Friday, April 1, 2011

Whole Lotta Pages

Yesterday I passed the 110,000 word mark on Book Six. I have three days to finish writing and then do a quick edit, so the word count could go either way. Bear in mind, though, that Mortal Coil was about 105,000 words- so it looks like the new one will be even longer.

As I get into the last few weeks of writing a book, I tend to get a little bit paranoid. I start to wonder if, maybe, the thing I’ve written is not a book at all- maybe it’s just a collection of chapters that don’t fit together into one long story. Maybe I’ve been wasting my time. Maybe I should have abandoned this idea before I started writing, and headed off in another direction. What if it’s rubbish? What if it’s awful? What if nobody likes it?

And then I remind myself that I am, in fact, the Golden God, and everything I do is absolutely wonderful, so naturally Book Six is going to be brain-punchingly brilliant.

These last minute doubts are nothing new, of course. I always get them. I’m sure that practically every writer does. The only way through them is to have faith in yourself and your own ability, and to keep on going no matter how anxious you get. It’s not easy, to work on through your doubts, but if you ever want to be writer then it’s something you’re going to have to deal with, sooner or later.

It REALLY helps if you’re arrogant- because so long as you don’t take it seriously, arrogance can be a LOT of fun.

I wrote the last page this morning- or some of it, at least. I’m still going back through it all, linking things up, changing things, switching them around, writing and rewriting, so even though I’m on the last page, it doesn’t mean the book is finished yet. But ohhh, what a last page. The first trilogy ended with Skulduggery being sucked through a portal- an act that had severe consequences over the following three books. The end of THIS trilogy, therefore, needs to have the same kind of impact on the next three.

I’m not saying the endings are in ANY way similar, because they’re not. The Faceless Ones ended with the reader shouting “Oh God no no no NO!” whereas Book Six will end with the reader saying “oh... hell...” very, very quietly.


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Dragona Pine said...

What reason?

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

your two years older than me

i can call that old

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

oh yeah thats cool but it would still be mad if we could meet up vals

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i dont kno wat reason
but i think its in my destiny

Dragona Pine said...

Of course it's in your destiny, it's the year you were born! If it was another year your destiny would have changed because you'd be older/younger.

Dragona Pine said...


Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i kno

by the way hav i told u i'm Asian

Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...

What country Vals?

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

no u have not not that it matters

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

but i'm a cool asian

got heaps of friends not all of then asian

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

well i was born in australia but my parents r from Cambodia

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

hey wat nationality r u guys

Dragona Pine said...

I'm english :)

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

part italian by my nono but mainly australian

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...


Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

gee i feel sick of eating Mac donalds its gonna kill me sooner or later

seriously its gonna kill me

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

random how come you wanted to know

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

dont really kno

maybe cause i told u mine

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i hav a friend whos italian

his name is carlos

Dragona Pine said...

I'm the only english person on...


amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

oh yeah do you no mush italian

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

and i hav an english friend too

he's from london

his name is michell

Dragona Pine said...

I don't live any where near London ^^

Dragona Pine said...

I have to go now. Bye.

*hugs Kallista before he leaves*

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

nope. dont even kno 1 italian word

Anonymous said...

hello guys

Anonymous said...


come sei

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

hey skul boy

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i hav heaps of friends from different nationalities

-britan(english or uk)
-islanders e.g.(new zealand,somoa)

Anonymous said...

i dont know how to speak italian but i used google translate cheating hahaha

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

hi skul boy

Octa said...

Hi/bye people!

Just came on to say Pyro is in Paris and so won't be back till Thursday.

Anonymous said...

hey guys

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i feel like going to the movies

Anonymous said...

me too

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

ciao bene vi ringrazio come stai e io sono quasi finito il primo capitolo

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

oh wat a shame

pyro's good to talk to so r the other people

Anonymous said...


does that mean so long

italian : (che cosa significa)

