Friday, April 1, 2011

Whole Lotta Pages

Yesterday I passed the 110,000 word mark on Book Six. I have three days to finish writing and then do a quick edit, so the word count could go either way. Bear in mind, though, that Mortal Coil was about 105,000 words- so it looks like the new one will be even longer.

As I get into the last few weeks of writing a book, I tend to get a little bit paranoid. I start to wonder if, maybe, the thing I’ve written is not a book at all- maybe it’s just a collection of chapters that don’t fit together into one long story. Maybe I’ve been wasting my time. Maybe I should have abandoned this idea before I started writing, and headed off in another direction. What if it’s rubbish? What if it’s awful? What if nobody likes it?

And then I remind myself that I am, in fact, the Golden God, and everything I do is absolutely wonderful, so naturally Book Six is going to be brain-punchingly brilliant.

These last minute doubts are nothing new, of course. I always get them. I’m sure that practically every writer does. The only way through them is to have faith in yourself and your own ability, and to keep on going no matter how anxious you get. It’s not easy, to work on through your doubts, but if you ever want to be writer then it’s something you’re going to have to deal with, sooner or later.

It REALLY helps if you’re arrogant- because so long as you don’t take it seriously, arrogance can be a LOT of fun.

I wrote the last page this morning- or some of it, at least. I’m still going back through it all, linking things up, changing things, switching them around, writing and rewriting, so even though I’m on the last page, it doesn’t mean the book is finished yet. But ohhh, what a last page. The first trilogy ended with Skulduggery being sucked through a portal- an act that had severe consequences over the following three books. The end of THIS trilogy, therefore, needs to have the same kind of impact on the next three.

I’m not saying the endings are in ANY way similar, because they’re not. The Faceless Ones ended with the reader shouting “Oh God no no no NO!” whereas Book Six will end with the reader saying “oh... hell...” very, very quietly.


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Lily Thornton said...

*pictures Dragona and Octa wearing kilts*

*snorts and falls over laughing*

Isabella Midnight said...

yea u dont wear underwear but there surprisingly comfortable !!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

pretty kilts... *looks into distance dreamily. laughs at image in mind of the boys wearing kilts*

Rachel McCoach said...

haha prob ;) omg i didnt go the actual festival, but ttheres this awesome one up in orkney thats a must see. its called Up Helly Aa- its a viking festival where everyone dresses up and its kinda like a scottish guy fawks night except they work a huge viking ship and dance around. sounds amazin

Dragona Pine said...

You can have both Lilith. They're completely different people. But I have a no-kill policy. Use them but you're not allowed to kill them :P and also I don't think you'd be able to kill them if you tried... they're both pretty much unstoppable. Dragona loves his Porsche though :P

Lily Thornton said...

*tries to get up with one hand, eating the PB cookies with the other hand* HI KALLISTA!!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

i like the black and orange car best...

Lilith Nightshade... said...

:) LOL kallista! :)

Lilith Nightshade... said...

will start writing fanfic now... unless lily wants to be in it too...

Dragona Pine said...

So do I Lilith. Dragona uses that one the most. Have you read the special ability of the car? It can change colour for what Dragona wants and it can turn into a submarine, helicopter, fighter jet and a boat :P

*dives behind a box when he's in a kilt*

Isabella Midnight said...

will ur fan-fic be done Lilith ive now started an obession for it soo plzzzzzzz update it now

Dragona Pine said...

*puts some boxer shorts on*

THERE, much better. I don't mind wearing a kilt now :P

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*smiles at dragona hiding* yes! i read it all! i know the cars powers! and i posted a note on hawk's thingy saying that those throwing stars you were talking about are probably what people call: shurikens! :)

Lilith Nightshade... said...

i am only starting now bells (i've decide to jjust call you that isabella!)!

Lily Thornton said...

No thanks, I'd rather not be in any fan-fics yet.

Quite well ! :D
How are things with you?

Dragona Pine said...

Yes, they are called Shurikens. I called them throwing stars because people might know the actual term for them :)

Lilith Nightshade... said...

won't talk much now! laters! will poop in to check on you sometimes! bye!

Isabella Midnight said...

ok i feel un-loved now :/

Dragona Pine said...

You'll POOP in to check on us?

