Thursday, October 21, 2010

My God. You broke the Blog.

Did you know there was a 5000 comment limit on this Blog? I didn't. Of course, I never thought it would ever MATTER what the limit was, as the idea of reaching it was just so silly...

And now you've reached it.

Okay fine, you haven't actually BROKEN the blog, but still! I got an email from my agent a few minutes ago, and it simply said- "Five THOUSAND comments!"

So I came on here, realised what you'd all done, and I wept, for now my publishers will be jumping for joy and clapping their hands, because we have reached a landmark moment... And it's all down to the fact that you're all insane.

As for me, my Krav Maga course is over tomorrow, and I shall return to my normal life, in which I can complain about Blogs and I only have to train once or twice a week, instead of every single day... Normal service will be resumed shortly.

In the meantime, try not to break the internet, okay?


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Dragona Pine said...

Lol, what were the other things?

Halo pickle! said...

hi peoples

Halo pickle! said...

i know that my pictures stinks, but i cant fix it

Dragona Pine said...

hi Deagle...

Dragona Pine said...

Florence... what were the other things the 'Dream me' said?

Anonymous said...

fine well you started mentioning random names... then you went away and then you came back saying that you can sleep... in my next dream i was giving you a hug and the day yesterdays one you were flooring people and i think i was injured but kallista and nicolette were in that one aswell...

todays was preety freaky but im not going to say it definate no no no

Dragona Pine said...

I didn't send that in the telepathic message... it just might be me doing random things... ah well... why won't you say the last thing?

Halo pickle! said...

if you blow the picture up, you can see what it is. i designed it in GIMP.i pulled the jar off the internet.

Anonymous said...

now can you leave the dream me and invade someone elses dreams like niolettes...they should be fun..

Anonymous said...

nope im not going to say what i saw in todays dream..

Dragona Pine said...

Can you tell me what last nights dream was?

But Nicolette's are just random... chocolate fingers and things... no thanks... wait... I when you said the other things my tummy felt weird... maybe I subconciously remember what happened...

Dragona Pine said...

Aww come on... tell me and then delete is as soon as I've read it...

Anonymous said...

maybe and i hope you dont..

i want to be like nicolette now having random dreams about fish fingers and not remebering them stupid stupid mind..

Liz said...

i once had a dream that i had wing and that i was flying around outside my house

Anonymous said...

what do you think you remember or do u just get a feeling??

Dragona Pine said...

In my dreams, both because of my photographic memory and phycic powers they normally come true... either far in the future or in the next couple of days...

Anonymous said...

well i dont think that you want lizzy or pickles to know....

Dragona Pine said...

It's more feeling than anything else...

Dragona Pine said...

I would like to know... tell them to go off for 5 minuites lol...

Dragona Pine said...

I've gone all goosepimply... when it isn't that cold in my house...

Anonymous said...

mine usually come true exept for the seriously random ones...thats why

A)im happy that i dont fully rember the number you said

B)i am hoping that todays dream is random

c) that i wont have to tell you

Anonymous said...

can you make up some random email address and ill tell you there??

Liz said...

i think i know what the dream was ;)

Anonymous said...

oh really???

Anonymous said...

lizzy email me through the frined connect thing....

Liz said...

sure! you might not like it tho

Dragona Pine said...

What was it, tell me please...

Dragona Pine said...

Or send me a minimail on Habbo...

Liz said...

ok, i sent it Flo. Dragona i dont have a Habbo, and if i did i wouldn't tell you

Anonymous said...

well done lizzy...

Liz said...

OMFG! i got it right?

Anonymous said...


you are like sherlock holmes but better

Dragona Pine said...

What, tell meeeee somebody... Florence, can you send me a minimail on habbo?

Dragona Pine said...


Liz said...

whoa *picks up jaw from ground*

Anonymous said...

lizzy be quiet about it ok...

Liz said...

dude, you will soooo not like it

Dragona Pine said...

*nicks Lizzy's jaw*

*runs off with it*

Not giving it back until someone tells me...

Liz said...

dont worry Flo, i wont tell

Dragona Pine said...

I don't care if I don't like it or not, I would like to know...

Dragona Pine said...

It's my RIGHT to know...

Liz said...

i have a spare! *puts spare jaw in place*

Anonymous said...

shh ill get you a new one...

he wont talk to me....

oh and he started not me...