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

hey little cain add me on facebook

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

anyway i have almost finished the first chapter this is it

A long night
It was about eleven at night and I was walking along the beach when in the distance I saw a figure it had to be the consultant that I was meeting up with. There was something strange she seemed to be holding some sort of sword I kept walking until I was about half a meter away form her, her name was Amélie and I was right she was holding a katana, we spoke and she told me that if I was ready to unlock my potential that she would gladly help me but first there was a small test.
She told me to follow her in to an abandoned warehouse she said that if I could defeat the dummy in less then two minutes that she would help me but there was a catch I had to do it using my fists and kicks not my sword. It took me a minute and a half to destroy it. Afterwards she walked over to me and whispered “Takiko I will train you in the way of the samurai and martial arts but first I need you to meet a friend of mine to determine something, he will meet you at the pier at noon tomorrow if you pass he will train you as well”
“When will you contact me to make a time to train?”
“My friend will tell you when and where I will train you he will do the same if he can train you”
As I walked back to my house I thought about what she had said. I got back to my house, it was grand manor of sorts with multiple rooms but the study was my favourite room. I tiredly walked into the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee that should wake me up I had a giant stack of information I had to go through and an 800 word essay to write by tomorrow this was going to be a long night. I had finally finished my essay and went to bed for a couple of hours sleep that is what I was hoping for five minutes after I got into bed my alarm went of so to wake me up I went to have a shower I was about to step into the shower when the doorbell rang so I wrapped a towel around me and went to answer the door. It was my boyfriend Derek I showed him in and said I would be back in a second. I went and had a quick shower and then came back down fresh and awake.
We were talking and he said that because I was working so hard that tonight he would make dinner and then we would have a nice night out dancing. After I had to rush out the door or I would have been late for university. I had a half day today so the day finished at eleven so I would have time to walk to the pier by noon.
I was studying business as well as my bachelor in construction. I enjoyed the practical part in construction. I had a lecture about oh&s in construction and business so it was very repetitive. At eleven I had finished and went to buy some lunch then head down to the pier. I got there just in time, I found a man in about his thirties by the looks of it but I could hardly tell. He told me to sit of the edge of the pier. So I did then he gave me a piece of paper with about twenty questions on it. They were like how long can you hold your breath under water and when you go near fire does it get any bigger. Most of the yes or no questions were yeses for me. I finished the question and handed him back the paper.
He started talking “now is time for the physical or practical aspect focus think of fire and a happy memory”. I did what he said and not long after I felt something warm in my hand… there was a ball of fire in my hand. This seemed vaguely familiar like déjà vu, and then it clicked this had happened when I was younger. I was five and was concentrating on a quiz and I made a ball of fire that accidently burnt down the school.

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

wat does that mean

Anonymous said...

add me valkyries side kick
if u have thnx

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

it means good thank you how are you and i am almost finished the first chapter

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

add u for wat skul boy

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

what is your name on facebook

Anonymous said...

nice beginning u even used my character im happy and glad my character is famous now woohoo

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

wow thats good little cain

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

thanks maybe not famous but if i can get it published then maybe but i probz wont be able to get it published

Anonymous said...

dont worry its okay

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

what is your picture

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i gonna hav to delete it soon cause everyone cant kno my real name

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

me in a go kart with a helmet on

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

what is your profile picture

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

hav u got it

Anonymous said...

anyways where is dragona

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

im in a go-kart with a helmet on

thats my profile pic

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

ok so wait does anyone know if i could possibly get it published

Anonymous said...

ask derek if he could help

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

what upp

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i'm talkin to little cain on facebook

so r u ok talkin to yourself skul boy

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

yes i will as well as what font he used in the books

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

what upp

Anonymous said...

okay holidays is going to start this week haha

cant wait

Isabella Midnight said...

heyy im bk :)

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

cant wait till holidays hey

Anonymous said...

ok tata tell dragona when he is on
thnx lil cain

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

my holidays dont start til next week

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

ok bye

Anonymous said...

well this is our last week so yea bye

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...


Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

ouch! i'm doing bicep curls while typing

2.5kg dumbell

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

do u kno how much it hurts when u do it heaps

plus i have no fat to burn off

im skinny :(

. said...

*lands in Blogland*


amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

DEREK you need to come on more so you can answer my questions the name of the font you used and how to get published

Ann Marie said...


. said...


*glomps her*


Ann Marie said...

*is glomped* Oof.

How are ya?

. said...

I'm ok...

.....actually, im NOT!

yesterday, i waz burnt by a bloody CIGARETTE LIGHTER!


Ann Marie said...

Owwww. *mutilates an aloe plant and squishes it all over you* didn't say where, exactly, you were burnt.

Ann Marie said...

I hammered my thumb! repeatedly! Has a weird little bruise right at the end now.

. said...


srry, brb!

. said...


. said...

....iz any1 here?!

. said...


*crawls out*


Ann Marie said...

Sorry, husband came home! Have to go make dinner. bye, Nyx!

Ann Marie said...

Wow, quiet here. Can't be 3am everywhere. *pokes blog*

Unknown said...

OMG I actually can't wait!! I've read the whole series 3 times and absolutely loved it :) Please hurry up and finish your book,Derek, because I am going crazy without another skullduggerey pleasant book to read!!

Ann Marie said...

A person! Hello, Chloe!

Ann Marie said...

*ropes Kallista and drags her back* Don't gooooooo! Also, dang, so glad I don't have to get up that early. That's crazy.

Ann Marie said...

*mewls sadly* Bedtime for me. G'night, blogland.

Lilith Nightshade... said...

in my last class today i said to my frined: OMG! i NEED to get homeas soon as possible so that i can carry on with my fanfic!

