Friday, April 1, 2011

Whole Lotta Pages

Yesterday I passed the 110,000 word mark on Book Six. I have three days to finish writing and then do a quick edit, so the word count could go either way. Bear in mind, though, that Mortal Coil was about 105,000 words- so it looks like the new one will be even longer.

As I get into the last few weeks of writing a book, I tend to get a little bit paranoid. I start to wonder if, maybe, the thing I’ve written is not a book at all- maybe it’s just a collection of chapters that don’t fit together into one long story. Maybe I’ve been wasting my time. Maybe I should have abandoned this idea before I started writing, and headed off in another direction. What if it’s rubbish? What if it’s awful? What if nobody likes it?

And then I remind myself that I am, in fact, the Golden God, and everything I do is absolutely wonderful, so naturally Book Six is going to be brain-punchingly brilliant.

These last minute doubts are nothing new, of course. I always get them. I’m sure that practically every writer does. The only way through them is to have faith in yourself and your own ability, and to keep on going no matter how anxious you get. It’s not easy, to work on through your doubts, but if you ever want to be writer then it’s something you’re going to have to deal with, sooner or later.

It REALLY helps if you’re arrogant- because so long as you don’t take it seriously, arrogance can be a LOT of fun.

I wrote the last page this morning- or some of it, at least. I’m still going back through it all, linking things up, changing things, switching them around, writing and rewriting, so even though I’m on the last page, it doesn’t mean the book is finished yet. But ohhh, what a last page. The first trilogy ended with Skulduggery being sucked through a portal- an act that had severe consequences over the following three books. The end of THIS trilogy, therefore, needs to have the same kind of impact on the next three.

I’m not saying the endings are in ANY way similar, because they’re not. The Faceless Ones ended with the reader shouting “Oh God no no no NO!” whereas Book Six will end with the reader saying “oh... hell...” very, very quietly.


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Em said...


Em said...

first comment again :)

Em said...

omg what did you do to poor val/skulduggery!! :O , :( When do we get a title?

Anonymous said...

My oh my. If arrogance and paranoia are things writers universally share, then so is a certain amount of sadism, apparently. Because we all know that the torture/death/hurling into peril of characters makes a book seriously good reading, and I don't know about anyone else...but I kind of enjoy it too.

Claire said...

4th comment! :D

Claire said...

no wait that was 5th b4

Claire said...

Derek, Why do you torture your characters alot? And will Vakyrie ever be awesome again from the beginning?

Claire said...

And a friend of mine suggested that Doctor Nye can save Tanith :D. She says that if he can find Darquesse's soul and seal it then he should be able to find the Remnant in Tanith and maybe take it out or seal it :o

Rebella Sadistic said...


Alexander. said...

Woooo! Skulduggery on his marvelous adventures yet again! I cant wait!

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

yay eleventh comment ueah

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

hey pplz if anyone is on hi

awesomeman123 said...

Dear Golden God,
I was wondering when you could share some more of your writing tips on the blog, since I am writing a book and need a bit of help with the process of writing it.
Also, are you planning on writing another trilogy? That would be awesome. Yay

awesomeman123 said...

12th COmment

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

awesomeman i am also writing a book it is called a last night and i was wonderiing if when i was finished i need someone to proof read it and give it some omph so would you like to do that for me

Rebella Sadistic said...

so happy

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

rebella tears why are you so happy

awesomeman123 said...

Yeah sure little cain that would be fine

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

cool i will figure out how i can send it to you when i am done

awesomeman123 said...

Just by email

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

how do i get your email

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

ok i need a guys name and fast anyone

awesomeman123 said...


amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

a unique guy name

Making the Legend said...

oh, Derek.... Havan't changed a bit. Ah, but we can deal I suppose...

I must warn you... When I get my diver's lisence, Sarah and I are coming to Ireland and are going to find you! we will! I have told myself that I would find you and, although I failed last summer, two summers from now, I WILL NOT FAIL!!!!

And so, I leave you in wait for when you get to meet me. I definately can't wait!

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

cant anyone come up witha unique guy name

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

dont worry about it

Alexandre Requiem (Lynda) said...

