Thursday, October 21, 2010

My God. You broke the Blog.

Did you know there was a 5000 comment limit on this Blog? I didn't. Of course, I never thought it would ever MATTER what the limit was, as the idea of reaching it was just so silly...

And now you've reached it.

Okay fine, you haven't actually BROKEN the blog, but still! I got an email from my agent a few minutes ago, and it simply said- "Five THOUSAND comments!"

So I came on here, realised what you'd all done, and I wept, for now my publishers will be jumping for joy and clapping their hands, because we have reached a landmark moment... And it's all down to the fact that you're all insane.

As for me, my Krav Maga course is over tomorrow, and I shall return to my normal life, in which I can complain about Blogs and I only have to train once or twice a week, instead of every single day... Normal service will be resumed shortly.

In the meantime, try not to break the internet, okay?


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Mary Hiashi said...

*Starts up a Conga line*

"Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jump over candlestick..."

Ya, I'm bored.

Star Lord said...

*Looks at Dragona*

I'm your friend!

Dragona Pine said...

Sarthacus... I hope your on my side...

*uses magic yorkshire pudding to bring Florence and Nicolette back to life*

You learned your lesson Nicolette?

Mary Hiashi said...

I wan't to play Fallout 3 now, and shoot out some Creeper's brains. But, sadly, I do not have that with me at the moment. :(

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*walks back in* elemental here

I though he was my freind to but then he betrays me and the penguins

Star Lord said...

I'm on your side, Dragona...

Dragona Pine said...

Oh... this is going to end up a war again isn't it?

Wait, I'm the phycic one, yes it is...

*undoes time to make Nicolette sat on the x-box and all the rest of us are talking about cheese*

Dragona Pine said...

I like cheese...

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

anyone who betrays penguins isn't a freind of mine *shoots Dragona and flo the evils and walks off*

Mary Hiashi said...

I feel largely ignored. Again. Poor, poor, poor, poor Mary.

Dragona Pine said...

People, this has been an EPIC day today!

I mean, got some new slippers, with a cartoony picture of mr t on saying Crazy Fool, got the new Darren Shan book (birth of a killer which is from the view of Larten Crepsley), there's merlin and Harry Hills TV Burp has just finished, HOW AMAZING HAS THIS DAY BEEN?

Mary Hiashi said...

Cheese is the answer to everything. Doors like cheese. Doors will open for cheese. And doors like it if you kick chickens at them. Other doors like to be kissed, some like dogs, others like to act.

Dragona Pine said...

*ignores Nicolette and brings Florence back to life*

*turns into giant armoured mech with a minigun, an anti-rocket laser and rockets*

What, I rarely show any emotion... and someone asked if I was a robot the other day...

Dragona Pine said...


Star Lord said...

*Cuts cheese with lightsabers*

BTW, Nicolette, there's a new post on my blog.

Dragona Pine said...


I'll still post though...

Mary Hiashi said...

Why do cheese and pickles taste good together.

Why? Because cheese is magical. Skulduggery only wishes (secretly) that he were as magical as cheese.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Im off my xbox nnow and watching tapdancing penguins on TV

Dragona Pine said...

Everyone wishes they were as magical as cheese...

Star Lord said...

NNicolette, NEW POST ON MA BLOG!!!

Dragona Pine said...


Mary Hiashi said...

Those who don't wish they are, are the truly insane people. We here on this blog are just crazy, looney, and 10 billion shades of amazing...well at least I am for sure.

Dragona Pine said...

Cheese Spread...

Dragona Pine said...

So Am I Mary...

Dragona Pine said...


Mary Hiashi said...

Cheese cake.
Cheese sauce.
Grilled cheese.
Cheesey potato's.
Bacon cheese burger.
Cheese, cheese, cheese.


Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

i brough squeesable cheese at the shop today its inside my pillow :]

Dragona Pine said...

It's awsome init...

Mary Hiashi said...


Dragona Pine said...

All forms of cheese are awsome... just leave it as that...

Star Lord said...


I JUST found a vid on utub with... VALDUGGERY!!!

Mary Hiashi said...

Monterey Jack.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*colapses when she hears the word valduggery*

Mary Hiashi said...

