Wednesday, April 20, 2011


While I'm not one hundred percent back to normal, I'm certainly getting there. The medication I've been given seems to have scattered my mind a little bit, making it hard to focus- but there are only a few pills left, and once they're gone, my great and glorious mind shall return...

In the meantime, I just want to let you know that at some stage over the next few days, I'll be posting the REAL cover to Skulduggery 6 here on this Blog, and not Tom's sketch that has been doing the rounds on the interweb. Along with that, you'll also be getting the official title, which may or may not be what you're expecting.

At the moment, Tom is finishing up the cover and it's looking- no surprise here- absolutely amazing. You better have a bucket handy, because when the cover is revealed your heads are going to explode and your brains are going to need something to leak into. Which is, I'll freely admit, somewhat gross.


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Dragona Pine said...

Aww why not Aquila?

Isabella Midnight said...


Isabella Midnight said...


Dragona Pine said...


Aquila Felis said...

We're going to go swimming. :)

Dragona Pine said...

That's cool Aquila ^^

Rachel McCoach said...

isabella- was that from the time u asked about eating our dogs?

Isabella Midnight said...


Isabella Midnight said...


Dragona Pine said...

Stop saying dog meat ^^

Rachel McCoach said...

im going for an eye test tomorrow...iv never had one before. i thought u had to get one like every 2 yeasr?

Aquila Felis said...

Hmmm... maybe she's Asian and her favourite food is dog meat...


Dragona Pine said...

We have one once every year. Rachel it's really not bad, all they do is ask you to read some letters and have a look at your eyes.

Isabella Midnight said...


Dragona Pine said...

Aquila, that was hideously stereotypical ^^ but very funny.

Isabella Midnight said...


Dragona Pine said...

Isabella... stop it please.

Rachel McCoach said...

ah good...i was gettin a bit thingwyd there 'bout it :)

aquila- ages ago she asked us if we were alone with our dogs in a house on fire and a hord of zombies were surrounding the house, and u were starving- would u eat ur dog?

i think she started saying it after that...

Aquila Felis said...

You know what they say: Chinese eat about everything that can't run away fast enough.^^

Of course that's kinda logical considering there are that many on a relativly small space...

Isabella Midnight said...

aww fine

Dragona Pine said...

Aquila, Chinese east about everything that can't run fast enough AND doesn't know Kung-Fu :P

Aquila Felis said...

Well... never thought about the Kung-Fu part...

Dragona Pine said...

LOL Aquila.

Aquila Felis said...

Stereotypes can be a lot of fun, though.^^

Aquila Felis said...

*wonders what happened to everyone*

Isabella Midnight said...

im not aloud to say DOG MEAT! so i hve nothing to say

Rachel McCoach said...

im here...just cant really thing of much to say...

the parents are waatching a disturbing medial program where a guy has little worm things in his eye. he can see them swimming about in his vision...

Aquila Felis said...

Eewww. Rachel, that's nothing I wanted to think about.

Dragona Pine said...

I think I'm going to stay. By leaving, I don't do it to get the people to do the thing that I want, because I'm not like that. I just think it would help people in the long run. There would be no arguments or anything without me here so people would be happier.
But I see that me leaving just causes even more disruption (you get the feeling I can't do anything right? :P) so I will stay. For now.
I'm sorry for all the arguments that I get into all the time and I hope most of you will forgive me. I would like Jaffa to change her name back though, she gets annoyed with me when I ask her to change it back. Or if not I'll just won't talk to her until she changes it back :P
I just don't see what I've done wrong with Nicolette tonight, she was trying to take away my title that I worked hard (well virtually) for. Then she said all the crap about me thinking I was better than her, which is exactly what I said it was, crap. I do not think that at all, we are all equals on this blog.
I'm not very happy about staying I suppose, but I do not want to disrupt the blog even more than I do already. I'm going through a lot at the moment and I would appriciate it if you guys would bear with me.
I do not like controlling people the way I do with the names and pictures but I really really really really really hate them, more than anything in the world, but yet there is no reason for it.

I have some new fanfic on my blog.

And if you guys fill this blog then move onto the overflow, OK?

*hugs Kallista*

I g2g now... night all...

*hugs Flo*


Aquila Felis said...

Night Dragona!

Aquila Felis said...

*hits the floor*
I'm FAR too used to this.^^

Hi Kallista! :)

Rachel McCoach said...

night Dragona :)
cya later

Aquila Felis said...

Kallista: I asked this before, but: why do you have to do so many chores?

Rachel McCoach said...

