Monday, November 29, 2010


And we have a winner...!

On Thursday night, I accepted the award for Best Children's Book of the Year (Senior) for Mortal Coil, to rapturous applause from everyone who loves me. Yes, fine, that means I was applauding myself as I made my way to the stage, but it still counts, dammit...

Here is the beautiful award on my mantlepiece...

I also picked up a SECOND award, for I am THAT brilliant- this time it was for the Book of the Decade thing I won a few months back. Here are BOTH awards on my mantlepiece...

Yes. I have a cool house.

Thanks to everyone who voted- it's because of you, my Minions, that the Skulduggery books do so well at things like this. And I just LOVE getting up on stage and making fun of everyone. Makes me so happy...

And, now that I've remembered how to post photos, I'll add a few random ones...

These are home-made jackets worn by two girls who came to signings a few months ago, one in the UK and one in Germany... Sweeeeet.

And here are two pictures of kittens I used to have, before I found good homes for them...!


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Dragona Pine said...

Ok... but my advice shouldn't be trusted... I don't know anything about it... I'm just saying what I would do... but I'm not very romantic so it might fail...

Octa said...


gotta light hanukah candles!

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

what is bans date

knight fantasy said...

for a fortune teller,dragona, u sure r nervous...

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

knight what do u mean by bans date

Dragona Pine said...

I'm not a fortune teller... I'm phycic is all...

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

i mean bens

Lunar Tears said...

Oh, really?

*raises eyebrows*

knight fantasy said...

sory if i offended u orius. and ben's date is at a restaurant...

Dragona Pine said...

Oh and btw Lunar... one more comment like that and I'll put you in a soul catcher...

Star Lord said...

VERY small sneak eak at TTOTC...

The Clown Killings
By Tom Pine

2 days ago, serial killer Moracus Bleak was caught by the police. He was known to kill in the most horrible ways, which are described too graphic to talk about. He wears a black clown mask, with a red nose and a red mouth, and white frown marks and white eyebrows.
He answered the questions about the killings to the detectives, saying: “Well, if you take up sorcery and learn to summon black magic, I’ll tell you exactly how to kill people like I do!”
He was sent to the asylum six days after the interrogation.
Surgeons reported that they couldn’t get his mask off as first, but grimly succeeded 4 hours later. What lies behind that clown mask is described too graphic to show.


Breaking news...
Serial killer Moracus Bleak has broken out of the asylum. If you witness a man in a black clown mask please contact 999 immediately.

Lunar Tears said...


Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

dragona u mean like teleport

knight fantasy said...

sure u r dragona...

Dragona Pine said...

Tom Pine? That's weird... my real name is Tom and my taken names surname is Pine... weird...

knight fantasy said...

bolt, is that story true?

Dragona Pine said...

Teleport? What's that about?

Darkane Claw said...

Orius, just ask her. The worst she can do is say no and then at lest you tried instead of torturing yourself by wondering what would have happened. Plus, the sooner you go in the more likely it is that she's going to say yes because if so many people like her then someone else is going to ask her sooner or later.

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

knight that would cost a fortune im only 12

Star Lord said...

No, Knight. I'm writing my own book.

21 pages so far...


knight fantasy said...

orius, do u hv school 2morrow?

Lunar Tears said...

Only if you can catch me, Dragona

*cheekily smiles*

Dragona Pine said...

I agree Darkane but I don't know anything... my mind has exploded from my whiskey...

*sups from 'special 'water' bottle'*

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

b a sec

knight fantasy said...

well, y not ask her out and THEN discuss with us where u 2 love birds r gonna hv a date, ok, orius?

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

knight i do not

Geckogirl said...

my mum and sister are watching a programme about cucumbers :|

apparently bent cucumbers are exactly the same as straight ones but they dont go to the shops

Dragona Pine said...

I'll catch you Lunar... be sure of that... 100m in 12.2 seconds, and I never give up...

Mary Hiashi said...

Why are we talking about dating?


knight fantasy said...

*yawns, rub neckache and hv a headache*

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

thanks 4 the advice all of u

that inclueds u dragona

knight fantasy said...

do nt what orius?

Dragona Pine said...

I don't know Mary... it's not the best subject is it?

Octa said...

i'm back

Mary Hiashi said...

I'm upsot. I apparantly have been eating genetically modified corn for pretty much my entire life.

