Monday, April 4, 2011

Woes and Joys

Oooooooh your Golden God is not feeling well.

Your Golden God is SICK, Minions. I'm not used to being sick. I NEVER get sick. And yet, here I am, sick and feeling miserable...

So why am I posting, you ask? Am I looking for sympathy? Pffft. I need NOT your sympathy. Sympathy is for the WEAK. I post, not to share my woes, but to share my joys.

Book 6 is finished.

I have emailed it to my editor and agent, and it is currently printing out for Laura, and I now have a few days to recover from my illness before I read back over it and spot where it can be improved. At the moment, it's a long one, about 10,000 words longer than Mortal Coil. Whether it'll keep that word count after the rewrite, I don't know.

But it's done.


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Gepard Valk said...

I am Guépard Foudre

Aquila Felis said...

You never know Kallista... I don't think Rumpelstielzchen was bad... I think I remeber the millers daughter to cry and beg at him... but even without that I'm fairly shure that he wouldn't be bad to a baby. You know, he even gave her a year till he wanted to take it away (what means that it was old enough to eat, so that it wouldn't die from hunger).
Even as a small child I never felt like Rumpelstielzchen was actually bad... and I always disliked the was the miller, his daughter and the prince were like.

Min (Thalia) said...


Aquila Felis said...

Sounds... French.^^

Gepard Valk said...

Dominix Pegasus. That is my name. You shall no longer be able to control me.

Aquila Felis said...


*cocks head at Trohyman*

Gepard Valk said...

Dominix means Cheetah (my favourtie animal) and Pegasus means Lightning. My mark.

Aquila Felis said...

Pegasus is a winged horse... didn't know it meant lightning.^^

Aquila Felis said...

Which language is Dominix?

Gepard Valk said...

I used it like you- translated to Latin. It's a beautiful language.

Aquila Felis said...

But... *cocks head*
Pegasus is Greek... I think...

Latin is nice... as long as you don't have to translate Ceasar or Ovid...

Gepard Valk said...

Like it?

Aquila Felis said...

Erm... it's not bad. I'm just a bit worried because I'm pretty sure it's neither Latin nor meaning what you think it does...

Gepard Valk said...

Okay now. Like it?

Leona Raine said...

Erm. Love it?

Gepard Valk said...

They do. I used a translator

Aquila Felis said...

I KNOW that Dominus means master... but if that's alright with you, I don't dislike it. :)
although I'll have a little voice translating your name into master every time... ^^

Leona Raine said...

Great! :-D

Gepard Valk said...

Ya Dominix means Cheetah but then u said dominus=master nd i liked it so i used it so my name translates to Master Lightning

Gepard Valk said...

Or Master of Lightning. I just love lightning

Aquila Felis said...

I'm curious... I tried a few translators myself (actually Latin online dictionaries) and non of them new pegasus or dominix... which one did you use?

Min (Thalia) said...


Aquila Felis said...

Your google translates into Latin? Mine doesn't... *mumbles about how anglophones have an advantage*


Welcome back, Thalia!

Gepard Valk said...

Yeah whatever u want Kal. Now just type in Google Translator Aquila

Leona Raine said...

Hi again!

Aquila Felis said...

Found it... but it translated flash into fulmine... o0
*glares at Google*
I always knew you're a bad one...
*mumbles about a lot of anti-google-stereotypes*


Leona Raine said...

I almost got first on the page!

Min (Thalia) said...

Sorry, I was pulled away again. I'm back now.

Aquila Felis said...

Hi again Leona.

Gepard Valk said...

So guys do ye think i should change it?

Leona Raine said...

o.o? I have been here for a while. I was saying hi to Thalia.

Aquila Felis said...

Hmmm... I like it. It sounds kinda nice. :)

Aquila Felis said...

Sorry Leona, I thought I missed you leaving for a while... ^^

Min (Thalia) said...

Hi Leona.

*stares at Kallista wide-eyed*

Eh? Why? What'd I do? Why do I need rest? Did the army of rabbit's tell you that? They're lying, I swear!

Leona Raine said...

It's ok,I did leave for a few minutes to help my sister but then I came back.

Gepard Valk said...

