Monday, February 7, 2011

The Jitter Girls

Ah, the Jitter Girls.

They’re quite scary, you know. Scary and unstoppable. Or maybe more creepy than scary. But unstoppable. Definitely unstoppable.

I came up with the Jitter Girls as part of a script that never got made. In fact, it was this same script in which I came up with the idea for the Cleavers, as well. That script had a whole load of ideas, but unfortunately it just wasn’t very good. All these madcap ideas didn’t cohere into anything resembling sense, so I abandoned the script and started cannibalising my own stuff, taking what worked and using it somewhere else.

Which is why I’m writing about the Jitter Girls, ten years after coming up with them.

January was, basically, a month writing various short stories and whatnot. I had reached the halfway point of Book Six, and was quite comfortable with taking a few weeks off to get some other work done. Well, now I’m back at it, and I needed a new threat for the middle section and I was searching through this magnificent mind of mine and those creepy ol’ Jitter Girls just jumped right out at me.

I knew I’d get to use them, sooner or later.

I’m not going to tell you much about them, other than that they are currently giving Skulduggery and Valkyrie quite a hard time. I haven’t a clue how they’re going to be defeated, either. The way I’m writing right now, it looks like the Jitter Girls are going to kill our heroes and skip off into the darkness. Which, you know, would be bad for the rest of the book.

Oh dear. I seem to have written myself into a proverbial corner.

I should probably get back to work.


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Mar-Chu said...

i really HATE detective Marr. even if it has only one extra letter, its far too close to Mar.

Detective Marr is a #%/^~$!!!!!!! (befuddled)

Mar-Chu said...

i first saw the third skul-man book on the library shelf. the inside cover looked interesting, i searched and found the second book, i thought it was the first book, took it home, and quickly found out it WASNT. i still read it. then i read the first book, then the third book, fourth book, and the fifth book is sitting there on the floor haunting me...

Mar-Chu said...

*twirls the frypan in hand* *starts humming some odd japanese song*

baraku, diamonde, saaaayaaaa, lalalalalalalaaaaaa, i forgot the lyricsssssss, lalalalalala......

Tori said...

"Evil" hissed scapegrace
hi everybody :D

Mar-Chu said...

detective marr...does she die eventually? does a vampire eat her? i hope soo...


Tori said...

yum yum yum delicioso

Tori said...

...nobody wants to talk to me :'(

Mar-Chu said...

"You smell terrible"
"thats the smell of evil."
"its like rancid meat and bad eggs."

Mar-Chu said...


i was just looking back at the fourth book to type that~

Tori said...

oh yes Mar-chu
that is my favorite part of the book :D

Mar-Chu said...

the skulduggery books are magical~ yes yes~ thats how we all found it~

in fact, theres probably a pudgy little man who can do magic, an adept or something like that, and he turns all the books into magnets to your attention span or something like that...

Mar-Chu said...

yes yes~ i love that conversation~

Mar-Chu said...

tori is...tori. really....really...a magical kid who can sense the magnetic pull of the books and our attention spam...

Tori said...

i first found about the series in the 7th grade in my book club
it was one of the choices that we had and i thought it sounded cool when the visiting librarian told us about it
what she didn't tell us was that it was the best book ever written!!!

Mar-Chu said...

...dogmeat? huh? thats completely random...

Tori said...

i think i've met you before kallista, but its nice to meet you

omg, i'm listening to that new thriller song by glee and i can't get the thought of scapegrace and his little minion guy dancing to it :P

Mar-Chu said...

thrasher. the zombie is thrasher. a middle-aged man who nobody listens to.


Octa said...

Hey Tori.

Nice to meet you. I'm Octaboona or Octa if you so prefer.

Tori said...

hi i feel like i'm in one of those rehab rooms
"hello my name is tori"
everyone "hello tori"

Mar-Chu said...

meow~ hello octaboona~

Octa said...

Alone again? Twice? In about two hours?

Surely not.

Octa said...

Yay! Not alone!

Mar-Chu said...

meow meow meow~

Octa said...

Hey Mar-chu!

Mar-Chu said...

who do you like batter? sanguine or springheeled jack?

Octa said...


That's a hard one.

Sanguine is funnier. Or atleast he is in book 5.

I won't spoil it for you.

Tori said...

sanguine, even though he took tanith WHICH WAS NOT COOL!!!!!

Mar-Chu said...

they're both wonderful psychopaths~

Octa said...

I chose Gerald!

Mar-Chu said...


Octa said...

Tori! Mar-chu hasn't read Mortal Coil yet!

Mar-Chu said...

eh. he's okay. Gerald is....Gerald.