Star Lord said...

Mary, did you hear?

I just got something off The Times webpage...

The Clown Killings
By Tom Pine

2 days ago, serial killer Moracus Bleak was caught by the police. He was known to kill in the most horrible ways, which are described too graphic to talk about. He wears a black clown mask, with a red nose and a red mouth, and white frown marks and white eyebrows.
He answered the questions about the killings to the detectives, saying: “Well, if you take up sorcery and learn to summon black magic, I’ll tell you exactly how to kill people like I do!”
He was sent to the asylum six days after the interrogation.
Surgeons reported that they couldn’t get his mask off as first, but grimly succeeded 4 hours later. What lies behind that clown mask is described too graphic to show.


Breaking news…
Serial killer Moracus Bleak has broken out of the asylum. If you witness a man in a black clown mask please contact 999 immediately.

Dragona Pine said...

Thanks Orius...

*looks around, wondering what he has done*

Lunar Tears said...

Dragona, if I'm a ghost, I can go at the speed of light...

I'm no remnant

And you wouldn't want to meet Death if your a Living...

Just a warning...

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

knight what time is it whare u live

Star Lord said...


Just joking... it's out of my book!

knight fantasy said...

good luck at ur confession orius, i hope u'll do well and remember, just b urself, u'll b fine

Geckogirl said...

that can't be true sarthacus...send me the link to the times website

Octa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darkane Claw said...

Good luck Orius, just be yourself.

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

i dont hve school 2moro

Dragona Pine said...

Your probably right Lunar... but what if I'm dead?

knight fantasy said...

it's 4.27am

i'm sleepy and my neck and head r in pain...

sorry orius, not tryin 2 make u feel bad.

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

knight what time is it where u live

Darkane Claw said...

Hey deagle.

knight fantasy said...

then let's continue or chat 2morrow, orius, ok?

Octa said...

hi deagle

Dragona Pine said...

Hmm... I'm thinking about writing a book but I don't know what about... I lack imagination... I need ideas... but I'll never get it published and there's no point...

Halo pickle! said...


knight fantasy said...

hi pickle

Octa said...

99 bottles hanging on a wall

Halo pickle! said...

little sister is telling me to play computer games,BRB

Octa said...

i'm trying to get my book published

keeps on being rejected

Lunar Tears said...

Then... Hmm... You've got me there...

But if you're dead Dragona, then you'll miss your chance to be with Flo

knight fantasy said...

it's 4.29 AM

Dragona Pine said...

Hi deagle...

Geckogirl said...

hey deagle,
sorry guys, g2g :( my sister has demanded we watch im a celeb INSTEAD of vampire diaries :( i shall have to wait till tommorrow *sniffles*

bye guys! t'was nice meeting you octaboona

Halo pickle! said...

bye geckogirl.

knight fantasy said...

nice blackmail lunar

Octa said...

nice meeting you skylara

Dragona Pine said...

And there's no chance of that Lunar...

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

knight at 8 30 pm go on ill b on

knight fantasy said...

bye gecko

Octa said...

i'm confused

whats up between dragona and flo?

Dragona Pine said...

People who blackmail me normally see themselves being thrown... just a warning :P

Octa said...

it keeps on being mentioned

Darkane Claw said...

Bye Skylara. I can't follow this conversation and I have to go and I have t go and study. I might be on later. BYE!!!

knight fantasy said...

is that on my time orius?

and r u sure?

Octa said...

bye darkane

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

knight at 8 30 pm go on i'll b on

Lunar Tears said...

Awww.... And I bet your devastated by that Dragona

Darkane Claw said...

Sorry I repeated myself.

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

knight at 8 30 pm go on i'll b on

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

knight at 8 30 pm go on i'll b on

knight fantasy said...

bye darkane

Octa said...

somebody explain?!

please *puppy eyes*

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

OMG!!!! wooo I won !!! woop woop !!!

lol qll thanks to the rocking music , you should of seen me dancing and bowling at the same time...

quite a sight .... and the song I got my first strike to was..... PENDULUM- WITCHCRAFT!!

Dragona Pine said...

Devestated by what?

Octa said...

hey nicolette!!!

Lunar Tears said...


EVERYONE knows...

He talks about her ALL the time...

But she's really cool, so I don't complain... much

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

knight at 8 30 pm go on i'll b on

Dragona Pine said...

