Sunday, November 7, 2010

Call For Typos


Just flicking through the books to remind myself of some details/dates, and I stumbled across a typo. I know there are a few in the books- it's kind of inevitable when the deadlines are this close together- but by the time the new paperback editions are published in April, I want all these typos to be fixed. Which is where YOU come in, my Minions.

I know that most of you have read these books a few times because you're, you know, insane and everything.  Have you noticed the typos? Can you remember where they were? There are a few glaring ones, mistakes that I just should have caught, but for whatever reason I didn't. Care to help?


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bencotter said...

*Smirks a lopsided grin*

bencotter said...


bencotter said...

is she pregnNT with YOU dragona. *Does same grin*

Dragona Pine said...

No ben... aparantly her friends on facebook said she was...

Anonymous said...

the other long comment should explain....when a bunch of 14 and 15 year olds play spin the bottle lots of weird things happen....

the fact that we all went home at about 4 in the morning probably proved the being pregnant point....

bencotter said...

thts creeeeeepy

bencotter said...

spin the bottle is the BEST GAME EVER!!!

Anonymous said...

not really

Dragona Pine said...

Oh... I've only once played spin the bottle... we were doing a truth version where you had to tell the truth...

Liz said...

damn, this blog is better then a soap opera

Dragona Pine said...

*reads the above comments and throws ben as hard as he can, sending him flying*

bencotter said...

that happened to me once but we stayed over night. and i'm pretty sure one of them must be pregnant by now ... i was part of that group who sleeped over. *Shivers*

Anonymous said...

ah there you go we always do truth, dare & kiss...

Dragona Pine said...

We did that...

bencotter said...

*smashes against wall and jarrs bottom jaw.*

bencotter said...

dare&kiss . . . i've done that too . . . better not get into tht

Dragona Pine said...

*picks up ben and punches him*

*throws him against a brick wall*

*gets out bazooka and blasts him through the wall*

bencotter said...

but seriously I went to this under eighteens club for my book and it turned out better then expected. . .

Liz said...

*starts laughing* you show him Dragona

Anonymous said...

no violence dragona

bencotter said...

now she MUST be pregnant with what mihcael did to her...

Dragona Pine said...

Lol in primary school there was a grass cutter with his top off and we shouted, "Tu es demi-nu!" out of the window, it was in the middle of french... and as every french speaking person knows, that means 'you are half naked'... good times :D

Anonymous said...


bencotter said...

*Coughes up blood* y-eah n-no vio-violence.

Dragona Pine said...

I'm allowed to use violence... :D

Anonymous said...

lol dragona

bencotter said...

*Pulls out mashineee*

Anonymous said...

im alowed to be as violent as i want to next tuesday

Dragona Pine said...

He irritates me sometimes...

*sighs and sits down*

bencotter said...

damn... but... seriously... my freind (eighteen) is gota gf who is now pregnnt.

Dragona Pine said...

I'm as violent as I want to be... pretty much every day :D

bencotter said...


Liz said...

i love violence, and chaos, and mayhem, and destitution

bencotter said...

*fires gun and splatters dragonas brains onto the wall* oops... oh well...

Dragona Pine said...

I don't see why people spread rumors like that... and BEN doesn't help either with his stupid comments...

*gives evils to ben whilst bashing his head against a wall*

bencotter said...

what th &^&&*(%%£%^£*^&*5

Dragona Pine said...

*magic yorkshire pudding protects Dragona*

bencotter said...

my stupid comments ... well whats wrong with rumers... they make life alot more...FUN

Liz said...

*eats yorkshire pudding*

Dragona Pine said...

*throws him head first off a cliff*

Yes... you irritate me...

Star Lord said...

Hey, all. Jjst finished PLANETS of HW.

bencotter said...

by the way I got to go going out for dinner with a ...freind shall I say...

Dragona Pine said...

*yorkshire pudding is reborn*


Hi Skulgirl... ben... um, isn't dead...

Dragona Pine said...

Oh good ben... no more stupid comments :P

bencotter said...

*splutters blood on rocks*

Dragona Pine said...

*uses bazooka to obliterate ben*

bencotter said...

atually i'm in for a REAL beating soon.

Liz said...

ooo, dare i ask why?

bencotter said...

*finds some discarded magic yorkshire pudding and eats*

Star Lord said...

I'm not Skulgirl, I'm Sarthacus.