Then my friend said: OMG! you are just obsessed with that stupid blog thingy!

Then i said: yeah it's a bit stupid there sometimes, but you know what they say: fun is divine! (no wait, that's supposed to be forgiveness isn't it...)

Dragona Pine said...


I'm not staying, you don't have to worry.

Lilith Nightshade... said...


Lilith Nightshade... said...

i've started my first fanfic! read it!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

there will be multiple parts, within parts... kind of confusing... but oh well!

Dragona Pine said...

I don't want and I'm not supposed to be here right now so I'm not staying. I have to go for my tea soon anyway. I hope someone else comes on soon Lilith.

Lilith Nightshade... said...

it's not long...

Dragona Pine said...

No it's not because of your fanfic, I've already read it and left a comment :P

Dragona Pine said...


Lilith Nightshade... said...

Oh! yes hi! sorry!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

I'm writing the next part of my fanfic you see!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

and i saw your comment! thanks!

Dragona Pine said...

I can't wait for it :)

Brb, signing in on laptop.

Lilith Nightshade... said...

k! it's her story of when she killed her family... tragic...

Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...

New fanfic on my blog.

Lilith Nightshade... said...

k! will read it!

Rachel McCoach said...

hey people :) and Dragona! nice to see u again :)

Dragona Pine said...

Hi Rachel. It's nice to see you too ^^

Lilith Nightshade... said...

hi rachel!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

read my fan-fic! NOW!

Rachel McCoach said...

:)thnx. cant stay long- have to practice my flute soon b4 the little bairns next door go to bed...

Dragona Pine said...

Have you read it yet Lilith?

Dragona Pine said...

And btw Lilith, you don't command people to read your fanfic. If you do that then (if it's me) I won't do. You need to ask people instead of telling them.

Rachel McCoach said...

haha :) i woulda read it anyway...

Lilith Nightshade... said...

i have not finfished reading your fan-fic yet, and she knows i was teasing!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

finfised?! i MEANT finished!

Dragona Pine said...

finfised? LOL.

Dragona Pine said...

I have to go for my tea now... bye.

*hugs Kallista -where ever she is- before he leaves*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

i have finished reading your fan-fic! i am telling you even though you said that you left dragona! isn't life full of such fun randomness! YAY!

Rachel McCoach said...

haha yes. tis very random sometimes :)

Lilith Nightshade... said...


Rachel McCoach said...

woah just read ur fanfic- tis awesome, but we must have more! :)

ach grr. g2g practice flute. shall return l8r


Lilith Nightshade... said...

i am writing more right now!

Rachel McCoach said...

haha nice ;)

hmm tis a bit quiet the noo...

Lilith Nightshade... said...

yah! i no!

Rachel McCoach said...

right off for tea- hopefully itll liven up soon

Anonymous said...

how on earth is mortail coil confusing?
some idiot said it was BORING!

Anonymous said...

Alice, Year 7, Kennet School
Bad.....and hard to understand if you haven\'t read the series.

Harsheena, Year 8, Brigidine School
I did not enjoy this book, because, I read the first 8 chapters and I did not understand anything, but I feel that I need to read some of the earlier books in the series. So I will give it a go again once I have read the others in the series.

Melissa, Year 8, Brigidine School
I found this book very hard to read. As if you haven't read the rest of the series. You only get hooked at the 10th chapter.

Alycia, Year 8, Brigidine School
I found this book boring and hard to understand. I didn't like it and it just made me feel bored. Not a good read.


Lilith Nightshade... said...

i agree munchkin! sorry i'm not here much! i'm writing my fanfic:

Octa said...

Hello all!

I love timetables!

Anonymous said...

I am not MUNCHKIN i'm tanya7212 wut up derek??

Lilith Nightshade... said...

well soz!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

hi! read my fan-fic!

Anonymous said...


Octa said...


Octa said...

I'm great Kallista

Seems like I may be able to come on more as I now have a timetable!


Dragona Pine said...

How did you know I was here? :P

Dragona Pine said...

What's the link to the Wizard of Oz fanfic?

Lilith Nightshade... said...


Lilith Nightshade... said...

:) please read fan-fic!!!!!!!!!!! (:

Anonymous said...

Wait lemme sign in AGAIN lol

Anonymous said...


Lilith Nightshade... said...


Rachel McCoach said...

hey peeps :)

:O lilith am off to read it NOW!

Anonymous said...

hey lilith nightshade

Isabella Midnight said...


Lilith Nightshade... said...

hi! read my fanfic!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

how is you bells?! (do you mind if i call you that?)

Dragona Pine said...

Hi Isabella, I can see you took my suggestion for a last name ^^

Lilith Nightshade... said...

have you read part three of my fanfic dragona?!