*sees kallista's vaccume*


*Suddenly goes flying in her hug*

oof! hey! im good thanks :)

but g2g- im watching our taped doctor who :) missed it earlier

aww and rest in peace Elizabeth Sladen :)

bye guys!

Aquila Felis said...

*cocks head*
*looks at her own room*
You'd propably be shocked then...


Aquila Felis said...

Bye Rachel!

Rachel McCoach said...

hehe thaks kallista :) *eats marshmallow*

right off!

Aquila Felis said...

Well, I have my guinea-pigs in my room, so there's always some hay on the floor (no carpet, luckily). And it has kinda dust... but apart from that it's not exatly dirty, too.^^

Isabella Midnight said...

bye every1 i wont be back on for 4 days

Aquila Felis said...

Bye Isabella!

Aquila Felis said...

*cocks head at Kallista*
Like those:

They're called Fallabellas.^^

Aquila Felis said...

It's no critter, it's an adult!^^
Fallabellas don't grow bigger than that. :)

Aquila Felis said...


Aquila Felis said...

Hi Lizzy!

Liz said...

Hey Aquila!

Liz said...

Hey Kallista! *glomps*

Aquila Felis said...

I'm suuuure you'll do that, Kallista. ;)

Liz said...

I'll eat the jellybeans :)
Sorry if i'm slow, multi tasking

Aquila Felis said...

Sorry, got to go now. See you the day after tomorrow (btw, why isn't there a word for this in your language o0).
Good night you two!

Liz said...

good night Aquila! have a good Easter!

Liz said...

I'm posting pics of something purple in a sec, hang on

Isabella Midnight said...

bk for wee while be4 my mum notices im downstairs >:D

Liz said...

LOl, Hey Isabella! how are you doing?

Isabella Midnight said...

im fine hws u

Liz said...

meh, i'm ok, i just spent about an hour decorating easter eggs

Isabella Midnight said...

*hugz bk* im fine how r u?

Isabella Midnight said...

lol i can think of 1.....

Liz said...

back, sorry, mum was glaring over my shoulder

Isabella Midnight said...

I might leave blogland .It's getting boring

Liz said...

What!?! are we not entertaining?!

Isabella Midnight said...

sometimes ur sometimes your not

Liz said...

NEW POST ON TEGI!! please read and comment!

Mar-Chu said...

*buzzes by screaming about easter eggs infesting room*

Mar-Chu said...

*runs into wall*

*pixies hatch out of eggs and attack moi*

*frenzied screams*

Mar-Chu said...

*runs away waving at people of blogland*

*pixes tow eggs and follow*

*dives into room where the pixies will now be living*

*octapus colony of people who buy clothing at ghastly's shop file into room next door with classy new clothing*

Mar-Chu said...

*clutches pixies*

hey! we may drive each other insane, but were family (a completely bonkers family, but still)!

*herds pixies into room*

bye Kallista!


*shuts door to do some serious renovating with all the eggs*

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

kallista if you are still there dragona has decieded to leave blogger

Isabella Midnight said...

bye see ya in 4 days

Rebella Sadistic said...

happy easter everyone in Derekland

Rachel McCoach said...

happy easter guys!

Right am off to bed now- tis almost midnight noo...

pleasant dreams folks!

Rachel McCoach said...

thnx kallisa :)


right deffo need to sleep...

*falls asleap in middle of blogland*

Mar-Chu said...

*stray pixie zooms out and paints mustash on Rachel's face*

*zooms back to Mar's room*

Mar-Chu said...

*another pixie zooms out and poked rachel to see if she'll wake up*

Mar-Chu said...

*waves wildly*

Happy Easter Derek!

Hah! I was the first one to say happy easter to you actually ON easter morning!

(very early morning but still. Its seven here)

Mar-Chu said...

*leaves easter egg on masters pillow*

*hops away*

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi all

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Happy Easter Derek!!!

It's been Easter now for about 15 minutes

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

*hopes that Mar is still here*

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Rachel McCoach said...

*wakes up momentarily*

:) happy eqster mar

but tis 20 past midnight here now...

*falls back asleep*

ps thanks for moustache pixies :)

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Rachel

And it's only really 18 past

Or something

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Jumps onto a ninja… monkey… thingamajig and squashes it into a frisbe.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

I'm guessing that Mar left


Liz said...

Hey Pyro!

Rachel McCoach said...

hi pyro :) yeah probably...
shouldnt u be asleep too if ur uk?

soz but Really g2g, have been stallin for as long as i ca

*falls down asleep in middle of bloglan- still with pixie drawn moustache*

night :)

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Lizzy!!!¡¡¡!!!

Bye Rachel!!!¡¡¡!!!


