Thursday, September 22, 2011

Another Tour Over

Well... THAT was a tour...!

I've been back home for a few days, trying to get used to sleeping in my own bed and struggling to figure out how I managed to exist without someone from Publicity leading me to and from destinations, ordering me food, arranging hotel rooms and cars... It's not easy, adjusting back into normality, especially after meeting thousands of readers, many of whom go strangely quiet when they finally get their book signed... Not all of them go quiet, however, but we'll get to that...

I flew to London on September 2nd, a Friday, and had dinner with my VERY lovely agent Michelle, where we talked about all manner of cool things- INCLUDING the kitchen that I'm planning on refitting. (See? Seriously cool things like that my kitchen. I live such an exciting life.)

Saturday morning, Publicity Girl Extraordinaire Tiffany picked me up from my hotel and we started a day of public signings in Brent Cross and Bromley. Oh dear GOD. People had been waiting for hours- the queue went on forever- and a certain number of Skulduggery fans were actually screaming. Then they descended on me with their mad, crazy babble. I sat there, stunned, as they babbled and yattered and chattered and gibbered. I was given an inflatable unicorn called Clarabelle, and I'm pretty sure I was proposed to.

That evening I flew to Edinburgh, and the next morning Publicity Girl Extraordinaire Mary picked me up and I did events in Perth and Stirling, both of which were amusingly manic.

On Monday, we were in Glasgow, and I did TWO 400 person events one after another... This is when my voice started to go, and by the time I turned up at Waterstones that evening, I was definitely starting to worry. My voice has never been a problem before, but then, every tour the queues get longer, and I chat and laugh with more people, so it was only a matter of time before I was talking constantly for 8 hours a day... My poor voice just wasn't prepared for it.

We finished up in Scotland on Tuesday and drove to Newcastle, and from there it all started to blur together. We were in Bolton next, then Sheffield and Boston, then Cambridge and St Albans, and I met so many Skulduggery readers who each had their own theories as to what's going to happen next, and their own opinions on what just happened in Death Bringer, and each and every one of them were unique oddballs who made me grin and chat more and lose my voice AGAIN...

And then suddenly it was Saturday, and I was in Muswell's Children's Bookshop, talking to my old English teacher who'd come along, and I was given a WONDERFUL cake by a couple of readers who'd made it themselves. And then- Bluewater. The legendary Bluewater, where the queues are longer than anywhere else. If there is one thing this tour has taught me is how to speed up while signing, and I was definitely signing faster here in order to make it to the airport for my flight... But I did it, and I hopped on the plane, came home, and the next day I was at the Mountains to the Sea Festival in Dun Laoghaire, meeting the coolest people and getting lots of hugs.

Then I had a few days off, and Publicity Girl Extraordinaire Sam came over, fresh from her wedding, to spend time with the TRUE love of her life- me. Over the next three days we did events and signings in Tallaght and Kildare, Liberty Hall and Swords, and finished with epic signings in Dundrum and Blanchardstown.

And now? Now I'm finished.

I must, at this moment, thank my Publicity Girls. Thank you very much Catrina, it was so good to meet you! Thank you Mary- a few years ago I changed your life when I introduced you to the glories of the Gilmore Girls, and now I think I have done it again by introducing you and your family to the classic Batman: The Animated Series. Sam, after a few days with me, I hope life with your new husband won't appear too drab by comparison. And last but not least, Tiffany. Tiffany has been around for a few years, but this is the first time she's ever come on one of my tours, and unfortunately it's also going to be the last, as she heads back home to America in a few weeks. Tiffany was a wonderful companion, completely overawed at my wit, which is understandable. I knew we were going to get on when I heard the Imperial March coming from her phone.

