Wednesday, April 20, 2011


While I'm not one hundred percent back to normal, I'm certainly getting there. The medication I've been given seems to have scattered my mind a little bit, making it hard to focus- but there are only a few pills left, and once they're gone, my great and glorious mind shall return...

In the meantime, I just want to let you know that at some stage over the next few days, I'll be posting the REAL cover to Skulduggery 6 here on this Blog, and not Tom's sketch that has been doing the rounds on the interweb. Along with that, you'll also be getting the official title, which may or may not be what you're expecting.

At the moment, Tom is finishing up the cover and it's looking- no surprise here- absolutely amazing. You better have a bucket handy, because when the cover is revealed your heads are going to explode and your brains are going to need something to leak into. Which is, I'll freely admit, somewhat gross.


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Octa said...

Wait I'm sure there is more.

Wunderbar :)

eins, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, sechs, sieben, acht, neun, zehn, elf, zwölf, dreizehn, vierzehn, fünfzehn, sechzehn, siebzehn, achtzehn, neunzehn, zwanzig!

Dragona Pine said...


Anonymous said...

Arre ye speaking german or something?

Min (Thalia) said...

Hi Octa!


Aquila Felis said...

*cocks head at Octa*
This time you got everything right...^^

Octa said...

Oops! I don't have that symbol on my keyboard.

Aquila Felis said...

Yup, but you also wrote Eidelweiss instead of Edelweiss...^^

Octa said...

And I added an extra n onto gute

but still...

I really should learn German. My grandpa was born there and my mum can speak a little German but I can't.

Which is a shame.

Dragona Pine said...


Aquila Felis said...

German is a beautiful language... especially for poems. :)

Octa said...

I mean to learn it sometime.

Rachel McCoach said...

*sigh* tha mi nas fhearr aig a' bruidhinn a' ghaidhlig...

Anonymous said...

Are ye all speakin german or somethin?

Derek Landy said...

Octa's questions:

1. Do you have a middle name? If so what is it?

I think it’s Joseph, but I could be wrong. It could be Garrett. I’m not sure. Derek isn’t even my real name, it’s just one that I’ve been using since I was born.
2. Did you know Derek Landy is an anagram of Deryn Dalek? (I’m odd I know)

I did know that, actually. It’s one of my favourite facts.
2. What is Desmond Edgley’s true name?

Don’t know! He doesn’t know either!
3. Is Mevolent truly dead? (The same way Lord Vile was believed to be dead but isn’t). Will he return?

Mevolent is dead. Anything more than that, I can’t say for certain.
5. Does Kenspeckle have a brother?

He used to, but he died years ago.
6. How did the Faceless Ones arrive on Earth in the first place?

That’s one of the great mysteries of the world…
7. Will you give us a random (it can be irrelevant but must be TRUE) fact about Book 8?

Book 8??? Good God… No, I don’t think I can, not until I solidify the final trilogy in my head.
8. How did Oisin die?

He fell over a bucket.
9. Have you written yourself out of the proverbial corner of the powerful Jitter Girls yet?

Oh yes. There’s only one person who could possibly defeat the Jitter Girls… mwahaha...
10. What day is your birthday? (More specific than October please!).

October 23rd- the same day (though obviously not the same YEAR) that Skulduggery died.
11. How does it feel to be the Golden God of thousands of little minion-y fans?

It feels overwhelmingly right.
12. Have you decided who to dedicate the remaining 4 books to? How about us minions?

I know exactly who the next four will be dedicated to- and I’m not saying!
13. What magical powers would Crystal and Carol have when they reached 21 (if they are able to do magic).

That all depends if they decided to be Adept or Elemental...
14. What is Valkyrie’s address? 

15. Is Haggard a real town?

It’s a combination of Rush, Lusk and Skerries in North County Dublin- mostly Rush.
16. How on earth are you going to torture Tanith now she is inhabited by a remnant? What could be worse? Because you do intend to torture her in each book yes?

I don’t think there COULD be anything worse than her current state, so she might be safe from me for a while.
17. Will you write a prequel series?

No. I thought about it, but couldn’t find the enthusiasm.
18. What was the last thing Skulduggery ever ate?

Steak. Mmmmmm steak...
19. How did Beryl react when she discovered the brooch was missing?