I wrote a really long comment but it wouldn't post as it was more than 4,096 characters


Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Liz said...

LOL, Hi Pyro *glomps* sorry i'm slow, i'm messing around on dA

Liz said...

oh, there you are *glomps* hey!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Kallista!!!¡¡¡!!!

Anonymous said...

Before I comment on this I want to post a comment I was going to post on your update about Valkyrie's sister, but some prat filled all the comments -.-

A big congratulations to the Landy family! She's gorgeous!
I think Aoife would be a really nice name for Valkyrie's sister, O Golden God. (Win for subtle ((or not so subtle)) flattery! But then, I have a feeling you love flattery, you receive so much of it from us, your loving minions.)


Aoife Edgely sounds pretty cool.

Oh damn, I'm going to have to write a fanfic chapter with baby Aoife should probably involve Fletcher singing her an inappropriate song and Skulduggery basking in his own glory. You should feel so proud.

I can't wait for Mortal Coil, and you can add a number of other generic comments in here.

As a completely unrelated note, you should watch A Very Potter Musical on youtube. Your life will be changed, I swear ;)

Basically, I think she should be called Aoife, and you should watch AVPM. Moving swiftly on...

Is the book cover something Valduggery-related? It probably isn't, but a Minion can dream.

It's too late for my brains to explode, they already did when Caelan and Valkyrie kissed. (I'll admit that while I hate Vaelan, you did the whole vampire romance thing in a pretty awesome way. You should like, re-write Twilight, Derek Landy style. With all the SP characters. Say what you like, but I think it would work...)

Does Tanith get de-Remnanted? Unlikely, I know, but she's a bit too kickass to be left to the Dark Side :L You know what would be epic? If Tanith was de-Remnanted, realised she had went out with Sanguine, walked up to him, looked him right in the eyes, and said - ''You're a shitbrain.''
Never gonna happen, but it would be awesome.

On a plus side, your medication should be letting you live the Finbar Experience! (I've always imagined him having a fondness for soft drugs after rockin' out at Glastonbury.) But your great and glorious mind indeed should return to normal soon, to the happy squeels of your followers :)

Respect, Big D.
(Can I call you that? No? I thought not. *Sighs*)

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...












Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

The tinfoil castle begins to sparkle as power is restored, the sun shines and everyone laughs

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

I think my comment more than doubled the size of the page


Liz said...

LOL, i think so Pyro

Liz said...

Yay, we're all prats!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Where did everyone go?

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Ok there you are


Liz said...

Sorry Pyro but i have to go now, I'm going to watch a movie with my dad

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Has anone seen doctor who yet?

(assuming that I'm not the only doctor who fan here)

Liz said...

never mind, he says he doesn't want to :/

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Bye Lizzy!!!¡¡¡!!!

Liz said...

Sorry Pyro, i keep meaning too watch it but i don't know where to start. i'm more of an Anime girl for the most part

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Forget the bye then

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Has the first episode actually been shown in America yet?

I don't know wether America is ahead or behind UK, timewise.

Liz said...

Hey Pyro, is Octa around? i want to ask him something

Liz said...

Well a lot of my friends watch it here

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

He's asleep at the moment but I could tell him your question when he wakes up

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Anyone about? :]

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Skyril!!!¡¡¡!!!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

~glomps all of them~
Hiya! :]

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Have YOU seen the new episode of doctor who yet?

Liz said...

I'm going now actually, i'm going to watch mum make her Easter breads. I'll be back soon :)

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

No :/ I don't have any sort of cable or satellite or anything. It's probably why I don't watch things on tv very often...

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Bye Lizzy!!!¡¡¡!!!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Oh alright Farewell, Lizzy!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

~points finger at him accusingly whilst narrowing my eyes~

YOU haven't read my fan-fic!
Neither my regular one or the first part of my side one! :P
LOL no, you don't have to, but maybe if you want to sometime. :]

The beginning is the prologue. Not part one. :]
It's the first thing on my blog. So the oldest.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

So you don't have BBC America?

(I have pretty much no idea what American channels consist of)

I have digital but even without, I could watch BBC

Then again, BBC are the main channels in UK soooo

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

~places hand out for the Kallista bird to land on~
Hello, Kallista! :]

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Nope! Don't have BBC... which is very sad....

N said...

*scuffles on* Heya everyone! :D

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

I have Netflix, though [A thing you can get which you pay monthly. It lets you watch some things instant;y and other things they send you in the mail] which let me watch seasons 1-4 instantly Then I bought all 5 seasons and the specials. :] I have to wait till this season is over and it's out on dvd to watch it :/

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hello! :]

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Ooo You have ideas! :D That's a very good thing!

