Friday, September 24, 2010

Look! A New Entry!

I’m not even going to mention the amount of comments in the last entry.

In a few days, I’ll talk about the tour and the events and how well it all went, but right now I’m going to talk about how much I’m hurting.

Your Golden God is bruised.

I have recently returned to martial arts, and the main thing that I’d forgotten about it all is how much it HURTS. Getting thrown around a room is SORE. Getting punched is ANNOYING. Being strangled is NOT FUN. At the end of every session I limp out to my car, panting and perspiring, with every part of my body complaining very loudly indeed.

God I’ve missed it.

I used to train in Kenpo Karate. I got my black belt, became an instructor, began to train others. I loved it, for the most part. Yes, there were aspects of the style that were totally unrealistic, techniques you would never attempt on the street, but all in all, it was a nice, effective martial art.

Then I stopped training, and became lazy, and put on weight and lost my fitness. But I was still a blackbelt, and it was always uppermost in my mind when I came to write the Skulduggery books. I wanted the fights to be as realistic as possible. I wanted them to be entertaining, sure, but I was determined to show the consequences. You might notice, as the books progress, that the fights get harder and meaner. Valkyrie gets some real injuries- injuries that I’ve suffered myself. I didn’t want to give the impression that a teenage girl can go up against a grown man and emerge without a scratch. The reality is, that’s not going to happen. If she does win, she’s going to be battered and bloody. If she doesn’t win, it’s going to be much, much worse.

So my training played a big part in my writing, because my passion for martial arts never went away. I always wanted to get back into it. I wanted to train again, but I was older now, and I didn’t want to suffer through egotistical instructors- which are a BIG problem in any club you go to. And then I found my ideal match.

Actually, Krav Maga is not, technically, a martial art. It’s a fighting system, developed by the Israelis and now taught around the world. It is BRUTALLY effective, wonderfully economic, and it doesn’t matter what shape you’re in, or what size or age you are- it’s designed to help YOU defend yourself.

So I’ve been training in Krav Maga for a few months now, and loving every bruise and scrape that I get. The people I train with are cool, the instructors have no ego, and everyone is there to learn and have fun while doing it. I just got back from a class about half an hour ago, and I’m about to go and have a shower, but I realised I hadn’t posted a new entry in AGES, and this was on my mind, so I figured I’d give you an entry you wouldn’t be expecting.

I think that everyone should know how to defend themselves. Lads, you need this knowledge and these skills because violence is a part of life now. There are ALWAYS thugs out there and, unless you’re very lucky, one of these days you’ll be dragged into it. You need to learn how to defend yourself and you need to learn to be one of the good guys.

Girls, you need those skills and that knowledge for the exact same reasons, plus a whole lot more. You need to be formidable. You need to be able to save yourself AND save others.

Look around, visit a few clubs, try out a few styles. Join a club that’s friendly, get a few mates to join with you. Have fun. Get some exercise. Learn how to throw a punch and defend against one. I want my Minions to be unstoppable fighting machines, dammit.

Next entry, I shall talk about the tour, and address the MASSIVE amounts of comments that have been building up in my absence. Also, there’ll probably be more jokes in the next entry, too.

(One final thing: is anyone else disappointed with the new Spider-Man game? And is anyone else enjoying killing zombies as much as I am in Dead Rising 2? Just wondering...)


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Anonymous said...

first comment!

Anonymous said...

yay! okay, i already do martial arts, and i already know that if a dodgy guy walks up to me, asks how old i am, i should smile, kick him in the groin and run. either that or throw fancy round-house kicks, uppercut punches and THEN a kick to the gut xD
So yes, don't worry, this is one girl you won't have to tell how to defend herself :P

Anonymous said...

Oh, and sorry for this triple post, but yes, the spider man game is sincerely lacking in the entertainment area. also, i love killing zombies! it rocks! haven't got dead rising 2, but i go to the arcades and play some shooting games with my friends xD

Holly said...

Fourth! Heck yes.

Dantea Dredkin said...

Fith! Or maby sixth. . . .

Holly said...

And I just want to say thanks again, Mr. Landy- I've been meaning to join a martial arts club, and I reckon this is a great push.
PLUUUUUS- This blog and your latest book helped me get my fiction/creative/fan-writing groove back! Yay! I've written 10,000 words in the last few weeks and I'm pumped for NaNoWriMo. So, yeah. Thanks.

Dantea Dredkin said...

I usted to do karata until I moved to Texas, and I had decided to start up again after marching season ended, but now you got me thinking about that other fighting style you said you were takeing and now I think I'll try that out insted.

Donkey shooter,as it says on my profile, I am a tellaporter. The one Derek forgot to put in the books. But if you insest on makeing me a remnant summoner, could you please stop letting people be immune to remnants? I'd be a pretty suckish villan if everyone was immune to my power.



