Monday, February 7, 2011

The Jitter Girls

Ah, the Jitter Girls.

They’re quite scary, you know. Scary and unstoppable. Or maybe more creepy than scary. But unstoppable. Definitely unstoppable.

I came up with the Jitter Girls as part of a script that never got made. In fact, it was this same script in which I came up with the idea for the Cleavers, as well. That script had a whole load of ideas, but unfortunately it just wasn’t very good. All these madcap ideas didn’t cohere into anything resembling sense, so I abandoned the script and started cannibalising my own stuff, taking what worked and using it somewhere else.

Which is why I’m writing about the Jitter Girls, ten years after coming up with them.

January was, basically, a month writing various short stories and whatnot. I had reached the halfway point of Book Six, and was quite comfortable with taking a few weeks off to get some other work done. Well, now I’m back at it, and I needed a new threat for the middle section and I was searching through this magnificent mind of mine and those creepy ol’ Jitter Girls just jumped right out at me.

I knew I’d get to use them, sooner or later.

I’m not going to tell you much about them, other than that they are currently giving Skulduggery and Valkyrie quite a hard time. I haven’t a clue how they’re going to be defeated, either. The way I’m writing right now, it looks like the Jitter Girls are going to kill our heroes and skip off into the darkness. Which, you know, would be bad for the rest of the book.

Oh dear. I seem to have written myself into a proverbial corner.

I should probably get back to work.


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Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Anyone here? I can't be on for long. :/

Aww, alright, Octaboona. :]
Glad your exam went well!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

And hope you can get it fixed soon!!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...



:] Yeah, sorry, I never got a chance to come on!
How are you?

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Mmkay :)

By the way, have YOU been to gaia lately?

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Aww wish I could have been there for you last night, Kal. :/

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

lol I do that sometimes too :]

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Don't feel bad about it. Everybody has those days!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Seriously, we're your friends! If we aren't here for you when you're low, we shouldn't have the privilege of being able to say Kallista Pendragon, that beautiful zombie goddess queen, is MY friend!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Thanks for letting me know! I haven't seen him for so long!! Perhaps he'll be on, on his birthday. :)

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hmm well, I don't think I'll be on later TONIGHT, but I likely will be on sometime this afternoon...
Hopefully I'll see you :]
Farewell for now :)

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Oh, good!

Liz said...

*wanders in* i'm supposed to be working on history homework right now :P

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Bleh! :P I loathe history homework!

Liz said...

History is ok, as long as its about WW2 :3

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

The only history I don't mind is ancient history. And I find history of the USA MOST boring. Which is probably pretty sad since, you know, I live in the USA and everything...

Liz said...

I think the history of the USA is fascinating, i love learning about the revolutionary war :)

Got to go now, i need a shower

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Alright. See you later!

Dragona Pine said...

You still here Skyril?

Dragona Pine said...

Hmm... :(

Dragona Pine said...

Hi Kallista!

*hugs her*

It's alright.

Dragona Pine said...

*Dragona steps infront of the smurfs and throws a grenade at them*

I WAS writing my story... btw, would you mind if we could have a private talk again?

Dragona Pine said...

*Dragona clones do-battle with the smurfs*

Dragona Pine said...

Lol Kallista. Ok, I'll see you there :)

Dragona Pine said...

I have to go for my tea now... I'll be back later, bye.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...


Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Heya Kallista! I'm sat at the table eating diner

Prawn rolls and chips with curry sauce

Nom Nom nom

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*watches smirks for a while*

OMG were are all my prawn rolls!!

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Sorry for slow replies I was eating :3

Brb Kallista

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Kallista no! *dies*

Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...

*uses magic yorkshire pudding to heal Kallista*

Dragona Pine said...

Hi Kallista! I don't mean to sound rude... but please may you change your picture back? This one doesn't suit you as much :)

Dragona Pine said...

I thought it was a football... you can't really see the difference. To me it looks like an asian girl with glasses being hit in the face by a football and looking quite pleased about it.

Dragona Pine said...

The bubble/football is cool.