Dragona Pine said...

Just read it now Lilith.

Lilith Nightshade... said...

i no now!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

i replyed to your comment!

Rachel McCoach said...

haha just read it...tis so good! wish i could write like that but i cant seem get round to it, have loads o stories jumbled im my head- i just cant write them down!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

for the next part, you meet one of her friends! anyone wanna be in my awesomely amazing fanfic?! (obviously not TRYING to boast... i think...)

Dragona Pine said...

New fanfic on my blog. Kallista, Lizzy and Lilith have already read it ^^

Dragona Pine said...

Me Lilith! I'd love to be in your fanfic! :)

Lilith Nightshade... said...

cool! umm... wot do you look like exactly? i put in a lot of detail if i can about appearances!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

describe everything you can about yourself to me dragona! (and not just your appearance!)

Lilith Nightshade... said...

you too kallista! you describe yourself to me!

Isabella Midnight said...

THTS AWESOME i would lik to be in ur fanfic XD

Lilith Nightshade... said...


Rachel McCoach said...

haha do u all go into each others fanfic?

:) i shall try to start one soon- dont know where to begin though, my stories have been goin on forever i cant remember where they start

Dragona Pine said...

Which OC do you want to use Lilith? I have two. Dragona Pine or Hawk?

Lilith Nightshade... said...


Lilith Nightshade... said...

whichever dragona! i don't care! :)

Isabella Midnight said...

I hve Brown eyes and long dark straight brown hair
im funny and prtty and smart and i humped a lampost 2day i like th colour green +purple= ME and i like cheese and honey in a sandwhich

Lilith Nightshade... said...

thanks guys!

Dragona Pine said...

Well I'll give you the links to both of my OCs then you can decide.

Dragona Pine:


Lilith Nightshade... said...

thanks! will look at them now!

Dragona Pine said...

You HUMPED a lamp post?

I won't ask...

Isabella Midnight said...

Name : Isabella Midnight
Age : 16
Gender : Female
Height : Tall
Weight : Light
Personality : i like chees and honey in a sandwhich , funny,smart,pretty,cunning,AWESOME and can get annying

Isabella Midnight said...

lol it said on it HUMP ME XXX so i humped it 3 times

Rachel McCoach said...

is anyone else here scottish? everyone seems to be either english, american or australian...

Isabella Midnight said...


Dragona Pine said...

You must have lots of feelings for the lampost. But I don't think you should have done that... that is wrong and random. But VERY funny haha!

Rachel McCoach said...

haha the irish and scottish are like cousins in my eyes :)

Dragona Pine said...

Btw, are you in a relationship with the lampost or was it a one night stand? :P

Isabella Midnight said...

now instead of tall fry im lamp-post-humper and i like my nick-name and yes me and that lampost has developed a feeling for each other

Isabella Midnight said...

okay lilith our we in ur fan-fic and r u mentioning in it that i humped a lampost if u have AWESOME and if u havent okay

Dragona Pine said...

I'm glad. Lamposts have souls too! Stop lampost cruelty! Can you imagine how much pain the lampost would be in if you just ABANDONED him? I would call the NSPOL (National Society for the Protection Of Lamposts) and have you sent to JAIL! :P

Lilith Nightshade... said...

i is english! and i is purposfully trying to use bad grammar to see what it's like to be stupid! i am in top set for everything in school, and it is hard and tiring!

Rachel McCoach said...

haha we scots ARE awesome :)

u visited? where bouts?

Dragona Pine said...

I'm english :)

Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...

I'll write a story about NSPOL if you want :P

Lilith Nightshade... said...

i am not putting in that you humped a lampost, but you WILL all be in my fan-fic! stillnhaven't seen hawk's thingy yet dragona! (yes, i read slowly!) and the reason i didn't put in you humping a lampost is that it might creep some people out! plus, it kinda wouldn't fit with the story!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

:) yay!

Dragona Pine said...

"Lilith turned a corner, around the shop and into the street. Cars were driving along the road quite fast and there was a girl humping a lampost..."


Isabella Midnight said...

my mum is from russia and my dad is english but i was born in ireland

Lily Thornton said...

Ooh...Tekno Love Song. Interesting ^_^

Rachel McCoach said...

haha guessed dragona- ur magic yorkshire puding might have given it away ;)

Isabella Midnight said...

i would love that story " and there was a girl humping a lampost..."

Isabella Midnight said...

i HAVE LIVED in scotland for 3 years

Lilith Nightshade... said...

LOL dragona! cannot choose which one! they are both TOO cool! can i have both?... or would that be weird?...

Dragona Pine said...

Me? In a kilt? Aren't you supposed to wear nothing BUT a kilt on your bottom half? I'm not wearing one!

*refuses to wear a kilt*

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