Anonymous said...

sweet i'm near the start of the entry

Anonymous said...

Krav Maga is cool but not karate or any other ones are for wimps.

Anyway GG since i'm near the start i know u r reading this so i have questions:

SkulduggeryPleasantRulz said...

Yeah... we're sorry bout the comments eh... But that's because UR reeeeeeally awesome and we wanted U 2 know we adore U... so we constantly wrote comments... Oopz! :)

Anonymous said...

Why do you hate Tanith?
Who is your fav author? (not yourself)
What is your fav movie?
What is your favourite book(s)?
How many books of skulduggery will there be?
And will any of the big main characters get killed in thwe series? (valkrie, skulduggery, ghastly, china, or even Fletcher)

Anonymous said...

the word thwe is meant to be the in the previous comment.

Abbi said...

I do karate ^^ Orange belt going on green soon. Also i'm a female hockey player... everyone in PE is scared of me when i hold my hockey stick ( I can be ruthless on the astro turf.... just ask all those people in the school house tournament...) Girls can defend themselves ^^
Will you be doing any mortal coil discussion entrys... i have alot to ask.

SkulduggeryPleasantRulz said...

Haha.... minions. I love the minions. Who's seen Despicable Me? It's HILARIOUS! In one bit the little yellow minions are copying one of their butt on a photocopier but they make it sooooo hilarious! And they're cute :) ! C it in 3D people!!

Nushi-ke said...

I do Shotokan karate. I'm a green belt (supposed to be purple but I missed grading >.<) and a orange tip in Judo ( once again supposed to orange. basically I'm supposed to be orange but I was too young when I graded to get orange so yeah.) I want to start Tae Kwon Do and (if I can find it) Krav Maga. I am far too much of a wimp for Mixed Martial Arts.

(Yes I am trying to become one of the world's deadliest women without actually being a ninja or Tanith. Thank you for noticing)

I know how you feel, I did karate and judo last week for the first time in about a month for karate nearly a year for judo and I could feel my ligaments Derek. Dear Lord I could feel my ligaments.

Please forgive me for reading how Mortal Coild went on Wikipedia. I promise when I get money and if it come to my country I will buy both Moratl Coil and Dark Days.

@imnotsayingmyname I don't think he hates Tanith. Sometimes bad things happen to awesome people.

Anonymous said...


Alexander. said...

haha, i do tae kwon do, but idk we do a strange one, that incorporates more self-defense stuff into it, but yeah, for our club it takes average of three years to get black belt, and at most others it takes 2, idk why, i think its because we do more of the traditional stuff aswell, but its fun i go with family friends and its a good workout :D

Oh and also i should start the story soon, and sorry guys the spots have been filled

P.S. It wont be a fan-fic it may just incorporate certain elements of the SP universe into it :D

Rebella Tears said...

i don't actually do karate but i have played Dead Or Alive many times 2 know how 2 defend myself. if u eva get attacked by a male, go 4 the round tables with a kick. if a female, the upper torso also with a kick. either that or run like hell.
Golden God is back!

Donkey Shooter said...

yay another time to post to your adoring fans!
i dont do any type of martial arts at the momen i was doing boxing until i shattered my shin and fractured the other. meh over 3000 posts on the last ones guyws lets break it!

Alexandre Requiem (Lynda) said...

What colour are all the characters eyes? know, write their names and then the colour. And you could tell us the biological ages and the chronological ones?


I heart you. (Which, in my language, means "tear out own heart and throw it at Golden God")

Saoirse Equus said...


- From a VERY devoted fan (and your very first American Fan. Read it the DAY it came out, and have been hooked ever since)

Making the Legend said...

I am a black belt instructor, know how to kick a** and also know that the best way to fight is not at all. Now if you're REALLY in a situation where fighting is nessary-- by all means, let heck loose. Although I havent had to use my skills, it is a good reassurance for any thing. BUT! do not purosely use your knowledge for bad! Good Gosh, dont do that! remember-- the best way to fight is not to fight at all.

ps I am in the ATA and having a blast-- I might even see you at a tournament!

Making the Legend said...

Another post-- !

Yah, I know how you feel with the bruises and stuff. My friend and I are really evenly matched at sparring and tend to kick eachother really hard (and where it hurts sometimes.) Like, I have a bruise on my shin that is icky and hurts. It's been there for awhile. then I also have a bruise on the bottom of my foot. dont ask how it got there because I dont know. I have also had alot of other bruises other places from Basketball. Basketball and Taekwondo combined can give you a pretty even coating of pain. ow.

Alexander. said...

hahaha i agree, although im not black belt and nowhere near it :D i have sparred with many black and red belts to know how much pain one person can inflict on another :P

Alexander. said...

but 'tis fun to go there and train :D

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Huzzah!!! Another post!!!!!!!