Dragona Pine said...

*hugs Kallista back*

I honestly thought it was a football, but I didn't understand why she looked so pleased about it...

Geckogirl said...

*eagle swoops in*

*eagle turns into skylara*

is it just me or is it really cold in the sky today?

hi guys! ;)

Dragona Pine said...

Do you want to carry on our private converation? I had to leave for my tea and we didn't get time to talk properly :)

Dragona Pine said...

Hi Geckogirl.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Hey Kallista, Dragona

* eats moose *

Dragona Pine said...

Hi Nicolette.

Dragona Pine said...

Maybe THAT'S it Kallista :P

Geckogirl said...

hey nicolette!

*skylara turns into a moose and looks suspiciously at nicolette*

...i hope you meant a chocolata moose...*looks around suspiciously* you did mean a chocolate moose didn't you?

didn't you?

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Awe bambi I loved that film

Not as good as the fifth element :3 I wore the video to that when I was little supreme bean (being) I used to say


I also used to tug on my dads top and say dad can I watch you shoot zombies!

Lol all when I was 4, I blame him for my gaming addiction

*remeneses in her memories*

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

I did normal moose would be wierd

Falcon Rider said...

Hey everyone! How are we all?

Dragona Pine said...

I like Fifth Element, it's a good movie.

Dragona Pine said...

Hi Falcon.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Fifth element is epic!

*realises she is in chains*

What the- *trashes around trying to break off the chains atlround her wrists and ankles*


Geckogirl said...

*struggles to breath in hug*

hey kallista! so nice too see u again! your squeezing the chocolate moose out of me but...;)

hey falcon rider! im not sure if we've really spoken that much before! im geckogirl! *trys to shake falcon's hand but is too ingulfed in hug*

...ill give u an air hand shake...

Dragona Pine said...

I did Kallista, do you want to carry on the conversation we were having?

Falcon Rider said...

Hey dragona, kalista and gecko-girl.! :P

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Yeah! *breaks chains and voices on a bouncy castle*

Sorry Kallista but I will have to leave soon , mum doesn't like me being on this blog

She's always said I can't trust the people on here even though I know I can

Dragona Pine said...

Aww... I hope you come on again soon Nicolette. I don't see why your mum doesn't like you comng on.

Geckogirl said...

*sighs of relief from hug* ahhh, thanks kallista!

so, valentines day on monday!

my old friendship group are planning to send fake valentines to people. least i'll be getting one this year! don't you guys think that is so mean and imature? *tuts* some people...

Dragona Pine said...

If you wouldn't mind Kallista, I would like to talk again :)

Geckogirl said...

aww nicolette, i know what you mean!
my parents say i spend to much time on the internet and they are very over protective but i think ive earned enough of their trust to go on this blog ;)

Dragona Pine said...

I wonder how many valentines cards I'll get this year, if any... my record is 3 and for the past 3 years I've got 2. The bad thing is they're from tangerines :(

Falcon Rider said...

I like valentines day! we send random cards to the teachers from other teachers! you should see their faces!

Dragona Pine said...

Hey I have to go for a while... bye for now.

Falcon Rider said...

bye dragona and Kallista!

Falcon Rider said...

gotta go guys! see you soon!

Geckogirl said...

lol falcon! thats a good idea! ;)

Geckogirl said...

soz guys g2g byes!

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

She know what the blogs about but just doesn't like the fact I'm talking to people I don't know is all :)

I have to go but I'll be on later :D promise

Darkane Claw said...

Hey people.

Darkane Claw said...

Ah, no one's on. Aw, sad face. I'll be on later then.

Dragona Pine said...

Hi. I'm back, sorry about that.

Dragona Pine said...

Darkane, Kallista, Nicolette... anyone on?

Dragona Pine said...

Aww bloody hell... I'm a loner :(

Dragona Pine said...

*sits in corner and cries at his lonliness*

Dragona Pine said...

I got left for more than half an hour when I got back from school, then NOW I'm a loner AGAIN now. :(

Dragona Pine said...