I don’t think she’s actually noticed yet…!
20. The series seems to be composed of “trilogies”. The first one dealt with the Faceless Ones. The next seems to be all about Necromancy (Darquesse, Remnants and Lord Vile). What is the last trilogy about?

You’ll find out…!

Aquila Felis said...

Good luck with it.^^

Derek Landy said...

21. Who is the Unnamed?

This will be answered in the books or not at all.
22. Can you answer the question you’ve always wanted to be asked but never have here?

Yes. The answer is: naturally.
23. What is the life story of Skulduggery’s first partner?

This will be answered in the books or not at all.
24. Will Scapegrace and Thrasher remain zombies until they decompose or will they ever return to life?

I haven’t decided yet...!
25. Does Skulduggery ever learn about China leading his family into the trap?

This will be answered in the books or not at all.
26. What does Skulduggery do with his spare head?

He keeps it in his hat room.
27. Will Cat die now Tesseract is too dead to look after him?

No, Cat is now living with Tesseract’s neighbour, Gertrude.
28. Do you like the name Aggoroth Shandular?

It is a fine name.
29. What century did Oisin come from?

One of the early ones.
30. Where is the soul located? Does Nye ever find out?

Only I know the answer to that one…
31. How many Jitter Girls are there?

32. What was the present that Skulduggery brought Valkyrie for Christmas?

He never told her.
33. Did Valkyrie ever get her big stick?

Not yet.

34. Are any more of the SP titles going to be based on Shakespeare quotations?

Probably not. Each trilogy has a title theme, so the style of titles will change against for the final trilogy.
35. Why is a soap bubble round?

Because a circle is a naturally occurring shape.
36. Did Kenspeckle like cheese?

He did.
37. Is the reason the Faceless Ones are evil because they had no one to read them bedtime stories when they were small?

38. Purple? or Purple?

39. What are you thinking right now?

40. Can you tell us a really good joke?

Yes. I won’t, though.
41. Does the walker choose the path or the path the walker? (Huzzah for Garth Nix quotations)

The walker chooses the shoes.
42. How useless is a chocolate teapot?

43. This is a statement cunningly disguised as a question?

Very cunning.
44. Who is the person who wiped Davina Marr’s memory?
This will be answered in the books or not at all.

Derek Landy said...

45. Which languages do you speak?

46. What is your favourite book (not one of yours).

Mucho Mojo, by Joe R Lansdale.
47. Do you write in cursive or......not?

Naw. I used to, when I was in school, but my handwriting was terrible. Now I just write however I want to, and it’s much clearer...
48. Did you know the oldest cat lived to be 38?

Oh dear God.
49. Did you know that cats can have vocalization sounds of 100 different kinds and dogs can only have about 10?

I did not know that. Now I do.
50. What is your favourite colour?

Blue, maybe.
51. Has Skulduggery Pleasant ever had any pets?

He had a dog called SkulDOGGery. Except he didn’t.
52. Have you ever looked at a goldfish and wondered if it remembers you from the last three seconds?

I keep forgetting.
53. Can vampires be animals? Or is it can animals be vampires?

54. What’s your favourite dessert?

Um… ice cream.
55. Do you like orange juice?

Meh, it’s okay.
56. Which competitive sports (other than Martial Arts) do you like?

57. White chocolate, milk chocolate, or dark chocolate?

Milk chocolate.
58. What's your favourite fruit?

59. What's your favourite weather/season?

Summer, I think... Or Autumn...
60. Where would you like to spend your holidays?

Disneyworld!!!!!! (Never been.)
61. What will you do after you finished the SP series?

Weep manly tears.
62. What is the airspeed velocity of an un-laden swallow?

What do you mean? An African or a European swallow?
63. What is your favourite letter in the alphabet?

64. If a munchkin were flying on the back of a giant elephant with the wings of a monkey and the tongue of a dinosaur and the giant elephant was wearing rollerskates with sparkly unicorn horns attached and this were a world where air resistance could be up to 10% less and carbon dioxide and oxygen were neither present so the density of air also reduced and the value of pi was the weight of a fish would chocolate taste the same?
No, it would be slightly off.

Lilith asked, in between all those Hitchhiker’s quotes which kept me laughing:

N said...

*walks in*
I'm coming on here, because I've just gotten through 10 bars of Solfrigetto on the piano (I think that's how you spell it) and I need a break before I attempt Wind That Shakes The Barley on the electric guitar because there's 27% chance it will kill me.... :/ It's fast.