You know, I DO think it would be seriously awesome to know kung fu or something of that sort. And I can totally understand why you'd want your army to actually have some fighting power. I ought to bring this up to my parents... *nods* Yes, I ought.

Alexander. said...


*Clears throat*

The prologue of my story is up if anyone wished to check it out, its at

enjoy me lovelies

Nushi-ke said...

approximately 5 (internet) minutes after I posted my comment it has been proven I will never attain my goal. You are made of win Molly.

Derek would you mind terribly if I got a tattoo of the Skulduggery emblem and the tagline? (Never mind I probably won't be able to do this for four years or so). I promise it won't be used commercially if for the main reason that to get it someone would have to remove my flesh which I would object to as it's my flesh and I like it on my body.

Donkey Shooter said...

i finished my fan fiction by the way i think its turning out pretty well
and necros when will your fan fic finish i wanna read it same with you kallista!

ThatGirlTheyKnow said...

At one stasge, a few years ago, I was going to do karate. I never did. But I kept wantong to join classes for just about everything- right now, I want to learn how to play the piano. Maybe I should do karate as well? Or something else. Thanks for the suggestion, Derek!

Your Biggest Fan In Australia (One of them, at least)

Alexander. said...

mine isnt a fan-fic -_- and im his biggest fan in australia -_-

Lauren Longbottom said...

After reading your books, I was determined to kick-ass. But I was hesitant to join a karate class in fear of either getting my butt kicked, or beating up on some poor old lady. I went to a place down the street to sign up for muay thai, sat in the parking lot for 10 minutes mustering up the courage to go in, only to get to the front door and realize they were closed. Crap. While I would love to be bad-ass like the female characters in your books, I'm not sure martial arts is for me. But instead, I went down another road and found a passion for Zumba (not sure if it's available in the UK). It's been great, and I'm loving it. I may not be beating up on defenseless old women, but I'm getting out and doing something fun and exciting that, strangely, I'm not so sure I would have given a thought to try if not for you...So, thanks.

Claire said...

Derek, my comment will be short as possible so you won't have to get your brain fuzzy.

Can't wait till the next blog post xD

Rebella Tears said...

Golden God,
there is something wrong with me! I read a book that wasn't Mortal Coil! I know, I couldn't believe my eyes. but it got me thinking about the creatures u put in SP. Sea Hags, Vampires, Remnants, Gists and Hollow Men, but wat bout Griffins, Wearwolfs, Trolls and Pixies.
makes u think, don't it.

Dawn said...



Aimee =] said...

:O Well, you get kicked and punched by adults...

I'm a swim teacher who gets grabbed and pushed by little kids who are scared of getting into the water.

Swimming is as important as self-defense though! You never know when your gonna fall in that water

Aimee =] said...

Gemma, a Troll has being used already, briefly if I remember correctly :O Didnt Tanith cut off it's head??? Or something like that :P

Rebella Tears said...

oh yeah. whoa. my dad had better bloody hury up readin the first book or i will go mad. no srry. go madder

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

^^yes yes she did

read Alexzz story and its great! very creative ... now I'm going to my dads today I'll be back on at 5:00pm but I might comment again before I leave at 10:00am so yeeer ..

I have a lot of H.M to do o the computer because it requires a printer and unblocked pictures ..

if I get a chance to comment there I will ... one of my peices is to take print screen pics of social network websites and annotate ... think I might pick this one ;]

before anyone asks no I don't do martial arts of ju dit zu or anything like that my mum says it costs to much and because all 3 of us are interested it would be to expensive. plus I wouldn't know where to start in looking for one.

but don't worry I CAN defend myself ... I have easily brocken someones nose and seem to be able to break peoples fingers to easily whilst playing peanuts :/ ...ha

byee for now

JustARandomBinChicken said...

I loved how in the recent books Valkyrie actually got hurt (not in a sadistic way, but as you said, it isn't realistic for a girl to go up against an adult man and not get hurt).
As a writer myself (sadly unpublished), I've had to workshop a lot of novels, and so many of them had young girls beating up grown ups as if they were Chuck Norris or something. Perhaps Hollywood is to blame to some extent hehehe
I did karate from the age of about 6 until a few years ago (got my 1st Dan black belt and then had to stop because of bad back and knee injuries) and it does help to give you more confidence. And unfortunately there were a few times when I had to use it in serious self defence (yeah, I live in a bad neighbourhood).
I can't wait til the next book comes out; I was hoping it'd be back to its April release date, but alas, I shall have to wait another year :( Curses!

Unknown said...

good work spreading the word of Krav Maga!

for those of you who don't know what Krav Maga is, check out our new clip and let us know what you think!

MaryEllen said...