I just want to thank all of you who came to an event or a signing- it really gives me a thrill when someone says "Hi, I'm Sue, but you probably know me best as Raven Darkclaw from the blog/facebook/forums." So many of you guys identified yourselves to me and it was like meeting an old friend for the first time. The lovely thing about these tours is when the Publicity Girls say how much they love the people who come to get books signed. For some reason, they seem to think you guys are fantastic, and fun, and sweet, and smart, and hilarious and goodnatured. I try to explain that ALL of my Minions are this way, and you are. From the people who froze when they met me (which is ALWAYS amusing) to the people who just wouldn't stop talking, to the girls who were practically hyperventilating, you were all magnificent. I don't particularly like going away to stay at bad hotels for a week, but every single one of you make it all worthwhile.

And I know I missed huge chunks of Ireland and the UK, but hopefully we'll visit your area next time. Next year there'll be more tours to add on, and whatever else pops up. Whenever I get a request, I do take note of it, because I know there are passionate readers all over the world who just want a chance to meet their Golden God. All you folks in Singapore, and Australia and New Zealand, and all the requests I get from Sweden and Germany and Canada and Estonia, not to mention you Americans...!

I really hope that one of these days I'll be able to tour America, but I just want to say right here and now that I truly appreciate all your support. It's not easy for you guys- not least because only the first three books are officially available over there- so your support really does go above and beyond the call of duty. I hope to be able to do something nice for you sometime soon, in thanks. In fact, how many of you are actually out there? I know Kallista is American, and Skulgirl, and I think Mar Chu, but how many others?

American readers, let yourselves be known!

One more thing, before I head off. It's thanks to you guys that Death Bringer sold so well, so thank you for officially making Skulduggery Pleasant a NUMBER ONE Bestselling Series!

Now I have to go. I need to finish The End of the World in the next few days. I love my job.


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Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Skulduggery's actually pretty scary in chapter 18: The Arrest Warrent.

I would be so scared if I was there...

nights.raven said...

srry im so quiet, i keep forgetting to refresh the page lol

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Sorry I've been gone... I just watched the video on you tube when Derek got the unicorn...

Derek, The look on your face was PRICELESS.

~Acacia Volt~ said...

You know, I have recently been informed of a raw slab of joyous information. I have been bounding about with glee and I have decided to share my abundant, amazing, impenetrable, vigorous, spritely, teeming knowledge with you.(Yes, I am quite a pleonasmistic fanatic.)

I have been told, by a former UK citizen, that there are certain treats called ‘Penguins’ that are a complete and utter rip-off of Timtams.

Whether or not you can get these in Ireland, I have no bloody idea.

I sure hope so, though. If- sorry, WHEN- there is an Australian tour, I shall trade you Timtams for Penguins and we shall have a joyous feast.

I’m serious, I’ll bring tea and wear a tutu.

… tutu… *shudders*


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hey Acacia Volt... I'm VALKYRIE, no mateer what my real name tells you. I AM VALKYRIE, and I am running around with a fedora on and imagining all the things I could say to Derek...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

**typo "no MATTER"

nights.raven said...

im gonna go to sleep, night all, ill b on tomorrow

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Bye Raven...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

You here yet, Derek?

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

hey anyone on hey derek im gonna remind ytou everytime i get i=on its my birthday on fridays yayay please say happy birthday to me

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

he always does i have only gotten one reply from him ever

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

In my I hand I hold 9 eyeballs, all removed by hand, With the assisstance of sissors...

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

hahahahahahah m watching alice in wonder land now bella

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Shouldn't Stephen Fry (the Cheshire Cat) play Skulduggery? I could listen to his voice all day long...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

And I was serious about the eyes. They're sitting in a lovely pile now, apart from the rest of my body-part sea...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Is Derek here YET...?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

OK, Derek, you had better read this, but alass I must go. I WILL return... You know I will... and it'll be in around 7 hours. Derek, if you come on while I'm sleeping I will be very sad, so if you read this and I'm not here check your comments hourly until I return. I'm determined to speak with you in some way, and when I'm determined I stop at practically nothing. So read this and skim through my comments on the previous pages, for now I shall get some well-needed sleep. GOODNIGHT!!!

The Wannabe-Author said...