Hmm... :(

Dragona Pine said...

3333 lol!

Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...

Well, yeh. I'll be bloody fine, I'll be sat here by my bloody self doing bloody nothing :(

Dragona Pine said...

There's ALWAYS someone on at this time. But now there isn't because you've all bloody left for reasons I bloody don't know :(

Dragona Pine said...

Why does everyone have to bloody leave? I'm a bloody loner and I hate being a bloody loner. Everything was being bloody good until today and then it's come all bloody crashing down into bloody me being a bloody loner. :(

Dragona Pine said...

What am I bloody supposed to do now? I'm here a loner not being able to do anything else... what am I bloody supposed to do? :(

Dragona Pine said...

Oh yeah... I'll go to bed early, night guys.

Lunar Tears said...

Have you gone to bed Dragona?

Dragona Pine said...

Attempting... am I dreaming or is this real? I never can tell being phsycic... at least it's someone to talk to.

Hi imaginary Lunar.

Dragona Pine said...

I was trying to go to sleep, if this isn't a dream, because I was bored out of my MIND. What am I supposed to do? I can't go on my PS3, and I can't do anything else except go to bed. I wonder if I can make the imaginary laptop implode...

Lunar Tears said...

Hi hallucinating Dragona.

Dragona Pine said...

Hi imaginary Kallista, wow this is a good dream :P

Lunar Tears said...

Aww... I probably have to go soon.

But at leasy Kallista's here...


And I know I did this last time but...

GUESS WHAT?!?!?!?!?!

Dragona Pine said...

*pokes Kallista to see if she's real*

So this ISN'T a dream. I was thinking I was lucky having someone to talk to in my own mind. Now I'm very lucky it's real.

Lunar Tears said...

*at least

Dragona Pine said...

What Lunar?

Aquila Felis said...

*eagle flies in and sits down on top of a small tree in a flowerpot*

Dragona Pine said...

Hi Aquila.

Is it a coincidence that everyone comes on when one person does?

Lunar Tears said...

I got another A* in my mock maths test!

I got the 2nd highest in the year!

Aquila Felis said...

In my case it is coincidence.

Lunar Tears said...

Hi Aquila!

Dragona Pine said...

Well done Lunar!

*hi-fives her*

Lol Kallista.

*picks her up by his heck and gets her in a fireman's lift*


Dragona Pine said...

Matteson's Smoked Pork Sausage - It's a PRIMAL thing.


Lunar Tears said...

Was I the person?

Because every Friday I got to my Nanna's, so this is the usual time I'll come on on Friday's

Aquila Felis said...

Hi Dragona, Kallista and Lunar!
(I didn't say 'Hi all' ^^)

Dragona Pine said...

Yes you was the person Lunar. I just don't think it's a coincidence that I was left alone for a while then you came on, then seconds later Kallista did, then Aquila.

Lunar Tears said...

Dragona, do you say PrImark or PrEEmark?

Just a random question...

Dragona Pine said...

Neither, I said PRIMAL.

Aquila Felis said...

*changes to human and high fives Kallista*
*takes a comfy chair*
*sits down*
I don't get why you like to stand all the time... ;-)

Dragona Pine said...

We stand most of the time because if something attacks us, then we will react quicker when we're standing up than sitting down.

Aquila Felis said...

Well, it actually IS coincidence. I just decided to come on instead of reading.

Lunar Tears said...

Is that like when people say Mataland?

Dragona Pine said...

*carries Kallista like a baby instead*


Lunar Tears said...

*hands Kallista £3.25*

I don't have dollars, sorry. :P

Dragona Pine said...

What's Mataland? It has nothing to do with shops or anything... you do know what Primal is... right?

Aquila Felis said...

Will Euros do? If not, I still have some DM around here...
*starts searching the DM coins she saved from being destroyed and melted*

Dragona Pine said...

Lol Kallista.

*puts some sun glasses on her*

THERE, you look cool :)

Lunar Tears said...


*laughs evilly for some reason*

Yes, Dragona, I do. I just asked, because of a conversation I had with some people on Saturday...