Hii Derek. Sorry about the load of comments. Thats why you shouldnt leave us for more than a day! :D

Rebella Tears said...

once i head-butted some1 and HE got a concussion. well, almost. April realise? January is more like it! 2 books each year plz? one in January the other in September? plz. I am not going to beg. a minion of Golden God would not be such a coward. well, not in a situation that could be avoided.

Bethany said...

Well, welcome back, Derek.

Is Krav Maga not that totally lethal shizz?
I thought it was. I remember GMTV did a segment on Israeli women learning Krav Maga a few years back and they said something about it being difficult, but pretty lethal.

I don't know. I could be totally making this up.

skulprox said...

Omg I REALLLY wanna learn to do karate! You have inspired me oh golden god! I'm going to go join a karate club right now! (10 minutes later) There's no good ones in my local area but i will keep looking just for you because YOU ARE AWESUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Anonymous said...

Well, I don't do marcial arts, but at least I do archery. Doesn't matter how good someones marcial arts are, as long as they're about 20m away I'll win. ^^

Kate Stuart-Smith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

lol awosme :D by the wat part 10 of my fan fic is up :D

Kate Stuart-Smith said...

I have asked my mother hundreds of times can i learn some form of martial arts so i can defend myself, as some people well know i get my ass handed to me everyday thanks to bullies at school.
but she wont let me its not fair she rather have me come home from school bloody and bruised
then let me learn to defend myself

Anonymous said...

hmm i dont do martial arts but i play the drums...if that counts :D

Anonymous said...

i can wack a bully with a stick for you if you like Evangeline :)

JustARandomBinChicken said...

Re: Evangeline Crow - I was also bullied constantly at school, a situtation which was made worse by teachers who responded to my appeals for help with comments such as "Ignore it and they'll stop" or "Oh, it's alright, they're just being boys". The main reason I made my parents let me do karate was because in my first week of school, I got the snot beaten out of me for my lunch money. The funny thing was, as I got better and started beating the snot out of my would-be bullies instead, *I* got in trouble because I was being "uneccessarily violent" and I "should have known better".
If there was a bit more discipline in the world, a lot of people wouldn't be forced to use violence to defend themselves.

Kate Stuart-Smith said...

im in a mood now -sits in corner and sulks trying to figure out were the bruise on her leg came from-

Kate Stuart-Smith said...

My teachers said the same thing telling me to ignore it and when I responded by breaking a lads rib a teacher told my mother I should go see a shrink, because I was violent person.
lol Florence that would be very helpful hehe

JustARandomBinChicken said...

Teachers are so stupid. I'd like to see THEM ignore being thrown down stairs or punched or stabbed in the arm with a compass or having stones thrown at them. They'd say violence wasn't the answer but they wouldn't do anything to help the problem either, so I didn't have a lot of options.
Oh well... I console myself with the fact that I'm soon to finish my degree and get an awesome job, while those who bullied me will be working at fast food stores for the rest of their miserable lives :D
On a side note: I just bought one of my friends the first two Skulduggery Pleasant books for her birthday, and she loved them so much she's gone out and bought the other three. Derek, you can thank me later :P

Anonymous said...

well there was this boy that bullied me once but when i did tell a teacher she told me to ignore it.Next saturday i was playing baseball in my club and then the bully came and started shouting that i was useless at base ball stuff like that, so insead of ignoring it i chucked my baseball bat t him and knocked him out unconcious now a lot of poepl e are scared of me but hey12 life goes on! :D

Alexander. said...

God, i truly despise myself right now, sorry everyone for the pathetic excuse for writing i put up as my prologue, i know i can do sooooo much better and it makes it worse...

~ Feel free to check it out, hopefully you will actually see some good points ~

I wish i hadnt stopped with my short stories D:, my dialogue quality has gone down, i really must do better and will try so much harder now that ive seen my errors, i look up to you Writers! and will strive to make it one fifth as good as yours!

Anonymous said...

Listening to The white stripes Seven Nation Army for those who have no clue listen to this i think it awsome! :D im in a killing mood right now...but i dont know why....

oh i just relised why i want to kill something.. my sadist english techer who has no name and said cock. gave us a reading book called animal farm, we have to read it and on monday write an essey about it......!

Liz said...

YAY! new blog entry! i already do martial arts, Mr Landy, in my dojo we learn a mix of kenpo karate (just like chu!) shaolin animals, and some other stuff like judo. i totally know what you mean about some stuff being crazy and/or unrealistic. my last class was just yesterday actually, we worked on defense against a bear hug, like if person comes up and trys to pin your arms from behind. it was sorta awkward, as in me being the only girl in class and all the dudes in my group were hugging me, very weird.
Damn, im rambling, having enlightened yall 'bout my karate, i will shut up (maybe)

Donkey Shooter said...

ok i forgot to say something about your comment here it is...