Can people STOP taking the first 3 comments, please? And my God... YOU'RE GOING TO KILL OFF ALL MAH FAVORITE CHARACTERS, AREN'T YA? YA ARE? OH NO. NONONONONON.
And Dereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek, do you like Assassin's Creed? Like... all of them? Or are you more a Red Dead Redemption or Gears of War person?
I'm still awaiting that birthday wish. And advice on publishing. WHAT DO I DO? I LIVE IN A TOWN WITH 2000+ PEOPLE!!! There are no publishing agencies... I send it to a city, don't I? But HOW? HOW? Do I look at all the good publishers in... let's say Melbourne, and then do I contact them somehow? SO MANY HOW'S. I'm tired. And confused. And I need to go assassinate some more civilians now.
Minion NO.1 out.

PS. Unique guy name? Pablo. Enzo. Hans. Alistair. Savaro. Ignatius. Kiran. STEVE.

Shannon said...

HI!! I can't wait until the sixth book, and look --->

arwa said...

omg.... I'm on the first page.
It's sad that I'm gonna waste this space for a conversation. Shannon, u there?

Brilliant Night (aka Alex Night) said...

First 50!

arwa said...

and I'm so exited about skulduggery!!!
The ending will be an hang off, right? One of those endings where u just leave the reader hanging in a very suspenseful part?
I love those endings! And I loathe them. Very much. Like what happened with dark days, it just leaves you quiet.

arwa said...

oh hello brilliant night, I haven't met u yet.

arwa said...

Derek, i know exactly what u mean by the last minute writer's depression.
Tried to write a book once.
Total failure. Because of THAT.
I tried to overcome it.
But now I know that it can be beaten!

arwa said...

Shannon you're still not there? This is gettiing boring.

arwa said...

I like to be sadistic when I write. It's one of the reason's I'm good at writing death scenes.
But then again.... almost every action/fiction/fantasy writer likes to put their character through pain once in a while.

Brilliant Night (aka Alex Night) said...

Oh my gosh that ending sounds so creepy.... Ahhhh! I don't want anyone to be sucked into a portal again! The last time that happened I quite literally couldn't sleep until I got Dark Days and Skulduggery came back. I'm not kidding.

My personal prediction is that at the end of the book, Val turns bad like Tanith. That would definitely leave me saying "Oh, heck," very quietly.

*Turns around to yell at sister*
Me: "Fine, fine, enough already. Grrr."

My sister wants to introduce herself to the amazing and fantastic world of Skulduggery Pleasant.

Name: Cursia (cur-she-uh) Witt
Age: Currently she doesn't have one, just like Valkyrie doesn't have a birthday.
Power: Adept.
Vehicle: Really fast vespa.

And she'd like to say hi to you, Derek, and ask you a couple of questions:

"1)What is the relationship between Lord Vile and Skulduggery? Based on what you've hinted in the books, it sounds like they're blood relatives.

2)Why did Lord Vile leave the necromancer temple?

3)You know, Angelica's a really good name for Stephanie's little sister..."

Me: "That's not a question, Cursia!"
Cursia: "Fine."

"3)Was Lord Vile ever really truly dead?

4)Do coconuts migrate?

Thank you!"


Okay, I'm back on. So, yeah. Good luck revising Book 6, Derek! And pretty please answer her questions. She would freak out, in a good way.

Minion Night: Signing off

Emily (fromthelikes) said...

OH MY GOD!!!! I can't wait till the book comes out.

Umm... I have a question...

And it is VERY important.

Are you going to bring Tanith Back??? It's a very important question.

Tanith is, like, soooo awsome. And also...

How old is Skulduggery??????


How old is Finbar???... *Giggles* Fibar is the BEEEESSSSSTTTT!!!!! GO FINBAR!!!!!!

Thanks xx <3

Laura Jordan said...