Lunar Tears said...

Then doesnt it go einsundzwanzig…?

Dragona Pine said...

I have to admit Aquila, German is a beautiful language, although sometimes when people are speaking quickly it sounds like:



But it is a very nice language, but a hard one to learn.

Octa said...


20 answers so far!!!

Octa said...

oh wait! All the answers!!!

And Derek and I share the same favourite letter!!!!!

N said...

Hello Mr Landy!!

Min (Thalia) said...

Hi Tristessa!


Min (Thalia) said...

Hi Derek!

N said...


HI THALIA!! *glomps*
HI DRAGONA!! *glomps*
HI LUNAR!! *glomps*
HI AQUILA!! *glomps*
HI RACHEL!! *glomps*
HI OCTA!! *glomps*

Aquila Felis said...

Hi Tristessa!

Lol Dragona!

And no, Lunar, it's einundzwanzig, not einsundzwanzig.

Aquila Felis said...

Hi Mr.Landy! ^^

Rachel McCoach said...

omg...i cant believe, Derek, that u had the patience to answer all of them...

Anonymous said...

He Derek!

N said...

*starts humming the wind that shakes the barley, thinking about the pain that will occur*

Dragona Pine said...

What pain Tristessa? :o

N said...

Oh, and HELLO SADHBH!! *waves friendlily*

Anonymous said...

he = hi

Lunar Tears said...

G2g, but soooooooo glad I got to read Derek's answers before I went!

N said...

In my fingers Dragona. It's a fast, jumpy piece on the electric guitar... This could be interesting... :s

Min (Thalia) said...

Bye Lunar!

N said...

Aww.... Bye Lunar!!! *hugs*

Anonymous said...

hi tristessa

Dragona Pine said...

Oh, I hope you don't hurt yourself Tristessa :P

Octa said...

Back! I haven't laughed so much in days.

Hey everyone!!

Anonymous said...

bye everyone

Rachel McCoach said...




right, if Pinocchio said, "my nose is about to grow" what would happen?

Aquila Felis said...

You were gone, Octa?

Bye Sadhbh!

Aquila Felis said...

Rachel, I don't think there's an answer for this one...

Min (Thalia) said...

Bye Sadhbh!

Octa said...

Yes I was reading all 64 questions to Pyro.


*starts thinking of questions for the 128 question list*

N said...

Meh, I'll be fine Dragona :) Just apply some soothing balm after I'm done :D Oh, and try not to hurt the muscles in my hand (which I have done). Guitar is hardcore. *smiles nonchalantly*

Dragona Pine said...

Rachel, there is no answer. Because if he said "my nose was going to grow" and it did, then it would be the truth so it wouldn't grow so it would be a lie but then it would grow because it would be a lie but if it grew it wouldn't be a lie so it wouldn't grow.

Anonymous said...


If you were, say, a maximum ride character, what power would you want?
A.) Elemental Manipulation
B.) To be a Bonebreaker
Or, C.) To be a Necromancer

Rachel McCoach said...

yes but SOMETHING has to happen...

Dragona Pine said...

I vote A Pandora :P

N said...

Rachel... the world would implode because a wooden puppet had been smart enough to think of a paradox riddle.

Min (Thalia) said...

Hi Kallista!


Pandora, I choose C :)

Aquila Felis said...

Pandora: I have no idea, since I don't know maximum ride...

Rachel McCoach said...

LOL Tessa :) probably :)

haha i loved the answer derek gave for how did oisin die?

Anonymous said...

I can't decide... xP
Hi Dragona!
Hi Tristessa!
Hi Kallista!
Hi Rachel!
Hi Octa!
Hi Aquila!
Hi Thalia!

*glomps you all*

Dragona Pine said...

Hi Kallista!

*hugs her*

Can we go for a talk?

N said...

Hullo Pandora!!! *glomps*

Min (Thalia) said...

Hi Pandora!


Anonymous said...

One A and one C so far...
Aquila: It's where there's these kids, and they were made in a lab, so they have wings, like bird wings, and they all have these powers, like one of them can read minds, and they have to survive all these attacks from greedy lunatics and scientists and stuffs... um... I'm not very good at explaining xD

N said...

Hello Kallista!!! *glomps*

Aquila Felis said...