I gtg write guys! Be back tamoz

Leona Raine said...

I drew 2 trees! And acat! And a foot! And lots of 3s and Es!

Aquila Felis said...

Bye Dom!

I should leave now, too...
it's about 1am over here...^^

Good night!

Min (Thalia) said...

Bye Trohyman!

Ok Kallista. I think rest might be a good idea. I splatted on the gym floor earlier.

*sits in chair*

Min (Thalia) said...

Aww...bye Aquila!

Leona Raine said...

Bye Dom! Bye Aquila!

Leona Raine said...

I has a Kitty-cat. <3 Kitty-cat keeps biting me. >:-( Kitty-cat left. :-( I can't think of any thing to say.

Min (Thalia) said...

My cat's are evil. I love them, but they're evil xD

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

hi any one on now

Leona Raine said...

Bye Kallista! How many cats do you have Thalia?

Min (Thalia) said...

Aww...bye Kallista!

I need to go for a bit as well. I'll be back on later. Bye!

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

bye leona tell your mum i said hi and sorry bout yesterday

Min (Thalia) said...

Before I go....

Leona - I have two cats.

Ok, now I need to go. Bye!

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

oh your not going leona

r u just saying bye to Kallista

Leona Raine said...

Your taken name was Scarlet, right?

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

bye Kallista

*hugs her before she leaves blogland*

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

heyy vals if you are still on sorry i didnt come back i fell straight asleep but i am back now

Leona Raine said...

Bye Thalia!

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i left when u got off

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

and i'm not going anywhere

i just said bye to


Leona Raine said...

Ok. Hi Scarlet!

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

ok cool then what up i had to go pick up my sisters from the good charlote concert they went to

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

u can call me Scarlet

if u want to

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


ask them

was it fun at the concert

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

they said it was amazing

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

guess wat blaze is pregnant

she's gonna hav puppies

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

blaze is that your dog

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i only hav 1 dog

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

dont kno how she got pregnant

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

maybe it was 1 of the dog from the park

Leona Raine said...

Puppies! Awww. <3 Ok now I gotta go, one of the goats is sick and i'm going to go see if i can help. Bye everyone!

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

bye Leona

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

cool what breed

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

my dog is a border collie

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

dont kno wat the other on is

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

gtg but i will be back soon

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

oh dear

i am the only one in blogland

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

back what are you doing oh and i cant meet up next sat cuz i think we is going to a theme park

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

u still here

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

fine i will yell in to the nothing ness that is now blogland

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

yay so yeah what are you doing

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

writing my story

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

oh yeah the part that i put up is only part 1 of chapter one but i need to add more detail but i just cant so what i think i might do is make a sims house of what i want the house to llook like and then i might be able to drescribe it better

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

hello vals

Gepard Valk said...

Guys chapter 8 of the book Sam Willows:Journey Throughout Darkness is now up on
Go there, go read, go follow and you'll be in with a chance at being a character in this book or the next and you could be famous in this nearly published book.

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

sorry thinking too hard about the chapter

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

lol r u guys still on

Gepard Valk said...


Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

you should read my blog at:

Gepard Valk said...

I did, you should read mine.

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

it says blog not found

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

did u like my story

Gepard Valk said...

oh minus one m

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

ok where is everyone

Gepard Valk said...

thx, gtg

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


everyone left blogland

i'm alone

Anonymous said...

ok im going too

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

awww man!

i waited for half an hour u kno

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

come on

some one has to be on

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

i am now

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

i need some help could you help me put some more detail into my stroy

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i dont kno i'm

clue less

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

just adding more detail into the scenes i was thinking you could read along and then put up a post of what to add

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

are you still here vals

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

kallista hi what upp any ideas vals

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

anyone here

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

yep call me Scarlet

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i commented on it though

has ideas

read it

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

HI Kallista

*Tackles her in a hug*

havent talked to u since yesterday

hows your arm

did it grow bak

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

sure you can call me cain or amelie that is my taken name

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

kallista do you tink that you coiuld add some ideas to my story and thank you vals

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...
that is my blog

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

like this


amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

how do i do that

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

ok and i have done the name change thing

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

do wat

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

dont worry kallista what is your taken name and then you can be in my story aswell