The first sentence of this blog: "Yesterday I passed the 110,000 word mark on Book Six" were the most wonderful words I've ever heard in my life?!
Hmm, book six is soundy mighty AMAZING! :)
I want to be a writer! Do I have arrognce? No severely lacking *damn* however, on the sarcasm front... oh, now i am VERY good at that. Does that count?!
You talked about the ending of book 3, so erm can I just say one thing? I have NEVER screamed so loudly before in my life... and I once rode an ELEPHANT! And then I had to go a whole year living in greif and turmoil, wondering if Skulduggery would ever come back! But you still rock :)
Derek, don't be paranoid, whatever you write, it's going to be PURE GENIOUS! :D
Haha! Can't wait for book 6! When I read the last page, I will be taking note of my reaction, and yes, I will probably end up saying "Oh hell..." Or just screaming again?!
Brilliant blog - as usual :)

arwa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shalom Chung said...

PLEASE let there be loads of macabre torture and stuff in book six! Character deaths, everything. AMAZING.

Unknown said...

Good Lord almighty Derek Landy. What are you doing to our poor skulduggery?

arwa said...


Emily (fromthelikes) said...

Please please please please PLEASE don't kill off Fltcher. If you do, I will be very upset. FLETCHER IS SO AWSOME!!! Love Fletcher. Please don't kill him off. I beg of you.


Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

Hey Derek

Is Tanith EVER!!!! Gonna come back?

Reginald Barris said...

I am merely curious as to what your title will be, Glitter Girls.. Something oh-hell worthy happening.
Anyway, Considering I have seen no way to contact you, anywhere, Once I finish it, I was wondering if you would like to read my Skulduggery Pleasant Short story, which has nothing whatsoever to do with Skulduggery, but Lots to do with two Necromancers known as the Grimm Brothers.

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

Morgana Wolf is right

Dont kill of Fletcher

But if u r then it should be a dramatic death

Fletcher:I love u Val
Valkyrie:Please don't leave me Fletch, i love u starts crying.
they kiss
fletcher dies

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


that will just be awful

I can picture it in my head

Emily (fromthelikes) said...

NOOOOOOO!!!!! Fletch can't die. It would... it would...

*Burst out crying*

It would be HORRIBLE!!!


I <3 Fletcher =P

Bekka said...

Hiya, I've never really explored a blog before so I have no idea how this works. First I'd like to ask Mr Landy something (seems like everyone wants to do that) But was Kenspeckle based off of Albert Einstein? it seems like he was what with the Desolation Engine and all... But before I get all inquisitive I'd like to say thank you for writing the books, you already know they're beautiful so i won't bother telling you.

Emily (fromthelikes) said...

@ Valkyrie's

You know what's worse? I can picture it in my head aswell. =(

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

i dont really like fletcher so i dont care if he gets killed off but you have to bring tanith back somehow

Theomachia Grace said...

Mr. Landy...
You are a brilliant, brilliant writer (as you well know), but I can't appreciate your brilliance if I don't have Dark Days and Mortal Coil (I'm in the U.S. :/).I CAN go online and buy it from someone overseas, OR you can come visit L.A. and bring some copies for me and my friends.....

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

Gee your right little cain, i mean fletcher's only valkyrie's boyfriend

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i kinda feel sorry for u guys in the US

cause in Australia we have all the books

your missing out on all the fun Theomachia

Reginald Barris said...

Yes, But Fletcher is a dick.
He is only just now learning how to act around people.
WHich is some great character development on Mr Landy's part, but guys usually just think of Fletcher as that Annoying Teleporting Kid, not Val's boyfriend

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

I recond skulduggery should get a sports car

or maybe not cause the bently is also fine

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

u kno what guy i reakon valkyrie should start driving her own car or motor bike

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i wanna ride a black bike like Taniths when i older but my mum says i'll kill myself if i ride one

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

gee don you guys eva talk

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

im gonna go on facebook

Lily Thornton said...

HAHAHA. I got on the first page!! 'Kay, bye.

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

but i'll be back

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

WAT no fAIR!

Mar-Chu said...

*stares at page*

*blinks slowly*

*falls out of chair*

*starts to mumble from floor*

I know it. Somebody else died. I just KNOW IT! YOU KILLED OFF SOMEONE IMPORTANT!

Im funny like that...i can predict the future...and it may have something to do with me having bad luck that in every single book i read someone alwys dies.

I can just sense it...China, is it? Maybe not...