Hi Nicolette... I have Witchcraft and The Island by Pendulum on my Ipod...

knight fantasy said...

orius, stop repeatin

and when u say 8.30 pm...
is that on my time?

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

knight at 8 30 pm go on i'll b on

Mary Hiashi said...

The Clown Killings
By Tom Pine

2 days ago, a serial killer by the name of Moracus Bleak was apprehended by the police. Known to kill in the most horrible of ways, which are described to be too graphic to talk about.

When questioned about the killings he replied with: “Well, if you take up sorcery and learn to summon black magic, I’ll tell you exactly how to kill people like I do!”
Bleak was sent to the asylum six days after the interrogation.
Surgeons reported that they couldn’t remove his mask at first first, but grimly succeeded 4 hours later. What lies behind that clown mask is described too graphic to show.


Breaking news…
Serial killer Moracus Bleak has broken out of the asylum. If you witness a man wearing a black clown mask, with a red nose and a red mouth, and white frown marks and white eyebrows, please contact 999 immediately.

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

knight at 8 30 pm go on i'll b on

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*lyes down on cushions and falls asleep* . grr so ill!!! I dont want to miss the theater tommorow tho

Octa said...

i'm only new!!!

i haven't met flo yet i think

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

your time

Dragona Pine said...

Thanks for that Lunar... and I'll be over here with my Sigmus 9 with a loaded magazine...

*trudges off into corner*

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

heya everyone!!! *turns to Dragona and whispers* I personally think that they are there best songs

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

will u do that 4 me knight

Octa said...

i thought that was by sarthacus, mary

Dragona Pine said...

I think they're the best songs by Pendulum...

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

mary is that true ? if so what country

Star Lord said...


knight fantasy said...

thnk godness, ur startin 2 scare me orius..


*rubs sleepy eyes*

guys, i'm gonna hit the hay now...

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

plz knight

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

promise me

Dragona Pine said...

Oh and btw Nicolette... new fanfic on my blog...

Octa said...

@ nicolette

its part of sarthacus's book

Mary Hiashi said...

It was by Sarthucus. That's my edit of it.

knight fantasy said...

i'll try orius,

u'd b surprised at what i'll do 4 u guys...


Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...


Octa said...

why did you edit it?

Mary Hiashi said...

Although it says "first first..."

knight fantasy said...

i cant promise u orius, i'll just try

Mary Hiashi said...

Because I thought that it needed a 'twee bit of editing. 'Twee.

knight fantasy said...

alright g'night guys...

Star Lord said...

Nicolette, there's new stuff on my blog. COOL new stuff...

Star Lord said...

Night, Knight.

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

dragona can u come on at 8 30 am

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...


Mary Hiashi said...


The Clown Killings
By Tom Pine

2 days ago, a serial killer by the name of Moracus Bleak was apprehended by the police. Known to kill in the most horrible of ways, which are described to be too graphic to talk about.

When questioned about the killings he replied with: “Well, if you take up sorcery and learn to summon black magic, I’ll tell you exactly how to kill people like I do!”
Bleak was sent to the asylum six days after the interrogation.
Surgeons reported that they couldn’t remove his mask at first first, but grimly succeeded 4 hours later. What lies behind that clown mask is described too graphic to show.


Breaking news…
Serial killer Moracus Bleak has broken out of the asylum. If you witness a man wearing a black clown mask, with a red nose and a red mouth, and white frown marks and white eyebrows, please contact 999 immediately.

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

dragona can u come on at 8 30 am

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

dragona can u come on at 8 30 am

Dragona Pine said...

*a shot comes from Dragona's corner, he steps out, unhurt*


Octa said...

bye knight

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

plz dragona

Star Lord said...

Nice editing!

I'll use aprehended...

Dragona Pine said...

Maybe Orius... if it's another day off school then maybe...

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

pritty plz dragona

Octa said...

don't forget the cherry!

Mary Hiashi said...

I have to go...See ya! I'll try and be on later!

Octa said...

bye mary

Star Lord said...

Bye, Mary!

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

2moro try ur hard est

Dragona Pine said...

I can't promise Orius... but I probably will be...

Lunar Tears said...

twee lol

Dragona Pine said...

The snow is very bad... it's still snowing and we have more than a foot of snow so I probably will be on at 8:30 in the morning...

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

tnx dragona

gtg my mom is geting angery cas i was on 2 long

Star Lord said...