Dragona Pine said...

There is no discarded yorkshire pudding...

Oh and Lizzy... read the above comments... then you'll see why...

bencotter said...

because that "Freind" of mine i goingto pound me cos i ... wel its complecated BRB

Dragona Pine said...

Oh hi Sarthacus... I got confused with your pictures... I'm not used to seeing this picture you see...

Liz said...

its a cute pic tho :3

Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...

Pushing a trolley into a stack of baked beans is fun... shame I can't do it in real life...

Liz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dragona Pine said...

No... too tired to think :P

Liz said...

why, what time is where you are?

Liz said...

its only 1:33 here

Dragona Pine said...

It's only about half six... it's not because of the time I'm tired, 4 phycic dreams in a row and two small memory attacks yesterday and the day before... that's why I'm tired... I swear something weird is happening...

Star Lord said...

On Xbox.

Liz said...

ARGGGG! i have go play with my little sister now, be back later if she doesn't kill me (you try playing tea party for an hour straight)

Dragona Pine said...

Ok Lizzy... lol...

Dragona Pine said...

Flo, where are you? You disappeared randomly lol

Dragona Pine said...

Hoi Kallista...

Dragona Pine said...

*takes cigar off Kallista and throws it out of the window, packet as well*

Dragona Pine said...

Oh btw Kallista... everyone on this blog was in my dream about the future in sainsburies strangely enough... you have a piercing on... your chin? Is that right?

Dragona Pine said...

Hmm... ears?

I didn't see the piercing... I'm just guessing...

Dragona Pine said...

Testing out my not real telepathic power :P

Anonymous said...

ah darn stupid of my friends asked if it was a girl...

Dragona Pine said...

You have black hair... I know that :D

Dragona Pine said...

Lol Flo... of course your a girl...

MaryEllen said...

Derek? My friend(Naoise) wants to know if Skulduggery Pleasent is officially going to be a it?

Dragona Pine said...

It is Mary...

Anonymous said...

no no the "baby"

MaryEllen said...

Im at the HP premiere wowza!

Dragona Pine said...

Only Dark Days is going to be turned into a film, or so I've heard...

MaryEllen said...


Dragona Pine said...

Oh lol Flo...

MaryEllen said...

helena boham carter :)

Anonymous said...

its really annoing, so i just texted back are you calling me fat....that shut them up for now...

Dragona Pine said...

It's a rumor Kallista... her 'friends' made it up on facebook apparantly...

Dragona Pine said...

Lol Flo...

Anonymous said...

apparantly kyle the host of the bonfire party is the dad....

Dragona Pine said...


Anonymous said...

lol kallista... dd was "cheesed off" first time he heard

MaryEllen said...

BELLATRIX brrrr sooo cold

Anonymous said...

Today some muslims broke the 2 minutes silence by protesting " British soldiers burn in hell" . This is our country and we are fighting for what is right.

Star Lord said...

Has anybody notices there are two white hands at the bottom of Plating With Fire?

I saw it the moment I got it, but it's odd...

Dragona Pine said...


*drum roll*


*fanfare of trumpets*

Friend: You need to get a gf
Me: Do I?
Friend2: Yeh, everyone else has one
Me: I know that.
Friend: Go on, ask someone out.
Me: No... they're all tangerines.
Me: It's not my fault she wears too much makeup.
Friend: Haha... you got owned.
Friend2: I know... but I can't do anything about it, have you seen the size of him?
Friend: The girls like the tall ones.
Me: No they don't
Friend2: Yes they do.
Me: No they don't
Friend: They do for gods sake.
Me: I'm not convinced.
Friend2: you should be.
Friend: Seriously, they do
Me: They really don't
Friend2: They might have to bring a stepladder though.
Friend: You don't help anything, you know that?
Me: You really make some random comments.
Friend2: Go ask someone out.
Me: No, who likes llamas?


Dragona Pine said...

Plating with fire lol

Anonymous said...

i thought that i was a ghost or something...

Anonymous said...

it not i soz

Dragona Pine said...

Lol my friend video'd me playing on World War Zero with him and shooting him in the back of the head because he killed some russians... he showed it everyone and I now have it on my phone :D I can't put it on my blog though... already tried and it failed...

Dragona Pine said...


Anonymous said...

i take a bus

Anonymous said...