Caelan? (did i spell that right?)

Um...Wreath?'s staying for the grand Darquesse finally...


No, course not...


...why did i even ask THAT...? he's already dead for gods sake...

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

hey pplz
what upp

Mar-Chu said...

...Sanguine? Did ya?

Well id be mad then, he's one of the first bad guys i met, along with Dusk and Baron.

Curse whoever had the first book checked out. Now imnattached to these creeps...

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...



yes i do like to ask questions don't i?

1) Do you think there is such a thing as over obsessed???
2) If you could do ANYTHING at this exact moment what would it be???
3) Why is the book series called Skulduggery Pleasant because right now it seems to be more about Valkyrie than Skulduggery, as you reread the books you tend to notice that as the books go on there is more situations in which Val is the one in trouble or turning into a killing mechine not Skulduggery although we do see him get sucked into another demension and he gets tourtured so much he thinks he is holoucinating when Val saves him but we never really SEE what is happening when Skulduggery was in other deminsion. He was in there for 11 months yet we dont see what truley happened to him we just know he was tourtured.

4) can you post a chapter of the new book?!

i will NOT give up on this until the day the 6th book comes out.....then ill start pestering you on the 7th *wicked grin*

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

DEREK! i swear if you even DARE try and kill Ghastly or or Fletcher i can't say val cus she a huge part....or skulduggery......and don't even THINK of killing Tanith for real! even though shes evil i would still like to see more of her evil side just kill senguin PLEASE....or the twins he he ehhehehe....

Theomachia Grace said...

Hey Skullgirl, at least you HAVE the 5th book, lucky ducky (yes, I'm sulking as I write this). I'd give anything to be Irish and get the books right away.

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

cant wait till the book comes out
i'm gonna read it
tee hee!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

DEREK!!! Also why would you doubt yourself??? You are such an amazing awesomesaucome writer who i can not say how many words i have to describe how totaly amazing your work is! this is my favorite series in the UNIVERSE!! Yeah its that important to me and i was like to my brother who also had read your books i would bearly let him touch them there like sacred to me i freaked out when i had to let him borrow them :/ ok maybe im overdramatic no wait im not i littereally freaked out! bbut now im rambling so yeah...

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

oh im in america and i have all five books i preordered the fourth and fifth off of amazon UK and then got them like three days after they came out so yeah....

Theomachia Grace said...

Really?? Lucky!!! did you have to fill out all kinds of extra stuff? how much more money did it cost??

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

and Theomachia...or do i call you Grace? you dont have to be irish you could just live in england or irland

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

it was in pounds so i dont really know :/ and no i didnt have to fill out extra stuff so now you know for the next book :)

Theomachia Grace said...

Yeah, but Irish people are cooler. :) and theo's fine, i guess.

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

ook just wondering

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

u kno wat i think i'm crazy cause

whenever i read his books i always think magic is real and i start thinking that i'm valkyrie
its kinda weird

cause me and Valkyrie r like the same


-dark hair(same)
-dark colored eyes(same)
-loves to punch people(same)
-work-out(same)but i go to gym
-gets heaps of bruises and broken bones(same)
-has a boyfriend(same)but my boyfriend is not annoying

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

lol i have always believed magic was real this book confirmed it though :P i think im more of a tanith just with curly brow hair instead :)

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

we have so much in common

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

nice i changed my phonw screen saver to the picture of the sea hag it looks AWESOME! i couldnt find a good pic of Val or Skulduggery

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

gotta go need to save the world

by reading Mortal coil a third time

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

valkyrie's sidekick out

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

Kallista i tottaly agree with you 100%

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

AHG! *falls down* its good to see you too kallista!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

yes i did april fools day was fun! in french we each got a little square sheet of paper with a fish on it and she told us to stick it onto someone so i did and he didnt even notice till someone told him

Anonymous said...

bring me a shrubbery

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

ok just warning might not be here when yo get back / computers almost dead *gasp* duh duh dah!!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

grrr Kallista i must leave for i have lest than 1 minute left on my laptop FAIR THEE WELL!!!

PS happy April Fools day!


ThatGirlTheyKnow said...