Bye, Orius.

Dragona Pine said...

Note to self: On GoldenEye, must fight for mother Russia as per instructions...

Orius + Rove = Orius Rove = KOOL said...

bye =( every body

Lunar Tears said...

bye orius

my mom is asleep


Octa said...

they dine on sticky golden blood
on scarlet roses crushed in mud
They thirst for the tears of a million slaves
And powdered bones,in darkened graves

Dragona Pine said...

Bye Orius...

Lunar Tears said...

Dragona, you talk about goldeneye too much =)

Octa said...

bye orius

Dragona Pine said...

I've got nothing else to talk about Lunar... maybe that's why...

Lunar Tears said...


I'm listening to Avril Lavigne songs

It's been so long since I've heard them

Octa said...

i'm listening to murray gold

Lunar Tears said...

At first I hated Girlfriend by Avril, but now I can't stop listening to it :)

Dragona Pine said...

Girlfriend by Avril Lavegne is on Burnout Dominator... you can set it on japanese and all sorts of other languages...

Octa said...

bored as a kingfisher on steroids

Lunar Tears said...

I have no idea what that is Dragona

Dragona Pine said...

Bored as a kingfisher which isn't there...

Halo pickle! said...


Octa said...

so we're both bored then :)

Octa said...

hi deagle

Dragona Pine said...

Burnout Dominator is a racing game... when you crash you can detonate yourself to get a 'takedown' on other rivals...

Lunar Tears said...

Never seen a kingfisher on steroids...

But I had a teacher who was on steroids. He was huge, and was called Mr Little. Then he left to be a fireman

Halo pickle! said...

i am bored to.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

WOW there emmence you to!!!

*writes the song on her hand along with 20 others that are going on here ipod list*

Lunar Tears said...

yoo deagle

Octa said...

lol i saw a squirrell on steroids

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...


Dragona Pine said...

What's emmence Nicolette?

Lunar Tears said...

What was that Nicolette?

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

NO!!!!!!!!! *smashes head on wall* so close ... yet so far

Halo pickle! said...

hey nicolette

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*looks at Lunar and Dragona confused*

What do you mean?

Octa said...

Star Lord said...

Thanks, Nicolette.

Lunar Tears said...


Are you OK?

Dragona Pine said...

Do you know the GCHQ building in my fanfic is actually a real place?

Octa said...

she wanted first post i think

Halo pickle! said...

that is one funny picture!

Dragona Pine said...

You just came in and said "they're emmence you two" so what was emmence?

Octa said...

back after apprentice

Star Lord said...


I can't believe that some people believed the jailbreak story!

That was epic...

Dragona Pine said...

*hums the apprentice theme*

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

It's the Most wonderful time of the year!!

Star Lord said...

She meant our writing, Dragona.

Dragona Pine said...

I know Sarthacus I was like... that's a story...

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hullo Dragona and Sarthacus. :]

Star Lord said...

Hi, Skyril!

Brb... more TTOTC!

Lunar Tears said...



Dragona Pine said...

Ooooohhhhhhhh thanks Nicolette...

Hi Skyril...

Sarthacus, in my fanfic you can turn naturally bad...

Lunar Tears said...

Hi, Skyril

Dragona Pine said...

I G2G now... night all...

*hugs Flo*


Lunar Tears said...

See? Can't go 5 mins without thinking about Flo

*laughs at Dragona*


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hello Lunar. :3
Mind if I just call you Lunar?

Star Lord said...

Bye, Dragona.

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Bye, Dragona

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

... ohhh .....

I can't remember

Lunar Tears said...

Not at all :)

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hello, Nicolette!
Thanks, Lunar. :]

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Don't you LOVE Christmas Time?????
~screams in delight~

Lunar Tears said...

When you walk away,
I count the steps that you take,
Do you see how much I need you?
And now...

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Yep ... all our decorations are up .... when I got home I screamed because of the singing santa when I opened the door

Lunar Tears said...




Liz said...

hey yall! fanfic should be up soon

Lunar Tears said...

OK, I'll brb, just... shortening my name

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

lol THAT must have been creepy!

I've actually never decorated anything but a Christmas tree, which is quite sad, BUT!!! That is all going to change this year. :]
Soon we ARE going to decorate even if it's the last thing I ever do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lunar Tears said...

Did it work????

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