I think I'd take A... B and C sound quite violent...

Octa said...

Back again again!

I was dragged away to timetable my week.

Anonymous said...

Still haven't figured out how to get the stupid computer to zoom back out, so right now the comment box is about as big as three of my fists... xD

Min (Thalia) said...

Hi again Octa!


Octa said...

I choose A!

N said...

Oh. I need to do that... exams coming up. Schedule so far means...
-Literally no time on here (2 hours a week?)
-All week revising.

Joy. This is what you get when you leave it to the last minute :D

N said...

To the word nonchalantly!!

N said...

To the word nonchalantly!

Rachel McCoach said...


g2g guys :) cya all later

ttfn :)

Anonymous said...

Yay! A it is!
Thank you :D
I'm trying to figure out what power to give my main charie in the fanfic I'm writing which I keep erasing and re-writing... stupid writers block... >.<

N said...

It sounds like a pokemon fest here...
"I choose A!"
"I choose C!"
"I am a fish!"

Ok... maybe not the last one... :/

N said...

Aww... Bye Rachel!!!

Min (Thalia) said...

Bye Rachel!

Aquila Felis said...

Bye Rachel!

horsegirl2008 said...

thanks for answering my questions I think I will just buy theme online so I can finish the series. and then If they come out in the us buy a second copy to help improve sales for the U.S. so that maybe you can come over for a book tour

and Octaboona Ambrosius- Paragon of The Purple Horde
I loved your post about the Tigger song it made me lagh

and I have another question fore Derek

Will you continue writing after the SP series are over?

Anonymous said...


Dragona Pine said...

Aww don't go just yet Kallista.

N said...

NO KALLISTA!!!! *clings to Kallista's leg and sobs melodramatically* NO!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bye Rachel!

N said...

NOOOOO!!!!!!!! POKEMON!!!!!!! NO!!!!!! *screams and falls on the floor* HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

N said...

I'm a bit hyper... I just played 10 bars of an awesome piece on the piano... :D It makes me happy.

N said...


Anonymous said...

lol Tristessa xD

N said...

*implodes* :D This is what happens when I eat half a kit kat chunky and a small other sweet, and play some piano.... XDDDDDDDDDDDD

*runs around blogland screaming the lyrics of "I'm getting a goat for christmas"*

N said...



Dragona Pine said...

*heals Tristessa*

Aquila Felis said...

*hides all sweets she can find*

Btw... did Gepard ever say he'd go?

Octa said...


I keep leaving!

If you ever want to reread.

Anonymous said...

G2G, sorry d:
Bye all!

Min (Thalia) said...

Aww...bye Pandora!


Dragona Pine said...

Bye Pandora.

Aquila Felis said...

Bye Pandora!

N said...

Aww... Bye Pandora!!!

Why would you do that Aquila... *start giggling manically and out of control*

*begins to foam at the mouth*

*collapses on the floor*


Dragona Pine said...

*heals Tristessa of her rabies*

N said...

I don't have rabies... See!

*eats toothpaste and begins to foam at the mouth*

YUM!!!!!! TOOTHPASTE!!!!!!!!!!!! *giggles some more*

Dragona Pine said...

LOL Tristessa... I think you should calm down a bit... no offense...

N said...

No............................................... it's fine.......................................... HEhehhehehhehehehhhehhehehehe :)

N said...


Dragona Pine said...

*hugs Kallista*

I g2g now... night all...

*hugs Flo*


N said...

Aww... Bye Dragona!!!

N said...

Brb... going to go make my fingers bleed with some guitar :D

Aquila Felis said...

Bye Dragona!

*prepares plasters for Tristessa*

Min (Thalia) said...

Bye Dragona!

Mar-Chu said...

*slinks in*

hellooooooooooooooo~ did Thalia tell you all about her, me, and Mir's story plaaaan?

Aquila Felis said...

Kallista, I wondered... why do you have to do chores all the time? Your house can't be that big, right?

Aquila Felis said...

Hi Mar!

If she did I don't remember it...

Mar-Chu said...

im re-watching the first SC episode on speaker Thalia...

Octa said...

Hey Mar!

Derek is awesome!!!

Mar-Chu said...

well, me, Thalia, and Mir are going to be writing a cross fiction together. It has to do with an anime, Shugo Chara~

Aquila Felis said...

Ah, ok.
Is shugo chara something with eggs?

