Wednesday, April 20, 2011


While I'm not one hundred percent back to normal, I'm certainly getting there. The medication I've been given seems to have scattered my mind a little bit, making it hard to focus- but there are only a few pills left, and once they're gone, my great and glorious mind shall return...

In the meantime, I just want to let you know that at some stage over the next few days, I'll be posting the REAL cover to Skulduggery 6 here on this Blog, and not Tom's sketch that has been doing the rounds on the interweb. Along with that, you'll also be getting the official title, which may or may not be what you're expecting.

At the moment, Tom is finishing up the cover and it's looking- no surprise here- absolutely amazing. You better have a bucket handy, because when the cover is revealed your heads are going to explode and your brains are going to need something to leak into. Which is, I'll freely admit, somewhat gross.


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amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

dragona that is what i got told to fix up and in my opinion it sounds too much like skuldduggery in a way you know

Jaffa Morbid said...

Hi Krane, I don't think we've met
*shakes hand*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

JAFFACAKES OF DOOM! LOL!... and vlad/krane, jaffa isn't new... ?!

Prophet said...

I like the name Jaffa +its not your choice

Jaffa Morbid said...

No Dragona, I like my name like this, accept it

Prophet said...

I met new to my knowledge Lilth

Jaffa Morbid said...

What choice?

I've been on the blogs for a few months :P

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*rolls around on floor eating jaffacakes and reciting ears poem*

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

do you agree with them dragona not that i care i know i need to fix it up alot but i cant do it by myself well i have to do the detail and stuff by myself but i suck at grammar and puncuation and i need help with that so if i could get any help that would be great

Dragona Pine said...

Well OK, bye then. Jaffa this is your fault soley. I gave you a second chance, and you blew it. If you knew the amount of crap I was going through at the minute you wouldn't act like a bitch like you are doing.

Jaffa Morbid said...

Mmmmm, yummy jaffacakes :P

Dragona Pine said...

Amelie, just before I go. No I don't agree with them. I agree the storyline is much like Skulduggery but I like it.


Lilith Nightshade... said...

*looks at dragona's comment and jaffa's reply*

*bursts out laughing*

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

i agree cuz if people change their names we might not remember that and think they are someone else

Jaffa Morbid said...

Well Dragona, farewell. But I suppose you don't know what my lifes been like at the moment, huh? Don't judge someone until you know them fully. I'm sorry about whatevers happened to you but me changing my name was just a bit of fun and you can't control what I do.

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

its not ment to be a fanfic it is just a story i dont wont it to be like skulduggery

Lilith Nightshade... said...


*rolls around on the floor*

*rolls off cliff*

*as she falls, wonders how this cliff is always just appearing here*

Jaffa Morbid said...

Lol Lilith

*helps her get up*

Min (Thalia) said...

Bye Dragona....I hope I still see you around occasionally...

Lilith Nightshade... said...



i hate names now...

Rachel McCoach said...

right deffo need to go now. the garden awaits!


:) poor lilith and the cliffs...

Lilith Nightshade... said...

THERE! now people know that i hate names!

Prophet said...

No Lilith they just think you dont want a name
make your name I hate names

Rachel McCoach said...

haha lilith...i think we should all do that for a while :)

right deffo gone now

Dragona Pine said...

Lilith change your name back!

Forgoodness sake. I've had enough of this bloody blog. I'm never coming back, I promise you. I just can't take Jaffa acting like a bitch at the moment and then you change your name too!
Bloody hell.

Goodbye guys.

Lilith Nightshade... said...


Prophet said...

*laughs at the name problem*

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

well i know what i know and i dont care what other people think well i do but sometimes i think there wrong about my work although they might like it i think it could be better and thats what i am going to do it will still be the same sort of cuz i dont wont it to be like skulduggery cuz that is illegal (well it can be )

Dragona Pine said...


Lilith Nightshade... said...


Prophet said...

*continues laughing*

Prophet said...


Lilith Nightshade... said...

*glares at vlad/krane*

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

dragona please dont leave if you do come back but we all will miss you ok thats y i created your dedicated blog so that you would know that we still want you here dont leave cuz of a couple of people

Jaffa Morbid said...