Mar-Chu said...

its tempting, and its currently haunting me from the floor~

Octa said...

Well Scapegrace then.

Tori said...

oh my god i'm so sorry i didn't know
now i feel bad

Octa said...

Don't feel bad :D

*chants in a depp voice*

Sucumb to the tempatation!

But that would mean you leaving.


Mar-Chu said...

i've read dark days...and i'm well aware tanith is going to be tortured in every book...

but Gerald my opinion Gerald should never have been a zombie. Gerald is....i like zombie number eight. he gets beat with a frypan~

Octa said...

But a zombie called Gerald. Isn't that hilarious :D

Mar-Chu said...

*waves the frypan around*

Tori said... it bad that i like Caelan

Mar-Chu said...

...does he eat anybody yet?

Octa said...

No. I love Caelan. The bad guys are the best!

Although I can't decide if Caelan is evil.

Mar-Chu said...


*waves frypan around*


Tori said...

he's evil....but in a good way
and he's got that whole "i'm eternally damned" thing going on
that, and he's a total hottie...during the day

Mar-Chu said...

Caelan should eat somebody. It'd be HILARIOUS!

Octa said...


Hop aboard :)

*Kallista climbs on Octa's back*

*shouts out directions*

Left. Faster! Faster I say! No tur around in circles!



Mar-Chu said...

*chases Octa and Kallista*


*jumps on Kallista who is on Octa*

Tori said...

caelan should eat fletcher....that might be how valkyrie turns into darasquee (or however you spell it)

Octa said...

*Octa staggers under the comvined weight of Kallista and Mar-chu but manages to straighten up*

Kallista: LEFT

Mar-chu: No RIGHT!

Both: FASTER!!!!!!

*Octa is left confuzzled and decides to go reft*

Octa said...

*Octa starts to recite Kallista's Feast*

Kallista: FASTER!!!!

Or I'll put you back in the cage. And no food.

Mar: And write me a poem right now!

Mar-Chu said...


Tori said...


Octa said...

*realizes that Kallista isn't on my back*

*spies a speeding trolly approaching with Kallista in it*

*Octa starts to run even faster*

Mar: Good boy. There's a good boy. Want a treat! Want a treat! Fetch!

*Octa-dog, bounds after the stick*

Mar-Chu said...


Mar-Chu said...

Octa: Mar, whats that on your frypan? its red...

Mar: NOTHIN! ITS NOTHIN! ONE MOMENT! *jumps off of Octa*

Kallista: YES! *jumps back on*

mar: *hurridly runs to the bathroom* *scrubs Kallista's blood off of frypan*
I completely forgot to clean it after yesterday.....

Tori said...

you guys need to read my latest babble
i think its super funny and don't forget to comment on it if you read it because i never get enough comments

Mar-Chu said...

*is skipping back* *stops* *eyes glint* *reaches for the fifth skul-man book*

Tori said...

haha nice

Mar-Chu said...


I. Hate. Solomon. Wreath. I. Will. DOMINATE HIM!!!!!!!

Octa said...

*snatches the frying pan from Mar-chu and runs off with it*

Mar-Chu said...

...well. I'm gone for what, thirty min., and you STEAL MY FRYPAN!?!?!?

in my thirty minutes gone, however, i have met the tessaract...or however you spell it.


*lights foot on fire* *starts chasing Kallista and Octa around with dumpling army following meh*

Mar-Chu said...

*sits down*


Mar-Chu said...


*logs off and starts to read book again*

i will be back tomorrow. maybe probably. ehhhhh~

Octa said...

I didn't fall asleep.

I was distracted by youtube :D

Octa said...

But I'm all alone :(

Octa said...


You there?

Octa said...

starts singing again


Octa said...


Octa said...


Octa said...


Octa said...


Octa said...


Octa said...


Octa said...

and lanthanum

Octa said...

and osmium

Octa said...

and astatine

Octa said...

and radium

Octa said...

and gold

Octa said...

and protactinium

Octa said...

and indium

Octa said...

and gallium

Octa said...

and iodine

Octa said...

and thorium

Octa said...

and thullium

Octa said...

and thallium

Octa said...

There's yttrium

Octa said...


Octa said...


Octa said...


Octa said...

and boron

Octa said...


Octa said...


Octa said...


Octa said...

and strontium

Octa said...

and silicon

Octa said...

and silver

Octa said...

and samarium

Octa said...

and bismuth

Octa said...


Octa said...


Octa said...

and barium

Octa said...

Hey Kallista!

Octa said...

I missed out beryllium.

Never mind :D

Octa said...