I Actually do nearly every form of martial arts and boxing exept for the common ones like karate and tae kwon do
now your saying oh he is lying he said he dsidnt do any in his last post but i meant karate sorry.

and may i celebrate...

ok i am now in crutches yes thank you my fractured leg has healed at a incredible rate anyway.. now i have returned from school rating 47# Wheel chair kid to...
24#crutches kid
soon ill be back to my original position
1# kid who 'accidentally' broke a kids nose while playing afl & the only kid who knows hurling & captain of our champion soccer team and many many more also publisher of school newspaper who almost writes every story in the story section lol also kid who stooped a bully by running into our cafeteria (we have a canteen and theres a little room to eat) and jumping on a kids food plate and flinging it into his face lol... know i cant stop it...

Donkey Shooter said...

oh and i almost forgot fencing and archery lol
there is not one day of the weak were i am not training lol thank the holidays i wanna go back fishing and surfing....

Liz said...

ohhh, when you take off the cast your leg is going to be all pail and weird looking. congrats on getting out of the wheelchair!

Star Lord said...

Hi. Uh... Derek, do you think Noir or 2099 is the best? You need to get more costumes, and make Ultimate look cooler!!! I'm trying to get the Scarlet Spider. I mean, come on!!! The Carnivalz level is the BEST for Noir! Annnd... Kraven is cool for Amazing... Deadpool for Ultimate... and I think either Scorpion or Hobgoblin for 2099...


Well... maybe Web Of Shadows would be better for you...

Do you have an Xbox 360?

Rebella Tears said...

teahers don't get it, do they. they say shake hands and be friends or force u to sit together at lunch for a bloody hour!(both have happened to me)(believe me, it sucks) Violence should not be used.

hahahahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yeah right! USE VIOLENCE!!!

teachers make you sing and dance to lame songs that u have to sing in class then in frount of the school. wats with that!? sure the parents think its sooo cute when they see that little girl singing with the bow in her hair(not me) but it is very undignified. wat eva happened to singing Bon Jovi or Brittany Spears or Blink 182 or 30 Seconds To Mars?
on brighter news i have successfuly stolen my Skulduggery Pleasant from dad!

on brighter note.... Schools out in Australians NSW! wohoo! its my birthday! no its not! but im gonna party like it is my birthday! P-A-R-T- WHY? because i gotta!

Donkey Shooter said...

ande one more thing dantea you are a summoner not a remnant summoner you can summon them but you can summon any other beast too.

Rebella Tears said...

u know when your happy and you throw wateva is in your hand to the roof? well, i found out mum fixed the conditioner, while it was in my hand. leave it 4 a few hours and their is gonna be conditioner hanging from the roof.

Donkey Shooter said...

i take of my cast now and you should see it i look under it it is purple and also my stitch is huge i cant wait to go back to fencing, fencing and archery are my fav out of all my sports.
on that note did any of you watch winter olympics, did you see that 'curling' thing they call a sport it is psycho all you have to do is roll a block of stone and people use brooms!
i could do that!

Anonymous said...

lol i brke my knee cap :D i was crutches kid from the begging :D anyway part 10 of my fanfic is up:D

Anonymous said...

oh and 1 more thing im no rebel...yes i did give my doctor a nose bleed and a black eye but i had my reasons.

Star Lord said...

No!! Our Golden God is injured!

Who knows where Kenspeckle is...?
Damn, got to go. H.W.

Donkey Shooter said...

and also about the thief's thing i actually have been attacked by a thief, its a scary experience luckily he didnt get awya with anything i was carrying, i was carryying a plaque with me about my fencing team. on that note theres another thing but that later
anyway this guy with a pipe came up to me telling me to give it i held my ground.

you see fighting has science.
A hit to certain parts knocks them down into different parts in this it was a hit to the hand (pure wrestling) then a hit to the gut knocking him back ono the wall (same) then a grab and pull up throwing him in a dumpster and calling the police (judo and a phone) so anyway this does prove that self defence helps that isnt my only attack i've been attacked many times ill tell you them later. on that note may i say...

i went to new york for 1 year and may i say i got attacked 79 times and only twice did they get something and even that they still took a decent beating from me. on that note apparently they are setting up a fund for self defence to young kids.

Jebes Lemon said...

Hi! Kudos for the martial art training! It is i jessica the girl who gave u the pimped pen ;)
I want to say thanks for signing all my books it was the BEST DAY EVER AND OF COURSE IT ALWAYS WILL BE! SAY HI TO MICHELLE FOR ME! OH and laura, the doggies/cats!

Anonymous said...

Donkey shooter i know what you mean i went to new york for a month to visit my cousins i got atacked 14 times


luckily i always keep my baseball bat with me (always) the first one got a right beating from me .. the second got a black eye the third went unconcious cause he tried to steal my brother.

The rest nicked some money and ran for it before i used my bat.......

I am not a rebel or wonder woman i just use the thing i always carry with me...