Damn, I cannot wait for Book Six :D

Unknown said...

hmm. i think the end might possibly be val or darquesse joining vile. i mean, that would totally get that reaction. or maybe vile kidnaps val at the end to try to make her become darquesse... because somewhere in the book vile has to learn shes darquesse, right? right????

Unknown said...

or maybe something else totally dramatic but super unlikely, at the ending fletcher will say viles his dad... but he didnt know earlier he was lord vile...
or maybe at the ending the ppl at the santuary will find out vals darquesse and she has to go into hiding. all possibilities.

Pearl said...

I think you should give us all a sneak should.

comicgirl said...

woah. i'm getting really excited.what colour with the book be? and can you give us a preveiw? pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?

oh! i bet i can guess what happens! ok, so, maybe.. skulduggery is lord vile!!! yeah! i knew it! that would be GENIUS.
but, of course, your Derek Landy so your probably going to come up with something better than that...

No.1 skulduggery pleasant fan!!!!!!!! said...

i reckon that valkyrie will gat beaten by lord vile in the big battle. and valkyrie goes into hiding to try and get stronger to beat lord vile, as lord vile rampages around trying to kill all of vals friends, family and loved ones, so then she gets angry so she attacks him and can defeat her once and for all

No.1 skulduggery pleasant fan!!!!!!!! said...

but she actually beats him so he brings back all the villains from the war and the villains val and skulduggery have faced together. and they are all after val and some how instead of skulduggery being on vals side he goes onto lord viles side because he brang him back so he could help conquer the world once he had regained his strength. Unnamed (Mevolents master)is also brought back to life. and together they open the portal to where the faceless ones are and send them to wreck havoc on earth and valkyrie has to stop them with the help of ghastly china fletcher erskine ravel and anton shudder. they also have to verse all of the bad people that aren't dead including the dark sorcerer Charivari from france and Keratin in the mountains of siberia (Mentioned in chapter 9 of Mortalcoil)

Steven said...

It'll be cool if Valkyrie can control her Darquess side and own everyone. That would be sweet.

No.1 skulduggery pleasant fan!!!!!!!! said...

i am obsessed with your books.
what is the 6th book going to be called?
What is the book goin to look like?
When are you posting a chapter in the internet?hopefully soon.
do you know what the next trillogy will be about if so what?
Why does valkyrie beat a random guy senseless?
Why is scapegrace so dumb?
will skulduggery ever try to kill Valkyrie?
I hope you answer these questions

You are the best role model ever. I hope you can use your otherworldly wisdom/ intelligence to answer my questions and also hope they don't waste your time lord derek landy, master of all minions, super smart human and overlord of earth

No.1 skulduggery pleasant fan!!!!!!!! said...

hello is there any body on here besidews you annonymous

. said...


oh my God...





Isabella Midnight said...

awk derek u are the golden god and even if ur words dont make since we will STIL read we dont know why but we will :)

so derek when are we getting a title

Isabella Midnight said...


do u live in northern ireland / if so where abouts/if not where then

Sprinkles123 said...

I do love you <3 x

Unknown said...

OMGG! DEREK!YOU CAN'T DOOOOOOOOOO THAT! KNOW I'M GOING TO EXPLODE! You can't just drop a hudge bomb like that and expect readers to go on with their life! I will now be spending from here in april to september obbsessing over that and then I will spend the year after THAT obbsessing over the ending! Cliff hangers are REALY bad for my health :D

Ah well I'm sure its gonna be uber awesome! Of course it will be. You are the golden god. You ARE awesomeness itself :D

6 months is still too far away, sigh... ahwell, I'll just re-read the series.....Again...... ;P

neelnanda said...

just to check saying that mortal coil had 10500 words was a typo and it has 105000 words

Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...

I will be on Black Ops. I'll comment after every match.

. said...

ahahhaahhahaahhahaha rosey here :P

(Nyx: she's taken over my profile! AAAARGH!!)


Dragona Pine said...

Um... Okay? :S

Lilith Nightshade... said...

hi everyone!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

Yo! Derek! how is the book goin'?! you need to hurry up and finish it! you need to mend all of your destruction! first you make valkyrie's reflection go all froot loops, then you get caelan's dirty smoochers on her, and NOW tanith is a ******* remnant! what have you been doing man?!