You know what dragona? Have you ever thought about what might be happening to us? If you do know, do you care to explain the cuts on my wrists? Or the various other things happening to me alone?! I'm not being a bitch, I just changed my name cause I needed a bit of fun but I guess I stuffed that up just like how I've stuffed pretty much everything else I do!

Dragona Pine said...

Lilith, if you think changing your name for me to come back will make me return, it'll just make it worse. So just don't bother. I'm leaving and never coming back, I've had enough of this shit now.

Jaffa Morbid said...

I'm sorry dargona, did you just ignore what I wrote in my last post?

Lilith Nightshade... said...

dragona, i didn't change it to make you come back, i changed it 'cause i was annoyed at stupid names for making you go away! i didn't want you to go! and think of kallista!

Lilith Nightshade... said...


Prophet said...

Y would he think of Kallista to come ba-oh

Dragona Pine said...

I don't care what you wrote in your last post Jaffa.

Lilith, just change it back. I might pop in sometime if you do.

Min (Thalia) said...

I g2g guys...

Dragona, I hope you don't leave forever. You're a great friend and will be sorely missed by a lot of people if you do.

Ok, bye all.

*hugs everyone*

*wanders off*

Prophet said...

if it will help you can punch me in the face to get rid of your anger

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

ok every body just stop argueing about what ever no one knows what is happening to anyone else ok but that becasue we only know each other about what we have in commen which is our adoration for the skulduggery books so dont go argueing ok he cant explain the cuts on your wrist just like you cant explain why he is a little upset at the moment now we are all dereks little minions and i dont think that he would like to see yous all argueing ok now just stop

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*sighs* FINE DRAGONA! but i'm only changing it if you stop getting so... PISSED OFF whenever anyone changes their profile! i am only doing this because you left! if you would just reign yourself in, i wouldn't always be so dramatic and-

oh HELL!... is my face supposed to have blood all over it?...

Prophet said...


Jaffa Morbid said...

Bye Thalia!

I'm sorry, did anyone read my last post? Cause I admitted one of my biggest secrets in there but oh well, who cares!

Jaffa Morbid said...

Are you ok Lilith?

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

i read it jaffa but did you read mine cuz i dont like people arguing

Dragona Pine said...

You tried to slit your wrists Jaffa?

Jaffa Morbid said...

Yeah, sorry Amelie. I just get a bit worked up and stuff sometimes :/

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

see the caring that i hope is in that comment that is what this is ment to be us caring about things not argueing all the time

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*puts hand up to face*

sorry guys! gotta go a second! i'm SERIOUSLY bleeding bad...

bck in a few mins!...

Jaffa Morbid said...

Yes Dragona, I've self harmed before cause of what's been happening in my family and stuff, so don't you dare tell me I'm a bitch for changing my name

Min (Thalia) said...

(popping back in for a second)

Jaffa, I read your last post. Please don't cut. I don't know what's happening with you at the moment, but I hope thing get better for you soon. We're here for you, my friend.

*hugs Jaffa*

Ok, now g2g. Bye all.

*wanders off*

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

ok bye

Dragona Pine said...


Jaffa Morbid said...

Ok Lilith, I hope you're ok!

Prophet said...

Lilith Dragona's back so please be alive

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

see know evverybody is caring this is what it is ment to be there is enough anger and hatred and war.arguments in the world i want this to be the one place that isnt full of hatred and those things i would like it to be a peaceful place

Jaffa Morbid said...

Sorry Amelie
*looks guilty*

Dragona Pine said...

I'm fed up of this shit.

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

i may not be the oldest on this site but i seem to be the only one who cares about the peace on this blog and i am only 13 for crying out loud i thourgh older you get the wiser but apparently only in some cases (no offence intended)

Prophet said...

G2G please dont kill anyone Dragona

Jaffa Morbid said...

I've self harmed and had a small eating disorder before. You guys fixed me, made me feel wanted. Thank you.

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

why dragona explain and hopefully we can sort this thing out now y do you hate it when people change their profile names

Jaffa Morbid said...

I agree Amelie, I really am sorry

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

eating disorders are never small jaffa they may seem that way but they are not

Jaffa Morbid said...

Trust me Amelie, It didn't last long :)

Dragona Pine said...