I don't want to hear it Sarthacus.
*Covers ears*
Valduggery doesn't exist. There is no such thing. Some wierdo never invented it.

Dragona Pine said...

It's Nicolette's dream to the the Val...

Mary Hiashi said...

Blabber monkey......................................
No such thing as Valduggery.........................

Mary Hiashi said...

Thinking happy thoughts.

Dragona Pine said...

Lol... I think you've got a bit of Competition Nicolette... either Nicduggery or Marduggery...

Mary Hiashi said...

What?! What in the bloody hazes are you talking about Dragona.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...


Dragona Pine said...

Why did you create so much fuss about Valduggery then?

Dragona Pine said...


Mary Hiashi said...

Because it's wrroooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It creeps. Me. Out.

And quite frankly makes me want to puke.

Dragona Pine said...

Same... but I don't act like that... then again I don't feel much... pain or emotion so...

Dragona Pine said...

So maybe that's why people are scared of me... A 6ft 3 and a half tall person who can lift 8 stone with one hand, trained in self defence, who could take you out and you wouldn't know anything, feels no pain and hardly shows emotion... maybe that's why...

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

hmm thats means you could lift me with one hand

and yes we make a fuss because i's wrong!!!

Star Lord said...

YOu're quite modest, aren't you Dragona?

Dragona Pine said...

I only act to a great amount of emotion which doesn't normally come along that much...

Dragona Pine said...

:D Very...

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*backs away*

(whispers to Mary) I think there might be a fight coming up

Mary Hiashi said...

In real life, I can hardly feel any emotion. Pain, eh, it dosen't bother me much. But when I read, or whatever, it's like I am no longer me. I don't exist, but everything in that world does. The people, the places... I become part of the characters, I feel everything they feel. Which is admittedly strange. So if they feel heartache, I feel it to. If they get shot in the leg for example, I feel it to.

I think that reading will eventually be the death of me.

Dragona Pine said...

I am not showing off... I am just stating the facts...

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

no wait theres not few ...

Mary Hiashi said...

A fight between whom?

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

oh wait mabey *kepps steping forward then back confuzzled*

Dragona Pine said...

Yeh... a fight between who?

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

(whispers) lets just say not us *motions to Sartacus and dragona

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

great now you think I'm all crazy in a different way to before *trundles off humiliated*

Dragona Pine said...

Why would we fight... we're friends... and why ruin such an Epic day for me!

It has been Epic, new slippers, book and great TV programs!

Mary Hiashi said...

I'm cold. And my hands are dry.

Dragona Pine said...

Nice... you don't live on the Yorkshire Moors now do you?

It's already in to - numbers...

Star Lord said...

If there's a fight, it'll be against the people who ruined Dragona's day!

Mary Hiashi said...

I became most bored one day, and created a spinning table made entirely from Lego. Cloth has been draped over it and on top are dead roses. I love dead roses. So pretty.........

Star Lord said...

G2g, bye.

Night, all.

Dragona Pine said...

It hasn't been ruined yet!

It's been an epic day...

Dragona Pine said...

Bye Sarthacus...

Mary Hiashi said...

Yorkshire Moors?...

If you are talking to me, no, I live in Canada.

Dragona Pine said...

It's -2 here brrrr....

Mary Hiashi said...

Bye Sarthacus!

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

speak for yourself Dragona as soon as I came bax=ck from dads my days been depressing and i don't even know why i just have a really bad feeling

Mary Hiashi said...

Where'd my jacket go?...

Dragona Pine said...

It's a good day, for singing a song,
It's a good day, for moving along,
It's a good day, from monday to sunday your gunna find it one day,
It's gunna be a good daaayyy fooorr yyyyoouuuu!

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*sits in corner playing jenga with herself*

Mary Hiashi said...

Death quotes:

"No one can confidently say that he will still be living tomorrow."

"I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it."
(Mark Twain)

"From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity."
(Edvard Munch)

"A dying man needs to die, as a sleepy man needs to sleep, and there comes a time when it is wrong, as well as useless, to resist."
(Stewart Alsop)

Dragona Pine said...

*joins in with Nicolette playing Jenga*

Dragona Pine said...

Mary, that's slightly depressing...

Mary Hiashi said...