Seriously though everywere i go i have to beat someone up isnt that just weird??

hudson said...

You are so right about the instructors.
i did karate for a while, then i kinda gave up cos i didn't like being told what to do. then i got shouted at so i left with a smug look in my eye and a grin on my face
i must have looked demented

i got to an orange belt

Liz said...

god man! show some grit! suck it up and deal with it, hudson, if you dont do it the way they tell you to then you will hurt your self or other people.

Rebella Tears said...

Florence B,
you beat up a docter?! that is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo awesome! all of us who have beaten up some1, I praise u.

Unknown said...

what is the big deal about karate?! serieously! i am a marsial artist 2 who has never had 2 fight cause all of the biches r too scareed! always funny wqaching them take the piss behind my back and they don't know im waching! the fact that im different 2 them probably dose'ent help either. . . but y the hell should i change 4 them

Anonymous said...

lol lizzy :D

Anonymous said...

yh i gave the doctor a nose bleed and a black eye :D but he deserved it

Donkey Shooter said...

well i am now a target a guy just attacked me and then im in a adrenaline rush ill give you the details later

Louisa Rose said...

I just started fencing, give me a foil or rapier and i can easily kick some bad guy ass. And i am talking more attack than parrying here ;p


Liz said...


Alexander. said...

and it is epic ^

Alexander. said...

Lizzy thats a bit of free advertising for ya :D

Anonymous said...


Liz said...

thanks yall!

Alexander. said...

True Florence, or is it, epically, magnificently, legendary, totally, awesomely, gargantuanly, epically AWESOME!!!

NP lizzy, hey can u check out my two posts on my blog, and tell me what you think of what they both hold within them :)

Liz said...


Anonymous said...

Alexzz did you read my fan fic???? Part 10 bis up by the way.

Liz said...

finished reading it! damn that's an awesome story!

Alexander. said...

dammit haha ill get on it :)

Alexander. said...

haha thanks lizzy, i didnt do my best though, it was kinda just the history of my char :S

Alexander. said...

and i gtg to bed everyone! night night, florence ill read it tomorrow im sure it is amazing :D

Geckogirl said...

Ahhhh derek you made a fatal error and metioned that you were disappointed with the new spider-man game. i fear for your life derek. Sarthacus will NOT be happy.

oh and please say you remember me derek. please. i was the one who discussed alpacas with you at liverpool one and was verryyy shy. alls im wanting is "yes geckogirl i remember you." thats ALL IM ASKING DEREK!
AND I SAW MORE ALPACAS 2DAY! YES. I DID. i got the best picture of one looking shocked. its so funny!
i did do ju-jitsu for a while. i got to be a purple belt. then i quit as all the moves seem the same to me.


Geckogirl said...

cya alexzz!

Liz said...

HI!!! *waves* did you read the latest part of my fanfic yet?

Geckogirl said...

no i havent read it yet lizzy!
i shall right now!

Anonymous said...

have you read my fanfic Geckogirl???? :D I wrote part 10 today!

JamesOTorain said...

Dude. Krav Maga is awesome. Killing zombies is awesome. Thus, you are awesome. Dead Rising 2: Case West is coming out soon, Frank West will be making a triumphant return. The new Spider-Man game isn't open world, therefore I have no interest. Spider-Man 2 for the PS2 is all my Spidey senses need.

Also, thanks for staying over an hour later than you should have at the Dun Laoghaire book-signing. I was there with my twin brothers, one of which has spent an inordinate amount of time trying to imitate your fantastic doodle of the Bone Daddy himself. Keep being awesome, and check out my rarely-updated blog if you get time in between kissing pretty ladies on the mouth and racing rocket cars.

knight fantasy said...

heya guys!

drerek! welcome back.
how's ur day?
under the core, down?
hell bad?

i miss my karate and tae kwon do...
it's how i xpress myself.
kickin, punchin, crazy stretching...
and pain.
now i cant xpress myself...
and god it feels horrible...

Geckogirl said...

nope i shall read it NOW florence BUT only if you read part 15 of mine oh and the important notice before that ;)

GOD! so much reading to do. do u think my teachers will mind if i dont do my homework? i told my mum that was what i was doing but im not :P im reading fan-fics YAY!

Georgina Howlett said...

Ohai Derek!
Nice entry. I've always wanted to study a form of martial arts - you get the chance to punch someone you hate for free if they do it too. I'm not much of a fighter, because I'm fairly peaceful, however there are people out there who I would like to hit a few times as hard as possible. Yipee.

Have you heard about the SP focus group going on in London in October? I applied to go to it, but so far there's been no response so I don't have a clue whether I've been picked or not. It would be so cool if I could do it, though - I've never even been to London before.