Dragona Pine said...

Hi Mike. Sorry for the slow replies my comp is terrbiel!

Lilith Nightshade... said...


Lilith Nightshade... said...

i'm cool! i'm going to a party in like two hours so... i won't talk later! don't think that i've died!

Dragona Pine said...

Alright Mike. I hoope you have a good time at the party.

Lilith Nightshade... said...

Cheers! But i'm not going for a while!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

I am emailing my friend who lives in canada right now!

Dragona Pine said...

That's cool. I have some relations who live in Canadfa.

Lilith Nightshade... said...

hey, i saw this morning that there are at least four (though probably five or six) robins living in the large bush in the graveyard across from mybedroom window! and yes, I LIVE AND SLEEP ACROSS FROM A GRAVEYARD! SO?! am i scared? no. not in the slightest!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

I have three uncles, four aunties, five cousins, and my grandparents living in canada, and also some other friends!

Dragona Pine said...

You live opposite a grave yard? I live opposite a field ^^

Dragona Pine said...

I have the new Lego Star Wars game, got it yesterday for £29.99 when in town it's £39.99 and this game is brand new. It's downloading on my PS3 this instant, and the best thing is you can go online ^^

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*comes in pacing around the blog*

*looks at the blog post and smiles before sitting down and going into a 'thinking coma'*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Lilith Nightshade... said...

hi nocolette!

Lilith Nightshade... said...


Dragona Pine said...

Hi Nicolette! I have the new Lego Star Wars game! XDDDDDDDDDDD

Lilith Nightshade... said...

I meant nicolette, not nocolette!

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Hey! I'm trying to figure out a way to get the new dragon age game... I need money damn it! I need a god damn job!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*turns away from computer and scowls at brother coming to read over shoulder*

Dragona Pine said...

LOL haha! "And use... you're head?"

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*makes a face*

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*smacks head against the wall*

*rubs sore head* I think all that did was kill one of my last two brain cells

Oh well at least they can't keep arguing now :P

Lilith Nightshade... said...


Lilith Nightshade... said...

*runs away screeching. runs headfirst into a wall, but unlike nicolette gos straight through. stops abruptly. turns.* AHHHHHHHHHH! *runs away as own dad attacks for destroying wall* NOT EVEVN A VAMPIRE OR A NINJA (directed at dragona) CAN FEND OFF MY DAD WHEN HE'S ANGRY!!!!

Dragona Pine said...

LOL Mike.

Lilith Nightshade... said...


Dragona Pine said...


Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*waves at mikes dad* if you think that's bad just wait till you see what I did to the sitting room

*points at a room filled with water and water damaged furniture and Walls, lamps and electrical items hang loose crackling*

*smiles innocently*

Dragona Pine said...


Lilith Nightshade... said...

*dad catches up. mike pleads for mercy. dada just closes door behind him, blocking nicolette and dragona's veiw*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*mike shrieks*

Dragona Pine said...

LOL Nicolette.

Hmm when I get on tihs game I'm going to kick Yoda's ass (or for Mike's benefit) chop him up or shoot him.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*listens to mikes shreiks for the Brocken wall then looks at the damage she did to the sitting room*

*screams and starts running now*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*dad comes out of room and smiles satisfied smile, closing it behind him*

Dragona Pine said...

Hmm I imagine your dad to look like that big monster underneath Jabba the Hutt's Palace...

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*dad looks at nicolette crazily just as mike comes out of room behind him with feet tied behind head, and dragging body along by one hand*

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*nods as she runs around dragona in circles*

I look shooting people and skiing people with swords, like in mass effect and dragon age *gapes before running off to the south screaming*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*dad runs with super speed, following nicolette*

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*like, shooting slicing

*runs and hides up in a tree trembling*

Dragona Pine said...

Um Mike... would you mind if I hurt your dad? Only going to knock him unconscious...

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*dad runs over to tree and pushes over with finger* SAVE YOURSELF DRAGONA!!! HE'LL BE COMING AFTER YOU NEXT!!!!!!!!!!