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i'm gonna draw myself as

Scarlet Creed

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

i should do that with me as amelie cain and my pet dragon happy although i cant really draw people but it will be fun

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

kallista you still here

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

*looks a funny drawing and laughs*


ok time to be serious

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

i am staring mine later KALLISTA WHERE ARE YOU

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...


amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

who is even on niow

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

so far so good

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

sad but cool Kallista

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

*silently aproaches kallista from behind holding her poster of the Delcleration of Independence when she trips over a moon rock and falls noisily into a ditch and fails her attempt to attack kallista from behind*

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

hi skul girl

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

*pulls skul girl out of ditch and hugs her*

just feel like hugging people today

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

*pulls Kallista out of ditch too*

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

wraps them both in a bandage

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

LOL Kallista im fine :P

Thanks for the help peoples! *hugs all around!!*

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

my trip was so much fun! actually i was on the news today :) the whole school was on the news!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

wait did Derek ever answer my questions???

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


were all friends here

where did amelie go????

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

he hasnt been on since ages ago

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

where did you get that picture

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

continues drawing character

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

did you not hear me....I WAS ON THE NEWS!!

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

i was having lunch sorry i forgot to tell u

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

well cool

i've been on news a couple times before

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

hey skulgirl y where you on the news

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

well i havent been on TV news but newspaper yes i have

apparently when we were in DC the first day we found out that our buses did not have the proper paper work and apperently we were riding on illegal buses not like saftey stuff just like insurance things and so we had to drag our stuff with us onto a train! it was certainly a first for our school

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

and so when we got back today there were people from news channel 12 and 8 waiting to interview some of us and i was one of them EEP!

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

hahaha that would have been funny
kallista where did you get that picture

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

good point Kallista...did you hear about the bus mix up in CT???

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

i love Deviant Art :P

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

ok cool you should draw you like me and vals are and then we can post them somewhere

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

ack! my leg is ASLEEP!

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

its a pretty mad site so is neondragonart

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

but i am mad so it PERFECT for me! XD

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

i donmt know what to do now i am going to go but i will be back later

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

so close to finishing picture

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

see ya cain

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

HEY i'll put my drawing on my blog for u guys to c when i'm finished

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

picture! that reminds me! i must sketch Reginald!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Leona Raine said...


Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

wheres Kallista

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

hi leona

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

her computer probably froze on her or she was dragged away by one of her parents who knows

Halo Leona

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

LOL Kallista its ok :D

Leona Raine said...

Hello Skulgirl! Hi Scarlet! I'm playing pokemon tower defence.

Leona Raine said...

:-D Nice dancing Kallista. Hi!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

my brother oves pokèmon

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

*gives Kallista a bean bag to rest on*

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i like pokemon too

kinda :P

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i dont kno how to draw sneakers

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

hey i hate drawing mouths

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

my characters shoes are gonna look weird

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

i look confused so yeah

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

i cant draw i more copy than draw and no im not tracing i simply look at the picture and draw what i see

Leona Raine said...

I <3 pokemon except for the battles, theres just SO MANY. And i like tower defence, and then someone replaced the battles with tower defence! :-D Aaand i have nothing else to say about it. :/

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

ok nearly finished

just 1 more sword and finishing touches

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

in mine i look confused with two daggers in my hands and a bow and arrow on my back with my hair down.

Leona Raine said...

I'm drawing a castle! :)

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

hahaha i really cant draw people

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

ok i like mine


its done

Leona Raine said...


Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i'm gonna take a photo and put it on my blog


Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

as soon as i find the camera

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

lol kallista i am very good at planing these types of things mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

it might take a while before i can post my picture up so yeah

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

where is my phone????

Ann Marie said...

Helllooooooooo world!

*pounces on everyone, giving hugs*

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

*searches for phone*

i think i lost it?

Leona Raine said...

Hi! *hugs*

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

oh well ill post it later

Ann Marie said...

Have someone call you?

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


just looking for it to take a photo of my character a post it on my blog

the character i drew

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

gives Mrs Ann a hug bak and says SORRY bout yesterday

Ann Marie said...

*is squashed*

Hiiiii Kallista! I'm happy to see you, too!

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...



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