DEREK!!!!!!! Look at this:

It's me in an action pose!!!! XD

The Wannabe-Author said...

look at me in an action pose!!!!!!! DX

The Wannabe-Author said...

YAY Bella finally went to sleep!!!!

Ayla O' Reardon said...

Does it, being Sunday mean that no-one is in blogland?

I hope not. It's really not fun staring at a computer screen waiting for someone to come along. GOOD GOD IT'S BORING!

Ayla O' Reardon said...

See? This is exactly what I was talking about.

Vita Song said...


Ayla O' Reardon said...

Hey Vita!

Ayla O' Reardon said...

How are you?

Vita Song said...

gd thxs u????

Ayla O' Reardon said...

Grand-ish. I've been talking to myself. :/

Vita Song said...

lol :)

Ayla O' Reardon said...

I think its gonna rain, or snow whatever the clouds feel like.
I just hope my mam hasn't put my school uniform outside, 'coz if it's gonna rain I don't want that wet. I need it for tomorrow

Illustria (GNoire) said...

Hello! `Back again after her computer stopped going wonky`

Vita Song said...

i want it to snow here.... i've had enougth of the hot wheather.... yesterday was the 1st of october and where i live in england it was around 30'c!!!!! and i had to walk 6miles in that heat!!!! :( not nice

Ayla O' Reardon said...

Its been raining for two and a half days non-stop in Ireland. Our summer is two days of 24'C. And then lots and lots of rain.

Ayla O' Reardon said...

And now I must go and have breakfast.
I'll be on in 30 mins.

The Wannabe-Author said...

Hi! Just read through all past posts on this blog and I can't help noticing... Derek, you started out hating bolgs but now I get the distinct impression you ENJOY it...

fanfic. read. now.

The Wannabe-Author said...

that was meant to be blogs... epic fail typo!

Ayla O' Reardon said...

Ah I seem to have been a little late with that assumption.

The Wannabe-Author said...


Laura said...

Oh no! This is my first comment on this blog EVER! Where have I been all this time?! TT_TT

Anywho... You better come to America sooner or later! Or else I might... um... fume silently? I dunno, there isn't really much I CAN do seeing as you live in a totally different continent. XD

And a unicorn? Really?! ME WANT! Along with cake... cake is good.

What kind of cake was it?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Why hello! Pleased to meet you! I'm VALKYRIE, I swear, no matter what my birth certificate tells you *shakes hand*

Laura said...

Nice to meet you too, Valkyrie! *Shakes hand violently*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Beef___ *Cornith Solomon* said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Homework eats small children.

Ayla O' Reardon said...

I'm Dess! I'm a vampire-rogue with a sword
*also shakes hand*
Hey Bella :D

Ayla O' Reardon said...

hey Beef :D

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*desperately tries to take hand back*

Well FINALLY someone new doesn't stay for one comment and leave! I'm waiting to see if Derek comes. The other day I was up for 39 HOURS, waiting to see if he'd come, nut I suppose I cohse the wrong 39 hours, because he hasn't been here yet...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Dess! I sent the zombie horde home... I didn't feel like killing them all IMMEDIATELY, so I let 'em go.

Ayla O' Reardon said...

Does that mean we can fight something else?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

(and Laura called me Valkyrie *does a victory dance and confetti and streamers come out of nowhere*)

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

We CAN, but it's not entirely NECCESSARY.

Ayla O' Reardon said...

But it would be FUN.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*sighs* But I do LIKE killing zombies... I know where they live... I am a crazy stalker, after all....

Ayla O' Reardon said...

Uhh OK, that's a little weird.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Sure! They don't live far. They actually live close enough for me to shadow walk there. ZOMBIES SHALL DIE!!! Laura, if you're still here, do you wanna join us?

Ayla O' Reardon said...

And I'll close my facebook so I don't get distracted!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

They actually live REALLY close, I could shadow walk in... Hopefully this time the pizza man doesn't get eaten...

Laura, you wanna join us?

Ayla O' Reardon said...