Lunar Tears said...



Dragona Pine said...

And what has that got to do with Primal? That was weird...

Lunar Tears said...

I just asked... It has nothing to with Primal...

*starts to get confused*


Dragona Pine said...

*does a backwards flip over Kallista, pinning her down on his way over and hugs her*

I'm just awesome :P

Aquila Felis said...

*gives Dragona a Primel instead*
I have no idea what Primal is, but it somehow sounds like Primel. ^^

(btw, a Primel is a flower)

Lunar Tears said...

*gives Dragona a noogie before he does some super-cool defence move that she'll just stand and watch*

Dragona Pine said...

Primal means territorial.

Dragona Pine said...

I'm afraid Lunar, you was too slow. I got out of Kallista's lock above somewhere.

Lunar Tears said...

There's the awesome move...

You type too fast, Dragona...

I have about 2 minutes before I have to go...

Dragona Pine said...

Kallista, do you want to have a private conversation again? WITHOUT having to go for my tea or my sister wanting to come on the laptop...

Dragona Pine said...

Lol, I'm not that fast of a typer.

Lunar Tears said...

Oh, I forgot to mention.

The girl who got the highest mark in the year, was the one who I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, the one that was in the highest group, but isn't really that clever... So that makes us look... Never mind....

Dragona Pine said...

Lol Lunar.

Lunar Tears said...

Just ignore my above comment.

NEVER underestimate a girl...

Or Dragona...

Dragona Pine said...

Ok Kallista. When we do have private conversations, I always try and be on both places (I have this on another tab)

Dragona Pine said...

I'll let you have first...

Lunar Tears said...

OK, g2g now.

Bye everyone!

*groans as she realises she has to go shopping and then visit family tomorrow*


Dragona Pine said...

Bye Lunar.

Aquila Felis said...

*builds a small cottage for Dragonas and Kallistas private conversation*
*turns back to cottage*
*puts hands on her ears and starts whisteling*

Dragona Pine said...

Lol Aquila.

Dragona Pine said...

*fastens rope around a table and does a flip into the hole of the rotten floorboards*

*falls upside down alongside Kallista*

*grabs her and pulls her back up to the blog*

Dragona Pine said...

Yeh, we'll still comment and we won't leave you.

Aquila Felis said...

*still whistles*
*watchs them trying to talk to her*
*decides to take hands down*
What did you say?


Dragona Pine said...

Lol Aquila.

Aquila Felis said...

You don't have to stay, though. I'd just do something else (like reading or watching videos). Don't worry about me. :)

Dragona Pine said...

We won't leave you Aquila.

Kallista, I don't know why your parents work you so much... but the pistachios that aren't open are BAD pistachios.

Dragona Pine said...

Hi Mar-chu.

Aquila Felis said...

They aren't Dragona. They just didn't open, but usually they aren't bad.

Hi Mar-Chu.

Mar-Chu said...

hello~ how is everyone doing today?

Dragona Pine said...

Normally they ARE bad. Some are alright and just have deformations, but most of them are BAD pistachios.

Aquila Felis said...

I'm fine, thanks.
How are you?

Mar-Chu said...

i'm planning on bringing my frypan to school on monday.

i was only gone for a week, i missed Soot's birthday, and now theres a rumor about me being gone on some exotic vacation.


Mar-Chu said...


Dragona Pine said...

I will Mar-chu! I can't resist a good fight :)

Aquila Felis said...

Exotic vacation... doesn't sound like a bad rumor to me.^^

Mar-Chu said...


but first: who thinks i should get my own blog?

Mar-Chu said...

oh, but my dear Aquila: i missed my best friends birthday and she probably thinks i desserted her.

i'm covering my sorrow with anger and revenge.

that and i cant stop smelling bubblegum...

Dragona Pine said...

Well... I can't decide for you Mar. It's your own decision. I don't mind... but what are you going to use it for?

Aquila Felis said...

bubblegum... I don't like it...
*remembers pizza-tating-healty-as-vegetable-bubbles*

Dragona Pine said...