3 girls stepped on a magic rug that makes you disappear when you tell a lie
brunette girl: I think i'm the prettiest girl in school *poof*
red head: i think i'm the most popular girl in school *poof*
blonde: i think- *poof*

Dragona Pine said...

Has everyone read my random conversation of the day?

If not... heeerrree it comes again!


*drum roll*


*fanfare of trumpets*

Friend: You need to get a gf
Me: Do I?
Friend2: Yeh, everyone else has one
Me: I know that.
Friend: Go on, ask someone out.
Me: No... they're all tangerines.
Me: It's not my fault she wears too much makeup.
Friend: Haha... you got owned.
Friend2: I know... but I can't do anything about it, have you seen the size of him?
Friend: The girls like the tall ones.
Me: No they don't
Friend2: Yes they do.
Me: No they don't
Friend: They do for gods sake.
Me: I'm not convinced.
Friend2: you should be.
Friend: Seriously, they do
Me: They really don't
Friend2: They might have to bring a stepladder though.
Friend: You don't help anything, you know that?
Me: You really make some random comments.
Friend2: Go ask someone out.
Me: No, who likes llamas?


Dragona Pine said...

Lol Flo...

Anonymous said...

lol its funny

Dragona Pine said...

You see what we talk about at school...

Anonymous said...

the commment about the stepladder lol

Dragona Pine said...

It isn't funny...

Anonymous said...

we talk about weird stuff

MaryEllen said...

Im gonna go bye

Anonymous said...

it is funny dragona

it depends what group you are in school..

Star Lord said...

Up here in Scotland it's pitch black at 4 o'clock.

Dragona Pine said...

I can't help being tall :(

Anonymous said...

its pitch black here at 4:00 aswell

Dragona Pine said...

Night is just fading away when we get there... but it is dark when we come home...

Anonymous said...

well my dog grew..dorian doesnt fit on my lap anymore and keeps complaining that he is falling off..

Star Lord said...

Hmm... Kallista, do you have an Xbox??? ANYBODY have an Xbox 360??? Live??

Dragona Pine said...

*grabs Darth Vader from behind, holding a pistol to his throat*


Anonymous said...

*waves hands around*

just kill him no one will care that he is dead

Ricardo Doom said...

Hello obsessed people

Dragona Pine said...

If I wanted an X-box or a PS3... then I would go for PS3...

Anonymous said...

i have a ps3 its awsome

Ricardo Doom said...

I have a PS3

Ricardo Doom said...

What ya called on it florence I'll give you a game

bencotter said...

am back.

Anonymous said...

i was shouting down at someone from north london the other day on my ps3...what do we actualy need a mic for anyway??

Ricardo Doom said...

Sorry kallista hows it going

Anonymous said...

cant my dad has a day of today and is playing on it...

bencotter said...

*gets out gun*

Anonymous said...

dam more texts brb

bencotter said...


Ricardo Doom said...

How do you add a photo to your Eblogger acccount

bencotter said...

oh right... my mates just phoned sayin tht his tree has crushed his grren-house

Ricardo Doom said...

Tell them sados that their probably pregnant, even if their boyss

bencotter said...

anyone gunna talk to me?

bencotter said...


Anonymous said...

lol brambo

bencotter said...

*cocksn hammer of gun*

bencotter said...


bencotter said...

*aims at flo*

bencotter said...

*fires and misses*

bencotter said...

*kills old lady*

Anonymous said...

im not being violent until tuesday when my leg will be fixed

bencotter said...

*kills self.*

Star Lord said...



*Goes to tell Nicolette*

Ricardo Doom said...

Hi ben

Ricardo Doom said...

Oh no Sarthacus. What a shame. *YAwns*

Dragona Pine said...

*grabs ben from behind and throws him off a cliff*

Ricardo Doom said...

*As Be is falling pulls out an AK47 and blows his head off*

Anonymous said...


Ricardo Doom said...

Typo. :P

Ricardo Doom said...

*As ben hits the ground chucks a bio bomb down two. To cover tracks

Ricardo Doom said...

Jack was waiting outside a pub in central London; his client was late. He’d arranged to meet at eleven forty. It was now quarter past twelve and Jack was getting angry. He ran a very tight schedule and he couldn’t afford to be kept waiting. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. Spinning around Jack braced himself for an attack but none came. Looking up Jack saw his client, Kallista Pendragon.
“It’s good to see you jack,” she said

Ricardo Doom said...