Also, accept me as a friend on Bebo! I'm the girl with the edited SP wallpaper as her profile picture with the taken name Ashione Flare. I really like my taken name, it's very... me. :3

I hope we can talk soon ;D

Geckogirl said...

does anyone know who is? he joined my blog and i dont know who he is?
it says he's your friend lizzy. do u know him?

Liz said...

hmm, its like a name my bro would think up but he's deagle_pickle. in short, no idea!

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Hey all :]

knight fantasy said...

Liz said...


knight fantasy said...

hi nicolette and lizzy

Dragona Pine said...

I do Tang Soo Do, I'm a yellow belt, my uncle is a master black belt, and my cousin is a brown belt I think.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

not today or the day after but on monday my fanfic ban is up ... god this is killing me... oh btw if on monday my resent fan fic part aint reached 10 comments then I will kill off all the characters...>:]

because I be evil

Geckogirl said...

yeah sausage man. it says he follows bio-rama 2. and darkanes blog. hmmmmm....suspucious....

Liz said...

cool! im a blue belt with green stripe

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

I'm finishing off my current fan fiction at the moment and feel like starting another one were I become evil >;]

Liz said...

just send him a message and say "sorry to bother you but, just who are you?"

knight fantasy said...

now that's is what i call scary geckogirl...
(please dont take it personally sausage man)

u r evil nicolette

Dragona Pine said...

I always win in the training matches type things, not actually hurting each other, but like nearly hitting them, they can block it if they want, I always win because I'm too fast for them, except blackbelts, they're faster than me.

I'm on Star Wars Battlefront again.

I enjoy blowing Darth Vader off the edges of platforms, it's fun.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

mwahahahha I really wanna be evil now I think about it ... all the possibiities >;]

in my new fan fiction who else want to be evil.. common it would be cool ... I mean like were good in everyone elses and evil in mine >;]

Liz said...

the good thing about having a vamp for a OC is that you can make them all evil without being remnant-ed, all you need to do is wait for the sun to go down ;)

Geckogirl said...

yeah i might send him a message lizzy. he just popped up yesterday and joined everyones blog.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

^^^ lol lizzy funny you should mention that because I wrote somthing like that 7 odd posts into my fan fiction :]

knight fantasy said...


Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

common who wants to be evil with me ... ???

Liz said...

im always evil

Liz said...

im thinking(shocking, i know) that im going to do something were its like your looking at some ones phone and the person is texting, so it going to be Valkyrie and Tanith texting back and forth. sorta stupid, yes, but i could make it so funny :)

Liz said...

is that a "yes you should do it" or a "what a crappy idea"

Dragona Pine said...

Um, no thanks Croga, I'm fine with being a good guy thankyou.

Geckogirl said...

cannot be bothered doing homework today! instead......ON WITH THE FAN-FIC!

Liz said...


Anonymous said...

should i put part 11 of my fan fic up today or tommorow???

Anonymous said...

ok part 11 of my fanfic is up hope you like it...

Anonymous said...

derek do you actually read our fanfics???

Anonymous said...

Am i on My own now??? does somebody know something that i dont??

Geckogirl said...

no sorry florence ;) im just writing the next part of my fan-fic

Geckogirl said...


Scathach Cain said...

Hey!! its Eleanor ( i met you in dun laoighre)but you probably dont remember me (i drew the skulduggery picture and asked you about the auditions?!?) anyway just saying hi!! (i think i said that already hmmm. . . wait i said hey okay never mind!!!)i already did karate for 6 years so no worry about self defence ( my friends think im violent just because i kicked a guy in a year older than me in the shin and then he fell over [it was funny though...] because he pushed my friend over and yeah...)anyways bye!!! and please write back or i shall feel very unloved :(

bencotter said...

Hello all you weirdos... im joining you! I go to karate fencing judo and soon twe quando!!! So goldon god you are cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

bencotter said...

: )

Dragona Pine said...

*Blows Darth Vader off the edge off Bespin Platforms with a grenade and a rocket launcher*

Muhahhaaaa take that you black helmetted piece of s***!

Liz said...

im back! my mum wanted help with the bills (you're green with envy at my glamorous life-style, aren't you)

bencotter said...

bad language tut tut

Dragona Pine said...

Geckogirl, could you put me in your story, because your in my story.


bencotter said...

dragona pine if you remember you are in my book called mutation

bencotter said...


bencotter said...

( :

Liz said...

i said im BACK! what, you aren't even going to say hi to me?

Liz said...

no one likes me *sits in corner and sniffles*

bencotter said...

yay gotaa piture of meeeeeeeeeeeeee

bencotter said...

hi lizzy happy now?

Liz said...

read my fanfic!

read and COMMENT!

Geckogirl said...

Dragona my story is seriously JUST about to finish. like three more posts and its done.
cool coz about 4 people have already asked me and i sed no but ill put them in my next story. so i can but u in the next one 2 if you like ;)

Dragona Pine said...