Min (Thalia) said...

Back. Sorry, got distracted.

Hi Mar!

*squeezes her in a hug*

Min (Thalia) said...

Hi Kallista!


Mar-Chu said...

eggs! yes yes! (no coincidence with easter right around the corner and all...)

look at the cross fiction on my blog. thats it~

well...about it. its...a CROSS fiction, so its a little looney...

Mar-Chu said...

hello Kallista! Hello Thalia!

Aquila Felis said...

I think I already read it, Mar. :)

Min (Thalia) said...

Mar! Tell them about Mr. K reading the blog!

Aquila Felis said...

*gives cookie to Kallista*

Min (Thalia) said...

*looks under the table*

*finds her giant pile of paper cranes and grins*

*throws paper cranes at everyone*

Yes, these cranes are defective. Yes, there's a fifty-fifty chance of them grabbing you and flying away. Does that mean I will stop throwing them at people? Of course not :P

Aquila Felis said...

Oh well...
*changes into cat <- (pleas note: no kitty, a cat...*

Min (Thalia) said...

*looks around*

Where'd Mar go?

*dashes around looking for Mar*

Mar-Chu said...

ehem. well, Mr K walked up to me and Thalia in the morning.


Thalia and Mar: did you check the blog?!
K: What? You were serious?
Thalia and Mar: YES!
K: oh. Okay. *walks away*

SCENE TWO! After...when was it?

*Mar walks up to see mR K standing my locker*

Mar: eh?
K: I looked at the blog!
Mar: really? how was it?
K: it was so confusing!
Mar: whaaaaat!
K: *starts laughing* the names were so confusing! i didnt undertsand any of it! there were all these people, and they were all waving! Such weird names!
Mar: *burts out laughing* *eyes water* *face turns red from lack of oxygen*
K: *walks away laughing*

Min (Thalia) said...

There you are!

*pokes Mar*

Hehe....that was an amusing day...

Aquila Felis said...

LOL Mar!^^

Mar-Chu said...

*weird scream*

my grandpa from florida just emailed me! he got his birthday presents!

N said...

*walks back in*
Ow... I knew I shouldn't have tried bar chords... I knew it. *mutters some more guitar gibberish*

Min (Thalia) said...

Hi Tristessa!


Mar-Chu said...


N said...


N said...

Hi Kallista, Thalia, Mar, Aquila! *hugs them all at once* :D

Aquila Felis said...

Hi Tristessa!

N said...

My fret wrist hurts :( I think I put my thumb in the wrong place... oops :)

Mar-Chu said...

...Thalia, Shanas hair is back to red. flaming red. crimson red. whatever ya wanna call it...

Octa said...

Indeed I am!

Mar's blog is most time consuming :)

Mar-Chu said...

....i may or may not have chosen red cuz my black colored pencil is all stubby and i dont wanna get up.

Min (Thalia) said...




Mar - okey dokey.

Min (Thalia) said...

Mar, that is most defiantly that reason.

N said...

Ahh :) Does anyone else here play guitar (just wondering)?

Min (Thalia) said...

*the reason

N said...

OCTA!! Hello!! *glomps*

Octa said...

I play piano/trombone

Mar-Chu said...

5:48. go go goooo! watch waaaaatch!

Octa said...

Kallista! Tristessa! Thalia! Mar!


Min (Thalia) said...

I play the upright bass/ string bass/ double bass/ whatever else you wanna call it...

Aquila Felis said...

I play a bit of guitar... what I taught myself (and I'm both, a lazy teacher and a lazy student ^^).

N said...

Yay! Piano! :D I play piano too! :D What grade?

I have singular handed pain. That was really stupid, Tristessa. *scolds self*

Mar-Chu said...

i play violin~

Octa said...

Eeek! Must go!

*runs screaming from blog*

I did my homework!!!!!

N said...

@Aquila: Can you do bar chords?

@Thalia: Awesome! That's the big one in the string section, no? ;)

Octa said...

Grade 2

but Grade 4 1/2 for trombone

(I'm taking Grade 5 soon and I can play grade 5 pieces)


N said...

@Mar: Yay for violinists! I have a lot of violinist friends! :D

Octa said...

Pyro plays violin also

He actually is Grade 5.


Night! Again!

N said...