There is no reason for it, or one that even I don't know. I just hate it LOADS and I mean loads. I'd give anything for people NOT to do it, especially at the moment. My grandma is laying in a hospital bed, she's definatly going to die, she'll be lucky if she survives until Sunday, I was closer to my grandma than I am my mum or dad. That makes it worse. Then I have people on here complaining about everything I do which I'm fed up of, and then also I have some people changing their names and pictures which I can't take right now! I'm fed up of this damn blog at the moment.

Jaffa Morbid said...

Hang on, aren't you in Aus Amelie? Why are you up so late?

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

well still dragona are you still here

Jaffa Morbid said...

Blogsville is like a black hole (in a good way) even if you try to leave, you always get sucked back :)

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

its holidays and only saturday but ok then dragona i know what you are going through i went through it a couple of years ago too and as for the whole blog thing why dont you take a break and come back when things arent soo bad or just when ever someone does something you dont like talk to them about it or get off for a little bit and come back on later when you have calmed down

Jaffa Morbid said...

I left then came back later after the whole incident with Alexandre happened

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

see dragona your not the only one who has been through what you are going through and we are here to help not make it worse

Lilith Nightshade... said...

hey umm.. guys, i'm gonna be gone for a little bit longer than i thought. my brother actually was holding his pen-knife when he punched me (idiot) and so i have a cut on my head. it turned out that the blood was running from the side of my head, and it was on my face because i was leaned forward. it's not very deep but... y'know. and so dragona, i am so, SO sorry about your grandma, but come back please. and umm... jaffa... a black hole?... nice... laters guys... i hope i can be on later...

Dragona Pine said...

Amelie, why? What's the point in just leaving for a part time? Things will just carry on as normal when I get back. People will complain about everything I do and people will have changed their names which will make me feel bad all over again. So why? What's the point. I just can't deal with the blog now! I'm fed up of this shit.

Dragona Pine said...

Bye Lilith.

Amelie, but some people ARE making it worse! Everyone knows of my hate of name and picture changes and they all know I can't deal with it right now but yet the stupid people do it anyway. What's the point? If they were my friends they'd understand.

Jaffa Morbid said...

Oh My Gosh, are you ok Lilith?! I hope you'll get that cut cleaned up quickly!
Hope you're ok!

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

thats y i said talk to them explain and ignore the people that complain eventually they will get the hint and either stop or leave because they will find out that if the complain that they are not welcome and the name thing y does it annoy you so much

Dragona Pine said...

Amelie, if I talk to them... oh look they'll complain even more! And I don't know why the name thing annoys me but I really really really really hate it, more than anything.

Jaffa Morbid said...

I understand Dragona, but this is a free blog and I'm sorry, but I'm not going to change for everyone elses annoyances. Not everyone likes me, that's ok, I don't expect them to

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

if you must then only come on when people you know dont complain or change their name/picture are on and it will get better

Dragona Pine said...

Jaffa, just change it back. You said it was supposed "to be fun" yeh well, good luck with that.

OK, bye then Amelie.

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

what do you mean are you saying that i am one of the ones that annoy you i dont complain about you and i havent changed my name since i met you so

Dragona Pine said...

No, I'm not saying you're one of them Amelie. I was just replying to what you said, that's all. I know you've been a good friend.

Jaffa Morbid said...

Na, he still likes you Amelie, it's me he dislikes right now :P

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

oh i get it now you were saying bye cuz you were taking my advice?

Dragona Pine said...

Yes I was Amelie.

Rachel McCoach said...

*The orange cloud floats on by* gone for like half an hour...

hey everyone though! :)

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

ok then i can be a little slow when i am a little tired and bored and well my age

Jaffa Morbid said...

Hi Rachel!

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

heyy heyy

Jaffa Morbid said...

Ooh! It's about 12am, HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

where are you jaffa but happy easter everybody

Dragona Pine said...

Amelie, I'm sorry. However good your advice was I still promised I would leave and I always keep my promises. Anyway, nothing would change. Bye.

Rachel McCoach said...

hey :) im gonna stay clear o thins kind o convo...knowing me ill prob make it worse.

And Hi dragona, wherever u are :)

And omg lilith!! hope ur ok and dont die on us...if my bro did that...

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

aww i am sad now dont go we had this talk yesterday we all love you and dont want you to leave so please dont

Jaffa Morbid said...