I think Laura has been creeped out by our insaneness.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Well, so has my family, and they just don't get surprised anymore.

Ayla O' Reardon said...

My mam's side of the family is totally BONKERS!
My dad's, not so much. But my dad's brother has really freaky kids.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I think that we shall be off! *shadow-walks*

(anyone who joins, think of an epic way you arrived)

Laura said...

Creeped out? Naaaah...

Ayla O' Reardon said...

(You would have to read my first story to know what I mean)

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

HELLO ZOMBIES! *smashes a chair and uses pieces as weapons*

(did you come with us to kill a zombie horde?)

Ayla O' Reardon said...

*Laughs crazily and kicks zombie in the face*

Laura said...

Oh... Zombies? WHERE!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

They zombies seem pretty lazy...

*sees them barely disturbed at the fact I'm there*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*smashes TV with tendril of shadow*

Oh, They're angry NOW.

*kicks one in the face*

Ayla O' Reardon said...

Laura you're standing in th middle of the hoarde.

*impales zombie's chest with sword*

Laura said...

Oh dear... Mind if I join in with the zombie butt kicking?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

So, Dess, you're a vampire?

*looks at Dess while using shadows to rip off zombie limbs*

Ayla O' Reardon said...

*touches matching sigils on cheekbones and punches two zombies heads off at the same time*


Ayla O' Reardon said...

Yes Bella, I am.

*pokes zombie in its eye*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Laura said...

OKAY THEN! *Sets a zombie's face on fire*

Ayla O' Reardon said...

*shouts over screaming zombie*

I also have a type of magic that didn't leave when I died. I can soak sorcers power. I have a sword, a teleportation device and sigils.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Interesting... And you're a rouge?

*smashes forehead into a wall while dodging zombie*
*scowls in pain*

Ayla O' Reardon said...

*kicks zombie's ass off*

OH MY GOD! that was discusting ^^^

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*impales a zombie head with a fork I found on the floor*

Ayla O' Reardon said...

The rogue is the magic.

*screams and dodges flailing, burning zombie*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

So, the vampire rouge... You're not a Caelan, are you?
*warily backs away while fighting off several zombies*

Ayla O' Reardon said...

Kinda like that girl in x-men, with a little more power.

*throws brick at zombie*

Ayla O' Reardon said...

No I'm not a Caelan. Nothing like a Caelan. Caelan's a gothic crap.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

But definetly NOT a Caelan?

*pulls zombies towards me and clicks fingers in face*

Laura said...

*Impales a zombie with a spork*

I like power!

Ayla O' Reardon said...


*throws zombie through window*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

We all like power, Laura!

*uses shadows to throw three zombie in the air*
*cuts their heads off with shadowknives*

Ayla O' Reardon said...

*jumps through window after zombie and squishes it*

Ha! In your mashed face you stupid zombie!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Ayla O' Reardon said...

*sags at the many mortal faces staring ay her*

Oh crap.

*gets jumped on by zombie*


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Laura said...

So you do!

*Shoves a zombie into random lamp post*

Ayla O' Reardon said...

*Wriggles under zombie with joy after getting first comment*


I still need help though :(

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

MORTALS?! *Runs over to Dess and punches zombie with so much impact its sent flying*

Ayla O' Reardon said...



Laura said...

I'LL HELP! *Swings down from the lamp post and shoves the zombie off*

Ayla O' Reardon said...

What do we do about the mortals?

Laura said...

Ummm... I have no idea...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Where's Scrutinous when you need him?
*shadow walks to the middle of the mortals and shadow walks them to the top of a building*

Ayla O' Reardon said...



Ayla O' Reardon said...

*screams again*

I have to clean my room?!?!

Back in two mins.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*sees a mortal falling off the building*

Laura said...


(I don't know. Seemed appropriate.)

Laura said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*pulls out phone and tells the Sanctuary about all the mortals*
*Scrutinous comes out of nowhere*

Ayla O' Reardon said...

*catches screaming mortal*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*sees Cleavers angrily running at us with scythes reeady*
*screams and runs*

Ayla O' Reardon said...