Remember? You don't need to remember it, LOOK!

*points at pile of bubbles*

Aquila Felis said...

*hides in small cottage she built*

Mar-Chu said...

hmm...i dunno. maybe to rant. maybe to actually post things of importance. or maybe to post stories. like this. i had this idea last night~

Shana Hakumei was being kidnapped. She hated being kidnapped. It ruined her day. So she always did her best to ruin the kidnappers day. Today, her kidnapper was Billy-Ray Sanguine.

Shana was walking into a cafe, expecting to meet someone, and there he was, sunglasses and all.

He tilted his head and said, “You were just the person I was looking for.” and then he ran and punched her in the face.

Shana flew back into the street, dazed. She realized she was being pulled by the collar of her coat, and had cuffs on her hands.

'Well.' She thought. 'Ain't that just dandy?'

Shana was dropped into the passengers side of a car, and soon after she heard the drivers side opening and the car starting up.

Her head snapped up, and she blurted out “No body likes you!”

Sanguine laughed. “Oh, I don't think thats true. There are lots of people who like me.”

“And there are lots of good-natured people who don't.”

“So not everyone hates me.”

“Well I know I do.”

“And why is that?”

“Your too psychotic. You should be locked up. It'd be community service.”

“But I don't really want to be locked up. Is that a problem?”

“No. Not really.”

“Well okay then.”

Shana pulled her legs criss-cross applesauce. “Let me go.”

“I'm afraid I can't do that.”

“Why not?”

“I'm afraid I can't tell you.”

“Thats no fun.”

“I can't imagine it can be.”

“Let me gooooooooooo.”


“Or I'll start to sing camp fire songs...”

“I'd appreciate it if you didn't.”

Shana began to sing at the top of her lungs. “Da moose da moose, da moose da moose, swimming in da water, swimming in da water...”

“Stop it.”

“eating his supper, where did he go? Where did he go? He when to sleep, he whent to sleep. Da moose da moose...”

“Please tell me theres not another bloody verse.”

“Swimming in da water, swimming in da water, eating his supper, eating his supper, where did he go? Where did he go?”

“He went insane because your singing about him.”

“He went to sleep. He went to sleep.”

“Stop it.”

“Then let me go.”

“I can't do that.”

“Baby shark, doo doo do do do doo, baby shark doo doo do do do doo, baby shark doo doo do do do doo, baby shark doo doo do do do doo, baby shark!”

“%$+#” (befuddled)

“mama shark doo doo do do do doo, mama shark doo doo do do do doo, oh look theres Inyashi doo doo do do do doo, your going to get hurt doo doo do do do doo...”

something slammed on top of the car, causing it to swerve on the road.

A girl of about 18 stood in the road, dressed in all black. “Hello.” She said when Sanguine got out with his razor. “I belief you have a friend of mine.”

Dragona Pine said...

Lol Aquila.

Mar-Chu said...

how do ya like it?

thats probably how i'd annoy him. sing songs if i was kidnapped. it would be funnnnnn~

Aquila Felis said...

I don't know the songs, but...
I really like the idea! ^^

Mar-Chu said...

hmmm~ i just mayyyyyy~

Dragona Pine said...

Lol, and my OC.

Mar-Chu said...

(off topic)


Aquila Felis said...

Mine would like to be used, too. ^^

Dragona Pine said...

How original of you Mar...

Mar-Chu said...

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! i get to use more characters!

Dragona Pine said...

I wonder how many armies my character could take down without being killed...

*muses about what would happen*

Aquila Felis said...

Hey, Kallista and Dragona... would you mind if I'd use your characters, too?
*gives them cookies*
Mar-Chu, I don't think I know your charecter.

Mar-Chu said...

hmmm...i could find Kallista and Aquila on Bio-rama, but i couldnt find Dragona's...

Dragona Pine said...