@Amelie, I'm in NSW

@Dragona, BYE!

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

oh well then hahaha i am in qld but i am from vic

Jaffa Morbid said...

Cool, I live in NSW but I'm British, except I was born in Hong Kong. Kinda confusing, huh? Lol

Rachel McCoach said...

aww bye dragona if ur leaving. but please dont go forever- the blog would certainly be a worse place.

is NSW new south wales? my aussie geography isnt very good...

and here its still 3 pm on saturday. but happy easter to u guys


amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

yes it is rachel and here it is like 5 past 12 pm on sunday

Jaffa Morbid said...

I think you mean am not pm Amelie, lol

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

yeah thats what i ment i am tired so i think i might go to bed no night all i love yous and dragona plllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeee dont go

Jaffa Morbid said...

Bye Amelie!

Rachel McCoach said...

night amelie :)

Jaffa Morbid said...

I'm gonna have to go soon, cause there's no doubt that my sister is gonna wake me up early for the Easter egg hunt :P

Rachel McCoach said...

bye jaffa iv g2g as well. hope u get ur sleep too and happy easter.

hope u come back dragona. all fights can be mended with time

Jaffa Morbid said...

Bye Rachel!

Is anyone else still here?

N said...

*walks in*

Jaffa Morbid said...

Hi Tessa!

Sorry, but I gtg.

"I gotta get back to Hogwarts, I gotta get back to schoooool"
See ya!

N said...

Aww... Bye Jaffa!

Prophet said...

Anyone on?

N said...

Hiya Krane! Nice to meet you! *extends hand in greeting*

Jaffa Morbid said...

Hi, are you guys still there?

N said...

A message to Dragona Pine:

Hey. I don't have a clue why I'm writing this, but I am, okay? So listen up.

Dragona, I don't think I fully understand why you've left. Perhaps I never will. But I'm going to tell you some stuff. I don't know whether it'll help. For the most part, I don't think you want to know about other peoples suffering or thinking of other peoples feelings. It didn't really help me at all, it just made me more depressed. But, what helped me was prayer. I don't know, it's probably totally irrelevant. But having a faith in God, or what ever you believe is up there really helps.

Trust, because everything always turns out alright in the end. Maybe your an atheist. I don't know. But you need to put your trust in something, perhaps not God but someone else. A friend, a diary, anything. Because trusting is what helps us get through things. Believing in a better day. I know it sounds like a load of cheesy crap. But it helps.

Second thing. We'll miss you. All of us. Because annoyance doesn't last. Neither does dislike or even hate. We all enjoy your presence... your magic yorkshire pudding, the blog wedding. So don't think it's that we don't want you, we do. No one wants to hear that your upset. We all love you to bits.

Lastly, don't leave Dragona. You don't have to try and be happy, be less 'annoying'- all we want is you to come back. The blog will be a worse place without you.

Like all good speeches, I'm going to leave you with a quote. It's from an indian film, and it's my favourite quote of all time.... here's my rough translation. "If at the end, there's no happy ending, then the film isn't over." Don't leave us Dragona- the blog is better with you.

N said...

Heya Jaffa! *hugs* You're back! :D

N said...


Jaffa Morbid said...

It's almost 1:30am though so I won't be here for to long

I'm listening to AVPM songs on my iPod :P

N said...

What are you doing up at 1:30 am?

N said...

Hey Kallista!! :D *hugs* How are you!?!?!

Jaffa Morbid said...

Hi Kallista! I sent you an email

I'm awake because I can't sleep Tessa (does that makes sense?)

N said...

Yeah... it does :D

LOL Kallista :) I'm supposed to be tidying my room. ;)

Jaffa Morbid said...


N said...

XDDDDD Did somebody say Ron Weasley?

N said...

Aww... poor Kallista! *sends a ninja to do her housework for her*

Prophet said...

I now am back

Jaffa Morbid said...

Ooh, I had to do that the other day Kallista :/ not fun


Jaffa Morbid said...

Hi Krane, I don't mean to be rude, but how old are you?

Prophet said...

I'm Vlad with a little twist

Jaffa Morbid said...

Since when does Hogwarts have a hidden swimming pool?

Prophet said...

How old r u Jaffa?

