one when she says, "I swear, Skulduggery, you either give me a straight answer or I'm going to the biggest dog you've ever seen and I'm making him dig a hole and bury you in it."

The Wannabe-Author said...

OMG OMG OMG that is also my fave!!!!!!

A moment's silence for the greatest quote of all time, please...

Oh and I love this one:
"Ol' fassioned standoffs are mighty borin'"

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I've had some REALLY disturbing Skulduggery nightmares, and it started on halloween. I was running through a neighbourhood lit up wit street lights, and Serpine and Sanguine were trying to get me. So I ran into a dark house and hid. But of course, Sanguine could sink through walls so I hid in a coat closet, and he never found me. But I think there were other characters, too.

The Wannabe-Author said...

I had this dream:

At the end of page 394, I drempt that Valkyrie's parents were in and heared her slam the door (btw just a dream so no expecting it from the book even though it's the best dream ever) and came out on the landing. And saw the skeleton. And screamed and ran back inside their room, then back out again with a baseball bat. (Not sure why they even had a baseball bat in their room but oh well). They start gasping and stuttering and going "who... wha... how...." then Sklduggery goes "look, there's a perfectly reasonable expla-" then just turns and darts into the imaginary room at the end of the dream corridor. The Valkyrie comes out in her work clothes and starts saying "listen, mum, dad, i want you to meet-" but then you hear skulduggery's voice from the room he ran in (for some reason) "Why didn't you ever tell me there's no window in here?!" kind of like a bored parent would yell up at their kid that breakfast is ready. Valkyrie goes, in a voice kind of like a bored kid would yell down at their parents that they're not hungry "try the next one" then Skulduggery comes out saying "sorry about this" and goes into another room. Valkyrie sighs and says "for a couple of years now--" but Skulduggery interrupts "It's locked! Can I blast it off?" "No" says Valkyrie "Try the front door" and Skulduggery walks PAST Valkyrie's parents saying "sorry about all this" and goes to the front door "It's locked again!" he yells "blast it then!" Valkyrie yells and he blasts it off by pushing at the air, tilts his head at her parents and walks off. I swear I was laughing in my sleep!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

And one time I had a dream that Skulduggery was eating a meter long raw steak and I got mad at my sister and threw her over a mountain. Then Skulduggery got mad at me. He started yelling "Bad. Bad bad bad. Bad." and waving his finger at me.

The Wannabe-Author said...


Firstly, Skulduggery EATING? Wouldn't it all just drip through the empty space beneath his jaw and wreck his awesomes suit?

Secondly, where the heck did the cliff come from?

Thirdly, "Bad bad bad bad bad"????? Surely he'd say something cool?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Once I had a dream--and just for the record I absolutely HATE Twilight--and Caelan was being a creeper and following me and stuff, so told him to wait in a room while I got a drink or something, and I came back to see Caelan with his hands around Edward's throat saying, "Valkyrie's MINE!!!" and Edward was saying, "But I love Bella!" and the whole thing was ridiculous, but I knew I was thinking that and I swear I started laughing in my sleep.

The Wannabe-Author said...

I think he should have said "I'm sorry. I cannot allow evil to roam this world" and then point his gun at you, or at least said "I could have come up with a less cliche way of killing her" or something COOL

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

And I thought Skulduggery would've said something cool, too, but that's all he said.

The Wannabe-Author said...

lols at funny dream. I hate twilight too. By the sounds of it, so does Valkyrie because of the way she talks to Caelan. I love your dreams now! Oh, and another cool quote...

""Happy happy" Tanith said "Joy joy""

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I swear that's all he said. And my sister jumped, yes JUMPED back over the mountain at me.

The Wannabe-Author said...

It couldn't have been a very high cliff. Dream you is rubbish at killing people!

She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes! SHE'LL BE JUMPING UP A CLIFFACE WHEN SHE COMES!

The Wannabe-Author said...

Part 8 of cool story:

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I loved that too. And yet another dream:

I was running, and there were Remnants and stuff everywhere, and there were 30 foot tall buildings full of Elites from Halo the video game and they were shooting guns at me. So I went to find Skulduggery, and eventually I did. Then we were running through the streets, and there were people flinging themselves out of buildings towards me. And suddenly Skulduggery and I were in a court room, where Skulduggery was being accused of murder. But since his facade is different every time, all the violent photos of him didn't match. Then he was saying, "I didn't kill anyone." He pointed at me. "She did." And I went to prison, then woke up.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

And there was a different one where China had locked Skulduggery and I in a cage, one where I was waiting to be rescued from a holding cell but never was, one where Caelan and Fletcher somehow got my throat slit and blamed my dead body... I have a vivid imagination.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Back to quotes:

Ireally liked the part in the Faceless Ones where Skulduggery and Fletcher are talking and Fletcher asks, "Do I look worried?" and Skulduggery responds, "No, but neither do you look intelligent, so I'm giving you the benefit of doubt."