Yes, of course you can use my character Aquila (but don't kill him off)

My OC is somewhere on there, look under September, it's the one titled 'Dragona Pine'

Mar-Chu said...

oh yes, my characters are all new. and based on my friends. however Shana and Mar are two characters that are both me, i just split myself so that my friends wont fight over me...

*re-locates shoulder*

Dragona Pine said...

I'm not on Bio-rama. Echelon will find me. I don't want to give my email address so I'm SPECIAL XD

Mar-Chu said...

aaaaaaaaaaah, i found it!

Aquila Felis said...

Who's Echelon? And won't he find you by googling his name now?

Dragona Pine said...

Echelon isn't a person. It's Signals Intelligence. There's one in Cornwall. It monitors every phone call, internet search and media stream ALL over the world. I think I know too much :P

Aquila Felis said...

Do as you please, Kallista. You might even kill her, she's not me. But knowing you used her I'll have to read evrything I missed to get the story... *sighs, thinking of pages filled in a foreign language*

Mar-Chu said...

...i'm very bad at deciphering WEIGHT and HEIGHT.

Aquila Felis said...

Try to scare him, like for example start talking about religion and going to church as often as possible... or about how you'd like him to help you with A LOT of work... or something like this.^^

Dragona Pine said...

I'm sorry I haven't used your OC Aquila, I can add it in to some of my other stories if you wish but not my SP. I'm doing a series about Dragona's past, but to add you in would mean you were a part of Dragona's past, but he hasn't met you in the present. I'm sorry :(

Dragona Pine said...

If you don't want to talk to him Kallista, when he rings just ignore it then if your mum sees him again then just say your phone was going weird.

Aquila Felis said...

No prob, Dragona. But I'd love to be in your next fanfic/story. :)

Dragona Pine said...

What's your OC's name Aquila?

Aquila Felis said...

Aquila Felis.
Unexpected, isn't it? ^^

Dragona Pine said...

*dives after Kallista and pulls her back up*

*reinforces the floorboards*

Dragona Pine said...

Oh my god! That is so unexpected I'm going to DIE :P lol. I'll add you in the next story I do :)

Mar-Chu said...

*pokes floor boards cautiously*

are these REALLY safe...?

Aquila Felis said...

*changes to cat*

Dragona Pine said...

I can't wait to go on COD tomorrow. I don't go on it on weekdays because I like to come on here, my friends think I'm weird because I don't go on it EVERY night, but I don't mind :P

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

*grumbles something about trapping mom in a cellar with rabbi sits down looking grim*

Dragona Pine said...

Yes they are safe Mar-chu.

You will be seeing it soon Kallista, I have the storyline set in my mind. I have the people there, I'll add Aquila in too.

Dragona Pine said...

Hi Skulgirl.

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

hi dragona

Aquila Felis said...

Hi Skulgirl! Rabbi?

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

yes Rabbi i HATE this! i hate the fact that hes good at persuading people and i hate the fact that my mom is making me go to a freaking PRIVATE SCHOOL!!!

Dragona Pine said...

Why don't you just tell her that Skulgirl? You have a choice of what school you go to. I hope you can come on still.

Aquila Felis said...

I thought a Rabbi is something like a jewish priest...why would a priest persuade someone to make their child go to a private school?

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

yes i will be able to come on but the fact is she said and i quote "Well that little chat just sealed your fate" meaning IM GOING TO A FREAKING PRIVATE SCHOOL!!! i have absolutley NO say in this apparently im not smart enough to make my own desicions i got into all honors classes!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

because hes a rabbi and the principal ofthe school its a jewish high school

Mar-Chu said...


Aquila Felis said...

0o ok...
Your school-system seems to be quite different...

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

*starts throwing dagars at a picture of his head*

Aquila Felis said...

Hi Ariana!

Erm, who is Ariana?

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

its not part of the school system its a totaly different school out of the system and my mother is making me go there

Dragona Pine said...

Skulgirl, when you get chance, tell her exactly this. "Mum, I don't want to go to a private school, I really don't. I'm old enough and smart enough to choose, and it would be unfair to make me go to a school that I don't want to go to"

If that doesn't work, BEG. :P

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