Dragona Pine said...

Come on please tell me... just send me a minimail on habbo, or send me a message... just please someone tell me... I will never speak of it... just to say my opinnion

Halo pickle! said...


Liz said...

awww, come on Flo, im dieing to see his reaction

Anonymous said...

*bangs head on table*

its emabarrasing i dunno what to do....

Liz said...

Dragona, what do you think the dream is?

Anonymous said...

lizzy what would you do??

Dragona Pine said...

I don't know... something nasty I presume from all the fuss everyone's making... mainly me...

Dragona Pine said...

I would like to know...

Liz said...

umm, i think i would tell him Flo, but then get rid of the comment so Derek wont read it (check your email plz)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i wrote back...

Dragona Pine said...

I really don't know... but I would like to be told what it was...

Anonymous said...

i shouldnt have mentioned it right at the beggining cause now we would be talking about pickles being weird or something...

Anonymous said...

lizzy you tell him while i go and drown myself in the shower...

Liz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dragona Pine said...

Hmm... please tell me Florence...

Anonymous said...

and he started it not me...

Dragona Pine said...

I didn't read it...

Liz said...

leave me to do the dirty work, eh?

Dragona Pine said...

You said about me invading your dreams...

Liz said...

that wasn't it Dragona

Dragona Pine said...


Liz said...

ok, im going to send you an email

Dragona Pine said...


Anonymous said...

and im off to drown myself...

Liz said...

bye Flo, ill send you an email w/ him reaction

Dragona Pine said...


Liz said...

ok, i sent it

Dragona Pine said...


Liz said...

you read it?

Anonymous said...

im digging my own grave right now!

Dragona Pine said...

how do you know if you got a new message?

Liz said...

*face palm* check your email

Halo pickle! said...

fixed the picture!

Dragona Pine said...

checking it now...

Anonymous said...

lizzy come and cover me with earth so i can rot...

Liz said...


Anonymous said...

im not looking im not looking...

Anonymous said...


Liz said...

god, the tension

Liz said...

you dont want to die Flo, just ask Valkyire

Anonymous said...

lizzy cover me with earth and can you sprinkle flower petels on top??

Anonymous said...

i want to die and i will i will probably be ignored by dragona for the next ten years...

but it was his dreaming self that it not me....

Liz said...

he's taking forever

Halo pickle! said...


Anonymous said...

hurry up i want it over and done with..

Halo pickle! said...

you dead?

Liz said...

jeez, im vibrating with tension

Anonymous said...

send me a email telling me what you said...

Halo pickle! said...


Liz said...

lets ignore deagle

Liz said...

ok, i will

Dragona Pine said...

How do I check my email?

Anonymous said...

thank you...

Liz said...

good lord dragona!

Anonymous said...

OMFG !!! D:

Dragona Pine said...

Why can't you just tell me and delete it afterwards?

Liz said...

hmm, if you go to my blog there might be a little thing over the followers that says you have a message

Dragona Pine said...

I've had blogger for less than a year, I haven't been sent a message on it so what do you expect?

Anonymous said...

lizzy messege...

Dragona Pine said...

Nothing yet...

Liz said...

i dont have any new emails

Anonymous said...

lizzy can you tell him on this now??

Liz said...

Dragona, just log into your email account and check the **** emails

Liz said...

ok, ill tell him, *clears through*... oh god im not telling him you do it!

Dragona Pine said...

Please tell me on this... it's much simpler

Anonymous said...

fine ill be bad news bringer...

Liz said...

tell him!

Anonymous said...

actually no lizzy please do got mixed into this sort it out please...

Liz said...


Anonymous said...


Liz said...

you owe me big time

Anonymous said...

i know i know...

Liz said...

Dragona in Flo's dream she was... kissing you

Anonymous said...

actually it was the other way round but anyway..

Dragona Pine said...


Anonymous said...

im going to go and drown myself now...

Star Lord said...

New blog post!!!

Drawing Of Sarthacus Bolt By ME!!!

Liz said...

"oh"? all this fuss so we can yet an "oh"?!

Dragona Pine said...

Right... I don't know what to say to that...

Dragona Pine said...

For once I am speechless...

Star Lord said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...

*drowns self in a random sink*

Liz said...

actually, i think you started it Dragona

Anonymous said...

one of the reasons why you should stop invading my dreams...

Liz said...


Star Lord said...