*looks confused*

It must be fart-powered...


Octa said...

I iz back!

I'll probably only be on 5 minutes each time I'm on but that's still better no?

Rachel McCoach said...

:) Isabella where abouts did u used to live?

Lilith Nightshade... said...

i meant pop in! not poop i- *bursts out laughing*

Isabella Midnight said...

edinburgh i lived in edinburgh!!!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

by the way kallista, you have brocken your hand punching that strong dude! BE IN PAIN! you are in my fan-fic! (i know, i'm so mean!) soz! someone's hand broke!

Octa said...

Lily! Kallista! Rachel! Dragona! Anyone else!


Lily Thornton said...

Octa! *hands him a completely purple giant cookie*

That's good, Kallista. *struggles to remember* Um. Wait, yes! I did!! It was really sparkling ^_^

Dragona Pine said...


Octa said...

Lilith! Isabella!


*strikes dashing pose in the purple kilt*

Isabella Midnight said...

plz dont tell me what happens to me okay lilith

Rachel McCoach said...

hey octa!

iwas born in edinburgh! but i lived just outside. then we moved up to inverness but i want to leave again asap...gets really borin here sometimes

love the lowlands best;)

Dragona Pine said...

Aww don't have it so Kallista breaks her hand Lilith :(

Hi Octa!

Octa said...

*nibbles the giant cookie*

Lily Thornton said...

*stares open-mouthed at Octa*

*slowly collapses laughing*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

dragona, someone breaks their hand! that's just what i put in in the first part, 'kay?! anyway, i promise you, she will gst her own back... *makes evil face*

Dragona Pine said...

*glares at Lilith*

Isabella Midnight said...

i hve named my lampost baby!!

Octa said...

*looks at Lily confused*

are you laughing at my kilt?

*octa and his purple kilt gleam heroically in the almost non existent Scottish sunshine*

Dragona Pine said...

*looks confused*

Isabella, did you make the lampost pregnant or did it make you pregnant? I'm confused because the lampost is made from metal so it would be impossible for it to make you pregnant but yet you're a girl so it would be impossible for you to make it pregnant...

Isabella Midnight said...

:P sorry its a boy nd i some how made IT pregnant ehehehe that must mean im part man YAY!! lol jk

Dragona Pine said...

So... you humped a lampost and somehow you made IT pregnant? I just won't ask...

Lilith Nightshade... said...

ewwww! dragona! we do NOT wanna talk about that!

Rachel McCoach said...

another part o fanfic? uron a roll 2day lilith ;)

Lilith Nightshade... said...

yah! i no rachel!

Dragona Pine said...

Lilith, please don't have Kallista breaking her hand in your story :(

Octa said...

*states in horror at the 138th page of history notes begging to be written*

*is slowly pulled from blog*

Yes I have written 137 pages of notes.


Isabella Midnight said...

okay turns out he aint pregnant im sooo upset ;'( lol ]

Lilith Nightshade... said...


Lily Thornton said...

No, Octa. I'm laughing WITH your kilt. *collapses laughing again*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

dragona, she isn't going to break her hand, she already has, and she's in no pain now! it will be fixed in the next fanfic, i promise!

Lily Thornton said...

Aw. Byeeee Octa!

Octa said...

Lampost madness rules!


Isabella Midnight said...

brb my sis going on for a sec

Lilith Nightshade... said...

bye octa!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

bye bells!

Rachel McCoach said...

and octa, are u sayin the sun dont shine in my domain? :)

Dragona Pine said...

Can't you delete that part Lilith? Pleeeaaassssseeeee?

Octa said...

Ok. 2 more minutes until I leave.

Umm maybe. But then again I much prefer rain and snow to sunshine. Take it as a compliment. Tis a fuzzier feeling :)

Will check it out.

Rachel McCoach said...

:O same! i hate it when its too hot, i love the windy wet days...kinda what 2days been. but NOW it decides to be sunny *sigh* scottish weather can be so annoyin with a mind o its own. but very fun

Dragona Pine said...

*sticks out arm and all the lamposts collide and fall over*

My hand slipped...

Lilith Nightshade... said...

skulduggery says that about compliments octa! dragona, my fanfic's need lots of drama, or i get bored and stop writing! DO YOU WANT THAT TO HAPPEN?! DO YOU?!