Hi lizzy.

*Blows Darth Vader off the edge again*

Muhahhaaa that's what you get you little black helmet thing with a glowstick.

Liz said...

hi Sklara! did i ask to be in your story yet?

Liz said...

WHAT did you do to darth vader?

Dragona Pine said...

oh thanks Geckogirl.

Dragona Pine said...

Um, nothing really, I just fired a couple of grenades and a couple or rockets at him, and then he flew off the edge of a mid-air platform and died, if anyone plays Star Wars Battlefront, then it's Bespin Platforms, Galactic Civil War, just so you know.

Leo Sparks said...

hi!!!did my fan fic 7 for anyone interested. Finally a new blog!!!! You took your time golden god!!!!

Harly Ryker said...

DEREK!!!! YOU ARE BACK!!!!!*Hugs you, then stomps on your foot* POST MORE OFTEN, I DON'T CARE IF YOU HAVE A LIFE lol.
My friend Shleena(you know, the one with the sister, shakeera shakeera?) is a.....brown or purple belt,I dunno which, so she's taught me moves to defend myself. That my zazzy sarcasism and snappy dress sense, I'm good, lads! ;)
Stay weird.

Dragona Pine said...

The Life Of A Soldier On The Battlefront Part Six is up.

JamesOTorain said...

Actually, just throwing it out there, but I'd make an excellent Finbar Wrong. Call me!

Liz said...


Dragona Pine said...

JamesOTorain, you would hit people with cusions!?

I'd rather use bullets, grenades or chairs.

Chairs are very effective if you hit someone around the head with them.

Liz said...

i realy prefer my fists, personally,

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Hey all :]

Leo Sparks said...

hey nicolette!!! :)

Liz said...

hey, read this its INSANE i cant stop laughing XD

Dragona Pine said...

Nicolette, you haven't really said what you think of my story, just about the first comment lol.

Leo Sparks said...

FLORENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU BETRAYED ME!!!!



Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

well it was the woop woop that described your story but in other word thats ERMAZIN!

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

sorry for being so slow Im writing more fan fiction at the same time I'm near the end now ..

knight fantasy said...

hi guys!

Leo Sparks said...


Liz said...

has anyone read the thingy on the link above? its soooooo funny!!!

Unknown said...

Skulduggery Pleasant should so be a film; I would be the first to watch it! I read all of the books in about a month and 'Mortal Coil' is by far the best. I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't read it but it is INSAINLY good. Derek has to write the next book as soon as possible!

knight fantasy said...

well, back 2 my question...


Liz said...

i dont know, what happens when you try to open one?

knight fantasy said...

i just wont open like IT USED 2!
it suddenly said ....umm...somethings and that i should go to a...somekind website.

knight fantasy said...

congrates jethro

Liz said...

then go to the web site *shrugs*

knight fantasy said...

now that's weird....
i can open it now....

ok, if i hv another problem, i'll definately tell u guys.

knight fantasy said...

it's not like that lizzy...
i dont know how 2 explain...
trust me, i'm not that stupid!=9

Liz said...

ok *shrugs again*

Kate Stuart-Smith said...

damn boredom sucks

knight fantasy said...

it seems most of the time crow starts a conversation with tellin us her boredom...

Liz said...


Leo Sparks said...

READ MY FAN FIC!!!!!!!!!!!

knight fantasy said...

it's happenin again!!!!!!
i cant open it(fanfic)!!!!!
it ask me 2 do this:

FanFiction.Net Error
An error has occurred while processing your request.

Please email this error message to via

All errors are logged for administrative and security purposes.


Liz said...

i dont know what to do?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

knight fantasy said...

........oh,now u c what i mean....

Kate Stuart-Smith said...

yep because being a genius like me, also makes me very very bored I have read every book I own . I have watched every tape and DVD I own and I have also played on every game I own. So yes I am very very bored

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

I be back I have wrote two more parts to my fanfiction ... I'm sorry Darkane but if your reading this I apoligize in advance to what I did to your character

knight fantasy said...

i never said u were a genius...

knight fantasy said...

by the way, may i ask?

how old r u guys actually?

Kate Stuart-Smith said...

i know you didn't
i did

Kate Stuart-Smith said...

honest officer im 15 I really am lol

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Urm urm urm ... well if I say I'm 13 I'll never get into the new resedent evil film but if I say im 15 I will >:]

Im 15 to :] (13 really)

Liz said...

im the same age as you Nicolette, but my b-day is coming up soon

Kate Stuart-Smith said...

what about you Khalida ?

knight fantasy said...

hey, is derek still on a tour?
i dont really get his blog...

knight fantasy said...

wow! i just got the(second's)1st comment!
YAY ME!!!!!

Kate Stuart-Smith said...

Yay new page!

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