How did Dragona start it???

Dragona Pine said...

It could have been a lot worse...

Star Lord said...

Yeah, "Amen".


Anonymous said...

see i said it was embarassing...

*starts laughing awkwardly*

werent expecting that were you?

Liz said...

odd yer self, i was talking to Flo

Star Lord said...

Dragona, new post, Flo got the 1st comment.

Liz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dragona Pine said...

My tummy felt weird when you said that...

Anonymous said...


Liz said...


Star Lord said...

OK, fine I'll leave.

*Flies reluctantly to SB's Blog*

Star Lord said...



Delete the comments before anybody else starts teasing Dragona and Flo!!!

Liz said...

*fan girl squeal* i think its cute (in an odd way)

Dragona Pine said...

Well... I'm still speechless and probably in shock... but ah well... it could have been worse... MUCH worse.

Liz said...

so cute! *dies of cuteness overload*

Anonymous said...

wonka shouldnt have said that and i should visit this blog less.. and dragona should never send me telephatic messeges..

Star Lord said...

Aww, I'm being ignored.

OK, I'll hang myself. =(

*Hangs self, neck breaks, and dies*

Liz said...

quit it Sarthacus

Dragona Pine said...

It's not my fault I sent you a telepathic message!

Ok, it was but ah well...

Anonymous said...

shut up its not cute it pretty weird..

Liz said...

in a cute way

Dragona Pine said...

Pretty weird... damn weird if you ask me...

Liz said...

ok, maybe its a tad bit weird

Anonymous said...

can we change the subject now??

Liz said...


Dragona Pine said...


Where was it anyway?

Anonymous said...

dunno in a park we had some random picnic and then you done it....

Liz said...

oh god *fan girl squeal again*

Anonymous said...

i should have drowned myself...

Dragona Pine said...


Anonymous said...

now do you have a starnge feeling when you say/read that?

Anonymous said...

one of the reasons why i was looking were yorkshire was...

Star Lord said...

F&D check E-mails...

Dragona Pine said...

Yeh... it's where I pictured it...

Star Lord said...


Liz said...

can i be a brides maid? (damn, im evil)

Anonymous said...

i wrote back bolt..

Dragona Pine said...

Lizzy, now that was uncalled for...

Anonymous said...

shut up lizzy no ones getting married...

Anonymous said...

dam so close...

Liz said...

yes, i know, im mean. good bye yall

Anonymous said...

and i would have gotten 1st comment again...

Star Lord said...

Revive me?

Liz said...

PART 13 OF FEAR IS UP (finally)and now im going for good

Anonymous said...

bye lizzy *gives her the evils as she fades*

Dragona Pine said...

Bye Lizzy...

Dragona Pine said...

*revives Sarthacus*

Star Lord said...

*MAkes horrible cracking sounds af if to say: "Bye LIzzy, you evil person who bugs people"...*

Star Lord said...


I'm alive!

Anonymous said...

dragona what was your first thought when you read that???

Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...

Plainly... Wow.

Second thought: It could have been worse...

Star Lord said...

Dragona, check your e-mails!

Dragona Pine said...

My bloomin email isn't coming up... I think it was from Sarthacus...

Star Lord said...


Anonymous said...

how could it be worse...

*starts imagining all the really bad things that could happen*

Star Lord said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Star Lord said...

*Saws half of face off*


Dragona Pine said...

Sarthacus, what did the message say, it isn't coming up, it says 1 new message is waiting for you but when I click on it it's just white...

Dragona Pine said...

Wait no it's loaded...

Anonymous said...

well sarthacus i will ignore that comment and if you think that you are annoying imagine lizzy...she kept asking if it was any good...

Star Lord said...

It says: I'll tyr send a telepathic message, see if it works...

SO what did I send???

Dragona Pine said...

Was it?

Star Lord said...

Said what?

*Face falls off, revealing a bloody skull*


Dragona Pine said...

Sarthacus... there's nothing...

Star Lord said...

Dragona, what did I SEND??!!

Just to see if it's real...

What was it?


Anonymous said...

well the dream me liked it cause it clearly kissed you back.... so i guees that i would probably like it aswell...

does that make sense???

Star Lord said...

No, it doesn't.

Dragona Pine said...

Yes it does... and Sarthacus, it hasn't worked... there is nothing...

Anonymous said...

good then no one will ever understand...

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