Isabella Midnight said...

calm my little lampost come to mama

(secretly laughing in-side my self and im bk)

Dragona Pine said...

No I don't want you to get bored but I don't want Kallista to be hurt either. Please Lilith.

Isabella Midnight said...


Lilith Nightshade... said...

can't do it! what about what kallista thinks? plus dragona, i am the main character in my fanfic! surley kallista wouldn't mind being in the spotlight a bit? *looks at kallista for answers*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

i meant surely, not surley!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

:)! haha!

Dragona Pine said...

But I won't want to read it :(

Isabella Midnight said...

ok now my lamposts may leave us now its bed-time for the youngenes

Lily Thornton said...

Dragona, you're being a booger. Kallista will be OK.

Lilith Nightshade... said...

then you won't see how amazing you are in my fan-fic, which i've already started writing!

Isabella Midnight said...

ooo dragona LOVVVEEESSSS kallista

Lilith Nightshade... said...

he's just being protective lily! (even tho there's no need!) you don't have to call him a booger!

Dragona Pine said...

It's called being her blog-husband Lily and Isabella. I'm allowed to be protective.

Lilith Nightshade... said...


Isabella Midnight said...

*childish isabella enters the room*


Isabella Midnight said...


*childish isabella leaves the room*

Dragona Pine said...

We're already married Isabella, and a baby would be really wrong ^^

Lilith, I'm sorry. But if Kallista gets a broken hand I don't want to read it. I'm sorry but it'll make me depressed :(

Isabella Midnight said...

okay then kallista will have a broken hand but her yorkish pudding heals her DONE AND SORTED WITH

Dragona Pine said...

It's MY magic yorkshire pudding. Because I do come from yorkshire you know :P

Lily Thornton said...

I have to go. Bye.

Lilith Nightshade... said...

i am going to kill myself now and never show you my new part of the fanfic, 'cause if anyone misses out on it's awesomeness, then life isn't worth living! GOOBYE CRUEL WORLD!!! yuck! what a boring cleshe! *grabs guns from friend's fanfics*

Isabella Midnight said...

bye lily see ya 2marra

Octa said...

is now a bad time to point out Kallista died in her poem?

So did Flo now I think about it.

Weird :)

Star Lord said...

Another Scot?



83 PAGES FOR THE BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Octa said...

Bye Lily!

Octa said...

Sarthacus! *glomps*


Star Lord said...




Octa said...

*waits for Kallista to find the keyboard*

Star Lord said...

Brb, but try to get 100 pages today!

Dragona Pine said...

*sighs at Sarthacus*

We're already married. But having a baby would be really wrong and disturbing.

Ayesha said...

hiiiii everyone!!!!!!

Dragona Pine said...

Hi Ayesha!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*shoots self*

Star Lord said...

Rachel McCoach said...

aloha ayesha.

soz guys am bein distant- somethin caught my eye on the internet :) i am so easily distracted...

Octa said...

Well that didn't work.

One of these days I'll post that comment BEFORE the person comments :D

Isabella Midnight said...


*starts throwing babies dodo's at people *


Octa said...

Hey Ayesha!

Octa said...


Lilith Nightshade... said...


Dragona Pine said...

Lilith, can't you have Dragona breaking his hand instead?

Isabella Midnight said...

y r u shooting urself lilith

Rachel McCoach said...


*pokes her with stick*

Wonka said...

Can't wait!

Is it true it's gonna be called Death's Destiny? Cause that's what a friend at school told me it's gonna be but she has a tendency to lie, so...
When do we get to know the name?
Or are you just gonna be evil and keep us desperate for a name until like, halfway through the summer holidays?

Lilith Nightshade... said...

but you said he was unstoppable dragona! and plus, i've already started writing it! i'll have to change it all *remembers was suposed to be dead* oops! oh well! time for dinner now anyway! laters!

Min (Thalia) said...

*wanders in*


Isabella Midnight said...

come back after dinner lilith

EnolaSerene said...

I can't wait for this to come out! I love these books soooo much :3

I made an account just to follow you… that sounds creepy xD

New Minion, at your service :)

Isabella Midnight said...

o heyy enola i did that to :)


Dragona Pine said...