NO!!!! OCTA!!!!! DON'T LEAVE!!!! *clings to his leg* NO!!!!! *screams as she is dragged out of blogland*

Bye Octa!!

Aquila Felis said...

No. I barely manage to press more than one string with a finger. ^^
I kinda started not playing chords but note by note... far more entertaining.^^

Min (Thalia) said...

Tristessa - Yep. It's the lowest sounding, so it can be really hard to hear if you're just plucking. But I still love it.

Bye Octa!

Mar-Chu said...

im about to go into grade 3...then i quit private lessons for fencing. heh.

N said...

I've done Grade 3 for piano, but might be skipping grade 4. I can play a few grade 5 level pieces... so I don't know what that makes me... :/ :)

Aquila Felis said...

Bye Octa!

I also play fluet, learned a bit of bugle (and gave up on it) and sang classical music in a choir.^^

Isabella Midnight said...


Aquila Felis said...

*cocks head*
What's all this talking about grades about?

Aquila Felis said...

Hi Isabella!

N said...

I like both, notes and chords... Chords are a lot more satisfying though (in my opinion). But tunes can turn out really nicely as well. I think it's a matter of taste :)

Mar-Chu said...

i used to play flute. then i almost fainted from lack of breathing and air.

N said...

Hi Isabella!!! *glomps*

Aquila Felis said...

Lack of breathing and air? Try singing.^^

N said...

LOL Mar :)

Aquila, you can do different levels in instruments :D

Aquila Felis said...

... over here I never heard of something like this...

N said...

Take a look, Aquila:

Isabella Midnight said...

o we talking bout dat o i play










thats all :( I'm learning to play a claranet

N said...

ISABELLA! YOU PLAY GUITAR! Can you do bar chords?

Aquila Felis said...

*cocks head*
Hmmmm... never heard of it before, Tristessa. Most people here (=around my city) learn their instrument either themselves or at our local music school... or in a club, of course.^^

Mar-Chu said...

hi isabella!

Isabella Midnight said...

hey mar and yes

N said...

Gah! I've got to go now! Byee everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isabella Midnight said...

byeeee trist

Mar-Chu said...

i actually dont have a problem with singing Aquila~

of course, i really only do it in church, where no one can hear me, and where i can try singing in different accents. its quite amusing!

but when it comes to singing happy birthday in school... sound like were all dying. it really does.

Mar-Chu said...

bye Tristessa! see ya later!

Min (Thalia) said...

Bye Tristessa!


Isabella Midnight said...

okay derek for teh funeral in 3 years time i am perparing


and tahts hard ¬_¬

Aquila Felis said...

Well, what I was refering to is singing classical music in a choir, with certain times you are allowed to breath... and times you are not meant to breat. It can be quite difficult.

Aquila Felis said...


Mar-Chu said...


...that, is why i am not in choir class. my new reason! :D

*skips around humming about shugo chara*

Aquila Felis said...

It's quite entertaining, though. My favourites to sing (so far) were Handels Messias and Brahms requiem. :)

Aquila Felis said...

I'll go to sleep now...
Good night all!

Min (Thalia) said...

Good night Aquila!


Isabella Midnight said...

night every1 im going to bed

Mar-Chu said...

awwwww bye Aquila!


bye isabella!


Min (Thalia) said...

Night Isabella!

Mar-Chu said...

hey Thalia, what's Holo's last name?

Min (Thalia) said...

Heh...Holo doesn't actually HAVE a lat name, so I used the last name of her voice actor in the anime, which is Koshimizu ^^

Min (Thalia) said...


Mar-Chu said...

wonderful, wonderful~

i just put the japanese word dawn for Shana's last name. Hakumei.

...or was it dusk?

Mar-Chu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Min (Thalia) said...


Mar-Chu said...


Min (Thalia) said...


Mar-Chu said...

arg. gotta go, dinner! bye!

Min (Thalia) said...

Aww...bye Mar!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

I'm totally INsanE right nOw!! Hahahahaha!!!

~goes to my blog~

Hm I should write!
Now let's see... where did I leave them folks?!?!?
"Skulduggery ignored them entirely, starting up the car. Then they were driving on the path to their enemies.
And directly into the trap set up specifically for them."

Ahhh yesssss Mwahahahahahahahahahaaaaa!!!!!
~hums some tune that i think may have come from Star wars~

~spins around in chair~

~laughs crazily again~

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