N said...

Skyril!! *glomps*
Kallista!! *glomps*
Pyro!! *glomps*

N said...

S'ok, Kallista! :D I'm here to help! *switches to superman costume and stands in a dramatic pose* :D

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Waits for Kallingfisher to return to the tinfoil castle on my head


I've added your blog to my Internet tabs, which don't disappear, even if I turn my iTouch completely off so I can start reading the stories as soon as I can without leaving now and making the excellent author of such a high quality standard of writing lonely…


That sounded REALLY sarcastic but it wasn't meant to

I read the first few lines of the short story and I had to force myself to come back here rather than read all the way to the end and desert everyone

N said...

I love the kings speech, Kallista! Such an awesome film! :D

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Aww, Pyro :D
~glomps him~
Thank you! :]

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Tristessa!!!¡¡¡!!!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Well it has the doctor in it

Can I say where it was filmed?

Pwetty pwease?

N said...

*stares at the tinfoil castle in awe*

Can I... can I poke it? *smiles sweetly*

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

~trys to think of a knight movie I've watched~
Oo! Oo! I like a Knight's Tale! :]

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

:P Sure, Pyro
Where was it filmed?

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Quickly makes a defence wall out of sand that protects the tinfoil castle on Pyro's head

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

The first stirrings is filmed in America

N said...

*peers, wide-eyed at the castle with the sand defence system* Shinyyyyyyyyyyyyy.................. :D

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


I HATE autocorrect


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

By the way, I've posted four things on my blog since the last time you saw it, I think. Two are parts of my regular fan-fic. One is a very short short story and one is a longer short story fan-fic. :P
So, just whenever you get a chance, I'd be glad if you looked at it. :]

~Grabs a styrofoam cup and a small piece of cardboard~

~puts the cup on my head on top of the carboard~

~Puts a snail in it~

~puts a rubber band over it and under my chin to keep it from falling off~


Hey! You can poke my STYROFOAM SNAIL castle!



Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Seriously, Pyro??! That's awesome! :D

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

LOL Skyril!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...


~looks confused~


Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


The rest is spoilers so I will try my hardest not to say much more

N said...

Okay Skyril, I'll take a look :D

Have you seen read my creepy horror story, by any chance? If not, here's a link...

Part two to come (when I figure out a few minor details in the plot). It's going to be short though... 2 or 3 parts? :)

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Do you know the title?

Octa knew the title, the enemy, and sooooo much info before the series even STARTED!

N said...

@Pyro: Have you watched it? Isn't it awesome?!?! I won't say any spoilers either, for Skyrils sake, BUT I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

AHH! I want to see it!!
~slaps self~
Who me?
Oh come on, you know I've never been patient!
Well TRY to be!!
It will eat you up constantly otherwise!
But... but..... It's Doctor Who... IN AMERICAAAAAA!!!!
I know! I KNOW! I'm just as crazy about it as you are, but I'm... patient... well I'm not PATIENT, but I'm trying not to think of it so I won't desperately want to watch it....
Alright.... I'll TRY to be "patient," as you put it....
~rocks back in forth in a coner~
I'm NOT thinking of Doctor Who!
I'm NOT thinking of Doctor Who!
I'm NOT thinking of Doctor Who!
Oh no!! I'm thinking of Doctor Who as I say I'm not thinking of Doctor Who!!!
Ok.... ummm

I'm NOT thinking of you know what!
I'm NOT thinking of you know what!
I'm NOT thinking of you know what!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Sorry Skyril,

I should have waited a few months I guess

N said...

Tinfoil is the answer to all our problems :D

Or at least according to my physics lessons...

Teacher: How can we reduce heat loss through the walls of the house?
Me: You could cover it in tinfoil.
Teacher: Yes, very impractical, but it would work.

Teacher: How could you reduce heat loss through the roof?
Me: You could try covering it in tinfoil.
Teacher: Yes, sticking with the tinfoil theme then.

Teacher: How could you reduce heat loss through the ceiling?
Me: You could cover it in tinfoil.
Teacher: Yes. Tinfoil again.

Teacher: How could reduce heat loss through the floor?
Me: *puts hand up*
Teacher: Are you going to say tinfoil?
Me: *puts hand down*

Teacher: How could reduce heat loss through the radiator?
Me: You could put it in a vacuum.
Teacher: I'm surprised you didn't say tinfoil.
Other girl: Or you could cover it in tinfoil.

Teacher: How could you reduce heat loss through the window?
Me: Tinfoil?
Teacher: *sighs* I hope that in the exam, you won't answer tinfoil for every answer...
Me: No...