Please Lilith.

Hi Wonka!

Hi Thalia!

Wonka said...

Hi Dragona!

I take it we are now going to get along again?

Rachel McCoach said...

hey elona, lovely name btw :)

Dragona Pine said...

Hmm... maybe Wonka... maybe not :P

Nah I'm just joking, of course :)

Isabella Midnight said...

*shoots dragona by mistake*

Wonka said...

Good. Because I missed talking to you. :)

Min (Thalia) said...

Hi Kallista!

*hugs her*

I missed you too.

Dragona Pine said...

*bullets pings of his shield and disintergrates*

Interesting... very interesting...

Ayesha said...

hi wonka!!!
hi thalia!!!

Isabella Midnight said...


*shoots dragona in the head and DOESNT miss*

Min (Thalia) said...

Eh, I'm doing alright Kallista. I went back to school today and had multiple coughing fits.

Wonka said...

Hello everyone :)

I am fine, and I have now got two leopard geckos :)

Ayesha said...

im doing great kallista thanks for asking!!! how are you doing??? =D

Min (Thalia) said...

Hi Ayesha!

Dragona Pine said...

*bullet pings of his shield again and disintergrates*

This is very interesting... very interesting indeed...

Unknown said...

Please Save Tanith :(
And Don't hurt Val :D

Isabella Midnight said...


*charges into him with a swordd while shouting a battle*

umm by accident?

Wonka said...

ah g2g bedtime :(

Rachel McCoach said...

*dissintigrates into orange cloud of energy*

*the cloud floats around ominously...*

Ayesha said...

byee wonka!!!

Octa said...

Hi Wonka and Thalia!

Isabella Midnight said...

umm has any1 noticed that i hve stabbed him

Dragona Pine said...

*millions of clones of Dragona step from behind him, dressed as clone troopers and carrying blaster rifles*

Maybe not a good idea to attack me Isabella...

Dragona Pine said...

Have you tried to stab me?

*looks at sword sticking through his shield*

Oh yeah...

*pulls out sword*

Isabella Midnight said...

*dissintigrates into black storm cloud*

*lightening bolt strikes at the troops and dragona*

Dragona Pine said...

*lightning charges up his magic yorkshire pudding even more*

*the troops aren't effected*

Would you mind STOP trying to hurt me? You're failing epically.

Isabella Midnight said...

aww i need a est dummy and ur the biggest dummy i know :( sad face

Lilith Nightshade... said...

hi! i'm back! dinner was... nice... *smiles evilly* a few people here will know what i mean! and dragona, FINE! BUT YOU ARE OFFICIALLY NOT INDESRTUCTABLE! (but i promise that i will not kill any of you!)

Dragona Pine said...

I'm not a dummy. And I'm not a very good one either because I have a shield.

Octa said...

*turns into an ominous purple gaseous ball*

Rachel McCoach said...

*the clouds mind thinks*

Isabella are u a cloud too?

im orange :)

*the orange cloud continues to float ominously*

Ayesha said...

hiii lilith

Isabella Midnight said...

plz plz plz pklz plz post up ur fan-fic now plz

Min (Thalia) said...

I'm ok Kallista. It's probably just a small cold.

Lilith Nightshade... said...

hiii ayesha

Lilith Nightshade... said...

i am still writing fan-fic people!

Lily Thornton said...

Um...Kallista, I know you did. I flipped when I saw that. (in a good way, like I started jumping up and down mentally screaming) It made me really happy. It's okay, Kallista. I'm not mad.

Min (Thalia) said...

Hi Lilith!

Dragona Pine said...

I never said I was indestructable. My OC is pretty much UNSTOPPABLE, but you can't say if my OC is indestructable or not because it's mine, I created it. I've only let you use it in my story :P

Lily Thornton said...

Hi all. Good to "see" you peoples.

Dragona Pine said...

*in YOUR story

Isabella Midnight said...

*sneaks up behind dragona without him noticing and sticks sword in his heart and kills him once and for all*

*hoping he dont magically make sure hes alive again*

Octa said...

*the ominous purple gaseous ball tries moving*








Lily Thornton said...