*hits youtube with a stick*

Don't ever distract me again you hear me!

*youtube chases Octa around the blog*

I'm sorry for hitting you!

Don't eat me!

Octa said...

*searches the blog for Mar-chu with her trusty fryingpan*

Octa said...

*youtube tries to eat Octa but chokes on the cocktail umbrella*

Ha! Take that youtube!

Octa said...

Dancing time!

Octa said...

*Octa and Kallista stride out onto the dancefloor*

*They sway to the beat of the drums and the sounds of the violins*

*Octa and Kallista sparkle and glow as the fireflies gather round*

*We spin and twirl as the other people look on enchanted*

Mar-Chu said...


I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack...

Mar-Chu said...

i was about to fall asleep, but something pulled me back.
maybe it has something to do with how much i love everyone in blogland...but i love the golden god the most~ yes yessssssss...

Octa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mar-Chu said...

*stretches like a cat*

i had a wonderful idea for my has somehing to do with dusk biting a character and i cant decide if she should die or not. but that probably wont be the best idea since its my character...

Mar-Chu said...

...hello? Octa? u there?

Octa said...

Hey Mar-chu!

Mar-Chu said...

*swears at Bill-Ray in japanese*

Mar-Chu said...

oh, hello!

Octa said...

I'm here.

I think Kallista might be having computer problems.

Mar-Chu said...

you should meet stanley. he's real nice~

Octa said...

I was right :D

Kallista- I'll send you the deleted post via the blogger messenger thing.

Octa said...


But not of us tried to get it.

That must be the first time ever!

Mar-Chu said...

computers are unpredictable.

*yawns like a cat* *curls up around Octa's feet*


Mar-Chu said...

meow meow meow~

Mar-Chu said...

*cough* *sputter* *cough cough*


*looks at Kallista*

Mar-Chu said...

*cough* *sputter* *cough* *draws frypan*

Mar-Chu said...


Octa said...

*Octa disentangles his feet from Mar-chu and hides the frying pan behind his back*

*smiles innocently*

Mar-Chu said...

*hiss* *cough* *sputter* *eyes glint when looks at Octa*

*walks over to Octa and leaves a nice hairy gift in front of her*

*eyes glint evily*

Mar-Chu said...


Octa said...

*stares in horror at the pulsating lump of fur*

*drops frying pan*

*runs off screaming*

Mar-Chu said...

*jumps on Kallista's head and curls up like a living ball of fluff*

Mar-Chu said...


Octa said...

*yawns sleepily*

Mar-Chu said...

*jumps up and curls around Octa's feet again*

Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow.

Octa said...

*starts dozing off with a nice warm cat around ankles*

Mar-Chu said...

*falls asleep too*

Mar-Chu said...



*gets frypan out and chases Kallista*


Mar-Chu said...

*in half run* *drops* *yawns* '

yeeeeeeeeeeeee. i'm..i'm...

*falls asleep*

good bye~ see everyone tomorrow...

Mar-Chu said...


Tori said...

darn, i'm finally able to come back on and everyone's already left :'(

Tori said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tori said...

nice lol
i was like "there's another person here? omg"

Tori said...

oh nice

Anonymous said...

Ok guys if you are going to comment, please do it on something RELATED TO DEREK please and thank you. I am soooooo keen for Skulduggery and Valkyries next adventure! And I am highly anticipating the movie!!! OMG :) I am a H U G E Skulduggery Pleasant fan!

Anonymous said...

hey, I have an idea. Shoot the Jitter Girls in the face. It always works. And it's really funny, I did that to one of my characters that I didn't like. It's so much fun!!!!!!! I'm evil, aren't I? >:D

Katie Louise said...

hey, anyone around?

Katie Louise said...

KALLISTA! hey, i've just come back from school :/

Katie Louise said...

yeah, i got your comment thanks. yeah, i'm fine, thanks for your concern.
school was ok, i'm gonna update my blog in a minute so you'll find out soon! :P

Katie Louise said...

*joins in with the Pancake dance*

Katie Louise said...

*lies on the floor laughing her head off*

so who's your maid of honour and bridesmaids and stuff?

Katie Louise said...

awww, ok. i should be doing homework but i'm not!ooh, i'm such a rebel! lol

Lily Thornton said...

OK OK I'm only on for like not even 5 minutes, but I really wanted to say HI!!!! and Kallista...what language, if it even is a language was that up above?? I'm just thinking as I looked at it, WTG??

Awww, but my smurfs are so excited for the wedding...

Katie Louise said...

lol, my mum's gonna kill me if it's not done by the she gets back! hehehe

Katie Louise said...