*Largely ignores the Jenga game and begins playing DDR*

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

ok the candle by my desessed uncles pic just lit up by itself ... Im a bit freaked

Dragona Pine said...

Lol, a picture at my auntie barbaras house seemed to grow wings overnight... of her mum when she was a child...

Mary Hiashi said...


Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

but wth thats impossible it just can't light itself!

Mary Hiashi said...

Don't let them bite you or drag you out of your bed. Oh and be careful, they're known to be pyros.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

I better take it off the shelf the one above its made of wood and not far from the flame

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

what do you mean by pyros ?

Dragona Pine said...

My house is haunted, my dad's sister (who is phycic) wouldn't come in because if was full of spirits... but nothing seems to happen... But I go on the phycical aspects of being phycic... when my dads sister does the spiritual side...

Dragona Pine said...

You can't choose which one you do, it just happens... like I can see the future and sense things that happen in the future... when my dads sister can do a BIT of that... but she can sense spirits... but I have a photographic memory as well...

Mary Hiashi said...

"Some people are so afraid do die that they never begin to live."
(Henry Van Dyke)

"Suicide is man's way of telling God, "You can't fire me - I quit.""
(Bill Maher)

"The day which we fear as our last is but the birthday of eternity."
(Lucius Annaeus Seneca)

"The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time."
(Mark Twain)

"The idea is to die young as late as possible."
(Ashley Montagu)

"They tell us that suicide is the greatest piece of cowardice... that suicide is wrong; when it is quite obvious that there is nothing in the world to which every man has a more unassailable title than to his own life and person."
(Arthur Schopenhauer)

"Time rushes towards us with its hospital tray of infinitely varied narcotics, even while it is preparing us for its inevitably fatal operation."
(Tennessee Williams)

"'Tis very certain the desire of life prolongs it."
(Lord Byron)

"To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way of life; foolish people are idle, wise people are diligent."

"To himself everyone is immortal; he may know that he is going to die, but he can never know that he is dead."
(Samuel Butler)

"We cannot banish dangers, but we can banish fears. We must not demean life by standing in awe of death."
(David Sarnoff)

"What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal."
(Albert Pike)

"When you're dead, you're dead. That's it."
(Marlene Dietrich)

"While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die."
(Leonardo da Vinci)

"You can kill a man but you can't kill an idea."
(Medgar Evers)

Dragona Pine said...

I'm not scared of death... just in reply to one of them sayings... I'm not scared of anything...

Mary Hiashi said...

Pyros as in they like to burn things.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

yeah i have dreams about the future but most of the time i can't remember so it's just de ja vu

but when i do remember it comes true in about 2 days and always true ... but i don't choose to have the dreams or what there about

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

oh mabey they were trying to burn the shelf

Mary Hiashi said...

I don't exactly know what I fear. Maybe only pain... I don't know...

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

brrrr how cold is it in canada its just gone from cold to freezing here

Mary Hiashi said...

You have to be careful of poltergeists. They will cause physical harm but they won't kill you.

Dragona Pine said...

I ALWAYS remember my dreams, most of the time they're THE future and come true in the next couple of years, or the next couple of days, or my minds representation of the future, in which case the same thing happens, but in a different way, for example, I might be in a land full of marshmallows... or it's just like being placed in a map and being allowed to do whatever you want, but the things are happening around you...

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

physical harm !! OH GOD THERE IN MY BEDROOM!

Mary Hiashi said...

I don't know exactly. Probably about the same as wherever you are. I should just go to Vancouver for the winter. It'd still be in Canada but it'd be warmer.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

the candle just went out ...

Dragona Pine said...

When you have visions, it's like being in 3rd person in the future, it is really weird... but the future might change... I feel really tired after using my photographic memory or phycic powers... I can't control my photographic memory but I can control phycic powers to an EXTENT...

Dragona Pine said...

But if I use it too much then I get a headache, then if I use if more, then a migrane... I haven't used it beyond that...

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

I'm not spiritual phycic but i know there defently somthing in the room beside my baby sister

Mary Hiashi said...

My dreams are always very morbid...

Dragona Pine said...

Ok... to see if your baby sister is phycic, watch if she plays with it... I've heard of children doing that before...

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

hmmm I think i'll put the candle back now its been out for a good few minutes now

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

shes asleep lol ......