Mistical Future said...

soz peeps my dad made me go for a walk

The Wannabe-Author said...

You have a brilliant imagination! I absolutely love it! I once had a dream where I was reading Skulduggery then I was suddenly in the book and so was my MUM which was embarassing. Skulduggery and Valkyrie were telling me to run and I did and then Mum was the evil zombie and then pulled her face off and it was none other than the rubbish killer supreme, Scapegrace. Then I WAS Skulduggery and Valkyrie was there WITH ALICE and I shot Scapegrace and he died and then I was me again and Skulduggery shot me! Then I was Valkyrie and he said "right lets all go home" and we were having dinner at Valkyrie's parents' house and I was Skulduggery again and I was eating EATING without my facade and they didn't even notice! It was a weird dream...

The Wannabe-Author said...

A lot of your dreams seem to involve death then people blaming you...

But I really like it when Valkyrie says: "its ok Fletcher; if the bad man comes, I'll protect you" and he says "If the bad man comes, I'll give out a high pitched scream to distract him. I may even bravely faint to give him a false sense of security. That will be your signal to strike."


Mistical Future said...

i'm a girl
soz peeps just reading ur convasation about the dreams

The Wannabe-Author said...

YAY! Finally got an answer for that. Who's dream is the best do you think. Personally, I like the one where Caelan strangles Edward because I've wanted to do that for years!

The Wannabe-Author said...


going on chat now but may pop back to look at more comments. If you want to follow:

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I think Misty's a girl. And I like that part too.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I've got to admit, the Caelan and Edward thing was really funny and enjoyable... and I remember while I was sleeping that I was conciously thinking that would be funny.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Awww... Bye Kalia! Lovely meeting you!

The Wannabe-Author said...

I'm back. No one was on chat. It was boring on my own. Here's a question I always wanted to ask- has anyone heared the Skulduggery interview with Skulduggery in it or listeded to Skulled?

The Wannabe-Author said...

that was meant to be listened btw.

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

anyone on iam

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Yay! And I have the interview on my ipod XD and everytime it comes on I just have to laugh, because I would've NEVER pictured Skulduggery to sound like that. And about the movie... How come everyone wants Johnny Depp to play him? I think that he doesn't fit that part. I think it should be Stephen Fry--he played the Cheshire Cat in the new Alice in Wonderland. His voice honestly sounds like velvet.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Kalia and I are on!

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

what inrterview can someone send me the link

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

to me it sounds like derek doing a different voice

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Just go to the Skulduggery Homepage, Games&Downloads, then click on the interview. Simple as that.

The Wannabe-Author said...

Well I thought Skulduggery sounded more like Gritt than velvet in the interview. I couldn't stop laughing the first time I heared it! I had to pause it so that the giggle fit would stop!

and what about skulled? The skulduggery theme?

I think its brilliant! Listen to it if u already havent!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I never thought of that. That would be funny. I like the music though.

The Wannabe-Author said...

I'm listening to it right now

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

do you guys like harry potter

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I was laughing A LOT when I heard it, too. I'm gonna listen to it now.

The Wannabe-Author said...

*head nodding to Skulled* I don't like the video with it in though. For a start, Skulduggery dances. That was just WRONG. Also, it tells you there's a bone jangling sound effect and that you should crank the volume right up but then it scares you insted and there's NO BONE JANGLING EFFECT!!!!!!

BTW I bet thet's his ringtone. Skulduggery's, I mean. Either that or "Red right hand" to remind him of his vendetta with Serpine! XD

The Wannabe-Author said...

BTW Amelie, we have never previously met. *shakes hand*. Yes I do like harry potter but Skulduggery is still best. (Hear that Derek? We love you more!!!) Anyway, XD

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

i love both of them i read hp before i read skulduggery because i found out about skulduggery in 2009 when my teacher was reading it to our class

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I thought the dancing was HILARIOUS. And remember Death Bringer? "He told me could dance. I was a fool to doubt him."

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

im very bored lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala

The Wannabe-Author said...