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

No, I haven't! I'd like to, but I don't have much more time on the computer right now. I'll be catching up with stuff on monday and Tuesday.
Where's your followers section?

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

It's ok Pyro. I'll survive somehow :]

N said...

Interesting ideas you have there Kallista... need I remind you that this is a horror story? :)

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

LOL Tessa! :P

Anonymous said...

Anyone on?
I'm at my mom's house now, so the blog is back to it's normal size xP

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


I can't say ANYTHING now


Do you know the NAME of the enemy?

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hello, Pandora!
~glomps~ :]

N said...

Followers section? Huh? Je ne comprends pas? *looks around, confused* HELP ME!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Pandora!!!¡¡¡!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Skyril!
Hi Tristessa!
Hi Pyro!
Hi Kallista!

*glomps you all*

N said...

Hello Pandora!! *glomps*

@Pyro: Doesn't it begin with an S and end with an E? That's what they said in all the confidential videos online. ;)

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

I don't like the circus

It enslaves children and kills them horribly


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

lol! You know, the little section that says "followers" and where people who come to your blog can click to, well, follow?
Look below Derek Landy's biography section up on the top right of this blog.
I think everyone automatically has one... Although you can probably remove it... did you do that?

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Yes and I know all the letters in between

N said...

@Pyro: Noooo.... that's just my sick minded, depressed brain from the summer (when I had the idea- I went through a seriously depressing stage). I only just got down to writing it recently! :D

Anonymous said...

Pyro- Wut?! o...o

Wait... I think it's the baby elephants they enslave and kill horribly, actually. I dunno. I just remember seeing a bunch of protesters outside waving signs about such when we went to the circus once...

Anonymous said...

Good to see you too Kallista!
How're you? [:

N said...

Yeah! I have 14 followers! :D

No, Pyro- I know the letters in between too- I just don't want to ruin it for Skyril :D

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Ok, guys, I have to go now. I'm already late for coloring some eggs!
Farewell! Hope to see y'all soon! :]
Hope you, tessa, and you, Pyro, enjoy the stuff on my blog! :]

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Read the EPIC story written by Tristessa to understand the circus and the children thing

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

I claim this page for Kallista, Pyro and Tessa! You awesome folks! :]

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...



Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

:P Ok farewell!

Anonymous said...

Well... not see SEE you, but sort of see you... you know what I mean :P

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

I claim the page for all minions ever!

Anonymous said...

Bye Skyril! Happy Easter [:

Anonymous said...


Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Bye Skyril!!!¡¡¡!!!

Anonymous said...

Ack, caps lock.
Pyro- Ooh, 'kay

N said...

Thanks Pyro! *smiles sheepishly* It's not that good...

Pandora, if you want to read my story...

N said...

Aww! Bye Skyril!!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...












Nice to have the page back to normal size


N said...

Switching to my phone now... sorry if I don't comment as often :)

N said...

Gee, thanks Pyro ;)

Anonymous said...

Lol Pyro xD

Hold on, gonna go read Tristessa's story (:

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...












I wonder, if I post this before every comment if I shall break the comments


N said...

Now you've made more work for my thumb when scrolling down... Alas! *faints into an appropriately placed beanbag*

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Which phone Tristessa?

A touchscreen?

Like an iPhone or something?

N said...

I will have superhumanly strong thumbs after this.

Anonymous said...


SCARY but AWESOME, TRISTESSA! It's like a dream, but very detailed, I like the style :D
It's like Cirque Du Freak, but much darker...

N said...

Yes. It's an iPhone. :D

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Now I shall destroy the blog universe


Anonymous said...

Lucky duck ;P

N said...

Thank you, Pandora! :) Glad you liked it :)

Anonymous said...

*A black hole appears*

*Pandora screams, and grabs a marble pillar as the blog-o-verse begins to get sucked in*

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Keeping silent about doctor who so as not to spoil it for anyone is SOOOOOOO hard!


N said...

Hey! I paid for it :D

No Pyro, no! *faints again, this time onto a random duck on the middle of the floor.... Ouch :)

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


And I sooo wanted to destroy stuff

Looks like I'll have to wait for next year to cause destruction

Ah well

N said...

I was going to suggest to Skyril that she disguised her VPN using one of the many available applications on the web and streamed the video through BBC iplayer. :D

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else randomly start narrating their lives?

Like, today, I was thinking to myself: "And, as Pandora tromped through the weed over-grown garden to turn on the house, trying in vain to avoid getting prickers and such in her jeans, she thought..." ect, ect d:

Gahh, what is all that screaming coming from the living room about?
Ohh, their watching Resident Evil... that'd explain it...

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