Uhh hi.

Ayla O' Reardon said...

*drops mortals and follows Bella screaming and running*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Laura said...

NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! *Takes off wicked fast*

Ayla O' Reardon said...

No mam I don't want to go shopping I'm in the middle of running away from cleavers screaming....... I don't care....... mam if I need fresh air I'll open a window........... Right, bye.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*risks a glance back and sees the Cleavers were actually after the Zombies*

Ayla O' Reardon said...

*continues screaming and running*


Ayla O' Reardon said...

Oh, right.

*stops running*

Ayla O' Reardon said...

Well............ this is embarrassing.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

We can stop running! Yay!
*begins to head back and suddenly a Cleaver puts handcuffs on all of us*

Ayla O' Reardon said...


*sobs dramatically as powers are blocked*

Anonymous said...


I'm actually looking forwards to Monday so I can get out of this house and go somewhere freaking else for a change... even if it is school... -_-

Anonymous said...

Hullo Bella! Hullo Desswarph! Hullo Laura!

Ayla O' Reardon said...

*stops crying and glares at cleaver*

Go away.

Ayla O' Reardon said...

Oh, hi.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*Fletcher arrives out of nowhere and smirks as he teleports the Cleaver and me away*

(I have to leave for a few hours... I WILL BE BACK)

Ayla O' Reardon said...


Ha! Its weird how someone always leaves just as I'm going to.

Will be on later.

Bye Laura. Bye Pandora. Bye Bella

Laura said...


NO! Don't leave!

Unknown said...

HI Derek,

I've been reading ur blog for ages but i've never commented. I read death bringer and i love it! Its brilliant one of the best so far i think. I am a really big fan of skullduggery pleasant. My friends thought i was mad when brought death bringer with me to school but the boys thought it was really cool then i told the girls it was about a baddass girland the boys it was about a living and moving skeleton and they all thought it was soooooo cool u really have something for everyone!In the next tour will you please come to Limerick or like even just Munster. Btw thats in Ireland for those who don't know. And thats were i live. You came to listowel once which is really near me but i couldn't go cause it was in a school you went to not a public singing and that made me not happy. So please come to limerick or munster and thanku very much for giving books to read over & over & over again!

Laura said...

Hiya Caroline!

Unknown said...

Hi :D

The Wannabe-Author said...

Hi ppls. I missed the zombie fight!!!!!! DX *hugs Skulduggery* (don't ask where he came from. It's just what I do)

The Wannabe-Author said...

Oh dang flabbit no one's here are they! I always get here at the wrong time!!!! DX *hugs struggling Skulduggery and leaves still hugging*

Unknown said...

Well i'm sorta here :)

Ayla O' Reardon said...

Are you still there?

The Wannabe-Author said...

This is last bit of part (either 15 or 16) of blog story:

A woman stood there, showing me a sword in its scabbard at her waist under a long coat. Her arms were muscular and her expression playful.
"Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough."

Ayla O' Reardon said...



The Wannabe-Author said...

Yeah im here! PLEASE fight off zombies with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ayla O' Reardon said...



The Wannabe-Author said...

Please help me fight off the Zombie King's horde of dribbling weirdos! I'm absolutley bored and Skulduggery ran away screaming so I have no one to hug!

Unknown said...

love that line "come and have a go if you think you're hard enough" Anyway I really have to go now bye

Ayla O' Reardon said...

I did say OK didn't I?

The Wannabe-Author said...


I missed the zombie fight. :(

*Dives on zombie, using fangs to rip open while shooting another through the eyes*

Laura said...


Ayla O' Reardon said...


I have to help my mam make dinner but I'll fight off the zombie hoarde with you later.


The Wannabe-Author said...


*kicks zombie but its in such a state of decomposition that foot goes through it with a loud cracking squelching noise. Pulls foot away and rips head off with black swiss army knife.*

wanna help us fight off zombies?

The Wannabe-Author said...


Des, fighting zombies is more fun!!!

nights.raven said...