LILY! hi

Lily Thornton said...

hi!! If Kallista is still there i say hi to her too.

Katie Louise said...


Lily Thornton said...

BAD SMURF!!! You know better than to bite-oh wait, you don't know better. Well now you do! BAD SMURF!! What languages?

Katie Louise said...

i'm hungry

Katie Louise said...

brb, getting some food

Katie Louise said...

i'm back

Katie Louise said...


Dragona Pine said...


Lily Thornton said...


Dragona Pine said...

Anyone on?

Dragona Pine said...

Hi Lily. I haven't talked to you in ages!

Dragona Pine said...

You still here Lily?

Dragona Pine said...


Jasmine Lovelace said...


Dragona Pine said...

Hi Jasmine!

Jasmine Lovelace said...

whats new pine?

Dragona Pine said...

Me and Kallista are still getting married (Dunno if you were there or not)

Jasmine Lovelace said...

oh! congratz =)

finaly you'll stop with the beer =p

Dragona Pine said...

Yeh... I've stopped :P she says it's postponed until she sorts out her feelings, but I don't know if I've done something wrong or it's how you guys feel about it.

Jasmine Lovelace said...

im pretty sure it's how we feel about it

but you both really shouldn't care about our reactions, it's what makes both of YOU happy =)
(but you do remeber this is a blog right? )

Dragona Pine said...

I know, but Kallista thinks we're getting further away from you guys and you won't think as highly of her if she marries me. And I know it's a blog... but it's a FUN blog. If it wasn't a blog I would be more heartbroken than I was yesterday.

Jasmine Lovelace said...

um that hardly even makes any sense...

both of you get virtually married = us disliking kallista.....i really don't see the connection...

Dragona Pine said...

That's what I was saying. People seem really happy for us but Kallista doesn't think they are.

Jasmine Lovelace said...

they'r probably just shocked......
i mean it is JUST a blog to everyone else i gusse....i gusse the blog dosn't mean as much to them as it dose to the both of you....

Dragona Pine said...

Hey, the blog's the best thing I've ever done... :/

Jasmine Lovelace said...


talking about blogs i was thinking of taking a brake...i mean my mom thinks im practically addicted ....well i gusse she's right, i am on the blog at 11 in the morning =p

Dragona Pine said...

Please don't take a break Jasmine. You aren't addicted. I'll be a loner every single morning otherwise :( please?

Jasmine Lovelace said...

umm dragona its 11:30 am where i live...i have a holiday form school for today and tmm...thats it...after that i doubt ill ever come in the morning...=p

Dragona Pine said...

I'm on the blog at 7:30 am :P

Dragona Pine said...

Please don't go Jasmine. Please! Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please don't go!

Jasmine Lovelace said...

lol nicolette is still there....

yup i think im gonna have to take a brake starting tmm =p

Dragona Pine said...

Nicolette hardly ever comes on in the mornings. I'll be a loner every single day :( PLEASE don't take a break, please don't Jasmine :`(

Jasmine Lovelace said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dragona Pine said...

Just please don't take a break Jasmine. You're a wonderful friend and I'll be a loner loads without you here. You aren't addicted though, I only see my friends at school and I'm not addicted... please don't Jasmine... please don't :(

Jasmine Lovelace said...

aww how sweet =)
but i gusse i could cut of days atleast....coz when im not on the blog, the blog i all i think about -p

Jasmine Lovelace said...

how about you meet up with your friends from school in the morning..thats what i usually do....=)

Dragona Pine said...

Jasmine, you don't have many days already, please don't cut down on your days or take a break. You come on here a fair amount and I don't mean that you come on here a lot. Please Jasmine... please? Pretty please with a cherry on top?

*puts a cherry on his head*

Dragona Pine said...

I live 5 miles away from the friend which lives closest to me... I don't think I can.

Jasmine Lovelace said...

*stares at cherry hungrily*

Dragona Pine said...

Jasmine, just please don't cut down on your days you come on here or take a break. I'll be a loner a lot without you here and you're a good friend... please don't. :(

I have to go now... I'll be on tonight, bye.

Jasmine Lovelace said...

oh right...5 miles...i just meet my friends on the bus...

lets stop with this leaving like chocolate milk???

Jasmine Lovelace said...


Rosella Embers said...


Unknown said...

Hmmm I think I'm going to brake this silence....

~grabs a chainsaw~

~hacks at the silence, finally destroying it completely~

There, now all you people out there, waiting for the silence to be destroyed may come on now and join the sound. :]

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hello, Molly :]

Unknown said...

Heya, Skyril!

Unknown said...

How ya been?

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