Your teacher read skulduggery out? Dang flabbit your teachers sound cool! Seriously though, Skulduggery's ringtone- what could it be? And I heared that Warner Bros were actually going to make Skulduggery break out into a song and dance number in the middle of the movie. Man in the Mirror by MJ. Seriously- NO.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I actually don't like the Harry Potter books. The tend to bore me.

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

me and dragona had a slight disagrement about that but frankly i was joking

The Wannabe-Author said...

I have a teacher who says J.K Rowling is a lazy author because she puts "He was running" and "Harry was" etc instead of "Running, the sun glinting off his" yada yada yada. You can never be bored reading Skulduggery. There isn't a single none-tense or non-funny or non-weird bit in the whole series.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Skulduggery better not. He can do something OTHER than MJ in the CREDITS. That way it doesn't change the storyline.

The Wannabe-Author said...

It was bad enough when he danced in the mini video with his theme in! He better not sing ANYWHERE. Whistling, perhaps, for the scene when he's kidnapped. Humming, definately. Dancing but only a waltz n appropriate occasions, obviously. But SINGING and DANCING in the MIDDLE OF THE FILM! NOOOOOOOOOOO! DONT LET THEM DO IT DEREK!!!!!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

There isn't one thing I don't positively love about Skulduggery Pleasant. (Did you hear that? I LOVE YOU, SKULDUGGERY PLEASANT)

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Do you love Skulduggery?

The Wannabe-Author said...

Yes. I would have to be some sort of Grinch to not love him. And I may be mad but I'm no Grinch. I'm cool. But if he ever dances again I'm going to hunt him down and do what Valkyrie promised to do in the first book- find the biggest dog he's ever seen, make him dig a hole and bury him in it.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

But I actually LIKE his dancing. Besides, that's not as bad as something saying Skulduggery is Valkyrie's SIDEKICK.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I think that in Death Bringer Vile was suddenly hungry and that's why he threw Darquesse through a Burger King.

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

hello again sorry had to have dinner

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I don't know why I just said that, but I did.

The Wannabe-Author said...

Yeah if anything she's the sidekick. He's the one with his name in the title. But seriously, you look at Skulduggery and you think- charming, witty, lethal, brilliant, so not modest, powerful, scary, not serious but you can take him seriously. Then he dances... a skeleton, dancing. Just NO. Yeah he can dance pretty well but you don't want him to. You just don't think he's the dancing kind of guy. You expect him to be standing there with his head down, looking scary. The dancing- WAY OTT!!!

The Wannabe-Author said...

Yeah. Burger King. Weird.

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

hmmmmmmmm so bored

The Wannabe-Author said...


amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

hey yeah its my birthday in a week and derek said that if i remind him closer to the date he would say happy birthday to me yay yay

The Wannabe-Author said...

Quick! Amelie is bored! *throws Skulduggery at Amelie (skeleton detective, not book series)*

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

oh yay thank you

The Wannabe-Author said...

*lols at Skulduggery reaction to being thrown*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

But everyone has a ridiculous side, including Skulduggery. In my opinion, I think he's the perfect person to do that. But when I saw that video it was after Playing with Fire, so he wasn't really the scary character he is now.

The Wannabe-Author said...

*hugs Skulduggery*

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

* jumps up and down with skulduggery*

The Wannabe-Author said...

Thats my point. He's you know, got that *vile* mood (in case there are some ppls with no lives who have not read Skulduggery 6) and you cannot picture his "other self" dancing. You just don't. It's making fun of the character and all of Derek's hard work.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

(in my previous comment i was still talking about him dancing)

Remember that part where a Faceless One throws Skulduggery and Valkyrie ducks, but Fletcher gets knocked over and sent sprawling? That was funny.

The Wannabe-Author said...

*joins in with jumping, still hugging Skulduggery. Now has "jump around" in head*

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

yeah mwah haha

The Wannabe-Author said...

Yeah I like it when Fletcher gets hurt or screams or gets picked on for stupid hairstyle. "It defies both gravity and reason" "Why does everyone always pick on my hair? My hair is COOL!"

Mistical Future said...

hi peeps
*joins in the jumping/hugging Skulduggery thing*

The Wannabe-Author said...

whats with the muhahahas?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I love funny moments that aren't meant to be funny. And I know this is terrible, but when Valkyrie was Darquesse in Mortal Coil and she killed all those people and was laughing... I was laughing, too.

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

im evil hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

i laugh at the most not funny things and thing that most b=people think is gross and explosion and stuff

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