*struggles to get up* Aw, fudge. *gives up on trying to get up*

I wonder what would happen if I took a whack at writing fan-fic...

Dragona Pine said...

*sword bends against his shield and hits the floor*

Are you trying to kill me again Isabella?


You're failing epically...

Gepard Valk said...


Isabella Midnight said...

i want to write a fan-fic but yea dunnno wat i could do in it i would end up doing me humping a lampost

Lily Thornton said...

snargways? That sounds like something from Dr. Seuss...

Rachel McCoach said...

*the orange ominous cloud's mind thinks*

Octa, welcome to ominous cloud life! how is it to you?

*the cloud continues to float*

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Mmm sweet tea :]
Do you UK-ians have sweet tea?

Gepard Valk said...



Octa said...

*ominous purple gaseous ball has conquered the ability of movement*

*ominous purple gaseous ball starts thinking*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

hi trohyman! *grabs and forces to high five* i will now do this to everyone who arrives! MWOOHAHAHAHA!

Gepard Valk said...


Min (Thalia) said...

*watches the ominous purple gaseous ball with great interest*

Star Lord said...

Anyone like it???

Lilith Nightshade... said...

read my blog!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Rachel! Foos yer do's!

Star Lord said...

Brb, again.........


Lilith Nightshade... said...

read the fanfic! pweeeeeeese!

Rachel McCoach said...


i be a scots and proud :)

but yeah that kinda makes me a "UK-ian"

and yeah we have sweet tea but i hate ALL hot drinks for some reason...

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hello, everyone, by the way!

Octa! Glad to see you again so soon! :]

Dragona Pine said...

Hi Skyril!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

isabella? are you there?

Octa said...

Awesomest start of new page ever!

And cloud life is good.

*ominous purple gaseous ball has conquered the power of thought*

*ominous purple gaseous ball explores the power of speech*

~Hi Skyril~

Isabella Midnight said...

yea i am tryng to kill u again

*idea pops into head*

*runs off to try and find voldermort*

*comes bk in with voldermort*

HIM HIM VLODERMORT *points at dragona*

*and i watch vlodermort kill dragona*


Ayesha said...

hiii skyril!!!!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

but! wait bells! dammit!

Dragona Pine said...

*the magic bounces off Dragona's shield and flies back at voldermort*

*Dragona uses his magic yorkshire pudding and wipes voldermort from existance*

Isabella Midnight said...

im still here

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Rachel! Foos yer do's!

Not the hot kind, yuck. The cold kind! :]

Isabella Midnight said...

ur better than harry potter XD

Rachel McCoach said...

*orange cloud floats over to Octapurple cloud*

*The cloud's mind thinks*

Fo my what skyril?

Lilith Nightshade... said...

isabella, do i call you isabella, or what your name was before?

Dragona Pine said...

Of course I'm better than harry potter :P

Gepard Valk said...

Hi guys!!!
Chapter 7 of SaM Willows is up. Read it :)

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Lol Lots of awesome people on! :D

Isabella Midnight said...

ok dragona u r worthy of me in ur presence and plz hurry my sis is buggig me to get off

Octa said...

*OPGB swiftly gains the ability to project thoughts, change shape,fly and mindread*

*conquers all languages, and the ability of telekinesis*

Isabella Midnight said...

u can call me isabellla or bells

Isabella Midnight said...

ok now i gtg byee see ya all in the morning night night

Dragona Pine said...

New fanfic on my blog.

*hugs Kallista*

I g2g now... night all...

*hugs Flo*


Lilith Nightshade... said...

i mean in fan-fic! sorry didn't explain bells!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

lol, Rachel, never mind. Apparently you don't live in Aberdonia.
Help ma boab!

Ayesha said...

Hiiii trohyman!!!!

lol a lot of people on today!!!! XD

Lilith Nightshade... said...

bye people who are leaving!... :(

Rachel McCoach said...

isnt a doo a pigeon?

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Farewell, Dragona!

Gepard Valk said...

GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS GUSY GUYS GUYS!!!! read sam willows journey throughout darkness chapter seven here>>>>>>>> and click chapter 7 :)

Ayesha said...

byee isabella!!!

bye dragona!!!

Lily Thornton said...

Byyyee Isabella. Bye Pine.

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