*shrugs* why not? *starts kicking zombies like theres no tomorrow*

The Wannabe-Author said...

yay a zombie butt kicker!!

*dives on zombies using superior stregnth to tear apart*

The Wannabe-Author said...

*Uses black swiss army knife to rip them in half so one half is walking while the other is crawling, then pushes both down so neither can get up.*

how are you nigh?

nights.raven said...

*kicks more zombies* *sets fire to a whole hoard* im fine, how r u?

The Wannabe-Author said...

*charges at zombie and pushes in lake then punches other zombie so hard his jaw flies off and hits another zombie in the face*
Got arrested by the sanctuary yesterday.
*kicks zombie so hard he flies into more zombies and all fall over like dominoes*

nights.raven said...

*smashes more zombies* *uses her powers to turn them to dust* really? *kicks some more zombies* *throws them into a river of lava somewhere where there are rivers of lava*

The Wannabe-Author said...

*bites zombie (complains about taste) with fangs and rips neck open so that the head comes off then stamps on so the skull smashes underfoot.*
*Zombie grabs but I grab wrists and spins then throws zombie into lake of acid. While spins, more advancing zombies are knocked down and struggle to get up.*
*shoots through both eyes of zombie so can't see then uses knife to chop both arms off and pushes over while kicking at another zombie's gut*
*elbows another zombie then runs on all fours at twenty miles an hour, pouncing on more zombies and ripping open with fangs*

nights.raven said...

*throws more zombies into lava river* *kicks some more zombies trying to sneak up on kalia*

The Wannabe-Author said...

Yeah *stabs more zombies and kicks legs out from under* apparently, despite the fact I can eat nothing else... *elbows zombie and swipes at knees so they snap and the zombie can't move* ...eating people is still considered a crime, even when the people you're eating are the bad guys. Obviously, I broke out before anyone could say much more about it but... *punches zombie so hard his skull splinters and he flies back into more zombies* ... it's still a bit rude of them... *slices through zombie hand that's trying to strangle me*

The Wannabe-Author said...

*spits in only remaining zombie eye so can't see then punches stomache and throws into more zombies so they are crushed under eachother's weight. Zombies crawl out of lake and I slice through chests with black swiss army knife*

nights.raven said...

*uses her sai blades to slice zombies* *throws more zombies into lava river* thats just awful... *throws one of her smaller daggers into the heads of zombies trying to sneak a bite out of kalia* ...they should let u eat the bad guys... *uses her magic to turn other zombies into dust* ...that is incredibly rude of them

The Wannabe-Author said...

*uses fangs to rip through zombie neck then slices head down middle with knife while spin-kicking zombies behind me who get up and grab coat. Is flung back into wall and building collapses on top of. Just when you think I'm dead my hand punches through rubble and I crawl out but had used large amount of magic and stregnth to make self indistructable on crash. Still manages to kick three zombies down while punching through zombie skull though*

The Wannabe-Author said...

It is, isn't it! *uses knife to slice through zombie head then uses pistols to shoot head of zombie until it comes off and zombie falls while running on two feet this time toward Nigh so can stand back to back.* but we have history and I don't think they like me. *shoots through zombie head loudly until it is almost disintigrated*

The Wannabe-Author said...

*keeps shooting at zombies then magically makes gun higher setting so takes limbs off with each bullet. Shoots mainly at heads* It also means we can't call the cleavers in *shoots zombie head off* because they'll recognise me from most wanted and arrest me AGAIN. *spins around Nigh to shoot zambie about to bite your neck then kicks at another zombie to give self room and fires pistol so head comes off*

The Wannabe-Author said...

I wonder if we're giving Derek ideas for future stories yet? *shoots zombie so arm flies off then again so other arm flies off and a third time so head comes off* DEREK you are not allowed to make any of us die in your books!!!!!!! DX *kicks zombie head off then shoots more zombies*

The Wannabe-Author said...

You don't say much do you? *kicks down zombie* are you still here?*

nights.raven said...