Thats my new story

Ricardo Doom said...

Bit of story I'm writing

Ricardo Doom said...


Ricardo Doom said...

Boom chick wow wo. FARTING SQUIRELLS

Ricardo Doom said...


Anonymous said...

too many texts & phone calls

*turns off phone and chucks it*

*phone hits wall and snaps in two*

well now thats one way of getting rid of a phone....

Anonymous said...

weres dragona?

Dragona Pine said...

My sister's friends brother is here so I have to amuse him for a while...

Anonymous said...

how old is he?

Anonymous said...

kallista if you are going again then byeeee

Star Lord said...

I'm here... but only if you admit that the 360 is better than the psthree.

Dragona Pine said...

He's 8

Star Lord said...

Good. Flo?

Anonymous said...

@sarthacus cough cough err.....

wait dd's calling

Star Lord said...

OK, very good Kallista.

I'm waiting for Flo, or I'll never be on again.

Anonymous said...

im talking throught the phone

Ricardo Doom said...


Donkey Shooter said...

*flicks through blogs*
Kallista i hope you will still help me with the fate of my blog please

Ricardo Doom said...

How's it hangin' in crazy ville

Dragona Pine said...

He's gone, yey!

And he thinks fighting me is amusing... I just floored a red belt in judo, sweet!

Ebony Orvil said...

Hmmmmmm..... well the only thing I have noticed wrong was the print of the 5th book. It was too in on the page.

Dragona Pine said...

A red belt in judo... is no match for an orange belt in Tang So Do! Although all I did was pick him up... and he thought that was amusing as well...

Dragona Pine said...

Is anyone on?



Dragona Pine said...

I've only been on a 360... but I must admit, Grid is awsome...

Star Lord said...

I read the part, Kallista.

Ricardo Doom said...

Mary read mine... *Faints*

Dragona Pine said...

Um... Kallista?

Where's Flo gone?

Donkey Shooter said...

hi guys i thought no one was one slightly weird i fell happy lately...
i dont know the effect i just feel happy
its new :D

Ricardo Doom said...

Didn't she go ages ago?

Donkey Shooter said...

i mean feel not fell :P

Dragona Pine said...

I dunno...

Anonymous said...

im talking through the phone i cant talk and type cause i end up typing what im saying or i end up saying what im typing...

Star Lord said...

Did... you... just... call... me... a ... Scottish... monkey...?


Donkey Shooter said...

i dont think they have scottish monkeys....
nup definetely no scottish monkeys

Dragona Pine said...

Hi Flo...

Star Lord said...

Brb, tea.

Anonymous said...

you lot missed me already??? i was only gone a few minutes

Ricardo Doom said...

Jack was waiting outside a pub in central London; his client was late. He’d arranged to meet at eleven forty. It was now quarter past twelve and Jack was getting angry. He ran a very tight schedule and he couldn’t afford to be kept waiting. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. Spinning around Jack braced himself for an attack but none came. Looking up Jack saw his client, Kallista Pendragon.
“It’s good to see you Jack,” she said.
“Yeah. You too Kalista,” replied Jack gruffly, “So what do you want doing?”
“I want you to kill Edwardo Espionage.”

Dragona Pine said...

Hehe... I ditched my sisters friends brother... I said I had to do tech homework!

Donkey Shooter said...

well we did but what was the point of the last post thing it made my purple pixies cry :(

Dragona Pine said...

Yes Flo... of course I missed you... even though it was only a few minuites...

Anonymous said...

lol dragona

ghana is boring nothing happens there...

Donkey Shooter said...

i just realised todzay was friday :0

Dragona Pine said...

... and now he's causing havoc downstairs... all I can here is all these crashes and bangs...

Ricardo Doom said...

Crivens Kalista. Did ye dinnae know ye cannae have Scootish monkeys. Ach

Donkey Shooter said...

ghana? been there done that...

Dragona Pine said...

And now he's going, yey!

Ricardo Doom said...


Anonymous said...

*Thor enters, breathing heavily, pursued by army of zombies*

Oh. Hello. I'm back. It;s been a couple of days now, but i have returned!! Kallista, what's the link for your SP Fan-Fic blog?

*Thor notices a zombie behind him, and promptly blows its head off with shotgun*

Dragona Pine said...

*shoots Brambo*

Donkey Shooter said...

*summons pixies to give everyone candy*

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