Dragona Pine said...


Mary Hiashi said...

Poltergeists move stuff around, throw stuff. They've been known to bite people, kiss them, drag them out of bed. They can make noises too. (I think they can talk) But they cannot be seen. And again, they love to burn stuff. Reports have been people seeing lit matches dropping from the ceiling. Locked boxes with burnt stuff in it...etc.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

grrr ok the candle just lit itself again ..... now im more annoyed then worried

Dragona Pine said...

I think the ghosts in my house are friendly...

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

.... thanks for making me feel better

Dragona Pine said...

Tell the ghost to go away!

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

i'll leave the candle where it is now not putting it back .....

brb need the loo...

Dragona Pine said...

Or ask it to please stop lighting the candle and be a friendly ghost...

Dragona Pine said...

Yey, new page!

Mary Hiashi said...

I saw a woman and a small dog in my barn once. But only for a moment. My school's is also, supposedly, haunted. And every year a grade 11 (or is it 12) dies.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Dragona I don't think it was very happy when i said go away my bookself just shook

Dragona Pine said...

Tell it that your sorry and ask it to be a nice ghost and stop lighting the candle lol.

Mary Hiashi said...

Fail. TYPOS!

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

man if it breaks my books im not going to be happy

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

that seemed to work Dragona the candle went out

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

FLIP!! .... it just threw the candle at me .... wax is heavier then it looks

Dragona Pine said...

I'm phycic so the ghosts listen to me hehe...

Dragona Pine said...

Tell it to be a nice ghost, you mean it no harm and you want to be friends...

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...


>:[ it's soooo dead!!

Mary Hiashi said...

Here is an example of one of my dreams...

A man calls to me. He speaks my name. Tells me things that I can hear but never comprehend. And I am afraid; because he screams, because he shouts. And I fear because another man, tall, handsome, and shadowed in grief; tells me that the earlier man sought out my death.

Fear, terror, pain, grief.

I feel it all for the briefest of moments, but the longest of times.

The sky has changed. It is dark, eerie, almost as if it is grieving for the innocent. As if it is informing the gods of the blood that has been spilt on this night. Coming down my street, I see why the sky mourns. Dozens of bodies litter the space in front of me. All of them are propped up like marionettes. Each a sick joke played for the masses. Bile rises from my throat, leaving a rancid taste in its wake. I am helpless. I can do nothing for dead men. I cannot even figure out who did this and why. Because the only ones left are them and dead men tell no tales...

Mary Hiashi said...


Dragona Pine said...

I doubt it would do that now Nicolette... your making up stories...

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

ow .... note to self they don't like it when you swear at them ... I think it just slapped me

Star Lord said...


I'm sneaking on!


Star Lord said...


Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

I'm not making this up i'm scared ... :/ my mums supposidly phycic why don't she just come back from her freinds and sort it out!

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

wait oh good it ripped the vampire diaries book ... they all look the same in the dark

Dragona Pine said...

Tell it you want to be friends...

Lets see if I can get the ghosts in my house to make peace with the ones at your house...

Yes, go ghosts!

Dragona Pine said...

That means go...

Mary Hiashi said...

Nicolette, have the mindset that this isn't happening and it doesn't exist.

Dragona Pine said...

It may take a while... unless ghosts can teleport...

Mary Hiashi said...

They say that it is mostly a mind thing ghosts are.

Dragona Pine said...

And I hope my nice ghosts come back alone... I don't want your ghost...

Come back home ghosties...

Liz said...

i like my ghost, he plays the piano for me when i cant sleep, but that might all be in my head

Dragona Pine said...

My ghosts are like invisible bodyguards, my invisible bodyguards hehe...

Liz said...

i dont need body guards

Dragona Pine said...

I don't want this epic day to be ruined by ghosts... except mine are nice...

Because this has been an epic day, new slippers, book and there's great TV programs on... well... were on...

Liz said...


Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...

Oh hi lizzy, where did you come from?

Mary Hiashi said...

Goodbye for now! I'll be back a little later.

Dragona Pine said...

I have to go soon... but 2 new blog posts on my blog whoo!

Dragona Pine said...

Wait, I need to go now...

Night all.

I'll be on tomorrow...

Liz said...

byeeee yall!