*uses her sai blades to rip more zombies to shreads* damn, cuz we seem to be JUST able to handle these things... *uses her magic to disintigrate zombies trying to break kalias defense* ...and we cant have you arrested, it would be too much hassle and cause to much turmoil to break u out... *throws more into the now crowded lava river* *daydreams about the turmoil breaking kalia out of jail would cause* *uses a throwing star on a zombie attempting to sneak up behind kalia* *kills more zombies sneaking up on her with her blades*

nights.raven said...

yea im here, just a tad busy is all *throws more zombies into now clear lava river*

The Wannabe-Author said...

I'll take that as a no...

*explodes last zombie's head and sees Cleavers approaching and runs :(*

nights.raven said...

*stands over zombies* *uses telepathy to talk to kalia* i'll burn the bodies and hold off the cleavers as long as i can

Deila said...

Mar-Chu, you my friend are right,Derek NEEDS to come to America. Everyone will explode if he doesn't come, EXPLODE!!!!! Yeah we really don't need that. Oh and Mar, you spelled my name wrong......

nights.raven said...

u there?

nights.raven said...

i gtg, ill b on either tonight or tomorrow, night all

Mar-Chu said...


...are you STALKING ME or something? How'd you find my blog? You're just...

*pokes* you teleport or something?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Unknown said...

I'm back !! Is anyone here? I'd um like to get to know ye?! That sounds freakish

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I am here! I was just texting my friend how to post stuff.

Unknown said...

Oh hi! Does Derek post her often then? I'm new to all of this

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hehe... NO. I was here for 30 hours straight and he didn't post/comment even once in that amount of time, and I've been screaming all blog-style, but haven't got any responses.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Is Kalia still here? I started this zombie fight!

Unknown said...

Aw thats a pity someday he'll post while I'm online :D (in my dreams) Have u been u know 'blogging' for long ?

Unknown said...

The things ye do on this are soo cool its lik ye are in da book!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Does around 3 weeks count as a long time or a short time?

Unknown said...

Ahh I'm not sure :D Well its longer than me I've been on a day haha

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

And I wanna fight some zombies and Cleavers and I wanna punch Fletcher in the face. Is Dess or Laura here? They need to continue our side of the fight...

Unknown said...

I'll help..............wait punch fletcher??!! Are ye bad guys or good guys???

Unknown said...

I'll get over it ........................ Really ?
anyway i think its just us

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I wanna punch Fletcher for being a jerk to ME (I am so Valkyrie) in chapter 34 of Death Bringer.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I wanna punch Fletcher for being a jerk to ME (That's right. I'm so Valkyrie) in Death Bringer.

Ayla O' Reardon said...


If anyone's there I can't be on for long because I want to have some apple tart and then sit in the sitting-room.

Ayla O' Reardon said...


And now I have to eat me some tart.

*smiles hungrily*

Unknown said...

Ooooh i do love apple tart.......................
Oh and Bella I get it now :) Thats way better than anythin else sooooo ur val?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


And oh yeah. I'm definitely Val.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hey will you PLEASE go to my blog and comment at

and vote on my thing? It is something I feel I need the answer to--from tons of people.

Unknown said...

okey dokey

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

>:D Yes... You shall comment...

and thanks for being a follower, Caroline!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Niamhy Jay said...

Hey Everyone!!
How are you all??

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


*hugs nj and anyone else who's on*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

NJ! Flame! Zombies are so freakin annoying, especially when they're adults instead of children...

And will you vote on my blog?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*slices 3 in half* adults how'd that happen?

Is it on your profile page? cos that's the only way I can get on. What's it called?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

The zombie children have angry parents.

And it's called

Niamhy Jay said...

I have done your Vote thingy Bella :D

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Nj zombies help now!

Remember when me and you fought them a couple of months ago?

Niamhy Jay said...

Yes Flame I remember!!


*brings out sword*

Ready Flame??

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oh I'm helping with this.
*puts on black ring and shadows curl around my hand*

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