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*screams as the tree topples over and has to roll to avoid being squished*

*staggers up before sprinting for her life*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

dad please don't kill them! you know that i need to get to the party now, so please don't hurt them until i come back!

Dragona Pine said...

*stands infront of Mike's dad with arms folded*

Well that's not very nice. Trees have souls you know?

*Mike's dad punches him*

*Dragona's shield ripples*

Do you even have any manners? Or do I have to shoot you?

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*dad runs after nicolette* OI! DUDE! I'M SERIOUS! NOW PLEASE UNTIE ME SO THAT I CAN GO TO MY FRIENDS BIRTHDAY PARTY! *dad turns and glares but stops chasing nicolette which is good*

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*comes across a lake and hides in it, puts up her Sheila to kee her dry and with oxygen whilst under the surface*

Lilith Nightshade... said...


Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...


Dragona Pine said...

*Mike's dad runs after Dragona instead*

*Dragona keeps his arms folded and doesn't move*

*elbows a clone trooper in the face and steals his gun*

*shoots Mike's dad*

*gives the gun back to the clone trooper*

He did it! :P

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*pops head up from surface* does that mean I can cone out now?

Dragona Pine said...

Bye Mike, have a good time at the party!

Dragona Pine said...

Yes Nicolette, it does ^^

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*wanders around like a chicken, scratching and pecking the ground*

Cluck, cluck cluck

Dragona Pine said...

*gives Nicolette some seeds to eat*


Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*pecks at the corn and mill before flapping up onto a low log and walking around up there*

Dragona Pine said...

LOL it should be Nicocluck Croga :P

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*puts head to the side at her new name and clucks*


Dragona Pine said...


I'm really bored. Can you actually say something instead of just being a chicken?

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*yawns and falls asleep* thinks about jobs

Chicken farm - 16
Paper round, two year wait - 15
Baby sitting - 14


Dragona Pine said...

A job? Why are you thinking about a job?

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Might as well wait for my birthday... And I can eat stones *eats a chocolate stone sweet*

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

I need money to fuel my gaming addiction :D

Dragona Pine said...

*shakes head slowly*

Nicolette Nicolette Nicolette... only buy a game when you really truly want it and not for an addiction.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

But I do really truely want it * jumps up and down*

Every now and then infind a game and I just go MINE! But I can't buy it

Dragona Pine said...

If you want so many games then you don't truly want any of them, it's just an addiction that you have and you need to give it up.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

I only want 1 game!

Dragona Pine said...

At this moment in time, maybe. But when more come out you'll want them too.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Yeah but I don't want every single game in the world, when new COD games come out or new tomb raider or need for speed games come out I can live without them, it's just I really like mass effect and dragon age

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*eats an extremely sour gobstopper*

*crashes to floor and gags*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

HI! DRAGONA YOU KILLED MY DAD! oh no he's about to drive me to the party!

Dragona Pine said...

I don't see why you like Mass Effect 2 (no offense) it doesn't even have online! I was going to buy it, then looked at the back of it and it said that it didn't have online. I like games with online online and I haven'ty got one without, so I didn't buy it. But I've never played Dragonage so I don't know what they're like.

Lilith Nightshade... said...

bye AGAIN! don't die of sourness nicolette! don't try to kill my dad again dragona! (he's resilient!)

Dragona Pine said...

LOL Nicolette and Mike :)

Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...


Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*shrugs* ilike games that aren't all killing, the killing parts FUN don't get me wrong but mass effect has a great story, great characters and great combat, if I want to go online I'll go on cod, mass effect is the type of games that's better without online or multiplayer

Dragona Pine said...


Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...


Dragona Pine said...


Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Oh no! * runs off screaming*

I'm sorry didn't think I'd get it!

Dragona Pine said...

BLOODY HELL NICOLETTE YOU'VE DONE IT AGAIN! >:( you're definatly not a ninja because ninja's are honourable :(

Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...

Yeh, thanks for leaving me Nicolette. I bloody appriciate it :(

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

I didn't leave, I'm waiting for you to calm down ...

Dragona Pine said...

If you didn't leave... why didn't you comment? And you'll have a long wait I'm afraid.


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