Jaffa Morbid said...

I asked you first Krane :P

Prophet said...

Could everyone wait while I change my pic

N said...

I'll answer! (even though no one asked me) My mental age is 7 and my real age 14! :D

N said...

No, Krane we won't wait, we'll, to quote the Robinsons, KEEP MOVING FORWARD!!!!!!

Jaffa Morbid said...


Prophet said...

Like my new pic?

N said...


But seriously, I need to leave... BYE EVERYONE!!!!

Prophet said...

My mental age is 13
My fitness age is 12

Jaffa Morbid said...


Prophet said...

We must what?

Prophet said...

Thank you Kallista

Jaffa Morbid said...

Cool pic Krane.

My birth age is 13yrs old
My intelligence level is about 20yrs old
But my mental capacity is about 7yrs old

Prophet said...

The pic is a fire Demon
I wanted a half Demon pic but it never fitted in

Jaffa Morbid said...

Never mind Krane, most of the stuff I'm quoting only Tessa understands

Jaffa Morbid said...

Aww, bye Tessa!

Prophet said...

in case you haven't noticed

Prophet said...

U guys obsessed with anything?

Jaffa Morbid said...

I like aliens and 'mythical' beasts

Prophet said...

Like a cerberus?

Jaffa Morbid said...

I'm also obsessed with Doctor Who, Primeval and anything magic

Prophet said...

You mean Matt Smith
Nick Cutter(died)

Jaffa Morbid said...

Yeah, like a Ceberus (Fluffy! Have you seen Harry Potter?)

Prophet said...


Jaffa Morbid said...

You like that stuff too Krane? I reckon Connor and Abby shoulda gotten together a lot quicker than they did :/

Prophet said...

I think Lester owned the future predator

Isabella Midnight said...


Jaffa Morbid said...

Matt Smith and David Tennant have been the best Doctor's yet I think

Prophet said...

I think David was the best ever he got an award every year

Isabella Midnight said...


Jaffa Morbid said...

Hi Isabella!

@Krane-yeah. The actor who plays Lester is soooo funny!

Prophet said...

Bye Kallista and Isabella

Jaffa Morbid said...

Bye Kallista!

@Krane, who do you reckon was the Doctors best companion?

Prophet said...


Jaffa Morbid said...

Agree Krane, she was AWESOME! I cried when she got stuck in the paralllel universe :/

Prophet said...

G2G 4 now

Jaffa Morbid said...

Aww, bye Krane!

N said...


Jaffa Morbid said...

Tessa! Hi!

Prophet said...

Why u talkin about trolls

Prophet said...

what was with the aww when u said bye

Jaffa Morbid said...

Yay! Everyone is coming back!

Prophet said...

like zombies

N said...


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

I don't have a lot of time..., but Hello! :]

Prophet said...


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...


Hello, Krane! Pleasure to make your acquaintance! :]

Jaffa Morbid said...

Lol Krane, nvm.
Ah! I'm struggling to stay awake!

Prophet said...

Hey Skyril
*extends hand*

N said...

Hi Skyril!! *hugs*

I'VE GOT TO LEAVE NOW! *gasps* Goodbye... *slowly fades away*

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hiya, Jaffa!

~shakes Krane's hand~

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Aww farewell, Tessa!

Jaffa Morbid said...

Hi Skyril!

Bye Tessa!

N said...

*fades back*


*fades away again*

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

~narrows eyes~

Why are y'all yelling out fruits?

Prophet said...

It was something you missed

Isabella Midnight said...

hiii and whos Krane

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Ooh :P


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hullo, Isabella! Nice to see you again :]
I've only just met him miyself.

Prophet said...

I was called Vlad

Jaffa Morbid said...

I'm really hungry! Oh well, in a few hours I can eat...............EASTER EGGS!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hey, Krane!Do you like fan-fic? Because a bunch of us Skulduggery Pleasant/Derek Landy blogland folks write some. :] And a lot are QUITE good! I could refer you to some, if you wish. :]

Prophet said...

Yeah Easter!!!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Oh yes! In case I don't see y'all tomorrow,
Happy Easter!! :]

Prophet said...

All right Skyril

Prophet said...

Has everyone gone quiet?

Prophet said...

Has everyone left?

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