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

.... i think its gone ... praying really does work sometimes

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

BYE EVERYOE WHOS LEFT!! ... i can't go to bed till mum gets back from her freinds

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

yeah its deffently one no funyy stuff and its gotten a smidge warmer but it's still cold

Mary Hiashi said...

Hey Kallista!
I'm back...

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

sorry kallista just went to get a yogurt

Liz said...

byeeeeeeee yall im going to my grandparents house to have dinner

Mary Hiashi said...

I guess Kallista doesn't want to talk to me.

Mary Hiashi said...

Ah, there ye be, Kallista.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Heya :D

Mary Hiashi said...

Do you guys have any suggestions for things, for me to draw...or something?

Mary Hiashi said...

I'll type up my story now. Hopefully you guys won't be offended by it.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*smacks alligator with a pencil* bad

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

its good :]

Mary Hiashi said...

And I don't think...oh, that's why I wanted my bag...I can draw you wrwstling an alligator without a reference drawing.

Mary Hiashi said...

'WRESTLING' See, you Kallista!

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

yawnage!! whens my mum coming back ... if she was planning on being over there till late why wake me at 6?

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...





Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

HEHEHE I hope he notices

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

I'm not going anymore :]

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

who me??

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Ahh thank you :] and no I'm not leaving you I'm just being occupied by crying little midgits running around the room

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

yeah I am pretty tired but have to stay awake till mum comes back

Mary Hiashi said...

I'm writing my story now. It's crossed between like a story...and a play...
And unless you give me a reference drawing Kallista, I can't draw it. I'm not that imaginative.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

not as bad as mine :]

Mary Hiashi said...

...Maybe. And you wrestling an alligator? If I can draw it, it'll be here sometime during the week. Maybe...

Mary Hiashi said...

I wish I could play the violin...I just need a proper violin to practice with...

Star Lord said...


I'm back!

I have a YouTube account now!!!


Visit my channel, I haven't got any videos yet!


Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

im back midgets cry no more ....

sarthacus I was looking at your skuldugerry drawing and that annonomous person is really harsh

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

.. yet

Star Lord said...

Star Lord said...

My channel.

Star Lord said...

Who will subscribe?

Star Lord said...

Leave a comment?

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

pfft 15 suuuuuuuuuuuuuure

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

i aint got an account

Star Lord said...

Oi, I won't post my real age on it!

Make one in secret, I just did!


And easy!

Mary Hiashi said...

Don't you need an account to comment or whatever... I don't have one...
*Thinking* How to fit Sarthacus into the story...?

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

sir yes sir *does a saloute*

wait why I'd never post videos anyway

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

meh. I'm bored now

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Night All mums back and I'm tired

Bareerah said...

DEREK!!!!! We will NEVER stop commenting on this blog! You wanna know why? Because you're AMAZING!!!!!!! AND SO'S SKULDUGGERY PLEASANT! Speaking of which, do you have anything to tell us about the 6th book? PLEASE! *bats eyelids* Blegh! That's something I don't often do. I REALLY need something about the 6th book now! PLEASSSSSEEEEEE!!!!

Mary Hiashi said...

Night Nicolette!

Mary Hiashi said...

Heaven help me!

I just posted my story on my blog. I ask you to refrain from throwing stuff at know, that kind of thing.

Here's the link:

I threw in whoever I thought of.

CaptainCabinets said...

Iz cause we laaaaaaaab EWE :3 Plus a lot of people seem to be having conversations in the comments section =/

A.M.M. said...

Hey Derek,
Are you pro-Spider-marriage or anti-Spider-Marriage, i.e.OMD,and BND

Mary Hiashi said...

Apparantly Kallista liked my I'm unsure... Anyway, Kallista, Alex, Hellboy, Nicolette, Lizzy, Dragona, Sarthacus, Skulgirl, Derek (he's the main character), Deagle, etc... are in it.

Mary Hiashi said...

Hey Kallista!

Mary Hiashi said...

*Bows with hands together*

Mary Hiashi said...

*Overturns room looking*

Mary Hiashi said...

I was looking for some good Bleach fanfiction. There's a lot of yaoi and incest though *shudders*. Again, I don't have a problem with yaoi as long as it's in the right place. Jeez!

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